how often can you wash your toy terrier dog with shampoo?

What does a toy terrier need?

What do you need to buy for a Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy and puppies of other small breeds of dogs?

  • SLEEPING PLACE A house or a bed. ...
  • TOILET and NAPPIES (see How to toilet train) ...
  • FOOD (see How and what to feed a toy terrier) ...
  • A BOWL …
  • TOYS …

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Products for washing dogs

Since dog skin is different from human skin, bathing shampoo This product, in addition to saving the dog’s skin from excessive drying, gives the fur a well-groomed appearance. In addition to shampoo, you can use other care balms for animals.

If you use these additional products too often or in large quantities, dandruff problems may appear and the skin will dry out. Therefore, if your pet is washed monthly, it is not recommended to use shampoo constantly.


A few rules to follow to bathe your puppy correctly:

  1. When bathing, it is necessary to avoid contact of detergents with the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth.
  2. Avoid getting water into your eyes and ears.
  3. Wash gently and thoroughly
  4. Prepare two towels in advance: with one you can collect the main moisture from the wool, with the second you can wipe and dry
  5. Place a mat on the bottom of the bathtub to prevent paws from slipping and bathing to be less intimidating.
  6. The room should be warm, without drafts.
  7. Start using your blow dryer right away. The puppy will quickly get used to the noise and will not be afraid.
  8. You can give a treat during bath time. This will brighten up the fears that arise, and pleasant memories will remain.
  9. Talk to your baby while bathing. The gentle notes of your voice will give him confidence and calm him down.

For the first time

  • Prepare a container for bathing. Place a rug on the bottom to prevent your puppy's paws from slipping.
  • First, wet the wool well. Apply evenly, avoiding dry areas. To prevent water from getting into the eyes and ears, place your palm on the puppy's head and lightly press the ears toward the head with your fingers. Pour water from above.
  • Lightly lather the shampoo and then apply to the coat. Wash thoroughly and gently.
  • Rinse off with running water. You heard the creaking of fur - you did it, the puppy is clean.
  • Dry the puppy with the first towel.
  • In the second, dry his fur if you do not use a hairdryer.

CAUTION : After vaccination, the animal is weakened. You can swim no earlier than after 2 weeks. If you need to bathe your puppy, do it in a warm room and stay there until the fur is completely dry.

When is it possible?

When you can start washing your pet depends on the age at which water procedures are indicated for the new resident of your apartment. Consider the option of placing a pet in an apartment. What matters is the conditions in which man’s best friend spent his first days of life.

You have brought a puppy from a breeder: the puppy is already 3 months old and has received the necessary vaccinations. Can be washed from day one. After a walk, be sure to wash your paws. In dirty weather, wash your paws with paw shampoo.

You found a puppy on the street: you need to wash the puppy, regardless of its age. You may need flea control. With all the possible consequences of untimely washing, it is more useful to be clean.

You are raising a puppy without a mother dog: you already provide water treatments for your pet when you wipe it with a damp cloth every day. Unless absolutely necessary, such a puppy does not need a shower.

So when to start? Guided by common sense, it is necessary to accustom small household members to bathing from an early age. Specialists do this after vaccinations have been administered.

For the first time

Ideally, you can start bathing your baby for the first time only 2 weeks after vaccinations. In general, the puppy should not smell unpleasant. Males begin to smell stronger at the time of puberty, and females before and during estrus.

If your puppy still has a dog smell even after bathing, then you are probably bathing him too often and this is disrupting the functioning of the sebaceous glands ! The smell of a dog is the smell of fat lubricating the fur, so when the dog is washed, it begins to smell stronger because the fat begins to be released more intensely.

There is no need to wash the puppies immediately after birth: the mother dog can handle this perfectly! And in general, while living with their mother, bathing puppies will be unnecessary and even harmful.

If there is no mother and the puppy is very small, then adhere to the following rule: bathing is possible no earlier than the puppy opens his eyes (2-3 weeks after birth) and only if you found him in absolutely terrible conditions and he is really dirty — dirty with dirt, excrement, fleas/larvae, i.e. a condition that cannot be corrected with wet wipes. In addition, the puppy will need to be wrapped tightly in a thick, dry towel to avoid hypothermia and warmed on your chest .

From what age?

