Domestic hedgehog: rules for keeping it at home, tips for choosing an animal (120 photos)

Review author: “ZooVita”

Until recently, it was possible to get to know charming hedgehogs better only in the forest (if you were lucky) or in the zoo. But today, lovers of exotic animals are increasingly keeping cute animals at home. They look funny, don't tear up furniture or chew slippers, and don't cause allergies. But, on the other hand, even if they have warm feelings for their owners, they do not show them in any way.

Features of keeping a hedgehog at home

Keeping a hedgehog at home is not difficult. They are not picky eaters, do not shed, covering carpets and furniture with wool, and do not need to be combed or taken for walks. They are perfect for people with allergies and night owls who are accustomed to being nocturnal when all normal animals sleep.

A hedgehog, as a pet, is distinguished by a fairly high intelligence; it can respond to its nickname and adopt the habits of other four-legged inhabitants of the apartment.

A little about hedgehogs

If you decide to get a wild hedgehog, then you should immediately note that for an animal that has lived in the wild, keeping it at home will become a lot of stress. There are cases when owners find prickly friends by accident or rescue them from dogs and other animals. Sometimes hedgehogs themselves come to people’s homes and become beloved pets.

In any case, during the first day of the hedgehog’s stay in the house, you should not touch it. Let the new tenant calm down and understand that he is not in danger. But this does not mean that he should be allowed to run around the entire apartment. It is necessary to place the hedgehog in a cage, so he will quickly get used to his new home. Since hedgehogs have poor eyesight, they mostly navigate in space by memory and smell. If you want your new friend to get used to you faster, place something you have worn for several days next to the cage.

Young wild hedgehogs get used to and adapt to their home environment faster than older ones. At the beginning of acquaintance, the prickly animal will curl up into a ball and snort, but this is normal behavior. Take the hedgehog in your arms carefully, talk to him gently, over time he will get used to it and begin to show curiosity. There are no specific periods of adaptation for needles. Some people make contact very quickly and are interested in surrounding objects. Mistrustful hedgehogs can take up to 2 weeks to get used to a person.

Hedgehogs are shy creatures. It is necessary to introduce the new tenant to pets (if any) gradually. Small animals are afraid of loud sounds, and even sharp noises outside the window can frighten them. After a couple of days, the “thorn” will get used to it and will perceive external noise as normal.

In captivity, hedgehogs live for about 10 years, in the wild - no more than 5 years.

Disadvantages of keeping hedgehogs at home

The hedgehog will not rush to greet its owners or purr before going to bed. These solitary animals are not very willing to get along with other pets, and small rodents may be considered legitimate prey.

A hedgehog cannot be stroked on its silky fur, and in a particularly angry mood, it can even prick its owners, especially babies.

They do not like loud sounds, noisy gatherings, or excessive attention to their person. If sovereignty is violated, the animal may bite.

You will have to have a separate house for the hedgehog, and the room should be quite spacious and secluded so that the pet does not feel restricted in its freedom and can hide if desired. Free walking around the apartment is not recommended: the animal may get hurt or cause damage to surrounding property.

A hedgehog is a nocturnal predator, so it will be quite difficult to sleep with it in the same room: the hedgehog will actively move, stomp, snort, sniffle and grunt.

You should not take a wild animal either, it will be very uncomfortable at home, and the owners will have a hard time.

A not-so-pleasant smell will accompany a hedgehog's stay, and tobacco smoke will become a nuisance for the animal.


Breeding African pygmy hedgehogs is a very important step. Initially, carefully weigh the pros and cons. You should have enough free time to care for your pregnant hedgehog and babies.

How to determine gender

To determine the sex, hold the hedgehog in your arms so that its belly is visible. In females, the genitals are located next to the anus. In males, they are located at a distance of approximately 1 cm from the anus in babies and 2–2.5 cm in adults.


For mating to be successful, the hedgehogs must be in the same age category

Hedgehogs become sexually mature at 5.5–6 weeks. Animals should not have inbreeding until at least the 3rd generation, so babies must be separated by gender in advance. Weak and sick hedgehogs cannot be bred.

A young male cannot be mated with an adult female. Due to inexperience, he can cause aggression and be bitten as a result. Mating can be done at 5.5–6 weeks, not earlier.

A female can become pregnant before 5.5 weeks. This cannot be allowed. She may not bear offspring or refuse to feed the cubs. A female should not be allowed to mate for more than 11 weeks if she has never given birth. Fused pelvic bones can complicate childbirth and lead to the death of a hedgehog.

