Collars for dachshunds: types, purpose, tips for choosing. Dog training collar

Dachshunds are small dogs, mostly short-haired, with a friendly disposition and easy to care for. Therefore, many city dwellers quite often have them as lap dogs. Features of their appearance include an elongated body, short legs, bulging muscular chest and sharp teeth. In appearance, she does not look at all like a small decorative breed dog. Therefore, a muzzle for a Dachshund, as well as other necessary accessories, must be selected individually, taking into account its anatomy.

Leather products

Leather collars look extremely aesthetically pleasing; they are chosen by owners who attach importance to the appearance of their pet. High-quality leather products have double or triple stitching, thanks to which they do not wear out for a long time.

When choosing a collar, you should look at its inner surface. There should be no threads or knots, these are signs of marriage. Poor-quality firmware can injure the animal’s skin.

The only significant disadvantage of such collars for dachshunds is their high cost. If the product is of high quality, it can cost several thousand rubles.

Collars with extension

This collar is designed for hyperactive dogs. Its design allows you to reduce pressure on the throat and does not choke the animal during sudden throws. The herring collar does not rub the neck. The product received this name because of its shape, reminiscent of a fish. It is used most often for hunting breeds.

The herring collar is recommended by all dog handlers specifically for dachshunds as a product that helps maintain the health of the dog’s spine.

Soft with clasp

This textile collar is available with or without a semi-automatic clasp. Thanks to the buckle, you can adjust the width of the neckline.

The product is convenient because it can be adjusted to the changing parameters of a growing dog. A special fastener (fastex) will eliminate the need to cut new holes as the pet grows older. When the puppy grows up, the collar can be changed to another.

Size table. Shoes for dogs.

SizeOutsole lengthsole widthNote
#14cm3.5cmShoes for mini dogs: up to 1.7 kg
Chihuahua, toy terrier, mini Yorkie, small breed puppies
#24.5cm4cmShoes for small dogs: up to 2.5kg
Yorkshire Terrier, Toy Terrier, Maltese, Japanese Chin, Pomeranian Spitz
#35cm4.5cmShoes for dogs: up to 4-5kg
Chinese Crested, Pug, Toy Poodle, Large Yorkie, Shih Tzu, Miniature Pinscher
#45.5cm5cmShoes for dogs:
miniature poodle, shih tzu, fox
#56cm5.5cmShoes for large dogs:
cocker spaniel, poodle

Chain collars for exhibition

If a dog participates in exhibitions, its owner often purchases a metal collar. The chain attracts the attention of viewers and emphasizes the attractive appearance of the dachshund.

To correctly calculate the length of such a collar, you need to add 5 cm to the neck circumference. The steel product is removed before swimming and other water procedures.

When choosing a collar, you should pay attention to its links; they should be made of high-quality alloy. Chemical impurities in metal can irritate the animal's skin and fur. It is desirable that the links be welded, then they will withstand strong jerks. If there are gaps in them, dog hair can get in there, causing injury.

Accessories for Dachshunds

Contents Dachshunds will not cause you much trouble. It also does not require significant financial investments. However, when purchasing equipment, it is imperative to adhere to breed-specific recommendations. In addition, the Rabbit Dachshund differs significantly in size and this must be taken into account. Let's talk in more detail about what a dog needs.


Dachshunds are usually very obedient and can be safely walked without a muzzle. You may need a muzzle in two cases:

  1. For safety reasons - for dogs with an explosive temperament. And among Dachshunds there are sometimes aggressive individuals who tend to bite.
  2. To correct behavior. Some pets love to pull their owner on a leash, while others try to eat everything that comes their way.

If you don’t want your dog to bite someone, and especially don’t want to look as if you are not walking the pet, but the dog is walking the owner, you should take a closer look at a halter or, as it is also called, a bridle collar. There are two types of such muzzles sold on the market:

  • halti from Halti;
  • halter from Gentle Leader and Trixie.

The former are worn together with another collar, while the latter are connected directly to the leash and do not require an additional collar. They have the same principle of operation. The halter attaches quite loosely to the animal’s face, allowing it to breathe fully, open its mouth and stick out its tongue. But when the leash is pulled, the mouth slams shut and the animal’s behavior is instantly corrected. Halters are absolutely safe for dogs.

A wide range of sizes allows you to choose a model for an adult pet, a puppy, or a dwarf dachshund. You can sew it yourself, from textiles.

