Traumatin for dogs - injections that owners can do themselves: Review + Video

Travmatin is a homeopathic veterinary drug. Therefore ambiguous. Pet owners and veterinarians are divided into 2 camps: some criticize the medication, claiming that it is akin to the placebo effect, others note its real effectiveness in treating injuries.

In the article we will figure out: does Travmatin really help or is it a herbal dummy, is it worth taking, how and why the drug works, the features of its use.

At the end of the review you will find real reviews from dog owners, a list of analogues and recommendations for use.

Information and prices are current as of November 2022 and are constantly updated.

Is it possible to give?

Traumatin does not pose a danger to pets. Veterinarians often recommend giving the drug to dogs, because it has the following medicinal properties:

  1. Relieves pain. The analgesic effect occurs almost immediately after administration. No additional use of analgesics is required.
  2. Struggling with shock. Immediately after intravenous injection, an anti-shock effect occurs.
  3. Stops bleeding. This quality of the drug allows it to be used when a dog is injured and during surgery.
  4. Eliminates inflammation. Within a short period of time, Travmatin can eliminate the inflammatory process occurring in the dog’s body and prevent the development of inflammation.
  5. Restores damaged tissue.

Veterinarians recommend using Travmatin after operations, because it reduces the toxic load on the dog’s body, making recovery from anesthesia much faster and easier. In the postoperative period, the drug promotes rapid tissue regeneration.


I have two feelings about Travmatin. On the one hand, this is a homeopathic drug that cannot compete with standard drugs. On the other hand, it really helps with wounds, speeds up healing, and works well for joint diseases.

It is impossible to talk about the complete uselessness of the drug. Its rich natural composition makes it an effective assistant in the recovery of animals after injuries and operations. We drink valerian to relieve nervous tension, or echinacea tincture to boost immunity.

But you shouldn’t expect a wow effect: Traumatin for dogs is a herbal preparation. Therefore, it can only be used as an additional remedy. Expecting it to help on its own, without complex symptomatic therapy, is stupid. But as an auxiliary component, it is a good medicine that helps put the animal on its paws faster.

If Traumatin is not suitable for your pet, try using Traumeel - the drugs are similar, the second, according to my observations, works better. And for old injuries and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is better to stop at Tsel-T or Chondrartron.

Read: The best dogs for children and apartments

Composition of the medicine

The composition of the medicine includes natural substances:

  • arnica, which has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, accelerates wound healing, and prevents the development of sepsis;
  • chamomile, which has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • calendula, which helps with burns and frostbite, purulent wounds;
  • echinacea, which strengthens the immune system;
  • St. John's wort, which promotes pain relief and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • belladonna, which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effects;
  • sulfur calcium liver, which helps accelerate metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • ASD-2 is an immunomodulator that triggers recovery processes.

Additional components of the drug are sodium chloride, ethanol, water, etc.

Travmatin is available in 3 types - gel for external application, tablets for oral administration, solution for injection.

general description

In general, this drug for cats has a complex effect and has an exclusively natural composition. Travmatin is produced in glass containers in bottles of 10 and 100 ml. Additionally, the kit includes detailed instructions for use.


As for appearance, the product is a liquid without a specific color or odor. The homeopathic medicine Travmatin helps:

  • stop the bleeding;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • catalyze regeneration;
  • eliminate intoxication, etc.

Thanks to the special formula of this medicine for cats, it is possible to achieve the most comprehensive effect. That is why it is so often prescribed in veterinary clinics.

Composition of the drug

The composition of Travmatin deserves special attention. This medicine for cats, dogs and other animals includes belladonna, arnica, calendula and ASD-2. Each of these elements directly affects different damaged systems. They help cope with cramps, relieve pain shock and improve the immune system.

Instructions for use


The most effective form of Travmatin in the treatment of dogs is considered to be an injection solution. When administered intravenously, the drug almost immediately relieves pain, brings the animal out of shock, and eliminates bleeding. The injections are effective as an emergency treatment.


The dosage is calculated individually – 0.1 ml per 1 kg of pet’s weight. It is recommended to divide the daily dose by 2 times, administering the solution in the morning and evening. The duration of therapy is from 5 to 10 days, but in difficult cases it can be increased to 30 days.

How and where to inject?

Travmatin is administered not only intravenously, but also intramuscularly. The second option is easier, because with intravenous administration it is quite difficult to find a pet’s blood vessel.

An intramuscular injection is made under the shoulder blade into a fold of skin. For an abscess, injections are given around the perimeter, but this procedure can only be performed by a specialist.


The gel is a thick yellowish substance. This form of the drug is used for external use.

If the wound is shallow, then the medicinal composition is applied to it in a thin layer twice a day. If the wound is deep, then soak a sterile bandage in the gel and apply it to the injury site. After 30-40 minutes, the bandage should be removed.

The gel is not always easy to use. The dog will try to lick the medicine from the wound, so you will have to use a special protective collar.


Travmatin in the form of tablets began to be produced recently. The manufacturer did this to facilitate the administration of the medicinal composition. The disadvantage of this form is that the stomach has an acidic environment, which dissolves the beneficial components of the tablets. As a result, medications are poorly absorbed and the effect of treatment is reduced.

