“Buy me a dog!” 15 Best Dog Breeds for Kids

Dogs have accompanied humans for hundreds of years. They live next to us, share shelter and protect. And, of course, they become the most devoted friends. Before you get a pet at home, you need to take into account the opinions of everyone in your family. A particularly careful approach will be required if the dog ends up in a house with children. Parents will need to take into account the size of the adult dog, its breed habits and reputation. From the article you will learn about the benefits that accompany the cohabitation of a dog and a child, you will be able to choose one of the most suitable breeds listed in our rating and express your opinion in the comments to the article.

The benefits of a dog for a child

Some psychologists express the opinion that if a child asks for a dog, it means he is ready to take on some share of responsibility for a living creature. Perhaps this is true. However, there are often cases when the fuse goes away already in the first month and the care of the pet falls on the shoulders of the parents. The reason may be not only the child’s irresponsibility or inappropriate age, but also an incorrectly selected breed. So what can coexistence with a dog teach a child? The benefits are:

  • responsibility training;
  • the little person gains confidence in his own abilities. After all, he has the responsibility to care for a living being;
  • increasing immunity. Research suggests that in a home where a dog lives, children are less likely to suffer from respiratory infections and are less susceptible to allergic reactions and asthma;
  • reducing anxiety and minimizing stressful conditions. Having a pet in the house allows you to get rid of night fears - after all, the tailed watchman is always on duty;
  • Will force the little owner to leave a place at the computer and walk together on the street. And fresh air is good for everyone, without exception;
  • Will become a wonderful friend for children with autism, absent-minded attention disorder, hyperactivity;
  • It’s much easier to establish a comfortable daily routine with your dog;
  • They teach devotion and unconditional love, forgiveness and kindness.

All these advantages are possible provided that the breed is selected correctly. Often, a small owner, due to his age, simply cannot become an authority figure for his tailed friend, look after him and become a playmate, so unpleasant situations are possible.


We talked about nanny dogs and dogs that can provide excellent company for a child. And what breeds are capable of truly loving your baby? There are many of them. For convenience, we divide them into three groups:


  1. The leader, of course, is the St. Bernard. He is calm, reliable, and has a credible past as a rescue dog. This animal will sincerely love your baby and will become not only a nanny, but also a friend.
  2. Newfoundland. A good-natured dog with amazing intuition. The Newfie is perhaps the only breed that will calmly allow itself to be ridden and that sincerely loves children's games.
  3. Giant Schnauzer or Giant Schnauzer . This is a friendly and loyal dog that needs attention. She will love whoever gives it to her - including the child.
  4. Cane Corso . Don't let its appearance scare you: this dog's devotion to children is legendary. Dog handlers call this breed a nanny-governess: they are even ready to give their life for the baby.
  5. Boxer. Yes, he will have an excellent relationship with the child: he has an increased love for children.

Cane Corso

Giant Schnauzer


Which representatives of medium-sized breeds love small children:

  1. Shar Pei. A sedate and at the same time funny dog ​​can become an excellent protector. They can be fierce, protecting the child like a lion.
  2. Samoyed dog. She is very beautiful and loves to play with children, but will require a lot of care.
  3. The Border Collie is a fast herding dog, extremely intelligent and affectionate. She will “shepherd” the baby – and will do it with love.
  4. English Bulldog - yes, it is considered a medium-sized dog. It is better to give it to an older child: for all its affection for children, this is a rather stubborn breed. In addition, these medium-sized animals are very suitable for an apartment!
  5. Cocker Spaniel. A dog will get along well with a hyperactive child: they will become inseparable!

Border Collie


Little ones

Important: a child should not have such a dog, he may inadvertently crush it.

The advantage of small dogs is that they are suitable for any apartment, and often these little tails are very fond of children.

