Fast dogs - top 20 breeds that no one can catch

When running, dogs are capable of reaching a speed of no more than 15 km/h on average. But representatives of some breeds run at speeds that are several times higher than this indicator. As a rule, these are hunting, herding and sledding breeds that have characteristic anatomical features (long limbs, lightweight skeleton, low percentage of body fat, streamlined body shape, elongated skull, voluminous lungs and strong heart), allowing them to move much faster than their counterparts. Below are the top 20 fastest dog breeds.


The absolute record holder for speed among its relatives. Since their inception, Eastern European hounds have been used for hunting and racing. The Greyhound's spectacular aristocratic appearance is consistent with its intelligence and intelligence. He easily captures the owner’s mood by his speech and intonation. The animals reach a height of 70 cm and a weight of 40 kg. “High-speed couch potatoes,” as breeders call them, skillfully combine in their character a passion for high speed and a desire to bask on soft beds.

Can run at a speed of 72 km/h


The breed is ancient, the first information about it goes back to the 3rd millennium BC. Saluki is an indispensable partner in hunting fast animals: goats, foxes, hares. These graceful dogs reach a height of 71 cm and a weight of 27 kg. The coat can vary in length and come in a variety of shades.

Developing speeds of up to 68 km/h, the Saluki can not slow down for a long time.

Diseases and care

Contrary to the beliefs of many inexperienced dog lovers, caring for a Russian dog does not cause any particular difficulties. There are several basic rules that are recommended to be followed:

  1. Brush your dog with a brush at least 2 times a week; if shedding begins, do it daily. For more comfortable and convenient combing, you can use a special conditioner;
  2. Bathe at least once a month or when soiled. At the same time, pay attention to cleaning your ears, eyes and teeth every week. This will prevent the occurrence of certain diseases;
  3. Monitor the condition of the animal’s paws and claws. In winter, you can rub vegetable oil into the pads to avoid cracks;
  4. Treat your pet regularly for fleas and ticks. Long hair can become a real refuge for these pests, so it is recommended to combat the threat of their appearance once a month;
  5. Be sure to contact a specialist if you notice dangerous symptoms appearing in your Russian Greyhound: high fever, lethargy and lack of appetite, change in urine color, and so on.

Typical diseases for the breed are volvulus, compression of the cervical vertebrae, vision problems - retinal atrophy and cataracts. It is important to provide proper nutrition, exercise and periodically show her to the veterinarian. He will also help you choose safe animal care products, since Russian greyhounds are often sensitive to various types of chemicals and medications. The life expectancy of a healthy, well-groomed dog reaches 10-12 years.


Slugi (another name is Arabian greyhound) is an ancient hunting breed. Watching this animal in action is a pleasure. Graceful, maneuverable, it resembles a cheetah. The average height of adults is 72 cm, weight is 32 kg. The animal is distinguished by high legs, a strong skeleton and cast muscles. Long toes help with running. The coat is short and smooth, red in color. Servants can be good guards because they are wary of strangers. But they love the owner with boundless love and are very jealous if there are other pets in the house.

Maximum speed – 65 km/h.


The Weimaraner is another sporting hunting breed with a scorching pace. These dogs are known for their energy, loyalty and trainability.

But they can be quite mischievous, so they need a lot of mental and physical enrichment to keep them entertained and channel their energy.

They are also another breed that loves to chew and may destroy household items if they are bored and unsupervised.

If you have any objections or additions to this list, please write them in the comments.

Afghan Hound

A very ancient dog breed, bred in the mountains of Afghanistan. Distinctive features of the greyhound are its long, thick coat that can withstand the harsh mountain climate, a saber-shaped tail and a black muzzle. These animals reach a height of 60-74 cm and a weight of 20-27 kg. The first breeders used greyhounds as guards and shepherds. Over time, they lost their functional purpose, becoming more decorative pets. Naturally stubborn and independent, Afghan Hounds are difficult to train. In everyday life, “Afghans” love to make “crosses”, covering long distances in a short time, and chasing small animals. However, if a dog grew up in the same house with a cat from a young age, then it will not touch it.

