How does a male dog go into “estrus”? (more precisely, how does a male tolerate the presence of a female in heat nearby?)

It is impossible to completely eliminate the odor of estrus, since the vomeronasal organ (Jacobson's organ) in dogs helps male dogs sense odorous substances from many kilometers away. It is noteworthy that males notice “attractive” females a few days (7-10) before the onset of heat.

Therefore, even at a decent distance, a male dog senses a bitch in heat, finds the door of the house she entered and sits at the door for hours. During this period, male dogs seem to go crazy, they refuse to eat, do not drink water, and their behavior is not aggressive, but they are persistent and irresponsible. If the dog is a show dog, then such unloading negatively affects his condition, the animal loses weight, and does not perform well enough in the ring.

However, the owner of a bitch is able to reduce the smell of heat and repel males; it is enough to use special means to repel males or resort to folk methods.

How can I calm my dog ​​during heat?

Keeping your dog comfortable in the heat

  1. Puppies tend to snuggle together during this time, so set aside a few extra slots for lots of cuddles. ...
  2. Offer a safe, chew-resistant toy for her to push. ...
  3. Never scold your puppy if he makes a bloody mess, just calmly calm him down while you clean up.

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What not to do

Everything your pet does has nothing to do with his desire to harm you. This is a reproductive instinct as ancient as the world, which even the most well-mannered and patient dog cannot cope with. Therefore, under no circumstances:

  • Don't punish the dog
    . Of course, you need to rein in your pet. But this should be done in his usual manner. If he knows the “fu” command that follows any of his unseemly actions, use it. If the dog knows that a “scold” finger gesture means a prohibition, use familiar gestures. In short, use language that your pet understands to distract him from excessive attention to a soft toy or other “erotic” object. The main thing is, don’t lose your temper and don’t punish the animal, because the dog is already in a state of stress, and your screams will only increase it.
  • Do not use off-target drugs
    . Attempts to calm your pet with remedies from your home medicine cabinet can end in disaster for him. It is important to understand that sedatives designed for humans are not suitable for dogs. As well as vice versa. Therefore, leave valerian, Corvalol and other medications in place, and offer your pet a suitable remedy from the veterinary arsenal.

Physiological features of puberty

The genital organs of male dogs are a complex system consisting of testes with appendages, vas deferens, accessory gonads and penis. During intrauterine development and in the first few weeks (sometimes days) of a puppy’s life, the testes are located in the abdominal cavity. With the correct formation of the body, by 2–5 months they descend into the scrotum. As a result of certain factors, such as stress, cold or fear, the testes may rise into the pelvic area. This is a normal reaction of the body of a young animal, which should not cause concern to its owner. The male penis has a small bone inside, and along its entire length and closer to the base there are cavernous bodies that swell during arousal. Swelling of the bulbs and corpora cavernosa can be observed even in small puppies, and this is not a pathology.

Traditional methods of calming an animal

There are proven and quite effective folk methods that help calm the dog during this difficult time:

  • Drive further into the forest or field and take a long walk with the dog. Of course, this method is not suitable for everyone, but a dog busy with a walk will certainly be distracted from the “call of nature.” The main thing is that there are no other animals nearby at this time.
  • If the dog is smart and inquisitive enough, during this period it is also useful to play with it, often take it to areas with obstacles and equipment (again, so that its relatives are not nearby). When the animal is occupied with something, heat-specific behavior will appear much less.
  • A tip that many owners forget: even if the dog fawns on its owner all the time (and this happens in most cases), you should not indulge it. Simply put, you shouldn’t constantly pet your pet – she’s just waiting for it. Such owners suffer greatly, since the dog constantly climbs on them and does not allow them to do anything at all.
  • If possible, you need to... run with your pet. More precisely, run a lot and for a long time. Then she will simply get tired and will no longer have the energy for “love games”. Unfortunately, this advice is useless for owners of many huskies, greyhounds and hounds: in any case, these dogs will get tired much later than the owner.

What do we have to do

The only radical remedy that solves this issue once and for all is castration. But if in the future you still plan to get offspring from your pet or he has medical contraindications for surgery, then try the following control methods.

Nutrition correction

Reducing calorie intake causes the dog's energy levels to drop slightly, which may be enough to calm the dog down. But such a measure cannot be applied to pets who are underweight, sick and recovering, or in cases where the dog already loses its appetite during the rutting period.

Correction of physical activity

During walks, try to exercise your dog more. Throw her a ball, a stick, a frisbee. Let your pet be 100% occupied and use up the energy that is overflowing in him. Second option: go cycling. Of course, if the dog is trained to accompany the cyclist. If not, it's time to start learning.

