Therapeutic dog food - analysis of 9 popular brands

In order for your dog to always remain healthy, active and understanding, you should think about its nutrition in advance. Darling dog food is designed for large and small dogs; there is also food for active and active pets. The benefits of dry food are confirmed not only by reviews from veterinarians, but also from pet owners.

Detailed composition

The manufacturer does not specify what components Darling dry dog ​​food contains; it vaguely states that it includes:

  • oils;
  • meat and offal;
  • cereals;
  • fats.

The basis of Darling's diet is cereals, and meat products make up only 4% of the total weight. However, their exact ratio is not specified. The presence of carrots, legumes, vitamins and microelements - essential ingredients of dry dog ​​food - is also noted.

This is interesting: The benefits of feeding dogs dry food

clarifies that it contains fiber, which improves metabolism, fats, which ensure the beauty and health of the coat, as well as calcium, necessary for the growth of bone and cartilage tissue.

The food granules are multi-colored and contain food coloring, preservatives and antioxidants. But the company does not indicate their exact name. Dog handlers and veterinarians say that a dog’s balanced diet should contain 20-30% meat and offal. Therefore, Darling cannot serve as a full-fledged menu.


Chappie food belongs to the class of economy food for pets and is quite popular due to its low price. It is sold not only in pet stores, but also in regular supermarkets. The recipes for this food were developed by a company from the USA called “Mars”, but now the food is produced all over the world. One of the factories is located in Moscow.

Composition analysis

The main ingredient is cereals, as they come first in the description of the composition on the packaging. The manufacturer did not want to specify which ones. In second place is meat, but judging by the price of the feed, there is very little of it. Chappie also contains meat by-products, plant extracts, and fats.

During advertising campaigns for Chappie, the manufacturer always emphasizes that the food contains beer shakes. An important part of dog food is minerals and vitamins. Carrots and alfalfa are also included in Chappie's food.

And Chappie also contains preservatives (where would we be without them, since the food is stored for so long) and dyes. Even without a statement from the manufacturer, their presence is clear. In the Chappy package you will find several types of multi-colored granules. Remember that high-quality food always has one shade.

In general, the composition of Chappie's food is very ambiguous, however, if you believe the reviews of dog breeders, there are few quality ingredients in it. Repeatedly, pets who snacked on a bowl of these colored granules suffered from an upset stomach.

Biological properties

Brewer's yeast is a good ingredient that strengthens your pet's immunity. The fats included in the composition have a positive effect on the dog’s coat. The vitamin complex required for every pet, according to manufacturers, is sufficient to keep the dog in shape.

Cereals are a source of fiber to improve the functioning of the digestive organs. They are also a supplier of carbohydrates, the main energy source for the body. A distinctive feature of Chappie is its high calorie content.

Product line

Chappie offers its consumers several types of dry food and wet food. The line of dry food is represented by the following types: “Meat Abundance”, “Appetizing Chicken” and “Home-Style Beef”. Despite such diversity, the taste of Chappie's food and its composition do not change radically.

The packaging of dry food is varied - bags from 600 grams to 15 kg. The food is suitable for adult dogs of all breeds; it is not recommended for puppies.

Wet Chappie is available in both small bags and cans. A hearty meat lunch contains small pieces of food seasoned with sauce. It is quite tender, contains at least 4% meat and all the above ingredients.

All Chappy's food is declared as complete and complete, but there is a clear lack of nutrients in them. Therefore, this brand of food can be called “mixed food” for dogs, which has no benefit other than weight gain and a spoiled stomach. Such conclusions can be drawn not only by reading the composition of the food, but also by reading reviews from dog lovers. By the way, the video below will tell you how to decide on the choice of nutrition.

Darling food line

Darling dog food is presented in two positions, which contain vegetables and ingredients such as:

  • meat;
  • bird.

This food is intended for adult dogs older than 12 months with high physical activity. A package of 2.5 kg will cost 300 rubles, 10 kg – 1 thousand rubles. The fatty oils, fiber and vitamins included in the diet ensure a healthy and beautiful appearance for the dog, protect it from infectious diseases and parasites.

The Darling brand produces soft canned food with turkey, rabbit, chicken, and liver.

