The most problematic purebred dogs and how to live with them. Manual for future owners

A dog is not only a man’s friend, but also a dangerous beast. And what are the most dangerous breeds - you will find out after reading the article.

What determines the “danger” of a dog to humans? These are the characteristics of the character of this breed and also the characteristics of dog training. Therefore, even a very dangerous breed of dog can get along well with humans if properly trained. There are quite a few breeds in the world that are considered dangerous to humans, and there are breeds that are prohibited in some countries.


Photo: Anna Kovalenko, 66.RU

Toy dogs that are described as “even-tempered and charming.” This is true, but the positive qualities do not outweigh the difficulties of caring for representatives of the breed.

Problems: Pugs are prone to obesity and allergies, and often suffer from problems with the musculoskeletal system. You can’t walk with a pug in hot or cold weather. In winter, due to the dog’s physique, the dog freezes quickly, and in a draft it can get bronchitis. In the summer heat, it is also better not to go outside with your dog - the pug can get heatstroke.

Dogs of this breed often injure their eyes and suffer from quite “human” glaucoma or cataracts. Paralyzed Pugs lose control of urination and bowel movements. Compared to these problems, year-round molting no longer seems so scary.

What to do? Assess your strengths; if in doubt, don’t start one. Establish a walking routine with your dog - go outside at the same time, when the heat subsides, and do not linger in the cold in winter. Visit your veterinarian and ophthalmologist regularly. Constantly comb the dog, wash it with special shampoos and attend express shedding. Do not introduce home-cooked food.

German dog

The Great Dane is a truly great dog breed - large and noble, commonly referred to as the gentle giant or the "Apollo of the Dogs".

Apollo is the Greek god of the sun , the brightest lamp in the sky. Great Danes have been around for a long time, and depictions of Great Danes on artifacts date back thousands of years.

Great Danes are truly a wonderful breed of dog. Large and noble, they are commonly called gentle giants or the "Apollo of the Dog." Apollo is the Greek god of the sun, the brightest lamp in the sky.

Danish dog breeds have been around for a long time, and depictions of Danish dogs on artifacts date back thousands of years.

Lifespan : 8 – 10 years

Origin : Germany

Height : Women: 71–81 cm, Men: 76–86 cm.

Temperament : Friendly, Loyal, Reserved, Confident, Affectionate, Loving

Colors : Black, Brindle, Fawn, Robe, Blue, Harlequin

Weight : Women: 45–59 kg, Men: 54–90 kg

Dwarf breeds

Photo: Anna Kovalenko, 66.RU

All kinds of Chihuahuas and toy terriers are the favorite dogs of Paris Hilton and young mothers who, due to their inexperience, believe that a “pocket” dog can easily make friends with a small child. Not really. Moreover, such dogs should not be taken into families with small children. Any careless movement - for example, a child losing his footing and plopping down on a dog - can lead to permanent injury or death of the animal.

Problems: Due to their skeletal features, dwarf dogs can easily break their paws when jumping unsuccessfully from a height of 15–20 cm. Neurological disorders, luxating kneecaps, and allergies are common in such breeds. In addition, eye injuries and ear problems are possible.

What to do? Closely monitor the condition of your eyes and ears. Do not put your dog in a situation where you need to jump from a height, and prohibit such jumps. Do not feed sausage, cookies, chocolate and do not encourage strangers who want to do this.

Alaskan Malamute

Origin: North America; Weight: 36 – 50 kg; Height at withers: 58 – 70 cm.

Alaskan Malamutes are quite friendly dogs, but if they are bored, they can do quite a few unpleasant things. Therefore, it is best to keep the animal in a private home so that it can run and play quietly.


Photo: Anna Kovalenko, 66.RU

Overall a strong and healthy breed, which, however, has its “weak areas”.

Problems: Fold poodles suffer from otitis media, due to improper feeding, tartar appears, and fangs may fall out. In addition, poodles may have entropion of the eyelids, double eyelashes, retinal atrophy, and cataracts. Dogs also suffer from cardiovascular diseases and sometimes diabetes.

What to do? Visit your veterinarian and dentist regularly for teeth cleanings. Do not feed sweets or sausage. Monitor the dog's behavior - if the poodle is often thirsty or staggers from weakness, this may be caused by diabetes. Severe stress or serious physical activity provokes heart problems.


