Miscarriage in a dog: causes, signs and subsequent therapy

Spontaneous abortion and termination of pregnancy in dogs

There are several methods of safe abortion for a dog, as well as cases when the pregnancy can be terminated spontaneously or otherwise - miscarriage.
It is important to note that dogs can experience spontaneous abortions and terminations of pregnancy for a variety of medical reasons. If a dog owner is considering terminating an unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended that professional medical advice and assistance be sought so that a full assessment of the risks and side effects can be made.

In the event of a miscarriage or miscarriage, your pet must be examined and monitored as there are several possible causes.

The condition or disease described in this article can affect both dogs and cats.

If you would like to learn more about how this disease affects cats, visit this page in the Soba4nik.ru pet health library.

Symptoms of miscarriage in dogs

If your dog has a miscarriage, the most common thing you may notice is abnormal vaginal bleeding; in some cases an expelled fetus may be found. The most common cause of spontaneous abortion is fetal death due to hormonal imbalance.

In cases of elective abortion, bleeding is the most common symptom after the procedure. You will need to monitor your dog closely so that you can respond quickly to any side effects or health concerns.

Main signs of abortion

What symptoms indicate what happened? The most common sign of an abortion is sudden bleeding from the external genitalia. In some cases, a piece of placenta may hang from the genital slit. In some cases, the aborted fetuses themselves may be found. If you notice any of these signs in your pregnant dog, take him to the vet immediately. We warn you once again that grabbing puppies, blood and other secretions released during an abortion with your hands is very dangerous. In particular, if your pet is sick with brucellosis, then you will most likely remain disabled for life. Don't take risks!


Some types of most common causes of spontaneous abortion in dogs:

  • B. Canis - This bacterium is extremely common among kennel dogs because it is easily transmitted. This disease leads to both stillbirth and failure to conceive. It is usually characterized by prolonged vaginal discharge and can sometimes be accompanied by complications such as arthritis (spondylitis) and inflammation of the eye (uveitis). In addition, dogs often have bacteria in the bloodstream (bacteremia) for up to 18 months after spontaneous abortion.
  • Mycotic abortion - This fungus most often causes excessive bleeding in the uterus and can lead to abortion of the fetus.
  • Fetal Death – If a dog has a hormonal imbalance, it can lead to fetal death, causing stillbirth or spontaneous abortion.
  • Neospora Caninum is a parasite commonly found in dogs. It can be spread if a dog ingests contaminated water, food, feces or contaminated animal meat.

Signs indicating a miscarriage

Before voluntary abortion, the following symptoms appear:

  • a sharp deterioration in health when the dog lies without moving and breathes frequently;

  • refusal of food, water;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • the appearance of blood from the vagina.

Previously, the animal could have had other types of discharge. They are formed during an infectious-inflammatory process, for example, during infection with toxoplasma, helminthic infestation. They are whitish, yellow, gray, brown, green. This indicates the development of a purulent process.

If red or brown discharge appears, it indicates damage to the uterus, mucous membranes of the tubes, and vagina. Small foci of hemorrhage appear, which disappear along with the discharge.


Standard blood tests can be used to detect parasites or B. canis. If the pregnancy loss was due to another reason, an abnormal amount of discharge will be noticeable.

A veterinarian may use ultrasound to detect a viable pregnancy or to look for anything left in a dog's uterus after a miscarriage or termination of pregnancy.

This is because a dog's uterus sometimes cannot effectively remove all pregnancy substances (such as placental tissue) on its own, leading to infection or internal bleeding.

Helping the dog

A person without medical education cannot independently provide first aid to an animal. Therefore, immediately contact a veterinarian. Sometimes he is called to your home, but it is better to come to the doctor with your dog. The clinic has equipment that is not always taken with you.

To reduce the risk of miscarriage, it is better to contact a specialist at the first alarming signs (deterioration in health, refusal to eat, appearance of discharge).

Blood tests are taken from the dog and the abdomen is examined. An ultrasound is performed to determine the condition of the internal organs, including the uterus.

If a miscarriage has already occurred, the process cannot be stopped. Then it is important to cleanse the entire uterine cavity of embryos and placenta so that the infectious process does not begin.

Sometimes a doctor's supervision is required. Then it is better to leave the pet in the clinic for a while.

In this case, the health threat is eliminated, since the animal is under qualified supervision. If the dangerous condition is eliminated, the owner takes the dog, having received recommendations for its care.

Drug treatment

To restore the animal, antibacterial agents are prescribed that destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Hormonal substances that normalize endocrine function are used less frequently.

If the cause is helminthic infestations, it is necessary to carry out antiparasitic therapy so that the surrounding people do not become infected.

When the cause of miscarriage is injury, surgical treatment may be necessary. After its completion, the seams must be treated with antiseptics - chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide. Peace, fresh water in the drinking bowl, quality food, and cleanliness in the room or enclosure are important.

Complete examination after miscarriage

A sudden miscarriage means that the dog’s body has begun to malfunction in the reproductive system and the hormonal levels have changed.

