What does a chocolate Chihuahua look like: distinctive features of the pet and how to choose a puppy

The Chihuahua is a fairly common breed of dog that attracts people with its appearance and cheerful character. More and more people are keeping these miniature pets in their homes, which can become faithful companions. When choosing a puppy, the main criterion remains the color of the coat. There are, of course, many more classifiers, but only coat color in most cases remains decisive. Most often, potential owners are interested in standard colors, but there are also those who want to see exclusive pets next to them. For example, with wool the color of milk chocolate.


Rare colors of Chihuahua


The sable color is characterized by a “coal” coating at the end of the hairs. Chihuahua sable can be pure, that is, without impurities. For example, a red sable chihuahua has red hairs and black hairs at the ends; a choco sable chihuahua has chocolate wool coated at the tips.


Tri-colored short-haired Chihuahuas have white as their base color. And the two additional ones are different - brown and black, red and black, blue and purple, and so on.

Pale yellow

This Chihuahua coloration means a light yellow coat color, often with a pink tint. Fawn happens:

  • pure, that is, completely free of impurities;
  • in combination with blue. This type is characterized by a blue tint.
  • in combination with snow-white.


A very rare type of Chihuahua. Isabella is an unusual shade that combines pink and gray. May be pale or more saturated. But these chihuahuas do not contain dark pigment.


At first glance, blue will not seem blue at all, but rather grayish-silver. The blue and tan coloring shows its beauty in the sun when the fur shimmers. The blue-fawn Chihuahua is considered an expensive representative of the breed.


The spotted sneezeweed has two different colors on its coat. For example, black and white, black and gold, brown and white, etc. In this case, one of the colors is basic, that is, it takes up more space than the second. But there is also an even distribution of both shades. The spotted color is also called two-tone.

Who is it suitable for?

It is worth understanding that you need to be able to correctly correlate any shades of yellow not only with your type of appearance, but also with other tones of clothing used in the set: with accessories, with colored lipstick and makeup in general.

You can tell for sure who suits fawn, and we’ll tell you how to choose the right outfit a little later.

  1. If you are a summer girl, then things of this shade will look good on you;
  2. For those with winter appearance (brunettes with fair skin), it is advisable to choose a bright straw color;
  3. For the spring color type, stylists recommend choosing outfits using light colors;
  4. For those who consider themselves to be “autumn”, all shades of straw are suitable.

Marriage or breed?

The chocolate color of a Chihuahua is not considered a defect . On the contrary, it is highly valued by breeders.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Chocolate-colored Chihuahuas, without white markings or tan, are rare and highly prized. Their color can be of varying intensity: from pale coffee to the color of dark chocolate. But a dog that looks brown isn't always that way. It is not uncommon for black Chihuahuas to appear dark brown. Therefore, when buying a pet, you need to look at the shade of the nose and paw pads: in chocolate dogs they should be brown, matching the main color.”

What does fawn color look like?

The name of this color comes from the French "paille", meaning "straw". Initially, it was associated with pale yellow or light yellow with a slight pastel tint. The English language conveys the meaning of color more accurately, because in it it sounds like “pale-yellow”. Over time, the original meaning of the word has changed slightly. Today, if you ask the question: what is fawn color, you will get the answer: pale yellow with a pinkish tint or muted yellow, turning into white.

This amazing warm tone is used quite successfully in painting. It can be seen on the masterpieces of Renaissance artists such as Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci. With its help, they highlighted the skin of their Madonnas in the picture in order to emphasize their significance and to take the events taking place in the background into the background. The peculiarity of this tone is the ability to use it to make objects depicted on canvas more multifaceted, voluminous and filled with life.

Also, this unique unobtrusive color can be found in the works of impressionists and realists. The authors used it to create a cozy, warm atmosphere in summer seascapes, and often used it in autumn still lifes. Muted and warm shades of fawn gave the paintings a special mood.

Today, a delicate and discreet shade between yellow and white has successfully settled in the wardrobes of modern fashionistas. It is preferred in clothing by brave people with a good sense of humor. And although it is mainly considered a trend among blondes, this extraordinary shade suits girls of any color type, regardless of hair color.

