Why the dog trembles and behaves differently: dangerous and non-dangerous situations

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Every owner has at least once seen his dog trembling on the street or at home. Sometimes trembling occurs for completely natural reasons, for example, if the animal is simply frozen, but in some situations it is one of the alarming signs of a serious illness. In this article we will try to find out why the dog is trembling and how you can help your pet friend.

The dog is trembling and hiding

Dogs often tremble and hide, experiencing fear, for example, during a thunderstorm, fireworks, alarm sounds and any other noise, also when there is another animal, a small child, a rare guest or in an unusual environment.
Puppies are more often susceptible to anxiety; usually, as they grow older, this quality disappears. Fear goes away on its own in the absence of a provoking factor, sometimes it interferes with the dog’s full life, and it has to be dealt with with the help of animal psychologists. Trembling in the body and the desire to hide from the owner may indicate a painful condition of the pet. Such signs, along with other symptoms, cause diseases of the internal organs, infections and nerve damage. If your dog, along with unusual behavior, experiences elevated temperature, poor appetite, weakness, impaired movement, vomiting, diarrhea, or difficulty breathing, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. Only a veterinarian will determine the cause and, if necessary, prescribe the correct treatment.

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Trembling in animals occurs due to various reasons. Provoking factors can be harmless or dangerous to health. The degree of danger is assessed based on the totality of all symptoms that appear.


The reasons that provoke trembling in dogs are quite extensive.
In some cases, the cause can be assumed based on the location of the symptom. 1. Trembling of the head, shaking of the muzzle.

The dog may simply shake its head, may tilt it to the side (owners sometimes describe this symptom as “shaking something out of the ear”), or may make movements in a circle or from side to side. Also, such symptoms may be accompanied by disturbances in the movement of the pupils, for example, horizontal or vertical nystagmus - that is, the movement of the pupils from side to side or up and down. The reasons may be the following:

  • Cerebellar abnormalities (for example, in puppies after suffering from parvovirus enteritis),
  • Hereditary congenital abnormalities of the nervous system,
  • Inflammatory processes (encephalitis),
  • Traumatic brain injury,
  • Nervous form of canine plague.

2. Trembling of the pelvic limbs.

  • Weakness or pain (eg, abdominal pain, weakness with fever),
  • Metabolic diseases (kidney failure, low blood sugar or potassium levels - hypoglycemia or hypokalemia),
  • Compression injuries of the spine (tumors, hernias),
  • Leptospirosis.

3. General tremor. Trembling all over the body.

  • Poisoning with toxic substances (organophosphorus substances, mycotoxins)
  • Degenerative neurological diseases
  • Idiopathic generalized tremor (this syndrome is more common in small white dogs)

What symptoms along with trembling should you contact a veterinarian for help?

Trembling (tremor) is a rapid, uncontrolled contraction of the muscles of the limbs or the entire body. The symptom is a consequence of the dog’s painful or emotional state. The cause of trembling may be natural, for example from cold.

Trembling is caused by:

  • failure of electrolyte balance in the body;
  • intoxication;
  • neurological disease;
  • allergy;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • infection by parasites or viral infection;
  • stress;
  • injury;
  • a sharp decrease in calcium in puppy dogs;
  • overheat.

With an electrolyte imbalance in the body, the ratio of potassium and magnesium levels is disrupted; malnutrition and impaired functioning of the thyroid gland and kidneys can provoke a malfunction. Characteristic symptoms are trembling, low blood pressure, pale mucous membranes, irregular pulse, elevated temperature - the dog tucks its tail and shakes as if frozen, convulsions are possible.

Intoxication is caused by spoiled or unsuitable food for dogs, ingested chemicals, insect bites, and snake bites. Tremors, difficulty breathing, high blood pressure, low or high temperature, copious saliva, and foam from the mouth appear. Diarrhea and vomiting with blood may occur. Coordination is impaired, mucous membranes change color - they turn blue or red.

