Celebrity dogs: famous people with their pets, breeds, nicknames, photos

It's no secret that we love knowing every detail about celebrities' lives, including what they name their dogs.

These famous people's dog names are the perfect starting point when you're naming your own pet and need some star inspiration.

Celebrities love to post their dogs on social media, take them to runway red carpets, or even enjoy a Saturday walk in the park. As a result, we often know a lot about their furry friends, including what they were named.

You may not believe it, but many are thrilled to name their new best friend after the star's dog. Whether you brought home a puppy or an adult four-legged friend from a shelter, you are faced with the task of giving your dog a name.


The glamorous blonde Paris Hilton gave this name to her favorite. In total, the girl has 17 small breed dogs. But it was Tinkerbell who became the most popular: she not only participates in fashion shows, but also became the heroine of a book. Of course, other people wrote it, but this literary work appealed to lovers of light humor and irony. In addition, proceeds from the shows were sent to one of the animal rescue funds. Only the owner herself can list all the names of the celebrity’s dogs.

Options for interesting nicknames

It is very convenient to use the names of historical figures, celebrities or characters from cartoons and films. Interesting and memorable nicknames will be:

  1. Batman.
  2. Sherlock.
  3. Robin.
  4. Jasmine.
  5. Simba.
  6. Pumbaa.

Funny nicknames are suitable for cheerful and cheerful owners. They evoke positive emotions, are easy to remember and kindly make fun of the distinctive features of their pets. If you call a small Spitz Wolfhound, this will cause an involuntary smile in many. Here are funny names for females and males:

  1. Bubochka.
  2. Dunya.
  3. Berry.
  4. Lynx.
  5. Gorgeous.
  6. Marshmallow.
  7. Sausage.
  8. Barmaley.
  9. Gigolo.
  10. Fashionista.

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Another mongrel dog on the list of celebrity dogs. This pitch-black pet owes its life to its owner Orlando Bloom. A man picked him up on the street when he was in critical condition. He not only washed and treated the dog, but also regularly takes him for walks with the child. The actor even brings him to the set and doesn’t mind sharing his sleeping place with him. Isn't this true mercy and nobility?

Escobar is Alena Vodonaeva’s big cat

The ex-participant of “House-2” got an amazing beast. This is a huge black cat. He is a representative of the Maine Coon breed. Escobar - that’s what Alena Vodonaeva called her large pet. The owner has difficulty holding the cat in her arms. And Alena’s followers on social networks gave her pet a funny nickname – “kitten-horse”.


And this funny French bulldog got a name in honor of the great artist. Initially, the dog was bought by Hugh Jackman for his children, but soon on the streets of New York one could already see the actor riding a scooter, and his companion mincing with his little legs next to him. Wolverine's affection for his pet is obvious - he does not go out for a walk or to the store without it.

Pitt and Berkeley

One of the most beautiful actresses of our time, Charlize Theron, also did not look for a purebred dog in a pet store. She picked him up on the street. The black terrier Barkley was not bored for long in the big house of the new owner; he was soon joined by a pit bull named Pitt. The girl condemns people who buy expensive dogs when you can simply meet them on the streets of the city and give them shelter. After the death of her beloved dog, the celebrity no longer wanted to have any pets, but could not ignore the animals that needed a home.

Sergey Lazarev

Russian singer Sergei Lazarev also loves dogs. He has a pet named Daisy, and in 2022 another four-legged friend appeared, who received the unusual name Fox. In his microblog on Instagram, Sergei Lazarev told subscribers the story of his appearance.

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The singer spent a long time looking for a suitable candidate: it had to be a friendly and medium-sized girl who could find mutual understanding with other animals and get along well with children. And then the artist received a call from the animal shelter and was told that they had a dog that met all the requirements 100%. After all the examinations, vaccinations and medical procedures, the singer took the animal home and is glad that his Daisy no longer has to be bored alone.