The dog's speed is 64 km/h

Top 17 record holders for speed among four-legged animals

The ranking below presents the fastest dog breeds, the maximum speed of which is indicated in the subheadings, in ascending order.

Italian Greyhound – 40 km/h

The name comes from the French word "livre", which means "hare". The Lesser Italian Greyhound was bred two thousand years ago in what is now Greece and Turkey. Height at the withers is 33–38 cm, and weight ranges from 3.6 to 6.8 kg. Externally, the smooth-haired Italian Greyhound is similar to the Greyhound; its color can be two-tone, brindle or red-fawn. Dogs of this breed are valued for their compact size, easy-going nature, intelligence and grace.

Podenco Ibicenco – 40 km/h

The Ibizan is a hunting dog, characterized by long legs, a muscular neck and an athletic build. The energetic breed has heightened senses: hearing, smell and vision. Therefore, dogs are used for catching rabbits, game, and field testing with bait. Thanks to the so-called “soft grip”, the dog brings live prey to its owner.

Giant Schnauzer – 45 km/h

The breed first appeared in southeast Germany as a herding and guard animal. After being brought to other cities, Giant Schnauzers guarded warehouses and shops. The height of the dogs is 60 – 70 cm, the fur is dense, hard, and the body is square. Most often the color is black, but there are also shades of light silver and dark steel. According to the owners, such a pet embodies intelligence, poise, and elegance.

Deerhound – 45 km/h

The Scottish greyhound has been known since the 16th century; it was bred by aristocrats to hunt deer, foxes and hares. Height ranges from 71 to 81 cm, weight gain is 33.5 to 60 kg. The coat is brown, sandy or gray. The animal has a heightened sense of smell and a lightning-fast reaction, but does not have the makings of a security guard due to its gullibility in strangers. Living in an apartment is not suitable for a freedom-loving breed; it is better to choose a suburban area with a spacious yard.

Irish Wolfhound – 45 km/h

The breed was used to hunt wolves 500 years ago. For males, the height at the withers is 86 cm, for females – 71 cm, and the average weight is 55 kg. Color: wheaten, yellowish-brown, red, white. The wolfhound is characterized by endurance, rapid movements, affectionate disposition, and often participates in the ceremonies of kings.

In the 15th century, each county was required to keep these dogs to protect their herds from predators.

German Shepherd – 48 km/h

The breed has a wedge-shaped head, erect triangle-shaped ears, and a curved tail. Body length is 56 – 66 cm, weight is from 22 to 40 kg, black and red color predominates. Thanks to their keen sense of smell, such dogs are indispensable in rescue operations and detection of drugs and explosives. The price for puppies ranges from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

Poodle – 48 km/h

A distinctive feature is a wavy coat with apricot, spotted, black or white coloring. In Europe, the dog was bred to organize field communications and search for the wounded; in Russia, it was bred to catch ducks. The poodle easily makes contact with people, is observant, and intelligent.

The International Organization of Cynologists recognizes 4 varieties of poodles:

  • Standard (royal), at the withers 45 – 60 cm;
  • Small, at the withers 35 – 45 cm;
  • Miniature (dwarf), 28 – 35 cm;
  • Toy – below 28 cm.

Border Collie – 48 km/h

The smartest dog breed in the world, according to scientists. It was bred in Great Britain to protect livestock during grazing. The height of the Border Collie is 45 – 56 cm, the coat is predominantly black and white. The energetic animal is insightful, flexible, trainable and easy to train. It can study up to three commands per day.

Doberman – 51.5 km/h

The original name was Thuringian Pinscher. This variety was bred in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. The body length of dogs reaches 70 cm, weight ranges from 32 to 45 kg. Smart Dobermans are used in law enforcement agencies and for personal safety. They are characterized by moderate aggression and excitability, are attached to their owners, and love children.

Whippet – 55 km/h

The Lesser English Greyhound was brought to Europe by the Romans in 55 BC. It was used both for hunting and for catching rats and participating in dog racing. A mini-copy of a Greyhound with a height of 44.5 – 57 cm and a weight of 7 – 19 kg. Whippets have a calm disposition, hardly bark, and do not show aggression. But representatives of the breed are sensitive to the tense atmosphere in the house and the screams of people.

