Height and weight of Alabai by month from birth to adulthood

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, Alabai or Turkmen Wolfhounds have recently become very popular pets. Some people buy purebred puppies solely for protection purposes, while most owners keep massive dogs for their stature, phlegmatic character, devotion to humans and an unusually tenacious mind. When raising a well-fed puppy, the natural question becomes: to what age does a large pet grow, is there a pattern between the height and weight of the animal depending on age, how much does an alabai weigh?

Weight and height of Alabai by month

Data from users of the website pets-mf.ru
Age (months)123456789101112
Weight, kg)3194045
Height (cm)26357070

Alabay, Central Asian Shepherd Dog, or Turkmen Wolfhound. During the USSR, cynologists brought single specimens to Moscow, and they became the founders of modern Asians in Russia. An adult animal can weigh from 50 to 80 kg. and reach a height at the withers of 60–80 cm.

Fact: this breed was officially classified only in 1993, and the new Alabai breed standard was approved in 2010. Alabais are not very common in the world, because they, along with horses, are the property of Turkmenistan and there is a ban on export.

Characteristics of Alabai puppies

The expression “they count chickens in the fall” is very appropriate about this breed. There are no unambiguous indicators of the norm for Asians, since their weight and height vary greatly. Sometimes a small puppy then catches up or even overtakes its brothers, and, conversely, the previously leaders remain a little behind. Below are the average indicators of an Alabai puppy by age.

Weight and height of Alabai 1 month

The average weight of Alabai at birth ranges from 350 - 550 grams, by the age of one month they reach 3 - 5 kg, the height at the withers varies from 25 to 30 cm. During this period they have short legs and a slightly elongated body.

Weight and height of Alabai 2 months

Two-month-old puppies are at the stage of active growth, their skeleton is being formed. Little Asians increase their weight to 9 - 10 kg, while their height does not change much, they reach 30 - 35 cm.

Weight and height of Alabai 3 months

Alabai puppies grow unevenly, usually by the age of three months with proper care and a balanced diet, they can reach 15 - 20 kg. weight and grow up to 40 – 45 cm.

Weight and height of Alabai 4 months

At this time, intensive growth begins, the dog gains weight up to 25 - 30 kg, its height reaches 50 - 55 cm. During this period, it grows quite well in height, and its body has a narrow, elongated shape.

Weight and height of Alabai 5 months

From the age of five months, the dog's growth and energy requirements do not decrease much, and weight and height indicators begin to slow down. The puppy reaches 35 – 37 kg, with a height at the withers of up to 55 – 58 cm.

Weight and height of Alabai 6 months

From the age of six months, the Asian begins to grow in width; he has a fairly large bone structure and a correctly proportioned body. The puppy gains up to 45 – 50 kg. and grows up to 60 – 66 cm.

Weight and height of Alabai 9 months

A nine-month-old Alabai has the size of an adult animal and is developing muscle mass. An Asian can gain up to 60–70 kg. its weight and height at the withers can reach up to 75 – 80 cm.

The Alabai puppy grows quite quickly and at 9 months of age has the characteristics of an adult animal. Subsequently, the dog begins to get stronger, becomes more mature, as a result of which it decreases in height by 3-5 cm. Moreover, this does not spoil it at all, since the Asian grows up to be a respectable and large handsome man.

Interesting! It is believed that the veins of Asians contain the blood of fighting and herding breeds, as well as the black Tibetan wolf.

How to raise a healthy dog ​​- feeding rules

For the first 10–14 days, the pet should receive the same food that the breeder fed it. This way, you reduce stress levels and avoid indigestion due to a sudden change in diet. Even if you plan to feed the dog “natural”, and the breeder prefers drying, buy food of the same brand with a supply of 15 days, starting from the 10th day, transfer the puppy to the diet of your choice using the admixture method.

Important! When feeding your puppy dry food, it is recommended to soak the granules in warm water 7-10 minutes before serving.

Natural feeding of Alabai puppies involves a diet enriched with proteins and microelements. For proper muscle formation, the baby should receive a menu of 50% meat (up to 15% offal), milk and dairy products, 10–25% cereals, 10–25% vegetables and fruits. Equally important are oils, dairy products, eggs, ocean fish (if the dog likes it) and vitamin supplements for large, fast-growing breeds. Monitor your pet's weight carefully. Obesity, especially at a young age, will lead to joint diseases, and even their physical deformation.

