Do-it-yourself dog cage for an apartment

A dog crate sometimes causes unpleasant associations – restriction of the animal’s freedom. But it is necessary when transporting a show dog, for example, by car. In the apartment, it plays the role of a pet's booth and is its territory where it sleeps and eats. The article talks about the types of cages, gives recommendations on how to accustom a dog to a cage, and how to make a cage with your own hands.

Benefits of Caging

So, now you need to figure out why you should use a cage in an apartment at all and whether it is possible to abandon it.

Security Guarantee

If we talk about a puppy crate, then this factor is one of the most important.
It is necessary to protect surrounding things (from books and walls to phones and furniture) from a curious pet. When he gets bored, for example, if all the people have gone to work, school or university, the pet may well cause a real mayhem. Important! A dog should not be locked in a crate as punishment - it is a sanctuary, not a prison.
In addition, if the puppy gets to the wires, he may well get an electric shock, and the consequences of this can be very different. So, locking your pet when leaving for work is a completely reasonable step that ensures the safety of both the dog and your belongings.

Psychological protection

Many dogs, even the most cheerful and sociable ones, like small pugs, not to mention the phlegmatic basset hounds, need their own territory. This is especially noticeable during the holidays, when guests, including small children, come to the owners.

If your pet knows that he can go into his cage at any time and rest there without interference, this will have a positive effect on his well-being.

Space delimitation

Do you have friends who come to visit with a pet who is sick with something? Of course, any sensible owner will try to protect his pet from contact with such animals. And here a cage would be an excellent choice. Having sent your dog to its place, you can calmly go about your business and not be afraid that it will become infected.

A wonderful addition to the interior of the apartment

In addition, during cleaning, the dog's attention and activity can be a great hindrance. If the dog sits in a cage, then cleaning becomes much easier and takes less time.

Finally, in the showroom, adult dogs often get nervous and run into conflicts.

Important! The crate is the dog’s sovereign space in which he feels comfortable.

Transport box

A crate is also often used for transporting dogs, for example, if you need to travel by train or fly on an airplane. Animals unaccustomed to confinement will become agitated and may well be injured. If the pet is used to spending part of its time in a cage, then there will definitely not be such problems. After all, in essence, a cage is part of a familiar home. Therefore, there will be no reason to worry.

Method of training to walk on a schedule

Another reason to buy an aviary cage for dogs, and especially puppies. By locking your pet in a cage, you can be sure that he will not defecate. In animals, this is clearly laid down by nature - not to urinate where you sleep.

Therefore, the pet will endure with all its might, waiting for the moment when the owner takes him for a walk and he can run to the nearest tree to water it.

The key to cleanliness

If the pet is used to sleeping and just relaxing in a cage, on a cozy rug, then the lion's share of the fur will remain there. And vacuuming or washing a rug will be much easier than carrying out general cleaning throughout the entire apartment, cleaning the floors, sofas, bed and armchair.

Comfortable two-room accommodation

This means that the house will always be clean and cozy - isn’t this what every breeder dreams of?

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other dog breed, the beagle has both positive and negative qualities. Several advantages can be highlighted.

  • The dogs are extremely friendly and treat any person well. They will rejoice at the arrival of guests and will become the children's best friend. If the person who comes to visit the beagle owner has food with him, the pet will adore him. Animals of this breed will not bark when they hear the sound of a door opening. If there are other dogs in the house, the new pet will only be glad of this fact and will quickly make friends with them.
  • If the family has children who need a nanny, the dog will be able to take on this responsibility. Beagles, like small children, enjoy games, so they will find a common language without any problems. The dogs do not offend their little owners and allow them to do whatever they want.
  • Animals are very strongly attached to their owners, they constantly follow them, because they want to see what exactly the family members are doing. Therefore, their owners will never feel lonely if they are left alone in the apartment.
  • Most often, dogs are neat and clean, so they will not spread unpleasant odors. But to do this, you should pay attention to the health of the animal, and also monitor its hygiene.

But there are also disadvantages that are worth remembering.

