Armenian Wolfhound Gampr: photo of the dog, characteristics of the breed

Usage:universal working dog
Color:any except brown and liver
Dimensions:63-67 cm, 45-65 kg
Lifespan:11-13 years old

Gampr is an ancient indigenous breed. It originated in rocky Armenia. These are intelligent animals, impressive with their rugged beauty and attractiveness. Pets are more than dogs - they are friends. And you need to treat them as partners.

Gampr breed standard

Gampr or Armenian Wolfhound is a strong, healthy, robust dog. Its exterior differs little from the appearance of its ancestors. This is because the breed was not adjusted to the standard - within the species there are dogs with different appearances.

Armenian Gampras got their varied appearance from wolves. Even modern dogs have interbred with their wild counterparts, either intentionally or accidentally.

The standard of Armenian wolfhounds is more of a general description of the breed than clear requirements for what the head, coat, paws, back, etc. should be like. That’s why the dogs are so different from each other in the photo and in real life. But in general, these are powerful animals with an elongated body, but not heavy, fast and dexterous in work.

ParameterIKU standard No. 204
HeightMales 67 cm, females 63 cm. Greater height is allowed with a harmonious physique.
Weight45-65 kg, maybe more.
FrameSlightly stretched. The chest is voluminous, falls below the elbows, the stomach is tucked. The back is straight, wide, with a muscular loin and a powerful neck of medium length.
HeadPowerful, large. The skull is wide, smoothly blending into the muzzle.
NoseLarge, black.
EarsThey stand wide, just below the eye line. Natural or docked.
EyesRecessed, clearly defined, almond-shaped, brown in color.
TailIt stands high, the base is wide. The shape is straight, curved into a half ring or in the form of a sickle. Cupping is allowed.
LimbsParallel, with defined muscles. The hind ones are longer than the front ones.
PawsRound, in a lump.
WoolDouble coat, with dense undercoat. Hair length is 2.5-6 cm. The hair on the front legs and muzzle is shorter than on the rest of the body.
ColorAny. A dark-colored mask is desirable.

Disqualifying faults

The Armenian Gampr is punished or removed from the ring for the following defects:

  • brown or liver color;
  • disproportionate physique;
  • light eyes and nose;
  • goggle-eyed;
  • sagging back or stomach;
  • bite that does not meet the standard;
  • lack of undercoat;
  • congenital defects - deafness, blindness;
  • cryptorchidism.

A dog is definitely culled if it is cowardly, aggressive, or vicious.

How is it different from alabai

Wolfhound (dog): what the breed looks like, types

Gampras are larger than Alabais. They are very similar in appearance, but the Armenian breed can be distinguished by its characteristic almond-shaped eyes and intelligent, serious look. Alabais behave calmer and generally look more melancholy.

Disqualification and disadvantages of the breed

The Armenian Aboriginal Shepherd must meet the standards listed above. The disadvantage is, for example, the discrepancy with the specified dimensions, both in height and in weight. A long loin, light eyes, a sagging belly - all this is also considered a disadvantage, and the owner of such an animal must understand this.

But disqualification requires more serious things, such as blindness or deafness, as well as the absence of a double undercoat.


The Armenian dog breed Gampr is more than a dog. The pet considers itself a person with appropriate rights.

Gampr is a loyal dog. But this loyalty does not come from innate love for a person. For the Armenian Wolfhound it is important to be part of the family, to feel equal to other people. Bringing a puppy into the house and feeding it is not enough. You need to make friends with him, take into account his opinion, character, mood.

Only in such conditions will the Armenian Gampr grow up to be a faithful dog, ready to protect the owner and his family. If the dog understands that he is perceived as a dog, and not as a partner, he will find another friend.

These qualities of a dog are impossible without sensitivity. Therefore, gampr, first of all, gets close to children and women, because they are more emotional. Only then does he become attached to the head of the family. He considers him the main one and always obeys him.

However, the subordination of the wolfhound is peculiar. It doesn't bend and doesn't get used up. If it seems to the pet that the owner is wrong, he will refuse to obey and insist on his own version.

However, the opinion of the Armenian gampra is worth listening to. Dogs have excellent intelligence and intuition. In a difficult situation, they make their own decisions with lightning speed. And it turns out to be the only true one.