  1. Yorkie is a beautiful, flexible and hypoallergenic baby.
  2. The Papillon is a charming dog with huge ears and long hair.
  3. The Spitz is very attentive to its owner, and the child will adore it.
  4. Miniature Pinscher . He is smart, can attack someone who, in his opinion, poses a danger to the baby - and usually turns out to be right.
  5. Coton de Tulear is an obedient and devoted little one. Gets along easily with other animals.

Coton de Tulear Papillon

At what age can a child buy a dog?

Until the age of 5, a child does not perceive a dog or other animal as an animate object. At this age, experts advise getting an animal that does not require tactile contact, but which can be observed. During this period, the baby will be able to see how his parents take care of another animal; these skills will be realized by him at an older age. The optimal age for bringing a pet into the home is over 6 years old.

But it is worth remembering that even at this age the baby will not be able to take care of the dog on his own. All talk about the need for walks, washing paws and feeding is an abstraction. Reinforcing the required behavior only comes with practice. Initially, it is necessary to do all care procedures together with the child, without assigning him specific responsibilities. Then the parent should gradually step aside and give more and more independence to this pair of friends.


It's impossible not to fall in love with a pug. One look into those eyes and at that funny face and even the most avid cat lover will melt. Children go crazy about them and often have to explain to them that this is a dog, not a toy.

They have a hard time toilet training and it will take time, but it's worth it. These tiny clowns will give you endless joy and you will feel like they live to make you laugh. In addition, pugs are easy to care for and take up little space, making them well suited for apartment living.

Criteria for choosing a four-legged friend for a child

The choice of a four-legged friend should always be approached responsibly, especially when it comes to a child. First, it is worth considering the following criteria: character, size, gender and the presence of allergies in the child.


Dogs, like people, can be different. Kind, serious, active, capricious and calm. If your child likes to spend time outside, play in the sandbox and climb slides, then you should give preference to a large, fluffy and active dog.

For diligent guys, you can choose a small but patient dog.

You should first pay attention to how well the animal and the child get along and only then proceed to purchase.


Most often, children choose big dogs. They are soft, fluffy and kind. Large pets are easy to play with, so they are ready to patiently endure all the torment.

Large dogs are also ready to ensure the safety of the owner and, as practice shows, behind a large body hides a vulnerable and very faithful soul.

Small dogs are more capricious. They tire quickly and due to their small size, these small creatures are very easy to harm.

Male or female

The gender of the pet plays an important role. In addition, it has a significant impact on the appearance of the pet. Bitches are smaller in size and visually more pleasing to the eye. Males are stronger, have a prominent chest and are less capricious. In addition, the owner of the bitch will have to take care of future offspring.

Girls get along better with kids, while boys like to take care only of themselves.

Pros and cons of buying a four-legged friend

Four-legged friends can do a lot of good and just as much harm. The animal may become:

  • an excellent housekeeper;
  • protector in the yard and on the street;
  • property guard;
  • bloodhound.

In addition, pets brighten up the everyday life of lonely people and give positive emotions. If there is a child in the house, then puppies can teach children responsibility and care.

As for the negative side, unfortunately it also exists. A good dog is a well-mannered animal; if you don’t exercise it, it will behave like a hooligan, spoil things and furniture, and try to steal food from the table.

Thoroughbred representatives are very expensive, so the costs will be significant.
In addition, a lot of time and effort will be spent on your pet. Note! Any dog, regardless of where it is kept, in a country house or apartment, requires serious training. Otherwise, it can be dangerous both for the owners and for the people around them.

If your child is allergic to dogs

Many parents decide to give up pets if a child or another family member has allergies. But don’t think that allergies are a reason to give up a pet. In this case, you should turn your attention to hypoallergenic animals and first consult with a canine specialist or your attending allergist.

  1. The Bichon Frize is a dog that gets along well with children and does not shed. She has small fur, so you can have such a pet not only in a private home, but also in an apartment.
  2. Terriers are dogs that can be of different sizes, with different lengths of hair, and at the same time be affectionate and loyal friends. They have excellent hair, the main thing is to provide it with proper care.
  3. The Poodle is an interesting dog with a bit of hair on its body. They are smart and love children very much.

