How does an allergy to a Yorkshire terrier manifest itself: diagnostic methods and treatment options

An allergy to the Yorkshire Terrier is manifested by hypersensitivity to the fur, excrement and other biological substances of the animal.

Sometimes the body reacts calmly to other animals, while allergic reactions occur to Yorkies.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a small breed.

Many city residents prefer to purchase them, since the dog is compact, visually attractive, has a cheerful, playful character and does not require complex care.

Another advantage of Yorkies is their hypoallergenicity, since these animals do not have an undercoat, and the structure of their coat is close to human hair.

Despite this, some people are still allergic to this breed.

Are Yorkshire Terriers allergenic or not?

Many will say that Yorkshire terriers are practically not subject to shedding, which means where can allergies come from? All breeds, regardless of hair structure and hair loss, have dandruff.

It is characterized by microscopic skin formations that fall off the dog.

If a dog of another breed has an undercoat, then it produces more dandruff. Yorkshire Terriers have only one coat. This means that dead epidermal cells will fall off from them at half the rate.

For this reason, Yorkshire Terrier dogs cannot be called completely non-allergenic animals. They simply emit fewer allergic substances.

Another allergen can be animal saliva, or rather the proteins that are present in it..

Allergic effects can occur in this way:

  • Signs of an allergy appear after your pet licks your hand.
  • It is customary for animals to lick their fur. Therefore, after such a toilet, if you stroke a Yorkie, an allergy may begin to appear and this will not depend on its fur.
  • A dog's face always contains a certain amount of saliva.
  • Dog saliva and even urine can get on things, floors, rugs, furniture, and in all places where the pet is.

In addition, a dog, returning from a walk, may carry pollen or mites on its fur . Any of this irritant is capable of causing a response from the human body.

Expert opinion

Tolkachev Andrey Mikhailovich


If you have an allergy and there is a Yorkshire terrier in the family, you must take an allergen test. He will determine what exactly a person has such a reaction to. If it turns out that you are really allergic to dog dander, you should not try to get rid of your pet right away. Try bathing your dog every two weeks, but not more often, as this will make your dog's skin even drier. Don't let your Yorkie into your bedroom, because that's where the person spends more than 8 hours a day. You should wash your hands more often, even if there has been no contact with the dog, and you should also undergo a course of immunotherapy.

Necessary prevention

If, after interacting with a Yorkshire terrier, someone in your family has an allergic reaction, you should immediately go to the hospital. After collecting all the necessary tests (blood test, pulmonary function test, skin tests) and examination, the patient can be diagnosed with the cause of the allergic reaction.

During this time, you will have to stop all contact between the patient and the pet. For example, it is not time to give it to other people. If this is not possible, you will have to follow several rules. The same rules will help if a member of the household has a tendency to have a similar reaction, but the family wants to keep the Yorkshire Terrier at home.

The most important thing is that all actions should be performed by a family member who is not allergic to the dog.

Try to keep your Yorkshire Terrier in a separate room, away from the allergy sufferer. Ventilate the apartment daily and do wet cleaning using detergents containing chlorine. Especially in hard-to-reach and very dirty places.

Wash all bedding, beat out carpets and mattresses, remove curtains, vacuum upholstered furniture - make every effort to get rid of dust. Do this as often as possible.

The place where the pet lives is also subject to thorough cleaning. The floor, bedding, toys, nearby furniture and other objects - everything must be cleaned of possible allergens.

After each walk, be sure to wash your Yorkshire Terrier's paws and comb his coat. Bathe your dog every seven to ten days, but not more often, so as not to damage its skin.

If possible, install an air filter in your apartment, which will do a great job of removing possible allergy triggers.

Do not allow your Yorkshire Terrier to lie on upholstered furniture. Especially in those places where the patient sleeps.

All preventive actions will only help if the disease has not yet developed. Otherwise, you will have to move on to more radical methods.

Causes of allergies to Yorkies

It is worth considering the most common causes of allergies to the Yorkshire Terrier:

  • Protein is a protein formed as a result of the activity of the terrier's sebaceous glands. This substance can be present in urine, sebum, salivary fluid, and animal feces.
  • Parasites that live on the terrier's fur, which can also get on human skin by biting him. In response to this, an allergic reaction develops.
  • Dirt and dead cell structures on a terrier's coat. If these microelements penetrate the human respiratory tract, a response will develop in the body.
  • Subcutaneous fat secreted by a dog's sebaceous glands, containing essential oils to which some people are particularly sensitive.
  • Pollen from various plants can settle on the animal's fur. This is a seasonal feature and pollen allergies are often confused with Yorkie allergies.
  • Dog feces or blood may come into contact with a sensitive person's skin, causing skin rashes (including eczema).

