Brit cat food: Reviews and recommendations from veterinarians

Feed ratings:

Feed price

Completeness of the composition

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3 reviews and comments

Main characteristics
Feed class: Premium, Holistic
Manufacturer: Czech
  • Dry food Brit Premium 1 kg - from 180 rubles;
  • Dry food Brit Premium 3 kg - from 550 rubles;
  • Dry food Brit Premium 15 kg - from 2040 rub.

Manufacturer information

The production of Brit Premium food is part of the family concern Brit Pet Food.

All feed is produced exclusively in Czech factories Vaho Praha . For many consumers, this is a good indicator, since when production processes are transferred to Russia, in most cases the quality of the feed begins to drop significantly.

The company has been operating since 1994 and managed to establish itself as the best Czech brand in 2016. Today Brit supplies its products to more than 60 countries around the world.

Almost nothing is known about the production process itself, except for what the concern itself reports on its official website

  • all company products are certified in accordance with quality standards;
  • During production, clinical tests on animals are not performed;
  • the food does not contain soy and GMOs;
  • the manufacturer does not include products that can harm animals;
  • All food consists of natural ingredients that are easily absorbed by the body.

From these statements we can conclude that the composition does not contain hidden dyes or flavors, as well as other harmful substances that may adversely affect the health of pets.

Brit for dogs

Brit produces dry and wet dog food, as well as snacks, food and special edible toys for teeth.

There are two lines: Premium and Care . There's a short overview on Brit's website.

The company also has different food options depending on the age and size of the dog.

  • dry - for adult dogs of large breeds;
  • dry—for adult dogs of medium breeds;
  • dry - for adult dogs of small breeds;
  • dry - for active dogs of any breed;
  • dry - for dogs of medium breeds;
  • dry - for older dogs of medium breeds;
  • dry - for young dogs of small breeds;
  • dry - for older dogs of small breeds;
  • dry - for puppies of all breeds;
  • hypoallergenic - for all breeds.

As well as grain-free food options, food for dogs prone to obesity, for show dogs, for dogs of giant breeds, dogs with stomach problems and dogs over seven years old.

That is, Brit focuses on all breeds and takes into account their characteristics, as well as the age, purpose of the breed, health and activity level of the dog.

Hypoallergenic and grain-free products provide complete dietary nutrition for dogs with problems.

Ingredients: meat, salmon, rice, beet pulp, dried fruits or vegetables, potato flour, egg powder, chondrotin and glucosamine sulfates, vitamins and minerals.

When making dry food, no pork, soy, GMOs, or artificial additives are added to it , which can be harmful to the dog’s health. The composition is selected so that the food is well absorbed by the animal’s body.

Feed range

When developing a line of food, the Czech manufacturer tried to take into account the differences in the needs of dogs of different sizes and ages.

For babies up to 4 months, a general Puppy diet based on chicken, salmon and rice is offered . Its cost ranges from 650 to 750 rubles per 3 kg . This food is also suitable for bitches during pregnancy and lactation.

For older puppies, a separate range of diets called Junior has been developed, which is divided for breeds of different sizes:

  • Small (S);
  • Medium (M);
  • Large (L);
  • Extra Large (XL).

The food is suitable for babies from 4 months to one year of age. It is made on the basis of chicken and rice, contains an increased amount of protein component (42%), fatty amino acids and dried apples as a source of vitamins. Its price averages 550-650 rubles per package weighing 3 kg.

For adult dogs, a diet with the same division by breed size is offered. These foods go under the name Adult and have 4 varieties:

  1. S – for pets weighing up to 10 kg;
  2. M – for pets from 10 to 25 kg;
  3. L – for breeds weighing 25-45 kg;
  4. XL – for giant dogs weighing more than 45 kg.

These options are also made from chicken and rice, contain a high protein content (41%) for premium feeds, and are also supplemented with minerals and extracts from herbs and fruits. 3 kg of this food can be bought for 500-600 rubles.

  • In addition, the manufacturer offers a hypoallergenic version of Lamb&Rice based on lamb meat. It contains neither corn nor wheat, but the cost is 1.5 times higher - 800-900 rubles per 3 kg .
  • Light diet has also been developed for sterilized or overweight pets. The percentage of fat in it is reduced to 8%. You can buy it for 450-550 rubles per 3 kg .
  • For dogs with increased activity, on the contrary, a higher calorie option called Sport is offered. It is also recommended for faster recovery of the pet's strength during postoperative periods. Its cost is about 550 rubles per package weighing 3 kg .
  • For older dogs over the age of 7 years, Brit offers a line of Senior , which contains prebiotics to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, fish oil and additional elements to maintain healthy joints and ligaments. Here there is a division into feed S, M and L. The price for a bag weighing 3 kg will be about 550-650 rubles.