As a last resort, you can choose hairless dog breeds, but buying such a pet is much more difficult. First of all, you need to pay attention to the high price.

Things to consider

First of all, you need to decide on your needs and capabilities. Then choose a suitable breed, and only then look for a good breeder.

We wrote about which dog is better to have in an apartment for a child (without a cat) here >>>

What else is important to consider besides the breed and future material costs? Evaluate your own time: you will need it not only for care and walking, but also for training and communicating with your pet. Otherwise, problems will arise with his behavior.

We take into account the age and character of the children, and our lifestyle. This also includes special life situations and family life.

A dog requires more communication time than a cat. But a dog is a more predictable animal, and it’s easier to build relationships with him.

The best dogs for children

How successful their communication will be depends on whether the right breed of dog is selected for a family with a child. Otherwise, this responsibility will fall on the shoulders of the parent and will not bring any benefit.

Small dogs for children

Many people think that small dogs are the ideal solution for families with children. This is wrong. Due to its small size, it is worth getting a small breed dog only if all children have reached the age of 7 years. At this age, children already understand that they need to be careful with the dog and not harm him. In addition, among small breeds there are those that absolutely do not tolerate a free attitude towards themselves and are ready to defend themselves with teeth and claws.

Yorkshire Terrier

These cute dogs have a cheerful disposition, can adapt to any rhythm of life of their little owner and love to play funny games. You must be especially careful to ensure that your Yorkie does not get injured. In addition, it is advisable to train your pet and purchase toys for it so that it can entertain itself in the absence of its owners.

Boston Terrier

They look like a smaller exact copy of a German boxer. The most popular breed in the USA. Boston Terriers love children, preferring teenagers, but will not show aggression or displeasure towards kids. They love active games. They can live in a private house and apartment.

Pomeranian Spitz

Spitz are rightfully considered one of the smartest dogs. Fluffy dogs are perfect for apartment living. Like any decorative breed, Spitz dogs require special care for their fur. The child will be able to take active long walks with such a pet. The small animal is able to protect its owner by making noise and standing between the offender and the child.


One of the most affectionate dog breeds. Maltese are so attached to their owner that they are ready to tag along constantly. Suitable for children who lack self-confidence and suffer from lack of attention and communication. It is worth considering that such a pet does not tolerate separation well, so you need to plan the little owner’s vacation so that the dog can accompany him.


Excellent watchdogs among small ornamental breeds. They are moderately active and can spend half the day on their favorite bed while the owner is busy with lessons. Suitable for children over 8 years old, the Pekingese will not tolerate liberties that younger children can take.

Shih Tzu

An ideal companion for a child. Playful, moderately active. They always feel the owner’s mood and will not demand attention if he is busy with business. It is worth remembering the need to visit a grooming salon and care for your pet’s coat yourself.

Poodle (toy)

Very smart and playful. Suitable for children suffering from allergies. From childhood, it is necessary to accustom the puppy to combing and drying with a hairdryer after washing. This will make caring for beautiful curls much easier. The dog will need active walks with outdoor games. Poodles are a source of inexhaustible energy.


The breed is suitable for children who have a phlegmatic temperament. Until the age of three, dogs are active, then they become calmer, although they are not alien to the desire to go wild with their beloved owner. They are often stubborn and willful. Grooming is minimal, but shedding occurs all year round.

Cairn Terrier

Cheerful active dogs that look like wolf cubs. They love children and fun games with them. They do not show aggression and do not like to be alone.

Jack Russell Terrier

A popular breed that comes as a surprise to many. The dogs are so active that few children can keep up with their pace. Despite his cute face, Russells are quite serious. They can protect. They often rush to sort things out with their own kind.