List of prohibited products

It is important to exclude prohibited foods from the Alabai puppy’s diet:

  • Bones, pure fat, skin, especially poultry.
  • Palm oil.
  • Grapes, raisins.
  • Soy.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Corn and semolina.
  • Raw freshwater fish.
  • Dry, salted fish.
  • Products containing sugar or sugar substitutes.
  • Products containing xylitol (chewing gum, some sweets).
  • Products containing flour or yeast.
  • Products containing caffeine, cocoa, any stimulants (sweets, tea, coffee, chocolate).
  • Products containing marinades, salt, spices.
  • Smoked products, including sausages, balyki, fish.
  • Expired products.
  • Leftovers from the table.

The consumption of a number of products is associated with the risk of an allergic reaction. Such products should be introduced into the diet carefully, in small quantities.

Controversial products are:

  • Lean raw pork.
  • Raw ocean fish.
  • Whole milk.
  • Honey.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Raw and boiled chicken liver in large quantities.

If the dog feels good after eating controversial foods, they are left in the diet. By the way, lactose intolerance is extremely rare among Alabais.

Alabai puppy weight by month - we monitor the development of the puppies together

Alabai, Turkmen wolfhound, Central Asian shepherd dog - all these are names of the same breed of dog. Central Asians are not found very often; they are considered a kind of curiosity - Turkmenistan considers them the property of the country and does not allow them to be exported abroad.

Another name for the Alabai breed is the Turkmen Vokodav

The official classification of Turkmen wolfhounds occurred in 1993, and new standards were adopted in 2010.

How do Central Asians grow up?

If we talk about how a puppy grows, then it is worth remembering that this breed does not have a norm, as such. Experienced dog handlers note that the height and weight of different Alabai puppies are so different that there is no need to talk about any generally accepted values.

It happens that at 1 month a puppy weighs much less than other babies, and then his height and weight begin to grow rapidly. And at 3 months he overtakes Alabai puppies, which until recently were larger than him.

Therefore, in the case of Alabai, the table showing weight and height by month is not informative enough. Below we will talk about how, in general terms, the weight and height of an Alabai puppy changes according to the observations of dog handlers, but you should not panic if your pet’s indicators differ from the given values.

Age changes in Central Asians since birth

  • At the time of birth, babies weigh about 350 - 550 g. The weight of an Alabai puppy in a 1-month period already reaches 3 - 5 kg. The puppy's height at the withers ranges from 25 to 30 cm. Usually he has an elongated body and very short legs.
  • The height and weight of the Alabai at 2 months grow extremely rapidly and at the same time the bones of the skeleton are formed. The weight of a puppy is usually 9 - 10 kg, and the height at the withers changes slightly - only up to 30 - 35 cm. At the same time, some owners manage to make sure that the small size of the Alabai at 1 month of age does not indicate what it will become later.

Puppies grow very quickly

  • At 3 months, an Alabai puppy on average reaches 15 - 20 kg and grows to 40 - 45 cm. However, it should be remembered that at 3 months of age, an Alabai puppy has a very wide range of sizes. How much a baby weighs largely depends on proper and balanced nutrition.
  • At 4 months, growth continues to be intense, the dog looks much larger than at 3 months. It gains up to 25 - 30 kg and grows to 50 - 55 cm. The skeleton becomes narrower and takes on an elongated outline.
  • At the age of five months, the intensity of growth gradually decreases, the dog gains up to 35 - 37 kg, and the height at the withers is 55 - 58 cm.
  • Six-month-old dogs begin to expand in width, their bones grow and their body acquires the correct proportions. The average weight is 45–50 kg, and the height at the withers reaches 75–80 cm.
  • The nine-month-old dog looks completely grown up, gradually stops growing, and muscle tissue is forming. He gains up to 60 - 70 kg and grows to 75 - 80 cm.

Next comes maturation, during which the dog may become several centimeters shorter, but at the same time it noticeably grows stronger and “matters.” Dogs of this species are distinguished by their beautiful body, enviable proportions and great strength.


Height and weight of Alabai by month from birth to adulthood

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, Alabai or Turkmen Wolfhounds have recently become very popular pets. Some people buy purebred puppies solely for protection purposes, while most owners keep massive dogs for their stature, phlegmatic character, devotion to humans and an unusually tenacious mind. When raising a well-fed puppy, the natural question becomes: to what age does a large pet grow, is there a pattern between the height and weight of the animal depending on age, how much does an alabai weigh?

