In what form can dogs be given eggs, how often and at what age?

When inexperienced breeders think about the benefits of natural products for animals, they ask different questions. For example, are eggs good for dogs? After all, they contain pure protein, and, probably, many other useful substances. But they are useful for humans. Is this fair for the dog? In this article, all your doubts will be dispelled. We will tell you whether raw or boiled eggs are harmful to your pet, which of them, on the contrary, are necessary and in what form can be given in order to preserve all the trace elements.

Benefits of eggs for dogs

When used correctly, eggs bring invaluable benefits to dogs' bodies.

They contain:

  • protein;
  • essential fatty acids;
  • fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K);
  • trace elements (phosphorus, cobalt, iodine, selenium, zinc, magnesium, iron).

Egg yolks additionally contain fats necessary for the formation of protective cell membranes.

Thanks to this composition, eggs help normalize metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system, properly form the musculoskeletal system, and improve the functioning of the brain and thyroid gland.

Raw or cooked?

Raw eggs are a source of many beneficial substances that are essential for the normal development of a dog. To avoid salmonella infection, the product must be of high quality and fresh.

Also, raw egg whites contain avidin, which impedes the absorption of biotin, the lack of which can lead to disruption of carbohydrate-lipid metabolism and the development of anemia, nausea and muscle pain. Therefore, a product that has not been subjected to heat treatment is allowed to be fed to dogs no more than 1-2 times a week and in combination with other food.

Dogs are allowed to feed both white and yolk. The first is an easily digestible building material for the animal’s body. The second serves as a source of choline, which improves liver function, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, necessary for cell membranes, the retina of the eyes and the brain.

In terms of benefits, boiled eggs are not inferior to raw eggs and are almost completely absorbed by the dog’s body.


1. Is it possible to give eggs to a dog without harming its health? 2. What chicken and quail eggs are suitable for dogs? 3. The benefits of eggs 4. Feeding rules 5. The myth about cholesterol

For any novice dog owner, sooner or later the question arises about whether a dog can be given eggs. Here, as in many other aspects of nutrition, there are two radically opposing points of view. Some people claim that this is not normal; they periodically mention cholesterol and other nuances. Others talk about the benefits, since eggs contain a lot of protein and other useful elements of the periodic table that are literally necessary for the animal.

How often and in what quantity should I give?

The number of eggs and the frequency of their introduction into the dog’s diet depends on the age, health and body weight of the animal. An adult dog weighing 30 kg can be fed 1-2 pieces weekly.

When deciding whether to heat-treat a product, many breeders are guided by an unwritten rule: boiled meat - boiled eggs, raw meat - raw eggs.

For puppies

Puppies can be given boiled protein. Raw eggs are contraindicated for babies due to immature immunity. But some breeders recommend feeding puppies with fresh raw protein occasionally.

It is advisable to lightly beat the latter and mix it with porridge or milk. Occasionally, puppies can be pampered with an omelet or a soft-boiled egg. The product should be introduced into the diet of children little by little, starting with 1/3 of a piece once every 7 days.

Gradually, the number of eggs can be increased to the recommended norm - 1-2 per week.

For old pets

Raw eggs are contraindicated for older dogs. They are fed boiled and in quantities not exceeding 2 pieces per week. This addition to the main diet will help maintain the tone of bone and muscle tissue.

Nursing and pregnant women

Pregnant and lactating dogs can be given both raw and boiled eggs. It is useful for females bearing puppies to eat 2-3 pieces per week.

If the eggs are fresh, the recommended amount can be fed to your dog raw. If the quality of the product is in doubt, it must be boiled. Lactating individuals can be given a raw egg one day after birth, but only if the owner is confident in its quality and freshness.

Chicken alternative

Are all eggs equally beneficial for a growing dog, and is it possible to replace chicken eggs with any others? Young dog breeders often ask this question. After all, how you want to pamper your pet with something delicious!

On this issue, dog handlers and veterinarians are unanimous in their opinion - any bird eggs can be given to puppies and adult dogs . You just need to maintain the correct proportions.

Goose and duck

If a dog lives in the lap of nature, among domestic animals, then you can diversify its diet with duck and goose eggs . They are somewhat larger than chicken ones, so you need to add less of them to your food.

For example: if a teenage puppy of a large or medium breed was previously offered 1 chicken egg per week, then the goose egg should be divided in half. The same is true with ostrich eggs . They should be divided into several parts so that their use does not cause unpleasant reactions.


When the animal lives in a city apartment, the usual chicken eggs can be varied with quail eggs. In this case, instead of one per week, you can offer your pet two small eggs. Quail eggs are much healthier than regular chicken eggs , so they will not harm your tailed pet.

Is it possible to feed eggshells to your pet?

Dogs can eat not only eggs, but also shells. It is easily absorbed by the body and, due to its high content of magnesium, zinc, sulfur, iron, fluorine and calcium, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the animal’s coat and teeth. The shell is especially useful for puppies during the period of active growth, teeth change and bone formation.

