Important and necessary information about Maine Coon kittens

A Maine Coon kitten is an amazing combination of impressive appearance (the largest among domestic cats) and a friendly disposition, regal bearing and playfulness, the image of a hunter and the disposition of a homebody. All these qualities appear at a very early age. You need to choose a kitten carefully, knowing exactly for what purpose the animal is being purchased. Caring for a Maine Coon is not very difficult, and the return - love and devotion to the owner - lasts a lifetime.

Tips for choosing

Meikoons are especially loved for their impressive size: cats reach up to 8 and even 10 kilograms. Cats are smaller. Like any other animals, Maine Coon kittens differ from each other in character, breed quality, and color. The most important thing is to choose an honest breeder and correctly identify the breed, without accidentally buying a mixed breed. Maine Coon is a native breed; they are not crossed with other species, which means that purebred kittens are expensive and are of interest to scammers.

If an animal is purchased for exhibitions, then purebredness is one of the most important qualities; a cat will simply be disqualified for being a crossbreed.

It is important!

When creating a Maine Coon diet for 1-1.5 months, you should know that:

  • You can’t give canned cat food;
  • Do not feed babies sausage;
  • Little kittens do not digest cow's milk well, so replace it with soft cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cream, sour cream.
  • If you give an egg, separate the white from the yolk. The cat will like the yolk as a source of vitamin E, but it is better not to give it the white. This product is best used to stop diarrhea. Better yet, replace the chicken yolk with quail yolk;
  • Give vegetables and fruits fresh or boiled, but not pickled or salted;
  • It is useful to pamper your pet with sprouted oats, barley, wheat, and young nettle shoots;
  • You can diversify your diet with mineral supplements. If you don’t know which vitamins are best to choose, then contact your veterinarian.

So, in order for your pet to make you happy year after year, it is important to organize proper nutrition for your Maine Coon kitten. In our article, we tried to explain to you how to feed a Maine Coon cat. Doing this is actually not difficult if you know the basic rules that we told you. We hope our work was not useless.


How to proceed when choosing a kitten?

  1. Read articles and books about the breed, visit cat shows, chat with owners and cattery owners. The larger the exhibition, the better the quality of the animals.
  2. The best thing is to study the breed standard according to felinological systems: TICA, WCF, CFA.
  3. Immediately give up the idea of ​​buying a Maine Coon at the market or from someone else.
  4. Compare the cost of kittens: real Maine Coons cannot be cheap.
  5. You should definitely visit the nursery where the cats live and are raised and take a closer look at them.
  6. Look not at the color of the coat, but at its quality: a purebred Maine Coon in any color looks luxurious, its coat is silky, and grows densely.
  7. It is necessary to independently check the kitten for the absence of diseases, carefully examine it: there should be no discharge from the eyes and nose, the fur is smooth and silky, the kitten is playful.

It is recommended to buy a kitten at the age of three to three and a half months.

Distinctive features for a Maine Coon kitten: a “box” muzzle, tufts on the ears, a long tail.

Character and habits

Large ginger cats look stern and angry, but appearances are deceiving. Maine Coons are affectionate, easy-going, and delicate. They love their owners immensely and get along with children and other pets without any problems.

The cat is patient with children's pranks and rarely releases its claws, only if it senses obvious danger, or if the child allows himself to mock the animal.

Maine Coons are not typically annoying, making them excellent pets for busy people. While the owner is not at home, the Maine Coon does not get bored and finds something exciting to do. It is advisable to purchase a play corner and a lot of toys for your pet. However, a long separation from its beloved owner is stressful for a cat.

The Maine Coon shows moderate activity: he is playful, but will not refuse to lie down in a cozy place. Cats are most active up to 5 years old, then they become calmer and phlegmatic.

ATTENTION! Maine Coons are excellent mousecatchers. Moreover, their hunting passion does not dry up as they age.

Positive character traits of Maine Coons:

  • friendliness;
  • lack of aggression;
  • accuracy;
  • patience;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • the ability to adapt to the master's mood.

Maine Coons are highly intelligent; they understand very well what is allowed and what is not. They will not play around, scratch things, steal food, because they know that the owner will not like it.

INTERESTING! Maine Coons communicate with humans not only by meowing and sign language, but also make sounds atypical for cats, similar to bird singing and chirping.