A medium-sized dog, stocky and fit, used to guard livestock and pull loaded carts of meat to market.

The Rottweiler has a complex freedom-loving temperament, is difficult to train, and recognizes only one owner. It is necessary to suppress any manifestations of aggression, even when a pet simply growls at its owner, it can already be dangerous to others. He is bold and strong, unbridled and untamed in a fight , prone to injuring his victim.

Rottweilers do not tolerate scandals and swearing in the house; they will not tolerate infringement of their rights and freedoms and gentle upbringing.


Photo: Anna Kovalenko, 66.RU

Inexperienced owners may have difficulty caring for furry dogs.

Problems: During walks in the summer, Spitz dogs collect dirt and dust on their fur. They shed constantly, but you can't cut them - this can cause your Spitz to go bald. The list of diseases that this breed suffers from includes hypoglycemia, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (for example, gastritis, stomach ulcers).

What to do? Buy a duster for walking. In winter it will not be needed - thanks to its thick coat, the Spitz can do without additional clothing. But in the summer, the dog will have to be “packed” in protective overalls. Constantly brush. Another expense item is shampoos and special cosmetics for wool. You shouldn’t spoil your small dog with homemade food - you need to build a diet and feed only food intended for dogs.

Brazilian Fila

Another famous and wayward representative of the mastiffs, whose weight reaches 75 kg. The Fila Brasiliensis was created for hunting, namely for catching and holding prey, but not for aggression.

Nowadays, this is a good watchdog, a temperamental and powerful assistant in protection. Improper upbringing can ruin the dog's character, and this can lead to big troubles for the owner and for everyone around him.


Photo: Anna Kovalenko, 66.RU

Elizabeth II's favorite dogs cost from 60 thousand rubles per puppy. To get such a pet, some people save money for several months, read about the breed and meticulously choose a nursery. And the spontaneous purchase of a purebred dog without compromising the family budget sometimes turns into trouble - the new owners are not prepared for possible problems and take extreme measures. According to the head of the “Welsh Corgi Chelyabinsk” community, Ekaterina Shklovskaya, young healthy corgis are more often thrown out or sent for euthanasia in Moscow and other regions with high salaries.

Problems: Owners should be prepared for the fact that without training, male dogs show aggression: they can attack a small child or adult owners or other animals. Puppies without a verified pedigree suffer from dysplasia and may have mental problems. Some representatives love sheep excrement.

In addition, due to the structure of the dog, the dog needs long, active daily walks. The breed belongs to the group of shepherd dogs, which means it cannot lead a “sofa” lifestyle.

What to do? It is imperative to complete a general dog training course before your corgi is even one year old. If after the course the dog sometimes behaves aggressively, classes should be resumed. Be prepared for the fact that one lesson in Yekaterinburg costs 1000 rubles, and the course consists of 12–16 lessons. Long active walks with the dog should also be included in your schedule. And the list of expenses includes trips to the veterinarians, consumables and special food.

American Pit Bull Terrier

According to the statistics of attacks on humans, the leading breed is the pit bull and its crosses, for example, with a boxer. This dog is uncontrollably aggressive when angry, and it is difficult to understand what would be the reason for an attack.

A pit bull can easily attack a passerby: an adult or a child.

Almost a third of pit bull terrier attacks are fatal; the dog tears into pieces, tearing out pieces of flesh. Outwardly powerful, with a square head and powerful jaws, the pit bull warns of danger at first sight. He is built for combat, tends to dominate, is agile and ferocious in a fight.

Jack Russell Terriers

Photo: Anna Kovalenko, 66.RU

The breed, which was bred by the English priest John Russell for fox hunting, is popular among city residents. But families who buy such dogs to live in apartments are mistaken. The Jack Russell Terrier is a hyperactive hunting breed.

Problems: “They are resilient, strong, fearless. They are definitely not suitable for families with small children and cats, as they can show aggression,” says dog breeder Veronika Galkina. Like corgis, they require long, active walks every day. In addition, Jack Russell Terriers sometimes suffer from congenital deafness and are predisposed to diabetes, arthritis, and abnormalities in eye development.

What to do? The breed is not suitable for inexperienced dog owners - the Jack Russell will crush them with his ego. In education you need to be strict and persistent, undergo OKD and walk the dog several times a day. No one ruled out seeing a veterinarian either.