1, 1.5 and 2 months

Many people are interested in how many months can a dog be bathed. It is generally not advisable to wash puppies until they are two months old. That is, you cannot bathe a one-month-old puppy! Veterinarians are inclined to believe that puppies need to be taught to bathe from an early age, starting at six months . The minimum age at which months you can wash without indications for this is 3 months . Remember that it is better not to buy a dog before this age!

Ideally, the breeder should always bathe the puppy before handing it over to the buyer and instruct it for the future . Because a bath on the first day in a new home is a huge stress for a dog child, and the buyer most likely does not have any skills in caring for a puppy.

Before and after the first vaccination

When you can: before - the dog cannot be washed for 2-3 days, after vaccination - 2 weeks, otherwise there may be complications.

Teach this to all members of your family!

Important: build the relationship between the puppy and your child(ren) correctly.

As you remember, Gulliver's best friend in the giant country was a ten-year-old girl who took perfect care of him. Unfortunately, in reality it is often the other way around: the main (albeit unconscious of it) enemy of a small dog is the child .

If your child is very young, it may be better to wait until getting a toy terrier. The time to get a dog is when you can already explain to your child how to handle fragile things and living beings.

An older child will most likely be very happy with the puppy, but this does not mean that he cannot unwittingly harm it: active children are often sweeping in their movements and have poor control over their efforts . If you do not explain to your child that the toy terrier needs to be handled carefully, disaster may happen.

Caring for the Russian Toy's teeth.

“Why do some small dogs have no tartar, while others have it as a constant problem?”

Answer: All small dogs are susceptible to tartar. However, the frequency of brushing your teeth against this scourge really differs from one toy to another. It depends on the enzymatic composition of saliva and diet, as well as preventive measures taken by the owner to prevent the appearance of tartar.

“How to recognize tartar? Is it possible to rid a Toy of it at home?”

Answer: Tartar is a hard yellowish coating that appears on the teeth of a toy, especially in places of contact with the gums. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of it at home. This procedure must be carried out in a specialized veterinary hospital by a professional veterinarian.

“What preventive measures should be taken and how to care for the teeth of a Russian Toy Terrier in order to protect his teeth from tartar?”

Answer: To prevent the formation of tartar, it is necessary to brush your small dog's teeth regularly. You need to take a cotton or gauze swab, apply toothpaste to it and, opening the dog’s mouth, carefully treat the teeth and gums, especially in those places where they come into contact with each other. After this, wash off the toothpaste. This can be done using a spray bottle or a damp cloth. In addition to brushing teeth, special biscuits and bovine skin bones, which can be freely purchased at any pet store, are used to prevent tartar in dogs.

Balms and conditioners after washing

Such products are used after bathing long-haired dogs (short-haired dogs do not need them). Balms and conditioners

make combing easier, create a protective layer on the wool, thanks to which it does not become electrified and tangles do not form.

Review of after-wash conditioner balms

Manufacturer: Beaphar, Netherlands.

It contains grape seed oil and strawberries, which care for the coat, strengthening its structure. Does not contain sulfates and parabens.

Manufacturer: Globalvet, Denmark.

The ingredients included in the balm protect the skin and coat from the negative effects of the environment. The use of the product prevents the formation of tangles.

Manufacturer: Doctor Vic, Russia.

The components of the conditioner gently care for the coat, stimulating its growth. Makes combing easier.


Feeding a toy terrier is one of the important aspects of its care. Nutrition should be according to a schedule, since undereating or overeating is fraught with digestive disorders.

Food does not have to be varied, but must be balanced and of high quality.

If the puppy is fed dry special food, then it contains all the necessary vitamins.

The terrier can be fed natural products, but then it is necessary to add vitamins and supplements for bones, joints, and coat to the diet. You need to follow some rules:

  • Lean meat - up to 30% of the diet.
  • Vegetables - up to 25%.
  • Porridge - up to 35%.

A puppy's diet must contain milk; an adult dog cannot have it. Eggs (yolk) and fish are also required. The portion is calculated per 1 kg of pet weight - 80 grams of food.

Important! Terriers are prohibited from giving sweet, floury, fatty meats, egg whites, spices, and smoked meats.

A balanced diet will protect your pet from diseases of the digestive system.