Epilepsy provokes severe convulsions, the dog sticks out its tongue. Typical symptoms include restlessness, vomiting, difficulty breathing, trembling of the whole body, and fainting. The provocateurs of the disease are head injuries, exposure to an electric discharge, severe intoxication, and a hereditary predisposition to the disease is possible.

Trembling may occur together with typical allergic symptoms (inflammation of the skin, itching, discharge from the eyes, ears, nostrils, frequent bowel movements, etc.).

A lack of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) is manifested by trembling, weakness, rapid heart rate, rapid weight gain, skin diseases, excessive shedding, diarrhea or constipation.

Hypoglycemia causes diabetes; a decrease in glucose levels provokes trembling, weakness, loss of appetite, excessive salivation; in severe cases, convulsions, fainting, and paralysis are possible.

Trembling, along with other symptoms, is caused by infectious and viral diseases. The painful condition is often manifested by fever, stool disturbances, vomiting, and cough. Bladder infections and kidney disease cause frequent (sometimes unsuccessful) urges to go to the toilet, incontinence, and discoloration of urine. When infected with worms, frequent trembling appears, body weight decreases, digestion is disrupted, the stomach increases in volume, and the animal’s mouth smells unpleasant.

Trembling is characteristic of a nervous disorder, when experiencing stress, the dog begins to tremble, this is possible when the usual environment changes, the dog may be restless or apathetic, begins to whine, howl, refuse to eat or demonstrate an unhealthy appetite.

Trauma can lead to neurological pathologies, shock accompanied by trembling, increased breathing, cold extremities, and pale gums are possible.

Trembling in pregnant or whelping bitches is caused by eclampsia - a significant decrease in calcium, leading to a malfunction of nerve cells. The appearance of vomiting, high fever, and breathing problems indicate the need for urgent contact with a veterinarian. Until the mother's health is restored, the puppies are transferred to artificial feeding.

Overheating in dogs occurs in the summer; prolonged exposure to the sun risks heatstroke. A similar effect is possible in dogs left for a long time in closed cars when it is hot outside. In addition to trembling, dogs experience breathing problems and weakness.

Associated symptoms indicating a painful condition:

  • high or low body temperature;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • changed color of urine;
  • allergic reactions;
  • change in color of mucous membranes;
  • breathing problems;
  • change in behavior (aggression, apathy);
  • weakness, drowsiness, poor appetite, thirst;
  • lack of coordination;
  • loss of consciousness.

Any of the listed signs obliges the owner to pay close attention to the health of the pet and promptly contact a veterinarian.

What to do?

There is no single instruction for action, because many different diseases can provoke the appearance of tremors in an animal. But the following tips will help you navigate the situation.

  1. Monitor your pet closely to identify possible symptoms in time and diagnose the disease.
  2. If the cause of trembling is fear, cold or excitement, then you need to create the most comfortable conditions. It is also necessary to eliminate irritating effects to calm the pet. If the dog owner does everything correctly, the tremors will go away almost immediately.
  3. It’s good to examine your pet; it may have been bitten by ticks.
  4. If the owner suspects that the animal has a parasitic disease or a viral infection, then the dog must be urgently shown to a specialist.
  5. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to give your animal annual vaccinations. These steps will help reduce the risk of infection, as well as possible complications.
  6. If a dog is infected with worms, communication should be limited, because parasites are easily transmitted to humans.

What procedures does the veterinarian prescribe?

Appropriate treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian after the cause of the trembling is determined; sometimes it is necessary to undergo an examination and obtain test results.

In case of electrolyte imbalance, intravenous administration of a water-salt solution is required. To avoid further problems, you need to examine the thyroid gland, kidneys, and carry out proper treatment of the identified diseases.

In case of food poisoning, first aid can be provided to your pet at home; the dog is induced to vomit, given an absorbent, and provided with plenty of fluids. If the cause of intoxication is not clear, the dog should be shown to a veterinarian. Gastric lavage, intravenous drips, and the use of antispasmodics, antiemetics, homeopathic and cardiac medications may be required.