Mating takes 6–7 days. There is no point in keeping animals together any longer. If mating does not occur, place the hedgehogs for a week, and then connect them again.

Males can be bred every 2 weeks. Female - no more than 2 times a year. Otherwise, she will kill her hedgehogs.


Pregnancy in hedgehogs lasts 34–36 days. In a couple of weeks, the female gains 10–50 g in weight. On the 25th day, it is already clear that the hedgehog is pregnant: she becomes rounder, and her behavior also changes. She begins to take care of herself, her gait slows down.

How to care for newborn hedgehogs

It is better to touch newborn hedgehogs only with a cloth.

In the first days of the babies' lives, the female behaves very nervously. She needs to be placed in a separate cage and ensure complete rest. Otherwise, she may refuse to feed the offspring or even kill them.

It is better not to touch small hedgehogs - the female may refuse them if she smells a person . But sometimes situations arise when holding a baby is simply necessary. In this case, wash your hands thoroughly with plain water, put on clean clothes and try to avoid any odors. When you pick up the baby, distract the female. The same must be done when you put it back.

For the first 2 weeks, hedgehogs eat only mother's milk, then she begins to bring them other food. By 2 months, hedgehogs are no longer completely dependent on their mother.

Types of domestic hedgehogs

Currently, several breeds of domestic spiny animals have been bred.

African hedgehogs are becoming the most popular pets at home. Dwarf hedgehogs are small in size and have soft fur on their bellies. They move much more quietly than their forest relatives and can stay awake during the day, sleeping at night.

Steppe hedgehogs need to create a high temperature, but they do not like high humidity, and European animals tolerate the Russian climate well.

Ordinary hedgehogs, picked up in the forest or at the dacha, can also become apartment dwellers, but along with them, lichen, parasites and even rabies can enter the house, so it is better not to risk the health of your household and purchase a prickly pet from specialist breeders.

Description and varieties

African pygmy hedgehogs come in a wide range of colors

The African pygmy hedgehog grows no more than 20 cm in length, and its weight is about 500 g. Individuals of this breed differ from each other in color.

Salt and pepper hedgehogs have black eyes, a mask and a nose. The number of black needles exceeds the number of non-pigmented ones. The skin around the ears and on the back is also black. There are spots of a similar color on the belly and paws.

Gray individuals have black eyes, a mask, and a nose. There are spots of the same shade on the belly and paws. The needles of this species are dark gray or dark brown. On the back and in the ear area, the color smoothly transitions from dark gray to black.

The brown variety of hedgehogs has light brown needles. The eyes are black, edged with blue. The mask of this individual is light brown in color. Chocolate nose. The belly and paws are evenly colored. The skin in the area of ​​the back and ears has a pinkish tint with a gray tone.

The “chocolate” variety has brown needles. The eyes are black. The mask and nose are pale brown. The skin on the back and around the ears has a grayish tint. There may be barely noticeable spots on the abdomen and paws.

The “champagne” variety has light beige needles. Their mask is not expressed. The nose is pinkish. The back and ears are of a similar color. The eyes have a ruby ​​tint. The belly and limbs of this individual are uniformly colored.

"Tsinakot" has half of the needles in a light brown tone, and the other part - pale beige. The mask practically does not appear. The nose is pink with brown specks. The eyes of this individual are black or ruby ​​in color. The belly and paws are evenly colored. The skin on the back and around the ears is pinkish.

The “cinnamon” variety has a needle-like cover of a light brown tone. The mask practically does not appear. The nose is pinkish-brown. This individual has eyes of a black or dark ruby ​​hue. The paws and belly are evenly colored. The skin on the back and ears is pink.

In addition to these varieties, any individual may exhibit a color anomaly:

  • Pint - any part of the skin may not have pigmentation;
  • Snowflake - 30–70% of needles become discolored;
  • White - almost all needles are discolored.

A mammal can be born an albino. Animals with this abnormal coloration have white needles, pinkish skin and scarlet eyes.

Nutrition for hedgehogs at home (diet)

The hedgehog is considered an unpretentious animal, and the question of “what to feed a pet hedgehog” is solved quite simply.

The pet will happily eat lean meat, offal, live insects, fish, cereals, bread, any dairy products and vegetables. The only mandatory component of a healthy diet is raw meat.

