Breed of dog from the movie “The Mask”: description of the breed, photos and videos

Undoubtedly, the main star of the film “The Mask,” which has captivated audiences for more than two decades, is the Canadian-American comedian Jim Carrey, but the highlight of the film can rightfully be called the hero’s perky dog. The main character's name is Stanley Ipkiss, and the dog's name in the movie "The Mask" is Milo (a short form of the name Miles). The dog fits into the plot of the film so organically, making the funny scenes even funnier and the sad ones more touching, that it is impossible not to note his acting skills. What is the breed of the dog from the movie “The Mask”? This will be discussed in the article.

General information

A brief description of:

  • — getting a dog of this breed is recommended for people who lead an active lifestyle, as these kids need daily walks and exercise;
  • — these dogs are not trained on their own. Despite the dog’s docile behavior in the film “The Mask,” this breed needs timely education and training;
  • - They love their family very much, so they need human contact. You should not leave your dog alone for a long period of time;
  • — these dogs are excellent hunting companions, which is why they have a loud and ringing bark. This fact should be taken into account when bringing a Jack Russell Terrier into an apartment;
  • - They do not require special care.

I look like?

We can say about the breed that they are active, intelligent, strong, working dogs, their body is flexible and medium in size. But this is not a complete description, here’s what you can add:

  • Dogs' fur is not soft, it can be smooth, but not always;
  • The height of the body is less than its length, the chest is narrow;
  • Short but strong legs indicate closeness with dachshunds. The weight of the main character of the film is about 6 kilograms.
  • They are clean, love to take care of themselves, but they need help in this by combing their fur in the morning.

Description of the Jack Russell Terrier breed

The Jack Russell Terrier is a small dog whose height does not exceed 38 cm. Despite their height, they have a very strong and muscular build. The black nose, small dark eyes and floppy ears make this breed very cute and funny. Their tail is set high and must be docked.

The peculiarity of their appearance is, of course, their color. Their fur is smooth and white. There are spots on the dog's body. The spots may be black or red.

The Jack Russell Terrier dog breed was bred to hunt game that lives in burrows. Thanks to their compact size, dexterity and strength, they easily fished game out of holes, and after that they did not allow it to escape.

Hunting genes have left their mark on the habits and character of these dogs, so it is not uncommon for owners of Jack Russell Terriers to note that during walks these dogs can chase a squirrel or a cat, and also have a tendency to dig holes.

Features of the breed from the movie "The Mask"

Terriers like Milo were bred in Great Britain at the dawn of the 19th century. The blood of modern Jack Russells contains the blood of fox terriers, beagles, greyhounds, and corgis. In the past, the purpose of Jack Russells was considered to be burrow hunting for animals of medium and small size. Today, they are often purchased as companion dogs for active people who have enough time to walk their pets. The appearance of these dogs is simple: 25-30 cm in height, 5-6 kg in weight, flat head tapering towards the tip of the nose, elongated body, strong neck, medium-length strong limbs. Jack Russell ears are usually droopy, but can rise at the slightest rustle. The nose of dogs is always black and of medium size. The eyes are small, almond-shaped, very intelligent. The coat is soft or coarse, the color is predominantly white, but there are markings of a black or brown-red hue (this is the color of the dog from the movie “The Mask”).

The character of Jack Russells is contradictory. On the one hand, they are very attached to their owner and do not need any other company. On the other hand, these dogs are still hunters and should not be treated as soft toys. They have a sense of self-esteem and can, for example, snap back when the owner’s child crossed the line during play (grabbed the dog by the ear and threw it in the air). In addition, Jack Russells are capable of coming into conflict with a dog whose weight exceeds a couple of tens of kilos. All such terriers are very active and love games and communication. They should never be placed in an outdoor enclosure, depriving them of participation in the life of the owner’s family and long walks.

