Putin showed Japanese journalists a “strict dog” of the Akita breed

Labrador Connie Polgrave (Horses)

Perhaps the best known to the public is Putin’s Labrador dog named Koni. She was a star of the press, often appearing on the pages of magazines and newspapers, as she often entered the room where negotiations and important meetings were taking place.

  • Photo from Wikipedia

By the way! One of her first “star” appearances in front of the camera took place at a meeting between the prime minister and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is terrified of dogs. A strong tension is visible on her face as the coal Labrador girl walks. Journalists wondered for a long time: was this an accident?

On behalf of the presidential favorite, the book “Kony Tells” was written, which tells about life next to the head of state through a dog’s eyes. Residents of one of the Moscow apartment buildings pooled their money and erected a monument to her in order to save their yard from development.

So, the breed of Putin’s dog Koni is a purebred Labrador. Having an excellent pedigree, the dog was distinguished by loyalty, kindness, flexible character and intelligence. The black female was born in 1999 and was purchased for training in one of the canine units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. A year and a half later, the then head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and now Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu gave a puppy to his friend Vladimir Vladimirovich.

As an adult, Connie regularly produced offspring. So, in 2008, on the day of the parliamentary elections, she gave birth to eight puppies. Putin gave some of them to ordinary people who expressed their desire to adopt pets during the annual direct line with the president or in letters.

A couple of dogs were given as a gift to the Austrian President Thomas Klestil as babies. He did not live long - he died just 2 years later, but the widow did not even think of placing her late husband’s favorites in another house, leaving them for herself. Some descendants of the presidential Labrador serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other departments. At the end of 2014, at the age of 15, Koni's heart stopped, but people still remember her and consider Putin's favorite breed of dogs to be mainly coal-black Labradors - ideal companions for a family or a single person.

How Yume Almost Got a Fiancé

In 2016, before Vladimir Putin’s visit to Japan, it was planned to present him with another representative of the Akita Inu breed, this time a “boy”. But the president politely refused to accept such a gift.

So that the Japanese government would not take the refusal as an insult, Vladimir Vladimirovich brought Yume to a meeting with journalists before his departure to Japan. He showed that the dog was in excellent shape, cheerful and playful. But Putin also told reporters that his pet has a quick temper. And, if you bring her a “groom,” they will soon have puppies. And the president already has several pets, and he simply cannot devote time and attention to all of them.

Alabai Verny

“I want to buy a dog like Putin’s, I don’t know the name of the breed, it’s big and beautiful!” — such search queries were sent by Russians after seeing touching photos of the president kissing a shaggy puppy. We are talking about Vepaly's alabai, donated in 2022 in Sochi, whose nickname translated from Turkmen means “faithful.” The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is the national treasure of Turkmenistan, known throughout the world.

Unlike other presidential pets, the alabai is completely unpretentious in food and eats everything that is given to it. Now Verny is a young male, distinguished by courage, devotion, excellent health and irrepressible energy. Despite their impressive size and menacing appearance, Alabai are as vulnerable as children and love their owner very much. They need supervision and training. It is noteworthy that from the very beginning Verny did not find a common language with the other inhabitants of the nursery; he often conflicts with anyone who encroaches on his freedom or the desired bone.

How Yume appeared in Russia

In 2011, a tragedy occurred in Japan - a strong earthquake and tsunami. Then many countries provided support to the government and residents affected by the disaster. Russia was among them. In gratitude for his help, Akita Prefecture Governor Norihisoi Satake presented Russian President Vladimir Putin with an Akita Inu puppy. The puppy was named Yume, which means “dream”.

Interesting! In return for the gift, Putin gave the governor of Akita a Siberian cat. Satake, a cat lover, was delighted with the gift and named his pet with the Russian word “Mir”.

Interestingly, Yume became a kind of ambassador and assistant in negotiations between Russia and Japan. Then relations between the countries deteriorated for a number of reasons. And when the Minister of Foreign Affairs, after a visit to Russia and successful negotiations with the President, returned to Japan, he told Governor Satake: “We were able to meet with Putin thanks to the Akita Inu dog. It's unusual".

Sharplana Shepherd Dog Pasha

  • Photo from Wikipedia website

At the beginning of 2022, Putin got another shepherd dog, this time from Serbian lands. The puppy was presented by the President of Serbia. Before this generous and beautiful gift, few Russians had ever seen this rare breed - the Sharplanin.