Russian greyhound – 58 km/h

So named from the word “dog,” for its wavy, silky fur. The dogs arose as a result of crossing Tatar dogs with huskies. Used for hunting wild boars, bears, and hares. Height 69 – 83 cm, weight 25 – 48 kg. The Russian dog is peace-loving; physical pressure provokes aggression.

Dalmatian – 60 km/h

Previously, dogs were used as companions and guards, following the carriage of their owners. Dalmatians have short hair, height 48 – 61 cm. Dalmatian puppies are born white, with black spots appearing after three weeks. Pets are friendly, sociable, but show independence and excessive independence. Dog handlers advise socializing dogs from an early age and devoting time to training.

Jack Russell Terrier – 61 km/h

Miniature dogs appeared in 1975 at the request of English hunters, so as not to confuse white dogs with foxes. The duties of the Jack Russell included entering the hole and driving out the wild animal. The breed is characterized by a small height of 25 – 38 cm, weight 6.4 – 8 kg. Its representatives are brave, hardy, as well as smart and obedient.

Hungarian Vizsla – 64 km/h

A hunting breed from Hungary, with a body length of 53–63 cm and a weight of 18–30 kg. A characteristic feature is a reddish-golden color, but copper color is also found. The animal easily finds prey, can swim, and withstand harsh weather conditions. Despite his good-natured disposition, he does not tolerate rudeness during training.

During World War II, the Hungarian Vizsla was on the verge of extinction. To preserve the population, some individuals were taken outside the state for reproduction.

Afghan Hound – 64 km/h

Individuals are easily recognized by their long fur, black muzzle and saber-shaped tail. The height of adult dogs is 60 – 74 cm, weight 20 – 27 kg. When hunting, the female drives the game to the right place, and the male waits and grabs the victim in a jump. The Afghan Hound is outwardly reserved and does not show emotionality, but always remains devoted to its owner.

Saluki – 68 km/h

The animal was bred in the Middle East to hunt gazelles. The Bedouins believed that the Saluki was an ancient gift from Allah. The Persian Greyhound is graceful, with hanging ears, at the withers 59 – 71 cm, weighs 18 – 27 kg. The breed is persistent, capable of running tirelessly for 3 to 5 hours. The pet is balanced, silent, shows tenderness towards family members, but is wary towards strangers.

Greyhound – 72 km/h

The fastest dog on the planet, a leader in sprinting. Dogs of this breed can accelerate to 70-72 km/h. Height 70 cm, weight 27 – 40 kg. They have a pointed head and a thin neck. With proper care, hounds live up to 15 years, maintaining good physical characteristics into old age.

Hungarian Vizsla

In its homeland in Hungary, the Vizsla has always been considered an excellent hunter, protector and simply an energetic companion. Lean, wiry dogs grow up to 63 cm, their weight ranges from 18-30 kg. They often have copper colored fur and other shades of brown. These short-haired pointers love to attract the attention of all family members, but, as a rule, they choose one person as their favorite. Vizslas are very sociable, they do not like to be left alone for a long time and begin to misbehave: howl and damage furniture. The dog needs an active owner who can devote about 3-4 hours daily to walking the pet.

Run at a speed of 64 km/h

Jack Russell Terrier

Miniature, stocky dogs are not suitable as indoor pets. Energetic and fast, they are excellent hunters. The breed was bred at the end of the 18th century in England for fox hunting. The white color of the coat was not chosen by chance - it helps the hunter to distinguish the pet from the prey at a distance. Jack Russell Terriers do not grow larger than 38 cm and 8 kg. The coat of the breed can be either short or long. Jack Russell Terriers should not be adopted as couch potatoes, as the animal needs regular activity and sufficient exercise.

Their maximum speed is 61 km/h.

Character and behavioral characteristics

The Russian Toy Terrier is a brave and active dog that develops a strong bond with its owner. The animal's psyche is characterized by lability and emotionality. The toy terrier requires a lot of attention and care; the pet does not tolerate loneliness and is very worried about the absence of its owner.

The animal is wary of strangers and warns its owner of their approach with a ringing bark. If necessary, the toy terrier will defend a person, despite the physical superiority of the attacking party. The dog has a good memory for various events.