Making up for lost time in the last century, the Canine Union of Armenia has devoted all its efforts to restoring the dogs of the Armenian highlands, and therefore the export of gamprs from Armenia is currently strictly limited. Nowadays, the breeding of Armenian wolfhounds is carried out primarily by people interested in preserving the breed itself, who know its background and care about its future.

Gampr on a walk


Thanks to the hard work of Violetta Gabrielyan, breeders who previously bred Gamper clandestinely got the opportunity to officially register their kennels in the Kennel Union of Armenia. The number of nurseries where you can purchase Gampra is extremely small, and it makes no sense for potential owners to count on financially profitable offers if they are aiming to buy a purebred puppy. By 2015, 5 nurseries were registered: “Mkhitar”, “Karpat”, “Vagharshapat”, “White Gumpr”, “Vanap”, and their number is gradually growing.

Bravery and curiosity are inherent in Gampras from early childhood.

Requirements for the owner

Raising an Armenian Wolfhound is a difficult and energy-consuming task, so beginners are not advised to start their acquaintance with dogs with this breed. Gampr is suitable for an owner with a firm hand, who is able to show the pet its place, without allowing himself to be too soft, but also without going to extremes.

General recommendations

It is recommended to purchase puppies that are already three months old - this is explained by the specificity of the maturation of gamprs. A six-month-old gampra can no longer be distinguished from an adult dog, while a two-month-old dog is still too young to meet its owner. As a rule, puppies are active and sociable, often running up to their potential owner. Cowardice and uncertainty are not typical for this breed.

Gampra puppies grow very quickly

Purchasing Tips

When buying a puppy you must:

  • feel the puppy’s belly - a swollen or hard belly indicates pathology;
  • feel the ribs - balls in the rib area that are invisible at first glance may be a consequence of rickets, which develops in the puppy due to improper feeding;
  • feel the paws - you should feel slightly protruding cartilaginous growth points on them in the area of ​​the folds;
  • Inspect your ears - they should be clean and free of unpleasant odor.

Gampr puppies in the kennel

Possible nicknames

Of course, you can give the puppy any favorite nickname, however, if you want to reflect the Armenian roots of the wolfhound, below you can find some options for “native” names:

Table 3. Nicknames for wolfhounds

Ara - legendary heroGadar – “top of the mountain; white, beautiful, pure"
Diran – “controls”Kohar – “precious stone”
Ardak – “honor”Arpi – “sun”
Azat – “free, independent”Armanush – “beautiful late flower”

Armenian Gampr puppy price

The price range varies, on average, a purebred puppy costs $700-900. Despite the fact that nurseries providing Armenian wolfhounds are also appearing outside the CIS, it is recommended to purchase purebred puppies directly in their homeland - the Caucasus.

Gampr in his native lands


Gampr is a universal working dog. In its homeland, this breed is called differently, depending on what functions a particular dog performs. So:

  • wolfhounds are called gailhecht;
  • archashun - bear hunters;
  • Khovvashun means shepherd dog, shepherd;
  • potorkashun – rescuer;
  • just a gampr - a watchman, a guard dog.

The Armenian Wolfhound is magnificent in any role. But his best qualities are protective. Even six-month-old juniors determine in seconds the boundaries of the territory, the number of people under their care, and do not lose their vigilance for a moment.

At the same time, the gampr is balanced. He will not attack a stranger unless he sees a clear threat. Even in danger, the pet’s goal is to eliminate the ill-wisher, but not to cripple. However, a massive Armenian dog will scare away anyone with just its menacing appearance and loud bark. Therefore, it is unlikely that there will be brave men who dare to compete with this mighty guard.

The guard qualities of Gampras are less pronounced. The protection of people is in their blood, and property is secondary for dogs. It is realistic that during a robbery the dog will herd the family and allow the thief to take things out.

It is unacceptable to turn the Armenian Gampr into a sofa dog. This is a working dog, he needs to feel useful. Guarding a home, property, grazing livestock, hunting - any activity that just requires working side by side with a person.

Diseases of Armenian wolfhounds

Pets are distinguished by excellent health, this is due to the influx of wolf blood. These animals are not susceptible to allergies; they are endowed with fairly good immunity and impeccable body resistance to ectoparasites and helminths.