Giving canned meat is recommended to adults who consume natural products. This food does not require additional heat treatment or the addition of food additives. The advantage of Darling canned food over dry food of the same brand is a large percentage of meat ingredients. They also include pasta and sugar. The cost of a can weighing 1.2 kg is 250 rubles.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Due to the low meat content, Darling granules are quickly digested and their calorie content is low. Therefore, the dog requires more food to be satisfied.

Which food should you choose for your pet?

There are two types of Darling food - meat and vegetables or poultry and vegetables. Food is provided in the form of dry food or wet canned food. But each option is designed for pets from one year of age; it is better not to feed puppies with such a delicacy at all.

From one year of life:

Wet canned foods consisting of cereals, vegetables, turkey or rabbit meat, and pasta are suitable. This food is suitable for natural-fed dogs from one year of age.

From three years of life:

Choose dry food designed for adult dogs leading an active lifestyle. In the composition you will find: natural fats, oils, vegetables, offal, fiber, taurine and protein. All this improves the condition of the skin and coat, maintains muscle tone, and promotes digestion.

Remember that you should not give Darling food or canned food to puppies or bitches during pregnancy. And for adult dogs, it is necessary to calculate the dosage so that there are enough nutrients for the development of the body.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of this dry food is its affordable price. Every owner can easily find inexpensive food for dogs in the nearest supermarket or pet store. However, granules also have disadvantages:

  • insufficient content of meat ingredients (4% of the total mass);
  • low-calorie composition;
  • base - cereals and vegetables, which can cause allergies and slow down metabolic processes;
  • dyes, emulsifiers, flavorings, preservatives;
  • a small amount of microelements;
  • lack of comprehensive information about the components on the packaging.

The advantage of Darling dry dog ​​food is that it contains natural meat, and not by-products, as in the Stout or Pedigree brands. And legumes and carrots, included in the prepared food, provide the pet with complex carbohydrates.

Additionally, carrots improve digestion, legumes supply the dog’s body with protein, and beneficial microelements prevent the development of vitamin deficiency. The listed economy class brands do not contain vegetables or grains at all. Therefore, before purchasing dry dog ​​food, you should carefully read its composition indicated on the packaging.

Reviews from dog breeders

Darling dog food has both positive and negative reviews. Those dog breeders who are satisfied with the food note that their pets eat it with pleasure. The food has a medium granule size, but despite this, even small breed dogs chew it with ease. Food for dogs does not cause allergies and normalizes the digestion process. Dogs feel great after using it.

Negative reviews draw attention to the poor composition of the feed, low percentage of meat content, and the presence of preservatives and dyes. Dog owners do not understand how such food can be given to animals at all. Indicate that the daily dose of the product is more than needed. In some animals, dry dog ​​food caused indigestion, weight loss and an allergic reaction in the body.

Daily norm

The caloric content and nutritional value of ready-made economy class food is significantly less than that of the expensive series. Therefore, the pet will need a larger volume of product in order to be satisfied and receive the optimal balance of beneficial microelements.

When calculating the required amount of food per day, take into account the size and age of the dog. Large individuals weighing 30 kg or more need 0.5 to 1 kg of granules per day. For medium-sized breeds weighing from 15 to 30 kg, 500 g is enough, and for miniature ones - 300. The daily intake is divided into 2 doses.

For dogs with increased activity, pregnant and lactating dogs, as well as sick dogs, an individual daily volume is calculated, taking into account factors.

In most cases, another 25% is added to the average amount. However, it is recommended that you consult your veterinarian before changing your diet. Many doctors do not recommend feeding Darling food to pets during pregnancy and lactation, replacing it with a higher quality analogue.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Dogs with low activity and older dogs need less volume. Their rate is reduced by ¼. A similar rule applies to dogs prone to rapid weight gain. For young dogs (up to 1 year), another ½ is added to the adult norm. This is due to the formation of the puppy’s skeleton and muscles.

Pro pac

Pro Pac is a pet food developed by the American company Midwestern Pet Foods in the 80s of the twentieth century. The company still produces it independently. Now Pro Pac is popular in many countries around the world. This food for dogs is far from being an economy class food - it is a food of super premium quality, but inexpensive.

