Medium dog breeds, their characteristics, types, names and photos

American Cocker Spaniel

Adult dog weight: from 7 to 14 kg. The height at the withers is from 34 to 39 cm. The friendly energy of this breed overflows. American cockers get along well with other animals and even play with kittens with pleasure.

The owner is perceived as God, they are ready to run after him to the very ends of the world. But cockers are not at all sensitive to birds, so if you already have a parrot, siskin or canary living at home, think carefully about whether you can provide the bird with the proper level of safety.

Among all types of medium-sized dog breeds, American Cockers stand out for their ears. You just want to pet them and pat them. The ears are thin, but covered with thick and long hair. These remarkable ears are especially loved by children, to whom cockers are quite friendly.

But you should not leave the baby alone with the dog: if carried away by the game, the cocker can grab it with its teeth, which is noticeable for the child. Even as they grow up, cockers continue to behave like not very smart puppies: they are hyperactive and so attached to their owner that the cocker’s company sometimes becomes too intrusive.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

  • Height: from 25 to 30 cm
  • Weight: from 10 to 14 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a medium-sized dog breed with a dense build and short legs. When fully grown, they usually weigh between 10 and 14 kg, or maybe less, depending on the height of the parents. Despite the fact that Pembroke Welsh Corgis are stocky and short-legged dogs, they have quite muscular legs and remarkable agility. They are known for their friendly, playful, and sometimes a little stubborn nature.


Adult dog weight: from 14 to 27 kg. The height at the withers is from 43 to 53 cm. Completely opposite character traits coexist in this breed: poise is adjacent to amazing fighting qualities, wisdom is combined with childish spontaneity.

A pit bull always remains faithful to its owner and will never show its leadership qualities around him. Pit bulls prefer not to show aggression, but it can manifest itself if the dog is left to its own devices for a long time.

This breed has a bad reputation as killer dogs. And, although animals are not to blame for the criminal acts of their owners, before you plan to travel with a pit bull, make sure that the breed is not banned in the country you are going to. For example, in the UK, pit bulls are strictly prohibited; the breed cannot not only be bred, but also kept at home.

Australian Cattle Dog

  • Height: from 43 to 51 cm
  • Weight: from 14 to 16 kg
  • Life expectancy: 13 to 15 years

Here's a medium sized dog that definitely comes from Australia! Also known as the Blue Heeler or Queensland Heeler, this compact, powerful dog is actually closely related to the Australian dingo.

Australian Cattle Dogs are incredibly energetic and require regular exercise - they are not a quiet type of pet. Due to their natural herding instinct, they may attempt to "herd" small children like sheep, which could potentially include biting. In other words, Australian Cattle Dogs are not the best option for families with children . But if you want a healthy puppy that loves to play and can live more than 15 years, the Australian Cattle Dog is a good choice for you.

Basset Hound

Adult dog weight: from 18 to 28 kg. Height at the withers is from 33 to 38 cm. His eyes have long been the object of offensive ridicule. You've probably heard the expression "looks like a basset hound." What does it mean? Probably an offended and sullen look. But basset hounds can hardly be called offended - it’s just the structure of their muzzle. No, Bassets are never melancholic.

This is the case when the soul of a frisky hunter hides in a small body. His energy is more than enough for long walks and sports exercises, and even short legs are not a hindrance to this.

The dog is very friendly, but also stubborn, so educational moments should never be neglected. Bassets take criticism extremely sensitively, and sometimes they even take a little revenge.

The breed accepts other dogs well, but cats a little less well. They get along well with all animals in the apartment, provided that they do not encroach on their comfort and do not take up their favorite place on the owner’s sofa. Why, we still haven’t told you how much basset hounds love comfort?! So, for them, lying on the master’s bed is a reflexive thing that is almost impossible to correct.

Portuguese water dog

  • Height: from 43 to 57 cm
  • Weight: from 16 to 27 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years

The Portuguese Water Dog was originally bred to help fishermen, hence the name. And hence, they usually love to spend time in the water. Their webbed feet, strong body, and waterproof coat make them excellent swimmers .

These are very smart dogs, easy to train and love to please their owners. Their curly, hypoallergenic coat does not shed much, and their docile and affectionate nature makes them excellent family dogs. However, the brave and active Portuguese Water Dog requires daily activity.

Shiba Inu

Adult dog weight: from 8 to 14 kg. The height at the withers is from 37 to 40 cm. Among the medium breeds of dogs for apartments, representatives of the Shiba Inu breed occupy a special place. The breed is known to us from the film “Hachiko”, where the most faithful dog was played by a Shiba Inu.

Shiba Inu is one of the most “ancient” breeds, bred about 2 and a half thousand years ago. Shiba Inus were originally a hunting breed, but in the modern world they are more like companion dogs, sweet and friendly.

Training a Shiba Inu is not easy, but your efforts will not be in vain: you will get the most loyal, loving, inquisitive and intelligent friend. The breed is suitable for experienced dog breeders; a beginner is unlikely to cope with it due to its strong and very wayward character.

Shiba Inus have a craving for dominance, so they constantly strive to assert themselves and take the place of leader of the pack. Young children are especially vulnerable in the eyes of the Shiba Inu, so it is recommended to start the breed in a family with children who have already reached adolescence.


  • Height: from 31 to 40 cm
  • Weight: from 18 to 25 kg
  • Life expectancy: 8 to 10 years

If you love cute wrinkles and don't mind a little stubbornness, Bulldogs are a great breed for you. Bulldogs are very stocky , and they usually remain relatively small for their weight. You can find many different varieties of bulldogs, including French, English and American, but they are all very similar in personality. They don't require much exercise, which is helpful if you're looking for an apartment dog or have a busy schedule.

Did you know that the bulldog is the national symbol of England; many compare it to Winston Churchill, who was famous for the same stubbornness.

Thai Ridgeback

Adult dog weight: from 23 to 32 kg. The height at the withers is from 56 to 66 cm. This breed is definitely not suitable for novice dog breeders. The independent and stubborn nature of the Thai makes the training process difficult, so beginners will not be able to cope.

Dogs have high intelligence, but achieving unconditional obedience from them can be quite problematic. But if you are ready to show patience, love and affection, the Thai will become a loyal friend, a good guard and a true family member.

Purebred Thai Ridgebacks are quite rare. The breed, although ancient, is not widespread outside its historical homeland. Strong, fearless Ridgebacks are highly valued by breeders, so you will have to pay a pretty penny for a puppy.

When getting a Thai Ridgeback, be prepared for many hours of walks in parks and constant contact with your pet. Thais cannot stand loneliness and boredom. Accept your pet for who he is - you still can’t change his innate character. If you insist, you risk getting a dog with serious mental problems.

For the same reason, you cannot shout at Thais - their subtle mental organization does not allow manifestations of rudeness; a Ridgeback can be very offended by such freedom towards itself. Only affection, love and patience can raise a Ridgeback puppy into an obedient dog with a balanced character.


The largest and best guard dogs for the home:

Cane Corso

Italian breed, which is a national treasure. This breed was officially declared only a couple of years ago. Not long before this, the breed was on the verge of extinction, but now the situation has returned to normal.

The Cane Corso's relatives were Molossian dogs that lived in Ancient Rome. They descended from the mastiff-shaped dogs of the Etruscans, the Macedonian dogs and the war dogs of the Persians and Carthaginians. For more than 1000 years they have served and protected man.

This is evidenced by the name of the breed. The word “cane” is translated from Italian as “dog”, and “corso” means guard.

Italian dog breeders combined the following properties in one breed:

  • Submission;
  • Honor;
  • Strength;
  • Determination;
  • Athleticism;
  • Speed.

The dog is not afraid of any task, be it protecting the area or hunting a bear.

The future of the breed was under threat during the fall of Rome, where primitive selection was carried out. After the collapse of the empire, the breeding of dogs of this breed began to be chaotic and unscientific. The frequency of stillbirths increased because ordinary people did not have the necessary knowledge.

The Cane Corso was used for protection and maintenance in rural settlements, therefore, as society transitioned from agricultural to industrial, the demand for the breed decreased

Interesting Facts! The ancestors of the Cane Corso were gladiator dogs who fought in mortal combat against bears and lions.

In Europe, the Cane Corso is used to guard elite boutiques and jewelry stores. Prestigious and beautiful, and, at the same time, dangerous and strong breed. It has well-developed muscles, a proud figure, and a wide chest. Height at the withers is 70 cm for males and 55-60 cm for females. Average weight 45 kg. The head is large and heavy, the jaws are powerful enough to snap bones in flight.

Appearance evokes fear and respect. A serious expression on the face indicates to others who is in charge here. Representatives of the breed clearly distinguish between the owner, his family and strangers. Loves children and willingly plays with them. With proper training and adaptation, he will become friends with a cat if there is one in the house. Unpretentious to food and environmental conditions


He is called the king of terriers. He received this title due to the fact that he is the largest representative among the representatives of this group. The breed was bred in the Aire Valley, located in Yorkshire. It was bred to hunt otters and river rats. These dogs have long, curly hair that hides powerful muscles. Endurance and strength, honor and courage are combined in this amazing breed.

