Reasons Why Your Dog Is Bleeding From His Penis

The presence of blood will always cause us great concern, and even more if it is associated with a dog's penis, since the least we can think is that he is very sick.

So, if your dog is bleeding from the penis, we will inform you about the possible causes , what you need to do to diagnose this problem and how to treat this pathology.

Is it normal to see blood in a dog's urine?

As long as it is a small drop that is present at the beginning or end, it may be normal, especially if it is not accompanied by a specific decline in the animal

, or that their urination is either very distant or very frequent (more often than usual).

It also causes difficulty urinating, and in fact, unless the dog has been injured or run over, this is an indication of internal bleeding. , you should not have any blood leakage from your penis.

Information to help your veterinarian make a diagnosis

If your dog is urinating blood, you should contact a veterinarian as soon as possible and begin treatment.

At the initial appointment, it is especially important to inform:

  • Nutritional history. What food do you give (including treats), and have you changed your feeding recently?
  • Preventive measures: vaccinations, treatments against parasites, dates and names of drugs.
  • How long ago did the symptoms appear and how did they change over time?
  • Drinking regime. How well does the dog drink water? Has the thirst increased recently?
  • Is your pet taking any medications?
  • Have you had similar symptoms before? And if there were, then you need to provide detailed information about the treatment and diagnosis of the disease.
  • Frequency of urination. Can he bear it until he goes for a walk?

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Diseases that may cause a dog to bleed from the penis


One of the diseases that can cause a problem that your dog will appear with. traces of blood in urine

This may be due to his prostate, and it may be due to your dog not being spayed, among other things.

If a young dog has prostate disease

, sterilization will be enough to stop creating this type of problem. But if this happens in older dogs, we are faced with a case of prostatitis.

It is caused by a bacterial attack on an animal organ

, and you may have cysts that are pressing on your organs, causing blood to be evacuated. There are more complex cases where it shows tumors.

Prostate cancer

If prostatitis is demonstrated by a tumor, we are talking about prostate cancer, which, in turn, can manifest itself in various types of complications.

The tumor may appear benign.

, but in case the tumor is malignant, it will be a reason for surgery, and the presence of blood in the urine may become frequent, in addition to various types of discomfort when walking, symptoms of fever and in some cases, constipation.

These cases will require a lot of attention on your part and ongoing reviews with veterinary specialists. because your recovery will depend not only on the operation

, but we also follow all the given steps to make our furry lover better.


The same level of urinary incontinence that occurs in humans can also be part of the animal kingdom and Cystitis is one of the common problems that we and our beloved dogs have.

When we talk about cystitis, we mean inflammation that occurs in the walls of the bladder, which will reduce the space in this

. Because your pet does not have enough space to store urine in his bladder, he will constantly feel the urge to urinate, much stronger than usual.

Cystitis problems that our pet faces are constantly released into the urine, certain traces of blood may appear

, both in the penis of a man and in the vagina of a woman.

To know if your dog has cystitis, you will probably see him complaining while urinating.

, because it will cause particular irritation. If you suspect your dog has cystitis, you should contact your veterinarian.

Canine diabetes

Another reason your dog's penis is bleeding is the possibility that it is a symptom of canine diabetes. Among the ways to know that your dog may be presenting these problems are: high blood glucose levels in your system,

You may notice that he is excessively thirsty, urinates more than necessary, is usually very hungry even when he has just finished eating, and is generally hyperactive.

As with humans, when we talk about diabetes, we're talking about the dog's body's inability to produce insulin.

, which is a regulator of sugar levels in the body.

This is what increases glucose in a dog's body

, while allowing more bacteria to enter the urinary tract. The expulsion of blood from your dog's penis will be due to improper penetration of the said bacteria.


Presence of bacteria in urine

they indicate an infection, and traces of blood confirm that the bleeding from the penis is coming from there. In either case, the veterinarian will prescribe appropriate antibiotics and once treatment is complete, a second sample will be taken to ensure the infection has been eradicated.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Prostate disease can also cause blood in a dog's penis, especially benign prostatic hyperplasia. This is a disease that is manifested by the presence of hematuria.

To diagnose this, your veterinarian will need to perform a digital rectal examination.

to determine whether the prostate is larger than usual, whether its position and consistency to the touch are adequate, and this could explain the bleeding in addition to difficulty in meeting physiological needs.

typically appears in middle-aged or elderly adult men

who have not been neutered, so if the diagnosis matches this condition, the vet will likely opt for neutering.

If your dog is older, you should know that it is, of course, possible to proceed with neutering. you must undergo a number of preoperative examinations

the results must show that he is suitable for the procedure

Thus, a few days after castration, the prostate will again decrease in size and without the risk of re-ignition

, since testosterone production has been suppressed, and along with this the possibility of inflammation disappears.

