Why does a dog constantly lick its fellows?

Dogs sometimes behave in ways that people don't quite understand, such as sniffing waste. Another natural and very common behavior is licking the urine of other dogs. But...why do they do this?

In fact, furry gets a lot of clues about other dogs by licking their urine. Jacobson's organ (or vomeronasal) is responsible for this, since it allows you to evaluate certain information about the urine and send it to the brain. Learn more about this behavior in your canine companion below.

What happens when my dog ​​licks other people's urine

If you are an observer, you will notice that after licking urine, your dog lifts his muzzle and presses his tongue to his muzzle. It may seem that he is enjoying it and time has stopped for him...

However, this is most likely due to the Flehmen reaction . This means that the dog is left with its tongue curled up in its mouth for several moments and does not move. What's happening to her? Well, she uses a Jacobson organ. No more, no less.

When they adopt this stance, a chemical process is initiated that plays a crucial role in reproduction, perception of the environment and its social interactions.

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Is licking harmful to people?

Proponents of dog “kisses” refer to the beneficial properties of lysozyme contained in saliva. This substance accelerates the process of tissue regeneration and has antibacterial properties. Despite this, the saliva of four-legged pets still cannot be called safe.

Regular vaccination and deworming do not guarantee 100% protection. A pet can still infect its owner with viruses, bacteria and parasites. There is also a risk of an allergic reaction to saliva containing a protein foreign to humans.

Most often, infection occurs when the mucous membranes are damaged. It is extremely difficult to notice microcracks on the lips and eyes, so it is better to prevent licking of these parts of the body. To avoid infection after unwanted contact, try to always wash your face and wash your hands thoroughly.

Could this be a threat to my dog's health?

Dogs have a powerful immune system, which, well accompanied by up-to-date vaccinations and regular deworming, will keep your companion in excellent health.

So, one dog licking another dog's urine from time to time should not be a serious problem since it is an instinctive and natural behavior.

However, if your furry companion is sick or has a weak immune system , he may become infected with viruses or bacteria from another furry.

In the worst case scenario, your dog can get leptospirosis by drinking contaminated water or urine. If the inflammation is severe or continues over time, it can cause permanent kidney damage.

If you observe these symptoms in your friend, we recommend visiting your veterinarian soon.:

  1. Apathy . Suddenly the dog stopped showing interest in things that he used to like.
  2. Fever . This always indicates that something is wrong, whether it is accompanied by other symptoms or not.
  3. Redness of the mucous membranes . The inside of the mouth, nose and eyes are mucous membranes; when they start to turn very red, this is a warning sign.
  4. Vomit . Look closely at the color, texture and frequency to let your veterinarian know.
  5. Fatigue . This is normal when the dog is older, but when combined with other symptoms it is cause for concern.

Mouth licking

Small puppies lick their mother's lips, encouraging her to feed them. With age, the behavior remains, but only the reason for licking changes. Adult dogs, as a rule, by licking their brothers, try to show friendliness and talk about a peaceful mood. You can often see how one dog, after a fight, licks the face of its fellow dog, as if apologizing for the inconvenience caused during the game.

Watch your pet. If his fellow does not object to the licking or even reciprocates, there is no need to do anything. But if he is trying to run away from the abundant friendliness, try redirecting your pet's interest in another direction - to a favorite toy or treat, for example.

Obsessively licking another dog's mouth may indicate an oral infection, bleeding gums, or even a tumor. So the problem may be precisely who is being licked, and not vice versa.

What's interesting about dog urine?

Surprisingly, dog urine is a complex universe of information. It contains a mixture of ammonia, uric acid, bacteria and hormones.

The Jacobson's organ, its subsidiary function of the olfactory system, is filled with sensory neurons that detect these chemical compounds, usually large molecules.

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Dog scent connects directly to the dog's brain. From the tongue and palate, the magic begins with the detection of chemical particles in the vomeronasal organ. From that moment on, in less than a second, your dog processes the information.

Hormones are a chemical compound that cheats if the urine comes from a male or female, or if the female is in heat, for example. Moreover, the bacteria will tell you about your medical history.

Ear licking

Puppies often play with the ears of their relatives. They become especially interested if their brothers run away: the hunting instinct awakens. Adult dogs can lick each other's ears for hygienic reasons, because it is impossible to lick this part of the body yourself. Another reason is the smell of sulfur. We will never understand this, but our pets perceive such “flavors” as pleasant. Finally, the skin around the ears of older dogs can release pheromones that attract younger dogs.

It’s also worth keeping an eye on your pet here. If his brothers are not against such advances, then there is nothing to worry about. If they are aggressive, the dog should be recalled. It would also be a good idea to check the ears of a dog that is being licked for cleanliness.

How to act

If your dog frequently licks the urine of other dogs, this is the right way to proceed:

  1. Health is the first thing . Keep his vaccinations up to date, deworm him frequently, and feed him a quality diet. This way your friend will be healthy and happy.
  2. Don't punish him . This is normal biological behavior as he is only trying to learn from his peers and environment. Don't put pressure on him.
  3. Change your habit . If you want your dog to stop licking other dogs' urine, change his focus when he initiates it and encourage him to focus on something else instead of getting angry. Remember that this is something instinctive for him, he is not doing anything wrong.
  4. Hygienic measures . Licking our face is not a cause for concern, but after a dog has licked another dog's urine, it is a good idea to give him some water. You must always maintain hygiene.

As you can see, this extreme precision in their olfactory system gives dogs an ability that we might consider a superpower. Although we should not be overly concerned, it is advisable to control it and avoid as much as possible having them lick urine from unknown dogs on the street as a preventative measure. Does your dog usually do this often? Tell us about a case you know of where this behavior occurs.

What are the consequences of this behavior?