Symptoms in children and adults

So, if you are allergic to Yorkies, symptoms will appear soon.

They cause a lot of inconvenience, interfere with normal life, work, and sometimes cause serious complications.:

  • Nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing.
  • The appearance of shortness of breath and cough, sometimes accompanied by wheezing.
  • Watery eyes, photophobia, red eyes.
  • Peeling areas appear on the skin or a rash develops in the form of pale pink blisters.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a gag reflex and diarrhea may appear.
  • Dermatitis most often develops on the hands, body and face.


Dangerous consequences of an allergic reaction can include anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. If timely assistance is not provided, death occurs in a matter of time.

It is worth remembering that the symptoms in children are the same, but they are more intense..

Third three

The third three in the ranking of the safest, in terms of allergies, include:

  1. Samoyed, husky, spitz. These three breeds share seventh place. All of them are extremely attractive and require constant physical activity for proper harmonious development.
  2. Bolognese. This breed originated in Italy and has gained popularity all over the world. Dogs love their owners very much, get bored in their absence and constantly require both moral and physical attention (they need especially careful care). They treat strangers with coldness and fear.
  3. Bichon Frize. This miniature breed weighing up to five kilograms appeared in France and immediately captivated the whole world. Dogs are like soft toys that provide aesthetic pleasure. Owners should raise them properly so that they do not become headstrong and spoiled.

Could it not appear immediately?

An allergic reaction does not always appear immediately. This kind of allergy is called accumulative, when the allergen accumulates in the blood, and then after a certain time begins to manifest itself in various allergic reactions.

This kind of allergy is most unpleasant, since household members have time to get used to the small dog and it will be much more difficult to part with him.

But there is also a temporary allergy, when the first time after the dog appears in the house, one of the family members develops allergic symptoms.

Over time, after the body adapts, these symptoms disappear.

Diagnostic methods

To know what specific irritant affects the dog breeder and to make a correct diagnosis, you need to see an allergist. He will order a series of tests and skin tests.

The most effective is a skin test . The suspected allergen is injected under the skin.

You can enter up to 15 copies at a time. If there is a skin reaction, it means the person has increased sensitivity to this substance.

A blood test is required to find out what the general condition of the body is..

Treatment Options

The following treatment methods are available:

  • Prescription of antihistamines and anti-inflammatory medications, such as Zodak, Erius, Suprastin, Loratadine. Thanks to them, the immune system begins to fight the irritant and the consequences of its impact.
  • If conjunctivitis is detected, eye drops are prescribed. For rhinitis, antiallergic nasal drops are prescribed.
  • For skin rashes, you will need appropriate gels, ointments and other local products.
  • If antihistamines have no effect, the doctor switches to stronger medications - glucocorticosteroids, which contain hormones.
  • Sometimes a course of hyposensitization is carried out. It is aimed at reducing sensitivity to irritants. During the session, the patient is given a small dose of the allergen. As a result, the body begins to produce elements that can suppress allergic proteins. After getting used to it, the catalyst is canceled. This treatment lasts from two weeks to 12 months. This will depend on the degree of allergy and the individual characteristics of the patient. The number of injections and dosage of the medicine are determined by the doctor, since inappropriate use of the treatment can cause life-threatening reactions. But a weak solution or an insufficient number of injections will not give the desired result.
  • And another important point in the treatment of allergies is immunotherapy. Without it, a weakened body will not be able to properly resist external attack.

Preventive actions

If you have already had cases of allergies to Yorkies, then when purchasing this compact dog you should immediately take care of preventive measures, they consist of the following steps:

  • You will have to clean up after your pet more responsibly, and do it as often as possible.
  • Disinfect areas where the dog most often lives, and perform all actions with gloves.
  • To reduce the risk of dust and animal skin particles getting on the bed, you need to use pillowcases, duvet covers and sheets, and change them regularly.
  • Carry out wet cleaning daily.
  • It is better to get rid of large carpets with long pile, replacing them with thinner ones, which will simplify cleaning the room.
  • Do not allow your Yorkie to be on beds, chairs, or sofas.
  • When bathing your dog, use special products, and also trim your Yorkshire Terrier regularly.
  • Strengthen your immune system, exercise, eat right, and worry less.

