Mastiff varieties are strong and independent giants

When choosing a future pet, many initially focus on appearance. Some people like small-sized dogs, for some an intimidating appearance is important, others like kind ones who are attached to their household or very active, independent ones.

All wolves are divided into groups according to the length of their coat (smooth-haired, short-haired, wire-haired and long-haired). There is also a gradation of sizes and belonging to one or another group of purposes (service, hunting, decorative).

A very important fact is the color of the coat. Black breeds are more popular than light colored ones. This is due not only to a certain “fashion”, but also to practicality. Falling hair and undercoat are not so noticeable. There is a popular belief that the dark color of a dog brings happiness to the house, unlike a cat.

It is necessary to understand that a specific color is the result of centuries of selection. Each breed has its own nuances, determined by international standards.

In addition to the completely black color, some have spots of other shades and a different color of the undercoat. With age, the color becomes rich, bright, and shiny in the sun. The gloss of smooth-haired cats attracts the attention of passers-by. If the pet is well-groomed, then it is pleasant to look at it.

Pros and cons of black dogs

If we consider the advantages of a dog with black coat color, the following facts are noted.

  • noble, eye-catching exterior of the pet. They look mystical, special;
  • They look advantageous, especially in the city, compared to other representatives of the Volchi. If a dog with a light color gets dirty in the mud or gets into a puddle, then this will immediately catch your eye. In dark breeds it is not so noticeable;
  • There is less noticeable lost hair left on furniture and floors in the house;
  • Shedding in smooth-haired and wire-haired dogs is less noticeable than in other dogs of different breeds.

Among the shortcomings, dog handlers draw the attention of owners to the following phenomena:

  • Regardless of the length of the coat, black-colored animals tolerate heat and sun less well;
  • dark dogs are popular and due to the “fashion” for breeds, genetic deformations are possible due to crossbreeding;
  • many pets require careful care due to the structure of their hair and special grooming;
  • When choosing a puppy, examine the pigmentation of the skin, nose, ears and irises of the eyes.

Sometimes a small white spot is allowed. An indicator of “purity” for selective selection is the pronounced color of the lips, eyelids and often the mouth.

Nowadays the market offers special cosmetics that help make hair strong, strong, and give it a beautiful shine. Last but not least is proper feeding, which helps to enhance the nutrition of the hair follicle.

Vitamins and minerals are necessary for animals just as they are for humans. Breeds that are prone to skin diseases and allergies require careful attention. Subcutaneous rashes on black fur are not as noticeable as compared to white ones. The deterioration of the pet's general condition is reflected in its behavior.


It is believed that mastiff owners have a sufficient level of wealth to support the dog. For health, the formation of a powerful skeleton, and increased muscle mass, any Great Dane breed needs a large amount of animal protein.

There are two nutrition options: artificial and natural. If in the first case you should focus on high-quality holistic food, then in the second case everything is much more complicated.

The dog owner must calculate the diet and select it according to needs so that all elements are in moderate quantities. The following components must be included:

  • fermented milk products that form the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract;
  • animal proteins are necessary for the growth of muscle tissue;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables are a source of vitamins and microelements.

Dogs regularly include raw eggs and grated root vegetables in their diet plan. Among the dogs there are those who like to crunch carrots and gnaw cabbage leaves. Some people prefer fresh berries.

The mastiff will like porridge based on meat broth from cereals: buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, millet, egg and wheat. Boiled meat and offal are added there. The liver, heart and tripe of beef are useful. Occasionally, you can give the organ complex of the upper respiratory tract of a sheep, which consists of the throat, trachea, and lungs. Raw meat is a source of helminthic diseases, so it is advisable to pour boiling water over it.

You should absolutely not feed the following foods:

  • pork due to its high fat content;
  • potatoes (raw or boiled) for starchy reasons;
  • lard, butter - a source of cholesterol;
  • bread, pastries, confectionery products due to the high content of carbohydrates, sweeteners, glucose.

No matter how much you want to pamper your pet with sweets, try to resist. From an early age, you need to raise your puppy in a spirit of strictness, and not feed “from the table.” The Mastiff knows how to make cute faces while begging for goodies. Remember this is a dog, not a person. She has her own food.

TOP 22 breeds with black wool

Let's consider the most popular representatives of the Wolf, who will become a reliable, loyal friend for the owner and family.


