Shortness of breath in dogs. What to do? Veterinary clinic in Serpukhov

Dyspnea is generally referred to as voluntary disturbances in the respiratory process, accompanied by the body’s natural reaction to the accompanying oxygen deprivation. In our article we will try to tell you how severe shortness of breath in a dog manifests itself and what needs to be done in the event of a sharp worsening of the animal’s well-being.

general information

First of all, this deviation should be distinguished from the normal state, when your pet simply breathes with an open mouth, which is due to the peculiarities of the organization of its respiratory process.

We are interested in cases of a pathological nature in which he exhibits severe shortness of breath resulting from a serious illness with a concomitant effect in the form of a syndrome. Such deviations cannot be self-diagnosed, and they cannot be treated at home.

If you notice any manifestations similar to shortness of breath, we advise you to immediately contact your veterinarian.


Characteristic manifestations of shortness of breath are:

  • increased movement of the chest/abdomen;
  • flaring of the nostrils;
  • breathing with an open mouth;
  • elbows widely spaced;
  • the neck is stretched forward;
  • noisy breathing.

In cases where shortness of breath is caused by life-threatening causes - pulmonary edema, pneumothorax, airway obstruction, the following symptoms can be observed:

  • the dog cannot breathe;
  • breathing is very shallow, frequent, so that chest movements are not visible;
  • stridor (“hoarse” loud breathing when inhaling);
  • change in color of mucous membranes - crimson/blue/gray.

With such symptoms, the dog needs emergency help.

Types of shortness of breath and their characteristic features

During significant physical exertion, the animal has to open its mouth wide, which allows it to quickly restore the functionality of its body and compensate for the loss of energy. Rapid breathing after a walk with running and frequent jumping is a completely normal phenomenon that should not cause concern. But cases when it occurs in a calm state are classified as symptomatic manifestations and should alert the owner.

In this situation, the most important thing is the current state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. When examining a dog or puppy, it is necessary to determine the nature of its breathing, for which you should learn to distinguish between concepts such as expiration and inspiration.

Expiration refers to the phenomenon of breathing in the form of short inhalations and long and very heavy exhalations, which are often incomplete. At the same time, unpleasant wheezing or muffled snoring may occur. All these sounds indicate a partial narrowing of the lower bronchial region due to asthma or bronchitis.

The inspiratory form of breathing involves either sharp short or heavy prolonged breaths, which can occur due to swelling of the respiratory tract, as well as after receiving minor injuries or getting foreign objects into them.

The mixed type of respiratory activity refers to particularly acute conditions in which both inhalation and exhalation are difficult; Moreover, all attempts to breathe normally are accompanied by strangled wheezing and coughing with spasms.


The following reasons for the development of shortness of breath are identified:

  • cardiac disorders (congenital/acquired heart defects, cardiomyopathies, neoplasms, hydropericardium);
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract (brachiocephalic syndrome, tracheal collapse, laryngeal paralysis, foreign body, infection);
  • diseases of the lower respiratory tract and lungs (infection, tumor, dirophyllariasis);
  • pathologies of the pleural space (hydrothorax due to cardiac pathologies, neoplasms, infection);
  • chest diseases/muscle pathologies (trauma, toxic, infectious damage);
  • other pathological conditions.

It should be noted that many different diseases that are not related to disruption of the heart and respiratory tract are also accompanied by shortness of breath. For example, an increase in the volume of the abdominal cavity and the resulting excess pressure on the diaphragm leads to the fact that the dog begins to breathe more often to ensure the delivery of oxygen to the lungs. Therefore, the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites) or dilation of the stomach leads to an increase in the respiratory rate.

Metabolic disorders (diabetic ketoacidosis, elevated body temperature, anemia) - all this can also cause shortness of breath.

If the pain is severe, the dog may also pant rapidly, but it may be quite difficult to detect other signs that the dog is in pain.

Dyspnea is always a pathological syndrome; during physical activity, a healthy dog ​​will have rapid breathing, but not difficulty. In some cases, shortness of breath can be a symptom of an urgent, that is, life-threatening condition, when the dog needs help urgently, within the next few hours.

Causes of deviations and their manifestations

General classification

The causes of shortness of breath may be the following types of past diseases and physiological disorders:

  • diseases caused by problems with blood circulation or cardiac dysfunction;
  • respiratory abnormalities that appear after accidental injuries, as well as infections and abnormalities in the functioning of the dog’s internal organs;
  • serious disturbances in internal metabolic processes;
  • obesity with symptoms manifested in a decrease in the animal’s endurance due to nutritional disorders;
  • and finally, postpartum dyspnea.

Let's look at each type of deviation in more detail.

The first two forms manifest themselves in fatigue when walking (the animal constantly feels the desire to sit or lie down, catch its breath properly and is almost unable to run). If there are metabolic disorders, toxins are not completely eliminated from the body, which has a detrimental effect on the circulatory system and can ultimately lead to diabetes in the dog.

In addition, with this form of deviation, damage to the genitourinary canal (toxicosis due to ongoing renal failure) and the dog’s liver may occur. It itself can be a consequence of complications after suffering from piroplasmosis, which immediately places the animal in a special risk group.

Consequences of physiological disorders

The consequence of all the considered deviations, in which a pet develops shortness of breath, can be heart failure in a particularly acute form and a low-grade inflammatory process. The same consequences may include such exacerbation as pulmonary edema.

Symptoms of shortness of breath

As a rule, breathing is disrupted in three parameters at once (frequency, depth and rhythm) - this is how the body signals a lack of oxygen.