During the First World War, a dog named Jack was recognized as the best signalman. This “private” carried messages to headquarters even from the most dangerous shooting ranges. He was not afraid of explosions and gunfire, for which he was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for Valor.

At the moment, the breed is extremely rare, and it is difficult to get it and it is extremely expensive, however, it can serve as an excellent guard and companion for you and your children. Unpretentious to frequent walks - once a week is enough. If the weather is bad outside or you are not in the mood, the dog will definitely feel it and will not insist.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The main difference is its strong grip , which will stop any robber or attacker. In 1896, veterinarian Pierre Mengem published a short book on the Dogue de Bordeaux, standardizing the breed. Characteristic features are a large skull, a round muzzle, and limbs of medium length. Height is about 60 cm, weight is 40-50 kg.

The character is wayward, sometimes arrogant. However, he loves children very much , considers them his peers, and obeys his owner and his family. Loves to chase cats and gets along well with other dogs. Adaptation to new conditions occurs easily and quickly.


Friedrich Louis Doberman, creator of this unique breed. He lived in Germany and worked as a tax inspector and a policeman at night. It is easy to guess that not everyone wanted to repay the debt, and Mr. Doberman had to think about how to increase work efficiency and protect himself from aggressive debtors.

In his free time, the policeman visited a shelter for stray dogs, but could not find the right combination of speed, strength, endurance and size. Then he decided to act independently and gave birth to this special breed.

The dog's height is quite high - from 80 cm, weight - 50-60 kg. The character is aristocratic, but only in relation to strangers. Very easy to train. Loves active games, walks, jogging, adores children. Does not attack cats if you wean him from this in childhood.


A compact, stocky dog ​​with impressive muscle mass. He has average speed and maneuverability in everyday life, but as soon as an extreme situation arises, he without hesitation mobilizes all resources to fight strangers. The weight of the individual is about 60 kg, height at the withers is 40-50 cm.

Does not like cats and other dogs, but is neutral towards children . He doesn’t really like to play, but if you want to turn him on, he won’t refuse. It adapts poorly to a new environment, and to speed up the process you will need the help of a trainer or the moral support of the owner.


There is still debate about the real homeland of this breed, but most are inclined to believe that it is Egypt. There she was involved in herding livestock, protecting farms and politicians, as well as transporting letters and parcels. The dog's height is 60 cm at the withers, weight is 70 kg. A massive beast that will obey only its owner.

He is very easy to train and loves children; he can give little ones rides on his back. Unpretentious to environmental conditions, it can live both in an apartment and in a private house. Doesn't bark at cats or chase cars. He is friendly towards other dogs.

Separately, it is worth noting these two breeds, which are beyond competition.

Moscow watchdog

A dog breed that has been considered one of the most popular among Russian dog handlers for 60 years. Large and powerful dimensions, which are combined with a good character and loyalty to the trainer.

The pride of Russia: Moscow guard dog with photos, detailed characteristics and description of the breed

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd is suitable for those who want to have a responsible guard, and at the same time. Such dogs become strongly attached to the family and all its members, love children and, with proper upbringing, do not attack pets.

You can read more about it in Instead of an alarm: guard dog breeds

Fox terrier

Weight of an adult dog: from 6 to 8 kg. The height at the withers is from 35 to 40 cm. The breed is suitable for extroverts, lovers of cheerful communication and active games in the fresh air. The Fox has strong leadership qualities, so as the puppy grows up it will try to dominate its family members. It depends only on the owner whether he succeeds or not.

Foxes are born hunters, their hunting instinct literally knows no bounds. If you get a fox terrier for other purposes, then you need to take care in advance about where it will release its accumulated energy. Walks in the park are suitable, but you need to monitor your pet very carefully - foxes often run away, following their hunting instinct.

If your home is not soundproofed, then think 100 times before getting a Fox Terrier. These dogs have a ringing voice, which they gladly put into action whenever there is even the slightest reason. It is unlikely that the neighbors will like this kind of music.

The Fox Terrier is difficult to train; its hunting instincts always take precedence over good upbringing. Foxes' favorite pastime is digging holes, so you should think about the safety of your summer cottage before purchasing a puppy. If you deprive your dog of this pleasure, she will quickly dig up your laminate, carpet or linoleum.

English bull terrier

Adult dog weight: from 23 to 32 kg. Height at the withers is from 53 to 56 cm. Another breed with a terrifying appearance and friendly disposition. In general, this is a fairly typical occurrence among medium-sized, smooth-haired dog breeds , so never judge by appearance.

Bull Terriers almost never show aggression; they wave their tails and smile even at strangers. Bull Terriers are also excellent nannies, but due to their large, muscular build, they are not recommended to be left alone with a child. If you have no experience in dog breeding before, get a simpler breed than a bull terrier.

It is difficult for a beginner to take the place of leader and retain it, and there is no other way with a bull terrier, otherwise, instead of a smiling, handsome and loyal friend, you risk getting an uncontrollable, embittered dog that does not recognize the authority of the owner and growls at every family member. Even if you have not encountered this breed before, you can easily recognize it by its egg-shaped skull. Some people like it, some don’t, but it definitely attracts attention.

Little ones

What small dogs are best for home guarding?


The birthplace of this breed is South Africa. Primitive tribes needed an ally in hunting for game and other everyday matters. This dog also showed itself well as a guard, because it could not sleep for several nights in a row.

At the moment, the dog lives in many families, where it finds understanding and love, and in return gives its protection and courage. A small and unpretentious breed. A very adaptive dog, he easily tolerates changes in environment and climate. He starts games with the children and maintains a friendly atmosphere in the family. Sometimes he likes to bark at night, but in conditions of silence and poor lighting, a process worked out by evolution is activated when you need to monitor the situation around you, without making noise, so as not to attract wild animals.


Yes, yes, don't be surprised! A small guard dog with a great watch character. A true hunter and guard who served and protected man for more than one generation. Adaptation and getting used to new conditions is extremely difficult, because the dog is mischievous and can bite, so it is better to take puppies so that they get used to discipline and order from an early age.

Inside every dachshund lives a huge bull terrier. A dachshund will tear anyone and everyone apart for its owner, and besides, these dogs have a well-developed sense of ownership. You don’t even have to teach your dachshund the “guard” command; it will do it without your prompting. You can safely leave the dachshund next to your suitcase or bag, and he will not let anyone near him except you. The Dachshund does not feel jealous of children and tries to spend a lot of time near the baby, ensuring his safety.

You can safely go to work, leaving your dachshund alone at home. She will proudly carry out her post, and even if a criminal tries to break down the door and take valuables out of the house, then an unpleasant surprise awaits him in the face of an angry dachshund. Any criminal will run away with his heels shining!

The diet should be predominantly protein, with a small proportion of cereals and vegetables. Dachshunds need physical activity every day. This is a restless dog that will destroy the whole apartment if you make it bored. Relationships with children also need to be built brick by brick. Relationships with cats and other animals are just as tense, although there are exceptions when the dachshund is neutral towards other pets.

Miniature Pinscher

Of course, the smallest purebred dog of their guard class and its name: pinscher. The miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher) is often called a miniature Doberman, but this is not true. This happened because of the courage, perseverance, and bravery of the representatives of these breeds. Its compact size did not prevent it from gaining love and adoration among dog handlers around the world for its responsibility and protective qualities.

A very energetic and fearless breed with an extravagant gait. Height at the withers is only 30 cm, weight is about 15-20 kg. It is difficult to adapt to new conditions, which means you need to create the most friendly atmosphere possible so that the dog quickly joins the team. Neutral towards cats, children and other dogs. He listens only to the owner, and he, as a rule, is alone. In the absence of activity, he finds something to occupy himself with, but he cannot stand isolation and lack of communication.


Miniature short-haired guard with cute floppy ears. The color is most often white-gray-brown. The muzzle is expressive, the eyes are emphasized. It has well-developed, sculpted muscles that grow from any physical activity.

He grew at the withers - 35-40 cm, weight - up to 30 kg. A very active but reserved dog. Never barks at passers-by or cats. Treats other dogs well and politely, makes contact easily. Protects the territory responsibly, but is distracted by extraneous factors.

French Bulldog

And again, put aside your surprise! In accordance with the classification of breeds adopted by the FCI, the French bulldog belongs to the group of companion dogs for protection and is in the subgroup of small-format fighting dogs .

Bulldogs are very brave dogs with good reactions and are easy to train. But due to the fact that most “Frenchies” are individualists, they are sometimes aggressive towards other animals.

The French Bulldog, thanks to its love of games and the constant need to take care of someone, is especially suitable as a companion for children and as a companion for the elderly.

A compact, “pumped up” dog that can provide reliable protection. Loves children and pets and is easy to train. He doesn’t adapt to new conditions very quickly, but if you make a little effort (spend more time with him, play with him, feed him treats), the process will go faster.