Another name for the breed is the “monkey pinscher,” which is so named because of its characteristic cute face and restless behavior, constantly on the move. Reminds you of yourself with a ringing bark. The limbs are thin, the body is light, the head is small - this is what allows him to easily perform tricks and learned movements. He is great with children, but may have problems with other pets. The character trait of this type of pinscher is to constantly occupy a leading position. Black, coarse wool requires special grooming and trimming. Otherwise, the dog will look like a little devil.

Dutch Tulphond

In appearance, this is a small dog with a funny exterior. The tail is curved with a hook, the long hair is silky and pleasant to the touch. Another name for the breed is “Marquisier”. Mischievous, loves to tinker with children and drive away strangers with loud barks. Needs regular physical activity due to a tendency to obesity. The breed is suitable for those who want to have a small, compact dog that serves as a guard and helps brighten up their leisure time.

Norwegian Black Elkhound

From the order Spitz-shaped for hunting and protection. A light, hardy dog ​​easily covers distances, jumps high, and carries out commands with ease. Wool with an undercoat that needs to be groomed during shedding. Needs strong-willed education due to aggression. Knows how to make friends, learns tricks. He adapts well to the apartment, enjoys walking and tries to be close to his owner.


A representative of the “Hunting” group of three main types: standard, rabbit and miniature. A squat body, widely spaced paws, a powerful tail and an elongated shape make it nimble and nimble. Dachshunds are excellent hunters with a developed instinct that reliably protect their homes. Children are treated with suspicion and do not like loud screams, noise and fuss. Actively react to extraneous sounds. He is constantly hunting and searching. Despite their size, they run fast. Short-haired dachshunds cause less trouble, but they freeze in winter. Wire-haired dogs require grooming, and long-haired dogs require combing. You will have to bathe often because he is very short. There is a tendency to obesity, constant walks are necessary.

Swedish Lapphund

A small dog with fluffy fur and a rich undercoat that is completely black. It is necessary to comb and carefully care for a decent appearance. The breed belongs to the Spitz subgroup. It is distinguished by its liveliness and nimbleness, and is prone to a friendly attitude towards pets. A ringing bark notifies of danger. Needs proper socialization for reasons of playfulness, the need to be on the move.


The small size (up to 33 cm at the withers) does not prevent the dog from being a brave guard and an excellent hunter. It was bred to guard ships and was loved by sailors. Black, fluffy coat and funny face, nimble and curious character. Many compare her to a fox. Wool has water-repellent properties and rarely gets dirty. During intensive shedding, it requires combing. Loves activity and training.

Scottish Terrier (Scottish Terrier)

A short, squat dog with the curious character characteristic of terriers. The hunting instinct and attachment to the owner are highly developed. Trainable. One of the negative aspects is sudden mood swings. They are naturally endowed with increased aggressiveness, loud barking, and are capable of lunging. When playing games, you need to monitor behavior and stop attempted attacks. The coat is coarse and requires the services of a specialist groomer with thinning. Particular attention is paid to the muzzle, chest, abdominal area and limbs.


A medium-sized pet with thick, wire-haired hair. The name comes from the dog's characteristic appearance - a thick beard under the lower jaw. After each feeding, you will have to wipe and comb the fur on the upper and lower jaw. This is a friendly companion dog that requires constant care and attention. He learns easily, loves to play, and is well oriented.


The ancestor is the Belgian Shepherd, which is larger in size. Used as a police service working dog. Gets along with people, loves constant training, attentive attitude. When raising him, it is necessary to have skills in cynology so that the dog is obedient. The coat requires combing during the period of undercoat change. The animal tolerates any weather well and adapts to different conditions.


Originally from Hungary. A distinctive feature is the head and front legs with short, smooth hair. The rest of the body is covered with long hair and undercoat. Belongs to the “herding” group and is capable of hunting. Serves as a guard, distrustful of other pets. The peculiarity lies in the need for very early socialization, strict education, and the development of skills of unquestioning obedience.

Patterdale Terrier

A breed from the group of hunting terriers. The top layer of wool has water-repellent properties, which allows you to withstand any bad weather with precipitation. Coarse guard hairs adhere tightly to the skin. The jaws are powerful and grasping. The body is slightly elongated with a high-set tail. Around the eyes and mouth are the typical beard and eyebrows that need to be periodically tidied up. Compact in size, height up to 38 cm at the withers. Suitable for home education. Loves long walks and exercise. He studies new things with curiosity and inquisitiveness. Very active, needs constant exercise. If a terrier gets bored, he can destroy everything around him.