Penile injury

Not always when we talk about the blood that comes out of our pet's penis, we will be talking about a condition that comes from inside your body

. Sometimes your dog doesn't have diabetes, cystitis or tumors, but was simply injured from being very unruly and playing with other dogs, or simply hitting himself.

If it's just a blow, there's no need to worry about anything. This will heal and your dog will no longer bleed. Everything will depend on what kind of blow this fearless furry struck

to calculate how long it will take to bleed.

Preventing bleeding

Many medical conditions associated with vaginal bleeding can be prevented by spaying your dog. Spaying your dog will also stop future estrus cycles. Pyometra is the result of hormonal changes associated with successive estrus cycles that do not result in pregnancy. Treatment for pyometra requires an ovariohysterectomy (sterilization), but this can be a complex surgical procedure when your dog is battling a bacterial infection.

Bacteria can also grow in the urinary tract and infect your dog. Giving her access to clean water and the ability to dispose of waste frequently will help prevent bacterial infections that can lead to vaginal inflammation.

Unfortunately, it may not be possible to prevent tumors from growing in your dog's vagina, but early neutering can significantly reduce the risk of developing tumors and cancer later in life.

My dog ​​bleeds when he has an erection, why?

Your dog, during an erection their penis becomes filled with blood

And if this blood is somehow expelled by it, we are faced with a certain type of condition that should lead us to consult a veterinary specialist.

The possibilities of this type of bleeding during erection vary, but lithiasis can be found among the most likely

, as well as any other type of urinary tract infection that causes problems and subsequent bleeding.

Analytical and physical reviews of your beloved pet will be of value if he shows bleeding during erection

, since they usually do not cause inconvenience. Some of the conditions we mentioned earlier cause this deficiency.

When should you see a doctor?

  • if the discharge is heavy or bloody,
  • if the discharge comes directly from the urethra,
  • if you cannot examine the penis yourself or it causes obvious pain to the animal,
  • if you find any formations on the penis or severe redness on it.

ATTENTION!! If, in addition to discharge, you notice any problems with urination in an animal (difficulty, pain, lack of urination), you should contact a doctor URGENTLY!

Is it normal for a dog to bleed after mating?

During the mating process, various situations may arise that result in subsequent bleeding. Among the factors that may play a role in this, one of them is the typical " buttoning

What happens when a dog mates.
Article topic:
Why do dogs get stuck when mating?

During this process, the male's penis swells, causing it to be inserted into the female's vagina

. Various types of situations may arise that interrupt this moment of mating, and a dog showing that its penis is engorged may be traumatized by the fact that its reproductive organ has thus been removed from the bitch's organ.

Another problem that could cause your dog to bleed after mating is that the bitch showed an infection during intercourse

, which is called transmissible venereal tumor (TVT).

Clinical picture

It all depends on the intensity and speed with which blood leaves the lumen of the blood vessels. With massive and rapid blood loss, when the pathology has developed against the background of severe injuries to the uterus, the animal quickly (weakens before our eyes), and at the same speed all visible mucous membranes turn pale. Collapse and convulsions are possible, quickly turning into a coma. In some cases, death occurs within two to three minutes after the start of bleeding, regardless of what is done (of course, with the exception of emergency surgery in a well-equipped clinic).

With a more moderate course of the underlying disease (with the slow development of a tumor, for example), blood loss increases gradually, gradually. The dog becomes more lethargic, begins to play less, and visible mucous membranes turn pale. The animal loses its appetite and loses weight. Occasionally, dried blood will be visible on the root of the tail and external genitalia.

Important! There is a common misconception that with uterine bleeding there will definitely be traces and streaks of blood on the external genitalia. So, this is not so - in most cases the cervix will be closed, and blood will begin to accumulate in the cavity of the organ!

So how to stop uterine bleeding, and how realistic is it to do so?

My dog ​​urinates blood after running, why does this happen?

It's caused by something that happens to both our beloved pets and us humans, and it's a problem called rhabdomyolysis

. You will see that your dog is running and that the overload of exercise is causing the muscles to break down, releasing the blood contained in his muscle fibers.

Here's What Will Cause You to See Your Dog's Urine An Intense Reddish Color

and this is because the dog's exercise limits have been exceeded. Learning the limits of your dog's demands is what will make you stop him before he runs into such problems.

Another advantage of castration

There are many benefits of neutering in dogs, with the exception of some special cases of behavior problems. Although we do not intend to describe the entire procedure in detail in this article, we should point out that it is possible to operate on geriatric patients if their preoperative tests give satisfactory results. And, although there is also drug treatment, castration is the only method that completely eliminates the irritant that enlarges the prostate. Thus, soon after the intervention its size decreases and the problem no longer occurs.

