Food for nursing dogs: what to feed to produce milk

During pregnancy and after childbirth, bitches require special attention and care. Food for lactating dogs is balanced and complete; the health of the puppies and mother depends on this.

The food must cover the daily energy expenditure of the pet. Depending on the breed, different feeds are used. During pregnancy and lactation, bitches are given special mixtures. A dog's pregnancy usually lasts 63 days. During this period, after consultation with a veterinarian, her diet is gradually changed, the amount of protein food is increased, vitamins and minerals are added.

  • 1 What to feed a nursing dog immediately after giving birth, week by week
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  • What to feed a nursing dog immediately after giving birth, week by week

    The dog itself eats the afterbirth after giving birth, this is a natural process for it (it contains protein, vitamins, microelements). However, if there are many puppies, all the afterbirths can damage the stomach and activated charcoal will be required.

    After birth, they feed almost the same composition as during pregnancy, excluding harmful foods: sausages, sausages, sweets.

    Immediately you need to supply only drinking water, then change it to fresh water. She is given food after 5-6 hours. She doesn't have an appetite yet, but needs to be offered food. It is important that she eats at least a small portion. The dog's menu consists of vegetable puree, cottage cheese, and low-fat fish. Chihuahuas are advised to drink tea with milk and honey.

    In the future, they are fed 8 times a day, in small portions. The food is ground to a puree. Hard fruits and green vegetables are excluded for now. Raw egg whites and hot milk are not recommended for hound breeds, and pork is not recommended for Laikas.

    Weeks after giving birth Basic diet
    FirstPorridge with the addition of milk from cereals: buckwheat, broken rice, rolled oats, also kefir, cottage cheese.
    After five days - broth, lean meat, fish, for example, for Alabai - beef, veal. Products must be fresh and boiled.
    Second, thirdAdd pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, eggs, herbs, and bone meal. Then fruits (pears, apples). The number of feedings is reduced to 4-5, and portions are increased. It is advisable to keep a food diary and monitor the puppies’ reaction to a particular product.
    Fourth-sixthThe food is the same, from 4-6 weeks the puppies are given complementary foods and the amount of food the mother eats is reduced. After weaning her from the babies, they give her a quarter of the food required during lactation, on the second day – a third, and then – half. This is so that the milk goes away. Then the dog is transferred to the normal regime that was before pregnancy.

    To increase the amount of milk, goat and low-fat meat broths are added to the menu. A popular supplement is made from raw eggs and 0.5 liters of boiled milk. This mixture is shaken and given between meals. Other additives are heavy cream, royal jelly.

    At the same time, it is important not to overfeed your pet to avoid obesity.


    You should take care of your bitch's future pregnancy in advance, if possible from the very first heat. Nutrition should be complete, containing vitamins and minerals. Of course, you should not overfeed your pet - excess weight and obesity will subsequently have a negative impact on health.

    Food should cover the dog's daily energy needs . They will be different for each breed - you should not feed a Pomeranian in the same way as an Alaskan Malamute. Unfortunately, such seemingly obvious truths are not understood by everyone.

    REFERENCE . You should understand what changes occur in the body of a pregnant bitch.

    This is not only an external restructuring of the exterior, but also significant internal changes, increasing every week. The volume of circulating blood increases, which places additional stress on the kidneys and liver. The diaphragm moves, the lungs are pressed, and the need for breathing increases - the number of breathing movements increases noticeably.

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    If the dog was fed ready-made food, you should not suddenly switch it to natural food during pregnancy - this will be stressful for the body as a whole and for the animal in particular. There are special foods designed for pregnant and lactating dogs. During gestation and lactation you can use them.

    However, veterinarians and dog breeders recommend adding small portions of natural food to the usual food, and, if possible, gradually switching it to a natural diet.

    IMPORTANT . An attempt to switch a dog to natural food may be accompanied by a refusal to eat. The animal will not understand why they are trying to feed it something incomprehensible and unusual.

    Another option for using ready-made store-bought food is puppy food . It contains the necessary amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Some dog breeders advise switching your dog to puppy food about a month before mating.

    The transition to such food should take place within one to two weeks - this will help avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract. You should also not change the brand of feed you use.

    If before pregnancy the feeding consisted of natural food - meat, vegetables, fish - it is better to leave everything as is. Only the quantity and concentration of food given, as well as the ratio of proteins and fiber, needs correction.

    Veterinarians advise devoting 2/3 of the diet to lean meats - rabbit, lean beef, raw tripe. Boiled heart and liver can be given as a treat and encouragement. Raw sea fish is useful in small quantities.

    At the very beginning of pregnancy, you can give milk, cottage cheese, and fermented milk products . This should be taken into separate feeding and not mixed with meat.

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