No stimulants

If it is not possible to choose an “individual” place for a walk and the only option is a public dog park, change the time for walking your pet. Try to breed him at a time when there is the least chance of meeting a female in heat. And if the dog overreacts not even to the “lady,” but to the marks that she left several hours ago, change the walking route.

Taking special medications

Drugs that correct sexual behavior are a reliable and, most importantly, reversible way to calm a male dog during female estrus. Unlike castration, the results of which last for life, after discontinuation of the drug, sexual functions are fully restored. Thus, the drug EX-5 from AVZ is specially designed to correct sexual behavior in both females and males. The convenient form of release in the form of drops makes it easy to dose the drug in accordance with the animal’s body weight and helps to keep its “primitive instincts” under control. After completing EKS-5, the male's sexual function is restored, and he can participate in breeding in the same way as before.

Male repellents

BioVax Spray “Flirting? No!" Apply before walking, treating the area of ​​the croup, hind legs, and tail. The effect of the spray lasts for 2-3 hours. In addition to the fact that the spray helps hide the odor of heat, it contains triclosan, a substance that has an antibacterial effect that helps prevent skin diseases. Approximate cost of BioVax Spray “Flirt? No!" 130-170 rubles per bottle.

The elimination of estrus odor in dogs “True Friend” is produced by Russia in the form of a deodorizing spray. Biologically active enzymes are responsible for neutralizing the odor, and phytoncides of essential oils are responsible for repelling males. It is used before walking, and the manufacturer recommends treating not only the back, lower parts of the body, and tail of the bitch, but also the owner’s clothes. If we are talking about a dog living on the street, then it is recommended to spray the dog house and the front door of the house. The cost of a deodorizing spray is about 170 rubles.

Spray "Touchy" from the company Le Artis (Le Artis) is effective for 2-3 hours. The product is applied to the croup, under the tail, and on the hind legs before each exit to the street during the entire period of estrus. The approximate cost of the male repellent is 150 rubles.

The enzyme preparation ANTIKOBELIN® is produced by the Russian company. The drug is based on pheromones, so the drug is safe for animals. The area of ​​the tail and hind legs is treated in the morning and evening. Antikobelin can be used to remove blood stains and secretions left by a bitch on carpeting, bedding, and wooden surfaces. For this purpose, the product is sprayed onto a pre-moistened surface. The cost of anti-kobelin is about 100 rubles. According to reviews from dog owners, the drug Anticobelin is quite effective and repels male dogs in most cases. Some males do not pay attention to the bitch at all.

Dog Stop Forte (dragée) and Dog Stop Spray (spray) from the German company Canina. Products based on chlorophyll (the green pigment of plants) help at the beginning and end of estrus, but are ineffective at its peak (day 10-15). Dog Stop tablets or spray should be used throughout the entire period of estrus. Dragees are given in the amount of 1-2 pieces daily up to 6 times a day, depending on the weight of the dog, and the spray is used to treat the inner thighs, base of the tail in the morning and evening, and also as needed, for example, before walking, during the exhibition. By the way, the Dog Stop dragee helps fight unpleasant odor from the mouth, and the spray helps fight the odor of fur; the products can be used for male dogs. The cost of dragees and spray is about 950-1200 rubles.

Spray for dogs “No Love” anti-cobelin from the company Beaphar (Netherlands) does not affect the course of estrus, but helps to neutralize the specific odor that attracts male dogs. The manufacturer recommends using the spray 2-3 times a day (although the number of uses is not limited), treating the inner thighs. The price for the “No Love” spray is about 570 rubles.


The effectiveness of special agents for repelling male dogs depends on the frequency of treatment. It is recommended to treat the belly, tail, area under the tail (protecting the mucous membrane), and hind legs three days before the start of estrus, before each trip outside. The day before mating, you should not use sprays.

Do not allow the product to get into the dog's eyes or nose. The products are sprayed, after shaking the bottle, from a distance of 15-25 cm.

Additional methods

Some breeders also use more “extravagant” techniques:

  • You can play clips, videos about dog training, etc. on your TV. Oddly enough, this actually calms many animals down and gives their owners an hour or two of relative peace.
  • Calm, relaxing music has the same effect (but not in all cases). At the same time, the owner himself will be able to calm his frayed nerves.
  • Swimming. Incredibly, even the most excitable animals are often completely calmed by swimming in cool water. The easiest thing for owners of miniature dogs is that swims can be done right in the bathroom.
  • Good advice from experienced breeders. If the dog becomes completely “wild” and uncontrollable, it is locked in a separate room (preferably in an enclosure, if possible) and the daily ration is cut approximately in half. Hunger has a positive effect on overly active sexual function; the body at this moment (due to lack of nutrients) inhibits reproductive processes. Water, of course, should be given in unlimited quantities.