Ordinary closed-type muzzles are also available for sale. They are made of plastic, tarpaulin, metal. Please note that a metal muzzle is not suitable in winter.

Dogs often try to get rid of them. To prevent this from happening, experienced dog breeders advise putting the strap under the collar and choosing the right size. Your pet's nose should just lightly touch the front mesh of the muzzle, and the strap should be positioned just behind the ears.

Don't buy a leather muzzle. The dog drools, the skin softens and stretches. Removing it will not be difficult for a smart pet.


From the first walks on the street, the puppy must be accustomed to a leash. Dachshunds are very strong, so the leash must be reliable - canvas or nylon, with a strong metal carabiner. It will last a long time even with frequent use.

Leather has the property of springing, stretching and therefore quickly breaks. It is only suitable for decorative purposes when you need to “go out” with your pet. The optimal length of a leather leash is 1.5 meters, a canvas leash is 2 meters. For training, you need a three-meter leash, and for exhibitions they make spectacular rings in the form of a loop of rope.

Do not use the tape measure as a leash under any circumstances, it is dangerous. On roulette you will not be able to control the dog, in addition, it will learn to pull you along with it.


Depending on the material, the following types of collars are made for Dachshunds:

  • leather;
  • metal;
  • textile - natural or synthetic (nylon, nylon).

Leather collars should not be too hard; they will rub your pet's neck. And too soft ones will begin to twist and bend. You need to choose leather of medium hardness.

Metal products are the most reliable. But it is better not to use them when it rains and in the cold season - their touch is painful and unpleasant for the dog.

A cobra chain, or otherwise a noose chain, is a metal chain of small links that fit tightly together. Used in dog training and at shows.

Textile collars are very soft and therefore suitable for puppies, as well as long-haired dogs, since they do not tangle the hair. But over time, they tend to stretch and therefore quickly fail.

Collars made of plastic and artificial leather electrify the fur and often break, as they are unable to withstand the load . They can only be worn for decorative purposes, for example, for a photo shoot.

When purchasing a collar, pay attention to the quality of the stitching and fittings. The rivets must be metal, since plastic ones are short-lived.

In addition, it is good if the collar has an additional ring for a medallion with the dog’s address details.

It is important that the collar is put on the dog correctly - between it and the Dachshund’s neck there should be space where two fingers can fit. This way it won’t fly off your head and at the same time will allow you to move and breathe freely.

Don't buy a harness for your Dachshund. It contributes to the appearance of elbows turned outward, and the back begins to “cuplate.” A harness spoils the dog's appearance and leads to health problems.

Regarding the shape of the collar, narrow ones are preferable to wide ones. Wide ones cause uneven distribution of the load on the spine. A narrow collar forces the dog to keep its back straight.

So-called herring collars are produced especially for Dachshunds. When unfolded, they are widened by half their length and resemble a fish. Especially recommended for long-haired and wire-haired varieties of Dachshunds.

Made from leather or canvas, they have a lot of advantages:

  • do not twist;
  • do not rub the skin;
  • do not damage wool;
  • allow the dog to hold its head high;
  • make it possible to properly drive and control your pet;
  • do not harm the cervical vertebrae;
  • reduce the risk of injury.

Separately, it should be said about puppies. You need to start accustoming him to a collar at 2-3 months of age. Initially, the collar is a textile ribbon. It is enough to tie it for half an hour a day. After two to three days, when the baby gets used to it, you can put on a fabric or soft leather collar. Then you should fasten the leash and walk around the apartment. When the puppy has fully adapted, you can go outside with him.

Dachshund puppies grow quickly, there is no point in buying them expensive collars.


Dachshunds don't need it. Walk your pet often enough and it will grow up healthy and hardened. If you really want to decorate him, buy or sew him an elegant blanket. But not the overalls. It spoils Dachshund's gait and disrupts the position of his front paws. And also, if you stay in it for a long time, your pet’s fur will deteriorate.

Bed for Dachshunds

Dachshunds choose beds according to their size and elongated shape. Then the dog can sit there comfortably.

They are sold as folding models that also hold their shape (filled with foam rubber). Homemade beds in the form of fleece blankets, children's flannel blankets, and so on are also suitable. Many pets prefer to sleep on the sofa.