Teddy Bear

This dog at one time received more fame than his famous owners. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart got two dogs when their romance was just beginning. Bear and Bernie accompanied the couple everywhere, and when the young people decided to separate, they could not share the dogs. Initially, it was believed that they belonged to Rob, but the girl became so attached to the pets that for a long time she could not give up the idea of ​​​​taking Teddy Bear for herself. She openly stated to the journalist that he was like a child to her. She was stopped by the thought that the dogs should not be separated, because over four years they had become attached to each other much more strongly than their owners. Pattinson dotes on his four-legged friends, who will soon have a new friend. Robert's fiancee also has a dog, which amazes fans with its appearance. The girl gives him extravagant hairstyles.


Russian pop singer Yulia Sievert got a charming little pet in 2019. A black and white girl of a rare breed of Shiba Inu received the nickname Muni. The celebrity shared the good news with subscribers on Instagram. Fans congratulated Yulia on the new addition to the family and asked her to devote more time to her new friend.

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When the puppy grew a little older, he began to watch with interest the vocal exercises of the mistress and often even sang along with the mistress.

Pamela Anderson's Big Heart

The actress has long been known for her love of dogs: several four-legged friends constantly live in her house. In addition, she actively participates in the lives of street animals. In 2009, she was shocked by the story of how stray dogs were being killed in India, and she immediately wrote a letter to the municipality. She revealed to the authorities a simple truth - to stop the growth of stray dogs, it is enough to sterilize them. There they listened to the star’s opinion and promised to kill only animals infected with rabies.

Choosing a nickname for your puppy

there will be no prefix, but only one nickname.
The letter with which the puppies' nicknames should begin is regulated by the club using stud books. The nickname itself is chosen at the discretion of the breeder; for example, he can give all the puppies nicknames based on colors or car brands, if his imagination allows him to come up with so many nicknames for one letter. All nicknames are registered in the RKF and can be reassigned only after 30 years. The nickname assigned by the breeder cannot be changed.

However, the home nickname may differ from the one indicated in the documents. It is precisely about the choice of this “home” name that we will talk today.

The appearance of a small creature in the house is a big event, which ultimately drives most new owners into a stupor. When it comes to choosing a dog’s name, it’s not a sin for an experienced dog breeder to get confused. How to choose a name for a dog so that it suits both the owner and the animal, “the one”, one for life? Let's consider all the existing recommendations on how to choose the right name for a dog, and you decide for yourself which advice to choose. .

“Necessary” letters, syllables, sounds. It is believed that dogs perceive the same range of sounds as humans, plus higher frequencies that are inaccessible to human hearing. In fact, both humans and dogs hear a sound whose volume barely exceeds 20 Hz. The upper threshold is significantly different, for a person it is 20,000 Hz, and for a dog up to 70,000. However, this is not the point, four-legged animals hear certain sounds much further. That is, if the call is chosen correctly, the ward will hear the name without raising your voice, even if he is at a distance of more than 50 meters. Naturally, natural characteristics vary depending on the breed and type of structure of the dog. Oddly enough, hearing acuity is not affected by the shape of the ears, breed, “profile” or other characteristics of the dog. A born puppy remains deaf for 10 to 14 days. Gradually, the developing hearing becomes sensitive to high-pitched sounds, including the squeaking of brothers and sisters and the whining of the mother. By 3 weeks of age, the puppy begins to distinguish human speech, more precisely, voiced consonants.

An adult dog hears all sounds, however, the pet perceives some words quickly and clearly, while others with irritation. The secret is in the stress and construction of the word. Several voiceless vowels create hiss, that is, noise. The emphasis on the consonant makes the word voiced, a simple example, “Go eat.” Agree, the “magic phrase” can be said in a whisper, but the pet will hear it.

Advice! When choosing a nickname, use the rule of consonants and voiced sounds.