With proper upbringing, a puppy of this breed will grow up to be a cheerful, cunning, skillful and fearless pet. If you teach a dog obedience and commands from time to time, and even more so limit the animal’s movement, the Jack Russell will grow into a real house monster, destroying furniture, wires, the owner’s shoes, and even trying to grab hold of an unwanted house guest, or even into the owner.

The rather irrepressible nature of the Jack Russell is compensated in part by trivial care: the owner will only need to comb the dog’s fur a couple of times a week with a stiff brush. Even during shedding, you won’t expect a lot of hair falling out from a Jack Russell.

The life expectancy of these small dogs is quite high - 12-16 years. Terriers can boast of good health, although some individuals sometimes experience problems with the motor system (joint dysplasia, arthritis) and vision (cataracts, glaucoma).

Characteristic qualities of the breed

These are jumping dogs

. They can easily jump 1.5 meters in height. They are very fond of ball games, during which they can indulge in a variety of jumps in all directions. Another passion of Jack Russells is digging holes. This feature must be taken into account when leaving the dog alone in the yard, even for a short time. She can easily dig under the fence and escape from the area.

Wayward Jack Russells have a strong instinct to chase and aggression towards other dogs; it is advisable to take control of these characteristics of the breed from early childhood. For those who are getting a dog for the first time, it is better to choose a calmer breed. The dog from “The Mask” can be too tough for even experienced dog breeders.

Nothing can make a movie better than a dog in the lead or even a supporting role! Let's take a look at the top 26 most famous celebrity dogs.

The real name of this glorious giant St. Bernard is Chris.

The dog who starred in all parts of the film "King of the Air" is actually called Buddy. He also played Comet in the TV series Full House.

Marley - the same one from Marley and Me - was played by 18 different dogs. And as you can see, they were all extremely sweet and charming.

Walt Disney seriously intended to cut this famous spaghetti-eating scene from the cartoon. He thought that, firstly, it would look completely unromantic, and secondly, it was stupid - dogs eating spaghetti. Fortunately, something stopped Walt, and now all fans of the cartoon, including four-legged ones, love this scene.

Meet Terry, a small Cairn Terrier. This is roughly how everyone imagined Ellie’s friend from “The Wizard of Oz” – Toto.

The audience liked the dog from “The Mask” so much that she got a bigger role in “Son of the Mask.” True, this time both the film and the four-legged actor made less of a splash. Therefore, when they see Jack Russell Terriers, everyone still remembers exactly that one, Milo - from “The Mask”.

It’s true what they say: dogs look like their owners. For example, Einstein is an exact copy of his movie master Doc Brown. He was played by a dog named Freddy.

This fluffy, smart toother was played by the dog Rando in the movie “K-9”.

Of course, you didn’t pay attention to the fact that the famous Lassie was actually played by a male. This is because collie girls shed very heavily at least once a year and would not be able to take off their coats. The first role went to the dog Pel. After his death, Lassie was played by relatives very similar to him, and they tried not to advertise this.

Volta, a white American shepherd, was voiced by John Travolta.

The real name of the French mastiff Hooch from the film “Turner and Hooch” is Beasley. He can rightfully be considered a very successful dog-actor.

Slink or Slinky is the famous toy dachshund from Toy Story.

Puffy, Everybody's Crazy About Mary (1998)

One of Puffy's daughters lives with American singer Clay Aiken.


Each of them deserves a separate description, but for your convenience, we still decided to put them together.

BJ (Santo von Haus Ziegelmayer)

BJ is the unofficial nickname of the actor who first played Rex. And after his retirement, so that the audience would not notice the substitution, all the new commissioners had to be made up a little.

It was Dake who managed to become the most successful Mukhtar. The dog simply loved filming. What he liked most was close-ups.

Steve (Styopa)

It took a very long time to select the English setter for the film “White Beam – Black Ear.” In the end, the role went to Steve. The dog appears on screen in all scenes except the one where Bim gets his paw stuck in a railroad switch. This difficult, heart-wrenching trick was performed by Styopa’s understudy, Dandy.