It is important to raise your Dachshund correctly from puppyhood . Don't let her chew on everything. Owners often complain that their pets, largely due to natural curiosity, gut their beds. After all, it is interesting to find out what kind of filling is inside - foam rubber, padding polyester or something else.


Since the Dachshund is a burrowing dog, it loves to sleep in the house. She feels safe and comfortable in the shelter. In this matter she resembles cats. By the way, thanks to their compact size, cat houses will suit them. But you can also purchase a special house for Dachshunds or make it yourself. Please note the following points:

  1. The covers should be removable, this will make it easier to wash and care for the product.
  2. It is better if the fabrics are natural - cotton and linen in summer, wool in winter. This will reduce the risk of allergies in pets.
  3. Place a mattress in the house. Just make sure your dog doesn't chew it through. The filler is often foam rubber. There are models with buckwheat husks inside; they do not infest fleas.
  4. Dachshunds do not like drafts, so it is better to install the house at a distance from the floor, on a stand.

A house made by yourself will cost less. In addition, you can choose the shape and color so that it fits harmoniously into the interior of the apartment.


The dachshund prefers to be warm and cozy; it is an exclusively domestic breed of dog. Living in an enclosure is contraindicated for her . Dachshunds are freedom-loving, they will not be able to sit on a chain, and in an enclosure they can easily make a dig.

A few minutes is enough for a pet to dig a half-meter hole and run away.

And they also need communication like air. They are attached to their owner and require his constant attention.

Carrying for Dachshunds

Dachshunds are not decorative dogs that society ladies carry under their arms at various events. However, she may need a carrier to visit public places, such as shopping centers, and to travel on public transport. Leading a dog on a leash is uncomfortable, and holding it in your arms is difficult. The carrier will help make travel comfortable for you, your four-legged friend and those around you.

The carrier will also be useful for those who like to travel . With a dachshund you can travel both by train and by plane. For this you will need a veterinary certificate. You can only get it at a state veterinary clinic. A veterinary passport is sufficient for traveling around Russia.

Most airlines allow dogs whose weight together with the carrier does not exceed 8 kg in the cabin. Travel on the train is only allowed in compartments. In such cases, special requirements are imposed on carriers - they must match the size of the pet, have a special absorbent surface inside and must be closed. If you are checking your dog into the luggage compartment of an airplane, only a plastic container is allowed.

If you still have a puppy, be sure to take a bag with a reserve “for growth.”

There are many models of carriers - bags, backpacks, and even carts on wheels. Veterinarians do not recommend soft handbags without a hard bottom. But a box bag is perfect.

The size of the carrier should allow your Dachshund to lie down, stand up, and turn around. For the owner, the smaller the bag, the better. For a dog it’s the other way around. It is important to choose a middle ground.

Bags on wheels are convenient because you don’t need to carry them around. But they are not suitable for shy pets.

As for backpacks, the dog is always behind your back, its mobility is limited and this is not the best option at all.

Don’t go cheap - at best, a low-quality bag will simply come apart at the seams; at worst, the material may turn out to be toxic.

Black bags are easy to care for, but in hot weather they overheat and this can cause heatstroke in your pet. When purchasing, choose a model that can be easily disassembled for further washing. It should have a sufficient number of mesh windows for free air circulation. It is convenient when the carrier has pockets - you can store a leash, napkins, and veterinary documents in them when traveling. Just don’t put food there, as the smell of food will unnerve the dog.

Dog training collar

Such products are designed to correct the behavior of the animal. They can be:

  • lamellar - with short teeth, allowing you to train your pet;
  • wire - with long spikes, they are suitable for dogs with long hair; dachshunds do not need to wear them.

A strict collar for dogs (parfors) often causes controversy among dog breeders. Some consider it an inhumane means, others believe that there is no alternative to such a product if you need to teach an animal obedience.

Parfors are made from a metal chain with spikes; it has large links. From the outside it seems that the animal experiences pain when wearing such a collar, but instructors claim that this is a completely safe method for training.

Selection rules

When choosing a strict collar for a dachshund, you should take into account the diameter of the product and the length of its spikes. The diameter should exceed the neck circumference by several centimeters (usually 5 cm is recommended), but so that the pet does not throw off the collar. The parameter is measured below the ears, at the very throat, this is where the dog wears the “strogach”.

When purchasing a product, it is ideal to try it on your dog. It is also worth checking whether the links are fastened well and whether they will break with a sharp jerk. Parfors requires proper fitting, otherwise it will cause pain, irritation and unwillingness to obey in the animal.

