There's something wrong with you: why dogs lick their owners

your bitch lick her private area all the time ? If so, you can find out whether this behavior is normal or not. In this article we explain all the possible reasons why a bitch might lick her genital area. We will also tell you what to do in each case...

There are several reasons that can lead to a dog licking its vulva, some of which are a normal and natural part of dog behavior. Others, however, may indicate the presence of a problem or disease. In the latter case, the dog usually shows additional signs that you should pay attention to. If other symptoms appear, we recommend that you consult a specialist as soon as possible. Keep reading to find out why your dog keeps licking his private area and what to do about it.

The dog shows his good attitude

When a puppy is first born, the mother licks its nostrils with her tongue so that it can begin to breathe. Throughout their life, puppies lick their brothers and sisters, gaining affection with them. So, if a dog exhibits this behavior towards a person, it may be due to its childhood memories and the fact that it is trying to show how much it cares for its owner. Yes, for us this may seem like something cute and funny, like a game, but the dog will really only lick the person he trusts and wants to get close to.

Furry lovers. Female Bestiality

There are several such nurseries in Moscow. A veterinarian I know works in one of them, located near the Ring Road in the Leningrad direction. Having arrived at a summer cottage fenced with a high wooden fence, we stopped at an iron gate. The guard opened the gate and we entered the territory. We went into a small brick cottage, where Andrei Demyanovich, the director, met us. Having learned about the purpose of my visit, he agreed to show us his nursery. We walked around the house and found ourselves in the annex located at the back of the cottage.

...On both walls, covered with plastic clapboard, there are enclosures - ten in total. When they see us, their inhabitants perk up and try to stick their muzzles between the bars of the bars. All dogs are well-groomed, their coat is shiny, which means the animals receive special vitamins. They are friendly: they do not bark, but caress when they see strangers.

In the director’s office over a cup of coffee, Andrei Demyanovich spoke about the work of his enterprise:

“Women who order dogs for love don’t come to me because they have a good life. Some people don’t get along with their husbands, but they don’t want to divorce or cheat (“with a dog is not cheating”). Others have tried everything and cannot get satisfaction... And some women turn to me for exotic things or want to always have a “living vibrator” at hand, which also loves you... Although, it seems to me, a psychiatrist would help them much more than I…

— How do you train dogs?

— There are 6 full-time employees in the kennel: three men - they do standard training, teach dogs the basics of protective guard service - and three women - they teach them to gently and for a long time lick erogenous zones, train dogs using special techniques, depending on the sexual orders of clients. The conditions of keeping and feeding the dogs are controlled by a veterinarian. Puppies (or adult dogs) are either brought by the customers themselves - and the nursery specialists train them, or the client just orders the breed - then we select the puppies from breeders and train them.

Your pet wants to chat with you

Dogs' wild ancestors, wolves, use licking to communicate with each other. For example, if a puppy licks its mother, it means that it is hungry and is trying to find some food in its mother’s mouth. Of course, not all dogs have retained such an instinct - it all depends on how far the breed of your faithful friend has moved away from the wild wolf. However, if the puppy suddenly starts licking your face, then you should think about the last time you gave him food - it is quite possible that he is very hungry and is trying to tell you about it.

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Licking as a social interaction

Dog licking is one of the first social behaviors that puppies learn. Almost immediately after the babies are born, the mother dog licks her baby. Licking is commonly used to clean small puppies and massage their bellies after eating.

Puppies imitate their mother and lick each other, following her example. From the very beginning of a dog's life, licking is part of its normal behavior. Many dogs will continue to do this into adulthood. But there are also those who are less prone to licking. It all depends on the character of the dog.

Animal showing submissiveness

A dog will never lick the face of a stranger or a person he doesn't trust. Some particularly loyal breeds of dogs (for example, a German shepherd) try to show their submissiveness in this way, saying: “Master, you are in charge here, so command, lead.” It is especially worth paying attention to this behavior if the pet began to lick you during a noisy domestic quarrel or thunderstorm. By licking the owner's face, the dog shows that it completely obeys the person and wants him to protect it. So you shouldn’t immediately push the animal’s face away, but rather think about how you can calm it down.

What is the vulva and what function does it perform?

The vulva is the organ where a woman's urinary tract and your bitch's reproductive system ends. Thus, their function allows, on the one hand, to eliminate toxins from the body, and on the other hand, to preserve the species.

Because the vulva lies on the outside of the body, various microorganisms and chemicals can escape from the environment. This can lead to allergies, infections and complications of the urinary tract and reproductive system.

This is why it is very important that you pay attention to whether your bitch licks her vulva often. this way you can determine if something is wrong.

