All important and necessary information about Yorkshire Terrier puppies

To prevent a Yorkie in your home from becoming a disappointment, a cause of irritation and dissatisfaction, you need to know as much as possible about this breed before it appears in your home. A cute tiny dog ​​is not a toy, but a living creature with its own needs and character.

Caring for a Yorkshire Terrier is the same as for any other breed; all necessary procedures must be outlined from the first days of its life with its owner. This is a guarantee of the pet’s healthy longevity and its harmonious coexistence with its household members.

There may be slight differences in the general rules of care depending on the class of the dog (pet, breed or show class).

What should the owner know?

York is, although very small, but a terrier. And his character is appropriate: he is an energetic, lively dog, smart and inquisitive. Yorkshire Terriers were originally bred in England in the 18th century, based on local species.

Read also: Characteristics of the Yorkshire Terrier

The peculiarities of the breed were that small dogs were not only companions, but also successfully hunted rats and mice. Therefore, they were kept in houses, estates and factory floors.

Over time, this function was abolished, but the hunting spirit remained, and the future owner should know this - in particular, control his terrier on walks.

The appearance of the dog requires a lot of attention. Even if the owner does not intend to exhibit and breed the animal, it needs to regularly comb its fur, periodically wash it, cut it, etc.

Caring for a Yorkshire Terrier necessarily includes visits to a veterinarian, a groomer, and, if necessary, a dog handler. These specialists bring the dog into proper shape, monitor its health, help choose the right food and equipment, and solve behavioral issues.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Pedigree is not necessary if the terrier will not be shown in the arena and will not participate in breeding. But a passport containing all necessary vaccinations is required. Without it, the owner will not be able to take the dog with him to another country or even cross the borders of the region.

When purchasing a mini Yorkshire terrier, the owner must initially exclude breeding for females: they will not be able to bear viable offspring and successfully give birth. Reproduction is carried out by mini terrier males, which are bred to standard Yorkie females.

How to choose?

Charming newborn Yorkies look touching and cause great delight. But, before choosing a family friend, try to put all emotions aside and make a decision while maintaining clarity of mind.

A small selection of photos of babies.

Breeder's choice

Not all breeders are equally conscientious. Some breed dogs solely for profit and do not care at all about the health of the puppies. Before purchasing, you should visit several nurseries, paying special attention to:

  • the conditions in which the dogs live;
  • availability of veterinary passports, vaccinations and brands;
  • parents of puppies and their characteristics;
  • breeder behavior. He must answer all questions, tell in detail about the puppies and their parents, provide all the necessary documents;
  • reputation of the nursery and reviews about it.

If the breeder does not want you to come to him and offers to bring the puppy to your home, feel free to look for another offer: a responsible seller has nothing to hide.

Character and behavior of puppies

Yorkies begin to be sold at 2-3 months of age. But it is considered optimal to take a puppy home at the age of 3.5 – 4 months. By this time, the baby should be able to feed independently, move confidently, and have the necessary vaccinations. Observe the behavior of small dogs: they should be playful and cheerful, friendly to you and each other.

After eating, puppies may be lethargic and sleepy, so assessing their emotional state will be difficult. Check with the breeder what time is best for you to arrive.

Active people are suitable for active, dominant puppies that stand out among their peers. Modest kids will fit perfectly into a family with a calm pace of life.


Carefully study the external characteristics of the puppy:

  • the nose should be black, cold and wet;
  • the eyes are dark and clear, without streaks or festering;
  • Yorkies' ears are erect from birth, but may droop during teething. If one ear falls forward, but it is elastic, it may rise over time;
  • the stomach should not be swollen, have pellets or peeling;
  • The gums are a rich pink color. Babies should have 2 canines and 6 incisors on the lower and upper jaw. Bite - scissor bite;
  • The puppy's coat is shiny, thick and soft. Irritation and peeling of the skin are not allowed;
  • Black color with golden splashes.

You should not buy a puppy with a non-standard color, even if the breeder assures that the coat will change color with age.