Manufacturers produce collars for short-haired and long-haired breeds. Of course, for dachshunds you need to purchase the first option. Parfors with spikes with rubber tips at the ends are also sold. Such products cause pain to the dog when worn because the rubber teeth rub against his fur. This should be kept in mind, and such planers should only be used in exceptional cases with very naughty pets.

Equipment for puppies

A dachshund puppy is a restless and inquisitive creature. From 2-3 months he is accustomed to a leash and collar. To get the pet used to it, a textile ribbon is tied to it, in which it walks around the house every day for 20-30 minutes.

If within 2-3 days he does not show dissatisfaction, then a collar is fastened instead of a ribbon. For puppies, they are made from soft fabrics or delicate leather. There is no point in buying expensive collars, since the dachshund grows quickly, and they become too small for her.

A leash is then attached to the collar or a strong, but not too thin rope is tied. They walk around the apartment or house like this for a bit. After quarantine, this will help him quickly adapt to the equipment and go outside in it without fear.

Rules for using the “planer”

Parfors for a dog is a method of training it. It may be needed, for example, when a pet does not obey during a walk and pulls on the leash. You cannot use a strict collar for a long time, much less constantly.

To accustom your pet to the “grinder”, at first you should wear it for a short time at home. Training in such equipment should last no more than an hour. If you wear the product for a long time, it may irritate your dog's skin.

During a walk, if the animal tries to rush forward, you should briefly pull it by the “strach”. This will stop the pet and make it obey its owner. This way the dachshund will understand that he has done something inappropriate, and over time he will learn to behave correctly.

But you shouldn’t wear a “strogach” for every walk, so that the animal does not develop an association of pain and irritation associated with the street. In the worst case scenario, the dog may become fearful.

After training, it is worth removing the “stringer” from your pet to protect it from accidental injury. There are cases where dogs left unattended in such collars for long periods of time have seriously injured themselves, resulting in death.

If the dachshund has learned to be obedient, you can part with the “handler.” If everything is done correctly, the pet will obey the owner even in a regular soft collar.

Dog handlers emphasize that the use of a “stringer” is only a temporary measure, and it is necessary to teach an animal obedience even without the use of such a product.


As a rule, four-legged animals of this species have a calm character and obey their owner, so you can walk them without a muzzle. But it will be needed when the pet has an expressive character or loves to eat whatever comes in its way. Then a device is needed to prevent the animal from getting poisoned and biting someone.

To read: Retriever breed features and dog care, dog price

A good choice is a bridle that attaches independently or to a collar. Such halters are placed freely on the muzzle and do not interfere with breathing, protruding the tongue, or opening the mouth. But if you pull on the leash, the mouth will close and the animal will begin to behave calmer. It is absolutely safe, you can really choose a model for both a baby and an adult. In addition, a halter is easy to sew at home.

You can also choose a regular plastic, canvas or metal muzzle, but the latter should not be used in winter as it becomes cold and the tongue can stick to it. Some animals do not like unnecessary things they wear and try to get rid of them, so it is best to place the strap under the collar and choose a size no larger than necessary: ​​the nose should only slightly touch the front mesh, and the strap should be tightly behind the ears.

Many people do not recommend purchasing a leather item; this material softens and stretches from drooling, and the puppy can throw it off with his paws on his own.

Electronic collars

This convenient invention is available in various versions. All GPS collars are divided into:

  • Depending on the breed. Products with low weight have been developed for miniature decorative dogs (including dachshunds). Collars produced for hunting breeds are equipped with many useful functions.
  • Depending on the battery capacity. For hunting breeds, the charge volume should be greater than for decorative ones.
  • By set of functions. The most expensive devices have a wide range of functions that allow you to accurately track the minimum radius of your pet.
  • Depending on the purpose of use. GPS collars are divided into tracking devices and electronic leashes for training the animal.

GPS collars are very convenient and safe. With their help, you can find an animal if it suddenly gets lost. The product determines the location using online navigation via a satellite communication system. The current location is displayed on the device that comes with the collar, or on your phone and computer.

The GPS tracker is combined with a mobile device and transmits data via a SIM card.

What to consider when choosing?