You know this dog as Hachiko. She played the most loyal Akita Inu dog in the world.

His story happened in real life. A monument was erected to the hero Balto in Central New York Park. Dog sled races are held annually in his honor.

He played the obedient Sharik in Four Tank Men and a Dog. General plans were filmed with another dog very similar to Trimmer.

This is the only dog ​​awarded a military award. Dzhulbars discovered several thousand live mines and shells. And in 1946 he appeared on screen in the film “White Fang”.

A couple who probably knows that “a man is a FRIEND to a dog.”

Max, The Secret Life of Pets (2016)

Thanks to Max, the world learned how pets treat their owners and what lengths they are willing to go for their sake.

A simple village dog - hard-working and very good-natured. Who knows how things would have gone for the inhabitants of Prostokvashino if not for his ideas.

By watching the Barboskin family, not only small, but also some adult viewers can learn to solve pressing problems.

What breeds can be seen in the movie "A Dog's Life" parts 1 and 2

This film is about how people learn loyalty from dogs. The dogs that took part in the filming had their own history, each of them demonstrated all the best qualities - loyalty and sincere love for the owner. Bailey is a golden retriever, playful, restless, and smart. Ellie, a German shepherd named Shadow, is brave, strong, smart, and serves in the police. Toby is Milo's corgi, took part in all the children's pranks, loves children. According to the plot of the film, she falls in love with a dog that is several times larger than her - a wolfhound. Buddy - starring Bolt, a cross between an Australian Shepherd and a St. Bernard. A total of 3 dogs were involved. One played close-ups, the other performed stunts, the third - static scenes. In the film and in life, dogs of this breed are endlessly loyal to their owners. Molly is a Beagle/Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mix. An active dog who loves children. In the film, CJ became the girl's first dog. Giant - African Boerboel. It is given little time in the film, but is memorable due to its impressive size. At the same time, the dog is kind and always ready to help. Max is a Yorkshire Terrier. He was played by the girl Bell. Thanks to her active character, she got into this film. The dog is expressive, emotional, and gets along with everyone on the site. They also hired a stunt double to help in the quieter scenes, the boy Brie.

Character of the Jack Russell Terrier breed

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their devotion to their owner. They make excellent companions, ready to accompany their owner in any matter. But it is worth remembering that Jack Russell Terriers need to compensate for their boundless energy with active walks and games, so it is not recommended to own this breed for those who do not lead an active lifestyle and are often away from home.

Otherwise, the dog’s behavior may change due to boredom, he may be overly intrusive, perhaps even aggressive, and there will be a greater tendency to damage your things.

Their activity also manifests itself in the desire to be the center of attention. A dog of this breed will be very happy to interact with your guests, attracting attention. But you shouldn’t think that the dog loves everyone; from the very beginning, it will closely watch strangers.

The Jack Russell Terrier may behave ambiguously towards other animals, but there is a high probability that it will perceive pets that are smaller than it as prey. Animals larger than him will be competitors for his owner’s attention, so perhaps this will be expressed in fights, or in an absolutely neutral attitude.

The Jack Russell Terrier gets along well with small children, but will try to attract the owner's attention to itself.

The main disadvantage of Jack Russell Terriers is their loud bark, which they use quite often.

What character do purebred pets have?

Remembering the dog - the hero of the comedy "The Mask" with Jim Carey in the title role, one imagines a positive, mischievous dog, but what is the dog really like?
For a very long time the breed was bred only for hunting, and all attention was paid to the qualities necessary for this matter. But when the popularity of hunting declined, the positive nature of Russells allowed them to be kept as homes, guards and companionship.

Representatives of this breed entered Russia at the end of the 20th century. And in 2003, the first National Club of Jack Russell Terrier Fans was organized. Currently, such puppies are quite expensive and are not overly popular. Although many people have a desire to have a funny dog ​​at home, especially after watching their favorite comedy.

In favor of the pet, we can say that it takes up little space, but a decent area is required for its toys. The dogs are cheerful, love to jump and have a habit of waking up their owner in the morning.