Single dose – 2 tablets. Frequency – 2-4 times a day depending on the weight of the pet.

Side effects and contraindications

Travmatin is a low-hazard drug, therefore, it can be used in the treatment of puppies, pregnant and lactating dogs. No side effects or complications were identified when using the medication. Sometimes components cause allergies. Then treatment with Travmatin is stopped and antihistamines are prescribed. Apart from personal intolerance to the components, the medicine has no contraindications.

Although Travmatin is safe, we must not forget about basic hygiene and safety measures: wash your hands with soap after using the drug, rinse thoroughly with plenty of water if it comes into contact with mucous membranes, because the medicine may cause irritation and various types of allergic reactions.

Reviews about the drug


Anna, 37 years old, veterinarian, Arkhangelsk : “Travmatin is a good drug used for diseases and injuries in dogs. But I want to especially note its effectiveness during childbirth. The medicine helps the female cope with pain, calms her down, and after childbirth promotes a speedy recovery.”

Vladimir, 44 years old, veterinarian, Khabarovsk : “Travmatin is not the most effective drug. They cannot cure a fracture. But as part of a comprehensive treatment, it helps to cope with swelling and pain. I prescribe it to dogs as a parallel therapy.”


Irina, 31 years old, Chita : “Recently, a Yorkshire terrier was pinned by the entrance door. The dog was taken to the veterinarian, who prescribed intramuscular injections of Travmatin. Everything healed quickly. The good thing about this drug is that it relieves pain.”

Svetlana, 47 years old, Krasnoyarsk : “Our dog is too active, so injuries happen often. Recently I injured myself with barbed wire. The veterinarian treated the wound with Travmatin gel and advised me to change the bandages several more times. And so they did. The wound healed quickly, the dog did not whine much, because the drug relieves pain. A good product, I recommend it to all dog lovers.”

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it allowed to give other medications at the same time as Travmatin?

Yes, Travmatin can be used in conjunction with other drugs - this does not affect its effectiveness. Moreover, complex treatment using drugs according to indications is recommended.

Is the medication safe for small puppies?

Yes, Travmatin has no restrictions on the age, weight or breed of the dog. It can be given from the first hours of life.

How long does the solution last?

After opening, the drug must be used within 3 weeks. Therefore, if you have a small or medium-sized dog, it is better to take 10 ml bottles.


Analogues of Travmatin include:

  1. Renel. Homeopathic remedy available in tablet form. The composition of the drug includes extracts of medicinal plants. Cost – about 400 rubles. per package containing 50 pcs. Effective for bruises and inflammation. Traumatina is used less frequently due to its only form of release.
  2. Traumeel. It has several dosage forms - gel, drops, tablets. Contains calendula, arnica and other medicinal plants. The therapeutic effect is not inferior to Travmatin. Cost – from 400 rubles. depending on the release form.

Medicinal properties of ASD

This substance has a strong anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. The natural components included in its composition trigger the processes of cell regeneration and restoration, stimulate natural immunity and help the body fight the disease. The drug is effective against viruses, skin parasites, heals wounds well, treats burns and suppuration. Using ASD internally or externally activates cellular metabolic processes and cleanses the body of toxins. After its use, the effects of intoxication and exhaustion are removed and all functions are restored.

How to use Travmatin for small pets

As already mentioned, you can use the drug “Travmatin” for kittens. It happens that after birth, some babies are so weak that they do not breastfeed. The drug will help in this case too. If after an hour the baby still has not started to eat, drop a couple of drops of Travmatin solution onto his tongue. You need to do this every half hour until he comes to his senses. Injections of the drug help the birth of weak and premature kittens.

Anyone who wants their pet to be healthy should definitely purchase this medicine. The price of Traumatin for cats is low, and its use can save you from larger expenses for treating your animal.


Thanks to the general influence of natural components, Travmatin perfectly relieves pain. The dog will not need to administer other painkillers in addition. Thanks to the drug, bleeding stops faster and hematomas resolve. The medicine is effective in the period after surgery, and also promotes rapid recovery of the entire body. Also, the drug removes suppuration, fights infection, stimulates tissue restoration and healing as a result of the formation of wounds. It can be used if the dog's paw is swollen or if it is injured after a fight.

The product is successfully used by doctors during childbirth, because it promotes healing of the birth canal, and also helps cure inflammation in the acute stage. The cost of the medicine is affordable for every dog ​​owner. Before starting treatment, you should read the instructions for use in detail and follow the advice of your veterinarian.

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After use, the active substances enter the general bloodstream and have an effect on damaged areas.
The active substances do not accumulate in the animal’s body and have a therapeutic effect only on the affected area. Travmatin does not cause allergies or irritation.

The effect of the drug occurs within 10-15 minutes after use and lasts up to four hours.

Travmatin has the following effects:

  1. Painkiller - relieves pain for a short time, does not require the use of other analgesics;
  2. Hemostatic - promotes the resorption of hematomas, relieves swelling, improves blood circulation in damaged areas;
  3. Anti-inflammatory - inhibits the development of pathogens;
  4. Restorative - stimulates the restoration of muscle tissue cells and nerve fibers.

The remains of the drug are completely eliminated from the body along with urine.

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