Portuguese water dog

A medium-sized dog that willingly follows commands on land and in water. The coat is curly, semi-long, thick with dense undercoat. I like being close to people. Differs in intelligence, obedience. He enjoys walking and making friends with other pets. He will be especially happy to perform tricks, jump for toys, and swim. This is genetically embedded in him.


Medium sized Hungarian dog. A distinctive feature is black thick curly hair that is woven into dreadlocks. This reliably protects from the cold and saves in the heat. Outwardly, he resembles a little commander with a funny “mop” look for the floor. It has excellent security characteristics, as it comes from the “Shepherd” group. Serves the owner, is trainable, and willingly follows commands. Needs physical activity, constant exercise, and proper training.


Originally bred for hunting. As selection progressed, the character softened. A tall and stately dog ​​with the ability to overcome high obstacles and long distances. This is facilitated by long limbs and a particularly developed keel-shaped expanded sternum. The coat is smooth with brown markings in certain places (the lower part of the jaw transitioning to the sternum). Does not require careful care. As the puppy grows, it is necessary to prevent the development of aggressive qualities. In winter, it is necessary to monitor possible hypothermia. He is attentive to his owner, loves exercise and long walks and running.

Cane Corso

National pride of Italy. A beautiful, stately, large dog, distinguished by its smooth, glossy black coat. It looks very formidable, impressive, powerful. Serves as protection for beloved household members. The Mastiff is devoted to its family and, in case of danger, enters into battle on command. Loyal to everyone around him. With proper upbringing, the pet is obedient and peaceful, despite its threatening appearance.


Bred for hunting game. Nowadays it is used more as a service dog and a companion. Large, up to 55 cm tall at the withers. Coat without dense undercoat, strong build, must be combed during the molting period. They have a friendly character and are suitable for raising with children. Complaisant dogs whose psyche is not difficult to control. They love to exercise and are patient with other pets. They take part in games, are constantly close to the person, and do not tolerate loneliness.

German dog

One of the largest representatives of the Wolf family with smooth fur, a high waist, long limbs, and a massive head. Calm character, gets along well with children, protects them. Can make a quick lunge to attack, pursue, catch up and knock down the enemy. The beautiful gloss on the surface of the body provides a tight-fitting cover, which creates a mesmerizing impression. A powerful, strong, properly trained dog serves as a companion for the whole family.


In Russia they are called “Vodolaz”. Due to the thick long coat with a special undercoat, the pet can withstand any weather conditions. He has a highly developed intellect and loves his loved ones. Despite its impressive size and menacing appearance, its character is calm, good-natured, and balanced. Guards and protects. Works as a rescuer, can act as a shepherd for livestock, and helps carry or transport heavy objects. He accepts care with gratitude and responds with devotion.

Giant Schnauzer

Tall dogs with black semi-rigid hair, with a small undercoat and a characteristic “square muzzle”. They love family and are loyal to children. They are obedient and amenable to guard training. They play with their owner with pleasure, but it is difficult to get used to others. Rich facial expressions allow you to quickly “read” your pet’s mood. You will have to take care of the face, wipe the beard, trim the hair around the ears and eyes. They can jump high, run for a long time and play.


Large breed, prone to aggression, displays of intolerance towards others. It was bred as a fighting and service dog, and was used for hunting large animals. Dense coat with a small undercoat and characteristic brown spots, massive jaws, strong physique are the distinctive features of the dog. Aggression and excessive fighting qualities are something that is genetically inherent. A muzzle is required for walking and a very patient attitude. Cynological experience for training is desirable.


An ancient German herding breed. Despite the large stature and stately appearance, up to 3 years of age the puppy exhibits playful behavior. They behave playfully and openly. It seems that they are always having fun and want to run around non-stop. The naturally developed ability of a watchman helps to protect the home, local area and family. He gets along well with kids and treats them like his puppies. Plays with pleasure and follows commands. Black shiny wool with water-repellent properties does not require constant grooming. It is necessary to prevent the formation of tangles, comb and wash with special products.