Composition analysis

Unlike the two previously described foods, on the Pro Pac packaging, meat ingredients come first in the description of the composition. This is meat meal, such as chicken or lamb. It, like other ingredients, is carefully selected and goes through several stages of processing. However, it does not lose nutritional properties. Manufacturers note that Pro Pac contains 5 times more meat than regular food.

Please note that there are no unknown meat by-products in Pro Pac. The main source of fats your pet needs is chicken fat. And corn and rice serve as fiber sources for the body. Various “chemicals”, for example, dyes, preservatives (only vitamin E is used), are not used in the production of food. There is also no soy protein.

Of course, we couldn’t do without vitamin and mineral supplements, including healthy and essential Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids. Chondroitin and glucosamine supplements for joints will be a nice bonus for older dogs and large breed pets.

Biological properties

Pro Pac food is not only nutritious, but also healthy and tasty. Each of them contains substances necessary to strengthen bones, develop the body, and improve the quality of coat and skin condition.

Meat flour is a source of protein, and grains are a source of fiber. It is noteworthy that some types of Pro Pac food are also in some way chondroprotectors. They are excellent for the prevention of arthritis, arthrosis and generally have a strengthening effect on the joints of the legs. This is very important for large breed pets.

Another advantage of Pro Pac food is its ease of digestibility and nutritional value, while the dog only needs to eat not so much food to be satisfied. By the way, the food from this company has successfully passed various tests and is rightfully considered one of the best.

Product line

The Pro Pac line of dry food is quite extensive. It contains food for various categories of dogs - puppies, adults, seniors. For example, “Large Breed Puppy” is a chicken-flavored food for large breed puppies, and “Edalt/Signor Chicken & Rice” with rice and chicken is for the elderly.

There are also certain types of Pro Pac dry food that are suitable for allergy-prone pets who suffer from dermatitis. The products are also divided into food for representatives of large, medium and small breeds, or selected depending on the activity of the pet. This could be “High Performance” for sports, “Pappy Performance” for kids, “Adult Mini Chang” for small respectable dogs. Each of them has additional additives that have a positive effect on the body of a specific type of dog.

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Reviews from veterinarians about Darling food

The advantage of dry food for economy class dogs is their low price. Darling also costs 2-3 times less than high-quality analogues. This attracts many owners. However, the low price indicates a poor composition. The food contains few meat ingredients, vitamins and microelements. Therefore, reviews from veterinarians about ready-made food are ambiguous.

Angelina, veterinarian, Vladivostok: “Low quality ingredients, artificial flavors and taste enhancers increase the risk of a histamine reaction, indigestion or gastrointestinal diseases in dogs. Therefore, if they have the means, I advise owners to choose premium food.”

Sergey, veterinarian, Saratov: “I can’t say that Darling is harmful for dogs. This is complete nutrition for an adult pet, which can be supplemented with fresh meat, offal and vitamin complexes. I like this brand because it contains vegetables and grains to help keep your dog healthy and active. In terms of price-quality ratio, this is the best option.”

Ekaterina, veterinarian, Penza: “Darling definitely won’t harm the dog, but it’s difficult to call such a diet balanced. Another advantage of the food is that it contains natural meat. However, it is not enough for an adult. But fiber and protein are enough for the daily protein requirement. Therefore, I have no objection to such a diet.”

Analyzing dry dog ​​food from Darling, dog experts and veterinarians note the poor composition. However, not all owners can afford premium food. In the economical price category, Darling is a decent option containing grains and vegetables, as well as natural meat. The cost and availability of feed is its main advantage. Therefore, if the owner does not have the financial ability to purchase an expensive product, then Darling can be used, supplementing the menu with canned meat for dogs and natural products.

Feed characteristics

Darling dog food is designed specifically for adult dogs with average activity. The food is completely balanced. It takes into account all the biological needs of the animal. Darling food contains:

  • Protein (17%). It is necessary to maintain normal muscle mass.
  • Fats (7%). Gives a boost of energy.
  • Minerals, including calcium. Provides strong bone tissue. Keep teeth healthy and skeleton strong.
  • Cellulose. Stimulates the digestion process.
  • Taurine. Supports heart function. Positively affects the visual apparatus.
  • Vitamins. Increases immunity.
  • Granules. Improves the process of chewing food. Prevents the appearance of dental plaque.