You can prevent salmonellosis infection by first boiling an egg or holding it for 15 minutes in a weak vinegar solution. To prevent sharp fragments from getting stuck between your teeth, it is advisable to grind the shells into flour or fine grains.

An excess of calcium leads to disruption of the musculoskeletal system and the development of osteochondrosis. Therefore, when introducing eggshells into a dog’s diet, you need to carefully monitor the animal’s condition.

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Can it cause harm?

Eggs are considered one of the most controversial foods in a dog's diet. In addition to being beneficial, they can cause harm.

In rare cases, when eating eggs, dogs experience:

  1. Allergic reactions. Manifest in the form of urticaria, dermatitis or severe itching.
  2. Individual intolerance. Accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the ears.
  3. Increased gas formation and bloating.
  4. Blockage of blood vessels and formation of blood clots due to high cholesterol content.
  5. Salmonella infection. Infection occurs only if the egg eaten by the dog is not washed with soap or heat treated.

The protein contains avidin, which destroys biotin in the dog’s body. But this statement is not entirely true. Egg yolk contains enough biotin to compensate for its loss.

Allergy to eggs in a dog

Food allergy is a chronic disease characterized by an abnormal reaction of immune cells to a substance present in food that is recognized as foreign. Often found in dogs, some breeds are more susceptible to this disease than others.

Allergies occur to many healthy foods, and egg products are no exception.

Main symptoms:

  • skin itching;
  • discharge;
  • swelling;
  • indigestion;
  • unpleasant smell.

Itching caused by allergies is worse than that caused by parasites. Histamine is concentrated in the skin, nerve endings are irritated, the dog begins to itch furiously, bald spots appear in the fur, wounds, weeping spots, and crusts form on the skin. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter combed areas and cause infection.

The appearance of discharge from the eyes, ears, and nostrils is sometimes complicated by conjunctivitis and otitis media.

The dog's face may swell, shortness of breath, and hoarseness may occur.

Gastrointestinal disorder provokes frequent loose stools, the dog loses its appetite and becomes lethargic.

An unpleasant odor spreads from the dog, especially from the mouth.

The cause of the disease is a failure of the immune system caused by:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • prolonged stress;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • features of the nervous system;
  • hormonal characteristics;
  • helminthic infection.

The disease has no cure; its symptoms are eliminated by adjusting the diet by completely eliminating the allergen. In some cases, medical intervention is required; the veterinarian prescribes antibiotics, antifungals (for infectious complications), antihistamines, and hormonal drugs (for severe itching). Sometimes you have to switch your dog to special hypoallergenic food.

What should you do if your animal feels sick after eating something?

Cases of dog poisoning by eggs are extremely rare.

But the owner must be able to help the pet in a difficult situation:

  1. Try to induce vomiting to empty your stomach. This can be done with plenty of water. If the dog refuses to drink on its own, the liquid must be infused with a pipette or a large syringe without a needle.
  2. Try to speed up the elimination of toxins. This can be done using sorbents such as activated carbon. The drugs should be given in a dosage calculated taking into account the dog’s weight.
  3. Cleanse the intestines with a laxative (magnesia, vaseline oil, Bimin) or a 200 ml enema (warm boiled water, preferably with the addition of vaseline oil).
  4. Normalize the water-salt balance of the body. You need to pour a solution prepared from 250 ml of water and 1 tbsp into the dog’s mouth. l. salt.

If the dog's condition worsens, the animal must be taken to the vet immediately.

What can be replaced?

If eggs cause an allergic reaction in your dog, they can be replaced with other healthy and nutritious foods, such as:

  1. Fresh fruits (apples, bananas). The fruits are easily digestible by the dog’s body and saturate it with useful substances, in particular B vitamins, which eggs contain. But some animals have intolerance to fruits.
  2. Boiled and fresh vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, etc.). They are easily digestible, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and, due to their high content of vitamins and microelements, will become a complete replacement for eggs. Important! To help dogs better absorb the nutrients contained in carrots, the root vegetable can be finely grated and supplemented with sour cream.
  3. Legumes and soybeans. The foods are rich in protein, but often cause digestive problems. Therefore, legumes and soybeans can be fed to dogs occasionally and only in boiled form.
  4. Fermented milk products (yogurt, cheese, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese). They are distinguished by a high content of calcium, but are rich in casein, which interferes with its absorption and contributes to the acidification of the pet’s body. Therefore, fermented milk products are allowed to be fed to dogs no more than 2 times a week and provided that there is no history of pancreatitis in the animals.

Who can't?

Regardless of what breed your friend is at home, he needs a complete diet. In this case, the funny baby will grow up healthy and strong. Only a healthy dog ​​can be happy and bring joy to its owners.

Therefore, eggs are added to complementary foods, and subsequently to food for all representatives of dog breeds without exception . If the owner has doubts about whether it is worth offering this product to his tailed friend, it is worth consulting with the breeder from whom the puppy was taken or with a veterinarian.

You need to carefully observe the baby’s reactions after he has received a treat, and only then, based on facts and expert advice, draw conclusions about the further formation of the diet.

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