Since Maine Coons are a show-class breed, their breeders are very attentive to where the kittens go, how they plan to keep them and in what capacity - for breeding, for exhibitions, for themselves.
You can find a cattery through a cat club, on the Internet, or at exhibitions.

You can wait for the kittens to arrive by booking them in advance. Catteries usually have their own Internet - a resource where information about all cats, cats, matings, exhibitions, and connections with foreign breeders is indicated. Professional breeders are interested in acquiring new animals every two to three years.

If the same animals constantly mate with each other, and there is no influx of new blood, it means that the owner makes money from breeding and selling, and he is not interested in improving the quality of the breed. A professional breeder will definitely invite the future buyer to the nursery, show all the animals, and help with choosing a kitten. If the weight of the male cat has been declared, you can ask for a control weighing - this is a normal procedure.

Before purchasing a kitten, you must find out whether the nursery is registered in the felinological system; this is a guarantee of purebred animals.

There are nurseries in apartments and outside the city. Even if it is located far from the city, it is better to visit it. When purchasing, an agreement will be concluded between the buyer and the seller on how the animal is planned to be used, how it can and cannot be crossed, and how the matings will take place. Nurseries provide all documents for kittens.

About food…

A 1-month-old kitten can already move to a new owner. But he needs to thoroughly find out what to feed a Maine Coon at 1 month. This is very important, since growth largely depends on its diet.

The first thing you need to do when adopting a kitten is find out what the previous owner fed it.

Remember that for about a week to the first ten days you need to feed your Maine Coon the same food that he was given before. A sudden change in food can have a bad effect on the health of the fluffy.

If previously the Maine Coon ate mainly only mother's milk, then in a month or a month and a half it can be replaced with ten percent cream . Over time, make your Maine Coon's diet more varied. Start giving your baby:

  • beef;
  • chicken (fillet);
  • yolk (twice a week will be enough);
  • cottage cheese (it should not be too fatty, sweet or salty, without fruit or any other additives);
  • sea ​​fish;
  • rice and buckwheat porridge, as well as oatmeal porridge;
  • greens - parsley, dill, celery;
  • vegetables (it’s better not to give potatoes yet).


The price for a kitten of this breed depends on its status . There are three groups of animals that differ in cost:

  1. Show class.
  2. Brit class.
  3. Pet class.

The first category is animals intended for participation in exhibitions.
They cost more than all the others. The price can reach 100 thousand rubles.

The future owner of a Maine Coon pays this amount for a quality animal that meets the breed standards.

It has a purebred pedigree and will be able to exhibit and receive awards. It is used for mating.

The second group are female kittens suitable for breeding. They can produce show class offspring. They cost 30-35 thousand rubles. These cats have slight deviations from the standards, for example, too long or short hair, incorrect color or eye color. This does not affect their ability to exhibit and receive awards at shows.

The third group is exclusively pets for the home . They are the cheapest - 15-20 thousand rubles. They have many deviations from the breed standard and therefore cannot participate in exhibitions. They will not be used for mating either. But they possess all the other advantages of the breed - appearance, character - and therefore will become wonderful pets.

What else affects the price?

  1. The most expensive will be a kitten under 4 months of age.
  2. Cats are more expensive than cats.
  3. Unusual colors are more expensive.
  4. Mental abilities of the breed.

The intelligence of Maine Coons is absolutely consistent with their appearance and size.
These cats are considered real philosophers.

They think well, learn easily, and are capable of contemplation.

Their actions are logical, they are able to perform conscious actions (the same qualities are attributed to some types of dogs, for example, border collies and Labradors). Maine Coons have a very good memory, they can remember many words and commands.

They are well versed in intonation, distinguish human speech, its nuances, gestures and even understand glances. Maine Coons are called thinkers because they are able to remain in a state of peace and observation for a long time. Cats are not isolated from kittens even in the first minutes of their birth. Male Maine Coons actively participate in the life of their offspring, in raising and playing with kittens.

How to distinguish it from an ordinary cat?