The largest representative of the breed

The largest Alabai in the world is considered to be a dog named Bulldozer. He lives in the Stavropol region. The weight of a representative of this breed is 130 kg, and his height, if he stands on his paws, is 2 m.

The dog has won many awards in completely different parts of the world. Despite its impressive size, the animal is balanced, calm and good-natured. Outside the ring, this dog has never bitten anyone in his entire life.

Note! Turkmen Alabais are attentive and noble dogs by nature. They never set themselves the goal of injuring the enemy, even during battle.

His owner could not even imagine that, by purchasing an Alabai dog, the height and weight of his pet would reach such indicators.

Factors such as genetics and regular training, as well as proper maintenance and nutrition, primarily helped the dog achieve success. The owner paid a lot of attention to his pet and provided regular exercise. Bulldozer won his first fight at the age of three.

Bulldozer - the largest Alabai

When growing Alabai, every owner of these amazing animals should know that they grow unevenly, and the statistics of height and weight are averaged. It is possible to raise a graceful, handsome puppy from a clumsy puppy only if he has good heredity, and also when he is provided with the necessary conditions of keeping and feeding. Regular physical activity is important. Only by observing all this can you raise a beautiful, healthy and large dog that will become an excellent guard and companion.

To what age do alabai grow?

Alabai grows in height for up to 8 months, although some individuals may experience slight growth for up to 10 months. During this period, with high-quality nutrition and the introduction of calcium-containing supplements into the diet, intensive lengthening of the body and limbs occurs. At 1 year old, an Alabai puppy already looks like an adult dog, with a narrow torso and undeveloped muscles.

The growth of the Alabai occurs unevenly over the months, from 2 to 8 months the height at the withers triples, then up to 10 months there is an increase of no more than 10%. The weight of the Central Asian Shepherd also increases at an intensive rate up to six months, then an increase of no more than 30% is observed.

When is weaning from the mother?

At about 2 weeks, complementary foods are already introduced into the puppy’s diet and every day he depends less and less on his mother. But he still needs her - the puppy adopts the basic norms of behavior from the bitch.

To make the puppy’s adaptation to new living conditions as easy and painless as possible, it is better to separate him from his mother at 8-12 weeks of life.

At this age, he has a positive attitude towards other animals getting closer to people, is ready to learn and has not yet had time to feel like a leader.

Alabai height and weight chart

The main question for the owners of Central Asian Shepherd puppies is how much the pet weighs at birth and by month, and how tall at the withers a growing dog should be. The growth dynamics of Alabais is a very average concept, since Central Asian Shepherds grow very unevenly.

Sometimes, a cute baby, who has the smallest height and weight at birth, overtakes his brothers and sisters within 2-3 months, turning into a massive handsome man. Or, exactly the opposite, the largest well-fed puppies quickly grow in height only up to 6-7 months, and by 12 months, compared to their peers, they look short with undeveloped muscles.

The height and weight of a large animal largely depend on feeding, care and training, heredity and individual characteristics of a particular dog, therefore there are no strict standards for Alabai puppies depending on the age of the pet. Girls and boys develop and gain weight at different rates. Adult males look more massive and intimidating than females of the same age.

Male and female Central Asian Shepherd

Veterinary specialists and dog handlers have developed a table of height and weight of Central Asian Shepherd puppies depending on age, thanks to which the owner of a growing pet can monitor the compliance of the dog’s parameters by month.

It is worth saying that the table shows the average weight and height of the Alabai, since puppies of even the same litter grow very unevenly.

Table of height and weight of Alabai puppy by month

Puppy age, monthHeight at the withers of a male, cmHeight at the withers of the female, cmMale weight, kgBitch weight, kg

The height of an adult Alabai can sometimes be 78-85 cm; there are males up to 96-98 cm at the withers. But with high height or weight, serious health pathologies and deviations in exterior characteristics are observed, which negatively affects ratings in international and Russian exhibitions, recommendations for use in breeding. It is much more important that, with average values, the pet is proportionally built and has girths of the head, muzzle and pastern corresponding to its age, which are used to judge the correct formation of the body and compliance with generally accepted standards.

The weight of an Alabai puppy varies very unevenly over the months depending on the age and individual characteristics of the dog. From 1 month to six months there is a very intensive weight gain, and the weight of the young pet increases almost 7 times, mainly due to the growing bones. Up to a year, the weight increases by only 2 times; during this period, the growth of the skeleton is completed and the formation of muscles occurs. The question – how much should a Central Asian Shepherd puppy weigh at a certain age is also incorrect, since the development of the musculoskeletal system in pets occurs in completely different ways.