Frequency of walking

The duration of walks with your Yorkie depends on age and weather conditions. While the Yorkshire Terrier is less than 12 months old, 20 minutes a day is enough for him to satisfy all his physiological needs and get some fresh air.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Only a fully vaccinated puppy is allowed to go outside.

After a year, the Yorkshire Terrier walks at least twice a day. In warm weather, exercise lasts 1 hour or more, in winter – no more than 30 minutes. In cold weather, it is recommended to insulate your pet for promenades. Read about how to sew or knit an outfit for your pet here.

You need to walk your dog at the same time every day so that its biological clock is established.

This will make care easier and will have a beneficial effect on your pet’s health. A hyperactive dog is run out until it shows signs of fatigue, so that it does not develop vigorous activity in the apartment.

From an early age, the Yorkshire Terrier is taught to wash its paws after walks and, if necessary, inspect its fur for ticks. Piroplasmosis is a very insidious and dangerous disease, the seasonality of which has recently expanded significantly.

Interesting article: Australian Silky Terrier (Seal): photo, description of the breed, character and price of a puppy in Russia

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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You especially need to keep an eye on a girl whose age is approaching 10 months during walks: at this time the first heat occurs, and the dogs are prone to running away.

Walking is necessary not only for the Yorkshire Terrier to relieve itself and stretch its paws. An important part of walking is socialization. The puppy gets to know the world, gets to know its other inhabitants, which has a positive effect on its character.

This is interesting: Yorkies' first heat: how many days does it last and when does it start?

It is best to walk with other dogs in specialized areas, after making sure that they are healthy.


There are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the dog suffers from diarrhea. Symptoms appear: vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy, chills, high fever, pain.

If the diarrhea went away in one day, then most likely the reason was a spoiled product. You cannot feed the dog during the day; you only need to drink clean water. But if this continues for several days, your health worsens and other symptoms appear, then it’s time to take you to the hospital.

While jumping or jogging, a Yorkshire Terrier can get a dislocated kneecap. If your pet begins to limp, bend his paw, or whine when pressed, he urgently needs to be shown to a veterinarian. Tracheal collapse is a common occurrence in Yorkies; with this disease, it is also necessary to consult a specialist.

An allergic reaction or poisoning may cause shaking. The disease is manifested by increased salivation, lethargy, and lack of appetite. If complications occur, convulsions and loss of consciousness are possible. The patient should be given honey 2-3 times a week, a teaspoon of honey diluted with warm water. In case of a seizure, you need to give the dog an injection of five percent glucose.

A dog may also develop inflammation of the middle ear due to drafts, hypothermia, or after swimming. If the baby scratches his ears and shakes his head, this means that an inflammatory process has begun.

Physical exercise

When the dog’s walking routine is established, the owner develops the intensity of the activity so that the Yorkshire Terrier burns most of its energy outside the apartment.

This includes:

  • run;
  • aportation;
  • agility elements, etc.

It is not enough to simply let the dog off the leash, you need to engage with it: control the load, interest it in the activity, offer a game. The Yorkshire Terrier brings fetch with the same pleasure as large dogs. You can take your favorite toys for a walk for this purpose, not forgetting to wash them upon returning home.

This is interesting: Prevention of conjunctivitis in Yorkshire terriers

You should avoid jumping from heights: Yorkies have fragile bones. For the same reason, you should not play tug-of-war with them or pull something out of their mouths - teeth may break or the bite may be disturbed.

If your dog likes to jump, you need to choose (or build) low steps for this. Many Yorkshire Terriers love to dig holes when they are outdoors.

You should not encourage this activity; it is better to distract him. If a terrier runs around during a walk and shows signs of extreme fatigue, there is nothing wrong with carrying him to his home in your arms.

While the terrier is not walking, physical exercises are transferred to the home: toys and an individual place for the dog are needed, which can serve as a sports ground. To avoid injury, you need to remove small objects and house plants as much as possible, and block holes and cracks where your Yorkshire Terrier can get stuck.