For animals suffering from epileptic seizures, the veterinarian prescribes antiepileptic drugs and anticonvulsants.

To eliminate allergy symptoms, antihistamines are prescribed; in some cases, antibiotics and the use of hormonal and antifungal drugs are required.


In case of hypothyroidism, the deficiency of hormones is compensated for with hormonal drugs, the dosage of which is calculated only by a doctor.

In case of hypoglycemia, glucose injections are given; advanced disease requires thorough treatment; failure to provide timely assistance threatens hypoglycemic coma and death of the animal.

Depending on the virus or infection, different drugs are prescribed; these can be antibiotics and vitamins, mucolytic cough suppressants, immunostimulants, antiviral injections and other medications. In the fight against worms, deworming tablets or suspensions are used.

Dogs are prescribed sedatives to eliminate anxiety caused by changes in residence, exhibitions and other situations.

Depending on the severity of the injury, different treatment methods are used; painkillers can be used for pain syndromes.

If calcium levels are insufficient in pregnant or pregnant dogs, calcium chloride injections or calcium gluconate supplements are prescribed.

For all diseases, only a veterinarian can provide proper treatment.

Pathology prevention measures

It is possible to avoid the occurrence of seizures in a dog only if they are of secondary origin. If a dog shakes with small tremors due to hereditary causes, then the owner will face lifelong treatment. Anti-epilepsy drugs are used - the dosage is constantly changing, if the seizures stop, then the dosage of phenobarbital or its analogues is reduced. The animal's condition is constantly monitored, blood is given for tests, and the optimal level of medications is determined.

Shaking is common in pets due to liver and kidney failure. Therefore, it is necessary to approach feeding wisely, and use medicinal substances only on the instructions of a veterinarian.

When diagnosed with epilepsy, the dog should be provided with the best living conditions. It is necessary to exclude strong irritations that could provoke another attack. Feeding should be enriched with minerals and vitamins, since their deficiency leads to a deterioration in the animal’s condition.

Why does a dog tremble after vaccination?

Any vaccinations have side effects. The post-vaccination reaction is expressed by the dog's slight trembling, refusal to eat, general weakness, diarrhea or vomiting, elevated body temperature, and the appearance of painful swelling at the injection site. The occurrence and intensity of the consequences after vaccination depend on the characteristics of the animal’s body.

To avoid or minimize the side effects of vaccination, the dog needs to be prepared for the procedure - choose a qualified veterinary clinic, deworm it 1-2 weeks before the visit, and also make sure that the pet is not suffering from any disease symptoms.

Usually, all complications after vaccinations go away on their own without intervention. Alarming signs that require the services of a veterinarian include severe convulsions, allergic reactions, prolonged refusal to eat, diarrhea or vomiting for more than 3 days, body temperature exceeding 39°C, and other symptoms that do not go away or worsen.

After the vaccine, quarantine is required, during which the pet cannot be taken outside, bathed, and contact with other animals is prohibited.

It is important to monitor your pet’s condition after vaccinations and be prepared for possible complications.

Emergency care and treatment

For epilepsy, special drugs are used. The earlier the course of treatment begins, the better the effectiveness of therapy. But to use phenobarbital, there must be indications (clinical picture in the dog):

  • more than one seizure attack in 2 months;
  • attack within 1-2 weeks from the moment of head injury;
  • prolonged shaking in dogs;
  • difficult periods between attacks;
  • detection of structural violations.

Treatment of seizures should be carried out as quickly as possible. It is necessary to choose the right drugs against epileptic seizures. Non-sedating products should not be used for dogs, as they have a hepatotoxic effect. But other means also have a number of negative effects.