French Bulldog

The breed is suitable for active families with children. It is advisable to always have someone at home. The dog does not tolerate loneliness very well. They have poor health: they do not tolerate heat well, they have frequent food allergies, and they snore.

Chinese Crested

Their peculiarity is that dogs do not tend to dominate, so they will become excellent companions for children. You should not leave your dog with children under 5 years old, it is very easy to injure it. They do not shed and do not tolerate cold well.

King Charles Spaniel

You can have one even if there is a newborn in the family. The spaniel is ready to nurse the baby and follow his wishes, which he will immediately inform his parents about. Needs active walks. Do not forget that this is a hunting breed, and not a decorative dog. He can stand up for himself and will not become a toy.

Medium dogs for children

Suitable for older children. For example, starting from the age of ten. After all, their weight can reach 25 kg, and their height is half a meter at the withers.

Russian Spaniel

A breed with developed security and watchdog qualities. The child will not only have to provide care, but also train the dog and engage in some kind of sport with him. For example, agility. They are very attached to one owner. The spaniel's coat is hypoallergenic.


As in the famous series, the breed manifests itself as an active friend and guard. Very smart and active. They will be able to protect the owner by barking loudly and calling for help. They feel great in a large family with several children. Suitable for living in a private house or apartment.


Bloodhounds love walking and running. Suitable for an active child who plays sports. They often choose the youngest in the family as the owner, treating his touches and games favorably.

Miniature Bull Terrier

For a long time they have been considered excellent nannies in their homeland in England. Their standard relatives have a notorious reputation for being brutal killers, but this is not true. The reason for this dog's behavior is careless owners. A mini bull terrier is better suited for a child. Children over 13 years old should start the breed.

Siberian Husky

The breed, fashionable in the modern world, is completely unsuitable for living in an apartment. The dog needs a private home, preferably with a field or forest nearby. The child will have to walk the dog several times a day. A husky needs to be trained, otherwise he will pull and tear from the leash in an insatiable thirst for a run. It is worth considering that huskies are not guard dogs. They are good-natured and happy to see any person.

Miniature Schnauzer

Small dogs are brave guards. They are suspicious of strangers. They have a reserved disposition and will not bother you if the owner is busy with business. The child will be able to walk with the miniature dog without fear that the dog will bully other dogs or run away from him.

English bulldog

Active stocky dogs need periodic rest. They will not be able to support the game for several hours at a time. It is better to get one for a child who is over 10 years old. They do not tolerate loneliness well. Susceptible to injuries and respiratory diseases.


Corgis are perfect for living in an apartment - they practically do not bark, but they can howl. They love all family members equally and are patient with children. They adapt to the activities of the owner. They know when it’s time to play, and when they just need to lie at his feet.

Border Collie

Suitable for active children over 12 years old. They are so active and need a burst of energy that they are ready to literally ram the walls in the apartment if there is a lack of walking and training.


Experts say that representatives of the breed have a cat-like disposition. They do not like training and have their own opinion on everything, defending it with the stubbornness of a donkey. We are not ready to tolerate children under 10 years of age. They need exercise and walks. Loneliness is stressful for them.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

In our country they do not have the best reputation. But it is worth remembering that this is the merit of irresponsible owners. In England these are nanny dogs. They strictly monitor the mood of newborns and are very unhappy with parents who allow their babies to cry. Suitable for a responsible child over 12 years of age who is ready to undergo a training course with a specialist along with their pet. Excellent guards.

American Water Spaniel

The value lies in its hypoallergenic wool. They raise their voice extremely rarely, only during periods of acute excitement. Suitable companions for children over 10 years old.

Big dogs for children

This includes breeds whose representatives can reach 80 cm at the withers and weigh up to 60 kg. The best living conditions are a private house with a separate territory. Depending on its coat, the dog can live in a house, enclosure or kennel. Particular attention should be paid to the joints - this is the weak point of all the giants of the canine world.

