Signs of a dog's temperature and how to measure it

  1. When should you take your dog's temperature?
  2. Rules for measuring body temperature at home
  3. What to do if you don’t have a thermometer at hand?

The value of body temperature is one of the most important indicators of the physical condition of a dog’s body, changes in which indicate the possible development of a pathological process in the animal’s body. Normal body temperature in dogs depends on several factors: the age of the pet, its gender and size. In general, this indicator should be in the range from 37.40C to 39.10C, and any deviation from the norm should be regarded by the dog owner as an alarming symptom of a certain disease of one of the internal organs or their systems. That is why every dog ​​owner who is attentive to his furry friend should know how to measure the temperature of dogs outside the veterinary office, so as not to miss the first signs of illness in their pet.

Where is it better: at home or at the vet?

Of course, if you have the necessary skills to set up a thermometer, you have the necessary tools and your pet is accustomed to calm behavior when performing medical procedures, this procedure is quite feasible at home.

If you are unsure about any of these points, we advise you to contact your veterinarians.

A professional approach will allow you to measure the temperature quickly and correctly, avoiding injury to your pet due to negligence.

What will you need to measure at home?

To do this, purchase a regular medical thermometer at the pharmacy. Both mercury and electronic are suitable. The second option is preferable due to the safety of the device and faster measurement, which makes the manipulation more convenient for both you and the dog.


For reasons of hygiene, it is not recommended to use this device by family members or measure the temperature of other animals.

Since the temperature in dogs is measured rectally, take care of the composition with which you lubricate the tip of the thermometer. A light water-based cream, Vaseline or oil are suitable for these purposes - they will make the procedure painless.

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What is the research used for?

Prothrombin time is an important laboratory indicator that doctors use to diagnose a patient and prescribe the correct treatment. A significant list of indications for performing PTT analysis includes both various screening studies and diagnostic purposes. In addition, prothrombin time analysis is used to monitor the progress of human therapy.

Thus, PTT is an exceptional diagnostic marker, without which correct and effective treatment of a person is impossible.

Can you do it alone or do you need several people?

This depends on the dog’s temperament and whether it is trained to tolerate such actions calmly.
In this regard, it is most difficult with choleric individuals. Even if you have a small pet, you may need an assistant to keep it in a more or less calm state for a couple of minutes. Representatives of large breeds (Alabais, Caucasian Shepherds, etc.) can be difficult to lay on their sides (and it is in this position that it is recommended to insert the thermometer and take measurements).

To be sure that you can handle it alone, we advise you to accustom your pet to similar procedures from puppyhood and correct its behavior.


Contacting a veterinary clinic does not guarantee that this procedure will take place peacefully and quickly. A visit to the veterinarian is stressful for an animal, so a calm pet at home can become uncontrollable in the clinic.

And the fixation of an animal in many veterinary clinics is either carried out by the owner or with the help of employees, but for a fee. Find out what conditions this service is provided in your clinic.

Reasons for deviations

The causes of hyperthermia and hypothermia are different, but in both situations they are divided into benign and pathological.


Non-dangerous causes include the appearance of molars, recent food intake, vaccinations, stress, intense physical activity and too many degrees outside. In females, this condition occurs during estrus and shortly after the birth of puppies.

The most common pathological cause is infection: viral, bacterial or parasitic. Other reasons include allergies, oncology, poisoning, heart disease and endocrine system disease.


Heat production is disrupted due to anesthesia and shortly before birth. Chronic kidney and liver pathologies, worms, food poisoning and disorders accompanied by severe blood loss may also be to blame.

What is better to use: a regular mercury thermometer or an electronic one?

Of course, you can use a mercury thermometer, but it has several disadvantages compared to its electronic counterpart:

  • quite long measurement time - 5 minutes;
  • not safe due to the presence of mercury;
  • fragile, as it is made of thin glass;
  • difficult to find in pharmacies;
  • There is no elastic tip, as in most electronic models, which is why it is dangerous and requires proper insertion skills.

For objectivity, it is worth noting that an electronic thermometer does not always show correct data (error 0.5-1.0°C), so for accuracy it is recommended to take several measurements.


Enterprising traders offer dog owners infrared thermometers, stickers and temperature indicators for these purposes.

Such devices are not used in veterinary medicine and cannot show the actual level of an animal’s body temperature.

What thermometer is used in veterinary clinics?

In specialized institutions you can most often find an electronic thermometer - it is more convenient, as we already found out above. In addition, it is more readily available for sale, and its price is low, so such thermometers are available both in inexpensive city and regional veterinary stations, and in paid clinics.

Types of thermometers

It is almost impossible to find out by touch whether the temperature is high or low. Therefore, a special measuring device appeared - a thermometer. Today, three types of devices are used in medical institutions and at home: with an infrared measurement method, electronic and mercury-filled.

Mercury thermometers are very accurate devices, but also very dangerous due to their contents and glass housing. Electronic thermometers that combine accuracy and speed of measurement, as well as many additional functions, help you avoid unnecessary risk. For example, it measures temperature in just 10 seconds, sounds a sound signal when the measurement is completed or the reading has increased, and stores the last value in memory.

Infrared thermometers appeared relatively recently. Such a device determines the temperature in a certain area of ​​the body in a few seconds using a non-contact method. Its operation is based on infrared radiation, which also allows you to measure the temperature of the air or any objects, for example, bottles with a mixture.