The inexpensive drug phenobarbital is well suited at an early stage of the disease. Potassium bromide has a similar effect. But this substance accumulates slowly in the brain - the therapeutic dose is reached over several months, so relapses of seizures are possible at the onset of the disease.

If brain inflammation is caused by non-infectious causes, then glucocorticoids are used. In most dogs, improvement in condition with moderate levels of encephalitis is observed within 3-5 days from the start of treatment. Infectious encephalitis precludes the use of this type of anti-inflammatory drugs. Treatment course:

  • prednisolone at a dosage of 1 mg/kg once a day for 7-10 days;
  • if clinical signs improve, the dose is reduced to 0.5 mg/kg;
  • subsequently, the dosage is gradually reduced as symptoms improve;
  • in case of relapse (sharp dose reduction), a return to the initial course is necessary;
  • treatment is continued until the clinic disappears - 4-6 weeks;
  • Lifelong use of low dosage glucocorticoids is possible for some highly sensitive dogs.

Muscle shaking in a dog, associated with secondary brain diseases and reactive causes, is a pathological symptom. To remove and eliminate it, it is necessary to treat the main etiological factor. In this case, special drugs against epilepsy are not required. Thus, in case of liver failure, it is necessary to maintain liver function, and in case of vascular lesions of the brain, inflammatory edema is relieved and the heart function returns to normal.

There is no universal reflex for treating seizures in dogs. In case of brain damage, constant monitoring of therapy and its correction is required. The concentration of drugs in the blood serum is monitored:

  • selection of individual treatment;
  • determination of toxic effect;
  • determination of therapeutic concentration.

Treatment is changed if therapy does not produce the desired results. The first stage is to increase the concentration of the active substance, but this leads to increased toxicity. Then it is necessary to change the medicine or supplement it. A common combination is a mixture of potassium bromide and phenobarbital.

When your dog needs emergency help:

  • the duration of the seizure attack is more than 5 minutes;
  • status epilepticus – shaking in the dog is followed by loss of consciousness for 30 minutes;
  • at least 3 attacks in three hours.

In an emergency situation, it is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the animal’s body and stop the attack. To prevent the dog's muscles from shaking, diazepam and a loading dose of phenobarbital are prescribed. Then the drugs are administered in a minimal dosage.

The use of various antispasmodic drugs is effective. The dog is injected intravenously with a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate every 10-12 hours, 5-10 ml. Treatment with diazepam and elenium lasts for two months.

The effectiveness of intravenous injection of glucose solution is noted (40%). It is also recommended for animals to be prescribed antiallergic drugs - diphenhydramine, suprastin, prednisolone. Be sure to use complex vitamin and mineral products. If symptoms of dehydration are severe, fluid therapy should be administered.

Trembling you can ignore

Often trembling in animals occurs for natural, non-critical reasons.

Harmless factors that cause trembling include:

  • cold;
  • sexual rut;
  • emotional sensitivity;
  • fear;
  • dream;
  • age.

Freezing, the dog tucks its tail, begins to tremble, and breathes intermittently. An animal can freeze not only during a walk, but also at home, after water treatments.

Sexual activity promotes unusual behavior. Seeing individuals of the opposite sex, dogs begin to shake, whine, become overexcited, attract attention in every possible way, and try to run away. Only spayed or neutered males and females are not susceptible to this. Trembling caused by a hormonal surge during the period of attraction to a partner is safe for the pet; the condition is normalized when hormones naturally stabilize.

Dogs often shake from an excess of feelings - excitement, joy. The dog usually demonstrates this behavior when the owner returns or when visiting familiar guests. In older dogs, excess emotions can cause jaw trembling.

Trembling and rapid breathing are possible with fear; the dog may be afraid of a large animal, a crowded place, a sharp sound - a clap of thunder, a volley of fireworks, sirens of special equipment, etc.

Sometimes tremors appear during sleep, but the tremor disappears while awake.

Old dogs develop tremors in their limbs. Senile trembling of the hind and apron legs has little effect on the movement of dogs and does not require treatment in the absence of other disturbing symptoms.