Official list of potentially dangerous dogs in Russia

Experts included the following in the list of the most dangerous dog breeds in Russia:

  • Akbash;
  • American bandog;
  • ambuldog;
  • Brazilian bulldog;
  • Bully Kutta;
  • purebred Alapaha bulldog (Otto);
  • bandoga;
  • wolf-dog hybrids;
  • Ghoul Danes;
  • Pit Bull Mastiff;
  • North Caucasian dog;
  • mixed breeds of these breeds.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (RF) have developed a list that lists categories of dogs with genetically determined aggression and strength. The listed breeds pose a threat to the life and health of small domestic animals and people. Fighting dogs, used to pit each other against each other, cannot be loyal to humans. Such dogs are dangerous to society, so they should not be owned by novice dog breeders or families with small children.

Which dog breed to choose depends on the individual preferences of the dog breeder. However, when choosing, it is worth remembering that any dog ​​can become aggressive and dangerous to society if you do not pay due attention to its upbringing and training. Each animal needs an individual approach to living conditions. Only a loving owner can properly raise a dog without embittering him or making him dangerous to other people and animals.

French bulldogs

Photo: Anna Kovalenko, 66.RU

These are hyperactive dogs that should not be raised in apartments with slippery laminate or porcelain tile floors.

Problems: “The French” are predisposed to osteochondrosis (discopathy). If you are limping, immediately go to the veterinarian. Dogs of this breed suffer from allergies to food - not only to homemade food, but sometimes to specialized food.

What to do? Establish a walking routine, gradually accustoming the dog to long outings. Take care of the flooring - lay carpets, for example. French bulldogs, like other breeds, need regular checkups and cosmetic procedures. It is necessary to prohibit all households and strangers from feeding the dog anything other than specially intended food. And the diet needs to be changed, otherwise the acne on the bulldog’s face will remain with the bulldog for life.

Neapolitan Mastiff

A giant representative of the mastiff family, it makes you tremble at first sight; its weight can reach up to 90 kg. Thick skin does not hide dense muscles and strong bones.

The Neapolitan Mastiff was created to participate in hostilities and bloodthirsty dog ​​fights, and is capable of participating in baiting. Nowadays it is used as a guard dog and bodyguard.

The Neapolitan played the role of Fang in the Harry Potter film.

Akita Inu

Photo: Anna Kovalenko, 66.RU

A dog, after the film about which society endowed it with non-existent qualities - an easy-going character, loyalty and devotion. In fact, this is a wayward dog who only does what he decides.

Problems: “People think that Hachiko went to the station because he missed his owner, but he went there because he wanted to! This is what Akitas are all about - they don’t live for their owner, they allow some owners to live with them,” says dog breeder Alexandra Telitsyna. Akita Inu knows how to manipulate, and if he doesn’t like the owner’s behavior, he throws tantrums. With a lack of communication, he chews furniture and shoes.

Akita Inus are prone to eye diseases. Sometimes dogs of this breed develop joint problems or allergies. In addition, some Akitas suffer from sebadenitis - an inflammation of the sebaceous glands, due to which the dogs' skin peels and they go bald.

What to do? Critically perceive feature films. Don’t let your dog feel like you are your equal: don’t sit him on the sofa next to you, don’t give him extra treats. Given the appearance of Akitas, it is very difficult not to pamper them. At the same time, force should never be used (as with other dogs). It is necessary to regularly take your Akita to an ophthalmologist and veterinarian.


Why are some dogs considered dangerous?

The full study of DBRFs was published in 2013. In this review of 256 cases, breed is not mentioned because only 17.6% of dogs were accurately identified and identified.

The authors of the publication emphasize that the factors that make up the “most dangerous dogs in the world” are avoidable and do not depend on breed.:

  • 87.1% of dogs were not under adult supervision
  • 85.2% of the dogs were strangers to the victim.
  • 84.4% of dogs were not on a leash.
  • 76.2% of dogs were not considered pets and there were few positive interactions with people.
  • 37.5% of dogs were not socialized or trained.
  • 21.1% of dogs have been abused or neglected

How can we deal with aggressive dogs?