- If your bitch licks her vulva, then you should not punish or ignore this behavior -

Dog kisses as a sign of health problems

If one dog, for no apparent reason, began to carefully lick another, this may indicate that the object of attention and care is suffering from an undiagnosed disease. Inspect the area where your dog is licking to see if there is an open wound, an insect bite, or lichen. Even if you don't find anything, don't neglect the opportunity to contact your veterinarian for help. Perhaps your pet is worried about irritation or allergies, or maybe something more serious. A professional will be able to not only carefully examine the animal, but also take tests (blood, saliva, feces) from it to determine further treatment.

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A dog digs a hole - to ill-wishers, and other signs about stray animals

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My dog ​​licks her vagina and pus appears - infection

If your dog licks your private area a lot and also has whitish or slightly yellowish discharge, you may be suffering from a serious health problem . In such cases, you should consult your veterinarian immediately. The most common diseases and conditions that cause excessive vaginal licking along with abnormal secretions are:

  • Pyometra (uterine infection)
  • Matrix infection
  • Ovarian infection
  • Bacterial infection
  • Fungal infection
  • Wounds in the vagina and/or cervix.

However, these are not the only diseases that can cause pus to discharge from the vulva. In fact, almost any infection in the lower reproductive system can cause this symptom. The exact type of infection must be diagnosed and treated by a professional, so it is best to contact a veterinarian immediately...

Just a characteristic feature of your dog

If your pet constantly licks you and other animals, this is not a reason to sound the alarm. It has been noticed that some dogs are simply bored, as a result of which they begin to show care and attention towards others. If you are sure that your pets are healthy, just find them something interesting to do, such as going for a run or playing catch in the yard. In addition, when dogs lick themselves and each other, endorphins (happiness hormones) are released. So if a male dog begins to lick someone often, perhaps it’s time to look for a bitch to mate with.

What to do if a girl is against oral games?6

There is a category of girls who are categorically against any experimental attempts in their sexual life, but this is not a reason to deny them this type of pleasure. A girl may not like cunnilingus only for the following reasons:

  • she had bad experiences in the past, didn’t like the process and doesn’t want a repeat;
  • she is embarrassed because she has never encountered such caresses in the past;
  • she's just not ready (psychologically or physically).

The situation can be corrected, the main thing for the guy in this case is to act as gently and not persistently as possible.

The dog is worried about its owner

By licking a person, a dog can demonstrate its care towards its owner. If you suddenly get dirty, your pet may decide it's time to take a bath. However, we should not forget that pets are able to sense the emotional background surrounding people. If you are in pain, the animal will try to comfort you by licking, just like its mother did. By the way, if the dog starts licking your open wound, do not rush to move his muzzle away. Dog saliva is not only excellent at killing bacteria, but also promotes rapid healing of wounds.

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To allow or not to allow?

Having dealt with the main reasons, the main question arises: should a dog still be allowed to lick its owner’s face, or should it not ?

Veterinarians are convinced that such a display of canine love and devotion can result in serious illness for the owner. The fact is that even the cleanest pet , unfortunately, carries bacteria that can cause illness in humans. It is interesting that the dog itself may not be sick, but at the same time safely transfer the germs to its beloved owner.

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And then the situation becomes dangerous and unpredictable!

If a person has a strong immune system , then pathogenic microbes will most likely bypass him. But a weakened body, especially when it comes to children or the elderly, can become an ideal “haven” for parasites.

The same applies to worms, which are transmitted through dog “kisses”! True, unlike microbes, they feel equally good both in a healthy body and in a body with a fragile immune system.

Photo source:

According to experts, dog saliva may contain bacteria that can lead to severe illness and even death.

Thus, in Wisconsin, a man named Greg Manteuffel became infected with a bacterial infection of the genus Capnocytophaga, which entered his blood. As a result, the poor guy had to have his arms and legs amputated to save his life! Just a few days before the tragedy, Greg was licked by a dog, as a result of which he fell ill.

A similar story happened with the owner of a dog who bit her owner and infected her with the same Capnocytophaga. Two days later the woman died...

Of course, such cases are extremely rare, and this is 1% out of 100, but you should never exclude the possibility of developing diseases!

Your pet wants you to praise him

We all love when we are praised. In this regard, dogs are not much different from people - they also expect praise or even a reward for protecting your peace and safety. So, if your pet suddenly starts licking you, perhaps he wants to show his best side, so that you will then praise him properly. However, keep in mind that reinforcing this behavior with a reward (stroking, scratching, hugging) will encourage the dog to resort to kissing again, because he will think that you really like it. So, if you don't want to end up drooling again, just politely refuse the advances.


First of all, the girl needs to be thoroughly prepared for the upcoming sequel, which means she should start with foreplay. There is not and cannot be any universal instruction in this matter, because each person has his own preferences in intimate relationships. According to research by sexologists, arousal can be increased in several ways:

  • influencing erogenous zones;
  • through visual stimuli.

The second option is more labor-intensive and requires the highest skill from the guy, and from the girl, at least, interest in excitement and concentration. Therefore, let's consider the first option. So, the ideal foreplay can consist of such moments.