Features of caring for a hedgehog at home

For the hedgehog you will have to have a spacious enclosure. The most suitable parameters are considered to be a square with a side of 80-90 centimeters. The height of the structure should be twice the height of the pet standing on its hind legs.

You should not use a plastic container for your hedgehog to live in; when using a metal cage, pay special attention to the width between the bars. The animal should not crawl out or get stuck halfway to freedom.

Mesh floors are also not a good solution; tiny paws can get injured while running or get stuck in the mesh.

It is better to locate the dwelling in a secluded corner, where drafts and strong heat from radiators and radiators will not reach. They also hide it from active sunlight.

The ideal temperature is considered to be 22-26 degrees. Exceeding this threshold will cause the animal to overheat, lowering it will lead to hibernation.

Like people, a pet’s home should be divided into a shaded sitting area, a play area, a dining room and a toilet. To avoid a pungent odor, the bottom of the cage is covered with sawdust, which is changed periodically.

Inside the enclosure they install a running wheel, a house for sleeping, and lay out sticks, pine cones, and leaves.

How to walk a pet hedgehog (rules)

If there is a spacious enclosure, the hedgehog will have enough space for leisurely walks and games. In the summer, the cage with the animal can be taken out to the balcony, but the animal should not be left under the scorching rays of the sun or in a hot and stuffy room.

It is not worth walking with an animal on the street: the hedgehog is not suitable for such a pastime, and the abundance of unfamiliar noises will negatively affect its psyche.


The breeding season for hedgehogs begins immediately after emerging from hibernation. The animals become active, the males start fights for the females, and the hedgehogs themselves build nests.

Females become very caring mothers. They carry 2-8 cubs for 5-8 weeks. Hedgehogs are born blind, with soft pseudo-needles, up to 10 cm in size and weighing up to 20 grams. After two weeks, the weight reaches 60 grams, and the needles harden. The offspring are ready for independent life two months after birth.

A peculiarity of hedgehog reproduction is the duration of the mating season. The disadvantage of this is the death of autumn babies who did not have time to gain the weight of 800 grams necessary for hibernation.

What is dangerous for a hedgehog in an apartment?

You should not let a curious animal roam around your apartment or house.

A thorny animal can get stuck somewhere in a tight space, from where it will be very difficult to remove it.

Hedgehogs like to gnaw wires, bite off plastic parts, and swallow anything on the floor, which is not good for your health.

It is difficult to train an animal to use the toilet, so it can relieve itself in any accessible corner, and the discharge has a very unpleasant aroma that will emanate from under the bed or closet for a long time.

During molting, a hedgehog loses about 20% of its needles, which will remind all other inhabitants of themselves for a long time.


Hedgehogs hibernate every fall if they have accumulated enough fat reserves. Therefore, from mid-summer it is necessary to switch your pet to an enhanced diet, otherwise there is a risk that the hedgehog will not wake up. You can understand that an animal is preparing for hibernation by its behavior: it will become less active and will be in a state of torpor. You need to keep your hedgehog hibernating in a room where the temperature does not rise above five degrees. The owner must provide the hedgehog with comfortable conditions, otherwise the animal may weaken and die by the time it awakens.

How to bathe a pet hedgehog (step-by-step instructions)

Very often you can see photos of a domestic hedgehog taking water treatments or resting after them. The animals are not afraid of water, but they don’t really like to swim, although they won’t protest much.

Wash pets with baby soap or shampoo, making sure that water does not get into the ears or face of the animal. The foam is washed off with water from your palms: the pressure from the shower or tap will be a strong shock for the hedgehog. The needles are cleaned with a soft toothbrush.

After finishing the washing procedures, the animal’s skin is lubricated with oil and the claws are trimmed.

Training and playing with your pet

Little prickly Africans are highly trainable

The African pygmy hedgehog is highly trainable. For example, you can create an obstacle course for him with treats laid out on it - this way the pet will train on its own.

If you exercise your hedgehog regularly, it will learn its name and respond to it . You can also teach your pet the commands “stand” and “come.” To do this, lure the animal towards you with the words “come to me” with some kind of treat. After this, tell him to “stop” and block the path with your foot or book. The hedgehog will quickly understand what needs to be done and will follow commands.

The most important thing during training is not to shout or scare the animal. Otherwise it will be afraid and refuse to do anything.

Photos of all types of domestic hedgehogs

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