The character is calm, but can sometimes be harmful if you deprive her of communication with family members or other dogs. Sometimes he likes to bark out the window. Snores at night.


Adult dog weight: from 10 to 12 kg. The height at the withers is from 44 to 51 cm. The second name of this breed is the Small English Greyhound. Their distinctive feature is high intelligence and the ability to sense the mood of the owner.

A dog can be a quiet smart guy or a smart electric broom - it all depends on your emotions. But if they give you a break, don’t dream that it will last long. An emotional whippet will soon begin to express his love and affection to you.

Most whippets are affectionate, sensitive and extremely attentive pets. Their love of love sometimes just goes off scale. They will follow their owner with their tail, look faithfully into the eyes and wait for a response.

But such love does not extend to children: as soon as the baby becomes overly annoying and, in the opinion of the whippet, goes too far, the dog leaves with dignity. He doesn’t growl, doesn’t snap, but just walks away - this is also a definite plus.

Nova Scotia Retriever

  • Height: from 42 to 54 cm
  • Weight: from 17 to 23 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10 to 14 years

These medium-sized dogs have red fur and are very similar to Golden Retrievers, but they are slightly smaller and less popular. Nova Scotia Retrievers are energetic, highly intelligent, and very vocal. They are also famous for their unique high-pitched bark , similar to a scream, which they emit to express excitement and impatience.

Did you know that the Nova Scotia Retriever is the smallest breed of retriever. Developed in the 19th century to attract, hunt and retrieve waterfowl, this energetic breed is an ideal companion for active families.

The Nova Scotia Retriever is agile, quick and determined and will enjoy participating in canine sports such as scent retrieval, agility and swimming. An affectionate and loving companion, the Nova Scotia Retriever is also patient with children.

Chow chow

Adult dog weight: from 20 to 32 kg. The height at the withers is from 46 to 56 cm. The external characteristics of the Chow Chow make this breed very special: unusually fluffy, with a lilac tongue, these miracle dogs instantly become the center of attention of both children and adults. But behind such a sweet appearance hides a proud beast with high self-esteem and a huge reserve of stubbornness. Proper training can change the situation for the better.

It is better if the puppy is brought to the new home as a baby. Chow-chows choose their own owner from among all family members, but they accept the rest calmly, without excessive familiarity. The Chow Chow gives love to only one owner; it receives love from others.

Chow-chows are very silent; they will never bark without a very good reason. Everyone who knows the breed better assures that the Chow Chow is a very loyal, kind, but at the same time independent friend. Chow chows remember insults for a long time: a child who pulled a puppy by the tail is unlikely to be able to win his trust even at a more mature age.

General recommendations for caring for a furry cat

When breeding shaggy dogs, it is important to adhere to two rules: regularly care for the coat and provide adequate nutrition. If a pet is deficient in any element, this will certainly affect its main advantage - its coat.

The diet should contain foods rich in the following substances:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • potassium.

If you decide to use store-bought feed, then take premium complexes. For care you will need special brushes and shampoos.

Regardless of what kind of pet appears in the house, you need to remember that it requires not only care, but also attention. There are breeds that have a hard time withstanding loneliness and prolonged separation from family members. These and other facts are important to consider when choosing a pet.

Mexican hairless dog

Adult dog weight: from 4 to 14 kg. The height at the withers is from 25 to 60 cm. Currently, three varieties of the breed are known: mini, standard and medium sizes. Hence such a large spread in parameters. These unusual dogs, completely or partially hairless, are the epitome of pets with a huge sense of self-esteem.

They hardly bark and are attentive to the emotions of their person. It is very easy to make friends with a Mexican Hairless Dog puppy, but only one can become its best friend. Adults are wary of strangers. They delicately bark and circle around their owner’s feet, warning him of the approach of a suspicious person.

The love of outdoor games and active sports is in the Mexicans' blood. You need to walk with them for at least an hour a day, and just sitting on a bench and observing is unlikely to work - dogs actively involve their owners in their games, bringing them toys, as if inviting them to share active leisure time.

When deciding to buy a Mexican Hairless dog, do not forget about the right choice of food for medium breed dogs . This breed is very prone to allergic reactions and vitamin deficiency, which is why a balanced diet is so important for it. Only ready-made premium food or a natural diet, which a veterinarian will help you create, is suitable for pets.

Medium dog breeds

Medium-sized dogs are the most popular. They are easier and cheaper to keep than large dogs. And they are stronger and more resilient than small dogs. In addition, this group has pets for any purpose: companions, hunters, shepherds, watchmen and security guards.

Medium-sized dogs include representatives of different breeds: shepherd dogs, huskies, terriers, bulldogs, spitz dogs and others. Their height and weight are common: from 40 to 60 cm and from 12 to 30 kg.

In the review, I will talk about 45 medium-sized dogs with photographs and names, describe external features, purpose, character traits and nuances of care. And you choose the ideal breed.

We recommend: Small dog breeds, large dog breeds.

1. Australian Kelpie

Kelpies are considered the best dog breed from Australia. These dogs, up to 50 cm high and weighing up to 20 kg, are extremely hardy, agile and tireless. They were bred to herd herds in the wild expanses of the continent. Therefore, they are smart, make their own decisions, although they are flexible with the owner.

It is recommended to take the Australian Cattle Dog to a private home, or even better, to a farm. She constantly needs to work: even long and intense walks will not use up the inexhaustible energy of the kelpie. In addition, she has a thick coat with abundant undercoat, which makes it difficult to keep in an apartment.

2. Australian Shepherd

Aussies, unlike Kelpies, were not bred in Australia, but in America. The breed received the name “Australian Shepherd” from one of its “ancestors”: Basque Shepherds, which came to the United States from the country of kangaroos. Other “ancestors” include Bernese Mountain Dogs, Collies and Pyrenean Shepherds.

The Australian Shepherd is a medium-large breed: height 46-53 cm, weight 18-25 kg. This is a wonderful herding dog: smart, tireless. She is obedient, highly trainable and energetic.

It is not advisable to keep Aussies in an apartment due to their thick, long coat and high activity level. Dogs live a long time (12-15 years), but are prone to a dozen genetic diseases.

3. American Indian dog

An ancient breed native to South and North America: such dogs lived with the Indians 30,000 years ago. Nowadays dogs are rarely owned due to their wayward and independent nature: only experienced owners can handle them.

The American Indian dog is a universal assistant: it plays the role of a guard, protector, shepherd and simply a companion. It does not exceed 54 cm in height and weighs up to 20 kg, but the pet is strong and resilient. It is advisable to keep it in the yard or in an enclosure; an apartment is absolutely not suitable.

With proper upbringing, the dog becomes a devoted companion, affectionate with the family and not aggressive towards others. When there are mistakes in cultivation, anger and uncontrollability appear.

4. American Eskimo Dog

Snow-white or cream Eskimo dogs were brought to the United States in the mid-20th century. The blood of white German Spitz dogs and, presumably, Samoyed huskies flows in their veins.

The standard American Eskimo dog grows up to 48 cm and 16 kg. Although there are also decorative (up to 30 cm) and miniature representatives (up to 38 cm).

Eskimos are ideal for apartment living. A couple of walks a day is enough for them. They love family and children, get along well with other pets, and are easy to train. They behave warily with strangers, but when they get to know each other, they become friendly.

Dogs' fur is thick and sheds heavily. Therefore, daily brushing is necessary. But you can wash it infrequently - once every couple of months.

5. American Pit Bull Terrier

Pit bull terriers were bred from terriers and bulldogs. From the former, the dogs inherited speed and lightning-fast reactions, from the latter - stubbornness and an iron grip. Therefore, after the cessation of dog fighting, the breed was recognized as dangerous. Many European countries and US states have introduced establishment bans or restrictions on content.

Despite this, pit bulls are one of the most popular breeds. In the hands of an experienced dog owner, dogs grow up to be calm, balanced and loving. But even a perfectly trained and obedient dog should not be left alone with other animals and children due to increased aggressiveness.

Pit bulls have also become widespread due to their ease of maintenance. They adapt to life in the countryside and the city; their short hair does not cause much trouble. The only thing that requires a lot of effort is training and walking for many hours with games.

6. American Staffordshire Terrier

One of the most popular breeds in America. Despite their fighting past and menacing appearance, Amstaffs get along well with children, cats, and rodents.

But take into account the innate aggressiveness and highly developed instincts of a watchman and guard. American Staffordshire Terriers protect their family and themselves to the last. In addition, they quickly get irritated and do not like it when personal space is violated. Therefore, they are recommended to be kept by experienced dog owners who properly socialize the dogs.

Otherwise, Amstaffs are excellent companions. They feel great in apartments and houses, but keeping them outside is not suitable for pets. Short hair won't cause any trouble, but you need to keep an eye on floppy ears: they often get infected.

7. American Foxhound

The American Foxhound was bred in Virginia in the 18th century based on English foxhounds and hounds from France and Ireland. This is the oldest hunting breed in the United States.

The American Foxhound has the typical features of a hound: tirelessness, anger towards the animal, independence, as well as a beautiful - loud and booming - voice. It is mainly used for collective hunting of foxes and wild boars.