Black Russian Terrier

Serious dogs that were bred to be kept in harsh conditions. They have a calm temperament and will not pull a child’s leash on the street or bully other dogs. Capable of protecting the little owner. They need training and long walks. They do not tolerate whole days of loneliness well.


Active, ready to spend all the time with the owner. They get along well with older children, but they simply tolerate kids. They love long walks and active games with different objects. They can live in an apartment.

Saint Bernard

Representatives of the breed do not have the hottest temperament. However, he needs walking and exercise. Otherwise, the dog may be at risk of obesity. When alone, he becomes stressed. The big dog will be able to take the kids on a sled ride, and at the same time show maximum accuracy.


Smart dogs with an unusual appearance are suitable for a family with several children of different ages. They will share the interests of a teenager and a toddler. Aggression is rare for them. They will be able to protect the owner and, if necessary, call for help. Active, but in moderation. Long hair needs brushing.

German boxer

At first glance, they are characterized by a stern disposition. In fact, Boxers are gentle and loving dogs. They love games and walks in nature. Suitable for children over 10 years old.

Bernese Mountain Dog

It is important for Mountain Dogs to be close to people, but long-term physical activity is difficult for them. The dog is suitable for a large family with children of different ages. He will share the interests of teenagers and kids. During a walk, he will always keep track of the youngest ones so as not to lose sight of them and protect them if necessary.

Giant Schnauzer

The largest of the schnauzers is a true shepherd in the family. He is ready to keep an eye on all his charges during a walk, preventing them from scattering to the sides. A tireless partner in any games, patient with kids. I am ready to ride them on my back like a pony and endure careless handling. Wool needs trimming.

Golden retriever

Dogs are considered one of the leaders among breeds recommended for families with children. Good nature, courage, intelligence and a reverent attitude towards the smallest child are the distinctive features of retrievers.


Unusual dogs with fur that resembles an unkempt sheep or a floor brush. Very playful and smart. Suitable for a child who lacks self-confidence, who can establish communication with peers by telling them interesting facts about an unusual pet. The coat does not need combing, but requires special care.


Like the previous breed, it is the most friendly towards children. You can safely leave the dog with the child; they will find an interesting game in which the dog will yield to its little owner in everything. Aggression is shown extremely rarely. Exercise is required to avoid obesity.

Basset Hound

Suitable for children who love to be outside, but are not inclined to active games. Dogs are very smart, reasonable and affectionate. The optimal age of the child is over 13 years old.


The hunting breed tolerates walks well in all weather conditions. You can go hiking, biking and jogging with your setter in the morning. Not suitable for a calm or lazy owner. Need constant communication.

Poodle (royal)

They have the status of the smartest dogs in the world. They have a unique appearance. They love training and new tricks. They will become a good friend to an enthusiastic owner, with whom they can learn new tricks and take long walks.


Peace-loving dogs, however, have considerable mass. It is recommended for children over 14 years of age. A training course is required. Wool is hypoallergenic and does not require special care. He will be able to walk with his owner in any weather.


The Newfoundland is a real nanny dog, a kind and loyal friend. These funny, big and fluffy dogs were born real heroes. They love to play active games, swim and can even save a person. Newfoundlands are very devoted to their owners and, as a thank you for their love and maintenance, are ready to serve faithfully. The only negative is excessive salivation.

Dogs for protection

Since ancient times they have been used for protection. They are fast, strong and loyal. If you are planning to get a pet for protection and there is a small child in the house, you should choose not only a large, but also a kind pet.

You should be careful when choosing a guard dog so that they do not harm a small child!


The advantages of shepherd dogs are known throughout the world. They are used for military service, security and defense of state borders. This breed has many advantages for protecting the home. They are active, friendly and very loyal. Your baby will be absolutely delighted!