An emotional state (fear, anxiety) can also be the reason why a dog whines and trembles. This happens especially often, again, in small breeds. Perhaps the stress is associated with the dog being punished for an offense (for example, when it went to the wrong place) or its anticipation. Or your pet is afraid of a larger relative. It is likely that he will also hide in a booth or other secluded place.

Excitement is another type of strong emotion that causes trembling. Excitement can also be caused by positive factors, such as the anticipation of a treat. Or the excitement is associated with another unusual event - a fight, thunder, a trip, etc.

What to do? If possible, protect your dog from strong feelings, and in case of particularly severe stress, use calming tea.

How to eliminate chills in your dog yourself

Sometimes it is difficult to determine the cause of chills in a dog; you need to try to analyze the pet’s well-being, remember the events of the past days that could have affected the pet’s condition. A high temperature indicates possible infectious diseases or diseases of the internal organs.

If hypothermia is suspected, the dog should be warmed with a blanket or heating pad. To prevent the dog from freezing during walks in winter, he needs to wear special clothes. After home water treatments, the dog's fur should be thoroughly dried using a towel or hair dryer.

First aid for a hypoglycemic attack in an animal is to raise the glucose level, for this you can use honey (if there is no allergy), lubricate the gums with it or place it under the tongue every 6 hours until the trembling subsides or until veterinary intervention.

In case of poisoning, the dog requires gastric lavage, taking an absorbent, and drinking plenty of fluids. Allergy symptoms are suppressed with antihistamines. A frightened dog can be calmed down by a walk, a calm voice, the creation of familiar conditions, and eliminating the cause of anxiety.

Complex cases require a mandatory examination of the pet by a veterinarian. Only timely correct treatment will lead to a favorable outcome.

Trembling is a sign of illness

If your dog's body is trembling, pay attention to the animal's well-being. The situation is alarming:

  • the animal does not eat or drink anything;
  • the dog's body temperature rises;
  • the coat becomes dull and ruffled;
  • the appearance of peeling on the skin;
  • rapid pulse;
  • cyanosis appears on the mucous membranes;
  • upset or nausea occurs;
  • aggressiveness increases or, conversely, the animal becomes lethargic.

If one or more of these symptoms are observed, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian. There are many reasons for the pathology - poisoning, heart problems, dehydration, nervous disease, heat stroke. Only a veterinarian can make a diagnosis; self-medication or ignoring is inappropriate.

The animal may tremble if it is allergic. In such cases, antihistamines are prescribed.

Trembling begins in bitches before giving birth. The prenatal condition is not considered a pathology and does not require human intervention.

Causes of pathological tremors in dogs:

  • Chronic thyroid disease associated with hormonal imbalance. To establish a diagnosis, you will need to donate blood.
  • Sugar deficiency. Diabetes mellitus can be detected by taking blood sugar tests.
  • Lack or excess of magnesium or calcium. Trouble is common in animals. Accompanied by trembling, uncontrolled actions, sleep disturbances, and aggression. Such a violation is established using a biochemical blood test.

These three diseases are common in dogs. They are not fully curable and require systematic monitoring. With normal care and regular procedures, animals live full lives.

Which breeds are most likely to naturally tremble?

Individuals characterized by increased nervous excitability, manifested by natural trembling, include the Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, Toy Terrier, Pomeranian Spitz, Dachshund, and Lavretka. Small dogs do not cope well with emotional stress; this provokes muscle tension, expressed by trembling of the limbs, head, and tail. The dog begins to shake in anticipation of a treat, at the sight of the owner or familiar guests, when going outside. The physiological tremor characteristic of these breeds does not threaten the health of the pet.

Representatives of small breeds are more susceptible to hypothermia, they react to cold with trembling, blood flow accelerates, and muscle contraction prevents thorough freezing. Such dogs need to wear special dog overalls during the cold season. Chihuahuas get cold even indoors; these dogs require plenty of warm clothing accessories.

