By-products for dogs: what to give, how often and in what quantity so as not to cause harm. The most valuable by-products and features of their feeding

Dogs are carnivores with very specific digestive systems. They need to have ingredients containing animal protein in their daily menu. To the greatest extent it is meat, but it is impossible to imagine a properly composed diet without offal.

A balanced natural diet should provide the right amount of substances and microelements, which are often not found in meat, and not overdo it with them. Thus, an excess of certain vitamins can lead to the formation of kidney and liver stones. Due to the need to maintain balance, it is impossible to replace meat completely with giblets, but they must be added evenly.

Nutritional value of various offal products (table)

For those who independently compile a diet for their pet, I am posting a table of nutritional values ​​for some offal. It is more correct to take into account the BZHU norms, and not the calorie content.

Chicken hearts with baked apples

Here's another great recipe for dogs.


We will need:

  • Chicken hearts.
  • Apples, carrots.


What need to do:

  1. Boil chicken hearts in a small amount of water.
  2. Grate the apple and carrots, then bake them in a preheated oven for 5-10 minutes.
  3. We take the hearts out of the broth, the apples from the oven and mix everything well. Om-Nom-nom.

The following dog foods are treats (but are also very healthy).


This product has a beneficial effect on the health of dogs:

  • strengthens bones and joints;
  • promotes muscle growth;
  • helps strengthen blood vessels thanks to the copper, magnesium and zinc contained in the composition;
  • prevents overwork, helps increase endurance;
  • improves metabolism, preventing the development of diseases of the digestive system.

By consuming it, your pet will be cheerful and calm, as it normalizes the functioning of its nervous system. It will be possible to prevent the appearance of aggressiveness and irritability. The substances in the composition help normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Chicken with rice

Please read about how to feed your dog chicken!

Ingredients (we use the quantity of products by eye, depending on the size of the dog)


  • Chicken meat.
  • Rice.
  • Carrot.


Here's what to do:

  1. Cut the chicken, add water and cook until done.
  2. At the same time, in a separate container, boil rice or buckwheat (also until tender).
  3. When the chicken is cooked, take it out of the broth and cut it into small pieces or grind it into minced meat.
  4. Three carrots on a coarse grater.
  5. Mix everything and add a spoonful of oil.

Vegetable stew with goat milk

Ingredients (for a 1.5 liter pan)


  • 1/2 eggplant.
  • 1 zucchini.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 1 bell pepper.
  • 1 tomato.
  • 1/2 apple.
  • A little cauliflower.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 2 cups goat milk.


Everything is very simple:

  1. Finely chop the vegetables.
  2. Pour milk and simmer for 40-50 minutes over low heat.
  3. The dish is ready.


Despite the benefits of this product, it may cause harm to health. Consuming it too often leads to poisoning and overeating. This negatively affects the digestive system, the functioning of the stomach and intestines. The dog may be lethargic, its stool will be disturbed, and vomiting may occur.

If your pet has a weakened immune system and eats too much of this food, an allergic reaction may occur. Substances in this by-product cause dizziness, nausea, and increased body temperature.

Why can't dogs have nightshades?

These are strong allergens that affect the dog’s

, any mucous membrane,” notes Fedorova.
The dog trainer advises not to give dogs nightshade
plants, such as tomatoes, as well as pumpkin and citrus fruits. At the same time, many vegetables and herbs are beneficial for these pets.

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Negative reactions

Giblets are not for everyone. Many people, especially those who were overfed in childhood, develop food allergies to one or another product. Most often, a negative reaction applies to only one element, and it is enough to identify it and eliminate it for the pet’s well-being to return to normal.

Allergies usually manifest themselves:

  • Digestive problems, externally expressed by diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Skin irritation in sensitive areas: on the ears and face, in the armpits, on the front legs and around the anus.
  • Scabies and red spots.
  • Hair loss in certain areas.
  • Infections that can be caused by improperly processed food.

Selection, storage and preparation

Puppies begin to feed certain types of offal at 2-3 months of age, usually udders or chicken necks. However, tripe is added to the main diet no earlier than 5 months, and in very small portions. At such a young age, it is easy to harm the developing digestive system, so any new type is introduced gradually, while all reactions of the body are carefully monitored.

It is very important to choose the right ingredients for the doggy table. There is an opinion that your four-legged friend will not suffer much if part of his dinner is not very fresh, but this is not so. Getting stale elements into your diet will lead to serious poisoning. You can give fresh raw giblets only after they have been examined by veterinarians, otherwise you cannot be sure of their safety for the dog.

To avoid possible infection with various infections or internal parasites, offal is thoroughly frozen at a temperature not exceeding -22 degrees Celsius for several days or boiled. It is worth remembering that when cooked or turned into minced meat, most products in this group lose half of their properties, but this comes at the cost of the animal’s safety.

The ideal option for storing such food is frozen. Divide the purchased organs into portions that are enough for one meal and freeze.