The dog does not choose its owner-leader and gets along quite well with everyone. But one of the owners may well become a favorite Jack Russell. This breed is not intended for people with a phlegmatic temperament, as the dogs are very restless. Also, its representatives are not suitable for older dog lovers.

Games, communication, running around and bustle - this is where the pet will feel like a “fish in water”. And in a calm environment, he will quickly get bored and will entertain himself. The dog happily accompanies his owner on morning runs, hikes, and outings.

Thanks to its lively and positive character, the Jack Russell becomes the best friend of children, and calmly plays with other people's children. But it is not recommended to have a pet if you have children under 3 years old, or you will need to train the dog well. The pet will not tolerate being pulled by the tail or being hugged tightly. No, he will not show aggression, but he may snap back, scaring the baby. In addition, the dog’s irrepressible energy will disrupt the entire routine of a small child, since the animal can wake him up for games and communication. If there are children in the family, then Russell will always hang around them, ready for new entertainment.

Dog breed Jack Russell Terrier photo

Jack Russells have a very sharp mind, so even a non-professional can train them. They love any active activity, be it play or training, and are happy to take part in obstacle course competitions.

Purebred dogs require increased attention and frequent communication, otherwise, against a background of melancholy, they may suffer from various kinds of neuroses. In this case, their behavior is compared with the behavior of hyperactive children

The dog can start playing games at night, stealing the owner’s things and spoiling them in sophisticated ways. Having a small size, with a lack of attention, one dog can ruin an entire recreation area, eat shoes, and not just one.

This nimble fellow has a developed sense of ownership; he is jealous of his things - space, toys, bowl. But this feature also extends to the owner; the pet will not allow him to show affection towards other animals.

Considering the character, choose a nickname for the Jack Russell Terrier.

Dog's name

A dog named Milo demonstrated not only the power of a dog's devotion, but also showed remarkable ingenuity in the movie scene with the keys. The clever craftsman who played the role of Stanley Ipkiss's little friend was named Max.

It's surprising that the viewer was not deceived. For example, the famous Lassie was played by male actors.

Among the interesting facts inherent in the four-legged actor or his brothers in the breed, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Emotionality
    . Animals quickly become attached to their owners and express any feelings with the help of a loud bark.
  2. Jumpability
    . High jumping 150 cm is a favorite activity of terriers. It is important for the owners to mentally prepare for his athletic tricks.
  3. Max has experience
    . The terrier managed to appear on the big screen back in 1991 in the role of the funny Gryzlik from the film “Problem Child”.
  4. Fearlessness
    . Miniature size does not matter in times of danger. The dog always shows persistence and is not inferior to larger breeds.
  5. Perpetuated the memory of the founding father
    . The first breeder and subsequent founder was the Englishman Russell John.
  6. Love of digging
    . The hunting spirit of their ancestors allows them to dig deep holes in a short time, so they love to dig in their personal yard.
  7. Mystical coincidence with the director's surname
    . Chuck Russell certainly didn't cast based on his own last name, but the end result is questionable.
  8. Longevity
    . Milo lived a long and happy life. Having left the world at the age of 16, he left a reliable replacement in the person of his son Enzo.

Frank Welker, who is remembered for his roles as the monkey Abu and the charming chubby Garfield, was responsible for the voice acting.

Caring for a Jack Russell Terrier

This breed of dog does not require any specialized care. The coat can be combed no more than once a week, and this is done to reduce the number of naturally falling hairs.

They need to be washed only when necessary; private bathing is not recommended for Jack Russell Terriers.

Just like all dog breeds, Jack Russell Terriers need to have their nails trimmed and their ears and eyes cleaned regularly.

Dogs of this breed do not have an unpleasant dog odor, therefore, to prevent the natural protection from the unpleasant odor from disappearing, you should not wash their fur with shampoo or other products.

Psyche and character

Description of the breed The Jack Russell Terrier is a very lively, active and temperamental dog with a stable psyche.

