TOP 9 ways to make toys for dogs with your own hands

Today we will make toys for dogs with our own hands. I think this topic will be very relevant, especially for owners of Jack Russell Terriers, who are famous for their ability to turn a new toy into worthless rags in just a few seconds.

These toothy “monsters” can buy a new toy every day. And it’s good if you come across such a trinket of entertainment that will last a day or two. This will be a huge achievement. But buying store-bought toys every day for your favorite chewer is very expensive. After all, all toys for dogs are oh so expensive.

That’s why we, together with our chewer Jackusik, will tell you and show you several options on how to make a toy for a dog from scrap materials.

Thread rope

For this toy we will take cotton threads of different colors (Fig. 1). This will make the toy look more interesting.

For a rope 40 cm long, we need to weave (connect) a fairly thick strand of thread. How thick the rope is depends on the size of your dog. Our strand will be about two fingers thick.

You can make one long strand of about 1.5 m or two strands of 70-80 cm each. We will make one long strand.

Exactly in the middle we fix (put on) the resulting strand on some hook or door handle. Well, or you can ask an assistant to hold the strand while you weave the rope.

We take one strand in each hand and begin to twist them to the left (Fig. 3).

Then, we place the left strand on top of the right one (Fig. 4). Be sure to secure the strands tightly to prevent them from unraveling.

Next, we continue in the same direction: we twist the strands to the left, and in the same way we bring the left strand onto the right. And so we weave until the very end.

We tie a knot on one and the other side of the rope. Try to tie it as tightly as possible. We trim the ends of the resulting “tassel”.

This is such a wonderful rope for a dog that we have. If you want to tie an additional knot in the middle, then the strand of thread will initially need to be made a little longer.

Tighten the loops

Tighten each rope by pulling the tail.

Pull all the ropes until a small knot of four sections is created.

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T-shirt braid

For this toy we take three old T-shirts. It is better if the T-shirts are of different colors. This will make the braid more interesting and brighter.

We cut off the sleeves and necks of the T-shirts (Fig. 2). We get three multi-colored rectangles, each of which consists of the front and back of a T-shirt.

We roll each rectangle into a “tube” (Fig. 3). If you have a small dog, you can take only one half (front or back). And if the dog is large, you can roll up a tube from both parts.

Cut two small ropes from one of the T-shirts. Using one of them we firmly tie all three tubes together (Fig. 4).

Let's start braiding.

When the braid is almost ready, tie the end with a second rope and trim with scissors.

The importance of the game for dog training

Dogs are social animals; they love to communicate not only with humans, but also with their relatives. And not just to communicate, but to play and frolic. The opportunity to run around with a similar companion who also doesn’t mind playing is one of the best motivations for a dog. Interestingly, in general, for most animals, the peak of play activity occurs during adolescence. And a dog’s motivation to play remains throughout its life, although it is formed in puppyhood.

Dogs are social animals

Any game has great benefits for a dog, regardless of its age. If for an adult pet this is an opportunity to let off steam and spend mental energy, then for a puppy it is exploring the world, the opportunity for socialization, developing useful skills, preparing for training, etc. So games for a dog are far from a pointless activity.

Candy toys are interesting for active dogs, because you can do whatever you want with them.

On a note ! There is a hypothesis that in the wild, play serves as a unique method of preparation for adult life, develops abilities that will be useful during hunting, trains reflexes, and helps members of the species learn to communicate correctly with each other.

For example, a small puppy, playing with littermates, learns to control the force of its bite. Those puppies that were taken away from their mother early do not know how to do this, since they were not able to acquire this skill. While playing, the child learns to defend his own boundaries and appreciate those of others. Dogs who play actively have excellent coordination of movements, and their brains work more actively than those who spend their lives passively.

The fastest and easiest toy to make for pets is from a tennis ball.

In addition, the game is an excellent training tool that the dog owner can use to achieve certain goals. For example, play can be a great motivator for a dog learning something new. In some cases, it can even replace such a reward as a treat. Also, during the game, the dog can be taught self-control, control of its excitement, perform certain actions on command, and so on.

The dog learns while playing

On a note ! Dog handlers note that after playing, a dog perceives any commands much better and learns more willingly.