Black Terrier

Artificially bred by crossing the best service breeds in a Soviet nursery. Legend has it that I.V. Stalin personally participated in the decision on the appearance of Volchy representatives who met wartime requirements. The Russian Terrier combines the qualities of a guard, companion, and hunter. Requires strict education and constant training depending on the goals. Outwardly similar to the Giant Schnauzer, but larger and superior in intelligence. The body is covered with thick black hair, the signs of a terrier are noticeable (square shape, thick long hair with a small undercoat). Easy to train and follow commands. Suitable for dog sports. Needs trimming for a visually attractive exterior. Tolerates meteorological problems and does not require spending on seasonal clothing.

Origin story

The first thing to note is the specific name of the group of dogs. "Mastiff" comes from the Latin root "mastinus". It literally means “dog-horse”. There is precision in this. The dimensions allow it to be used as a riding vehicle due to its large size and high stature.

There is still no consensus on the historical roots of the mastiff breeds. There are several working versions:

  1. War dogs from Asia that took part in military battles. Visually they are similar. They were distinguished by their special courage, bravery, and ability to defend themselves. They were valued for their fearlessness and were active helpers of nomadic tribes. During the ancient Roman civilization, they were brought to the territory of modern England. It was customary to hold spectacular fights, when the dog was dressed in knightly armor and taken to the ring.
  2. The second version is that nomads, moving from East to West, brought representatives of the ancestors of mastiff-like dogs. Gradually, each country had its own “version”.
  3. Initially, many of the breeds were designed for hunting animals.

Spreading across continents and countries, assimilating and crossing with other similar breeds, different breeds of mastiffs appeared. Some of them are considered rare and endangered. Some dogs are valued by dog ​​handlers for their special character and affection for humans. Fanciers believe that there simply cannot be a better group of dogs than the Mastiff.

How to choose a puppy that is completely black

If you decide that you need a black dog, then first you need to decide on the breed. Each has its own characteristics, leading behavioral traits.

It is necessary to carefully check the following indicators:

  • pedigree lines of producers that will be completely pure;
  • the puppy’s appearance (exterior) should not differ from the standards (they must be studied in advance);
  • possible color transition (the brighter the color, the more advantageous it looks).

According to the classification, some breeds are allowed to have small spots. If you do not plan to perform at exhibitions and engage in hereditary selection, then this does not play a big role. With age, the puppy's coat will change to permanent, and may become darker or slightly lighter.

Smooth-haired dogs have fur that fits very tightly to the body and there is no undercoat. For care, you only need a glove with a special rubberized surface. They are easier to wash. Long-haired Wolfies look great with proper care, but they will have to be constantly combed and tidied up using a slicker.

Carefully examine the ears, eyeliner, lips. Incomplete “drawing”, spots, light shades mean culling of the offspring. The claws should be strong, not brittle, with a stable black color.

Depending on the breed, slight deviations in the color of the iris are possible. They should be the same, brown shades. Different colors are not allowed.

Owners are required to know the specifics of caring for the animal and monitor the behavior that is determined by the breed characteristics inherent in nature. If you choose this or that dog, then you need to understand the character, inclinations, and affections.


All mastiff dogs, no matter in which country they were bred, share common features. This made it possible to derive a common standard for the group. When developing standards for a particular breed, the following exterior features are especially emphasized:

  • massive body, large body weight;
  • developed muscles with high growth;
  • a special set of paws, slightly turned outward;
  • low withers, high croup, which makes a slight arch in the back closer to the pelvis.

The hind limbs are stronger than the forelimbs. The gait is measured, but if the dog gets angry, the jump can knock a person off his feet or knock down an animal.

Absolutely all mastiffs have a specific skull structure. The square muzzle is framed by hanging wings. The V-shaped ears hang down to the sides. Each breed has them in different sizes. Nose with a large lobe and wide nostrils. Most have a specific mask made of darker colored fur.

Smooth-haired mastiffs look muscular, despite the fact that many of their bodies are covered with folds of skin formed during the process of evolution. Thanks to this structure, the dog is reliably protected from wounds, injuries, and damage.