It is sometimes difficult for a non-professional to distinguish a purebred animal from a mongrel cat. What to pay attention to in this case, here are the characteristic features of the breed:

  1. Maine Coons are larger than regular kittens. On average, a newborn weighs 100-150 grams, and regular kittens weigh 80-100 grams.
  2. The Maine Coon kitten is more active and stronger than ordinary cats.
  3. By three months, an animal of this breed already weighs on average about 2 kilograms for girls and 2.5 for boys. Simple cats at this age weigh no more than one and a half kilograms.
  4. The coat is thicker and fluffier than that of ordinary kittens.
  5. The body is large, the head is massive.
  6. The tail is thick, the paws are impressive, sometimes even at a young age you can see tufts of hair between the toes - a characteristic feature of Maine Coons.
  7. A purebred kitten has at least 4 generations of ancestors in its pedigree.

Below are photos of purebred kittens.

Additional characteristics of the Maine Coon breed

Additional external signs of a true Maine Coon include tufts on the ears, the presence of hair between the toes and a luxurious tail. If a kitten's tassels have not grown at 2-3 months of age, they will no longer exist. But this does not discard him from breeding and does not close the way to diplomas at exhibitions.

Friendliness and sociability

An adult Maine Coon is truly responsive, friendly and attached to its owner. But this is not a unique sign that indicates the “purity” of the breed.

Love for water

Unlike ordinary cats, Maine Coons love water. They swim without being forced and at the same time snort contentedly, which shows their owner their pleasure. If a pet is afraid of water, it probably has a mixture of other breeds in its genes.

Amazing baby

The popularity of the Maine Coon breed was brought by an unusual kitten with a human face. A two-month-old cat named Valkyrie has attracted the attention of users all over the Internet. The owners posted a video and photographs online showing a face that is surprisingly human-like. “It’s as if a person was imprisoned in a cat’s body,” this is how they spoke about Valkyrie. The video received over a million views, going viral and becoming memes. The unusual color of the Valkyrie - “black smoke” - added even more mystery to this cat.

Popular colors

The breed standard recognizes all colors except chocolate, brown, lilac and fawn. The most popular color of the Maine Coon is the red tabby tabby. This is a bright red animal with a clear pattern that looks like a marble pattern.

“Tabby” (brindle) implies the presence of stripes on the body.

Black tabby and black tabby are also popular colors among Maine Coons. Smoke colors (white root and colored tip) are also very common.

Height and weight by month

Newborn kittens weigh up to 120 grams; by the end of the first month of life, kittens weigh up to 600 grams, males - up to 800.
By the end of the second month, females weigh about 1.3 kg, males - up to 1.5 kg.

At 3 months, kittens usually double their size: females - up to 2.4 kg, males - up to 3.6 kg.

At 4 months, girls weigh up to 3.6 kg, boys - up to 3.9 kg. By six months, the kitten’s growth slows down, females reach from 2.8 to 4 kg, males from 3 to 4.5 kg. By 8 months, the Maine Coon adds about 1.5 kg to its weight. At 9 months, cats weigh up to 6 kg, males - up to 7 kg. At 10-11 months, the weight of girls is up to 7 kg, boys - up to 7.5 kg. By the age of one year, kittens can reach 8 - 9 kg.

Changing teeth

Kittens' teeth change quite painfully and unpleasantly for others - the animal begins to gnaw on everything and experiences discomfort. This usually occurs at 6 months, but can happen later, at 9 months. At this age, baby and permanent teeth are adjacent. Just like in humans, teeth first become loose and then fall out. Baby teeth need to be removed.

It is necessary to inspect the animal’s gums while changing teeth. If ulcers and suppuration appear, you need to show your pet to a veterinarian.

Remedies that relieve pain when changing teeth:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil.
  2. A solution of oak or chamomile bark.
  3. Yarrow solution.

For purebred animals, the process of the appearance of new teeth is very important: at this moment, a bite is formed, one of the breed standards. If it is violated, the cat will lose its exhibition qualities. Therefore, it is important not to leave your pet to its own devices during this period, but to monitor how the teeth are changing and, if there is any problem, go to the doctor.

What do they look like?

Since this breed is quite famous, lovers of such pets often communicate on forums, share experiences, ask something, and tell something themselves. They also post photos of their pets by month, including photos of one-month-old kittens. So, if you decide to adopt a kitten at this age, then finding out approximately what he will look like is not a problem.


In the first months of life, kittens need milk in large quantities; the mixture can be purchased at pet stores.

Goat milk is allowed. In the first month, the kitten should eat about six times a day, in small portions.