The ingredients in dry food are cereals, offal, and meat in an amount of 4%. Protein plant extracts, fats and oils, vegetables, vitamins and minerals are added to the food.

Nutrients in the product are distributed as follows. Protein accounts for 17%, fats about 7%. The feed also contains 3% fiber, 7% ash, 1.3% calcium and 1.0% phosphorus. Darling food is a complete, balanced food for pets.

Why is this food better than others?

Despite the poor and low-quality composition, Darling dog food is still competitive with many economy-class diets (see review of Trapeza food), and even has some advantages over them.

One of the advantages of Darling food is the presence of real meat, albeit a small percentage. For example, Pedigree, Our Mark and Stout food contain only by-products of dubious quality.

Darling diets include vegetables in the form of peas and carrots, which supply the dog's body with vital carbohydrates, which are excellent sources of energy. In addition, carrots have a laxative effect and prevent the development of vitamin deficiency, and peas ensure that the animal’s body receives the required amount of protein of plant origin. Pedigree food, Our Mark and Oscar food do not contain any vegetables in comparison with Darling food.

Another advantage of the food is the amount of vitamins A and D3 in the recipe formula: Darling’s diet contains little of these vitamins, but other economy category food has even less of them. So, Darling contains 9510 IU/kg of vitamin A, and 640 IU/kg of vitamin D3; in Nasha Mark food these figures reach 7500 and 500 IU/kg, and in Pedigri - only 1500 and 120 IU/kg.

Pros and cons of Darling food

The main and only advantage of Darling food is its low cost and widespread availability. Any dog ​​breeder can purchase the diet at an attractively low price in almost any supermarket or specialty store. Many owners of four-legged friends mistakenly believe that if the food belongs to the French company Purina, then it is certainly of high quality.

The huge number of disadvantages of Darling food include:

  • extremely small amount of meat product - only 4% meat;
  • poor composition of the feed, which makes it not complete;
  • the basis of the recipe is cereals, which can cause allergies and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (see enterocolitis in dogs);
  • contains dyes and preservatives;
  • minimum amount of vitamins;
  • lack of specifics on the packaging: the manufacturer does not indicate which grains, by-products or fats were used in the production of the food.

Lines of popular medicinal foods

When considering the lines of popular medicinal foods, it is very difficult for a non-specialist to navigate and choose the best one. Let's do a quick inspection of each food for the presence of active ingredients, medicinal properties and the need for use.


The company offers food in the following categories:

  • Eukanuba Dermatosis. For allergies (however, it is contraindicated for allergies to potatoes and fish) and skin diseases. When studying the formulation of the drug, no active substance was identified. The food is made from potatoes and fishmeal. Has optimal levels of protein, fat, calcium and phosphorus for dogs;
  • Eukanuba Intestinal. Indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Contraindicated in puppies, pregnant women and females during lactation. The basis of the feed is corn grits. They do not contain any medicinal ingredients;
  • Eukanuba Joint Mobility. The manufacturer recommends for joint diseases. The composition includes brewer's yeast, calendula extract, chondroitin sulfate (45 mg/kg). The latter substance normalizes phosphorus-calcium metabolism. However, the bioavailability of the pure drug is only 13%, and a super small amount, even in a dose of food for a dog weighing 10 kg, cannot in any way affect metabolic processes;
  • Eukanuba Renal. Indicated for kidney diseases. The food is rich in vitamins A, D, E, and contains microelements and brewer's yeast. Cannot produce a therapeutic effect;
  • Eukanuba Restricted Calories. Recommended for dogs with obesity and diabetes. Rich in vitamins and microelements and contains less fat. There is no medicinal starting point.
  • Eukanuba Veit/Diabetic. The basis of the composition of sorghum. Recommended for diabetes. There is no medicinal starting point;
  • Eukanuba Intestinal for puppies. Indicated for puppies with problems in the digestive system. The basis is poultry (chicken, turkey). Contains a very high percentage of protein. Cannot have a therapeutic effect;
  • Eukanuba High Calories. The food is recommended for stress and has a reduced protein percentage.