  • Kissing is the basis of everything. There is not a single place on a woman’s body that cannot be kissed, so the choice is up to the man.
  • Sexologists recommend starting foreplay from above, gradually moving lower and continuing with cunnilingus or traditional sexual intercourse.
  • In addition to your lips, you should also use your hands. It’s good if a man has already managed to get acquainted with the girl’s body and study the location of her erogenous zones. If this does not happen, you should act at random.
  • We must not forget about the breasts - this is the second most sensitive erogenous zone after the pussy.
  • Many sensitive points are located in the lower abdomen. This area can be covered with kisses or stimulated with hands, light stroking, reverent and gentle touch.

It is easy to understand that a girl is ready to move on to the next part of the dessert - she will either ask for it herself, or with her whole body she will show impatience in anticipation of the continuation.

The animal shows its interest

Even though dogs have a highly developed sense of smell, they still use other senses from time to time to satisfy their curiosity. Therefore, if a dog starts licking you, it means that he wants to taste what your skin tastes like. Especially often, pets will resort to such an action when the smell of their owners has changed somewhat, for example, after a hearty dinner or a run. Either way, dogs simply love the smell of people, so they will want to taste it. Whether you encourage this behavior or not is up to you.

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Bitch licks genitals constantly - pleasure

A dog usually reaches sexual maturity between six months and one year of age. Puberty comes with the arrival of your first race . From this point on, you may start to notice new behaviors in your dog, such as stuffed animals, blankets, or other dogs, and licking their private parts a lot. This behavior is normal and part of canine nature, but why? The answer is simple: masturbate and have fun. Bitches also lick their private parts whenever they're hot, as we'll explain later.

Like women, bitches have a clitoris inside their vulva, an organ whose sole function is to provide pleasure. We rarely see it while inside the vagina, but in some dogs it is visible as a round, reddish protuberance. If you see this, you shouldn't worry. You should only be alarmed if virtually the entire clitoris protrudes through the vulva or if you notice an unusual lump in your dog's vulva. Additionally, if your dog's vagina is swollen , irritated, or abnormal, we recommend consulting with a professional as soon as possible.

Therefore, once a dog has experienced the pleasure of licking its vagina, which can be at any point in its life, it is completely normal to see it licking it often. This licking may last for several seconds or minutes with intensity, and your dog may also make a type of moaning sound. However, if this action becomes habitual or mandatory, we recommend consulting with a professional...

Why is my dog ​​licking my hands?

Most dogs like the taste of salt. Well, there is always a small amount of sweat on human hands, which the pet wants to properly taste. In addition, dogs are able to interpret the aromatic molecules contained in human secretions, thereby determining what mood you are in. In other words, by the taste of sweat, the animal is able to understand whether you are happy, worried about something, or just tired. But if you wash your hands properly with aromatic soap, the dog is unlikely to approach them at all, since it is not interested in such a smell.

Can dogs spread disease by licking?

Many dog ​​lovers enjoy kissing animals. Others find the activity disgusting, especially when the dog's wet tongue touches a human face. Contact of human mucous membranes with dog mucous membranes should be avoided to avoid introducing infectious organisms into the saliva.

On the other hand, intestinal parasites are transmitted primarily through feces, so when a dog first licks the hindquarters and then licks a person's face, there is definitely a risk of infection. Dogs can also carry various bacteria. These include, for example, Pasteurella multocida, which causes pasteurellosis. An infected dog does not show obvious symptoms, but can transmit the disease to humans, where the bacteria become active. In the worst case scenario, a person can become infected with meningitis.

Although infections are rare, it's best to practice prevention: Whenever your dog licks your hands, wash them before you pick up a sandwich or rub your eyes. These rules of personal hygiene after contact with a dog should be strictly observed, especially in the case of weak immune systems in adults and children.

Why is the dog licking my feet?

In most cases, your dog will lick your feet for the same reasons that motivate him to lick his hands and face - he wants to get closer to you, show respect, or simply recognize the mood. However, it often happens that through such actions the pet tries to rid its owner of foot fungus (this disease has a pungent odor for the animal). Well, or the dog is simply trying to get your attention, but cannot reach your face or hands. Be that as it may, there is no need to ignore your pet, since in this way he is trying to communicate with the person as best he can.

Mouth licking

Small puppies lick their mother's lips, encouraging her to feed them. With age, the behavior remains, but only the reason for licking changes. Adult dogs, as a rule, by licking their brothers, try to show friendliness and talk about a peaceful mood. You can often see how one dog, after a fight, licks the face of its fellow dog, as if apologizing for the inconvenience caused during the game.

Watch your pet. If his fellow does not object to the licking or even reciprocates, there is no need to do anything. But if he is trying to run away from the abundant friendliness, try redirecting your pet's interest in another direction - to a favorite toy or treat, for example.

Obsessively licking another dog's mouth may indicate an oral infection, bleeding gums, or even a tumor. So the problem may be precisely who is being licked, and not vice versa.

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