It is better to ask the cattery what kind of food the cats eat and stick to that diet. Grown-up kittens are fed meat and vegetables.

Animals under 6 months of age need to be fed four times a day. The diet includes vegetables, cottage cheese and whey.

Adult cats - from one year old - are fed with specialized food:

  1. "Royal Canin" for Maine Coons.
  2. "Bosch Sanabelle Grande" for large breeds.


The best set of vitamins for cats of this breed is found in fish oil, eggs, dairy products, and tomatoes. For healthy skin, give cabbage, liver, and yeast products. Vegetables and fruits will boost your cat's immunity. With the help of natural vitamins, you can balance your pet’s diet so that he gets the maximum benefit from his food.

But to maintain health, you also need special products that contain zinc, copper, manganese, and iron. Pet stores offer vitamin complexes with taurine. They improve vision and digestion. For good skin and coat condition, vitamin complexes with biotin are given. The animal also needs calcium, vitamin B6, A, B and D.

Changes in the feeding diet of Maine Coon kittens at 3-4 months

At this age, the kitten usually still lives with the breeder, which means that it periodically cuddles with the mother cat, receiving additional nutrients and strengthening its immunity.

However, kittens also receive more abundant and varied complementary food in preparation for moving to new homes. During the month, the menu of kittens on natural food is replenished with the following products:

  • vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, carrots);
  • greens (optional);
  • fish (only low-fat sea fish);
  • cream (8-10 percent) and butter;
  • cereals.

The daily diet of a 2-month-old Maine Coon thus includes:

  • 130 g of meat or fish (fish is given instead of meat 1-2 times a week);
  • 40 g vegetables
  • 40 g of dairy (cream, butter) or fermented milk (sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese) products;
  • 15 g of dry cereal, soaked or boiled in water.

IMPORTANT: At this age, the kitten is growing rapidly and its needs may exceed average norms. If there are no signs of poor digestion (diarrhea, constipation, bad breath, bloating), then you should not limit the kitten’s food intake.

Let him eat more than normal, if only for the benefit!

Moreover, the cat’s milk supply begins to decrease, and the kittens begin to receive less and less nutrients from their usual source.

The coonlings are fed 4-5 times a day. If it is clear that the kitten remains hungry after feeding, the portion is increased, maintaining the ratio of the main components.

Vitamin and mineral supplements are given only after consultation with a veterinarian.

If the kitten receives ready-made food, then the main recommendation is still to monitor its condition and select food suitable for kittens. By 4 months, the kitten can completely switch to dry, unsoaked food. And usually this happens by itself. It’s just that the kittens begin to show an active interest in their mother’s bowl. And they happily try to gnaw on the crunchy pieces, eating more and more each time.


The first vaccination is given at the age of two months. This is a complex against:

  1. Viral infections.
  2. Tracheitis.
  3. Chlamydia.
  4. Pailenkopenia.

To prevent the body from being overloaded with vaccines, a special vaccination schedule is prescribed. The first - up to a year.

It is necessary to vaccinate a kitten before three months and after eight months, since from 4 to 7 months, during the period of teeth change, the animal’s immunity will be weakened, and it does not need to be undermined by vaccines. Vaccinations are given only to healthy animals, before which an anthelmintic is given. 10 days before vaccination, the cat is treated against fleas and ticks. The second vaccination occurs along with the rabies vaccination. A doctor must administer the vaccine.


On the one hand, Maine Coons are freedom-loving and independent and do not lend themselves to drill or “dog” training, on the other hand, they are very smart and trainable animals.
At an early age, the kitten is taught to use a litter tray and scratching post.

In further training, the method of prohibitions and rewards is used. Spanking, beating, or any physical punishment against these cats is excluded. Maine Coons are humane, they must know their owner as a source of affection. You can use a spray bottle of warm water to teach prohibitions.

When a cat scratches something that is not allowed or climbs onto a forbidden object, it is lightly sprayed with water, creating discomfort. You can use odors that are unpleasant for your pet, for example, citrus, by treating them, for example, with curtains that are torn or torn by a cat. You can train your Maine Coon using your favorite food, encouraging him to perform various actions, or through play.

Types of red colors

Maine Coons have red fur that comes in different shades and color combinations.