Popular Chihuahua colors

Further in the article there are various colors of Chihuahuas and their names. All the following colors are approved by the National Club of the Breed. In addition, the colors are approved by the RKF - Russian Cynological Federation. This means that each of the following colors is recognized as a standard.


The natural red coat color of Chihuahuas is practically never found as an independent color. Most often, red and white Chihuahuas are born. A snow-white tint is present in the chest, limbs and tail. Other varieties of red include red-black and red-brown. Red itself often appears in a lighter or more intense degree.


As with the red sneeze, a completely white dog is a huge rarity. Contrasting colors like the white and black Chihuahua are more common. The blue and white sneeze looks more gentle.


Chihuahua cream color can be either pale, like ivory, or can turn into a more saturated beige. Pure cream sneeze is valued among breeders because it looks aristocratic and gentle.


In fact, beige is the same cream, but more pronounced and deep. That is, the difference is only in shades. Such subtleties are sometimes difficult to recognize.


Gray Chihuahuas often have white chests and toes. It is easy to confuse gray sneezes with blue ones, because at first glance the latter also give the impression of a gray fur coat.


Again, black Chihuahuas without impurities are born very rarely. Additional color is often located on the chest, muzzle, limbs and tip of the tail. Common combinations with black are:

  1. Black and white. The first always acts as the main one, that is, it covers most of the Chihuahua’s body. This “cow” color on a Chihuahua looks funny. In addition, the black and white sneeze is considered a classic.
  2. Black and red. This black and tan color looks impressive, especially when there is a third shade on the coat - milky. As a rule, it appears as spots on the chest.
  3. Black and brown.

Brown (chocolate)

Brown and chocolate are slightly different things. The chocolate Chihuahua's fur has a reddish tint and overall the coloring looks deeper. Often the chocolate sneeze has white spots on the chest and limbs. There are chocolate and tan Chihuahuas with admixtures of other colors besides white.

Officially accepted Chihuahua breed standards

The black Chihuahua, except for the shade, is no different from representatives of the breed of other colors. There is an officially recognized breed standard:

  • The skull is round, there is no fontanel, but according to the standard, a slight depression is allowed.
  • The nose is upturned and of short length. The lobe is traditionally black, but another shade is acceptable.
  • The muzzle is short, tapering towards the nose.
  • The eyes are large and round.
  • The ears are triangular in shape and wide open.
  • Straight or scissor bite.
  • The neck is curved at the top. The short length is a disadvantage.
  • The chest is wide and deep, the ribs are smoothly rounded.
  • The tail is of medium length, curved towards the loin and set high.
  • The front legs are straight, the hind legs are well muscled.

Important! The length of an animal's body is always greater than its height.
Based on coat type, the following types of Chihuahuas are recognized:

  • Smooth-haired. The coat is short, smooth, and may or may not have an undercoat. The white smooth-haired Chihuahua is often found.
  • Shorthair. Is an unacceptable coat type.
  • Long-haired. The coat is thin, slightly wavy or straight, and can sometimes be fluffy. Near the ears it forms waves reminiscent of fringe.

The breed standard is officially approved, and individuals must comply with it

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Bright and beautiful color.
  • They have an affectionate and affectionate disposition.
  • They can live in a small apartment.
  • They can become good guards who will drive away a robber with a ringing bark or attract the attention of neighbors.
  • They cope well with a tray or diaper and do not need long walks.
  • They train well.
  • Simple coat care.


  • They become attached to only one person.
  • They need to be handled very carefully.
  • They cannot be given to children under 11-12 years old.
  • They may not get along well with a dog of a different breed.
  • Quite jealous.
  • They are not suitable for group training.
  • Chocolate girls of mini and micro sizes are not intended for breeding.

Dogs of this breed love to be with their owners and have nothing against trips and travel..

Description and characteristics of the breed

The Chihuahua gained its fame as the smallest dog in the world, bred not by selective breeding, but by natural means. Some consider it a living toy that will sit in a bag without complaint.

Some Chihuahuas are really happy with this method of carrying.