The main advantage and calling of dogs like Pasha is the ability to protect the territory and their owner, herd the herd and fearlessly engage in battle with predators. This is a large herding breed, reaching up to 70 cm at the withers. It is not intended for apartments - its place is in open fields or a large area. It is noteworthy that for many years it was strictly prohibited to export Sharplanin Shepherd dogs from Yugoslavia. They are a symbol of loyalty and selfless love for the one who was chosen from family members in childhood, which is why Vucic chose such a sign of attention to the Russian leader, emphasizing the strong friendly ties between the peoples of the countries.

Who else was given to Vladimir Putin?

In fact, the Russian President received not only dogs, but also other animals as gifts. In 2000, the governor of the Oryol region presented him with... a thoroughbred mountain trotter. A year later, the personal zoo was replenished with the bay stallion Nagara, a representative of the Akhaltean breed.

It’s hard to count how many times Vladimir Vladimirovich was given horses. One of them was delivered directly from the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the other from Kyrgyzstan, and a completely new breed. In addition, horses were brought from Turkmenistan, the United Arab Emirates, and Jordan. Not all horses remain in their personal stables in Novo-Ogarevo - most live at domestic hippodromes.

And once Vladimir Putin received a real Ussuri tiger cub for his birthday! It was not possible to find out who exactly came up with such an interesting gift. It is only known that Masha (that is the name of the tigress) was sent to the Safari Park in Gelendzhik after some time.

In addition to tigers, cheetahs also visited the private zoo; they were presented by the President of Turkmenistan in 2009. However, caring for them at home is difficult, so the predators were almost immediately transported to the Sochi nursery. The only person living in Novo-Ogarevo was the white goat Skazka, which was donated by Yuri Luzhkov back in 2003.

Vladimir Putin is known throughout the world for his love for our little brothers. This is confirmed by the fact that representatives of other countries often give him animals of rare breeds, and the head of Russia happily accepts them. The presidential story began with Connie the dog in 2000 and continues to this day. All pets live in the Novo-Ogarevo residence.

Kyrgyz Greyhound (Taigan) Sherkhan

  • Photo from Wikipedia website

The six-month-old puppy was presented as a gift to Vladimir Putin by the President of Kyrgyzstan and was named Sherkhan. Giving a Taigan as a gift means expressing the deepest respect for a person, because the Kyrgyz hound has existed for more than 12 thousand years and is an endangered species, a national treasure. Intelligence, grace, speed, endurance, loyalty, calmness, and inherent nobility within nature make this dog a real treasure. Here are a few more undeniable advantages of Taigan:

  • exceptional courage - often greyhounds alone go after a wolf during a hunt;
  • high level of intelligence;
  • independence, but at the same time contact, the need for affection;
  • strong immunity.

Many people would like to have a dog of the same breed as Putin. But which one should you choose? In a small house or city apartment, Labrador and Akita Inu will feel best. For others, cramped conditions and limited space are extremely harmful. In addition, all these dogs need constant communication and education, physical activity, and special nutrition, which is provided by the constantly working canine service of the presidential kennel. Before buying a puppy, you should consult with breeders, owners and dog handlers and make a decision, soberly weighing all the pros and cons.

Yume's character

According to the president, his Akita Inu is cute and fluffy on the outside, but strict and loyal on the inside. She looks very cheerful and playful. But it always performs its functions of protection and safety.

Important! Yume is not Vladimir Putin's only pet. The three of them often walk and play - the president, Yume and another favorite dog of Vladimir Vladimirovich - the Bulgarian shepherd Buffy.

First dog

The first favorite in the family of Vladimir Vladimirovich appeared 20 years ago, back in 1999. It was then that the future president gave his wife Lyudmila a toy poodle, Tosya. The charming little girl was the favorite of the whole family. Vladimir Vladimirovich often fell asleep after a hard day of work in an embrace with Tosya.

Some time later, the pet gave birth to an equally touching puppy named Rodeo. They decided to keep their son. They delighted the household with their fun games, and after the couple’s divorce they saved Lyudmila Alexandrovna from depression.

Is it difficult to care for such a pet?

The head of the Russian government claims that caring for a pet does not take much time. Only when shedding occurs should you brush your dog at least once a week. It does not need frequent washing, since it has the ability to self-clean. Dog fur itself has no odor.

There are also no difficulties with nutrition. In addition to meat, Yume eats fruits and vegetables. She gives her preference to plant foods. Yume even often eats vegetables directly from the beds themselves.

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