A couple of interesting facts. Foxhounds used to be used to track Indians. And since 1966, the breed has been the official symbol of Virginia.

The American Foxhound feels good only outside the city, where it can run freely. Periodic hunting is mandatory, otherwise the dog will develop destructive behavior.

Maintenance is not easy. You need to comb the coat 2-3 times a week, brush your teeth weekly, trim your nails periodically, and inspect and clean your ears every day.

8. English Bulldog

Charismatic bulldogs are irresistible. These English aristocrats in the world of dogs have the characteristics of gentlemen: they are calm, phlegmatic, impressive.

Formerly fighting dogs, today English Bulldogs are wonderful companions. They are attached to the family, get along with other pets and children, and get along in an apartment and a house.

Bulldogs do not need much physical activity. But, because The breed is prone to obesity and will need regular walks and a diet. They bathe occasionally, and comb the fur coat a couple of times a week with a comb and mitten. The skin of dogs requires special attention: it is regularly massaged, and the folds are wiped.

9. English Cocker Spaniel

A popular medium-sized breed. Friendly and playful, English Cocker Spaniels are suitable for everyone: single people or families with children. They are not recommended only for the elderly and those who work a lot: you need to play, walk and communicate with dogs for a long time.

Cockers were bred for hunting. But today they are more often kept as companions: they are friendly with other dogs, cats, children and guests. If you choose this breed, be prepared for a lot of grooming: the long coat needs to be brushed every day, washed weekly, and trimmed periodically. Eyes and ears are also examined and cleaned daily.

10. English Staffordshire Bull Terrier

The Staff Bull is a related breed to the American Staffordshire Terrier. The dogs are similar in appearance, but the former have more features from the bulldog: they are more massive, stronger and more roughly built.

The character of Staffordshire bull terriers and terriers is similar. But the former have a higher pain threshold, they are less irritable and less likely to show aggression. If you are choosing between two breeds, then the Staff Bull is more suitable as a family pet and friend for children, and the Amstaff is more suitable for sports and service disciplines.

11. Anglo-French small hound

These hounds from France are excellent for hunting birds, rabbits and foxes. They are tireless in their work, they pursue the animal in any terrain, they work alone or in a pack.

Like all hounds, Anglo-French Veneris do well outside the city, where there is plenty of space for playing and running. Although they are better suited to life in the city than other hunting breeds, if you regularly take them out into nature and take them hunting.

Caring for small hounds is simple. The wool gets slightly dirty, has almost no smell and does not shed. Rare bathing and brushing 1-2 times a week is enough.

12. Basenji

The Basenji is an ancient breed. Originated 5,000 years ago in Central Africa.

The Basenji is called a cat in a dog's body. The dog is clean, does not smell, hates water, washes himself with his paw and loves to jump on high surfaces. And he hardly barks. But this does not mean that the pet will be silent: it snorts, growls, howls, grunts and makes a dozen more sounds.

Basenji care is simple: occasional bathing, brushing, periodic nail trimming, cleaning of teeth, ears and eyes.

Great physical activity is required and sports activities are advisable. A lot of attention is also paid to training: the dog is smart, but on the street he is impetuous and can run away or jump out onto the road.

13. Basset Hound

Everyone knows Bassets from the cartoon about the dog detective Druppi. These stocky dogs with short legs, an elongated body, a sad look from under the eyebrows and long ears look ridiculous. But appearances are deceiving: these are hounds that turn into swift and fast hunters as soon as they smell the game.

The keen sense of smell of basset dogs is indispensable for hunting, when working in the police and at customs. But in everyday life it causes a lot of trouble: as soon as the dogs catch an interesting smell, they forget about the owner and do not hear commands. Therefore, pets often get lost.

Basset Hounds are stubborn. If they wanted to lie down in the middle of the road, nothing would change their minds. However, they are trained well with constant encouragement with treats.

Long floppy ears will cause problems in grooming: they become very dirty and can become inflamed. Bassets also carry a lot of dirt on their paws and belly, drool and often snore.

14. Beagle Harrier

The Beagle Harrier was bred in the 19th century in France. To obtain a universal hunter, Beagle and Harrier dogs were crossed with an admixture of Poitevin blood. The result is an ideal pack hound that chases foxes, deer, wild boars and hares.

It is better to have a Beagle Harrier in a country house. Moreover, surround the area with a solid fence: the dog likes to run away, making digs or jumping over the fence.

The Beagle Harrier is a wonderful companion: sensitive, loving, devoted. Gets along well with children and gets along with other pets. Training is not difficult, and caring for the short tri-colored coat is also not troublesome. Drop ears require attention: they are inspected and cleaned 2-3 times a week.

15. Border Collie

The Border or Border Collie originated on the border between England and Scotland. Hence the name (border in English). These dogs, according to research by Stanley Coren, are the smartest of all breeds.

Border Collies were bred to herd livestock in hilly, rugged terrain. Therefore, they are smart, have an analytical mind and are tireless. Pets can run all day and not get tired. They need strong stress: mental and physical. Otherwise, dogs develop destructive behavior: they chew things, furniture, floors, and even their own tails and paws.

The Border Collie has two types of coat: long and short. In both varieties the undercoat is dense. Therefore, dogs shed heavily and are brushed daily.

16. Bearded Collie

The Bearded Collie is a herding dog breed native to Great Britain. She was named so for a characteristic feature of her appearance: elongated hair on the sides of the muzzle, on the lower lip and chin forms a “beard”.

The Bearded Collie is a working and hardy dog. It is advisable to keep her outside the city and regularly walk her for 1-2 hours. If the pet is not involved in herding, its energy can be directed into sports disciplines.

Collie's long hair is not cut. Tangles often form in the fur coat, so it is often and thoroughly combed.

17. Breton epañol

The Breton Epagnole is a hunting gun dog. This is an ancient French breed, whose homeland is considered to be the province of Brittany.

Epagnol is indispensable in game hunting. It tracks birds in any terrain and in any weather: it is not afraid of heat and frost. The working qualities of dogs appear early: puppies already at 4-5 months make their first stances and try to find prey.

The Breton Epagnole is the most popular pointing dog in Europe and the USA. It is recommended to keep it only outside the city and for hunters: without its purpose, the dog withers. Although the pet is a wonderful family member: he is non-conflict, flexible, gets along with all people and animals.

18. Bull Terrier

The Bull Terrier is a controversial breed. Some are scared off by the dogs’ menacing appearance and tendency to aggression. Others are delighted with the specific shape of the head, playful disposition and athletic build.

Bull Terriers are great apartment dogs. They smell faintly and hardly shed. You need to brush it once a week and bathe it every couple of months. Dogs love to frolic with children, but children should not tease their pets: they will respond with aggression.

Bull Terriers do not get along with cats or other dogs. Unneutered males are especially aggressive. But with people, even strangers, dogs are friendly and welcoming.

19. Bourbon braque

Another ancient French breed, the first mentions of which date back to the 14th century. They are used for bird hunting, and recently they also participate in sporting competitions with dogs.

Despite its medium size, the Bourbon Bracket gives the impression of a large, strong and powerful dog. At the same time, there is no hint of heaviness in it: it is elegant, and the movements are free and light.

The Bourbon Braque is a family favorite. He is affectionate and friendly, but not intrusive. It is easy to train, but requires a delicate approach: the dog is sensitive and vulnerable.

20. Wachtelhund

The Wachtelhund or German Spaniel was bred in Germany. The breed became popular in the 19th century, when peasants needed a universal dog for hunting.

Wachtelhunds fully meet the hopes of hunters. They work by feather, wool and blood trail. They go for game into water and impassable bushes. They lift and pick up birds, track down hares and wounded deer.

Due to their strong hunting instinct and dislike of confined spaces, Wachtelhunds are sold only to hunters and gamekeepers. The breed is not suitable for home keeping.

21. Welsh Springer Spaniel

The Welsh Springer or Welsh Spaniel is an old English breed. It was bred to track, catch and serve shot game. Therefore, the dog has an excellent sense of smell and a natural talent for retrieving, he loves to swim and easily passes through dense thickets.

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is suitable for hunters or sportsmen. He is ready to play and run for hours. It is better to keep a dog in a country house. It is also advisable to pair up with another dog with a similar temperament.

The Welsh Spaniel is a very good and quick learner. He loves family, especially children. It scares off strangers with a loud bark or growl, but does not bite.

A distinctive feature of the spaniel is its luxurious long white coat with red accents. At first glance, it seems that it is difficult to care for her. But this is not true: it is enough to comb it every week and wash it once a month.

22. Wetterhun

The Wetterhunt or Dutch Water Spaniel was bred in the Netherlands to hunt otters. Therefore, the breed has curly, waterproof wool, innate anger towards the beast, fearlessness and tirelessness. In addition, the dog swims and dives well.

Today, the Wetterhunt is used for duck hunting. It works well on water and in bushes, and is not afraid of the vagaries of the breed.