In addition to dry food, Brit Premium offers wet canned food for pets. Here the division is only based on taste and food components:

  • heart and liver;
  • beef and heart;
  • beef and liver;
  • beef and rice

The meat component comes first in the composition with a percentage of about 80% . Canned food is recommended for adding to rice or buckwheat to create a balanced diet for your pet. The price for a jar weighing 0.85 kg starts from 100 rubles.

The range of food is not very wide, but covers different age periods of dogs and takes into account the differences in the needs of pets of different sizes. Special diets have also been developed for pets with varying degrees of activity and allergic reactions.

Which is better: Brit Care or Brit Premium

Hypoallergenic cat food: which one is better?

Experts cannot say for sure which line is better, because each food has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, Brit Premium contains corn, but has more meat. Despite the slightly worse quality of the food, its composition is optimized for the nutrition of domestic animals. Wet food is considered the best from the Brit Care series.

It is best to combine both varieties, for example, Premium dry diet with Brit Care canned food. This food is suitable for cats that are not allergic to grains.

For large breed cats, a product with enlarged granules is available.

Feed composition overview

  • The composition of the feed is quite rich for the premium segment . The first place in all feeds is the meat ingredient (chicken or lamb). In dry food its percentage is about 40-45%, in hypoallergenic food - 31%, in wet food - about 80%. This is a very good indicator. Not all super-premium foods show the same results.

  • Rice is suggested everywhere as the main carbohydrate component . It has a good effect on digestion and has high nutritional value. corn and wheat are listed in all feeds, except hypoallergenic . Veterinarians have a negative attitude towards these ingredients and say that they do not provide any benefit to the dog’s body and in some cases cause intolerance.

  • Chicken and fish oil are sources of fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and coat of animals. Fruit and herbal extracts are also added to the composition, although the manufacturer does not specify which ones, so it is difficult to judge their benefits.

Brit food does not contain preservatives, soy protein, GMOs and other products that can harm the health of the animal.

Healthy Supplements Carnilove Sterilized for Cats

This product for sterilized cats contains many useful additives.
For example, natural sources of substances beneficial for joints (glucosamine and chondroitin) are hydrolyzed shells, more precisely, crustacean shells, and cartilage extract (although it is not said from the cartilage of which animals it was obtained). For the optimal state of the intestinal microflora, prebiotics MOS and FOS are added to the food formula - as part of brewer's yeast and chicory root. There are also several herbs and berries here - however, each of them contains one hundredth of a percent or even less. We would not place much faith in their healing properties; the composition of the main raw materials is much more important, and not such small proportions of herbal additives.

Among the mineral substances, we found one very interesting one - sodium hexametaphosphate. It is believed to be able to prevent the formation of tartar in dogs and cats, preventing plaque from hardening and thus improving the condition of the animals' mouths.

Advantages and disadvantages

A detailed analysis of the range and composition gives an accurate idea of ​​the pros and cons of Brit food.


The main advantage of Brit Premium is the price-quality ratio. The cost of the food is not the highest in the premium segment, but the rich composition is close to the super-premium level.

The following advantages can also be highlighted:

  1. the food line takes into account the basic differences in the needs of dogs;
  2. absence of harmful substances;
  3. Available for purchase at most pet stores.


Among the disadvantages are:

  • the presence of controversial ingredients such as wheat and corn in most feeds;
  • vague formulations of the composition (for example, herbal and fruit extracts are included without further clarification).

Reviews from veterinarians and buyers about the food

Dog owners and veterinarians often share their opinions about the pet foods they use.

Owner reviews:

  • Ksenia, owner of an English bull terrier:

“We feed the dog this food starting from 5 months of age. At first we were on Junior, now we’ve been on Edalt for almost a year. Compared to other premium foods, this is heaven and earth. First of all, he eats with pleasure. Secondly, the condition of the coat and the whole body as a whole is more than satisfactory for us. In the postoperative period, we returned to Junior with a richer vitamin composition, the dog’s recovery improved by 5 points.”

  • Tatyana, owner of a Labrador:

“I have been feeding my dog ​​with Brit since puppyhood. There were no complaints, but by the age of five we started having problems with our ears and increased hair loss. An allergy to chicken was discovered. The vet advised me to switch to hypoallergenic lamb. We have been feeding it for six months now, the allergies are gone, the dog is healthy and active. Another advantage I would like to highlight is that the granules hardly crumble, unlike many other foods.

I definitely recommend Brit for feeding large dogs!”

Reviews from veterinarians:

  • Maxim, veterinarian with 5 years of experience:

“Brit is produced in Europe and has quality certificates. I think this food is universal. The protein content in almost all feeds exceeds 40%, which is the optimal indicator for any animals. The composition contains a rich vitamin complex.

The advantage of the line is the division according to the age and size needs of dogs, as well as the availability of diets for allergy sufferers, neutered and hyperactive dogs.”

Reviews from owners on forums:

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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