However, the babies, affectionate at first sight, have a fiery Mexican disposition. They obey only their master, to whom they will give their tiny faithful heart. From the first day, the Chihuahua chooses one person who will become its unconditional leader and authority. The dog is wary of other family members.

5 facts about Chihuahuas:

  1. Chihuahuas do not need long walks;
  2. Chihuahuas get along well with cats and other small animals;
  3. Chihuahuas are in good health;
  4. Due to their tiny size, Chihuahuas can be kept in small apartments and travel with their owner;
  5. Chihuahuas have sensitive hearing, so they warn the owner of the approach of strangers.

It is important for a Chihuahua to find in its owner the leader of the pack, to whom he would become a faithful companion.


Each Chihuahua has its own unique personality: curious, playful, stubborn or even stubborn. Much depends on genetics and upbringing. However, there are a number of features that are common to all representatives of the breed.

Chihuahuas are stubborn and capricious animals. They behave very emotionally, are active and quite intrusive, as they cannot stand loneliness. Sometimes representatives of this breed are too playful and uncontrollable. At the same time, they are extremely touchy. To raise an obedient dog, you will need a lot of patience and effort.

The Chihuahua's expressiveness and changeable moods make communicating with it not the easiest task.

The Chihuahua is considered a decorative breed. These dogs are not very smart and difficult to train. However, they are loyal and brave, are good companions and can accompany their owner everywhere.

By nature, Chihuahuas are very brave and endowed with protective abilities. Despite their tiny size, they will desperately defend their owner and his property, start barking, without hesitation they will rush at the intruder and may even bite him. Often, a pet's loyalty to its owner borders on intense jealousy.

Chihuahuas are scary when angry

Despite the complex temperament, the Chihuahua makes good contact and subtly senses the mood of its owner.

He will lie quietly when the owner is busy with business, but as soon as you pay attention to him, the pet will turn into an energetic ringleader. Watching his games will be a real pleasure

The baby's energy quickly runs out, so she spends a lot of time in sound sleep.


In the mid-20th century, standards for this breed were developed and approved. An adult looks like a very miniature, graceful dog with a playful expression on its face and an energetic gait. She is characterized by light, elegant and free movements.

The standards are the same for all Chihuahuas, regardless of color or coat type.

Exterior standards are strictly regulated by weight. The weight of a Chihuahua ranges from 500 grams to 3 kilograms. Height to withers varies from 15 to 23 cm.

The characteristics of the breed require certain standards of appearance according to the fci system.

Table 1. Exterior of the Chihuahua

BodyCompact body with a harmoniously built and balanced body and a toned abdomen. Males are characterized by square proportions: the height of the paws to the withers is almost equal to the length of the body. In females, the body is slightly elongated, taking into account the need to bear puppies.
HeadWide, round, apple-shaped skull. The short, straight and wide muzzle tapers to a short nose. It is acceptable to have a “fontanel” that does not heal throughout life
BackWide, strong and even croup without slope with a straight back line, weakly defined withers and a muscular loin
BreastVolumetric breast with rounded ribs reaches the level of the elbows
LimbsSmooth, long paws with springy pads and curved claws. The hind limbs have stronger and more pronounced muscles
TailAnimals of this breed have an even tail of medium length
WoolSmooth-haired dogs have a thick undercoat. Together with the fur, it adheres tightly to the skin. At the same time, the hair on the withers, head and tail is much longer compared to other parts of the body. Long-haired Chihuahuas have a thinner undercoat. The hair is soft, wavy and covers the entire body, but is especially long on the tail, paws and ears

Character and behavior

It is generally accepted that small breeds of dogs have an easy-going and friendly character, so owners often neglect their training. The Chihuahua is a dominant breed. The dog will definitely try to take leadership in the house. And if he doesn’t like something, he can easily bite his owner.

If a person can prove his leadership, the long-haired Chihuahua will become a devoted friend and faithful guard for him. The dog does not understand its size, and therefore without hesitation it rushes even at large dogs. Therefore, you should walk your pet away from other large dogs.

The long-haired Chihuahua is highly intelligent. He easily and quickly learns commands and performs various tricks. During training, it is better to reward the dog with treats. But you shouldn't hit or shout at her. This is a rather touchy breed.