Folk remedies for repelling male dogs

Foreign-made products are highly expensive, and the effectiveness of domestic and foreign special preparations is not always encouraging. Therefore, some dog owners resort to folk methods to ward off male dogs.

The most popular and effective remedy is a strong decoction of bay leaves. Take 15-20 bay leaves per glass of water, or 1 bag of bay leaf per 500 ml of water. The broth is boiled for 10 minutes, then cooled, poured into a container with a spray bottle, and the broth is applied to the dog’s hind legs. Can be applied with a cotton pad. The smell of the decoction is strong, but not persistent. Therefore, it must be used before walking and, if necessary, during walking. At a distance of 2-3 meters, male dogs do not react to a female dog in heat.

Lemon juice diluted in water is no less effective. Dogs don't like the smell of citrus fruits. But when processing, you should be careful to avoid getting the solution on the loop.

Around the base of the tail and on the hind legs, you can apply a few drops of eucalyptus, wintergreen, and camphor oils.

Chlorophyll, available in tablets and liquid form, helps mask the odor of heat (the odor contained in urine). One tablespoon in the morning and evening is enough to achieve the desired effect. Liquid chlorophyll is more convenient to use and can be added to food or drinking water. You should start from the first day of estrus, but you shouldn’t hope for an amazing effect. Chlorophyll only masks the smell, but it helps freshen the dog's breath. By the way, after consuming chlorophyll, green stools are observed.

Questions about breeding males

Many owners of male dogs sooner or later have a question about the need to breed their pet. In solving this problem, owners rely on the prevailing belief that a fence to prevent mating will adversely affect the health of the animal. Many years of observations and experience do not confirm this view. Males that do not participate in mating, under normal housing conditions and adequate feeding, can be distinguished by strong physical and psycho-emotional health. An untied male becomes more aggressive and difficult to control. In addition, if the pet is rarely brought to the bitch, problems with the genitourinary system may appear: prostatitis and prostate adenoma. To prevent negative changes in males not used for breeding, it is recommended to castrate them.

How to prevent unwanted pregnancy in a female dog when she is in heat?

This could be a big challenge for you! Males can smell from quite a distance that your dog is in heat, even if you keep her at home or in the garden. Any available dogs in the area will likely congregate near your home, waiting for a possible mate with your bitch.

You will still be able to walk your bitch while she is in heat, but you will need to do so with extreme caution. Not only will the males be interested in mating, but she herself will want to mate with them. During this time, you will have to keep your dog on a leash at all times and limit your walks to areas where other dogs roam freely.

How dogs' behavior can change on certain days of the cycle

In dogs, the reproductive cycle has four phases/stages and during each period the behavior of bitches may change:

  • The first phase lasts from the first to the 9-10th day. Bloody discharge from the vagina appears, the loop swells. Despite. When males show interest, females drive away intrusive “suitors” and can even show aggression towards them. In general, the behavior of females remains virtually unchanged.
  • The second phase is the 10-16th day. The bitch is ready for mating, mating. The dog shows interest, flirts with males, takes a mating position, and moves its tail to the side. Females become disobedient, agitated, and nervous. If you are not planning to breed, control your dog during walks and do not let him off the leash during these days.
  • The third stage is the 17-20th day. Physiological signs of estrus fade away. The bitch's behavior is gradually returning to normal.
  • Fourth stage (period of sexual rest). Lasts from 3-4 to 6-7 months. During this time, the females’ body recovers and behavior returns to normal. After this phase is completed, the sexual cycle repeats again.

Rutting in dogs - 10 most frequently asked questions

If you own an unspayed female dog, once she reaches maturity, she will go into heat, or rut, regularly once or twice a year. This period is also called "mating season." If you intend to breed your dog, then you, of course, need to keep him healthy, and also learn about when and how to go through the rut, how to handle it, and how to take care of him. Caring for a dog during the mating season is somewhat more difficult than caring for a spayed female dog. So, if you have decided to breed, then let's look at the 10 most frequently asked questions about female dogs, their estrus and mating season.

Possible deviations

There are cases when one or both testes remain in the abdominal cavity for a long time or do not descend at all. Males with such abnormalities are called cryptorchid. Males with bilateral cryptorchidism are most often unable to leave offspring, while those with unilateral cryptorchidism are quite fertile. But cryptorchid males are not allowed for breeding. It is better to remove the testicle (or testicles) remaining in the abdominal cavity, as they are a potential risk of developing cancer. There are other, less obvious developmental pathologies. If the owner of a stud dog has any doubts about whether the pet's genitals are developing correctly, they should consult a doctor.

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