By nature, this is a calm dog that is deeply devoted to a person and his family. She is called to serve, help, just be there. Of the total number, there are few who are overly aggressive towards the owner. Sluggish at rest and quick to attack, mastiffs are a special group with hundreds of thousands of dog lovers.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. A black dog always looks impressive, mastito, and attractive.
  2. Wool does not leave visible problems on dark furniture and floors.
  3. In most breeds, the cover has water-repellent properties, which facilitates the task of careful care.
  4. When choosing a puppy, you need to document the purity of its pedigree line. This is a guarantee of mental stability and will help avoid problems with education. A thorough detailed inspection is required.
  5. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian regarding coat care.
  6. Each black dog has its own behavioral characteristics, which must be taken into account. You can ask breeders or experienced dog breeders about character traits, collect and study the information yourself.

Who Shouldn't Own Mastiffs

It is worth noting that raising dogs of these breeds, due to their gigantic size, will require some strength to cope with them at the time of disobedience or unwanted behavior. For example, older people, children or people with disabilities may find them difficult to cope with. People who are inexperienced in raising dogs should not own any member of the mastiff family. These animals were originally fighting dogs and are distinguished by a rather willful and independent character, so the owner will need to establish undoubted leadership in order to become the main thing for the dog and achieve respect and unquestioning obedience.


Who can resist a cute wrinkly pug? With its curled tail and smiling face, the pug is one of the most adorable black dog breeds. The diminutive and energetic pug traces its ancestry back to ancient China . Pugs are calm and docile dogs.

Fun fact : Black Pugs have less undercoat than their fawn counterparts, which results in less shedding.

Pugs will be happy to spend time alone, with canine friends, with children and the elderly. Their sociable nature makes them suitable pets for any life situation. When Pugs are confident that they are adored, they are full of charm and affection, and are ready to give their loved ones lots of hugs.

Prague rat

An ancient Czech breed, another name is Ratliki. Rat dogs are recognized as the smallest smooth-haired dogs of European origin.

Colors – black, brown with rich tan, sand or red. The breed includes dogs with short and semi-long hair.

Rat dogs are lively, tireless dogs without serious flaws. They behave friendly with family members, and wary with strangers. A fragile pet is not left to play with a preschooler unattended. A child may accidentally injure a dog. The breed is recognized by kennel clubs in some countries, including Russia. FCI is still looking closely.


Corsos are loyal dogs that need emotional contact with their owners. A change of owner has an extremely negative impact on the animal’s psyche and can lead to serious illnesses.

Dobermans have established themselves as aggressive, fighting and socially dangerous dogs, but many years of breeding have adjusted their character, significantly softening these qualities, but maintaining unique guard skills. Today, Dobermans are fully socialized, never attack people without reason, and have a balanced temperament.

That is why they are actively used by the police, as well as as bodyguards and guide dogs for the blind.

Modern Dobermans cope well with both specific security activities and everyday domestic roles. Distinctive qualities of the breed: endurance, adequate reaction to external stimuli, observation, strength, high learning ability and loyal attitude towards children.


If you want a real teddy bear, the black Newfoundland is for you. Incredibly fluffy and always cuddly, these gentle giants weigh 45-68 kg. They are wonderful companions for children and loyal working dogs who are happy to help at any time.

Newfoundlands are excellent swimmers , who are specially bred for water rescue work. Newfoundlands are strong enough to rescue a drowning person from rough waters - a useful skill if you live on an island like Newfoundland!


Another born hunter is the short-legged dachshund, with an elongated body and a wedge-shaped muzzle. They come in several colors, one of which is black. It is considered a short-haired breed, but there are representatives with long hair.

Grooming is minimal; for smooth-haired representatives of the breed, it is enough to periodically wipe them with a damp towel. Has a willful character. Despite all its comical appearance, this dog will boldly protect its owner from strangers. A very smart, inquisitive dog, ideal for both hunting and keeping at home.


Schnauzers also come in three sizes (miniature, standard and giant), but all three are super cute in their “black coat”! These cuties are famous for their coarse fur, thick eyebrows and beards, which gives them a professorial appearance with a slight disapproving glance. However, their loving and caring nature belies their sullen faces. Schnauzers are sociable, energetic, intelligent and attentive; they will gladly accompany you on all your adventures.

This is a hypoallergenic dog breed . Schnauzers have a double coat: the bottom is soft and dense, and the top is hard. Daily brushing prevents clumps from forming, especially in their beards and paws. In addition, body hair should be “removed” at least twice a year. This will also help reduce the likelihood of allergies.