Step-by-step instructions on how to correctly measure a dog's temperature

  1. Prepare all the tools and calm the animal. To maintain cleanliness, you can wear medical gloves.
  2. Lubricate the tip of the thermometer to make it easier to insert into your dog's rectum. If you have a mercury thermometer, do not forget to shake it before starting the measurement so that the mercury column takes the normal position on the scale. The electronic one is turned on by pressing a button (usually this is the only button on the device).
  3. Lay the animal on its side (preferably, but it is also possible in a standing position), and lift the root of the tail with your left hand.
  4. Gently insert the lubricated tip of the thermometer into the sphincter of the anus. Praise the animal if it takes the procedure calmly.
  5. Carefully deepen it 1.5-2 cm.
  6. Wait 3-5 minutes if you are measuring the temperature with a mercury thermometer, or wait for a beep if using a digital one. During the measurement, talk calmly and affectionately to your pet.
  7. Carefully remove the thermometer from the dog's intestine and praise it for its exemplary behavior during the procedure.
  8. Remember or write down the result, turn off the thermometer and disinfect it with soapy water.

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Peculiarities of measurement in puppies: are there any differences from an adult dog?

The algorithm for measuring a puppy’s body temperature is not much different from that described above. Here you just need to take into account 2 nuances:

  • puppies, like all cubs, are more mobile than adult dogs, so combine the manipulation with rewarding the dog with a treat;
  • exceeding the norm by up to 1.5 degrees is normal for puppies.

How often should I measure?

The frequency of temperature monitoring depends on the situation. If the goal is to accustom the puppy to this procedure, then it is enough to do this once every 3-7 days.

For preventive purposes (for example, after vaccination or illness), it is recommended to measure your temperature daily.

When the dog is sick, the frequency of measurements should be increased to 3 times a day. It would also be a good idea to keep a table where you will record the measurement results. With the help of such “temperature diaries” you can easily track the effectiveness of treatment and improvement in your pet’s condition.

General information

We determine from the dog the need to measure the temperature.

Most often, the need to measure a pet’s temperature arises due to observations that something is wrong with the dog.

  1. If you notice that your pet has refused to eat and drinks more water;
  2. Your pet's activity has decreased significantly and he is constantly lying down;
  3. Cradles into far corners, where it is warmer or colder;
  4. You notice that cramps or muscle tremors have appeared;

All these signs show that the dog’s health has deteriorated significantly and it is necessary to approach the pet’s well-being with great attention and care. Do not delay in taking the temperature; it is possible that your pet is sick.

Method for measurement:

There are two ways to measure a dog. One of them is more accurate - rectally. And less accurate, you need to place the thermometer to the body and press it with your paw.

Important: for hygiene reasons, you should purchase a separate thermometer for your pet!

What is considered normal in dogs?

The temperature of a healthy dog ​​is in the range of 37-39°C.
However, these are average data. More accurate ones depend on the individual characteristics of the pet: age, breed, weight. Decorative breeds have the highest body temperature, it can reach 39.3°C. In dogs of large and giant breeds, on the contrary, the normal limit ends at 38.3°.

In puppies, there is usually a deviation from the norm of 0.5°C upward.

In older dogs over 7 years old, thermometer readings ranging from 37 to 39°C will be considered normal.

Also, animals may experience an increase in body temperature during excitement, fear, after physical exertion, in bitches - during estrus, in puppies - during teething.

What to do if the temperature is high or low?

If your dog has a fever (39.5-40°C), provide him with rest, access to clean water, and think about what could be causing the disease.

An increase above 41°C is critical for the animal! The body begins to lose fluid, the heartbeat and breathing increase, the dog is depressed, and most often there is no appetite.

You need to try to bring down the temperature yourself by giving an intramuscular injection of no-shpa, analgin and suprastin in a 1:2:1 ratio. In any case, be sure to show your pet to a veterinarian.


The consequences of untimely contacting a veterinarian and ignoring the serious condition of the dog can be cerebral edema and the death of your pet!

For hypothermia, emergency measures include moving to a warm room and warming the animal. If the temperature is very low (less than 34°C), its normalization leads to severe pain; this condition is considered serious and requires urgent assistance from a veterinary specialist.

How to determine without a thermometer?

There is still a misconception among dog breeders that a hot nose is a sign of an unhealthy pet.
In fact, this organ's main function is the sense of smell, and a cold and damp nose is much more sensitive to odors. By the way, this is why dogs often lick, because they mainly navigate the world around them by smell, and it is necessary to maintain the “working tool” in excellent condition.

During sleep, the animal relies on hearing and does not use the sense of smell, so the nose of a sleeping pet has the right to be dry and hot.

And for a dog who is hot, it will be wet and hot. Therefore, we reject the option of determining the dog’s temperature by feeling its nose.

If you want to find out by touch whether your pet’s temperature is elevated, touch the paws and ears with the back of your hand - if the dog has a fever, they will be noticeably hot.

A decrease in body temperature can be determined by breathing - the animal begins to breathe rarely and shallowly. Also, with hypothermia, the skin becomes lighter, the paws tremble, and the pupils may be dilated.

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Touch the groin and armpit area

Just like in humans, dogs' armpits and groin areas may become warmer than other parts of the body when there is an increase in temperature. These areas contain lymph nodes, which contain immune cells that fight infections.

When an active infection occurs, these lymph nodes can fill with antibodies and immune cells, making the areas warmer than other parts of the body. Moreover, these areas in dogs are more affected because they lack hair, which makes the dog's temperature lower.

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