Allergic reactions and poisoning

Typically, the easiest pattern to detect is one associated with a specific type of food or drug. Then, most likely, the dog is shaking due to an allergic reaction or poisoning. With allergies and intolerance to some substance, redness sometimes occurs. It is possible that the animal will try to scratch the place where it appeared. Poisoning can be accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, apathy and general weakness.

What to do? Of course, it is best to stop taking the product or medication if it causes discomfort and tremors. See if the situation improves if you eliminate what your dog's body cannot tolerate. If there is no change for the better, you should consult a veterinarian. For allergies, antihistamines are often prescribed.

Factors that provoke restless behavior in dogs

Dogs do not behave inappropriately or excitedly unless there is a reason for it. Factors that provoke restless behavior in dogs:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • rutting, sexual hunting;
  • birth and feeding of puppies;
  • early weaning of puppies;
  • veterinary activities.

And these are not all the reasons that cause concern in pets.

Anxiety after birth in nursing dogs

Pregnancy and childbirth are a lot of stress for the body of bitches, especially for firstborns. Anxiety after birth in nursing dogs is inherent in nature, but can also be caused by excessive attention of owners to babies, due to the birth of non-viable offspring, due to lack of milk, and weak maternal instinct.

Restless behavior can also signal problems, pathologies of the genitourinary tract (mastitis, pyometra), postpartum complications.

During heat

During the period of sexual heat, during estrus, hormonal changes occur in the body of females, affecting the emotional background and behavior of animals. The bitch becomes restless, playful, and disobedient. Her nervous system is more vulnerable to irritants.

After operation

Most surgical procedures are performed under general anesthesia, so the first hours and days after the operation, the dog, recovering from anesthesia, behaves restlessly. The behavior is determined not only by the effect of the drugs, but also by the pain syndrome.

After vaccination

Any medical manipulation does not bring pleasure to animals. Dogs experience stress and discomfort when visiting a veterinary clinic, after vaccination, or any other veterinary procedures.

After vaccination, monitor the dog’s behavior and condition for the first two days due to the possible development of post-vaccination complications.

What should you do if your dog constantly hides in some dark place in the house?

To get rid of your pet's strange habits, many ways have been invented. Classes with a dog handler are considered the most reliable: a specialist helps to socialize the dog faster and more correctly and solve its psychological problems. But there are other options that any breeder can implement:

  1. Monitor your dog's health. If his illness is not brought to chronic stages and he is promptly checked by a veterinarian and vaccinated, the likelihood of photophobia and other unpleasant behavioral problems will decrease.
  2. Let him walk exclusively with you, without a leash - only in permitted places. Self-walking can lead to psychological turmoil that you may not even know about.
  3. Give sufficient intellectual load. Unobtrusively teach your dog commands, so it will not only become smarter, but also become better socialized and learn to control its emotions.
  4. Attract your dog to other areas of the house. For example, move a box of toys or change the feeding location. This way the dog will gradually explore the space and get used to it.
  5. Do not raise your voice in front of your pet. A dog is more sensitive to sounds than a person, so it is acutely sensitive to screams.

The main secret to rid your dog of obsessive fears or unusual behavior is to spend as much time with it as possible. The dog must understand that he is in no danger when he is with his owner. Then he will relate to frightening factors more easily.

Preventing stress in dogs

Preventing stress in dogs involves following simple rules:

  • Pay more time and attention to your pet and its socialization.
  • Monitor the quality of your diet.
  • Analyze why your dog shows anxiety in order to avoid stressful situations for your pet in the future.

  • Study the dog's habits and body language.
  • Properly organize the system of training and education.
  • Control the level of physical and emotional stress.
  • Accustom your dog to a car, hygiene procedures, and grooming from an early age.

If you want your dog to live a long and happy life, create comfortable conditions for him, surround the dog with care and love.

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