Rottweilers are dogs with a lively appearance; their appearance evokes admiration and some fear. The breed was bred in Germany and was intended for exporting animals to slaughter.

This is why Rottweilers were called “meat dogs.” Throughout history, these tough dogs have faithfully served man. Today they are actively used in the army, police, and search and rescue operations.

The characteristic features of Rottweilers are highly developed intelligence, courage, seriousness, and the ability to make independent decisions in a critical situation. A balanced temperament coupled with outstanding physical characteristics make the breed extremely attractive to dog breeders.

In order to raise a dog with a certain degree of stubbornness, a guardian and a reliable guard, it is necessary to make efforts in training. A well-trained Rottweiler will become a full-fledged member of the family.

German dog

The Great Dane is a huge dog that can grow up to 90 kg. This German breed combines large size and strength with elegance. It is square and well balanced. His gait is strong and powerful, with long, light steps. These features are necessary for the dog to overtake, and then for a super-powerful and fast attack. Its coat is short, thick and glossy and comes in a variety of colors.

The Great Dane is a gentle, loving, calm and sensitive dog. He is generally good with children (although his friendly hugs may be harmful to a small child) and is usually friendly with other dogs and pets. This is a powerful but sensitive animal that is highly trainable. A properly raised Great Dane makes an excellent family companion.

Pomeranian Spitz

These active little dogs have a double coat and bushy tail, giving them the appearance of a barking puffball . These fox faces are cute in any color, but we love how smart and sassy Pomeranians come across in black. Pomeranians are definitely one of the cutest black dog breeds and love to be the center of attention (so they may not be the best dog for families with small children).

It's amazing how much energy and affection is contained in a three kilogram of fluffy furball. Unlike their larger cousin, the Siberian Husky, Pomeranians don't like the cold and won't mind being carried around in a cozy doggie bag with their cute little fox face poking out.


The Groenendael is a type of Belgian Shepherd. This medium-sized dog originated in Belgium, where it was used to herd flocks of sheep. The Groenendael later became a police dog, and today the breed's versatility makes it an excellent choice for many types of work and sports.

The Groenendael combines the versatility of a working dog with the gentleness of a family companion. Of all the characteristics of this breed, high energy is the most pronounced, which is why the dog needs constant physical activity. In addition, the Groenendael is a very smart dog, which needs to be given a variety of tasks so that it does not get bored. The breed is not suitable for people who work long hours and will not be able to exercise their dog during the day. The dog will feel great in a home with a fenced yard. This versatile dog has many great characteristics, but is probably not suitable for first-time owners. The Groenendael is a loving, loyal and energetic dog, but he can also be shy, sensitive, and strong-willed.


Despite their bizarre appearance (slim build with long heads and legs), greyhounds have a long and noble history. They are the fastest sprinters of all dogs, but as any greyhound owner will tell you, these good-natured and gentle hounds are better known as "70 km/h couch potatoes."

Fun fact : As athletic as they may seem, greyhounds are slackers who can sleep up to 18 hours a day!

The amazing ability to constantly snooze makes Greyhounds excellent apartment dogs, despite their impressive size and hunting instincts. Just let them run around the park a few times a week and they'll be happy to watch TV on the couch with you for hours. But don't count on them for long-distance hikes.


Today, interest in German boxers has noticeably decreased. Meanwhile, back in 2010, the breed was ranked 7th in popularity in the United States. Over the years, boxers were used as hunters and fighters.

Currently, dogs are used as guards, service assistants and simply as devoted pets. Thanks to selection work on the breed, it was possible to soften the natural aggressiveness, but the outstanding physical characteristics remain unchanged.

Breeders value good nature, sociability, cheerful disposition and excellent guard qualities in Boxers. In order for the functional instinct - the spirit of fight, which manifests itself at an early age, to be used by the dog exclusively in moments of danger, the pet must be socialized.

You shouldn’t take the word of people who claim that boxers are stupid and lazy. There are no stupid dogs a priori. And even more so, this does not apply to smart and quick-witted boxers, whom even an inexperienced person can train.


Another shepherd dog comes from Hungary. Today this breed is used as a hunting and guard dog. This is perhaps the funniest looking black dog - its long hair is woven into braids, similar to Rastafarian dreadlocks. From a distance, it looks like a large floor brush with a shiny black nose sticking out of it. Such dense wool allows the animal to endure frosty winters. Oddly enough, bullet braids do not require special care. There is no need to comb them, just go through them occasionally so that the fur does not stick together into large tangles. Such a dog needs an energetic owner who can walk with it for a long time.