Long-haired Chihuahuas love to play with children. But if suddenly a child accidentally hurts a dog, it will immediately respond with a bite.

This breed is small in size, so a small child can easily injure the dog. Knowing his children and dogs, a person should consider whether it is worth allowing joint fun.

The long-haired Chihuahua is very jealous. He can only be patient with other pets if he grew up with them. Otherwise, the dog will not like other pets and will try to attract all the owner’s attention to itself.

It is important! Long-haired Chihuahuas love to bark for any reason.

Genetic conditioning

The appearance of the fur of tetrapods is determined by different genes. Some of them are responsible for the fusion of the substances eumelanin and pheomelanin. Other genes distribute these elements throughout the pet's coat and body.

There is a hereditary predisposition that determines the intensity of the basic tone and spottiness of the fur. The main genes responsible for the tone of the coat are genes A, C, B, D, E, G, M.

Their combination forms the color and pattern on the body of the four-legged friend. Genes are able to combine in different combinations, distributing pigment and spotting throughout the body. Experienced breeders, having seen the parents of the future puppy, are able to calculate the baby’s exterior, even if he is still in the womb.

The standards of some breeds contain strict rules on genetic conditioning. For example, in Europe there is a ban on dogs with Isabella color. This variant contains a combination of genes that subsequently provoke a whole range of diseases.

Popular and recognized colors

Among the variety of colors, there are those that are in great demand, namely:

  • white;
  • sable;
  • chocolate;
  • black;
  • gray-blue;
  • wolfish;
  • brindle;
  • ginger;
  • cream.

Important! In animals of cream or fawn color, darkening on the face, which is called a mask, is acceptable. Its size ranges from a slight blackening at the nose to a mask that can reach the level of the forehead.

Splotches on a Chihuahua's coat are not a sign of a defect.

Three-color variations

A tricolor dog acquires its color as a result of a mixture of tan or saddleback species combined with black or red spots. Moreover, the marks are placed in strictly defined areas of the body, and not in a chaotic manner. Among these variations are:


, the peculiarity of which is the location between pigmented hairs of non-pigmented (that is, white). This combination creates a silvery background with some weakening.


, or "Harlequin", with a white, blue-gray or light base. The dog has black spots with jagged edges. Sometimes the marks may have a brownish-gray tint.


, which is a combination of two bases. This option appears in large light or white spots. They are located on a reddish background. In some cases, the base tone has a different pigment.

The names of colors vary among different breeds. These may be traditional specific names. There are also special names for the colors of hunting animals, which have historically developed and become entrenched in the everyday life of lovers of four-legged animals.

Types of Chocolate Chihuahuas

Chocolate Chihuahuas, like other representatives of this breed, are divided into several types.


The fur of these dogs is short, smooth, shiny and at the same time soft (the pet is shown in the photo).

The undercoat is usually poorly developed.


The coat is similar in structure to smooth, but slightly longer.

Undercoat is optional.


The soft, fine and long coat can be either completely straight or slightly wavy . It forms feathers on the ears, neck, tail and limbs.

The fur of long-haired Chihuahuas should neither bristle nor droop. The presence of undercoat is optional.


Externally they do not differ from standard dogs except for size: mini dogs should weigh from 1 to 1.5 kg.


The weight of these dogs ranges from 0.5 to 1 kg . Chocolate micros differ from standards in that they are more fragile and sensitive to weather conditions.


They look strong and strong.

They have rather large heads with small, low-set ears, large, widely spaced eyes and a slightly shortened muzzle.


With their elegance and gracefulness, chocolate chihuahuas of the dir type resemble fawns . They have elongated, medium-sized heads, large ears set quite high and elongated muzzles.

Nowadays, it can be difficult to buy a chocolate Deer Chihuahua due to the fact that most breeders breed Cobby type dogs.

Choosing a puppy, where is the best place to buy

Blue Frenchie puppies are not typically bred by professional breeders because they do not fall under the official breed standard. In other words, it will not be possible to take part in dog shows with such a French bulldog. At the same time, the price of the puppy is quite high, since blue coat color is rare among bulldogs.