These terriers are real cholerics, like wire-haired and smooth fox terriers , they are fearless and brave.

I recommend: What breed of dog is in the film “The Hound of the Baskervilles”

They cannot be embarrassed by any difficulties, moreover, they have not lost their working qualities and love to hunt any small animals.

An approximate collective portrait of a Jack Russell is as follows:

Jack Russell Terrier dogs are characterized by a restless disposition; they cannot sit still quietly, because for them movement is life.

Fans of dog shows also love this breed of dog. Terriers are highly trainable and feel quite confident at shows.


The Jack Russell is a dog for living with the family indoors. It's best if he has access to a fenced yard where he can spend at least some of his restless energy.

When walking your Jack Russell, a leash is always required to prevent him from chasing other animals and challenging large dogs. He will need 30 to 45 minutes of vigorous walking every day.

People who are going to get a Jack Russell must be firm and consistent. Like all strong-willed dogs, he will need strict and firm rules that must be followed strictly. Persistent and patient owners will be rewarded with a loyal and “positive” dog.

Jack Russells, starting from puppyhood, need a lot of contact with other dogs - to prevent aggression towards other dogs and animals, they need early socialization.

The story behind the film "Hachiko"

Hachiko is a real dog that existed in life. She was born on November 10, 1923. As a puppy she was given to a Japanese professor. Hidesaburo Ueno gave him the name Hashiko, which means eighth in Japanese. This nickname is easy to explain: the professor already had 7 dogs at that time, and Hashiko became the eighth. When the whole world learned about the existence of Hashiko, they began to pronounce his nickname with a European sound. This is how the name Hachiko came about.

Perhaps the world would never have known about Hachiko if the professor had not been involved in his upbringing and taught him to accompany him to the train in the morning and meet him in the afternoon

sitting at the station. Every day for 2 years, Hashiko came to the train station with him, waited until he left for work, and only then slowly went home. Exactly at 15.00 he again came to the platform to meet the owner.

But in May 1925, disaster struck: Hidesaburo Ueno became ill at work. The heart attack was fatal. That day, his pet could not wait for his owner. But for almost 10 years, the professor’s favorite came to the platform at the same time, at 15.00, and waited for the owner. The dog was sleeping on the porch of the house where he grew up and used to live with the professor.

Relatives and even close friends, seeing the dog’s suffering, tried to take Hashiko for themselves, but he still returned to the station and to the porch. Soon all the railway workers and merchants knew Hachiko and admired his devotion. They always recognized him and tried to feed him.

In the spring of 1935, Hachiko was found dead

close to the station. All the inhabitants of Japan already knew the history of this dog and everyone admired him. But then another circumstance became clear: after examining the body of the dead Hachiko, doctors discovered that he had the last stage of cancer, and he died of a heart attack. Since that day, March 8, the day of Hachiko’s death, was declared a day of mourning, and Hachiko himself, an Akita Inu breed, became a symbol of devotion. Now all dogs of this breed are considered the most loyal.

Education and training

The process of training a Jack Russell Terrier is quite simple, since dogs of this breed love to please their owner.

Before you start training a dog, you need to take care of its upbringing, namely:

— accustom the dog to its name;

— establish authority in front of the dog;

— socialize the dog, etc.

A well-trained dog will know basic commands on an instinctive level, making training easy and fun.

You cannot raise a dog using force. To punish your pet, use the ignoring method, since for Jack Russell Terriers, who love to be the center of attention, the owner’s lack of desire to play will be a punishment.

What breed is Scooby Doo?

This is the hero of the cartoon of the same name, a fictional dog that speaks humanly. She is fictional for this reason - the artist consulted with breeders on the question of what a real Great Dane looks like. After that, he drew Scooby Doo in his own way. As a result, the character does not look exactly like a dog of this breed. In the cartoon, Scooby Doo is a brown dog with black spots, a playful, funny, but very timid dog. Great Danes are large black dogs. Their dignity is good manners, endurance, patience, calmness. There is at least 1 dog in the world that looks exactly like Scooby Doo. This is Presley, a Great Dane breed living in America. He is the same size, color and just as shy, according to the owner.