Death due to dog bites is a terrible situation, especially since it is preventable. The study became clear that more training, socialization and better care for dogs would reduce the need to correct the world's deadliest dog bites.

Dogs are man's best friend and it is our responsibility to make them feel that the world is a safe place and to treat them right.

Likewise, community dog ​​bite prevention programs can teach dog owners and non-dog owners how to recognize when a dog is alert and understand its body language to prevent aggressive dog behavior.

What are the most dangerous dogs in the world?

Starting in 2022, the Great Danes are considered the most dangerous in the world.

Measuring 32 inches at the shoulder and taller than an adult on the hind legs, Great Danes are generally sweet, friendly, and patient with children. However, they are also vigilant watchdogs. Great Danes have even caused deaths.

What dog can kill a lion?

Rhodesian Ridgeback - Origin: South Africa.

Dogs with the strongest bite

Mastiff - 552 lbs. The Mastiff takes the crown with a reported bite force of 552 pounds. Rottweiler - 328 lbs. The Rottweiler is known to be a fierce and strong dog. American Bulldog - 305 lbs. The American Bulldog is a fairly large, stocky and muscular dog. German Shepherd - 238 lbs. pit bull - 235 lbs.

Which dogs are most likely to abandon their owners?

Under certain conditions, all dogs are capable of attacking anyone, including their owner. However, some breeds are more dangerous than others.

  • Chow Chow - Don't be fooled by his innocent face. ….
  • Presa Canario
  • Great Dane
  • Tosa dog
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Wolf hybrid
  • Siberian Husky
  • Rottweilers

What dog can kill a person?

Based on data on dog attacks in the United States and Canada from 1982 to 2014, the dogs most likely to bite or kill a person are:

  1. Pitbulls.
  2. Rottweilers.
  3. Pit bull mix.
  4. German Shepherds.
  5. Bullmastiffs.
  6. Wolf hybrids.
  7. Husky.
  8. Akita.

Life cycle of a golden retriever-coffee mixture

How long does it take for Golden Retriever to smear someone else's mix? The service life of the Golden Retriever Сhow mixture is from 10 to 14 years. Naturally, the life of any animal depends on many factors, including any health problems they face and the treatment they receive.


Photo: Anna Kovalenko, 66.RU

The neighbors in the stairwell will be “delighted” when the husky howls in the middle of the night.

Problems: Dogs of this breed can destroy half an apartment while no one is home. They need long walks and exercise. Hereditary pathologies of the breed include diseases of the thyroid gland, a predisposition to diabetes, diseases of the eyes, nervous system, and so on.

What to do? Take a general training course with your dog and move to the village. The last one is no joke. There is nothing for a husky to do in a one-room Khrushchev house: it will not lie on the sofa all its life. Prepare for long walks and regular brushing of your dog. As an option, huskies can be sent to sledding courses. There are such people in Yekaterinburg.

You can learn more about the characteristics of the breed through personal acquaintance with dog owners or from breeders. Corgi owners hold so-called “korzhovkas” - meetings for walks in parks, where you can come without a pet; there are similar meetings for pug lovers.

List of annual minimum expenses for a dog

Another reason to think before buying a dog is the cost of the animal. Over the course of a year, a pet will “eat” 30 thousand of the family budget or more. Here is an example receipt from dog breeders.

Basic expenses for a small purebred dog:

  1. annual vaccinations - from 1.5 thousand rubles ;
  2. annual teeth cleaning - from 1.5 thousand rubles ;
  3. annual medical examination (optional in youth, mandatory for dogs over 6 years old) - from 4.5 thousand rubles ;
  4. feed - about 2 thousand rubles per month;
  5. treatments for parasites - about 600 rubles at least four times a year , several treatments in the summer;
  6. haircut from a groomer - from 1.5 thousand rubles per visit , the price depends on the size and popularity of the hairdresser;
  7. consumables - from 2 thousand rubles (diapers, toys, etc.);
  8. lounger, bowls, ammunition, etc. - from 10 thousand rubles , updated every few years;
  9. injury or illness - from 9 thousand rubles , there is no upper threshold (amounts can reach 200 thousand or more).

The editors of 66.RU would like to thank the volunteers of the HuskyEkb shelter, the Welsh Corgi Chelyabinsk community and the head of the Mopsodom shelter, Veronica Galkina, for their assistance in preparing the material.