List of required purchases

As stated earlier, you will need to purchase bedding, water and food bowls, and a diaper tray for your puppy. Also, if necessary, purchase the following things:

  • rubber mat for bowls;
  • drugs against parasites (fleas, worms, ticks);
  • summer suits (optional);
  • insulated overalls for the winter with boots (for an older dog);
  • overalls made of waterproof material in case of rain;
  • leash - tape measure;
  • muzzle;
  • harness;
  • collar;
  • bag - carrying;
  • dry food for small breed puppies (fed by the breeder);
  • special treats;
  • toothpaste for dogs (you can use children’s toothpaste without fluoride and mint);
  • children's toothbrush;
  • collapsible enclosure (if necessary);
  • small scissors with rounded ends (for cutting hair between toes);
  • nail clipper;
  • latex and soft toys;
  • balm - rinse aid;
  • shampoo for puppies or dogs with long hair;
  • latex rubber bands;
  • iron comb - a brush with curved teeth (“slicker”);
  • iron comb “comb”;

You can purchase cotton swabs for cleaning ears and tweezers for plucking hair from the auricle.

Nuances of care

Features of keeping a Yorkshire Terrier depend on:

  • age;
  • condition;
  • and even gender.

The complex includes hygiene, nutrition, vaccinations, haircuts, etc. If the procedures are carried out correctly, this will not cause much trouble, and the dog will accept all manipulations normally.

For newborn puppies

In the first days of life, his mother takes care of the Yorkie puppy: she feeds and licks it, turns it over and makes sure that the children do not crawl out of the bed. With mother's milk, small Yorkshire terriers receive barrier immunity and everything necessary for the growth of the body.

Types of puppies

A litter born from two standard representatives of the breed may produce standard puppies or the so-called mini, super-mini and baby-face Yorkies, which differ from the standard ones in weight and have a shorter muzzle with an upturned nose.

Also, puppies can belong to such varieties of Yorkshire terriers as Russian Saloon, Goldust, Chocolate or Biro, but this can only happen as a result of targeted breeding work .

Basic content rules

A good owner will have a healthy, well-fed and clean Yorkshire Terrier, with a beautiful, well-groomed coat. The Yorkie should have his own bed or other individual place (for small puppies, you can put a crate or carrier so that they can rest there and sneak toys inside). You should not allow your pet to climb into places where people sleep.

The toilet problem in puppies is solved with the help of absorbent diapers, which are placed in the place that he chooses. There are also special trays for small dogs.

But the owner must be prepared for “unauthorized” puddles and piles: emotional Yorkies may wet themselves with joy when the owner returns or poop from fear. By the age of one year, the Yorkshire Terrier usually fulfills all its needs while walking. Read about how to properly toilet train a Yorkie in this article.

The equipment must be suitable for the dog in size and weight, as well as food and drinking utensils. Dimensions gradually increase as the Yorkshire Terrier matures. Household items must be clean.

Features of the Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire terriers have a penetrating, hypnotizing gaze that expresses sincere loving feelings for the owner, and also forces a person to follow the dog’s lead. He will definitely blackmail you with a sad mood. He often gets sad if he didn’t take a walk, didn’t want to play with him, didn’t pay attention, didn’t get a treat.

The power of the gaze can also be felt by accustoming him to goodies, he will remember where they are stored and after which they are given. These are various bones, sausages and dried, dried varieties for dogs, he is crazy about them. A master simulator, he is able to attract attention and force the owner to fulfill his whim.

Yorkie food

They begin to feed the Yorkie from the moment he is 3 weeks old: he is given milk porridge with rice or buckwheat. Other cereals are not recommended; they are poorly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract of dogs.

After another week, the Yorkshire Terrier can already eat from a bowl, and the menu is supplemented with cottage cheese, pureed soups, ground chicken or lean beef, eggs - in the form of an omelet or raw yolk.

