Thrush (50 photos): description of the bird, what it eats and where it lives

Thrushes belong to the passerine family of birds. They are mostly small or medium. The color can be both bright and rather modest. They prefer to live in dense forest areas, bushes and mountain tops. However, some species prefer to live in open desert landscapes, tundra and sea coasts.

In most cases, blackbirds prefer to make their nests on various bushes and trees. However, there are times when nests can be seen on the grass, or even in buildings or burrows of various animals. Basically, a thrush's nest has three layers. The first one is mainly woven from dry grass and leaves of various trees. The second layer consists of clay, and the third of blades of grass.

Field thrushes are very common and occupy first places in the world in terms of numbers and a fairly wide variety of species. Most of the birds that we often meet while walking in the forest belong to the thrush family. However, it is worth noting that starlings and swallows are considered the most popular birds among people, to which blackbirds are noticeably inferior. Many people will not be able to identify different representatives of this family based on external data, and the chicks found are not fed correctly.

Many people are interested in the question of what can be done if, by coincidence, one of the chicks of the field thrush falls out of the nest. On hot summer days you can see small fledgling chicks. They look eagerly at the sky, waiting for their parents, who are rushing to feed them. It is always worth remembering that the parents of a chick of a field thrush are always better able to take care of their baby than people who are in a hurry to take their fledglings home. Not everyone can bear such responsibility and provide proper help and care.

But there are times when a fieldfare chick is under threat and caring for it at home becomes a necessity. And before you take care of the chick, you need to familiarize yourself with several basic rules. By adhering to these rules, you can raise a large and beautiful bird, which will be distinguished by its unique singing if it remains to live in the house.

Content Features

Some species of blackbirds that sing especially beautifully are captured and kept in captivity. However, blackbirds and songbirds are the most popular as pets. The beauty and versatility of their vocal talent caresses the ear and amazes the imagination.

It is much more difficult for the mountain ash to adapt to new conditions; moreover, on the contrary, it is shy and takes a long time to get used to captivity. He is also too big to be kept in a cage, and his song is not particularly interesting - it is a collection of little musical squeaks and squeals. However, it is incredibly attractive in appearance, and there are no difficulties in its content. It takes a long time to get used to a person, but does it better than other blackbirds.

Deryaba is similar in size to a jackdaw. When kept at home, he needs a spacious enclosure and a considerable amount of food. The minimum cage size for him is 45x35x50cm.

If you decide to have such a pet as a fieldfare, then you should go looking for it in the spring. It is during this period that one can easily distinguish a male from a female by his singing. First you need to determine the place where the blackbirds spend a lot of time. Then set up a trap. To do this, you can use a piece of cloth, pour food into it for several days and place it in the blackbirds’ favorite place.

The fieldfare thrush is also well caught using a decoy. The most vulnerable to catching are fledgling chicks that have barely learned to fly. However, the difficulty here is that the chicks should be fed independently until they get stronger. Products such as low-fat cottage cheese and boiled eggs are suitable for this; in addition, you will have to teach the chick to take food from your hands, and not from the beak of the parents.

At home, the fieldfare is kept in a wooden or bamboo cage; its approximate size is 40x70x30 cm (height, length, width). The ceiling should be covered with soft material to avoid possible injury to the bird. Perches are installed at different levels. Also, the cage must be equipped with such necessary items as:

  • bathtub;
  • retractable drinking bowl;
  • house;
  • feeder;
  • pallet.

By the way, the house does not serve a decorative function at all - sometimes the chick just needs to be alone and quiet. A bath is required because these are very clean birds that need daily water procedures. After each bath, the water should be changed so that the chick does not drink dirty water. If one of the important items in the “interior” of the bird cage is missing, the chick may develop bald spots due to stress.

Natural enemies

Arrogant crows often destroy thrush nests and steal their eggs. Natural enemies include woodpeckers, squirrels, jays, owls and birds of prey. Humans also pose a significant threat to the lives of birds.

Interesting moment! Blackbirds get along well next to defenseless birds such as finches and flycatchers. Oddly enough, blackbirds help these birds drive away their natural enemies from their nests.

Development of fieldfare chicks

On average, the female lays three to six eggs per clutch. Blackbird chicks grow very quickly after hatching and can leave the nest within a few weeks. The mobility of the little blackbird noticeably increases several times after it fully develops the ability to fly. Blackbirds try to quickly leave the nest and become independent, because staying in the nest for a long time can make them easy prey for cats and even some species of birds.

Chicks love to sit motionless in the grass and wait for food from their parents. Adult birds always remember where their chicks are after they fall out of their nests, for this reason, people should take them home only when they are in real danger. Blackbirds begin to make their first sounds during the first month of their life. Very soon these sounds turn into beautiful full-fledged singing.

The chicks have a rather characteristic appearance; they are very “compact”, since they do not yet have tail feathers. Special rollers, which are located near the bright yellow beak, visually enlarge it and tell the parents where to put the food they brought.

The small fieldfare has a rather untidy appearance due to the fact that the poorly formed feathers do not cover the entire body. However, he can walk on his paws and his eyes are fully open. The chick will allow itself to be picked up if it is very frightened, but nearby parents may interfere, trying to protect their baby.