Wetterhunts are only adopted outside the city: destructive behavior develops in the limited space of an apartment. You need to do a lot with the dog. He is active and loves long walks. He trains well, but is willful and often refuses to follow commands.

23. Blue Gascony Griffon

The Blue Gascony Griffon was bred in France in the 18th century. For a long time it was bred only in its homeland, but now these dogs are gaining popularity due to their excellent hunting qualities.

Gascon works on wild boar and hare on rough terrain. Its thick, wavy coat protects against bad weather, dirt, scratches and bruises. The dog must be taught to properly handle the prey, since in excitement it tears the game and spoils the skin.

Griffon is not suitable for city life. In addition, his hunting instincts are strongly expressed. Therefore, he weakly becomes attached to the owner and constantly strives to escape, smelling any prey: be it a wild animal or a domestic cat. Although he is not aggressive around his family, he is courteous and affectionate with children.

24. Grossspitz

The Greater German Spitz or Grossspitz is the rarest of the Spitz breeds. These “fluffies” resemble both a fox and a bear cub. Three types of color: solid white, black or chocolate.

Grossspitz is loving. Ready to “kiss” anyone to death: the owner, children, strangers and even cats. Sometimes he is obsessive and cannot stand being alone.

Training a Spitz is a pleasure. He is flexible, tries to please, and picks up commands on the fly. He happily brings a ball, a stick and slippers. Learns tricks easily.

It is difficult to care for a pet's beautiful fur coat. She is thick, has a lot of undercoat and sheds heavily. She is brushed every day and washed regularly.

25. Dunker

The Dunker or Norwegian hound received its name from the name of its creator: the Norwegian captain Konrad Dunker. In the 19th century, he began breeding a universal hunting breed that would work on rough terrain, on snow and ice.

Dunker is primarily a hare hunter. He also copes with other small animals. The dog is not very fast, but it tirelessly pursues its prey for hours.

Thanks to its even temperament and tolerance towards other pets, strangers and children, the Norwegian Hound is also an excellent companion. She is smart, trains well, although she takes a long time to learn commands.

26. Spanish Water Dog

The Spanish dog is the ancestor of all aquatic breeds. It originated in the 12th century on the Iberian Peninsula and later spread to the highlands of Spain.

Previously, the Spanish dog helped shepherds and fishermen. Today she is taken in as a companion.

The dog is distinguished by curly hair, which becomes more and more curled and coarser with age. It is water-repellent, so you should not bathe your pet often. Enough brushing and dry shampoo.

The character of the Spanish dog can be described in one word - balanced. She is obedient and loving around her family and wary, but not aggressive, with strangers. Gets along well with other pets.

27. Kai

The Kai or brindle dog received its name for its unusual color: vertical stripes are scattered throughout the uniform coat. The fur coat comes in three colors: pure brindle, black brindle and red brindle (the rarest).

Kais are ancient Japanese dogs. Previously, they lived only in remote mountainous provinces, which allowed them to maintain purity and ensure genetically good health. In 1934, dogs were recognized as the country's national symbol.

Kai are primarily hunters. But they also guard the house, look after the herd and protect people. The family loves only the owner. If he is in danger, they fight until victory.

Like all Japanese breeds, brindle dogs are unobtrusive, independent, have rational thinking and often make their own decisions. The unique characteristics of kai are that they are excellent swimmers and can climb sloping trees.

28 Catalan Shepherd

The first Catalan Shepherds appeared in the Pyrenees in the 18th century. They helped the shepherds, bravely enduring bad weather. Today, dogs are bred to perform at sporting events and as family pets.

The hard coat with abundant undercoat protects the Catalan Shepherd from the cold. Therefore, it can be kept in an enclosure. But the dog also gets along in the house and apartment. You just need to brush the thick coat regularly.

Distinctive features of Catalan Shepherds are a beard, mustache, bangs falling over the eyes and a fluffy collar.

The character of Catalan Shepherds is obedient and reserved. They are independent, but at the same time obedient. They get along with children. They are wary of strangers: if they feel threatened, they will bark or bite.

29. Kerry Blue Terrier

The Kerry Blue Terrier has an impressive appearance: a square head with sideburns, curly gray-blue hair and an “antenna” tail.

Kerry was bred in Ireland at least 150 years ago. In peasant families, dogs were irreplaceable helpers: they hunted, guarded the house, and tended herds. Plus they are given friendliness and affection for the family. Therefore, now the breed is bred as a companion, although the instincts of the hunter and protector have been preserved.

The breed attracts with its extraordinary intelligence. Thousands of cases of remarkable ingenuity and cunning of blue terriers have been described.

The Kerry's coat is soft and has no undercoat. Therefore, dogs hardly shed and do not smell. However, the fur coat needs to be washed, combed and trimmed regularly.

30. Kishu

Kishu or Kishu-ken is a Japanese all-purpose breed. This is a dog devoted to its owner, a family favorite, hunter, protector and guard.

Like all Japanese breeds, the Kishu is independent, unobtrusive, intelligent and makes its own decisions. He doesn't beg for treats or bring the ball. And he doesn’t always follow commands: only if mutual understanding and a close connection have been established between him and the owner.

Kishu is hardy and active. It is advisable to keep it in a house, but an apartment is also suitable, provided that it takes many hours of daily walks. The coat is easy to comb, but falls out a lot during seasonal shedding.

Kishu-ken is flexible with his household. Condescendingly tolerates the fun of children, does not pay attention to small pets and plays with cats. He needs constant communication: the dog cannot stand loneliness.

31. Korean Jindo

The Jinjo or Jindo is a stunning breed from South Korea. In their homeland, there are legends about the devotion of these dogs: they are loyal to their owner, accept food only from him, return home even if they are sold to another owner and fiercely protect the “leader”. It is not surprising that in 1962 they were given the status of a national treasure in their homeland.

Chindo is an ancient breed with a thousand-year history. It originated on the Korean island of the same name: presumably from Mongolian dogs.

The Jinjo is a versatile breed: companion, hunter, guard and protector. Often used by the police. She feels good in a country house with a large plot. Just fence it off more securely: the dog can escape by digging or jumping over the fence.

32. Laika

Laikas are a group of medium-sized Spitz-like dogs. It includes many breeds, which are divided into three classes:

  • Russian factory: Russian-European, East Siberian, Western European and Karelian-Finnish Laika;
  • Russian aboriginals: Nenets, Yakut and Evenki laikas;
  • European: Finnish Spitz, Karelian Bear Dog, Norwegian Elkhund and Buhund, Norrbotten Spitz, Yamthund, Swedish Elkhund and Helleforshund.

Distinctive breed characteristics for all huskies: a wedge-shaped head, ears with sharp tips, a ringed tail and straight hair with a thick undercoat. In different species, height varies from 38 to 60 cm, weight - from 12 to 30 kg.

Every husky is a hunter. Dogs are used to track, drive and capture bears, fur-bearing animals, deer, elk and poultry. Dogs must constantly realize this potential.

Any husky will not get along in an apartment or city. Dogs need space where they can run and play to their heart's content. And also an owner with a firm hand. Breeds tend to be dominant and aggressive towards other animals. Therefore, they are socialized and trained early.

33. Catahoula Leopard Dog

Leopard dogs are ancient American dogs of medium size. Presumably, they came from crossing Indian dogs with red wolves.

The Catahoula coat is easy to care for. It is short, single-layer: it is enough to periodically go through it with a comb-mitten. Despite this, the pet is not suitable for an apartment: it is a working, active dog that needs heavy loads.

Only experienced dog handlers are recommended to own a leopard dog. She is stubborn, dominant, and often disobeys. Moreover, the older the pet, the more wayward it becomes.

Catahoula was originally used for hunting. Today they are used for grazing herds and sports competitions.

34. Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzers are often kept as pets. They are affectionate with children, friendly with other dogs and cats, and devoted to their family. But these dogs are widely used: catching rodents, protecting property, serving in the police and customs, and working in hospitals.

Miniature Schnauzers are distinguished by their impressive appearance. The square body is covered with thick, coarse hair of black or silver-steel color (“pepper and salt”). And the head is decorated with eyebrows and a beard.

To keep the dogs' coat in perfect condition, it is trimmed twice a year during seasonal shedding. And the softer hair on the head is trimmed. With this type of care there will be almost no hair in the house.

35. German Pinscher

The German Pinscher is not as popular as the Rottweiler, Doberman, Affenpinscher or Miniature Pinscher. But it is he who is the ancestor of these breeds.

Interestingly, until 1879, pinschers and schnauzers were not separated. They were considered subspecies of the same breed. The passport indicated the variety: wire-haired or smooth-haired. But then they were separated into separate groups.

The German Pinscher is an electric broom. He will give any breed a head start in activity, mobility, playfulness and mischief. The dog often misbehaves, but almost always avoids punishment: he is more cunning than a fox, he knows how to switch the owner’s attention or shift the blame to another pet.

If you can give vent to your Pinscher's endless energy and cope with his antics, the dog will become a wonderful family member. He is a loving, loyal and affectionate pet.