At 3-4 weeks, complementary foods are introduced. You should start with milk porridges. At about a month old, the puppy should be able to eat different types of food from a bowl. At this age, he is given lean meat (chicken or beef), eggs, soups and cottage cheese.

The owner of a mature Yorkshire terrier must decide what to feed his pet - dry food (option - soft canned food and pouches) or natural food. The first is for busy people; they are selected according to the age needs of the Yorkie.

But food for small dogs, even premium ones, cannot replace natural food. The ideal composition of such a diet is half animal proteins (beef or chicken), the rest equally grains and vegetables.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Cook the porridge with meat and fresh vitamin supplements daily and serve it warm. You can't salt your terrier's food!

Yorkie eats for 20 minutes, after which the bowl is removed. This not only disciplines the pet, but also allows you to find out its appetite and food needs.

Useful for the Yorkshire Terrier:

  • liver;
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, sour cream);
  • eggs;
  • pieces of vegetables, fruits (cleans teeth well).

It is necessary to separate food and treats. The main rule of dog breeding is that the animal’s main diet should be monotonous. Its task is to saturate. And the treat works as a reward in the process of training and education.

When is weaning from the mother?

You need to take into account the condition of the bitch and the behavior of the puppies - when the puppies are cutting teeth and growing claws, the bitch may experience unpleasant and painful sensations during feeding. This indicates that it is time to wean the puppies.

Most often, puppies are separated from their mother when they are 50-60 days old. Moreover, if the bitch has problems with lactation and there is not enough milk, this can be done at 3 weeks.

Vaccination calendar

The first vaccination for a small terrier is given at 2 months, 10 days after deworming. To keep the dog healthy, all products are purchased only certified, preferably imported. Nobivak is considered the optimal vaccine.

Further vaccination is carried out with the same drugs. Quarantine between the first and second vaccination is 21 days.

The procedure is done at the veterinarian, the doctor outlines a schedule for further injections and explains what the Yorkshire Terrier can do in the meantime and what it cannot do. Sick dogs are not vaccinated. It is better not to bathe the animal before vaccination.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The vaccine label is affixed to the pet's passport indicating the date of vaccination.

Breed characteristics

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the smallest purebred dogs.

Coat and color

The Yorkie has a long, straight coat. The dog hardly sheds. The hair on the head is golden brown. The fur on the body has a dark steel-blue color. The terrier's fur on the chest is red-brown. The color intensity changes from roots to tips. The Yorkie's limbs are the same color as the head. Yorkie coat color does not always have standard characteristics. For example, a tan color can vary from too light to too dark. The terrier's body can be black or silver-gray. Some Yorkies have fur that reaches the floor, so it is customary to collect it in “tails” or cut it.


The dog's weight should not exceed 3.1 kg . This is the accepted standard for this breed.

The standard Yorkshire Terrier has a small flat skull and a short muzzle. The Yorkie's nose is black. The dog has erect V-shaped ears. Yorkies have a compact body, a straight back, and a strong loin.

The Yorkshire Terrier dog, despite its miniature size, has a bold and curious disposition. This dog is very loyal to its owner and behaves kindly with people. Doesn't conflict with other dogs either.

The terrier gets great pleasure from games. Dogs are very sensitive to their owner's mood and can adapt to it.

Where to buy and how much they cost

A real Yorkie cannot cost less than 30,000 rubles. If the ad shows a low price, it means there is a high probability of buying a mixed breed or a sick puppy. It is best to find a baby in a private nursery or from reputable breeders. Such breeders must be a member of one of the registered RKF clubs, if they do not have a canine education.

You can contact the following nurseries:

  1. Moscow mascot –
  2. Wild lion –
  3. Royal Present – ​​

Prices for Yorkies start from 30 thousand rubles and end in hundreds of thousands. Average cost in Russia: 34-77 thousand rubles. Before making your final choice, it is recommended to visit several breeders and nurseries. Don't be shy about asking them questions, because the most important thing is to get a puppy that is healthy and meets the standards. Losing a pet early can be very painful.

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