Main news on the topic

The problem with dog bite statistics

Dog bite researchers and investigators want the public to understand that these statistics are highly unreliable. An epidemiologist working with the CDC noted:

“There is no centralized reporting system for dog bites, and incidents are typically sent to multiple agencies such as police, veterinarians, animal control and emergency departments, making meaningful analysis nearly impossible.”

Dog bites are not always reported, especially if the bite is from a family member. Many of the most popular breeds also cannot be accurately counted. This makes it difficult to calculate the "risk" of a bite without knowing the percentage of the breed in the US.


A guard dog bred in Germany and successfully used by the military and police of many countries. She is smart, peaceful, devoted to her owner, loyal to children, and listens well to commands. Despite such a positive disposition, she is capable of recklessness in situations that pose a real or imaginary threat. If you add to this character trait the impressive size of the body and mouth, you don’t need much imagination to imagine the possible consequences.

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When raising a Doberman, special toughness is required. For an owner who is not an unquestioned authority for the dog, controlling its behavior is problematic.

Bull Terrier

The ancestors of bull terriers are considered to be English bulldogs, recognized fighters in fights with bulls, wild boars, bears, and monkeys.

When the English Parliament banned animal baiting in 1835, fight organizers began pitting bulldogs against each other. But these attempts turned out to be boring.

For new conditions (dog fights in pubs, clubs) a more dexterous, cunning breed was required. The selection of a bulldog and a terrier turned out to be successful. Thus, based on the results of crossing in 1862, the best dog of the new breed, the bull terrier, was presented at an exhibition in Birmingham.

The dog has such qualities as loyalty, courage, fearlessness, intelligence and beauty. Bull Terriers are warlike with other people's dogs, wary of strangers, jealous, and excited by the smell of blood. They have a unique character and changeable moods.

In order for an animal to develop a calm, balanced character, the dog must be trained from puppyhood. The dog responds to a kind and friendly attitude.

The height of standard pit bull terriers is 51-61 centimeters, weight - 25-35 kilograms.

How to determine if a dog is dangerous - ATTS Temperament Test

To determine whether a dog is dangerous or not, temperament testing is carried out. This is important for dog breeders who keep fighting dogs, guard dogs and protection dogs. After passing the test, the pet owner will know how to behave with his pet and whether the animal will pose a danger to others.

The test reveals different aspects of temperament: the severity of the protective instinct, the level of aggression and friendliness, shyness, the strength of the instinct of self-preservation, etc. During testing, various life situations are simulated: meeting a friendly stranger on a walk, the approach of an aggressive person, unexpected actions and sounds.

The dog's behavior in each situation, its actions and decisions are assessed. All this time the animal must act without commands, independently.

The test will be considered failed if:

  1. The dog will show unprovoked aggression.
  2. He will panic and will not be able to cope with the panic.
  3. She will show herself to be too cowardly.

Important: The owner or handler showing the dog is prohibited from speaking during the test, correcting the animal’s mistakes, or giving commands.

Cocker Spaniel

The Cocker Spaniel is one of the most popular and beloved domestic dog breeds. These beautiful pets were bred specifically for hunting small and feathered game. Cocker spaniels are very smart dogs, they learn easily and remember the terrain.

Unfortunately, some animals still have the mental disorder “attack of rage.” A Cocker Spaniel can suddenly attack even its own owner.

Chow chow

The appearance of these dogs inspires complacency. You don’t want to expect any trick from these smiling fluffies, they are so cute. By character, the Chow Chow occupies a place somewhere in the middle between melancholic and phlegmatic. The reason for the possible manifestation of aggression should be sought in an analogy with people corresponding to these psychotypes.

Imagine a person, busy with his thoughts, soaring in the empyrean of his consciousness... And at that moment someone suddenly crawls up to him to hug and kiss! You will inevitably snap back. Unfortunately, dogs do this in the most literal sense. Chow chows have sharp teeth.


Among small decorative dogs, the Papillon is particularly beautiful. Its large fluffy ears remind many of the wings of a butterfly, which is where the name of this breed comes from.

However, do not be fooled by the pretty appearance of Papillons. Many people give them the title of “most aggressive dogs” for a reason. Papillons do not like external stimuli, and those who disturb them or enter their territory can bite and bark painfully.

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