36. Portuguese Water Dog

The water dog or wasserhund has been known in Portugal since the Middle Ages, and the first mention of the breed dates back to 600 BC.

This is a unique dog. For a long time it was used for fishing. Therefore, Portuguese dogs are excellent swimmers and divers. Their fur is water-repellent and does not shed and does not cause allergies. And there are membranes between the paws.

Today, the Wasserhund is bred for protection, catching rabbits and birds. They can only be kept outside the city, and it is highly desirable that there be a body of water nearby - dogs love to swim.

The fur coat should not be washed frequently, otherwise the waterproof lubricant will disappear. But the fur gets very tangled, so it is brushed daily.

37. Russian hunting spaniel

The breed is the only Russian gun dog and the youngest among hunting dogs. They were bred in the first half of the 20th century based on English spaniels.

The Russian hunting spaniel brings up shot game, works on a hare, and tracks small animals using a blood trail. It can also guard the house, but targeted training is undesirable.

In the family circle, the spaniel is sensitive and affectionate with everyone: from the owner to the cat. Friendly towards strangers, although males sometimes show aggression towards strangers and dogs.

You can keep a pet in a house or apartment provided there is sufficient exercise. Care is troublesome. The coat needs to be combed every day, washed once a month, and trimmed 2-3 times a year. In addition, the dog often develops tangles. And the ears become very dirty: otitis media often develops.

38. Samoyed dog

Samoyeds resemble airy clouds of cotton candy. These cute snow-white or cream-colored dogs always seem to be smiling: the effect is achieved due to their almond-shaped eyes and raised corners of their lips.

The Samoyed (also Samoyed dog, Laika or Spitz) is an ancient indigenous breed that originated over 3,000 thousand years ago. According to one version, it came from the Nenets Laika, according to another - from white wolves domesticated by northern tribes.

The Samoyed dog is a kind and sensitive companion. He is an excellent nanny for children, gets along with other pets, although he can chase cats. Plus loves the whole family and is friendly to strangers.

Caring for Samoyeds is not as difficult as it seems. The wool does not smell and is self-cleaning; it does not need to be cut or trimmed. They bathe the dogs a couple of times a year. And the fur coat is combed twice a week, and daily during the molting period.

Dogs with white fur.

39. Siberian Husky

Huskies are very popular today: they are kept as companions and show dogs. But such demand does not please connoisseurs of the breed. These are working dogs; in urban conditions they cannot realize their potential. Therefore, problems with character and behavior often arise that the owners cannot cope with. The result is hundreds of “refusers”, euthanized, runaway and dead dogs.

Siberian Huskies are ancient aboriginal dogs that originated in the Chukchi tribes. Their purpose is to work in harness. For centuries, dogs have been selected that would be tireless, obedient, and not attached to one person. Therefore, dogs have a lot of energy and are not very devoted to their owner.

40. Thai Ridgeback

The Thai Ridgeback or MahTai is considered the oldest breed of dog. It originated in Thailand, presumably from wild dingoes.

A characteristic feature of a Thai is ridge. This is a ridge on the back: formed by a strip of hair growing opposite the rest of the hair.

The Ridgeback is a great pet. Affectionate with people, does not conflict with dogs and cats. But on MahTai Street it is changing. He behaves aloof and menacingly, and is not averse to starting a fight with other dogs and chasing his purr.

The short coat (2 mm to 2 cm) comes in black, red, gray or isabella color. She is easy to care for: just occasional bathing and brushing are enough.

Ridgeback is an active dog. He is proud, extremely intelligent and independent. Consistent education and strict training are required. But if you have found the key to your pet's heart, he will shine in any dog ​​competition.

41. Whippet

The Whippet is the Ferrari of dogs. It reaches speeds of up to 70 km/h! It is not known exactly where the breed originated. Presumably, it was brought by the Romans to the British Isles in 55 BC. They probably also have terrier blood in their veins. Dogs not only hunt hares, but also famously deal with rats and guard houses.

Whippet loves to run. And in the excitement he can forget about the owner. Therefore, a sporty owner is needed who would be involved in running, cycling or horse riding. This is the perfect way to walk your dog.

42. Chow-chow

One of the names of the chow chow is “shaggy lion”. It perfectly describes the dog's appearance: a square body with a massive head, abundantly covered with fluffy hair.

The Chow Chow's coat comes in two types: short-haired and long-haired. In both cases, she sheds profusely, and care is the same: wash once every 1-2 months and comb a couple of times a week.

The character of the Chow Chow is woven from opposites. They are loyal to their owner, but do not strive to please, they are ready to die for the family, but do not like excessive communication or affection.

They say about Chow Chows that they have their own minds. Dogs are obstinate, dominant, aggressive towards other animals, do not like monotonous repetition of commands, and often refuse to obey. In addition, according to research by Stanley Coren, they are one of the least trainable breeds. Therefore, upbringing and training requires a lot of patience.

43. Shar Pei

Shar Pei invariably attracts attention with its unusual appearance. He has a “hippopotamian” head, a blue-black tongue and dozens of folds on his skin. This is an ancient Chinese breed that was almost destroyed in the last century. Today dogs are very popular.

The short coat of the Shar Pei is brushed a couple of times a week and washed once every 1-2 months. Keep in mind that dogs do not like to swim. And they should not get their heads wet: if water gets into their ears, the pets will develop otitis media.

Shar Peis are well trained. But they need early socialization to learn how to respond appropriately to children and other dogs. Pets love family members, but are dominant and independent.

44. Swedish Lapphund

The Swedish Lapphund or Lapland Spitz is an ancient Scandinavian breed and one of the oldest in the world.

Lapphunds shine in everything. Previously, they were used for grazing, protecting homes and protecting against wolves. Today dogs are watchmen, police officers, and hunters of large and small animals. They easily win prizes at show exhibitions and sporting competitions. They are also excellent companions.

The Lapland Spitz is loving, playful, and gets along with children and animals. Wary with strangers. Easy to train. The problem only arises with excessive barking: this is a breed trait; previously the dog needed a voice to control herds and scare away predators.

45. Estonian hound

The Estonian hound was bred in the 20th century on the basis of Russian, English, Finnish, Swiss hounds, as well as beagles and foxhounds. The result was a strong breed with excellent scent and a magnificent voice, specializing in the capture of small animals.

The Estonian Hound is distinguished by excellent working qualities and a balanced character. She is vicious and tireless on the hunt, but at home she turns into a calm, affectionate dog. The pet is affectionate with children, obedient, loving and unobtrusive. She is an excellent learner, although she is cunning and prone to dominance.

Due to its medium size and short coat, the Estonian Hound can be kept in an apartment. But daily walks, trips into nature and regular hunting are important.

Japanese Spitz

Adult dog weight: from 5 to 8 kg. Height at the withers is from 28 to 36 cm. A snow-white fluffy dog ​​can become the most faithful friend and companion. Representatives of the breed are very clean; they try not to get dirty while walking. Their thick coat is able to repel dust and moisture, so it is easy to maintain a neat appearance for your Spitz.

We train the Japanese Spitz well, but this should be done by the person whom the dog recognizes as the owner. Dogs are very wary of strangers, although they try to hide it behind a “trademark” smile on their pretty face.

The future owner of a Japanese Spitz needs to be prepared that from time to time this handsome guy will try on the crown and demonstrate to the world that “the spool is too small for the roads.” Many owners mistakenly assume that such funny situations should be encouraged rather than suppressed. Do you want the white prince to sit on your neck? Do the same.

Big fluffy dogs

Large pets were bred for heavy, strenuous, security work. Today, giants are practically not used for these purposes. Among large fluffy dogs, the following representatives are especially popular:

Tibetan mastiff

One of the oldest breeds in the world, their main task was to guard monasteries. An adult animal can grow up to 70 cm. Despite their enormous size, they differ:

  • friendliness;
  • kindness;
  • restraint.

This breed should not be owned by beginners. Tibetans need proper education and socialization.

Afghan Hound

The dog is known for its hunting instincts. This breed is famous for its appearance; it has a noble posture and refined shape. This is a calm dog in appearance, but in fact it is an energetic and athletic animal that needs long active walks with physical activity. You need to remember this factor when getting a dog of this fluffy breed.

South Russian Shepherd

The dog has an unusual appearance; its long fur resembles a snowdrift. The common color is white, but there are representatives in which gray colors predominate.

A pet must be socialized from birth; only with proper upbringing can you raise a balanced, intelligent and obedient dog.

Note ! South Russian Shepherds are distinguished by their boundless devotion to their owners; for this reason, their breed was actively exterminated during two world wars.


The diver stands out for his enormous height; he received his second name due to the membranes that are located between the fingers. Representatives of the breed were brought from the Canadian island, where they were bred.

The pet has thick black or brown fur. The height of giants is 70 cm, the weight of males can reach up to 70 kg, girls of this breed are slightly smaller.

Newfoundlands are very popular among Russian breeders

Old English Sheepdog

The breed is famous for its incredible coat, which makes the dogs look like a panda. Perhaps this is one of the fluffiest dogs. This pet has an aristocratic nature, so it is easy to train and train.