Non-standard Schipperke colors

If the presence of guard hairs with markings of brown, red, gray, and occasional white hairs is considered a fault, and in older dogs small amounts of gray hair are allowed, then all other colors, with the exception of black, are considered a disqualifying fault.

Colored puppies can be born from ideal dogs with honorary titles. The fact is that the “color” gene is recessive

One or more puppies in a litter may be carriers of such a gene, while in the future colored puppies from parents who are carriers of the recessive gene may be born after several generations, and it does not matter that all dogs in the line were exclusively black in color

Modern technologies make it possible to carry out tests to identify the recessive “color” gene and avoid the birth of colored puppies, but not all breeders can afford such tests; such puppies are still born and do not become worse because they do not have black fur. They are the same playful, mischievous and loyal animals. Puppies with undesirable coloring are spayed or neutered as they age.

The most common colors of puppies born are fawn (cream) and brown. Cream dogs have coarser guard hairs. Shades of cream can vary; transitions from one shade to another can be observed on the body, for example, a darker shade on the head and ears, and a lighter shade on the chest, feathers, and tail. The undercoat is light. The pigmentation of the lips and eyelids, the nose is black. Cream Schipperkes cannot be bred, but a certain percentage of breeders suggest that using such dogs in breeding work could improve coat quality. By the way, in some foreign countries cream representatives of the breed can participate in exhibitions, and there are cases when such representatives of the breed received high marks.

Brown (chocolate) Schipperkes are distinguished by their beautiful, rich brown coat color. It is rare to find dogs with dark chocolate colored fur. The pigmentation of the lips and eyelids is brown, the nose is liver-colored.

Very rarely, blue-gray animals are found, with guard hairs of different shades of gray, with dark hair having a bluish tint. Darker hair is present on the paws, along the back, and ears. The pigmentation of the eyelids and lips is dark gray, the nose is also dark gray.

Black and tan Schipperkes are even rarer. The main coat color is black, but there are tan marks on the chest, belly, shoulders, paws, and eyebrows. The markings may be cream or white.


Semyon Petrovich, 62 years old All his life he dreamed of a huge dog that he could safely entrust with guarding the territory. I was choosing between an Alabai, a German Shepherd and a “Caucasian”. Fortunately, there are a lot of familiar “dog lovers”. We discussed with them what was best. They advised me to try adopting a bullmastiff. At first I wasn't happy. The puppy grew up looking like a boxer, he was distinguished by fussiness, even some kind of cowardice. It just seemed that way to me. Alfred grew up quickly and, surprisingly, being in the junior group, began to show character. Any rustle, sound, or extraneous noise caused an immediate reaction from him. But one thing appeared: he sleeps during the day, “works” at night. Not a single car could pass by the site. I’m not saying that Alik is the threat of all hooligans. If he hears a loud conversation or laughter outside the gate, he reacts immediately. He's sharp as a bullet. I encountered a problem that turned out to be insoluble. At times, the dog is simply attacked by wild laziness. Here is your faithful guard. But he grew into a proud, independent dog. I really love his face, even though he is a rare lazy person.

Valentina, 42 years old We have Bordeaux style. Now Vetka is 8 years old. I admit that at first I was openly afraid of her. The kids took it for fun and then gave it to my husband and me. I had to educate them because they didn’t have time to go for long walks. I’ll say right away that Vetochka eats very well. It seems to me that my husband and I do not consume a lot of food there. We spend the summer at the dacha and no one can enter the territory, which we are happy about. There were never any problems with obedience. Always follows commands and understands all gestures. The intelligence is amazing. She loves to lie around, and I scold her for it. Imagine, you are walking somewhere around the house, and there lies a beautiful woman weighing 50 kg. with excess and snoring. And so on all the time. But he just rushes into the street. Personally, I am afraid every time that she will simply dump me. It’s good that we walk without a leash, but no one will approach.

Flat-Coated Retriever

The Flat-Coated Retriever falls somewhere between the Labrador and the Golden Retriever. Its lush, straight coat is a gorgeous sable black color. Full of energy, these dogs love to play and swim for hours with their favorite people.