The game can also demonstrate the dog's health status. Thus, an animal that does not feel well will refuse to play even with its favorite toy. And if the dog has become inactive in games or plays rarely, this is a reason to contact a veterinarian.

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T-shirt jellyfish

To make a jellyfish, we will need two multi-colored or one colored T-shirt, roll-on deodorant or any small ball (Fig. 1).

If you took deodorant, take out the ball from it (Fig. 2). Don't forget to rinse the ball thoroughly to remove any remaining deodorant.

Cut a ring about 10 cm wide from the bottom of the T-shirt (Fig. 3-4).

In total we need three of these rag rings.

On one side we cut these rings so that we get strips.

We stack the resulting three strips on top of each other with the seam facing up (Fig. 1-2). We place a ball or ball in the center of the intersection of the fabric strips (Fig. 3). We wrap all the strips around the ball (ball) and tie it with a separately cut rope (Fig. 4).

We got a jellyfish with a head and six “tentacles”. From these we will weave two tight braids (Fig. 2). We fix the ends of the braids with tight knots.

You can make such a wonderful toy for your pet with your own hands.

Gryzlik is happy to deal with the “sea” monster.

Original ideas

Interesting toy options will not only be good entertainment for the dog, but also a kind of decoration. When making a toy, you can use fabric decorative elements or beautiful fabric - the product will become unusual. A ball made of thick rope looks quite interesting. Such a toy cannot be broken or damaged. If the rope ball loses its shape, it is quite simple to reweave the structure.

If the owner is ready for noisy games, then you can make an unusual firecracker. To make it you need 2 plastic vitamin jars, strong cords or ropes, 4 plastic bottle caps. The tools you will need are scissors and an awl for making holes. Make the cracker according to the instructions below.

You need to make holes opposite each other on the top and bottom of the cans. The diameter must match the size of the cord. The rope or cord itself must be cut into 4 equal parts. Thread one piece of cord through each cap and tie a knot at the end. The second end of the rope must be threaded into the bottom of a plastic jar

It is important to tie a strong knot. Two cans need to be glued together or connected with the same cord.

During the game, all parts will rattle and make noise. Small dogs will be especially delighted with this entertainment. If desired, you can thread more cords into the bottom of the jar. Small braids can be attached as decorations.

It takes a lot of time to make a toy, but its service life is quite long.

For a small dog, you can make a harness from scraps of old T-shirts. Cut about 10 strips of equal size. Tie all ends on one side into a large knot. Hold the pinned ends with one hand and twist the flaps with the other. Tie the free part with the same knot.

If desired, all toys can be painted

It is important to use only food pigments so as not to poison the dog. For an interactive game, you should use not only tennis balls, but also rubber balls.

A bone or rope can not only be woven, but also knitted. It is better to use thick woolen thread for this.

To learn how to make a dog toy with your own hands, see the following video.

Fabric bone

The bone can be sewn from absolutely any fabric. Let's take denim. It is quite dense and durable. And even such a toothy dog ​​as the Jack Russell Terrier will be too tough, I hope.

In addition to denim, you will also need padding polyester. We make a template out of paper and transfer it to the fabric (Fig. 1). We cut out two identical fabric parts, leaving 1 cm for seam allowances (Fig. 2).

From the wrong side, we sew the two parts of the bone together along the entire perimeter, as shown by the red line in the figure below. We leave only a small hole for turning out (shown by the red arrow).

We will stuff padding polyester into the same hole. Let's sew it up, and...the bone is ready.

Requirements for dog toys

What is the best dog toy? You need to choose it, focusing not only on the wishes of the owners, but also on the preferences of the dog, as well as its style of play, level of activity, size, and so on. For example, for an active dog, the best toys are those that can be thrown far or pulled. And for a small puppy, long-lasting chewing toys and educational toys are suitable, which will help keep him occupied for a long time and help him cope with teething.

The toy must be durable and elastic

General requirements for toys for a puppy: strength, elasticity, and such a size that the baby cannot swallow them. And it is important that he cannot bite off a piece of the toy and swallow it. In this case, the toy should be light enough so as not to injure the puppy. Kids love rubber toys with squeaks, bones, etc.

Advice ! If you don’t know what toy to buy for a small puppy, you can consult with consultants at a pet store - they will help you choose the best option.