Attitude towards children

If your family has a small child, then you should not get a toy terrier. Communication with a baby can cause a stress reaction in an animal. During play, a child can injure the toy terrier, which has a fragile constitution. The dog often barks loudly and can wake up the baby while resting.

Relationships with pets

Owners of large animals should not get a toy terrier. You should also not keep your dog together with Siamese cats and fighting dogs. If the owner pays little attention to the toy terrier, the dog will begin to actively “fight with competitors.” Conflicts can also arise on gastronomic grounds. It is better to feed the toy terrier separately from other animals.


The history of the origin of the Azawakh, or African hound, is shrouded in many mysteries. It became widespread in Europe in the middle of the last century. The Azawakh is an excellent hunter of small and large game. Long legs and a toned belly allow the dog to run quickly, and its endurance helps it track prey for many hours without experiencing fatigue. The owner can safely entrust the dog to independently catch small game. The Azawakh grows to a height of 70-73 cm, its weight is 17-24 kg.

Representatives of the breed can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h


It is difficult to imagine a multi-colored, small dog running at great speed. However, Aussies are excellent steeplechase runners. It seems that representatives of the breed have a built-in motor, they are so tireless. Animals are ready to run, jump and play all day long until they collapse with their tongues hanging out.

Aussie is a dog for active people, and it is even better to have such a pet for those who want to engage in agility. This is where the pet has room to splash out energy.


Charming, fast-moving spotted quadrupeds have long earned a reputation as guard dogs and companions. The animals' endurance allowed them to run behind their owners' carriages throughout the entire trip to protect them from robbers. Dalmatians are intelligent, sociable and cheerful animals, but willful, so early socialization and training are of great importance in their maintenance. Height reaches 61 cm, weight – 32 kg. The coat is short. It is noteworthy that Dalmatians are born absolutely snow-white, and black (less often brown spots) begin to appear in puppies at two weeks of age.

The maximum speed of Dalmatians is 60 km/h.

Russian greyhound

Russian breeders created this breed specifically for the extermination of wolves. It has also proven itself well in hunting fur-bearing animals. This dog owes its name to its luxurious long curly coat, which can be dyed in different colors. The dogs are quite large. Their height reaches 83 cm and weight up to 48 kg. An excellent hunter and devoted friend, the Russian greyhound is a completely useless guard. It takes a lot of effort to provoke barking from these graceful, calm animals.

This type of greyhound can reach speeds of up to 58 km/h.


Based on the name, this must be the fastest dog breed. But no - they are hardy, loud, but inferior to the same greyhounds.

Estonian hound

Hounds are the largest group of hunting dogs. Used when hunting white hare and fox. Starting from the 10th century, a special breed of hounds began to form in Russia, the Russian piebald - by crossing imported pointers and local dogs.

It is interesting that the viciousness of hound dogs is a purely professional quality - they are a passionate hunter, with a good instinct for the beast. And at home they are extremely cheerful, balanced and tolerant animals.

Siberian Husky

Incredibly hardy northern fast sled dogs. The height of the animal at the withers can reach 60 cm, weight – 28 kg. Cheerful, good-natured and sociable huskies are extremely supportive not only of their owners’ family members, but also of strangers. Curiosity and passion for everything new allow them to easily withstand long walks and even long journeys. They are distinguished by good health and good learning abilities. They get along well with other dogs. Huskies are laconic. The disadvantages of keeping “Siberians” are the tendency to run away and hyperactivity, which often affects the environment. But all this manifests itself mainly at a young age and is corrected by proper training.

Their running speed reaches 55 km/h.


Dalmatians are known for more than just their attractive appearance. They are also very fast and athletic. Historically, they were trained to run alongside horse-drawn carriages.

Many new owners underestimate how much exercise and attention these dogs need. Daily long walks and space for dogs to run are a must.

Dalmatians are also known for their enthusiastic alert barks, so you'll need some training to encourage calmer behavior.