These beauties have an elongated head and a more graceful silhouette than their stocky counterparts. Owners of Flat-Coated Retrievers claim that these dogs never grow up , retaining their puppyish, mischievous energy into old age.

Giant Schnauzer

Originally from Bavaria in Germany, the Giant Schnauzer accompanied coachmen from one relay race to the next, living with the horses in the stables, hunting rats, field mice or any other rodents. Its name comes from the word "schnauz" (muzzle) due to its characteristic muzzle, adorned with a beard and mustache.

Requires a lot of firmness and attention, does not tolerate cruelty and unfair reprimands. He is by definition not a submissive dog and therefore requires the complicity and great understanding of his owner.

Schnauzers belong to the same family. Affectionate, loyal, brave, vigilant, but not restless dogs. Their fur is black. Black and silver colors are very popular, white is exceptional for the toy breed. The giant's dimensions range from 60 to 70 cm and weigh from 35 to 45 kg.

The Giant Schnauzer is comfortable everywhere. A good companion dog, will easily live in an apartment if given the exercise and space necessary for its vitality (2 long walks per day required).


Veterinarians believe that pregnancy should be planned in advance through the first three heats in females. If the owner is ready for such an event, then it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment measures:

  • administer antihistamine therapy;
  • strengthen the protein diet.

Mating is carried out during the rut, starting from the 10th day after the start of menstruation in the female. You should not allow unplanned events to avoid problems with the offspring; choose a genetically suitable line without inbreeding.

The male, like the female, must undergo a course of antimicrobial treatment to avoid sexually transmitted diseases.

Pregnancy in a mastiff lasts on average 2 months. Before giving birth, the dog becomes calmer, eats and drinks a lot. Visible signs of the onset of birth are an increase in the loop and the appearance of mucus. Some time later the water breaks. For the first time, a dog can bring 2-4 puppies. There are multiple cases. Up to 12 dogs appear in a litter.


If you want a dog with a mustache and beard, you need an Affenpinscher. These charming, scruffy dogs, despite their small size, are quite daring and brave. It is worth noting that Affenpinschers are most often found in black color, so it is not for nothing that they are on our list. Less commonly, you can find Affenpinschers with red, beige, gray and black-beige colors.

Fun fact : The breed's German name translates to "monkey terrier ," and one look at this dog's Ewok-like face from Star Wars explains why they were named that way.

Affenpinschers are not only playful and full of mischievous charm, but they are also extremely intelligent. After training, these affectionate black dogs are ready for some nice cuddles.

Dutch Shepherd

Originally from the Netherlands, this small, stocky herding dog is as smart as its cousin, the German Shepherd. However, the Dutch Shepherd is more likely to be born completely black. Once nearly extinct , the loyal Dutch Shepherd excels at herding and law enforcement duties. She is highly valued for her intelligence, devotion, activity and endurance.

The Dutch Shepherd shows 100% unconditional love for its human families and companions. The main thing is to make sure that your pet regularly trains for obedience, agility and scent.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier gets along well with people and is a good companion. He is loyal, playful and brave. It is easy to train, but difficulties may arise due to its restlessness.

He is picky about food and has contraindications for many foods.

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He is very playful, and during a walk, the Yorkie can bully other animals, despite his modest size. The Yorkie's height is 15-23 cm, weight - 2-3.2 kg. One of the advantages of the Yorkie is its versatility; it feels great both in a 1-room apartment and in a large house.

Great attention needs to be paid to caring for your Yorkie. Long-haired dogs need to be bathed every week, and short-haired dogs need to be bathed once every 2-3 weeks.

Yorkies do not shed, but require daily brushing. Afraid of cold and dampness, because... he has no undercoat, as a result of which he quickly becomes hypothermic.

Swedish Lapphund

Outside the Swedish kingdom, the breed is almost unknown, although it dates back hundreds of years. The Lapland Spitz (the second name of this breed) is a small black shaggy dog ​​with a cute face. But the appearance of this dog is deceptive; behind it lies the persistent northern character of a hunting and sled dog.

There are two types of Lapphunds - short-haired and long-haired. The last type is recognized as the most “correct” and ancient. The animal's coat is double and dense, with a thick undercoat, which is due to the harsh climatic conditions of northern Sweden. Even during rest, the Lapland Spitz carefully observes what is happening around, and at any moment, without hesitation, rushes to guard the territory and the owner.

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