In general, the following requirements can be identified for toys.

  1. No metal elements to prevent the dog from being injured
  2. Sufficient density of the toy for a rodent dog.
  3. No sharp corners.
  4. Plastic toys should not be accessible to the dog.
  5. Toys made from ropes and those where the dog can chew off and swallow a piece are permissible only in the presence of the owner.
  6. Toys should not resemble your things.

Toys for puppies
Important ! Everyone's favorite food should not be given to a dog that likes to chew on everything. These bottles have very sharp edges, and the animal can get hurt while playing.

Let's talk about the last point in a little more detail. You should not let your dog play with old slippers, T-shirts, etc. She doesn't understand whether these things are old or new. And he can also consider all other slippers to be his toys, even if they were just bought in a store.

Without proper attention, the dog will begin to chew everything.

You can see what things turn into after a dog plays with them in photographs on the Internet.

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Striped monster

And to make such a cute striped monster you will need: a bright striped sock with toes, padding polyester and two colored buttons.

We cut out the sock on both sides as shown in the figure below.

From the wrong side we sew the edges, leaving only a hole for stuffing with padding polyester, as shown by the red arrow in the figure below. We stuff the toy with padding polyester, sew up the hole and sew on the button eyes. The monster is ready.


If you have unnecessary tennis balls, you can please your pet with the following game: cut them and put pieces of dry food inside. The dog will sniff the toy for a long time, think about where the food is in it, and enthusiastically take it out and eat it.

Snuff mat

The goal of this puzzle is to find a tasty treat in the “thicket” of fleece strips. It was developed in the Netherlands to develop a dog's sense of smell.

The dog will be happy to look for goodies hidden under layers of fabric. To begin with, hide them shallowly, and then you can complicate the task and bury the treat deeper.


Take several candy wrappers, preferably rustling and shiny ones, and wrap pieces of dry food in them. Place them around the room and let your dog figure out a way to get the treat out. Some dogs prefer to unwrap the resulting “candy” using their paws and teeth, while others open it directly in their mouth, spitting out the candy wrapper.

Braided ring

To make such a braided ring you will need four strips of fleece. The width of the strips is about 8 cm and the length is about 1 meter.

We put all the strips together and tie a knot.

Let's start weaving a ring. We lay out the strips in different directions so that we get a cross and the knot is in the middle (Fig. 1).

We wrap it in different directions and place the light stripes on top of the blue stripes, as shown in Fig. 2. Well, then we wrap each blue strip and pull it into a loop from the white strip (Fig. 3-4).

We begin to tighten all the strips into a knot, gradually pulling each edge one after another.

We continue to weave in the same way.

Let's untie the knot we made at the very beginning. This is what the rope should look like.

We connect the ends together to make a ring.

Then we gradually tie all the strips together and tighten them tightly so that later they do not come undone.

Trim the ends and the ring is ready.

Types of toys for dogs

There are a huge variety of toys for dogs. Let's look at the main categories:

  • balls _ The most famous option. It’s convenient for them to do fetch, and just play. This toy not only can roll quickly on the ground, it also jumps and floats, and is convenient to throw over long distances. There are rubber balls, solid cast balls, on a string, with a squeaker, and so on;

Balls for dogs

  • aportable items . Toys that are comfortable to carry in the mouth. Most often used for fetching;
  • rings . Used for games of tug. Now the so-called pullers are especially popular - they are made of a fairly soft material that does not injure the animal’s teeth, and they can be used for active intensive training;


  • rope ropes . Often used for hauling and fetching. Made from cotton rope or hand-woven from fleece and other materials;

Rope rope

  • toothpicks . Toys designed to clean teeth from plaque. They are made of very durable materials, but at the same time are quite elastic and often have various antennae, brushes and other elements that actively remove plaque from the teeth during play;

Toothpicks for dogs

  • developing . These toys help your dog activate his brain. They are some kind of interactive objects that, after performing a certain action, “give” the dog a reward - a treat;

Educational toy

  • soft . Fabric toys, filled with padding polyester and similar materials inside. Suitable for those dogs who do not tear or eat pieces of toys;

Soft toy for dog

  • frisbee _ A plate toy that requires certain skills for comfortable play. Designed for the dog to catch the plate in flight;


  • chewable _ Long chew toys. They do not deteriorate even under the influence of the strong teeth of a large dog. Ideal for puppies whose teeth are changing.