Proper maintenance and care of the dog

The best option for housing a pet would, of course, be a spacious open-air enclosure and a cozy, private “apartment” - a kennel, from which the dog must have a full view of the protected area.

The wool has two layers and a warm dense undercoat, as in the photo of a purebred Alabai, so it can easily withstand severe frosts.

Since the dog lives on the street, its care is minimal, but we must not forget about regular eye cleaning, bathing and combing out excess shedding hair.

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You also need to clean your ears to avoid ear infections. Naturally, like any other pet, you need to carry out flea and tick prevention.

Alabai puppy development by months

Despite the different rates of growth and weight gain in Central Asian Shepherd puppies, there is a certain dependence of these parameters on the age of the growing pet. The owner of a baby under the age of one year is recommended to carry out control weighing and measurement of the dog’s body girth once a month to monitor the harmonious development of the animal. Significant growth retardation or excessive weight gain before the age of 8-10 months can still be corrected with nutrition and medications; after a year, it is no longer possible to change the formed skeleton.

Weight and height of Alabai at birth

Newborn Central Asian Shepherd puppies have a round, dense body with short legs and a large rounded head. The babies are still quite clumsy and look like small fluffy “barrels”. The weight of the Alabai at birth must be at least 350-550 g, otherwise the babies are considered weak and are subject to culling.

Alabai puppy age 1 week

One month

Provided there are no congenital pathologies and sufficient breast milk production, a lactating bitch will experience a significant increase in weight and height of furry pets during the first 4 weeks of life.

Character formation and periods of social adaptation

Alabai babies up to two weeks of age need close physical contact with their mother and fellow tribesmen. On the 11th, 12th day of life, the puppies' eyes open, but full vision and hearing appear in the 3rd week, at the same time the sense of smell improves. Crawling puppies stand on their paws and begin to move. The urgent need for contact with the mother is lost.

Imprinting stage

At 4-7 weeks, puppies become more active and the need for games appears. It is at this age that the first quarrels in the brood arise. Socialization of Central Asian Shepherd puppies begins at the imprinting stage; they actively become acquainted with the environment, new objects, and strangers. During this period, an important aspect is interaction with a person, in order to eliminate later problems of communication with the owner. The more attention the puppies receive from the breeder at this age, the more open and friendly the character will be in the adult dog. The positive emotions of puppies received from the breeder program the dog’s memory.

Socialization stage

The best time to move to a family is 8-10 weeks of the baby’s life. Puppies at this age are predisposed to new communication and getting closer to people. At this stage of development, it is important to draw boundaries for correct behavior with your pet. It is at this age that one should show firmness and persistently show the pet that he is obliged to obey and carry out the orders of the owner. This should be done gently and consistently, and generously praised after completion. When raising an Alabai, it is important to maintain consistency in your own behavior; you cannot scold and praise for the same action; with such behavior, the dog will double-check the owner’s orders and will not carry them out in full. At this age, it is necessary to introduce the pet to other dogs, accustom it to wiring, and adapt it to urban conditions.

The beginning of youth

The age of 13-18 weeks marks the beginning of adolescence; the puppy’s character has not yet fully developed and can be adjusted. By the end of this time, the relationship between the human leader and the dog should be completely established.


5 - 6 months is a certain milestone for the Alabai in the formation of pack relationships. A grown-up puppy, with proper upbringing, already follows commands. At this time, the teeth are changing, the owner should treat the pet with increased patience, since the desire to gnaw on everything that attracts attention will be stronger than his good manners.

Growing up

This stage lasts up to 2 years. At the age of 8 - 9 months, Central Asian Shepherd puppies show initial signs of the guarding instinct and demonstrate protective behavior. The defense of one's territory becomes pronounced. Praise and approval from the leader of the pack will only strengthen the efforts of the shepherd dog. Over time, these skills only become stronger. During the period of growing up, it is important to maintain your own authority in the eyes of the dog; when punishing an Alabai, remember that rough measures are prohibited. By two years of age, the dog's character and behavior will become more consistent and fully conscious.

No matter how much the owner wants to extend the childhood of his “teddy bear,” time flies quickly. And already at 6 months the baby will look like a calf. Having a trusting relationship with your dog, by the age of two you will have the most devoted and faithful friend, a reliable guard and defender of the territory.

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