In addition, like all shepherd dogs, Gampras have health difficulties and a tendency to certain pathologies:

  1. Dislocations of the elbow joints.
  2. Ear disease.
  3. Dysplasia.

The excellent health of a pet, unfortunately, does not protect it from viral infections and the rabies virus, so they must be regularly vaccinated and treated against fleas and ticks.


The Armenian dog Gampr is affectionate with children. For her, they are something like stupid puppies or lambs from the herd. The animal allows the kids to do whatever they want with him, and will never snap at the kids.

However, it is not recommended to leave children under 10 years of age and gampros alone. The dog is neat, but is not able to keep track of the omnipresent little one - the latter can deliberately crawl under the dog or collide with it. Until the child learns how to handle the animal, communication is controlled by adults.

Armenian Gampras do not take children seriously. They are condescending and ironic even towards adults who grew up before their eyes.

The Gampr breed gets along well with other pets. Dogs do not have conflicts; they love to take care of the weak. However, harmonious relationships are impossible without proper introduction of animals, education and socialization of the dog.

Attitude towards children

The Shepherd treats all members of its family very affectionately and with excitement, since it considers itself a full member. Moreover, the dog has a special attitude towards children, since they are the weakest and require comprehensive protection. Today, most dog handlers are amazed by this attitude towards human cubs.

In relation to other people's children, everything is much more complicated here. The shepherd herself determines the level of threat; if she assumes that a stranger’s child poses a danger to her people, she will be able to independently decide to attack. However, this behavior is more often observed in other animals than in humans. Aggression towards a person is an exception to the rule rather than a common practice.

Yandex pictures


There is an opinion among breeders that Armenian wolfhounds are raised on their own. This is partly true - shepherding and protective qualities are in the pets’ blood, they show them even without special training.

But this does not mean that the puppy will independently grow into an obedient dog without behavioral problems. Armenian wolfhounds need socialization, education and training from an early age. It is advisable to teach obedience skills and commands from OKD for up to six months. It is almost impossible to cope with a grown-up, uncontrollable junior.

Take into account the pet's temperament. The Armenian dog breed Gampr remains a puppy for up to 2 years. Until this age, she is not overworked.

In addition, demanding impeccable obedience from wolfhounds is stupid. These are not service dogs. They have their own opinion and vision of life. Dogs do not obey and do not follow commands - they listen to the advice and requests of the owner.


Gampr is a breed with a long history. The first documentary mentions of it date back to the 1st millennium BC. e. The age of rock paintings depicting hunting scenes is even older – 3 thousand years. It is believed that the animals' ancestors were domesticated wolves.

Wolfhounds from Armenia have served as a protector and friend of man for hundreds of years. They took part in the military campaigns of Tigran II. Members of the royal family were rescued. As evidenced by the records of the historian of the 5th century. Movses Khorenatsi.

Cynologists have shown interest in Gampras as an independent breed relatively recently. At first it was classified as a variety of Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Dogs received official status only in 2011. At the same time, they were recognized as a national treasure of Armenia.

Maintenance and care

You can keep a large, freedom-loving Armenian wolfhound only in suburban conditions. He needs a home with a spacious yard, a large enclosure, a protective canopy from the sun and a warm kennel for cold weather.

It is impossible to put a gampra on a chain - no dog has ever been taught kindness by a leash, it only develops territorial aggression and behavioral problems. Plus you need space for walking.

Armenian Gampras will not walk sedately along the city streets. These are the children of mountains, fields and forests. And that’s the only place for them.


Armenian wolfhounds are unpretentious. Plus they live in the yard, so pet care is minimal. They are needed:

  • bathe 3-6 times a year - if the dog gets dirty, wash it extra often, but not more than once a month;
  • brush with a slicker brush and a massage brush twice a week, during the molting period - every day;
  • trim nails if they do not grind down on their own;
  • Brush your teeth weekly, remove oxide from your eyes, inspect your ears and remove dirt and plaque from them with a napkin.


Even if the Armenian Gampr runs around the yard around the clock, walks are vital. They are not only a way to release energy, but also a method to establish trust with the owner.

During the walk, the wolfhound is allowed to run and play freely. They only take him on a leash in crowded places. At the same time, they practice commands, herding and guarding skills.