Acceptable types

Creating a balanced menu for a natural-fed dog is a difficult task, and when introducing tripe, the main thing is not to overdo it. It is impossible to completely replace the meat component of food with tripe without losing the quality of nutrition and without bringing the pet to the dangerous point of an overabundance of various substances, leading to the development of diseases and pathologies of internal organs.

Not all types of tripe are equally useful; some of them will only bring harm. However, the list of good ingredients is quite wide and varied.


The section of the stomach of herbivores, where the main process of food digestion occurs, is an extremely important element of nutrition for puppies and adult dogs experiencing problems with the digestive system. In addition to the undoubtedly useful vitamins and microelements in fibrous meat, similar in its characteristics to muscles, there are unique bacteria that are ideal for stabilizing and improving the intestinal function of your four-legged friend. That is why the tripe begins to be fed little by little from 5-6 months.

It is important to remember that only the unrefined version will benefit. If the dog refuses to chew the tripe “dirty” because of the specific smell, you can begin to teach it gradually, giving well-washed pieces. It makes no sense to cook, since all the beneficial properties disappear due to the death of bacteria. But if you doubt its safety, you can freeze it for 2 days.

When feeding tripe to pets, a person must follow certain safety precautions, since the bacteria that are beneficial for dogs are very harmful to people. Touch the stomach only with special gloves or wash your hands thoroughly with soap after handling.


The second most useful and popular organ for dogs is the liver. And this is well deserved. The unique function that the liver performs in the body results in this product being free of toxins yet loaded with vitamin A, which is easily dissolved by fat.

However, liver in large quantities is harmful, as it can cause the formation of stones . In addition, it is considered dietary, which means it is not able to provide the necessary amount of energy for a constant active life.

Veterinarians advise giving beef or poultry liver 1-2 times a week, not more often.

At the same time, liver can be given raw only when purchased from places checked by veterinarians, because it often contains worm larvae. To avoid possible infection, the liver is either frozen or boiled before feeding. Some of the nutritional properties are lost, but the risk of infection is also reduced.


Kidneys help improve the condition of hair and skin, and normalize the functioning of the digestive system. One of the few that can be given raw. The kidney is cut in half, soaked in water and fed.


The organ consists of powerful muscle tissue, so the heart is often used as a trainer for the jaw muscles and for cleaning plaque from teeth. Also, the positive aspects include the unique composition. This muscle contains enzyme Q10, which slows down aging, and collagen, which is needed for ligaments and joints. Therefore, a heart is necessary for large dogs whose lives involve a lot of physical activity. Feed raw.


One of the products that has very little benefit. You should avoid adding it to your regular diet. The lungs contain little protein, but there is a lot of connective tissue that is harmful to the digestive system.

If they are introduced into the diet, it is only in combination with other meat elements. But, given that the lung is poorly digested, this is unwise.

How to cook?

Before consumption, the heart is thoroughly washed and cleaned of contaminants. It’s better to chop it finely: it’s more convenient to consume and it’s better absorbed by the body.

If there are hard and tough particles, or elements that are difficult to chew, they are removed. They can cause difficulties and disgust when consumed.

Recipe example

Preparing this product for your pet is not difficult at all. There is a recipe for porridge that is beneficial for dogs' health. To prepare porridge you will need :

  • 1 kg beef heart;
  • 120 g rice;
  • 1 carrot;
  • half a medium sized zucchini;
  • a pinch of dill;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

To prepare the porridge, the heart is boiled for 30 minutes. While it is cooking, cut the vegetables into cubes . When cooked, place it in a separate plate, dilute the broth with water, and cook rice in it.

While the rice is cooking, cut the heart into cubes . Then add it to the prepared cereal and let it cool, then mix it all with the vegetables. All that remains is to add the greens. The dish is ready to eat, the portion is large, so it can be divided into several meals.

This dish is good for the dog’s digestion , is easy to digest, and contains many vitamins and minerals. Thanks to such food, the pet will feel full and filled with strength and energy.

How long to cook?

Cook the product for 30-35 minutes. If it turns out to be tough, cook it a little longer: 40-45 minutes. This time is enough for the heart to be usable.

Fried and stewed

It is not recommended to serve the product fried or stewed, since it becomes greasy and loses many useful substances during frying and stewing.

After eating a large amount of fried or stewed heart, a dog can become poisoned. This type of heat treatment should be abandoned.


Experts do not recommend drying this product at home, because you can make a mistake during the drying process. This will spoil the product and increase the risk of poisoning.

In order not to risk the pet’s health, do not dry the heart yourself.

Industrial feed

In the composition of industrial dry food, the presence of by-products is often listed first. Before purchasing such a pack, you should know about some of the features of using this ingredient on an industrial scale.

Firstly, it should not come first, since tripe is not as nutritious as meat, which means the food will not have enough calories and will not be able to provide the necessary energy for an active life.

Secondly, dry food contains organs that are unsuitable for human food. That is, this is tripe that has not been frozen for more than a day since the carcasses were cut up. It is no longer suitable for people, but for dogs after appropriate processing, drying and grinding it will be completely healthy and will not cause any harm.

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