It is better to buy a blue bulldog puppy from a well-known nursery. There, the future owner will be provided with all the documents for the dog and will be told about his pedigree. If you are allowed to pick up a bulldog puppy, you need to carefully consider:

  • the coat should shine;
  • the tummy is moderately well-fed and soft;
  • there is no discharge in the eyes or ears;
  • the nose is wet;
  • straight front and hind legs;
  • the puppy's movements are not constrained.

In addition, a four-legged baby should be curious and friendly. Aggression or inappropriate fearfulness indicate problems with the dog’s socialization or health.

Care and maintenance of an adult dog

Without careful grooming, the coat of long-haired Chihuahuas is prone to matting. The dog must be brushed at least three times a week. During the molting period, this must be done every day, otherwise tangles will form on the fur, and all the furniture in the house will become hairy.

You should bathe no more than three times a year. If your pet gets dirty, the dirt should be removed using a damp, clean cloth.

Ears should be cleaned when they become dirty. To do this, use a cotton swab. The eyes should be wiped several times a week with a cotton pad moistened with clean water. Long-haired Chihuahuas should have their nails trimmed with a nail clipper.

Although Chihuahuas can go to the toilet in a litter box, they still need to be walked. The dog is taken outside twice a day. Each walk lasts at least 40 minutes.

You can feed your long-haired Chihuahua commercial or natural food. The advantage of dry food is that it is properly balanced and contains all the vitamins and minerals the animal needs. Preference is given to premium and super-premium food.

The composition of economy-class feed is not stable; they contain flavoring additives and addictive substances.

A natural diet should consist of the following components:

  1. Lean meat (chicken, turkey and veal).
  2. Offal.
  3. Vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits.
  4. Porridge.
  5. Greenery.
  6. Low-fat fermented milk products.
  7. Two egg yolks per week.

If the long-haired Chihuahua eats natural food, vitamin and mineral supplements are included in the diet.

It is important! Long-haired Chihuahuas should not be fed from the table. The dog should not be given flour, sweets, smoked foods, pickles and tubular bones.

Grooming longhaired chihuahuas

Long-haired Chihuahuas get two types of haircuts: hygienic and fashionable.

For hygiene purposes, the dog is not cut very short: the hair on the belly, behind the limbs, on the pads of the paws, and under the tail is shortened. Anyone can handle this procedure.

Life expectancy and health

The lifespan of standard-sized chocolate Chihuahuas averages 12-15 years. The lifespan of smaller varieties is shorter and does not exceed 10 years.

These dogs may be predisposed to the following diseases:

  • Respiratory tract diseases.
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Hydrocephalus.
  • Cataract.
  • Demodecosis.
  • Food allergies.
  • Various dermatitis.
  • Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity.

Like all other Chihuahuas, chocolate-colored dogs can have episodes of hypoglycemia..

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

The height of a standard chocolate Chihuahua is usually 18-23 cm, and its weight is from 1.5 to 3 kg .

The body format is almost square, the physique is strong, and the muscles are well developed.

The head is round in shape, the forehead is convex, with a well-defined transition to a short muzzle. The eyes are dark and large. The ears are medium length, triangular, widely spaced. The nose is brown.

The neck is of medium length and not too wide. The back is straight, merging into a slightly sloping croup. The tail is undocked, medium in length, rather wide at the base, but tapering towards the tip.

Limbs are straight and parallel . The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs.


The color can be of different lightness and saturation. Small white markings are not a fault.

A show dog must have a full set of teeth and a scissor bite only.

Does a puppy's color change as it ages?

If the Chihuahua puppy's coat is already a rich brown color, then its color will change little, except perhaps become a little darker and brighter.

In light-colored brownish puppies, the coat may change and become darker . It is also possible for lightening to appear in the form of blurred tan if the dog’s undercoat has a fawn tint.

They are born brown, but then puppies of chocolate sable color and sometimes black dogs change color.

As a rule, by 3 months such puppies are already beginning to acquire their permanent color and it can be difficult to confuse them with true chocolate babies.