Each walk lasts 1-1.5 hours. Walk the gampra 2-3 times a day.


Dogs of the Gampr breed do not go overboard with food; they eat everything that is offered to them. Most breeders choose natural food - it is cheaper than drying. Plus it can be varied.

Since the Armenian Gampr is a native breed, it digests raw meat better than prepared food.

Regardless of the type of diet, be sure to:

  • provide chondoprotectors, calcium, bone meal;
  • supplements with vitamins C, A, E, D, group B are introduced - the choice of feeding is agreed with the veterinarian.
  • buy bowls on a stand with adjustable height - they are installed at chest level, which prevents spinal defects.


For a working dog, it is important that the diet is balanced and complete. The basis of the daily diet of working dogs in the Caucasus is meat, as well as eggs and ready-made porridge in broth.

For show dogs, it is recommended to use high-quality balanced food with a high protein content and additional fortification. Experts recommend using high-quality premium food mixtures to feed your dog.

If your dog's diet lacks animal proteins, serious health problems can develop. Lack of minerals affects the health of the skeleton and teeth.

Lion health gampro

The Armenian dog breed Gampr is strong and free of genetic pathologies. She rarely gets sick, and once she catches an infection, she develops immunity to a particular pathogen for life.

Armenian Gampras live 11-13 years. Diseases are rare and are mainly due to improper care. From 5-8 years of age, pets may develop arthritis, arthrosis, and disorders of the cardiovascular system.


No matter how good the health of Armenian wolfhounds, they need vaccination. First of all, pets are vaccinated against rabies - dogs are often outdoors, meeting foxes, hedgehogs, and badgers. Additionally, vaccinations against:

  • leptospirosis;
  • carnivore plague;
  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • leptospirosis;
  • parainfluenza.

Possible diseases

When planning to buy this breed, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the list of preventive measures necessary to maintain health. There are no specific diseases that are specific to this breed.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by strong immunity and resistance to infectious diseases. But this does not cancel prevention - it is necessary to vaccinate in a timely manner, monitor nutrition and comply with hygiene requirements.

How to choose a Gampr puppy

The Armenian Gampr is a rare breed. Since the dogs are still considered a subspecies of Caucasian Shepherds, confusion in litters is common. Unscrupulous breeders buy large puppies of short-haired shepherd dogs (Caucasian or Central Asian), breed them with each other and sell them under the guise of the national breed of Armenia.

Almost all nurseries that breed Gampras are located on the territory of Armenia. They are controlled by KKSKA. Buying a puppy is not easy - you will have to submit an application and stand in line for the planned mating.

Therefore, future owners rarely have the opportunity to see puppies and their parents in person - all they have to do is leaf through photographs of the manufacturers. And it’s not possible to choose a specific kitten - whichever the breeder gives, that’s what they buy.

However, the puppy should be examined before signing the contract. If it is impossible to visit the nursery, ask the breeder to record a video. He will demonstrate the bite, the condition of the ears, eyes, palpate the stomach, and show the baby in play and running.

Additionally take into account that:

  • The nose, paw pads and eyelids of puppies up to 4 months may be pink - they will darken later;
  • the head should be large, the paws should be powerful, the coat should be short and soft;
  • An underbite is allowed - it develops into a scissor bite, but not in all dogs.

Be sure to check the certificate of registration of the nursery, permission to breed Gampras, pedigrees of producers, certificates of victories in exhibitions.

Owner reviews


I’m in love with this breed like a maniac. I had a girl, half a year old, I gave it away for good reasons, I didn’t want to take her into an apartment for a long time, I didn’t want to disfigure and torture the dog in such conditions. Now life is getting better, home, Earth. In the spring I want to go to Armenia for Gampr, I will never part with him again, the dog is a miracle in all respects. I took it from Vialetta Yurievna. Maybe someone else knows what nurseries are in Armenia, please tell me. The dog is just a fairy tale.

Danel Akar

A wolfhound cannot be turned into a watchdog to protect the house. A wolfhound in the house.

I bought a house ten kilometers from the city. The whole family has been dreaming about it for a long time. finally it's done! We decided to move immediately and renovate the new home gradually. The only thing that urgently needed to be done was to resolve the issue of protecting the newly acquired property; after all, there were children in the house, and a lot of family property had accumulated over the years.