1. Aggression from other dogs.
As you might guess, not all dogs like being persistently licked. Notice if during a walk your puppy tries to lick another dog and he pulls away. Then it's time to intervene so as not to worsen the situation. Depending on the animal’s temperament, such seemingly innocent harassment can end in a growl or even an attack by the “injured” party. 2. Bacterial infections. But this disease can affect a dog that is constantly licked in the same place. Due to excessive humidity, an environment for fungi and bacteria can easily form there.

How do dogs exchange “scent information”?

Unfortunately (as, indeed, in general about the chemical communication of animals). It is known, for example, that in the anus of dogs there are paired glands, the secretion of which can fall on feces, giving it an odor specific to the individual. In addition, on the upper side of the base of the tail there is a special gland, described by Seton in 1925, its secretion can also be a source of information about a given individual. This is probably why dogs show such interest in the anal area and feces of their fellow tribesmen.

Marking is an extremely important form of behavior for many species of terrestrial animals: by leaving odorous substances at different points in their habitat, they signal about themselves to other individuals. Thanks to odorous marks, a more uniform and, most importantly, structured distribution of individuals in the population occurs, sexual partners find each other more easily, and opponents, avoiding direct contacts that could lead to injury, receive fairly complete information about the “master.”

What do licks mean?

Understanding what certain licks mean will allow you to respond correctly to your dog. For example, if she wags her tail, jumps up, tries to put her paws on her chest, and quietly squeals, then this is definitely a manifestation of love.

Other signs:

  • constantly licks a specific place on a person’s body - smells a smell that bothers her, for example, an abscess or wound;
  • creeps up at a crawl, touches the legs with the tongue - humility, devotion, respect;
  • licks his hands and goes to the bowl - a clear sign of hunger;
  • licks the owner's hands and stands nearby, does not jump on the chest - asks to play with her, seeks protection, wants to show something;
  • licks the owner before going to bed - this gives her a feeling of peace and tranquility;
  • in the morning - rejoices at the new day, asks for food or wants to go to the toilet, waits for an active awakening, jogging;
  • licks the owner’s ears from the inside - tries to get wax secretions, which have antimicrobial properties and are a natural antibiotic, so he licks the ear;
  • licks its owner's nose - an instinct to check the owner's well-being (wet nose/dry nose) or greets after a long separation.

Why does a dog lick its owner's feet?

The owner's lower limbs are the most accessible part of the body for the pet. Therefore, if the dog cannot reach its face, it begins to lick its feet. Thus, it manifests several factors at once:

  • expresses love, affection, joy from communication. At the same time, the pet wags its tail, jumps joyfully, squeals or runs around its legs;
  • licks the smell of sweat from her feet, which can irritate her or, on the contrary, attract her, especially if it is pronounced;
  • tries to heal microcracks on the owner’s feet, heels, and toes.

Is it worth weaning your pet from this habit?

Here you should rely on your feelings. If you are disdainful and prefer other ways of showing love, start adjusting your behavior.


Puppies learn about the world through licking, so you should not stop this behavior in the first 3-4 months. Let your baby get used to you - and only after that begin to set the boundaries of what is permitted. Don't scold him and be sure to leave at least one accessible body part. If the choice falls on your arms or legs, then stop licking your face with a sharp clap or the command “Ugh.”

Does this have a negative impact on your health???

According to ethologists and other canine behavior specialists, allowing our dog to smell and know its surroundings is a positive behavior that any responsible owner should respect. This is because by using your senses, they feel relaxed and eliminate any stress, something very positive in terms of your overall well-being . We answer the question, why does my dog ​​smell everything outside? On .

When it comes to health, it's important to understand that if your dog follows their vaccination schedule and is dewormed regularly, they are very unlikely to get sick . However, sick dogs or dogs with weak immune systems are more susceptible to infections. This is why we must be careful and avoid direct contact.

Once you understand the above, you will understand that allowing your dog to lick other dogs' urine is not a bad thing, but in some specific cases, it is not the most ideal option. Whatever your final decision, it is very important that you do not scold your best friend at first, as this is a natural canine behavior that should be respected.

The most common reasons why your puppy urinates frequently

Usually, if a puppy urinates frequently, this is not always a problem, but there are a number of reasons that will still indicate it. The first of these includes his age, for the reason that small puppies have not yet learned to perfectly control their bladder. And if at the same time the puppy is afraid of something, the result will be involuntary urination. The only way out of this situation will be when the puppies grow up a little, they learn to take control of their body, their instincts and will no longer cause such incidents to their owners. This usually occurs within three to four months.

The next reason is raising the animal. There's a lot to talk about here. Education is almost the dominant factor, which the owners of the animal should be fully concerned with at first. Moreover, ideally, start the process as soon as the puppy gets into the apartment. Thus, a puppy trained to pee on a diaper in a timely manner will no longer leave behind small or not very large puddles throughout the apartment. To ensure that your puppies pee in their designated area, train them right away rather than waiting 5 months or more. If you do not have sufficient skills to teach your puppy this task on your own, then you can always turn to a dog trainer for help and practical advice.

Another common reason that may shed light on the question of why your puppy urinates often is a banal fright, a stress factor, or fear. Such situations cause both the intestines and the animal’s bladder to reflexively contract, and consequently, the puppy may wet itself. A small puppy may begin to urinate even at the sight of its owner. Therefore, it is necessary to show such a pet much more care so that in any stressful situation the puppy can feel calm and comfortable.

Also, the reason that the puppy urinates much more often than usual is due to the peculiarities of the hormonal system. Most often this, of course, concerns bitches. If you are the owner of a female puppy, then you should remember this nuance: females can urinate for about one and a half to two years. Why is this happening? The answer here is that even by the time he reaches adulthood, the formation of his hormonal system is not completed. The reasons here may lie in:

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