When choosing an electronic collar for a dog, you should take into account the breed and purpose of the device. The technical characteristics of each model are different. They differ:

  • area covered by the territory;
  • battery capacity;
  • the presence of a vibration signal;
  • the dimensions of the device itself;
  • presence of a panic button.

The functionality and cost of an e-collar vary depending on the model. Before purchasing, you should clearly understand why exactly this device is being purchased.

When putting the product on a dog, you should secure it to the animal as securely as possible. It is also worth considering the battery life and range of the device.

Opinions of dog breeders Reviews about GPS collars are the most controversial. Some owners are happy with the device, others consider it a useless device. Such collars are often purchased by owners of dogs participating in hunting. The devices help track the location of a pet in the forest where there is no mobile connection. The device will also be useful for dachshund owners who often go to the countryside and let their pet roam freely. As a rule, owners are very satisfied with the collar, provided that it is of high quality.

It must be said that such products do not have a small price at all and it varies from 2,000 to 90,000 rubles. Negative reviews relate mainly to low-budget models that do not cope with the declared functionality and do not help owners quickly find their dog. So if there is a need to purchase a GPS collar, you should not save, otherwise you may purchase a completely unnecessary item.


The following details are important in toys for dachshunds:

  1. Strength;
  2. No small or plastic parts;
  3. Durability;
  4. Safe materials that do not fade;
  5. Washable or washable.

All kinds of balls, rings, and ropes are suitable for street games. At home, dachshunds enjoy playing with rubber ducks and hippos. You can buy soft toys, but give them to your dog only under supervision.

Can I wear a harness?

Some dog breeders wonder: what is better - a harness or a collar for a dachshund? This question is very serious. The harness allows you to replace the collar. But a dog dressed in such equipment can freely pull its owner in the direction it needs, without experiencing any obstacles.

Dog handlers are categorically against the use of harnesses for dachshunds. This version of the collar leads to disturbances in the position of the paws, turning them outward. This, in turn, deforms the spine and can cause serious illness.

While wearing a harness, the dachshund constantly stretches its neck. And this is harmful, especially for young individuals. The dog will get used to keeping its neck close to the ground, this will ruin its appearance, as defined by breed standards. In this case, the dachshund's back will take on the shape of a dome, and the load will be distributed incorrectly.

What to do, is there an alternative? Of course have. Experts advise purchasing the previously described “herring” collar with a leash for dachshunds. Soft options are suitable for puppies, while adults can wear harder leather ones. Such collars will not harm the cervical vertebrae and will preserve the health of the four-legged animal.

How to decide on the size?

Dog collar sizes are labeled differently depending on the manufacturer. Also, different trading platforms may offer their own classification of goods.

To choose the right collar for your dachshund, you should measure the base of your pet's neck with a soft measuring tape. Don't pull it too tight. The index finger should fit between the neck and the band. The required length of the collar should exceed the obtained parameter by several centimeters.

Typically, collars with a length of 35-41 cm are suitable for dachshunds; the markings will vary depending on the manufacturer, as mentioned earlier. Collars for dachshund rabbits will be one or two sizes smaller. These miniature animals are much smaller than their ordinary counterparts.

We draw a conclusion

When deciding to purchase equipment for walking and training, it is important to remember one simple thing. You cannot replace a collar with a harness or a harness with a collar if we are talking about special sports (for sled dogs) or the breed characteristics of the pet (miniature animals).

If the animal constantly pulls on the leash, the risk of neck injury increases. And you should prefer a harness. But if the dog is large and prone to aggressive behavior, many experts recommend using a parfos (strict collar) to wean the pet from a bad habit.

In other cases, you need to be careful about raising your four-legged friend. Special attention should be paid to the OKD course (general training course).

If the dog is trained and calmly follows basic commands, does not pull on the leash and behaves adequately in public places, then any type of equipment can be used for walks.

A thoughtful attitude to the training process, as well as an analysis of the dog’s character, will allow the owner to choose the ideal type of equipment for a comfortable and exciting walk.

How to choose a collar for a dachshund?

In this process, it is worth listening to some recommendations:

  • When deciding on a collar, you should read the product description. The material of manufacture will be indicated there, which can be important.
  • All measurements should be made in advance, before purchase. Then you can compare the obtained figures with the product classification tables offered by the seller.
  • Reviews from other customers about a particular dachshund collar can often help. It would also be useful to listen to the seller’s advice.

By following the recommendations outlined in the article, the owner can easily choose the right collar for his dachshund.

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