Purchasing a puppy

The dog from “Mask” is a breed whose photos adorn many magazine spreads. Almost everyone wanted to buy it after the film was released. Over time, the hype around the breed subsided, but even today it still has many lovers and loyal fans.

Puppies are purchased not only for hunting, but most often as companions. The price of a puppy depends on the availability of documents and class. So, a show baby will cost from 40 to 80 thousand rubles, while just a dog from good parents will cost 25-35 thousand rubles.

Some people buy puppies without documents at a low price, but in this case there is a high risk of getting a breed that has mental problems. If you decide to buy such a dog, you should take with you a person who understands the breed so that he can assess how well it meets the basic criteria:

  • Advantage of white color, 2 spots on the head, a couple of spots near the tail.
  • Strong bones, developed muscles, clean ears and eyes.

When purchasing a dog, it is important to remember that this is not a toy, it is a close creature for many years. Therefore, you cannot focus only on a picture from a movie. You should carefully analyze the characteristics of the breed and understand whether you are ready to cope with the difficult nature of the dog and meet its needs for movement.

Habits and preferences

You won’t have any problems with food and care; the dogs are unpretentious and hardy. They know their “norm”, so they are not at risk of obesity. But they need to be fed often, since a lot of energy is spent on physical activity during games, fun with the child, walking and hunting.

What does dog care include:

  • Nails should be trimmed as needed;
  • Grooming;
  • Ears and eyes should be clean.

The “hunting instincts” of representatives of this breed cannot be restrained, otherwise slippers, documents and books that are not put away in time will end up being chewed. Water rat, hare, rodents - with such prey you can see a dog returning from a hunt. But so that they do not disappoint you, like other dogs, their education must begin when they are still very young. Training with dogs cannot be stopped even when they become adults, their intelligence requires work, lessons are not a burden for them, but a pleasure.

That’s why they “offered” a representative of this particular breed to act. And she succeeded; the dog coped with her role brilliantly. After the film was presented to the audience, people began to become interested in the breed and its popularity grew noticeably. In our country, a puppy can be bought for 15-25 thousand rubles; when purchasing, you need to ask whether the puppy has documents. Trust only specialized nurseries, otherwise you risk falling for the bait of scammers, because they can offer you a baby of a different breed.

The list of roles of representatives of this breed in the film “The Mask” can be seen in “Carrot Love 2”, “Beethoven”, “Paws”, and this is not the entire list of films. Who knows, maybe more than one director will “offer” a Jack Russell Terrier dog to star in his film or play the role of the main character in it.

The film “The Mask” is one of Jim Carrey’s most popular comedy films, and probably the most popular comedy of the 90s. One of the main characters of the film and subsequent sequels is the dog Milo. Milo is the animal companion of Jim Carrey's character, Stanley Ipkiss.


The health of Jack Russell Terriers is quite good, so they do not have any special hereditary diseases, but very often their eyes are susceptible to various diseases and infections. Therefore, the condition of the eyes must be carefully monitored and, if necessary, washed with a special solution.

In general, the Jack Russell Terrier is a faithful companion for a person who leads an active lifestyle. The dog will happily accompany you on walks, jogs, picnics, hikes and other active activities.

Very busy people who do not have the opportunity to devote enough time to the dog and its unlimited activity should not get a Jack Russell Terrier.

Milo was voiced by Frank Welker in the film.

After the success of the film, an animated series was released under the same name, “The Mask.” Milo the dog has often appeared on various television shows. Milo's voice was provided by Frank Welecker, who has also voiced many other similar characters, including Scooby-Doo, Droopy, Santa's Little Helper; he also provided the voices of other animals, such as Abu in Aladdin and Garfield the cat in several cartoons.

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