  • Puppies are very hyperactive and inquisitive, trying to try everything that is around them. Beagles remain like this even into adulthood if the owner cannot wean them from this habit. If you don't put things away, they will be chewed.
  • Pets suffer from loneliness, so it is not recommended to leave them alone in the apartment for a long time. They need care, and dogs often require attention. If you do not take this fact into account, the animal can turn your house into a real nightmare. The wallpaper will be torn off, the baseboards will be torn off, and the furniture will be chewed by strong teeth.
  • Dogs have coarse hair that constantly falls out, so they will have to do frequent general cleanings, during which a large amount of hair will be collected. If you do not sweep the floor daily, you will end up with a not-so-nice “wool” carpet. This also applies to sofas and other furniture.
  • The stubborn breed is incredibly vindictive; the animals always get what they want. If the owner offends his pet in any way, the pet may chew his shoes, furniture, or go to the toilet where it is not allowed.
  • Even though beagles are quite friendly to people, they really don't like small animals. They are aggressive towards cats, hamsters and other rodents, birds and other small pets. Dogs consider them easy prey.
  • Beagles love to eat. If the owner gives the dog something from the table only once, it will constantly beg for treats not only from him, but also from visiting guests.

What kind of cell should it be?

The next question is what kind of cell should it be. This is really important; you need to choose a model that suits your home interior and at the same time provides maximum comfort for your pet. In addition, it is desirable that it be inexpensive - few people want to throw away extra money. So, what do you need to consider to find the right hutch?


First of all, you need to consider what exactly the cage is used for. After all, the purpose can be very different. Sometimes it is needed so that the pet can rest peacefully, without being tired by unnecessary attention from others.

On a note! If the dog wants to get out of the cage and there are no serious reasons to prohibit him from doing so, then let him go.

In other cases, the main function is to protect surrounding objects from the excessive enthusiasm of the pet and its sharp teeth. Finally, the cage can be universal and also be used as a transport box. Based on these requirements, you need to choose the material from which it will be made.


For powerful fighting and large dogs, it is best to use iron cages. German shepherds, pit bulls, even French bulldogs, not to mention large pets like Alabais, will not be able to break a strong lattice and escape, wreaking destruction and chaos around them.

At the same time, it is important to ensure that the bars are strong - flexible alloys, which can become deformed, are unacceptable, causing the dog to simply get stuck between them. In addition, the quality of welding on the seams must be high, otherwise a powerful dog will simply break the rods.


This is a more sophisticated interior solution, which is a compromise between fabric and metal grilles. If desired, they can be easily disassembled, transported and assembled at a new location - there are usually no problems here. In addition, they are noticeably lighter than metal ones, so they are often used for transporting pets.


They are used specifically as a territorial demarcation, but not for security. Suitable for dogs of all breeds, but especially miniature ones. Usually there are collapsible models: they can be easily folded into a small bag.

But despite the light weight and low strength, it allows the dog to feel more comfortable - this is exclusively his den and no one will bother him here.

Average prices for finished products

Aviary for a dog in an apartment: home fencing

Dog crates can be found in pet stores. Prices for the most popular cells from various manufacturers:

  • Spanish from - 6000-7000 rubles;
  • American from - 4,800-15,000 rubles;
  • Belgian from the Savik brand - 5,500-19,000 rubles;
  • Russian from - 5,500-10,000 rubles;
  • Finnish ones from the “Vip” brand - 4900-12,500 rubles;
  • Italian from - 6000-7000 rubles;
  • Russian from - 2000-5000 rub.*

Note! Domestic manufacturers mainly produce cages aimed at small representatives of various breeds of dogs. Cages from Finland, USA and Belgium are suitable for larger dogs. For example, you can find a suitable specimen for a Labrador retriever among foreign products.

Taking into account the dimensions of your dog and its breed

Of course, we must not forget about the size of the pet. It is quite clear that the cages for a Labrador, a Caucasian Shepherd and a Chihuahua will be completely different. The following rules apply here:

  • The dog should sit in the crate without touching the ceiling with its head.
  • The dog should be able to stretch to its full height.
  • The dog turns freely in it, he does not have to back away to get out.