Signs of respiratory failure:

  • noticeable effort on inhalation or exhalation;
  • the appearance of additional sounds (wheezing, whistling);
  • open mouth breathing;
  • excitement followed by depression;
  • unusual posture (an anxious animal stretches its neck and spreads its front paws, but cannot lie down);
  • paleness or cyanosis of the gums and lips.

Important! You need to know that external respiration is closely related to the activity of the circulatory system: that is why failure of breathing always leads to increased work of the heart muscle.

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Diagnosis of the disease

If there are clearly visible signs of fatigue and shortness of breath, the dog should undergo an ultrasound and x-ray examination, as well as urine and blood tests (including hormonal tests). In addition, a mandatory consultation with a veterinarian will be required, and, if necessary, an examination for the presence of small parasites with subsequent treatment.

If metabolic processes are disrupted, similar to the previous case, tests are immediately taken, an ultrasound scan is performed, and liver tests are also sent for examination. Obesity and postpartum shortness of breath, although considered completely acceptable, are often accompanied by fever, vomiting and poor coordination. The appearance of these signs in the postpartum period may be associated with large blood loss.

If postpartum shortness of breath is observed continuously over a number of days, you should urgently call a veterinarian at home. If you fail to act, these reasons can lead to death.

Emergency care for severe shortness of breath in a dog

Asthmatic attacks or wheezing in a dog with pneumonia can lead to suffocation within hours/minutes. Typically, to prevent edema and swelling of the mucous membranes, veterinarians prescribe antihistamines and, less commonly, steroids.

In the event of a sudden attack of severe shortness of breath or suffocation, you will have to take great risks, but there is no other way out, call the veterinarian and act:

  • We open the first aid kit and look for something to relieve swelling, even suprastin will do. In the absence of drops, for an average dog (5–8 kg), crush 1/2 tablet and rub under the tongue.
  • Open the windows, turn on the fan/air conditioner, and maximize air circulation in the room. Ideally, an oxygen mask is needed. We actively rub the chest, back, ears.
  • Inject immunostimulants (eg Gamavit) as quickly as possible. We calculate the dose according to the instructions and administer it into four (intramuscular) paws in equal quantities.
  • If possible, intravenously, slowly and very carefully, potassium chloride from 3 to 15 ml, depending on the size of the dog.
  • If necessary, we begin emergency resuscitation - closed cardiac massage, artificial ventilation.

Providing first aid

Mild forms of pathology

The main methods of providing first aid allow achieving symptomatic improvement in the animal’s condition and are mainly reduced to oxygen therapy. In consultation with the doctor, it can be supplemented with some adjustments to the diet, as well as taking recommended vitamins and microelements.

Stress in a dog can be caused by the presence of danger (a fight with another animal, protection of the owner) and is always accompanied by the production of excess hormones. Such manifestations in animals should not be underestimated and should not be treated without due attention.

If they are detected in a sick pet, first of all, you need to leave him alone for a while and place him in an isolated cool room. In this case, the owner of the animal should be nearby at all times, periodically massaging the chest and wiping wet areas with a dry towel.

Treatment and prevention

Since shortness of breath is a consequence of a specific ailment, it must be treated by first making an accurate diagnosis.

With respiratory shortness of breath, the dog needs symptomatic relief, oxygen supply to the body and further treatment depending on the disease.

For cardiogenic shortness of breath, X-rays, ultrasound, hormonal tests, blood/urine tests (detailed), and tests for the presence of parasites are indicated. They also follow the instructions of the veterinary cardiologist, resorting to analgesics for severe pain, and diuretics and anti-inflammatory drugs for pulmonary edema. If fluid has entered the chest cavity, aspirate it.

For CNS pathologies, therapy is almost the same as for cardiogenic disorders, and MRI is considered the best diagnostic method. If shortness of breath after childbirth lasts for more than a day, call a doctor, otherwise the woman in labor may die.

Important! You should not hesitate if shortness of breath is caused by pneumonia or asthma, when suffocation develops extremely quickly, sometimes in a few minutes. Swelling is relieved with antihistamines or steroids (less commonly).

Anemia can be cured by correcting the dog's diet, as well as special vitamin supplements aimed at increasing hemoglobin.

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Pathologies of the central nervous system

A number of central nervous system pathologies can cause shortness of breath:

  • head injury;
  • tumors;
  • hematomas;
  • electric shock;
  • improper conduction of impulses due to illness.

Severe stress or painful shock can also contribute to rapid breathing.


With heart disease or heart failure, the first symptoms will be noted during walking or physical activity. At night the animal will breathe calmly. But as the disease progresses, the owner will notice breathing difficulties even at rest.


This group includes any pathologies associated with the respiratory tract:

  • pneumonia;
  • bacterial or viral infection;
  • pleurisy;
  • rib fracture;
  • tumor neoplasms.

For any pathology, treatment cannot be delayed. And the very first symptom (shortness of breath) should force the owner to take the dog to the veterinarian.

Allergic reaction

Allergies that manifest as shortness of breath most often occur to medications or chemical agents. It needs to be treated with antihistamines. If this is not done, the dog may develop swelling that will completely block the airways.

When rapid breathing should alert you

If the owner is not sure what caused the pet’s rapid breathing, then you need to start monitoring him. Signs that should alert a dog owner are:

  • anxiety, aggressiveness;
  • cough, especially at night;
  • stretching the neck while breathing;
  • belly breathing;
  • the animal often sits rather than lying or standing to make it easier to breathe;
  • foam comes from the mouth;
  • hoarse barking.

If any of these signs, as well as the absence of a physiological factor, it is better to show the dog to a doctor. Treating yourself is not an option, since you must first determine the cause of strange breathing.

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