Basics of Science

Despite the fact that the color of Chihuahua puppies in the future litter cannot be known one hundred percent, this can be assumed based on some data. According to the basics of genetics, one pigment called “melanin” is responsible for the variety of shades in dogs. There are two forms of the chemical state of this pigment:

  • eumelanin – responsible for the black or brown (chocolate) background of the animal’s fur;
  • pheomelanin - responsible for the yellow or red background of the coat.

Alleles are different forms of the same gene. Alleles of several genes control future coloring. Genes are responsible for the appearance of a specific trait. They can interact with each other. Thanks to the resulting individual set of genes, the genotype of the dog is created. It is responsible for the formation of the animal’s phenotype – its appearance. We subsequently see it with the naked eye - this is the resulting shade of the dog’s coat.

Rules of care

A long-haired dog needs to be combed once a day, while a smooth-haired dog needs brushing 2-3 times a week.

Nails should be trimmed as needed . Your pet's eyes, ears and teeth should be examined every day and cleaned regularly.

Already in cool weather, the pet needs to be dressed in a blanket or sweater. In the rain you will need waterproof overalls or a raincoat, and in the winter - insulated overalls or a suit.

How to choose the right clothes for a Chihuahua, read here.

Vaccinations and deworming must be done strictly according to schedule . There is no need to bathe your pet unnecessarily: these dogs easily catch colds in the presence of the slightest draft.

Caring for puppies

A two-month-old baby needs to be fed 5-6 times a day. Gradually reduce the number of meals. Milk is added to the pet’s diet for up to 4 months, and then low-fat fermented milk products.

Until the second vaccination, the Chihuahua puppy should not be allowed outside. The baby is taught to use the litter tray to go to the toilet. To do this, diapers are placed throughout the apartment in different places. As soon as the puppy begins to behave restlessly, sniff the floor and sit down, he is put on a diaper.

When the baby relieves himself, he is certainly praised. The number of diapers is gradually reduced until only one remains.

It is important! A long-haired Chihuahua puppy needs to be taught discipline from day one. He should not be allowed to sleep in the master's bed or on the sofa. The pet must know its place.

How to choose?

A chocolate Chihuahua puppy can be found in a kennel or from a breeder.

In order to be sure that a pure chocolate or chocolate and white pet will not fade, you need to look at the color of its nose, paw pads and undercoat color. If they are colored brown, then this is a chocolate puppy.

What else should you pay attention to?:

  • Even the slightest signs of illness are unacceptable.
  • Activity: the puppy should be cheerful and active.
  • Character: the baby should be friendly and calm towards people.


If a puppy comes up to meet you and does not show signs of aggression or fear, then it means that he has a stable psyche and a friendly character.

The chocolate color looks very beautiful.

There are many variations of it: from very light to dark chocolate color . Chihuahuas of this color are in great demand, which is why more and more breeders are starting to breed them.

This is good for the breed. And, if previously it was believed that among brown dogs there were few individuals with good external characteristics, now among chocolate Chihuahuas there are many animals with excellent exterior.

Origin story

Already in ancient times, blue color was characteristic of dogs of some breeds, including representatives of the Techichi breed. These small, squat dogs date back to the 15th century BC. bred in what is now Mexico. It was these animals that became the ancestors of the Chihuahua, which, having gone wild after the Spanish conquest in the 16th century, were then re-domesticated by local residents.

There were probably blue Chihuahuas among the puppies that Mexican traders sold to American travelers in the mid-19th century, who later became the first breeders of the modern type of this breed.

Read more about the history of the Chihuahua here.


In 1923, when the first Chihuahua breed club appeared and the first breed standard was written, all colors, including blue, were already considered standard.

"TANYA'S HOUSE" breeding nursery RKF


If any of the owners are against placing their dogs (puppies) in the table - WRITE. Photos will be taken upon request.