Choosing a Shampoo

Shampoos for dogs are developed by specialists taking into account the characteristics of the skin of our little brothers. We can say with confidence that dog shampoos do not contain dubious fragrances, alkalis, dyes and other “charms” of human life.

Don't let the price of shampoos for dogs and puppies scare you. Usually these are very concentrated products. Economy class options are diluted 1:3, professional ones 1:10. One bottle will last you for a couple of years.

Shampoos and conditioners from manufacturers are considered the most “thoughtful”:

  • Iv San Bernard (Yves San Bernard),
  • company 8 in 1
  • Perfect Coat
  • Hartz,
  • Jean-Pierre Negu

Read the instructions carefully and choose a shampoo based on your friend's coat type.

The use of conditioner is necessary for adult dogs. It is better to choose a conditioner from the same manufacturer as the shampoo. In this case the effect will be better.

General issues.

“Many people say that toy terriers easily get used to the litter box. Is it so?"

Answer: yes, it's true. These small dogs easily learn to relieve themselves on the tray.

“Is it possible to go outside infrequently with a toy if he gets used to going to the litter box?”

Answer: no. The Russian Toy Terrier, like any dog, needs walks and fresh air. However, if the temperature outside is very low, then it is better to refrain from walking so as not to catch a cold of the small dog. Try to choose places for walking away from the roadway. The optimal place is a park.

“Please tell me, is clothes for a toy a luxury or a necessity?”

Answer: When the temperature outside is low, suits and overalls are a necessity for the Russian Toy Terrier. These kids are prone to colds and get cold very quickly. Therefore, in the cold season it is recommended to wear decorative dogs.

How often?

The issue of frequency of washing a puppy is decided individually by each dog owner. To make a decision, you will have to take into account not only your own capabilities and desires, but also a number of other factors:

  • conditions for keeping a pet;
  • the breed of your puppy;
  • presence of allergies in family members;
  • pet's skin condition.

Let's start with the fact that most dogs enjoy bathing. Splashing water makes your friend as happy as it does you. The dog plays with streams of water, catches iridescent water balls, moves actively and, inspired by your joy, invents new ways to catch the running water.

So how often should you bathe? Guided by common sense, it is necessary to accustom small household members to bathing from an early age. Specialists do this after vaccinations have been administered.

Until this time, it is recommended to only wash puppies of all breeds, and not bathe them completely. You can wash it once every 3-4 months. Of course, if they are spoiled like piglets while eating delicious food, then it is not forbidden to wash them, but it is important not to use shampoo or soap more than once every 1-2 months ! You can also accustom your dog to daily care - wiping it with a damp cloth (for example, bearded or “folded” dogs: Shih Tzu, Pug, Shar Pei): most importantly, do not forget to wipe it dry after this procedure!

Remember: A clean dog feels happy and makes its owner's life happy.

Depending on the breed

Experts insist that coat care differs for different breeds of dogs.

Breed Is it possible, how and how often


For such a small dog, bathing can be stressful, so don't bathe your Yorkie frequently. Take your time and let the puppy get used to you and the new home. For up to 2 months, try to get by with wet wipes. From 2 months of age, your Yorkie (Yorkshire terrier) can be bathed once every two weeks. Even if the puppy is clean, he will get used to the procedure. Water +38°. No draft. Wash quickly to prevent your puppy from catching a cold.

From 5 months, you can bathe once a week; in addition to shampooing, you should add the use of conditioner.


From 2 months you can bathe a Labrador puppy, or rather, give him the opportunity to splash around. The peculiarity of the breed is that it is difficult to damage the fur. Thick undercoat and skin covered with fat from the sebaceous glands allow them to stay warm and not get wet when hunting in lakes. Washing with cold water without shampoo slows down hair loss and growth; washing with warm water, on the contrary, speeds up the change.

Shampooing is recommended 2-3 times a year. In this case, you should use shampoo specifically for this breed. Shampoos, by the way, are produced for each color of this breed. There are three of them. Pay special attention to rinsing off the shampoo. Don't skimp on water.


Be careful with the water pressure . The best temperature is +35 degrees. When bathing your dachshund, start from the tail. Do not limit your movements, let you look around and get used to the new. Be attentive to the puppy, note his reactions. Do everything with confidence and care.

Shar Pei

It is recommended to wash no more than 2 times a year. Considering that Shar Peis are allergic, you should choose your shampoo very carefully.. Experts recommend products containing sulfur. Yves Saint Bernard, 8 in 1 and Hartz shampoos have proven themselves well.