Disputes about longer nicknames “break down” in everyday life, you can choose a nickname for a dog consisting of 4 words, you can use the title name from the documents, you can claim the title of Guinness record holder by choosing a nickname longer than 1046 letters, however, in practice, everything these options are not viable. Most owners shorten the dog's name to 4 letters or 2 syllables. Archibald becomes simply Archie, and Maria Von Dietrich becomes Masha.

Advice! When choosing a nickname, keep in mind that you, your family, neighbors, and the dog itself will hear this name for at least 12–15 years. Don’t go to extremes, naming your dog after departed pets, relatives, or a TV series hero; fashion and emotions will pass, but the name will remain..

The meaning and energy of the name If you consider the teachings about matter, the energy of objects and living beings to be far-fetched and unrealistic, skip this section. Many experienced dog breeders have encountered situations where a puppy acquired the qualities of its name. Lightning rushed like a racehorse, Buran could not live without troubles, the Sheriff strove for dominance over all living creatures, and only the wolfhound Martha quietly nibbled the grass and behaved quietly. Yes, such phenomena happen and it is useless to deny them. However, this does not mean that the name will necessarily affect the character of the dog. After all, the Titanic was called “with meaning,” but when it met an iceberg, everything ended tragically..

Advice! Energy matters, especially if you yourself believe in the “laws of the universe.” Don't try to choose the "perfect" name, but make sure it doesn't clash with your pet.

You should not rely on the interpretation of names when considering human names. Not many Victorias have become winners in life, and Olegs are far from saints. Most interpretations of names are written by people and for people. If you are looking for the meaning of a name, think about what it means directly to you, this is much more important than “clichés” invented by someone..

Dog astrology You can choose a name for a dog based on its date of birth, yes, this also happens. Progress has come a long way; now dog names are determined by date of birth or zodiac sign. How serious this approach should be considered is for the owners to judge. However, from experience, many owners agree with the zodiac description of their pets.

I will name the dog in honor... Trying to choose a name for a boy’s dog that will emphasize his masculinity and greatness, the owners think about the names of Gods, warriors, and generals. Zeus, Thor, Caesar, Emir are beautiful and majestic nicknames, but not for a Pekingese or toy terrier. Little ones who need a winter sweater, who jump into their arms at the sight of a seasoned yard cat, also deserve courageous names. The name Richard, aka Rich, is perfect for a small male who carries a big lion’s heart in his small chest..

Advice! Observe the puppy for several days, so you will learn some of the characteristic features of the pet. Consider the size of the adult dog when choosing names that describe the pet. For example, the St. Bernard Malysh or Masya brings at least a smile..

By naming an animal after the characters of books or films, you oblige them to correspond to the image. Either refrain from making such a choice, or clearly understand that a dog’s character depends only on genetics and upbringing. By calling a dachshund Princess, you will not be able to influence the dog’s instinctive desire to roll out in the nearest puddle. Moreover, even education can be powerless over instincts.

How to make a choice? You have two options - study literature and name reference books or rely on intuition. Consider a few key points and the range of names will narrow significantly:

Yume, Buffy and Faithful

Among the dogs of Russian celebrities, this trio holds a special place. After all, their owner is the president himself. Vladimir Putin does not hide his love for his pets and willingly appears in their company at photo shoots. Verny was given to him for his birthday by the President of Turkmenistan, and now he is no longer a well-fed puppy, but a huge Alabai. Buffy also received it as a gift from the Prime Minister of Bulgaria. The Karakachan shepherd dog has been living in the president’s house for 8 years. The name of this animal was chosen by the whole country.

The governor of a Japanese prefecture added an Akita Inu puppy named Yume to Putin's menagerie. The world famous dog Hachiko was of this breed. But the president's most popular dog was Kony. This black Labrador was given as a gift by Sergei Shoigu in 2000. The dog moved freely in the Kremlin and often came to see how its owner interacted with foreign guests. She especially liked Angela Merkel, to whom Kony persistently tried to lay her head in her lap. The Chancellor is afraid of dogs, and Putin’s favorite, the color of a raven wing, completely instilled horror in her. Unfortunately, the Labrador is no longer alive, but the rest of the trio will live happily ever after.