ColorsAbbreviationsA comment

whitewhiteAll white dog
BlackblackblackA completely black dog or black with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Black with white markings

black with white Elevation black & white markA black dog with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possibly on the head, tip of the tail, and withers.
White blackWhite blackblack-whWhite dog with black spots on head and body
White-black with specks

white-black with specks black-wh&A white dog with black spots on the head and body and numerous small black specks on a white background.

chocolatechocolateA completely chocolate dog or chocolate with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Chocolate with white markingsshock., with white Elevation choc & wh markA chocolate-colored dog with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, and withers.
White chocolatewhite-shock.wh-chocWhite dog with chocolate spots on head and body.
White-chocolate with speckswhite-shock. with specks wh-choc&White dog with chocolate spots on the head and body and numerous small chocolate specks on a white background.
BlueblueblueAn all blue dog or blue with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Blue with white markings

blue with white Elevation blue & wh markA blue dog with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, and withers

white-bluewh-blueA white dog with blue spots on the head and/or body.
White-blue with speckswhite-headed with specks wh-blueA white dog with blue spots on the head and/or body and numerous small blue specks on a white background.

Lilac with white markingslilac with white Elevation lav & wh markA lilac-colored dog with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, and withers
White-purplewhite-lilacwh-lavA white dog with purple spots on the head and/or body.
White-lilac with speckswhite and purple. with white Elevation wh-lav &A white dog with lilac spots on the head and/or body and numerous small lilac specks on a white background.
Sable (Sable) Fawn with black tips of hair on the head, shoulders, along the back, tailsablesableAn all sable dog or a sable dog with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Sable with white markingssable with white Elevation sable & wh markA sable-colored dog with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, and withers
White and sablewhite-sablewh-sableA white dog with sable spots on the head and/or body.
Red Sable Red with black tips of hair on the head, shoulders, along the back, tailred sablered sableA completely red and sable dog or a red sable with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Red sable with white markingsred sable with white Elevation red sable & wh markA red-sable dog with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, and withers
White-red sable

white and red sable wh – red sableA white dog with red-sable spots on the head and/or body.
Chocolate sable Fawn with brown tips of hair on the head, shoulders, along the back, tailshock. sable choc sableA completely chocolate and sable dog or a chocolate and sable dog with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Chocolate sable with white markingsshock. sable with white elevation choc. sable & wh. mark A chocolate-sable dog with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, and withers.
White-chocolate sable

white-shock. sable wh-choc. sable White dog with chocolate and sable spots on the head and/or body.
Chocolate red sable Red with brown tips of hair on the head, shoulders, along the back, tail

shock. red sable choc. red sable A completely chocolate red sable dog or a chocolate red sable dog with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Chocolate red sable with white markings

shock. red sable with white Elevation choc. red sable & wh mark A dog of chocolate red-sable color with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, withers
White-chocolate red sablewhite-shock. red sable wh-choc. red sable A white dog with chocolate red-sable spots on the head and/or body.
GingergingerredA completely red dog (all shades from light tan to red) or a red dog with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Red with white markings

red, white Elevation red & wh markA red-colored dog with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, and withers
White-redwhite-redwh-redA white dog with red spots on the head and/or body.
White-red with speckswhite and red with specks wh-red &A white dog with red spots on the head and/or body and numerous small red specks on a white background.
Pale yellowpale yellowfawnA completely fawn dog or a fawn with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Fawn with white markingsfawn with white markingsfawn & wh markA fawn-colored dog with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, and withers
White-fawnWhite-palmedwh-fawnA white dog with fawn spots on the head and/or body.

Goal-fallblue-fawnAn all blue and fawn dog or a blue and fawn dog with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Blue-fawn with white markingsgoal-scored with white Elevation blue-fawn & wh markA dog of blue-fawn color with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, and withers

white-goal-firewh-blue-fawnA white dog with blue-fawn spots on the head and/or body.
CreamcreamCreamA completely cream dog or cream with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Cream with white markings

cream with white elevation cream & wh markA cream-colored dog with well-defined white markings on the head, chest, paws and possible on the tip of the tail, withers
White-creamwhite-creamwh-creamA white dog with cream spots on the head and/or body.
Black and Tan