This line presents itself not as a medicinal food, but as a dietary one. All foods contain vitamins and minerals. However, many foods contain an active principle, supposedly designed to normalize pathological processes.

  • Hypoallergenic Egg & Rice (Life hypoallergenic) with egg and rice for dogs with food allergies or food intolerances. The base is rice and eggs. Low protein levels.
  • Hypoallergenic Fish & Potato (Life hypoallergenic) with fish and potatoes, for dogs suffering from food allergies or food intolerances. Potato base. Low protein levels.
  • Vet Life Diabetic (Farmina Vet Life Diabetic) for dogs to control sugar intake in diabetes mellitus. The basis is chicken meat and eggs. High protein levels. Contains plantain, calendula extract, chandroitin sulfate.
  • Obesity (Farmina Vet Life Obesity) for dogs to reduce excess weight and control blood glucose levels in diabetes. The base is chicken meat. Optimal protein level.
  • Life Cardiac for dogs, to maintain heart function in chronic heart failure. The food contains taurine, which regulates ion exchange in the myocardium.
  • Renal (renal) for dogs to maintain kidney function in case of renal failure. Basis potatoes and rice. Very low protein content;
  • Struvite Management for dogs for the treatment of uroliths in the lower urinary tract. Calcium sulfate was introduced into the food to normalize the acidity of urine;
  • struvite for dogs with urolithiasis to suppress the formation and dissolution of struvite uroliths. The composition of the food is similar to the previous one;
  • hepatic for dogs with chronic liver failure. Introduced calendula extract;
  • gastrointestinal for dogs and digestive problems, with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. There is no therapeutic basis.
  • joint for dogs with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The composition contains chondroitin at a dose of 900 mg/kg of feed. This is not a lot, but it is the largest of all feeds.
  • Life Grow for the restoration of puppies with growth disorders, nutritional deficiencies and to strengthen the immune system. The base is chicken meat and whole eggs, contains brewer's yeast and chindroitin sulfate. High levels of protein and fat.

Happy Dog

The manufacturer added herbs and plantain to the feed; the dose was not specified.

  • Flocken Vollkost Complete food for dogs with sensitive digestion and puppies from 4 weeks. The composition includes berries and elderberry blossom, lavender, rosemary, sage, thyme, anise, basil. The basis of the feed is corn.
  • Happy Dog Supreme Mini Africa is a hypoallergenic food for small breed dogs. Potato-based food with ostrich meat, plantain seeds and yeast extract.


  • Hill's i/d Low Fat for the correction of digestive disorders in dogs. Feed with low fat content and the introduction of synthetic amino acids. Grain base.
  • Hill's j/d Reduced Calorie (Hill's j/d Reduced Calorie) for the treatment of obesity and reducing stress on joints in dogs. Contains hydrolyzed cartilage and crustacean shells. Corn base.
  • Hill's j/d for the treatment and prevention of joint pathologies in dogs. The composition is identical to the previous food;
  • Hill's k/d for the treatment of kidney failure in dogs
  • Hill's u/d for the prevention of urolithiasis and the treatment of chronic renal failure in dogs
  • Hill's s/d for dissolving struvite in dogs.

This line can then be listed by disease. This does not change the essence, the food does not have medicinal principles and is based on grains. They cannot be considered as dietary.


When reading the annotation for the food, it is important to note that the manufacturer recommends first treating the animal and only then switching it to food. This is a very correct instruction.

  • Purina OM for dogs with obesity. The basis is corn with the introduction of an increased dose of fiber.
  • Purina NF for dogs with kidney diseases and oxalate-type urolithiasis. The base is egg powder and whey. The food is full of proteins.
  • Purina DRM for dogs for allergies and skin diseases. The base is corn starch and fish protein;
  • Purina JM (Purina JM) for dogs with joint diseases. Salmon protein base, also contains brewer's yeast;
  • Purina UR (Purina UR) for dogs with urolithiasis. Contains poultry protein, egg powder and grains.
  • Purina HP (Purina HP Hepatic) for dogs with liver diseases. Corn base. Contains egg white and chicory root.
  • Purina EN for dogs with gastrointestinal diseases. Poultry protein base.