Since its creation, the Small English Greyhound has been considered a hunting dog. Ancient Rome is considered the birthplace of the breed. But subsequently, due to the miniature size of the animals, environmental organizations banned their use for hunting. Whippets fought rodents and became participants in dog racing. I must say that they succeeded in the latter. The whippet's height does not exceed 57 cm, its weight can reach 19 kg, and its coat color can be very diverse. Dogs do not tolerate loud noises and can only get along with calm, balanced owners.

Some representatives of the breed managed to reach speeds of up to 64 km/h

When was the record set?

Of course, many animal lovers are interested in what is the fastest dog in the world. And here there can be no two opinions - today the absolute record belongs to an Australian dog named Star Title. He is a Greyhound or English Greyhound. It reached its maximum speed on March 5, 1994.

Star Title managed to accelerate to 40 miles per hour, which is 67.3 km/h in the metric system. Needless to say, the result is impressive and this is the maximum that the hound could show. Of course, the dog only managed to run a few hundred meters at such a speed, but this was enough to become one of the most famous dogs in the whole world.

In general, greyhounds were bred in England specifically to chase prey. Therefore, they have truly explosive energy. True, they are not able to maintain the pace for a long time - their main task is to quickly break the distance and catch up with a target located in the distance.


The breed of short-haired working dogs, bred at the end of the 19th century in Germany, was originally called the Thuringian Pinscher (after the name of the area). It received its modern name after the death of its creator, breeder Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. These fast animals are still excellent guards and faithful companions of the military and law enforcement officers. The height of the average Doberman is 70 cm, weight can reach up to 45 kg. Typically the breed is black with tan markings on the head, chest and limbs.

Maximum travel speed up to 51.5 km/h

German Shepherd

Previously, dogs accompanied shepherds tending flocks of sheep. Nowadays, these four-legged animals serve in law enforcement agencies, rescue teams, and are used as guides for blind and visually impaired people. German Shepherds are endowed with an exceptional sense of smell, so they are indispensable when carrying out rescue operations and searching for narcotic and explosive substances. The head of the breed has the shape of an elongated wedge with pointed triangular ears. The height of adult individuals reaches 66 cm, weight – 40 kg. The coat is thick, medium length, usually black and red in color.

The speed of a German Shepherd when running is 48 km/h.

Border Collie

Smart, obedient, attentive, and at the same time cheerful and energetic, the fidgety Border Collie in the past served as a faithful companion to shepherds. Bred in the harsh conditions of the Borderland, this breed is not a gentle one, capable of surviving in rather unfavorable conditions. The dogs are up to 56 cm tall and have thick, long black and white hair. Now representatives of this universal sporting breed are active participants in various dog tournaments.

The average speed is 48 km/h.

History of the Russian Toy breed

The Russian Toy was bred in the USSR in the 50s. The result of intensive breeding work was the creation of a long-haired and smooth-haired version of the breed. In 1996, a club for toy terrier lovers appeared in Moscow.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, domestic dog handlers began to actively communicate with their foreign colleagues and gained access to professional literature published abroad. Breeding toy terriers in the Russian Federation has become a mass phenomenon. In 2022, the International Canine Federation officially recognized the Russian Toy breed.


The largest variety of the breed, the large poodle is capable of running very fast. The ancestor of the poodle cannot be identified, but it is known that the breed was selected for duck hunting. In addition to being fast, these animals are excellent swimmers. They are also one of the most intelligent dogs, as ranked by canine psychologist Stanley Coren. It is impossible to confuse a poodle with another breed. His “calling card”, dense curly wool, can have a wide range of colors - from snow-white to motley. The Poodle has a square body and long, drooping ears. The average height of an adult animal reaches 38 cm.

Running speed reaches 48 km/h.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Pros:
  • elegant and aristocratic appearance;
  • the calmness and love of lying in one place, which busy or phlegmatic people will appreciate;
  • has excellent hunting skills, including impressive running speed;
  • friendly to people, but not intrusive.
  • Minuses:
  • the hunting instinct is highly developed: the dog will pursue any target during a walk and will not get along with cats, birds and rodents;
  • requires spacious housing and a separate corner in the house;
  • poor security skills;
  • requires frequent walking and being in the fresh air.