List of names in alphabetical order

In order to choose a suitable name for your pet, you can look through the best options below, where dog names for girls are given. This list does not at all limit the choice of name, because you can combine several nicknames and come up with your own.

  • Alice, Athena, Aphrodite, Alira;
  • Beatrice, Bella, Busya, Beauty, Bulka;
  • Spring, Cherry, Verbena, Verona, Waffle;
  • Gucci, Hera, Gloria, Gretta, Glasha;
  • Daphne, Dora, Gemma;
  • Herringbone, Elena, Eva;
  • Giustina, Georgette;
  • Winter, Zita, Marshmallow, Zara, Zera;
  • Irma, Willow, Iolanta, Inessa, Isa, Ida;
  • Candy, Caramel, Kelta, Kiara;
  • Lolita, Lyra, Leia, Chanterelle, Lana, Paw, Lady;
  • Medea, Martha, Maleficent, Missy, Mila, Musya, Margosha;
  • Norma, Note, Nymph, Narcissa, Nessa;
  • Ocher, Orlika, Olivia, Ora, Ottawa, Dressed;
  • Patty, Patty, Patricia;
  • Ruta, Rosochka, Regina, Rita;
  • Santa, Sutti, Sarah;
  • Trinity, Tina, Tara, Twixie;
  • Whitney, Ulya, Ursula, Ondine, Smile;
  • Fairy, Fairy, Fifa, Faina, Flora, Francis, Frida;
  • Khrushtyashka, Hristya, Hana, Hippie, Helena;
  • Cercea, Citrina, Tsipa, Tsilya;
  • Chucha, Chelsea, China;
  • Shawnee, Shayna, Chanel;
  • Edna, Esther, Edelfina, Elfia, Ellody;
  • Yuna, Yula, Juno, Yusha;
  • Apple tree, Berry, Jadwiga, Java.


The photo of a celebrity and a dog reflects the whole breadth of the soul of Konstantin Khabensky. He did not succumb to the influence of fashion and took a sick pet from a shelter. The mongrel Frosya quickly recovered thanks to her new owner. It is worth noting that the actor, after experiencing a tragedy in his family, is actively involved in charity work, and this act is just a small part of his big cause. Now the dog visits film sets with Konstantin and travels to different cities. A caring owner even selects hotels so that his pet is comfortable and has a place to walk.

Yuliy Oneshko

Russian video blogger Yuliy Oneshko, better known online under the pseudonym Yulik, is also a big fan of dogs. The celebrity and his girlfriend Dasha lived with a corgi dog named Bima for several years, for which the owners created a separate page on Instagram, where new funny photos and videos with the pet regularly appeared.

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However, subscribers later learned that the star’s dog became uncontrollable and began to behave aggressively, biting its owners. Even the dog handler, who was invited to solve the problems, did not help. Therefore, Bima found new owners. Now Yuli has a cat Nice of the Oriental breed and a dog named Borya.

Celebrities born in the year of the Dog

Loyal, honest, noble, able to keep other people's secrets and very likable people - this is exactly what they say about everyone who is lucky enough to be born in the year of the Dog. The first conqueror of outer space Yuri Gagarin, the sex symbol of the last century Brigitte Bardot, the resilient Frenchman Pierre Richard, the king of pop Michael Jackson, the ageless and always magnificent Madonna, recognized geniuses of the pen Stephen King and Kurt Vonnegut, supermodels Naomi Campbell and Claudia Schiffer, legend rock music Elvis Presley and David Bowie. If you could not find a reflection of all the listed qualities in these people, then no one will doubt the nobility and generosity of Mother Teresa!

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