h-pbl&tanA completely black and tan dog or black and tan with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Black and tan with white markingsh-p with white elevation bl & tan, wh markThe dog is black and tan with well-defined white markings on the head, chest, paws and possible on the tip of the tail, withers
Tricolor (Tricolor)tricolortricolorBlack and tan color in combination with white, with white being the main color (more than 50%)
Tricolor (Tricolor) with speckstricolortricolorBlack and tan color in combination with white, with white being the main color (more than 50%). On a white background there are numerous specks of black on the upper part of the body and red in places of tan
Chocolate and tanshock-pchoc & tanA completely chocolate and tan dog or a chocolate and tan with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips.
Chocolate tan with white markingsshock-p with white markchoc & wh markA chocolate-tan dog with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, and withers.
Chocolate tricolorshock. tricolor choc tricolorChocolate and tan color in combination with white, with white being the main color (more than 50%)
Chocolate tricolor with specks

shock. tricolor with speckschoc tr&Chocolate and tan color in combination with white, with white being the main color (more than 50%). On a white background there are numerous specks of chocolate color on the top
Blue and tanMr.A completely blue and tan dog or blue and tan with a small white patch on the chest and possibly white paw tips.
Blue and tan with white markingsg-p with white markA blue and tan dog with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, and withers.
Blue tricolorgoal tricolorBlue and tan color in combination with white, with white being the main color (more than 50%)
Blue tricolor with specksgoal trick with specks Blue and tan color in combination with white, with white being the main color (more than 50%). On a white background there are numerous specks of blue on the upper part of the body and red in the tan areas.
Lilac and tan

lil-plav-tanA completely lilac and tan dog or lilac and tan with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Lilac and tan with white markingslil-p with white marklav-tan&wh markA lilac-tan dog with white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, and withers.
Lilac tricolor

Lilac tricolorlav tricolorLilac and tan color in combination with white, with white being the main color (more than 50%)
Lilac tricolor with speckslil tricolor with speckslav tric&Lilac and tan color in combination with white, with white being the main color (more than 50%). On a white background there are numerous specks of lilac on the upper part of the body and red in places of tan
Brindle Dog with alternating fawn (red) and black stripes on the body. Color can vary from almost black with a small number of fawn (red) touches to fawn (red) with a small number of black touches brindlebrindleFull brindle dog or brindle with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Brindle with white markingsTiger. with white mark brindle&wh markA brindle-colored dog with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, and withers
White and brindlewhite tigerwh&brindleWhite dog with brindle spots on the head and/or body
Chocolate brindle Dog with alternating fawn (red) and brown stripes on the body. Color can vary from almost brown with some fawn (red) streaks to fawn (red) with some brown streaks

shock tigerchoc-brindleFull chocolate brindle dog or chocolate brindle with a small white spot on the chest and possibly white paw tips
Chocolate brindle with white markingsshock tiger. with white mark choc-brindle&wh markA chocolate brindle dog with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the head, tip of the tail, and withers.

white-shock-tigerwhite-shock-tigerWhite dog with chocolate brindle spots on head and/or body
Blue brindle A dog with alternating fawn (red) and blue stripes on the body. The color can vary from almost blue with a small amount of fawn (red) touches to fawn (red) with a small amount of blue touches. goal-tigerblue-brindleAn all blue brindle dog or a blue brindle with a small white patch on the chest and possibly white paw tips.
Blue brindle with white markingsgoal-tiger with white markblue-brindle&wh markA dog of blue brindle color with well-defined white markings on the chest, paws and possible on the tip of the tail, withers

white-gol-tigerwh-blue-brindleA white dog with blue brindle spots on the head and/or body.

Main types of colors

No other breed can boast such a variety of shades. According to the accepted standard, single-color, two-color colors and even tricolor Chihuahuas are allowed.

The main colors are the following:

  • Ginger. An animal with a pure red coat tone is a rare specimen. Much more often this color is diluted with white spots on the chest, resembling a tie, on the muzzle and paws. Colors ranging from light red to brick are acceptable.
  • Black. Representatives of this breed with a completely black color are not often found. Sometimes the tan is dark with small white inserts in the sternum area. The most popular color is black and tan with milky accents on the chest and legs. The black and white Chihuahua looks attractive.
  • Chocolate. In a chocolate-colored Chihuahua, beige patches are allowed on the limbs and sternum, but the paw pads and tip of the nose must be chocolate in color. There is also a tricolor: a white body, with small dark spots and a brick-colored cape.
  • Cream. Pets of this shade look very gentle. The intensity of the tone varies - from ivory to light beige.
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