The homeland of this breed is Scotland. The first mention of the ancestors of Deerhounds dates back to the first century BC. It is from this time period that fragments of ceramic utensils depicting a hunting scene of a dog that looks very similar to a Scottish deer greyhound are dated. Deerhounds have a well-developed muscle corset, long and even legs, a medium-sized head with an elongated muzzle. On the head, withers and body the hair is longer and stiffer, on the neck, chest and belly it is shorter and silkier. The coat color is often gray or blue-gray. The height of the animal is 71-81 cm, weight ranges from 33-60 kg.

Runs at a speed of 45 km/h.

Giant Schnauzer

The most impressive representative of the Schnauzer, originally from Bavaria, was created for guarding and herding purposes. With the importation of dogs into cities, they began to be used everywhere to protect commercial real estate. Giant Schnauzers are elegant dogs with thick, coarse hair, usually jet-black in color (silver-colored individuals are less common). They have a square body, their height at the withers can reach 70 cm. The ears are small and folded. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by intelligence, calm disposition and devotion to the owner.

The speed of Giant Schnauzers is 45 km/h.

Irish Wolfhound

Hardy and fast animals are able to maintain their running speed for a long time. Bred to kill gray forest predators, these large, wire-haired greyhounds today serve more as companions than as full-fledged hunters. They grow up to 79 cm and 54 kg. By nature, intolerant of large predators, these dogs are non-aggressive and fit perfectly into the role of a pet. Despite his peaceful nature, it is possible to piss off even the phlegmatic “Irish”. The dog will not tolerate it if someone threatens its owner, and will immediately rush to his defense.

Speed ​​up to 40 km/h.

Ability to learn and train

Training a Toy Terrier is a complex process that requires considerable endurance. The dog does not tolerate being treated in an authoritarian style. She may refuse to obey commands and express her “indignation” with loud barking. The owner should actively use treats to reinforce commands included in the general training course. You cannot use violence against an animal.

Don't let your toy terrier sleep in your bed next to you. While sleeping, you may accidentally crush an animal. Jumping off the bed can be dangerous to your dog's limbs. If a toy terrier barks for no apparent reason, then you need to give the command “Ugh!” and maintain a strict tone. Don't let your toy terrier bite your legs. Undesirable behavior must be stopped with appropriate commands.

The animal can be trained to the tray. If the owner does not have time for a walk, the dog will relieve itself in a place specially designed for this. The Toy Terrier should not be treated as a “living toy”. If the owner begins to pamper the dog, the animal may become uncontrollable.

Podenco Ibicenco

It is believed that the ancestors of this breed were the favorite dogs of the Egyptian pharaohs. Historically, Ibizan Greyhounds were considered primarily hunting dogs. Fast and agile dogs can easily cope with birds, hares and foxes. The “soft grip” of these animals allows them to bring their prey to the owner alive. Acute vision and sense of smell make hunting accessible to the greyhound even in the dark. Podenco Ibicenco is still used for hunting, and is also used in greyhound racing or simply kept as a pet. This breed can grow up to 72 cm in height and weigh up to 30 kg.

Develop speed up to 40 km/h

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Keeping a toy terrier does not require much effort or significant financial investment.
  • The dog does not take up much space in the apartment and is easily transported when moving.
  • The animal is distinguished by devotion and high intelligence.

The negative qualities of the breed include:

  • Difficult and quarrelsome character.
  • Predisposition to limb injuries, as well as ear and eye diseases.
  • Tendency to overeat.

The toy terrier must master the commands included in the OKD (general training course). Not every owner has enough patience and endurance to fully train a dog. The pet is poorly aware of its size and can be seriously injured or killed during a fight with a larger dog. Dogs do not tolerate cold winds and low temperatures well, so the owner should purchase special clothing for his pet.

Italian Greyhound

The breed of small Italian hound is more than two thousand years old. It was bred on the territory of the current states of Turkey and Greece. Miniature, graceful, easy-going, they especially attracted Europeans, becoming companions and pets of many royalty. Their height does not exceed 40 cm, and the weight of an adult is on average 5 kg, the coat is smooth, monochrome or polychrome in color. Now considered decorative, Italian greyhounds are unusually strong and resilient; they are excellent hunters of hares, squirrels and other small rodents.

Their average running speed is 40 km/h.

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