If all these measures do not produce positive results, then it is better to put health first and place your pet in another family.

Pets without hair

Despite the small number of hairless animals, their species range is quite diverse.

Reptiles top the list: fish, turtles, lizards, chameleons, snakes.

IMPORTANT: It must be remembered that all these cold-blooded animals require special housing conditions, careful care and adherence to a diet. If you decide to make such a little friend for your baby, read in advance the information regarding all the pros and cons of such a choice.

Turtles can act as carriers of one of the intestinal infections - salmonellosis . Therefore, even after short-term contact with such a pet, you must wash your hands very thoroughly.

No less popular, despite the terrible high cost, are hairless cats of the Sphynx and Elf breeds . To prevent the skin oils of these hairless cuties from causing allergies, they need to be bathed frequently, which, by the way, they love very much.

Aquarium fish - pets without hair

Scientists also made some guinea pigs , creating the Skinny and Baldwin . Caring for such pets is no different from caring for their furry brothers.

There are also several breeds of hairless dogs:

  • In first place in popularity is an animal with a very exotic appearance - the Chinese Crested . She can be classified as a combi breed, since her head is crowned with a chic bang, followed by a long mane, the ends of her paws are decorated with luxurious cuffs and she will not be ashamed of the hair on her tail
  • The Mexican Hairless Dog or Xoloitzcuintle is completely hairless . This breed comes in two varieties: hairless and coated, and both types can be in the same litter
  • Another hairless dog is the Peruvian Hairless Dog , also called the Peruvian Orchid for its charming tuft on its head.

There are also hairless rats, which are very cute and defenseless in appearance, unlike their furry counterparts. Despite the presence of several breeds in nature - Dumbo, Manx - they are all usually called, like cats, Sphynxes.

Hypoallergenic Sphynx rat

Hypoallergenic shampoos

To neutralize the effects of proteins secreted by the animal’s body, you can use anti-allergenic shampoos, which are available in specialized stores.

These shampoos also contain substances that prevent dry skin of terriers and fight parasites such as fleas and ticks.

If you choose the right product, you can ensure that the protein does not spread to the animal’s fur.

Room care

It is advisable to immediately purchase a vacuum cleaner with fine filters together with your dog..

If there is no such filter, then the vacuum cleaner will simply chase small hairs around the apartment.

It is known that allergens can accumulate on carpets, soft toys, and furs. It is advisable to get rid of such items; fur products should be stored in special cases.

In the store you can buy sprays against animal allergies, which are sprayed where dogs stay..

Air purifiers are installed in the sleeping area, which can neutralize the allergic protein secreted by Yorkshire terriers.

Description of the breed

The description of the Yorkshire Terrier breed corresponds to the following characteristics according to the standard:

  • the dog belongs to the toy terrier group;
  • height at the withers ranges from 15 to 18 centimeters;
  • weight ranges from two to three and a half kilograms;
  • life expectancy is from 12 to 15 years;
  • the price ranges from 15-200 thousand rubles.

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the smallest dogs in the world. Its fur can be compared in structure to human hair, which is used to make beautiful, stylish hairstyles. The dog has won recognition all over the world not only due to its original appearance. York is one of the most active pets, capable of becoming a real companion and watchdog. The dog loves to play mischief and frolic, and can sometimes be stubborn. She is very devoted to her owner, gets bored in his absence and is jealous of other family members or pets.

Are there hypoallergenic Yorkies?

Yorkie fur, due to its structure and lack of undercoat, does not cause allergies. In addition, the small size of the dog will prevent negative substances from spreading in large quantities.

But nevertheless, any animal, including Yorkies, can cause allergic reactions due to the release of a special allergic protein.


There are no 100% hypoallergenic Yorkies, they just produce far fewer allergens that some people may find sensitive.


Among reptiles, lizards, chameleons, turtles, snakes, and frogs are of interest. Their main advantage is that they do not sweat, do not shed, and do not lick themselves, spreading allergens throughout the body. Many reptiles are smart, interact with humans, accept food from hands, and get used to their owner. Caring for them is not difficult, but observing them is educational. To keep most animals, you need a terrarium, in which a place for shelter, branches for climbing, and a source of water are built.

Allergies to the reptiles themselves do not develop, but poor cleaning of the habitat can lead to it. The terrarium accumulates moisture, in which mold multiplies, and in damp wood and leaves, fungus grows.

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