The average height of an adult bobtail is 60 cm. Life expectancy is 10-12 years.

Keeping large furry pets in apartment conditions is not very convenient both for the owners themselves and for their four-legged friends. Giants require a lot of space to live comfortably, so it is better to keep them in country houses. In addition, their thick coat makes it possible to keep them in an outdoor enclosure.

Siberian Husky

Adult dog weight: from 16 to 28 kg. The height at the withers is from 51 to 60 cm. All types of medium-sized dog breeds are divided into long-haired and smooth-haired. One of the cutest representatives of long-haired dogs is the northern sled dog, the Siberian Husky. This breed embodies remarkable intelligence, love for people, selfless devotion and high intelligence.

When considering all the pros and cons of keeping a Siberian Husky at home, remember that the dog is very active. She needs regular exercise, otherwise the apartment will be completely destroyed in your absence.

Huskies are constantly looking for somewhere to release their accumulated energy and do not always let it go in a peaceful direction. Huskies choose one person as their owner, but they reverently love all family members. The breed's protective qualities are completely undeveloped.

Breton epañol

  • Height: from 46 to 52 cm
  • Weight: from 14 to 18 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years

An adult Breton Epagnole weighs between 14 and 18 kg, making it an ideal medium-sized dog breed, not too small and not too large. They are intelligent and loyal dogs that are very easy to train, but do not require as much exercise or time as the Australian Shepherd.

The Breton epagnole was originally developed in France to help hunters locate and capture birds, and can be found in many French paintings and tapestries that date back hundreds of years.

Samoyed husky

Weight of an adult dog: from 15 to 30 kg. The height at the withers is from 50 to 55 cm. Representatives of the breed are famous for their excellent health, because there has been almost no artificial human intervention in the breed. A snow-white fluffy coat, a touching face and an easy-going character have made Samoyeds one of the most sought-after breeds in the world.

And not only in the north, where dogs do an excellent job of protecting reindeer herds and racing sled dogs, but also in a developed civilized society. The Samoyed dog is ready to show love for everyone, if not every minute, then certainly every hour. Samoyeds are called “dogs with ideal character.”

Playful, loving enthusiasts are extremely friendly towards everyone, even strangers. It is important for them to be in the center of attention all the time, but at the same time Samoyeds are completely non-confrontational - the genetic habit of living and serving side by side with other dogs in the pack has left its mark on the character of the Samoyed.

Another distinctive feature of the breed is boundless courage. When you get a purebred Samoyed, you can be sure that you will never see the slightest sign of fear from him, at most - wariness.

In winter, Samoyeds are harnessed to sleighs, which children and adults enjoy riding. And it is not known who is more delighted by this fun: a dog or a person? Samoyeds perceive such walks as a reward.

Primitive breeds

The primitive type of breed developed over centuries without human intervention. During natural selection, the strongest and healthiest individuals survived. Therefore, dogs look like hundreds of years ago and do not suffer from serious hereditary diseases.


Ancient native dogs of Central Africa. Presumably they appeared 5 thousand years ago. Colors: red, black, brindle, black and tan with white markings. Thin skin on the head gathers into wrinkles.

The height of the Basenji is 40 – 43 cm.

Basenjis do not bark, which is why they received their second name - African non-barking dog. They are clean, know how to wash themselves with their paws like cats and do not smell. Emotions are expressed in clear sounds, similar to a mixture of grunts and Tyrolean throat singing.

See other breeds of white and red dogs.

Thai Ridgeback

An indigenous breed of Thailand, preserved in its original form. Despite their ancient origins, the FCI recognized the Thai Ridgeback in 2003. The standard describes 4 colors: solid black, red, blue, isabella.

Height at withers 51 – 61 cm.

Thais have 2 types of coat: short velor up to 3 mm long and standard – from 2 mm to 2 cm. A ridge stretches along the back - a strip of hair directed against the growth of the coat.

Ridge of the Thai Ridgeback.

Pharaoh Hound

Hunting breed from the island of Malta. The dogs got their name due to their external resemblance to images of the ancient Egyptian deity Anubis. However, they never lived on the banks of the Nile, which is confirmed by DNA analysis.

Slender, long-legged pharaoh dogs grow up to 53 – 63 cm. Thin, short hair is colored a bright red-chestnut color. Amber eyes and brown nose are in harmony with the tone of the coat. When excited, the ears and nose of the “pharaohs” turn red.

Cirneco dell'Etna or Sicilian Greyhound

An ancient breed from Sicily. The ancestors of the Cirneco lived on the island supposedly 2.5 thousand years ago. Externally, the Sicilian Greyhound resembles a smaller Pharaoh Hound. Height at withers 44 – 50 cm.

American Bully

Adult dog weight: from 30 to 58 kg. Height at the withers is from 40 to 56 cm. Looking at this strong guy with small eyes, it’s hard to believe that he can be someone’s best friend. Nevertheless, it is true. Anyone who has decided to get an American Bully puppy recognizes this breed as simply adorable.

First of all, the frightening appearance combined with a peaceful character captivates. Secondly, the bully’s relationship with family members: the dog of old people and women, ready to take care of children. Bully can become an excellent security guard and your personal bodyguard at the same time.

Studying the average dog breeds in the photo , few people will believe in the good nature of the bully. But the menacing appearance does not affect the character in any way. In reality, bullies are completely adequate, balanced, affectionate dogs who love to cuddle with their owners. The main thing in the educational process is to make it clear to the bull that the owner will always dominate. It is better if a competent dog handler does this.

Types of hunting dogs

Depending on their habits, character, and skills, dogs are divided into several types. Each of them is used to hunt different animals.


Greyhounds are one of the oldest types of dogs. Drawings with their images are found in the culture of Ancient Egypt. In the 13th-17th centuries, they were bred by kings, princes and aristocrats for hunting, which was then their favorite pastime. Greyhounds hunt by baiting - they drive prey, exhausting it, then catch it and bring it to the owner.

Greyhounds have an unusual appearance. They are lean, dry in constitution, with high legs and a long nose. They do not show aggression towards people and are indifferent to strangers. When hunting, trained greyhounds fully cope with the functions assigned to them - they drive the animal, kill it, but do not eat or gnaw, so as not to damage the skin.

They hunt hares, rabbits, foxes, wolves, roe deer, and young deer. The speed that greyhounds develop allows them to pursue this game for a long time.

The most popular hound breeds include Wolfhound, Italian Greyhound, Greyhound, Russian Greyhound, and Podenco Ibicenco.


They traditionally hunted with hounds back in Ancient Greece. They gained popularity in the Middle Ages, when in Europe they were bred by royal courts in all countries. In Russia, they were bred most often in the 15th-19th centuries. The main feature of hounds is persistence in achieving goals, packing and complaisance. They can also be used for different types of hunting - the dog will quickly understand its task and will carry it out unquestioningly.

Hounds are usually tall, strongly built, with long legs. Their ears always droop, their nose is long, and their nose is black. The coat is usually short and can vary in color from pure white to tortoiseshell. The hounds have a flexible character and are easy to train. They show aggression extremely rarely; they defend their territory from unfamiliar dogs, but not from people. During a hunt, the dog concentrates on the target and is not distracted, no matter what happens.

They often hunt roe deer, deer, elk, and wild boar with hounds. Sometimes they are also used to corral bears, foxes, and wolves.

The most common breeds of hounds are Russian, Spanish, beagles, and basset hounds.


Burrowing dogs were bred to hunt small game that hides in burrows. They find the animal by smell, if necessary, chase it and engage in a fight with it. Their distinctive feature is persistence in achieving goals and a high pain threshold. Despite the wounds received in the fight and extreme fatigue, the dog will not stop until it catches its prey.

Burrowing dogs are distinguished by their small size and strong build. They have a good sense of smell and hearing, and increased endurance. These dogs are quite aggressive, but most often their anger is directed at game or other small breed dogs, and not at people. They are loyal to their owners, easy to train, and follow all commands during the hunt. Many burrows can live at home due to their small size.

They hunt badgers and foxes with burrowing dogs. They drive the game out of their holes with their loud barking, and the hunter shoots at it. But sometimes the dogs get into a fight with the animal and pull it out already dead.

The most popular breeds of burrowing dogs are dachshunds, border terriers, Welsh terriers, Jack Russells, and fox terriers.


Pointers are descended from European hunting dogs that were used to hunt birds. They are considered descendants of hounds, but have more advanced hunting skills. Their characteristics are endurance, the ability to find game with a minimum number of traces, the ability to sit in ambush for a long time and reaction speed.

Pointing dogs are tall, thin and lean. They have long, strong legs and a medium-length tail. The ears are always hanging, the muzzle is small and elongated. These dogs are not at all characterized by aggression - they do not rush at people or other animals. But they stay away from dogs, rarely get along with them and work alone.

They always hunt birds with cops - partridges, quails, pheasants, ducks. They can catch birds or scare them into flying into the air and making them easy targets for a gun. After the shot, the dogs find the prey and bring it to the owner.