The darker and richer red coat comes in several varieties:

  1. Solid – uniform dark red or “brick” color. The muzzle, limbs and tail may be decorated with vague patterns.
  2. Brindle - stripes or spots of a darker shade are visible on the red body.
  3. Smoky - each hair is transversely divided into two shades: the base is lighter, the tip is darker red.
  4. The red and white color is bicolor - the number of white and red areas of the coat is approximately the same, van - almost the entire body is white, only the ears, head and tail are red, harlequin - several red spots are chaotically scattered throughout the body.


A lighter, pastel version of the red color. It is also called peach. Like red pets, peach ones have blurry patterns on the body, limbs, head, and tail. There are practically no Maine Coons with a pure, solid red coat.

If the patterns are clearly visible, the color is called tabby. If the hairs are white at the base, then the color is called cream-silver (or cream on silver). There are smoky individuals in which the patterns practically do not appear, but the hairs at the base are light. Peach bicolor cats are red with white spots.


The Maine Coon, like any pet, needs to be carefully looked after and monitored for the pet’s health. A set of simple steps for care:

  1. Vaccinate once a year against rabies, calcivirosis and other diseases.
  2. Treat for fleas and ticks.
  3. Brush about twice a week, more often during shedding periods. Bath several times a month.
  4. Examine your teeth and gums for tartar buildup or other problems. If necessary, see a veterinarian and add vitamins to the diet.
  5. Examine your eyes and wipe them daily with a clean piece of cotton wool. If discharge appears, wipe with a weak tea solution. If necessary, contact a specialist.
  6. Use spacious trays with filler, preferably wood. Keep them clean at all times.
  7. Communicate and play with the animal more often.

Natural nutrition

Many owners believe that it is correct to feed the Maine Coon homemade food. But any food from the human table will be harmful to the pet and even dangerous due to its content of fats, salts and seasonings.

Meat menu

Maines, who acquired carnivorous instincts on American farms, retained their meat tastes. For carnivores, meat products are the main dietary ingredients, accounting for more than 50% of the daily diet. It may include veal, beef, and a variety of game. Any boiled offal will be useful. Such as liver, heart, kidneys. Raw meat is well frozen before consumption by animals to prevent infection with worms.

Fish menu

Fish, as a source of fatty acids, is very useful for maines, but in limited quantities, no more than 2 times a week due to the threat of deposits in the kidneys. River fish is not recommended to be included in the diet; it contains many small bones and is often infected with helminths.


Milk is good for kittens; it is easily digestible. For adult coons, it is better to use fermented milk products in their diet, but in small quantities up to 4 times a week. You can diversify your diet with kefir, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream; a piece of cheese or butter will be useful.


Cereals of rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, wheat contain a complex of minerals and fiber necessary to strengthen the body of large maines. Porridge is cooked from them in water and mixed with meat.

Vegetables and greens

The daily diet includes boiled or raw vegetables. Carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, and beets, rich in vitamins and microelements, are included in the menu, mixed with cereals and meat products. The variety of vegetables is chosen according to the pet’s liking. Don't forget to add greens to your cat's diet. Grass is specially grown for cats, as are sprouted cereals such as wheat and oats.


Eggs, especially their yolks, are a source of many vitamins. To avoid allergic reactions, include the yolks of any eggs in the Maine Coon's diet, mixing with cottage cheese, but not often, up to 2 times a week is enough. The quail egg does not need to be boiled and can be eaten together with protein.


Water should be filtered, preferably bottled, in unlimited quantities. Pour fresh liquid into a large, stable container, in an area with constant accessibility, not far from the main food.


For large Maine cats kept on homemade natural food, it is imperative to strengthen the bones and the whole body by including additional vitamin and mineral complexes:

  • Cat-Mineral Tabs in the form of daily tablets;
  • Beaphar, delicious and healthy vitamins from Holland;
  • POLIDEX, a glucosamine supplement from the UK.

Prohibited Products

When organizing a natural diet for Maine cats, it is imperative to exclude some harmful foods:

  1. Small river fish and chicken bones so that the cats do not damage their stomachs.
  2. Fatty raw meat carries a risk of acquiring worms.
  3. Potatoes are a starchy vegetable that causes diarrhea.
  4. Legumes are difficult for the stomach to digest.
  5. Smoked meats and pickles in any form cause harm to internal organs.
  6. Sweets and confectionery products lead to obesity.
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