It is impossible to give unambiguous dimensions - after all, dogs differ not only in size, but also in physique. For example, for miniature dogs (Maltese, toy terrier, griffon), a cage about 55-60 cm long, 31-33 cm wide and 40-45 cm high is suitable. For a spaniel, poodle or sheltie, you need larger housing - approximately 76-78 x 48-50 x 53-55 cm. Finally, for a collie, German shepherd, retriever or Labrador, dimensions 106-108 x 71-73 x 76-78 cm are suitable.

Approximate cage dimensions

It is also important to remember about your pet's temperament, which largely depends on the breed. For some, a fabric shelter is sufficient, while others need a heavy-duty metal cage, preferably one that is anchored to the floor.

Options for purchased enclosures

Different types of enclosure designs are suitable for different breeds. They can be bought ready-made in specialized stores; such enclosures are designed for maximum convenience for small residents. Most models can be installed anywhere in the apartment and moved as needed.

For small dogs of miniature breeds, it is enough to buy an enclosure-playpen without a roof. This type of fence with mesh or transparent walls is also perfect for newly born puppies. The mother will be able to move around the house freely and see the offspring from afar, and the puppies will not be able to leave the playpen.

For small dogs, compact enclosures without a lid are suitable.

The aviary-cage is closed not only on the sides, but also on the top; it is chosen for a short stay of dogs of medium-sized breeds, for transportation, and representatives of small breeds are placed in such an aviary for permanent residence. You definitely need to install a toilet, lay down a soft mattress or diaper, mount fixtures and install bowls for food and water in them, put your pet’s favorite toys so that he feels comfortable.

The pet should be comfortable in the enclosure

How to crate train a dog

The next important question is how to accustom a puppy to a crate in an apartment. Yes, it is advisable to train a puppy, and not an adult dog - then the process will be easier.

A good replacement for a street booth

Usually there is nothing complicated here. First of all, bowls of food and water should be placed in the cage so that your pet associates it with a pleasant meal. It is also recommended to put a soft blanket inside, or better yet, an old sweater or T-shirt of the owner. Then being in the new shelter will be especially comfortable and pleasant.

Important! It is undesirable to lock your pet in a cage for a long time without removing its collar and leash.

The crate should be open most of the time: the dog should understand that he can freely enter and exit it whenever he wants. Then he definitely won’t mind sleeping in his cozy house.

Video “Crate for a dog”

Next, from the video you can find out what the process of building a dog cage with your own hands looks like.

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How to make it yourself

It is not always possible to purchase a ready-made cage for your pet. Therefore, many craftsmen prefer to do all the work themselves. What is required for this and how to do everything necessary?

Tools and materials

The choice of tools and materials depends on what kind of cage the breeder wants to get. It is worth teaching him to make a combined one - from metal and wood.

To work you will need:

  • wooden beam with a section of 50 x 50 mm,
  • Rabitz,
  • pliers,
  • construction stapler with staples,
  • hacksaw,
  • screwdriver or screwdriver,
  • long and thin screws,
  • hinges for the door.

Having everything you need, you can easily cope with the task.

Instructions for making a dog cage

It is advisable to measure your pet in advance and draw up a simple drawing so that you know what dimensions to focus on. After this, a simple parallelepiped is knocked together from wood. The beams are connected using self-tapping screws. On the outside, it is covered with chain-link, which is secured with staples from a stapler.

There is a door in the front part - it is also covered with chain-link and hung on hinges. If possible, place a plastic tray on the bottom - then it will be more comfortable for the dog to lie down.

That's all. The cage is ready for your pet to move in.

Types of cells by material of manufacture

Various materials are used to make large and small dog crates. You can find any type of design depending on your preferences and financial situation. They come in metal, wood and soft.


A cage made of metal is a classic and versatile option. It is most often chosen for your pet. If necessary, it can be disassembled and adjusted in height and width. For example, a cage for a beagle in an apartment should be 50 cm in height. For dogs of large breeds, metal cages “Midwest” are used, reaching up to 1 m in height.

The metal structure is assembled from several modules - rods. It is different:

  • strength;
  • long service life;
  • ease of care.

Metal structure from

Note! A plastic tray is included with the enclosure. It can be easily removed and washed. This enclosure is equipped with doors on both sides. It can be placed against the wall from any side. This product is worth taking for animals with thick coats that suffer from heat. A metal enclosure is the cheapest and most useful thing.

