Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - breed standards and description. 145 photos and videos of a special type of spaniel

For lovers of home comfort and warmth, an interior dog like the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is best suited. Small, with a pretty appearance, everything in her appearance suggests that she was created for reclining on the master's pillows on a soft sofa.

The history of the breed dates back to the 9th century. But it became widespread only in the 13th century. Today, the largest number of representatives of this breed is found in Great Britain.

Description of the breed

The Cavern King Charles Spaniel dog has the following exterior parameters:

  • The weight of a dog, depending on its gender, ranges from 5 to 8 kg.
  • Height also depends on gender and ranges from 24 to 36 cm.
  • The dog can live up to 13-14 years.
  • The muzzle is wedge-shaped.
  • Lips pressed tightly against each other.
  • Correct bite.
  • The ears are long, like those of most representatives of the spaniel breed, and covered with elongated hair.
  • The area of ​​transition from the skull to the muzzle is not clearly expressed.
  • The body has a concavity in the region of the ribs.
  • The back is straight.
  • The Cavalier King Charles Paniel's tail is sometimes docked. If this is not done, then they have a proportional length in comparison with the rest of the body.
  • The fur in the paw area forms a feathering.
  • The dog's fur is thick and does not show curl.

Grooming, haircut, trimming spaniel. Haircut diagram and photo, spaniel puppy haircut.

Well-groomed spaniels are very beautiful dogs with luxurious coats. This pet’s silk outfit is not only a gift of fate, but also the result of the efforts of the owner and groomer. Remember this. In order for your beloved spaniel, no matter whether it is a cocker, a hunting dog or a toy, to remain healthy and beautiful, you need to regularly care for it. Caring for your pet's coat is a moment of relaxation and a way to express your attention and care to the dog.

Hygienic grooming | grooming or cutting a spaniel at home

  • Bathe your dog as it gets dirty - once every 1-3 weeks, using a specialized shampoo for flowing hair and conditioner. Spaniels love to swim, that's great!
  • After bathing, blot the spaniel's coat with a terry towel, wrap the dog in it for a few minutes and then dry it with a hairdryer, carefully combing the coat with a slicker brush and a metal comb.
  • Trim and sharpen your pet's nails every 4-6 weeks using a nail clipper; Remove excess hair from paw pads to maintain healthy foot structure.
  • Clean your ears with a special product
  • Comb the dog's fur with a rubber mitt and a slicker brush, checking your work with a comb afterward, getting rid of shedding hairs and dandruff. Remove tangles in a timely manner! If the fur is matted into felt boots, it is no longer possible to comb it without discomfort for the dog, then you will have to cut out the tangles and the dog’s hair will be ruined!
  • Check your dog's teeth every week and brush them. This is not difficult if you teach your spaniel this procedure every day after a walk and washing his paws. Take a special or children's toothbrush, specialized toothpaste and try it.
  • Take your dog to the groomers more often - once every 2-3 months!

Spaniel puppy grooming

Caring for any dog, especially a spaniel, i.e. To get used to grooming, you need to start at an early age. Why? Yes, because, like any child, a puppy must learn. He learns calmly and even with pleasure, treats bathing, is not afraid of the noise of water, hair dryer, comb and stands calmly on the groomer's table, enjoying it. But in fact, it should be pleasant for the dog. When they bathe her, they massage her, stroke her, caress her. And when they comb it, they gently scratch it behind the ear, along the back and rump. Those who have a dog know how much our pets love it. So make grooming a pleasure for your dog. Can you? The breeder begins grooming the puppy at 45 days of age, and you just need to continue.

  • Start by bathing your cockerel in water at room temperature. If the baby is afraid of the bath (large space), then place him in the basin and quietly water him with warm water from a ladle or shower with low water pressure.
  • After bathing, wrap your baby in a terry towel and gently blot the fur while talking affectionately to the dog. A warm bath will relax anyone so much that they will fall asleep.
  • Then you carefully turn on the hair dryer and direct warm air onto the dog’s back and butt and dry the fur, combing it with a slicker brush with droplets on the tips of the teeth so that it does not hurt.