  • Monge VetSolution Dog Gastrointestinal diet for puppies Intestinal. Food for maintaining the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in puppies. The base is chicken. Contains horse chestnut extract;
  • Monge VetSolution Dog Dermatosis diet for dogs Dermatosis. The food is presented for skin regeneration. Salmon protein base. The composition includes brewer's yeast and aloe;
  • Monge VetSolution Dog Gastrointestinal diet for dogs Intestinal. Food to support the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Base chicken, potatoes, egg powder. The composition includes carob powder and horse chestnut extract;
  • Monge VetSolution Dog Renal diet for dogs Renal. Food for supporting kidney function in cases of renal failure in dogs. Chicken base. The food contains green tea extract;
  • Monge VetSolution Dog Hepatic diet for dogs Hepatic. The base is peas and potatoes. Contains milk thistle and brewer's yeast.

The manufacturer tried to diversify and add supposedly beneficial substances to the food. The dose is not specified. Foods with a meat base can be used simply as dog food.


This manufacturer does not present its product as medicinal. The only dietary food is Orijen Senior - Orijen food for aging dogs. A large amount of protein based on meat, fish and eggs, and a small part of carbohydrates fully correspond to the biology of the pet’s body.

Pro Plan

Dietary food from this company is presented in the following positions:

  • HP HEPATIC for liver dysfunction. Base: corn, egg powder and dried chicory root;
  • JM JOINT MOBILITY for joint diseases. Base: rice and salmon protein;
  • HA HYPOALLERGENIC for the diagnosis and dietary therapy of food allergies. The main ingredients are corn starch and soy protein;
  • UR URINARY in the formation of struvite stones to dissolve and prevent the formation of struvite stones. Base: corn and egg powder;
  • DRM DERMATOSIS – food for dogs with dermatoses and hair loss. The base is corn starch and rapeseed flour;
  • EN GASTROINTESTINAL for digestive disorders. Food based on meat products with the addition of eggs;
  • NF RENAL FUNCTION in kidney pathology. The food includes corn, egg powder, whey powder;
  • OM OBESITY MANAGEMENT for weight loss and maintenance. The basis of the feed is corn with the addition of pea fiber;
  • CN CONVALESCENCE during the recovery period. Food based on meat and meat products with the addition of minerals and vitamins;
  • VETERINARY DIETS FORTIFLORA to normalize the balance of intestinal microflora. Food based on meat and meat products with the introduction of Enterococcus faecium.

Unfortunately, they cannot be classified as medicinal. Those based on animal protein can be used as dog food.

Royal Canin

  • Mobility Larger Dogs for large dogs with joint problems. The base is corn flour. The composition includes fish shell extract, plantain seeds, cartilage hydrolysate, marigold extract;
  • Cardiac for dogs with heart failure. Base of Fig. The composition includes green tea and marigold extract;
  • Sensitivity Control for dogs with allergies or food intolerances. Food based on topioca and poultry meat. The composition includes marigold and plantain extract;
  • Gastro Intestinal Low Fat for dogs with diarrhea and pancreatitis. The food does not contain fats other than fish;
  • Gastro Intestinal Junior for puppies up to 1 year old with gastrointestinal pathologies and digestive disorders. The composition does not have its own “face”; you can use any food from the line;
  • Gastro Intestinal for dogs with gastrointestinal pathologies and digestive disorders. Base of Fig. The composition includes plantain and marigold extract, as well as yeast;
  • Urinary U/C Low Purine for dogs with KSD caused by urates, cystines, xanthines, leishmaniasis. The basis is rice and cereal flour. The therapeutic effect should be based on the absence of purine bases;
  • Weight Control for dogs with obesity. The food is rich in animal proteins. The composition contains yeast, plantain seeds, hydrolyzed crustacean shells and cartilage, and marigold extract.

Unfortunately, regulations and legislation do not regulate the production, certification and import of such products into the country. That is why it is possible to produce, beautifully describe and offer to animal owners something that does not have any substantiated platform.

There is a constant debate between amateur specialists about the need and importance of such a product. Those who are accustomed to trusting only clinical and laboratory studies do not even consider such foods as a diet, much less as medications.

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