Note that each category of toys can be divided into several subcategories and types. And any version of the toy can have many shapes, sizes, colors, and so on.

Braided rope with ball

To make a toy, take a ball with a ready-made hole (Fig. 1). We cut out three strips of fleece 7-8 cm wide. The length of each strip should be about 1.5 meters (Fig. 2).

We take the ball and thread all the strips into it so that the ball is exactly in the middle (Fig. 3). We braid short braids on both sides, about 10 cm each (Fig. 4).

Next, we combine these two braids into one and continue to weave one, thicker braid (Fig. 1-2). We fix the end of the braid with a tight knot (Fig. 3) and trim the uneven edges (Fig. 4).

Why fool your head?

Going to the store and buying, however, is much easier.

  1. The first was mentioned a little higher - a toy made by you will keep a part of the owner for the dog, and remind you of you, even when you are not at home.
  2. The financial factor is also important today. Firms, trendsetters in the field of pet products and flagship manufacturers do not sell their products for our four-legged friends cheaply. And once every couple of weeks, buy an expensive toy and after a year the cost will amount to a tidy sum.
  3. The third indirectly flows from the second. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, but don’t have the desire or time to do it yourself, then some may resort to buying Chinese analogues, not very well known, or even completely unknown manufacturers. In this case, no one guarantees you that the plastic, wood or glue in this product are not toxic, and it would be very unfortunate if your dog ends up in a hospital after playing with such a toy.

Glove and socks

Dogs love to chew on things, especially when they are teething. Toys filled with padding polyester look very cute, but they can break through, and then the dog will eat the filler! Why not make a toy that you can be confident in its contents?

You will need a kitchen mitten (pot holder) made from natural fabric. This is very important: use cotton or linen, not synthetics. Stuff it with socks or clean rags and sew it up from the bottom. Now you can give it to the dog to be torn to pieces.

Physical and mental activity of a dog is the key to a healthy psyche

A study by animal psychologist Anders Hallgren showed that about 50% of dogs rest for 20 hours a day, and 80% of the subjects had various behavioral problems. The main reason for such a long rest is lack of activities. Most owners work too much and often simply do not know what to do with their dog in the apartment. The other extreme is overly active owners. They run with the dog in the morning, go on long hikes and are sure that their four-legged friend is happy if every day, upon returning home, he collapses from fatigue. But this is also fraught with stress.

Further study of stress caused by over- or under-exertion led Hallgren to the theory of mental motivation. He proposed four classes of exercises and games that would provide the necessary stimulation to the brain and avoid the stress of boredom at home:

  • “Nose work”: search activities and games;
  • Educational games;
  • Movement coordination exercises;
  • Trick training.
  • Educational games are used to rehabilitate aggressive dogs, combat boredom, and just for fun.

What to make to develop intelligence?

Homemade toys can be not only fun, but also smart. Interactive products develop intuition and ingenuity. Playing such games with a dog is very interesting - non-standard solutions to problems often amaze the owners. The toys are short-lived, but all the parts in them can be changed as they wear out.

Required materials for production:

  • plastic and polypropylene pipes with plugs;
  • wooden bars;
  • tennis balls;
  • thick fabric;
  • metal rings and pins;
  • boxes made of thick cardboard;
  • treats for the dog.

A simple and interesting option involves using a plastic box or bucket. You need to put small objects inside, for example, rolled up socks, rubber toys, paper circles. You can scatter dry large granules of food between things. The essence of the game is to find all the pieces of treat. As a result, the room will be a mess, but the dog will be delighted.

For a small dog, a labyrinth-like activity is suitable. Pipes can be twisted from cardboard or boxes with a cut bottom. It is more labor-intensive to sew a product from dense synthetics. In the latter case, you need to insert metal hoops to maintain the shape.

The game is to find treats that can be sprinkled along the way on the floor or in the side pockets.

An excellent game option for animals that stay in a closed space for a long time. The owner's participation in the game is mandatory. The maze is great for training.