Among the disadvantages of metal enclosures is weight. On average, such enclosures weigh 7-15 kg. Because of this, they are not suitable for long-term hand carrying. Another drawback is noise. Dogs that are restless can cause metal bars to rattle.


Cages made of wood are considered the most environmentally friendly. To create such enclosures, coniferous wood is most often used. Before purchasing, you need to make sure that it is well sanded. The cage coating is treated with a tinting varnish, which is intended for children's furniture and toys. The walls have grilles that provide good ventilation and all-round visibility for the pet. Using the built-in door hook, you can securely lock your pet while you are away.

The door is made in such a way that it can open both outward and inward. Wooden dog kennels are suitable for small and large breeds. They can fit into any interior. Such products are considered expensive.

Important! It is worth considering that an animal can chew on a wooden lattice and injure itself on the wood chips. You can avoid this by ordering a wooden cage with internal metal coatings.


A crate with a rigid frame covered with dense fabric is another good shelter option for a dog. It can be folded into a flat square and, when folded, takes up virtually no space. For its manufacture, durable synthetic fabric is used, which is safe and easy to clean. The cage lifts up easily. Light weight allows it to be moved freely. The design has good ventilation and protection from drafts.

A similar dog house has:

  • external pockets;
  • doors;
  • wide panoramic windows covered with a thin mesh;
  • bottle holders.

Soft folding option for a dog in an apartment

Both windows and doors are equipped with zippers. Such folding cages are taken for home use, exhibition events, trips to nature in the car and to the veterinarian. These products of various sizes are produced by the domestic company Triol. If necessary, you can find a soft cage for large dogs or for small ones. The cost varies depending on the size of the enclosure and the material. The only disadvantage of a tissue cage is that it is not suitable for overly active animals. They can chew and tear it.

Where to install

It is best to place the cage in the hallway or living room. People often walk here, which means your pet will not feel lonely. You can put it under the table in the kitchen (if the cage is small and intended for a toy terrier or Yorkie) or in the living room near the TV stand: usually such places are not used in any way anyway.

Remember! You cannot push a dog into a newly purchased crate - it must stay at home, soak in the familiar smells.

But it is not advisable to install it in the bedroom: the dog will probably often disturb sleep by either barking or snoring.

Rules of education

It is worth teaching the puppy that it is forbidden to sleep on the owner’s bed. If you feel sorry for the dog just once and take it into your bed, it will constantly climb on the bed and will not even look at its own place. Even if you feel sorry for your pet, looking into his sad eyes, you need to send the dog in his place.

Dogs are quite smart and can be easily trained, but only if the owner gives some kind of treat for following commands. If a person does not have something tasty in his hands, the dog pretends that he is very stupid and does not understand anything. And if there are children nearby, he will not listen to the owner and will pay attention to other things that are more interesting to him.

You need to train a dog from day one. From 3 to 6 months, a small pet must clearly understand what exactly he can do and what he can be punished for.

It is important to teach him to be neat, maintain hygiene and wean the animal from damaging furniture and clothing. Puppies are trained only if the owner has a firm, moderately stern voice. You should not shout or scold your dog too much, as it can do the opposite, because stubbornness is the main trait of its character.

Owners must be prepared for the fact that the period from 5 months is the most difficult to raise. At this age, puppies are very capricious, so before this period it is better to let the animals understand who is boss in the house and whose commands must be followed. Raising dogs of this breed is quite difficult; you need to stock up on a lot of strength and iron endurance.

If you have no experience in training animals, it is better to turn to specialists.

Beagles cannot concentrate on training because there are many more interesting things around them. To keep your pet interested in training, you need to train him in a game format. Education should be given 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day.

If puppies are active and obedient, they should be given treats, but not sweet or salty. First, the dog must learn basic commands, for example, “Ugh!”, “Toilet!” and “Place!” They will help your pet learn how to behave indoors. Later, the owner can move on to more complex instructions: “Give me your paw!” and so on. This will help keep your dog clean after walks.