Giant Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzers are large dogs with long hair. They love children and at the same time provide security to the entire home. Such dogs are ready to be on the move all day and entertain kids. Therefore, it is better to start them in a country house or in a private house.

Dogs who love children

Dogs are very good-natured pets. They love extra attention and are ready to give love to their owners.

If you have children in your home, then you should choose dogs that get along well with married couples.

They love babies:

  • Bichon Frize;
  • Beagle;
  • Labrador;
  • Corgi;
  • Pug.

For the youngest children

If parents decide to get a dog for a small child, then they should know that communication with the dog will be absolutely safe. It is advisable to select a very responsible pet with a big and fluffy soul:

  • Labrador Retriever;
  • Beagle;
  • Spaniel;
  • Affenpinscher;
  • Coton de Tulear;
  • Irish Terrier.

You should not get a dog for a child under two years of age, as it could inadvertently cause him harm. If you cannot do without a pet, never leave the animal alone with the child.

For younger students

At seven years old, a child goes to school. This important period in a child’s life forces him to change his usual lifestyle, adapt to a new schedule and, of course, become more independent. If at this age a child gets a dog, this has a positive effect on his socialization in the school community. In addition, for a child, a dog is a good friend and a great responsibility.

The best breeds for a schoolchild:

  • Bobtail;
  • Retriever;
  • Corgi;
  • Setter;
  • Giant Schnauzer;
  • Spaniel.

For teenagers

Teenagers are more responsible with pets than young children. They like to take on work, take care of someone, and receive positive emotions and support during this difficult period. Choosing a friend for a teenager should be approached with the utmost seriousness. It is best to entrust this matter to him. Can choose:

  • Setter;
  • Huskies and huskies;
  • Coton de Tulear;
  • Pug;
  • Beagle;
  • Labrador.

For apartment

Having a pet in an apartment is a big hassle. They constantly shed, chew furniture, drool and can be carriers of pathogenic bacteria. But the joy from them is no less. These creatures are constant sources of positivity for the whole family.

In the apartment you should have pets that do not shed too much, are fairly calm and well-mannered:

  • Coton de Tulear;
  • Affenpinscher;
  • Italian greyhound;
  • Terriers;
  • Bichon Frize;
  • Retriever.

To a private or country house

If you live in a private or country house, then the choice is much wider. In their own large houses, they usually have large dogs with whom they can frolic in nature, play ball, run, and not worry about the safety of the child.

Pay attention to the following breeds:

  • Irish Setter;
  • Chow-chow;
  • Italian greyhound;
  • Retriever;
  • Bulldog;
  • Labrador;
  • Corgi;
  • Terriers;
  • Shepherd;
  • Bobtail;
  • Giant Schnauzer;
  • Airedale.

Universal options

Many owners are accustomed to dividing their pets according to their place of residence: in an apartment or in a private house. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this division is very arbitrary. The same dogs, both large and small, can live in apartments and houses. It all depends on the personal preferences of the owners.

Universal options include the following:

  • Retrievers;
  • Labradors;
  • Coton de Tulear;
  • Terriers;
  • Corgi;
  • Bulldog;
  • Beagle;
  • Pug;
  • Newfoundland;
  • Poodle;
  • Setter.

The main thing is to take care of your own safety and the safety of your child. Don't forget to provide your dog with proper care and then it will bring you nothing but joy.


Hypoallergenic dogs include breeds without undercoat and hairless . You can see from the photos that they are quite cute.

American hairless terrier

For children over 10 years old, if they are ready to actively spend time with their pet for 2-3 hours a day. They are easy to train, very active and playful .

American Water Spaniel

For active family members over 10 years old. Needs long walks and constant human contact. Does not tolerate loneliness well . Absolutely non-aggressive, rarely barks.


Smart, active, interested in interacting with people. He remembers commands easily and loves training. We are tolerant of babies and teenagers, and are best able to establish contact with a child over 8 years old.