The most popular breeds of pointers are the shorthaired pointer, the Weimar pointer, the pointer, the Irish setter, the English setter, and the Russian pointer.


Gun dogs began to be actively used in hunting from the beginning of the 19th century, when fly-by shooting at birds became fashionable. From the name it is clear that these dogs are companions during rifle hunting. Their distinctive feature is a phenomenal sense of smell and the ability to understand and carry out the assigned task.

Gun dogs come in different sizes - from 40 to 80 centimeters in height. All of them are characterized by loyalty and endurance. Dogs can sit in ambush for a long time and run long distances to bring game.

They usually hunt birds and small animals with gun dogs. While working, they most often flush out birds and then find the shot prey. Some breeds are trained to stand over game to show the owner its location.

The most popular breeds are the Golden Retriever, English Cocker Spaniel, Springer Spaniel, and Labrador.


Laikas are northern dog breeds that were historically used for hunting by the indigenous people of Siberia, Northern Europe, and Canada. Their targeted breeding began in the 19th century, and by the mid-20th century the husky breeds were standardized. They are distinguished by a specific appearance - long thick hair, straight erect ears and a tail wrapped in a ring.

Laikas have a strong, harmonious build and well-developed paws, which ensures their endurance. The coat is thick, with abundant undercoat - this allows them to stay in the cold for a long time. Laikas have a stubborn character, but they always unquestioningly listen to the owner who trained them. When hunting, they are assertive, do not abandon the target until they catch it, and quickly adapt to the different requirements of the hunter.

With huskies they hunt all large and small game that lives in the north: martens, foxes, wolves, hares.

The most popular Laika breeds are Russian-European, East Siberian, Yakut, Finnish Spitz, and Norwegian Elkhound.

English bulldog

Weight of an adult dog: from 22 to 25 kg. Height at the withers is from 38 to 41 cm. A faithful friend and a brave bodyguard - this is how the owners characterize English bulldogs. At first glance, bulldogs are clumsy and slow, but this impression is deceptive.

If the animal itself or its owner is in danger, the bulldog will orient itself with lightning speed and will defend to the last. Brave and stubborn, the bulldog knows no feelings of fear or uncertainty.

Among his family, the English Bulldog is a loyal, lazy and very balanced pet. This is one of the few breeds that voluntarily refuse to walk and prefer to spend time at home, under a blanket, at the feet of their beloved owner.

But you cannot indulge hypertrophied laziness: bulldogs are prone to obesity, the first reason for which is the lack of physical activity. The breed is ideal for families with children. The English Bulldog will allow them to do whatever they want with him, will never show aggression and will be a model of humility.

But English bulldogs also have a lot of shortcomings. This includes a strong specific smell, increased salivation, and a love of trying the owner’s things “to the teeth.” And, of course, a huge number of not the most pleasant sounds: slurping, snoring, grunting, squelching...

All this cacophony will accompany you around the clock. English bulldogs also suffer from increased gas production, which can also cause great discomfort to household members. It's up to you to decide if you can live with these shortcomings. If yes, then you will get a true friend. If not, look at dogs of other breeds.

Little fluffy dogs

Representatives of miniature breeds are ideal for keeping in an apartment; the street is not for them. Despite the fact that they have fluffy fur, it is often not able to warm the pet in cold weather.

Pomeranian Spitz

The puppy, which looks like a fox, is especially popular. These positive, energetic and restless pets will brighten up the life of their owner.


  • elongated muzzle;
  • compact body;
  • thick coat;
  • short legs.

The color can be different: white, red, wheat. The distinctive features of a fluffy dog ​​are its height; they do not grow more than 30 cm at the withers, and the average weight of an adult dog varies within 3.5 kg.

Despite their small size, the Spitz has a very brave, decisive character; they can be wayward and stubborn.

Coton de Tulear

Representatives of this breed are considered hypoallergenic, so they will be a real boon for people with allergies. Their fur grows constantly, so they require regular trimming, otherwise they will resemble a round ball of fur.

Most often, the lapdog is painted white, less common are lemon, gray and black.
Pets grow up to 25 cm, and their weight is about 5 kg. Note ! In the past, Coton de Tulear dogs were used to catch rats on ships and lived in the holds. The love for water remains to this day, so they enjoy taking a bath.

Bichon Frize

The puppy is a snow-white miracle with small curls. This pet is one of the most prominent representatives of miniature fluffy dogs. He is active, curious and very friendly with children and adults.

He loves affection, care, and requires increased attention from his owners. May make sounds for a long time, asking to be picked up or stroked

Tibetan Spaniel

This dog shows the best dog qualities. Tibbies have very tiny sizes, even an adult animal will not grow more than 25 cm, nor will it be heavier than 4 kg.

You can rarely hear him bark, but there is one drawback: the baby loves to climb to heights, so you will have to close access to cabinets and window sills.

Yorkshire Terrier

The terrier is also famous for its fluffy, steel-colored coat. These active, inquisitive and sociable pets barely reach 25 cm at the withers.

The Yorkie is easy to train, but the process can be complicated by his restlessness and playful nature. Also, do not forget that external attractiveness is created through constant care of the fur.

Important ! You need to raise a Yorkie from childhood, otherwise he will turn into a spoiled animal that will be impossible to cope with.

Distinctive features of the Chihuahua are sharp erect ears, a strong body and bulging eyes.

Chihuahua (long-haired)

Originally from Mexico, they existed back in the days of the Mayan tribe. Fluffy dogs played the role of guides to the afterlife; the Indians treated them with trepidation and respect.

The species was practically exterminated by the colonialists. They managed to survive due to the fact that several representatives settled in the forest. Today this miniature breed is perhaps the most famous. Photos of dogs appear in magazines and are featured in films.

Miniature dog breeds are ideal for owners of small apartments. Small pets will not take up much space, but they will add new colors to life and become family members.

Australian Shepherd

Adult dog weight: from 18 to 30 kg. Height at the withers is from 46 to 58 cm. The breed is one of the easiest to train, so Australian Shepherds are often used as guide dogs for visually impaired people or as service dogs. The second name of the breed is Aussie.

The good nature of Aussies is legendary. They get along in the same territory with children, other dogs, cats, fish and hamsters. At the same time, even the tiniest “neighbors” may not be afraid of sudden attacks of aggression - Aussies are absolutely unfamiliar with such feelings. Representatives of the breed cope well with the role of tailed nannies.

Aussies are herding dogs, but they have taken root quite well in modern houses and apartments. Notice how during a walk your pet constantly makes sure that no one accidentally gets lost, gathers everyone in a group, and urges those who are lagging behind with his nose. It is the hunting genes in the dog that say this.

Bearded Collie

  • Height: from 51 to 56 cm
  • Weight: from 18 to 27 kg
  • Life expectancy: 14 to 15 years

The Bearded Collie is one of the oldest breeds in Great Britain. Originally bred as a working dog, active and always up for adventure , Bearded Collies are great for an active single person or family from any climate.

Fun fact: They were originally called "long-haired collies", the name "bearded collie" was given to them later due to their long facial hair.

Bearded Collies are descended from another European shaggy herding dog, the Komondor. Their shaggy coat and thick undercoat require careful grooming and frequent brushing. They are known for their playfulness and constantly wagging tail . The Bearded Collie is an active, intelligent and loyal companion. But, since this is a herding breed, it is not recommended for families with small children.

Shar Pei

Adult dog weight: from 18 to 35 kg. Height at the withers is from 40 to 51 cm. While studying the names of medium-sized dog breeds , you probably dwelled in more detail on the Shar Pei. The appearance is very interesting! Smooth-haired dogs are covered with many folds, and their tongue is dark blue.

If you dream of an active, playful pet, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​owning a Shar Pei. Typical representatives of this breed have a reserved character, an independent and willful disposition. The Shar Pei will happily dominate his "pack" if allowed to do so. You can't trust a dog with small children - it won't babysit them at all and can show frightening aggression.

If you have a good dog handler in mind, or you yourself are 100% confident in your abilities, then take a Shar Pei and start training literally from the first minute he appears at home. If you can socialize and train him, you will get a companion dog with a calm character.

German pinscher

  • Height: from 43 to 51 cm
  • Weight: from 11 to 20 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 14 years

The muscular and powerful German Pinscher is an excellent family watchdog. These confident, athletic and intelligent dogs were first bred as rat-catching dogs. They have a strong hunting instinct and love to chase anything that moves. The ancestor of all Pinscher breeds, German Pinschers enjoy activities such as scent searching and agility.

Interesting fact: the German Pinscher almost went extinct after both world wars. Werner Jung is credited with reviving the breed in 1958 in West Germany. Despite its name, the German Pinscher is more closely related to the Schnauzer than to the Doberman Pinscher or Miniature Pinscher.

Although German Pinschers are low maintenance, they may not be the best choice for a first-time owner . They are very energetic and can use their brilliant minds to get into mischief, so make sure they get enough physical and mental exercise.

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