Author of the article : Maria Besteiros.

Can puppies bleed?

Puppies may bleed. The East usually has no special characteristics

, so consulting a veterinarian would be one of the best recommendations. These babies may have a lower urinary tract infection that makes them feel very painful when urinating and we may see drops of blood.

These types of infections are usually associated with
bladder stones
and appropriate treatment will be prescribed by your veterinarian to ensure that this little one grows without any discomfort and the bleeding stops.

...and when you can handle it yourself

If during the examination you did not find the above signs and the general condition of your pet is normal, you can try to deal with it yourself. Most often, this is a common inflammation; in order to cure it, it is necessary to wash the preputial sac 2-3 times a day. To do this, you will need a syringe or a regular 10-20 ml syringe without a needle. The following solutions can be used: chlorhexidine, miramistin, dioxidine. Lay the dog on its side in the same way as when examining the penis, pull the prepuce up a little, insert the tip of the syringe with the solution into the opening of the prepuce and introduce the solution without effort, while lightly squeezing the prepuce with your fingers, then simply let the solution drain into the tray.

You can repeat this manipulation several times. Usually, after 5-7 days of such procedures, the symptoms disappear. If this does not happen, it is better to consult a doctor.

What should I do if my dog ​​is bleeding from his penis?

If you suspect he is injured or sick, here's what you need to do: Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible . Keep in mind that the sooner you get a diagnosis, the sooner you can begin treatment and therefore recover faster.

This treatment will depend on the cause. For example, if you have an infection, you will be given medicines to fight it, such as antibiotics, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain. Instead, if you are injured, you may need surgery.

Causes of bleeding

  1. Examine carefully for the presence of ulcers, boils or growths. If the surface is not exactly pink, but with spots, covered with small bleeding ulcers at the base, a sexually transmitted or viral disease is possible - transmissible sarcoma. It is transmitted from dog to dog sexually or from parents to children. It is recommended to go to the clinic urgently. Only an experienced surgeon can help your pet. A cure is expected with removal of the sarcoma and further therapy.
  2. Postoperative recovery takes place under constant medical supervision. Anti-inflammatory drugs and chemotherapy are prescribed. In rare cases, it comes to three injections. More often than not, one or two injections are enough to prevent relapse. After complete recovery, the veterinarian will recommend castration of the male dog as a recommendation. The decision is left to the dog owner.
  3. The reason that causes the appearance of blood is damage to the penis by hard hair. Injury is possible if a foreign body enters. If, as a result of the examination, small wounds or scratches are found, it is recommended to wash the prepuce yourself with chlorhexidine. Perhaps this will be enough to heal. Contacting a veterinarian will be the right step.
  4. Piroplasmosis is considered a serious disease in dogs, accompanied by a change in urine to the color of blood. Symptoms appear quickly one after another. If you do not worry about the animal’s condition in time, there is a high probability of the pet’s death. It all starts with increased fatigue during the first two days. If you measure the temperature, it will be high. The dog stops eating, drinking and moving on the third day. The third day will be the threshold at which the color of urine turns red. An urgent call to a doctor’s home or a trip to the clinic can save a four-legged friend dying from a blood-parasitic disease.

Physiological discharge from the loop

Estrus, or estrus, is an indicator of a dog's sexual maturity. According to duration, it is divided into four stages: pre-estrus, ovulation, termination and sexual rest.

Each period is accompanied by characteristic discharge from the loop.

Precursor or proestrus is a swelling of the loop and brown, bloody discharge for a week. These days you can use special panties for estrus.

Estrus (heat) is the culminating moment when ovulation occurs and the dog is allowed to mate. The secretion at this stage may be absent or light pink in color. Veterinary clinics can determine a bitch’s readiness for mating using a smear test.

Metaestrus (end of estrus) - discharge stops, the loop decreases in size.

Anestrus (sexual rest) is a period of absence of estrus, which lasts on average 100-150 days.

As a rule, the estrus cycle occurs twice a year for 10-20 days, depending on the breed of the dog.

The same natural discharge in an animal appears in the period before childbirth and in the postpartum period.

During the period associated with labor, the secreted secretion must satisfy the following characteristics:

  • a maximum of two days before giving birth, the bitch notices thick discharge;
  • the color of the secretion is whitish or grayish.

The listed requirements for discharge indicate the beginning of the birth process.

In the postpartum period, for two weeks (until the uterus returns to its prenatal state), brownish discharge (with a permissible blood content) may be observed for three to five days and, every day, acquiring a lighter color, until it stops completely.

Natural secretions should be transparent mucous with an acceptable content of blood impurities and not contain foreign odors or signs of inflammation.

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