Easy to train, cheerful animals. They enjoy interacting with all close people. They love to play with them and take care of them. Suitable for families with babies .


Peace-loving, needs a confident and calm owner .
If you want him to listen to your child, it is better to get a pet when your son or daughter is over 15 years old. The Komondor needs daily active games and physical activity. Each dog has an individual character, so puppies from the same litter do not always have all the main character traits of the breed. Among English bulldogs there are also restless dogs who are ready to play for hours, and some Siberian huskies still show protective qualities. Training, good attitude, and caring for a four-legged pet can give a person a well-mannered friend.

Pets not suitable for children

Most dogs are kind, sweet and friendly. Depending on the breeds, they can perform different functions: hunt, protect and serve for the benefit of people. Due to the functions they perform, they must have special qualities, being large, intimidating, courageous and obedient.

When choosing a pet, you must pay attention to its character. Hunting, service and guard dogs are completely unsuitable for children. It is also worth giving up fighting ones.

They do not bond well with children and can harm them. Even if the dog is used to the child, there is a high probability that it may see him as a threat and simply become jealous of his owners.

It is also worth abandoning decorative breeds. They are too capricious and do not like to be tormented and squeezed. In response to excessive activity on the part of the baby, the pet may respond with aggression.

Among the medium-sized breeds, such as Akita Inu, there are those who love themselves more than adults or small owners. Pride prevents them from getting along with children and therefore makes them completely unbearable.

Gender of the puppy. Bitch or male?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, but we advise you to focus on personal sympathies.


  • Larger and more powerful than bitches;
  • They have a stronger sex drive and, if you encounter a bitch in heat while walking, the dog must be kept on a leash, since holding commands often do not help. If at this time the male is in free flight, he may run after the female. Good training will help.
  • Males of small breeds can mark corners and furniture.
  • Large individuals can be very aggressive and dangerous.
  • The behavior and character of male dogs is simple and uncomplicated. An attentive owner quickly guesses what is on the dog's mind.


  • Bitches are usually smaller and lighter.
  • More affectionate, less aggressive and pugnacious, they become more attached to their owner.
  • Bitches are usually more obedient and easier to train, but they are also more cunning than males.
  • Bitches go into heat 2 times a year (rarely once a year). Due to a hormonal surge, they can become nervous and disobedient, or more affectionate and playful. During the period of heat, the dog must be walked only on a leash and ensure that accidental mating does not occur. Bitches whose sexual instinct is highly developed can dig under and run away.

The best dog breed for children

Despite the fact that all breeds have their own characteristics, it is worth remembering that each dog is individual. There is no universal ideal breed for a child. Each child will have their own. It all depends on his temperament, health, hobbies and degree of responsibility.

However, experts suggest paying attention to a few that may be suitable for any child based on a number of characteristics. These include:

  • among small breeds - Yorkshire terrier, toy poodle and French bulldog;
  • among medium-sized ones - sheltie, miniature schnauzer;
  • Among the large ones are Labrador, Golden Retriever, Collie, and Poodle.

These dogs can be kept in the city, rarely show aggression and are tolerant of children of different ages. Often among small dogs, parents choose dachshunds as pets for their children. Note that dachshunds are burrow hunting dogs. They have little tolerance for children. Experts note that dachshunds often show aggression when they behave freely.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a large, beautiful, calm, friendly dog. True giants with a kind heart, Bernese Mountain Dogs were bred to work but became just friends.

The only thing is that these are quite large dogs and it will be difficult for them to get along in small apartments. In addition to having a heart of gold, the Bernese Mountain Dog is also smart and easy to train.

Despite its thick coat, it is easy to care for, and it rarely speaks. In addition, he gets along well with other dogs.