Haircut and trimming of a spaniel - diagrams, descriptions, photos

Long, shiny hair is the main decoration of the spaniel; it is constantly growing, so it is regularly looked after, combed, cut, trimmed so that the pet looks neat and well-groomed. Of course, even for the 4 most common varieties of spaniels listed above, the hairstyle requirements differ significantly. However, there are also common features. This is smooth, close-fitting, shorter hair on the neck, back, and muzzle. Decorating wool, feathering along the bottom of the body and the inside of the paws. Spaniel wool is thick, soft, similar to silk yarn. For all spaniels, it is necessary to trim the hair on the paws, in the interdigital space and pay special attention to the fringe areas, in the armpit and groin folds, and ears, where moisture, dirt most quickly collects and tangles form.

Types of dog coloring

When describing the Cavalier King Charles Terrier breed, 4 standard types of animal coat color are used:
Dogs can be black with small tan spots of a bright red color.

A rich red shade of fur, originally called ruby.

The standard and perhaps the most common color is tricolor. In this variant, the dog has different shaped patches of fur, colored in white, black and reddish tones.

Blenheim - a dog of this color type has a pearly white base, on which chestnut-colored spots are scattered.

How to choose a puppy

Many families choose this breed over all others because of its cheerfulness and playfulness. The King Charles Spaniel will make a good gift for children or friends, so you should choose a puppy responsibly.

When you arrive at a kennel of this breed, you don’t need to immediately grab the puppy you like; you must first observe him in an environment that is comfortable for him. Pay attention to the behavioral character, whether the puppy is aggressive. It’s also worth getting to know the puppy’s parents. Pay attention to their behavior; if mom or dad behave aggressively, then it is better to abandon the chosen puppy.

You should not overlook the conditions of the nursery; if there is unsanitary conditions there, then it is recommended to go to another place to choose.

It is better to buy a King puppy at the age of two months; at this age they are still small, but their character will already appear. When purchasing an animal, you must ask the breeder for all documents about vaccinations and pedigree, so as not to buy a puppy with genetic diseases and other problems.

The character does not differ according to the gender of the animal; girls are as playful as boys. You need to choose a cheerful, playful and joyful puppy. You can learn everything about the King Charles Spaniel in nurseries from the breeders’ first-hand accounts.

The price for a purebred puppy from a nursery can reach 2 thousand dollars . This applies to titled puppies or those with a good pedigree - the parents are multiple winners of exhibitions and competitions. If we are talking about purchasing a puppy for a house or apartment, then in nurseries you can choose a good and kind purebred puppy for $800.

Personality Traits of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The dog originally had a purpose for hunting, all this was lost over time, and the dog became exclusively decorative. This is evidenced by her external data and peaceful character traits.

Ideal for calm owners who prefer to spend most of their time in blissful bliss. Because the dog does not show much activity and is not demanding on the area of ​​​​the territory for walking.

Even looking at different photos of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed, it becomes obvious that the dog is not capable of aggression. Therefore, it can be confidently recommended to families with a small child.

Grooming for Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Thanks to its beautiful fur and original coloring, the dog looks great. Regular grooming is not required for the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, as the coat is decorative.

But still, grooming is necessary in the lower parts of the paws and between the toes, since during long walks the hair becomes tangled.

Training and education

This breed is smart and understanding, so it is quite easy to train.

Pets of the King Charles Spaniel breed need to be trained as soon as the pet enters the house. Some people believe that it is useless to train and raise puppies that are not yet 6 months old, this is partly true, but it is quite possible to explain what cannot be done.

Some owners of this breed believe that training immediately after its arrival can be stressful for the animal. This is true, but on the condition that the methods of education are harsh. If the owner wants to raise a loyal and obedient king, then it is necessary to think over a training system that will gently and smoothly immerse him in the world where his owner lives. This will be a good opportunity to build trust between pet and owner.

Basic rules of care

In addition to trimming the paw area, the dog also needs regular brushing. This must be done with special combs and brushes.

Due to the specific shape of the ears, the dog is very susceptible to ear infections. In order to prevent the development of, for example, purulent otitis media, you should clean your ears of plaque and discharge from your ears every day with a cotton swab or cotton swab. This will help keep your dog healthy.

Basic diet

If you do not intend to feed your dog dry food, then you should take into account that all sausages, the food that a person is accustomed to, will have to be excluded from its diet.

The menu should include:

  • Meat of different varieties can be either thermally processed or raw.
  • By-products only in processed form.
  • Dairy products are preferably of good quality. Prefer fermented milk products, such as cottage cheese and kefir, but with reduced fat content.
  • Eggs – no more than a couple per week.
  • It is preferable to use buckwheat and rice as cereals.

You should absolutely not give your dog bones - they can damage the digestive tract and lead to the death of the animal.

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