To prevent a reoccurrence, the following types of examination are prescribed:

  • general blood and urine analysis;

  • coprogram, identification of parasites;
  • determination of hormone levels;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages;
  • bacteriological culture.

Only after all tests are carried out a diagnosis is made. Treatment is prescribed immediately to avoid complications.

The earlier the better

In most cases, drugs for abortion in dogs are selected based on the duration of pregnancy and the individual characteristics of the pet’s body. However, it is worth understanding that the sooner you contact the clinic with the problem of an unwanted pregnancy in your pet, the greater the chance that everything will go through without consequences for him.

Some breeders try to prevent pregnancy even before the onset of estrus, so the pet is given special injections or prescribed birth control pills. The cost of such therapy is set exclusively by the medical institution where the procedure will be performed.

About treatment

So what to do? Of course, abortion itself cannot be treated, and it is almost impossible to prevent it, but it is possible to cope with the consequences and root causes (although not always). First, you need to stop the bleeding (if any). For this purpose, drugs that increase blood clotting can be used. Secondly, after studying the test results, they find out the root cause of what happened. If poisoning occurs, general restoratives are prescribed. In cases where the substance is precisely known and there are antidotes, they are administered to the animal.

After this, they decide whether to undergo sterilization. If the dog is young and possibly of breeding value, then the uterus and ovaries can be preserved. In the case when the animal is no longer in its first youth, and even the miscarriage occurred in the later stages, it is better to sterilize it. Abortions tend to recur, so you shouldn’t put your pet’s life in unnecessary danger.

How and what to feed a pregnant dog

Of course, you need high-quality food, preferably super-premium or holistic. Its portion gradually increases starting from week 6, but quality in this case is more important than quantity. The food must be balanced in terms of the amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Proteins must be meat, not of plant origin. This is due to the fact that in an interesting position, a dog needs 40–70% more protein than usual.

Some brands offer special foods for pregnant women. The fact is that the dog’s need for food increases, but at the same time future babies put pressure on the stomach. That is, it is physically difficult for your pet to eat as much as it needs.

You can increase the dose of your usual food by adding one or two additional feedings per day. Such additional feedings are especially relevant in the last trimester, when the babies in the mother’s tummy have already grown significantly. Towards the end of pregnancy, the dog is fed 5 times a day.

Another option is to use puppy food. It is more "concentrated". It has a lot of protein, a balanced content of phosphorus and calcium. It’s easier for a dog to eat it without stretching its stomach. Depending on the size of your girl, this could be Acana Puppy Small Breed dry food for puppies and young dogs of small breeds or Brit Fresh Beef with Pumpkin for puppies and young dogs of large breeds. Carnilove Salmon & Turkey Puppy dry puppy food is suitable for all breeds. You can order these and other foods in our MasterZoo online store.

In any case, portions should be increased gradually. It is better to feed after a walk, taking a break of at least 30 minutes after returning.

How is BV transmitted?

If the lactobacillary flora is unable to prevent an excessive increase in anaerobes, the number of lactobacilli decreases. The predominance of anaerobic flora with the introduction of harmful bacteria is manifested by the appearance of symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.

The condition is not spread through toilet lids, bedding, or swimming in a pool.

The influence of vaginosis on the process of conception and pregnancy

Numerous studies have shown that if left untreated, bacterial vaginosis can affect female fertility and make it more difficult to conceive through changes in the pH environment, causing problems with pregnancy, including the possibility of premature birth or rupture of membranes in the very early stages of pregnancy.

Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy

Bacterial vaginosis can cause serious complications:

  • miscarriage in the first half of pregnancy;
  • development of postpartum endometritis;
  • risk of premature rupture of the membranes;
  • giving birth to an underweight child;
  • penetration of infection into the amniotic fluid and into the membranes of the fetal bladder.

If symptoms of vaginosis appear during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor to exclude the possible development of complications.

Monitoring the vaginal microflora when registering a pregnant woman will allow you to identify imbalances in time and take preventive measures.

Bacterial vaginosis is one of the main causes of problems with conception and subsequent pregnancy. Often the disease is asymptomatic, which makes diagnosis difficult. Sick women do not feel discomfort and do not consult a doctor. To be examined for the presence of pathology, make an appointment with a gynecologist at the clinical center. This will help to identify and treat the disease in time.

Is bacterial vaginosis possible in men?

No. Gardnerellosis usually does not develop in men, since gardnerella is not typical for male microflora. But is bacterial vaginosis transmitted to men through sexual intercourse?

Indeed, a microorganism can enter the mucous membranes of men during sexual contact, but normally, after a couple of days, its growth is suppressed, and there are no pathological symptoms.

In some cases, against the background of reduced immune defense, gardnerella can linger in the male body. Then he will become a carrier of the microbe and may contribute to the recurrence of gardnerellosis in his sexual partner. In such cases, to cure bacterial vaginosis, simultaneous treatment of both sexual partners is recommended. If gardnerella in men is combined with other pathogenic organisms, an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system (urethritis, prostatitis, cystitis, etc.) may develop.

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