Reviews from dog owners

Ivan R. We were looking for a dog for the family, but the main thing was that the dog made friends with his son. When the puppy was born, my son was 10 years old. We turned to the club's dog handlers for advice. There they asked about their son's hobbies. He is an active guy: bicycle, skis, sled. The choice fell on Labrador. A wonderful breed. We all wanted a big dog, but were afraid of aggression. We are very glad that we bought Labrika. They are always together. They play, walk, sleep.

Olga V. Once upon a time, a bull terrier lived in our family. I really wanted such a dog again, but we have two daughters - it was scary. We decided to adopt a mini bull terrier. Of course, such a serious dog needs to be purchased through a breed club, where they will tell you about the puppy’s parents and their psychotype. For us there is no better dog than our Essie. She is careful, kind and very smart. The girls don’t go out with her yet, but we’ll start after she turns 12. Now only under our supervision.

Irina Z. We have a royal poodle in our family. My daughter started raving about the breed after we took her to the circus. On the street everyone pays attention to our beauty. Very smart. Together with her father, my daughter taught our poodle tricks, even tomorrow she will perform in the circus.

Oleg R. We have three children, all under 10 years old. They wanted a dog, but one that didn’t take up a lot of space and didn’t require walking for a long time. It’s difficult in an apartment with a big dog. We bought a Boston Terrier. It's good that the dog is patient. Sometimes I just take him away from the children's gang. I'm afraid I just won't be able to withstand such an onslaught and will start defending myself. Although he hasn’t even roared yet. I'm waiting for the children to grow up and stop squeezing the dog like a toy. It is, of course, better to get dogs when the children are older.

Marianna R. We live in a house next to a forest. We have a St. Bernard and a husky who were adopted from a shelter. They have such different temperaments that we walk together or together. Otherwise, the husky rushes forward, and the St. Bernard walks sedately behind. And so, everyone has their own person. And our children were divided according to their temperaments. The daughter (13 years old) runs in front of the husky, and the son (16 years old) walks with the giant. Everyone is happy. I would like to say that the dog should be selected according to the child’s temperament. Otherwise, they simply will not find common ground.

Bichon Frize

The Bichon Frize is a small, white ball of fur with dark eyes. A real decorative dog, which was created for only one purpose - to entertain people.

What they did for hundreds of years, at first entertaining the nobility, but gradually becoming the property of all levels of society. Despite its small size, the Bichon Frize is calm, tolerant, friendly and sensitive to a person’s mood.

This is a purely apartment dog, incapable of living on the street, much less on a chain.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. There are a huge number of dog breeds in the world, but not all of them are suitable for families with children.
  2. It is worth having a child when he reaches 10-12 years old.
  3. The dog breed is chosen depending on the temperament and hobbies of the future owner.
  4. Children are taught to take responsibility for caring gradually, demonstrating in practice.
  5. The best breeds for a child are Labrador, Retriever, Collie, Sheltie, Miniature Schnauzer.

What kind of pets do your children have? Which breed do you consider the best to be a companion for a child? Share your opinion and experience in the comments, please.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the smallest of the spaniels and just physically needs attention, companionship and play. This gorgeous breed is known for its cheerful disposition and eagerness to please.

They can be equally happy lying on the sofa and racing with their child down the street. They are especially happy with those children who love to pet them.

But they are also smart, and what parents will especially like is that they are easy to train. They shed and need care, but no extra effort is needed for this.

Irish Wolfhound

Let's finish our list with a real giant, who used to be a war dog among the ancient Celts - the Irish wolfhound. But, like the Boston Terrier, they have nothing in common with their ancestors. Today, Irish Wolfhounds are easy to train, family-loving, and have a good-natured disposition. Although they need activity, they are quite happy lying on the couch.

For obvious reasons, they are not suitable for every apartment, but if you have the opportunity to keep a large dog, then wolfhounds are a good choice.

It is important to remember that every dog ​​is an individual. Yes, breeds have certain inclinations and character traits, but a lot depends on the individual dog.

Proper socialization, training, a healthy family climate and any dog ​​will be calm, friendly and manageable.

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