We discussed the problem at a family council and decided to purchase a watchdog. This suited everyone - my wife and I could easily go to work in the city, my mother-in-law would not have to worry about uninvited guests, and the children... the children had long dreamed of having a dog. We decided that our dog should be big, strong, kind, faithful and furry. They searched for a long time and finally found a puppy, a shepherd dog of the ancient Armenian breed of wolfhound “Gampr”. A year later he turned into a huge dog that met all our custom parameters. Everyone loved Bardora, that was his name, and people in the area soon learned about the appearance of a unique dog and came to marvel at the four-legged miracle.

We settled down, the house was filled with many items for a prosperous existence, and the dog became one of the members of our friendly family. But one day, on a fine Sunday, when the whole family was at home, the dog began to show unusual restlessness - he ran up to one or the other and in every possible way demanded to follow him. His actions were persistent and understandable - he called with his eyes, pushed with his muzzle, usually silent, whined, so that, in the end, he managed to gather all the perplexed family members on the veranda. Only after this Bardor calmed down somewhat, but continued to walk around those gathered and stopped any attempt to go beyond the circle he had defined. A little less than an hour passed and the dog suddenly lost all interest in us - she walked away and lay down on her mat. Nobody understood anything.

Discussing the strange behavior of our pet, we went our separate ways. Everything became clear very soon - screams from the household began to be heard from the house - we had been robbed. The thieves took away all the valuables, from a huge plasma TV to cupronickel silver spoons.

Accusations rained down on the dozing dog - after all, everything happened at that hour when the whole family was sitting as hostages on the veranda. The dog sincerely did not understand his guilt. Everything became clear later. The fact is that the age-old inclinations of a herd guard have awakened in the dog. After all, the breed is a shepherd and its main task has always been to protect sheep or cows from wolves. And the dog clearly fulfilled his purpose and, sensing the presence of strangers, he herded the “herd” into a heap and saved it.

It is extremely important when deciding on the purchase of a dog to determine exactly why you need it!


We got a gampr to guard our house. But after a short time we realized that this was not just a security guard, but a member of the family, like each of us. In some incredible way, he always knows what to do and even carries out many commands. Although no one purposefully taught him this. Our dog runs freely around the yard, and only at night we lock him in an enclosure. I have never met a calmer dog. And what’s most interesting is that the dog practically does not bark, but simply mutters threateningly. It is very easy to care for, which is also a big plus for me.


Five years ago we moved into our own house and before Gampr I only had cats. My husband is on business trips almost all the time, and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to handle raising such a dog. But Rey is the smartest dog in the world. He understands everything, it’s a pity that he can’t say anything. And in the absence of my husband, I am absolutely not afraid to be at home alone, since I know that my faithful Ray is sensitively watching over my peace on the porch.


How much do puppies cost?

The price of Gamprov is moderate. The average cost of a puppy is 40,000 rubles. If the owner offers a kitten for less than 30,000 rubles. - It’s better not to take it. This is not a purebred Armenian wolfhound, but a crossbreed.

Armenian wolfhound puppies from champions that are of breeding value or belong to the show class cost more. Prices for them start from 50,000 rubles. and reach 70-80 thousand rubles.

Armenian wolfhound nurseries

In Russia, only 2 nurseries breed Armenian wolfhounds. These are “Tavros” and “Athos”, both are located in the Krasnodar region.

The main Gampr population is in Armenia. You can find out information about existing nurseries and their addresses on the KKSKA “Aragil” website

Also, information about breeders is located on this resource -

Gampr is not a common breed. In Armenia there are up to 2,000 of them, in other countries the representatives number in the hundreds. The low popularity is partly explained by the complex content - in order to become a happy owner of a dog, you will have to leave the city and buy a house on the outskirts of civilization.


A bitch's pregnancy is a period when it is necessary to reconsider her diet and pay special attention to her health.

Clubs of Armenian Wolfhound lovers in many countries work to preserve the breed, so each litter receives maximum attention from specialists.

To avoid joint problems, the bitch should receive additional vitamins and minerals. It is better if they are selected by a competent veterinarian.

The owner will be required to set up a quiet place for the animal, take it for walks more often and ensure that there is no heavy stress.


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