Reproduction and offspring

With the onset of spring, birds begin to prepare their nests for the breeding process. They strengthen and insulate them, using dry branches, straw, feathers, leaves, as well as moss and lichen for these purposes. Clay is also used to strengthen the frame. On the outside, it serves as the component that improves the mechanical properties of the socket. From the inside, down or feathers are used for insulation.

The thrush's nest can be located at a height of about 6 meters. The female lays up to 6 eggs, and during the season, under favorable conditions, she can do this twice. The eggs can be quite variegated in color. When re-laying eggs, it should be the end of June, the beginning of July.

The female incubates the eggs for 2 weeks. After the chicks are born, both parents feed them. They do this one by one, flying out of the nest up to 200 times per day. Within a couple of weeks, at most, the chicks are able to leave the parental nest. Unfortunately, not all of them will be able to survive, since not all of them can get food for themselves.

The most popular types in the CIS countries

There are mainly 5 species of these birds found in the CIS:

  • fieldfare;
  • fluff;
  • white-browed;
  • blackbird;
  • song thrush

One of the largest species of this family of birds is Deryaba, which loves to sing away from people. The song of the fieldfare is more like a creaking sound, and the blackbird sings beautifully on the highest branches of the trees. But the Song Thrush undoubtedly has the most beautiful voice. Blackbirds generally prefer to sing early in the morning and before sunset.


As already mentioned, most recently the favorite habitat of blackbirds was forests. Nowadays, they can be found in city parks and squares. It is important for birds to have food in their habitat, and they are already accustomed to society.

Blackbirds can migrate long distances in search of food. Most species of thrushes live in Europe, America, and Asia. During winter cold they prefer to be in southern places with a mild climate.

Birds don’t like intense heat, so in Africa birds are found only in its northern regions. The blackbird is a migratory bird that prefers a warm or temperate climate, and therefore makes its migrations to southern latitudes.

Almost the entire territory of Russia is inhabited by blackbirds. They can be seen not only in forests and parks, but also in steppe areas. These birds are not afraid of extreme cold. The main thing is that there is enough light in their habitats. Birch groves are most suitable for thrushes. They are less common in coniferous forests.

Features of feeding

Having caught a chick and learned the specific type of bird, the veterinarian will be able to help the person who has selected the chick, the correct diet and diet. The chick must be regularly treated for parasites and provided with the correct regime and diet. Deficiency of certain minerals and vitamins can lead to serious illness and even death of the bird.

High-quality and proper nutrition will help the bird improve its appearance and health, and not only prepare for reproduction. If the bird must be left in the wild in the future, then it is better not to pick it up, since it will trust all people and will not be able to get used to freedom and survive in the wild in freedom.

Caring for chicks

Proper care depends on the age, health, and specific species of thrush. A chick that has just found itself at home will eat more than one that is already accustomed to people.

The females of these birds have a huge appetite when laying eggs. They must be provided with plenty of animal food. This food should also be given when birds are sexually active.

In addition to the correct diet, it is very important to do special treatment against various parasites that attack the chicks while they are still in the nest. Special medications and solutions for parasites are sold in veterinary pharmacies.

Preventive treatment with special anti-parasitic solutions is not correct, as it can expose the chick to stress. If the small thrush does not yet have enough feathers, then you need to provide it with warmth and heat the room to 28 degrees. You can warm the chick with a heating pad wrapped in a clean, soft towel.

Live food

Blackbirds love to eat not only dry food, but also special food of animal origin, which will provide the bird with a sufficient amount of essential minerals, vitamins and proteins. Veterinarians advise preparing a special mixture of cow's milk cottage cheese and boiled chicken eggs with the addition of B vitamins.

When it comes to meat products, chicks and adults will benefit mainly from offal, as well as minced meat and fish, which should be added in small portions to the pet’s main food.

general characteristics

Blackbirds are small birds with a body length of no more than 30 cm and a wingspan of no more than 38 cm. Based on the variety, adult blackbirds can weigh 40-150 grams.

Blackbirds have a remarkable head structure: the eyes are located on the sides of the head, which is why the birds are forced to tilt their heads to the side when searching for food.

The beak of blackbirds is quite short and is usually gray or yellow. The plumage of birds is not variegated, as a rule, it is gray with dark specks present, which are located on the body in a random order. Sometimes only blackbirds are found.

Birds' wings are not long, their ends are rounded.

The tail has 12 tail feathers. The legs are quite short, but at the same time strong; at the ends there are fused horny plates. Sexual dimorphism in birds is not pronounced: male and female have the same plumage.

Blackbird singing

Mineral feed

Being in natural conditions, blackbirds replenish mineral and vitamin components by using special supplements. Birds use river sand or small stones to grind various roughages. You can also use similar supplements at home to help ensure proper metabolism. Chicks need to be given carrots to provide carotene, as well as egg shells, chalk, and coal for strong bones.

It is necessary to give thrushes a variety of berries, which are dried in advance in sunny, ventilated areas. To strengthen the bird's immunity, you should give it honey or special tablets of vitamins and minerals, adding them to the water. In addition, at the veterinary pharmacy you can purchase ready-made mineral-vitamin complexes and give them following the instructions, because an excessive amount of vitamins and minerals can cause significant damage to the health of the bird

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