How to care

The cage needs to be cleaned regularly, at least a couple of times a month, and preferably more often. It is advisable to wipe metal or wooden ones, and wash fabric ones, if possible.

This model is suitable for long trips

You definitely need to wash the bedding - in this case there should be two of them, so that the pet does not feel deprived while the usual bedspread dries after washing. It is also important to ensure that the dog does not stock up, for example, does not hide leftover food in the cage. This will not only cause the spread of an unpleasant odor, but can also lead to the emergence of dangerous diseases.


In order for the dog to be comfortable in the carrier, you need to choose the right size and type, which is determined by the purposes for which it will serve.

For transportation, the carrier must be small in size, but it must be spacious enough for the animal.

If the pet will be placed in a cage while the owners are away, then its dimensions should allow it to:

  • take a comfortable position;
  • when standing at full height, it should not reach the ceiling;
  • the length should be enough for the animal to stretch out to its full height.

If we talk about specific sizes, they depend on the size of the animal. The dimensions of the pet's home should correspond to its size: the smaller it is, the less space it needs.

Based on the material used, carriers can be divided into:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • wooden.

It is possible to have a cage for dogs made of durable fabric with a mesh sewn inside, but such a device is only suitable for an animal that can easily tolerate a confined space.

Metal wire cages are the most convenient for transporting animals, although they are quite heavy. These are universal carriers that can be disassembled if necessary. They are suitable for keeping animals at home and for transportation by car. They usually consist of a metal cage and a plastic tray that serves as a floor for the animal. The kit may include a bed for the animal.

The carrying wire must be strong and reliable so that the pet cannot chew it or damage its claws or teeth. Usually it can withstand even the pressure of a large breed dog. For large breeds, larger devices are available, equipped with two doors.

One of the advantages of a metal cage is its cost; usually these are inexpensive products. It is better to have metal structures with a plastic tray, since metal is noisy and cold in cool weather.

For show dogs, a folding tent-type dog crate is more convenient. It is convenient not only to transport an animal by car, it will protect the pet from bad weather, help maintain its ideal appearance and will serve as a house during an exhibition or competition. The advantage of these carriers is that they disassemble quickly and easily, which is very convenient for traveling by car. True, they are more expensive, but because of their convenience, they are indispensable for show dogs, since they sometimes have to stay at shows for several days.

Carriers for transporting show and regular pets in the car can be found in various types: in the form of backpacks, bags and suitcases. They are convenient for transporting your pet from one vehicle to another. Carriers for large and show dogs are equipped with wheels for ease of movement. In addition, they can be equipped with drinkers, feeders, beds and other additional accessories.

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Recommendations from dog breeders

In order for your pet to feel as comfortable as possible in the cage, he must not only be tamed to it, but also remember certain rules:

  • whenever possible, the shelter should be open;
  • while the dog is inside, you should not pull it out without a serious reason;
  • By leaving his old clothes on the floor, the owner fills the house with his scent, so that the dog feels more comfortable and confident.

Now every novice breeder knows how to accustom a beagle puppy to a crate or a pet of any other breed, as well as how to make one with your own hands and care for it properly. Therefore, there will probably not be any serious problems with this in the future.


In the wild, dogs live in burrows they make themselves. These animals instinctively feel the need for privacy in different life circumstances. Domestic dogs also prefer their own dedicated space. From a young age, they get used to being in a cage or house, which you can place in your apartment in a place convenient for you, and also provide the animal with a comfortable bed for resting and waking.

Modern designers have developed a large number of models of apartment enclosures for dogs. If you have minimal knowledge in the field of carpentry and plumbing, then you can make a home for your four-legged friend yourself. A purchased or home-made home for an animal will give it the opportunity to feel safe. The pet will be able to move freely in it. If your dog has puppies, then there is no better place than a cage-house for their birth and feeding.

When you purchase more than one puppy, but more than two, it is best to keep them in a specially prepared medium- or large-sized enclosure. There they will not be constrained in their movements and will be able to actively grow and develop. All cages are made of materials such as compacted fabric, plastic and metal. Depending on the size and breed of your dog, the dimensions of your home enclosure are selected individually. The cage should have partitions that are removed as the dog grows.

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