A simple treat toy can be made from a simple tennis ball. Two longitudinal cuts should be made crosswise, and dry granules should be placed inside. The duration of the game directly depends on the size of the hole. While kicking and tossing the ball, treats will fall out.

To complicate the task, you can hang the ball on a rope or elastic band. The dog will have to play more actively, because the only way to get the treat is by jumping.

The game is suitable for active small dogs and all breeds in adolescence. Do not hang the toy very high so that your pet does not lose interest.

Large and active pets will appreciate a more complex game made from plastic bottles. You need to remove the lid and place the treats inside. Choose granules of a size and shape so that they do not spill out quickly. The process of making the game is presented below.

  1. First of all, you need to make a stand for bottles. From a thick metal rod, assemble two supports and a crossbar. The structure must be stable and durable.
  2. The bottom of the bottles must be pierced with a hot knitting needle and threaded onto a pin. 3-4 bottles at some distance from each other are enough.

During the game, the dog will learn to coordinate its actions. Smart animals reveal the secret within 15-20 minutes.

It is noteworthy that the dog will not be able to chew the bottle, which means that such a design will not cause harm. Strongly active shaking prevents treats from falling out, which the pet will need to figure out.

For an older dog, you can make an interactive puzzle using a metal muffin tin and tennis balls. Place treats and cover with balls. The pet must alternately remove obstacles from the form and find treats. Breeds with narrow and long muzzles will comply with the rules of the game with greater comfort.

An active dog will not be interested in such a game. Your pet will simply turn the muffin tin over and eat the treats that will be released at the same time. If desired, you can use double-sided tape to secure the game on the floor.

When choosing an intellectual game, you should take into account the characteristics of your pet so that it is interesting for him.


Take an empty plastic bottle with a cap. The size of the bottle depends on the size of your furry friend. If the watchdog is large, then you can take a larger bottle. The bottle must be dry.

We also need a little bit of any cereal (I took rice) and a whole thick sock.

Pour some cereal into the bottle and close the lid tightly. You don’t need to sprinkle a lot of cereal, otherwise there won’t be that ringing noise that all dogs like so much.

We put the bottle in the cereal in the sock and tie a knot. The toy is ready.

Today Jack and I told and showed how you can make a toy for a dog with your own hands, practically from scrap materials, while spending a minimal amount of money and time.

Your ponytail will definitely be pleased! Have you ever made a toy for your furry friend? If yes, which one? Share your ideas in the comments!


Yellow felt terrier

Do you want to make a pattern of an original dog from fabric with your own hands to please your friends with an unusual gift? Use this detailed tutorial for creating a cute toy puppy.

To work you will need:

Print or redraw the pattern pieces. Transfer the contours to felt and cut out the blanks.

Sew the part with the belly and legs to the dog's body using an overcast stitch, aligning the edges.

Leave 5 mm unstitched at the beginning and end of the seam for subsequent processing.

Sew the second body piece to the paws in a mirror image.

Connect the components with the belly facing each other and sew.

This is what the workpiece looks like from below.

Start sewing the chest and head of the toy, starting from the junction of the belly.

Stop halfway up the top of your head. Now you need the last detail.

Apply the short part to the dog's head. The side parts are the inside of the ears, and the long part is the neck.

Sew the part along the contour alternately to both parts of the toy’s head.

You need to achieve this result (top view).

Fill the product with filling through the unstitched hole at the back.

Straighten the body of the toy and sew it up.

Glue the eyes onto the face.

Take a small piece of collar tape. Glue or sew it to the dog's neck. If desired, add a pendant to the collar.

A real dog is ready to serve.

Sew several of these toys and decorate them with different pendants. A great idea for a children's or themed New Year's gift, isn't it?

If you want to give your imagination even more space, download cutouts and templates of cute dogs. Give yourself the joy of creativity and wonderful crafts for your loved ones. Everyone will be happy with such pets.

End processing

Repeat the above steps until the ponytails are short.

Now look at the picture above. Using this method, we need to tighten the rope and hide its ends.

Next you need to trim off the remains. Peel the outer braided surface off the rope to expose the center portion of the rope. It needs to be trimmed. Don't forget to leave the nylon part.

To finally secure the ends, melt the remaining nylon rope and move it to the side using a lighter.


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