Pay special attention to rinsing off the shampoo . The Shar Pei's skin is very sensitive, and any remaining product can cause itching. The presence of folds obliges the owner to take especially careful care of the skin and fur of their pet.


The first bath should be scheduled no earlier than the puppy is 3 months old. The best time for swimming is in the evening, after all the walking. If you bathe earlier, you can go outside no earlier than three hours later.

The first time, do not immediately put the puppy in a bowl of water, let him look around, get used to it, and only then pour some water with a ladle or shower head. The optimal water temperature is 35-40 degrees. You cannot rub the skin and fur of such a puppy with a towel. Without allowing it to dry completely, the coat should be combed with a suitable brush.

Toy Terrier

Veterinarians and breeders agree that it is optimal to wash a toy terrier once every 5-7 months . The most comfortable temperature for a puppy will be +40 degrees. Frequent bathing strips the coat of its natural protective covering and it becomes brittle. After a walk, just rinse your paws and belly with water without using shampoo. It is recommended to dry the coat with a towel or hairdryer.


Use the rain setting on your shower head to bathe your Pomeranian puppy.. Wet the fur carefully from the middle of the body to the head. Pour water over the head after covering it with your palm and pressing the puppy's ears to the head. You can insert cotton swabs into your ears to keep water out.

Rinse off the shampoo thoroughly using top-to-bottom movements. After removing excess moisture with a towel, dry the puppy with a hairdryer. It should be noted that a Spitz’s clean coat grows faster than a dirty one, but you should not bathe a Spitz often as it can ruin the coat. After bathing, praise the puppy and give him a treat.

German Shepherd

You should not wash your puppy unless absolutely necessary. The recommended age to start washing is 3 months. Until this moment, it is better to use a damp cloth to wipe the baby. Let your puppy get used to the bathroom first. Prepare water whose temperature is not higher than 36 degrees. Be prepared for the puppy to shake off any remaining water after bathing - wear an apron.


Pugs get cold easily, so for up to 1.5 months it is better to avoid even bathing with plain water. You should bathe your pug as needed to eliminate unpleasant odors. Remember: your male pug smells stronger the more often you bathe him. Washing is recommended after 2.5 months of life. Washing frequency – once every 3 months.

Before the procedures, it is advisable to put oil-based eye drops and put cotton swabs in your ears . After bathing, the ears and folds on the face are very carefully and thoroughly wiped with a cotton swab, ensuring dryness. To care for the coat, experts recommend using a brush and cloth.

Pug eyes require the following care: wipe the eyes weekly, first with a cotton swab dipped in warm boiled water, then with a dry cotton swab. Instead of water, you can use a decoction of calendula or chamomile.


To keep such a puppy's coat clean, it is enough to brush him daily. Heavy dirt can be removed with a damp terry cloth and brushed. The coat of these dogs becomes dull from frequent bathing and shampooing.

Up to 6 months, it is better to use a self-prepared mixture to wash a puppy: 1 glass of kefir, 1 yolk, ½ glass of warm water.


If the dog is not a show dog, forget about bathing representatives of this breed . The best bath for a husky is a snowdrift. It is advisable to bathe Huskies during the shedding season in spring and autumn. Before bathing, you should thoroughly comb your dog. After bathing during the molting period, you can leave your pet in a warm robe for an hour - this will help the fur fall out faster. If this is not required, dry with a hairdryer at the lowest power level.


To protect the dog's skin and fur from dirt, nature provides natural lubrication, which is produced by the sebaceous glands.

If you pour water on your dog and do not use detergents, the natural protection is not impaired.

But the use of special detergents disrupts the release of lubricants that protect the skin and coat. When you decide to wash your four-legged friend, choose care products that can compensate for the lost protection.

Educational videos

These videos will help you quickly and correctly wash your dirty pet without harming him:

We will be glad to hear your comments, advice, stories about your pets, the joys and difficulties of care and education, successes and plans - write to our VKontakte group.


A few rules to follow to bathe your puppy correctly:

For the first time

CAUTION : After vaccination, the animal is weakened. You can swim no earlier than after 2 weeks. If you need to bathe your puppy, do it in a warm room and stay there until the fur is completely dry.

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