Irish Wolfhound: price of an adult dog and a puppy, facts from the history of the origin of the breed, training tips, 45 photos

Breed Traits and Behavior

Representatives of this breed are friendly and playful. They are not particularly patient, but they do not get angry over trifles. Attacking the owner is a great way to provoke aggression. People are treated peacefully if they do not see an open threat.

The dog is sweet with children. However, the hunting instinct is dangerous for small pets, such as cats.

The dog behaves independently and independently, despite its strong attachment to its owner. Active, does not like loneliness. This four-legged friend is not talkative.

Character and habits of Irish wolfhounds

Irish giants are friendly.

There are only two ways to provoke aggression from them:

  • If you attack a dog;
  • If you threaten the life of its owner.

They do not succumb to provocation from other dogs unless there is a direct threat. They are quite smart and able to make decisions on their own. Dogs get along well with other pets, but only with those who are around them from an early age. In other cases, the hunter's instinct may come into play.

Bearded giants are very patient with children and will never respond with aggression if a child accidentally hurts them while playing. The dog will simply move to the far corner of the room so that he will no longer be bothered. Despite this, you still shouldn’t leave them alone with small children.

They can be alone for some time, but most of all they love to be with everyone. At the same time, the dogs never get underfoot, but sit majestically next to them and carefully watch everyone, waiting for the household to need their help or communication. Irish Wolfhounds are considered the quietest dog breed. They speak only in exceptional cases, always behave very delicately, and try not to disturb anyone.

These animals cannot only be beaten, but also humiliated. Dogs are especially sensitive to voice intonation. They can be easily offended by cruelty, rudeness, and inattention. They are devoted to their owner and other household members. They will attack people who are strangers only if they pose a real danger. In other cases, the Irish completely lack aggression towards humans.

Appearance of dogs of the Irish Wolfhound breed

One glance at a photo of an Irish Wolfhound is not enough to understand in detail what representatives of this breed are like.

A shaggy dog ​​with coarse hair. Eyes, eyelids and lips are most often dark in color. He is muscular, but his movements are swift.

Color can be:

  • Tiger;
  • Palev;
  • Wheat;
  • Yellowish brown;
  • Red;
  • Black;
  • Gray;
  • White.

The height of the Irish Wolfhound is no less than 79 cm and 71 cm for males and females, respectively. The height can reach 86 cm.

  • Small, pink-shaped ears.
  • Long neck and elongated skull.
  • Long, straight paws with arched toes and claws.
  • The thighs are muscular, as is the whole body, including the neck.
  • Low hock joints.
  • The tail is not very thick, but it curves gracefully.

A visual description of the Irish Wolfhound breed is complemented by the photographs below.

Description of the Irish Wolfhound

According to the FCI classification, the Irish Wolfhound belongs to the greyhound dogs - this is the tenth group of the catalog; together with the Deerhound, it is included in the second section of the group - “wire-haired greyhounds”. The latest updates were made to the breed standard in 2001.


Its gigantic size is what first of all attracts attention in the appearance of the Irish Greyhound, but the breed’s exterior also has many other charismatic qualities.

The Irish Wolfhound is famous for its gigantic size

Table: Irish Wolfhound conformation according to FCI standard No. 160

Main articlesDescription
  • minimum height at the withers for females is 71 cm, for males - 79 cm;
  • minimum weight for females is 40.5 kg, for males - 54.5 kg;
  • The standard does not specify upper limits for height and weight.
  • imposing, powerful, yet elegant and proportional;
  • elongated body;
  • the chest and croup are wide;
  • muscles and ribs are well developed.
  • large, elongated, without contrasting bulges;
  • the teeth are “scissors”, but a direct bite is also acceptable;
  • eyes - as dark as possible;
  • the ears are small, in the shape of rose petals.
  • tall, strong, parallel;
  • the skeleton and muscles are developed, expressive;
  • the toes are well collected.
  • moderately thick;
  • long enough;
  • may be curved at the end.
  • rough, wiry;
  • especially harsh on the beard and above the eyes.
  • grey;
  • brindle;
  • red;
  • black;
  • white;
  • yellowish brown;
  • Small white spots on chest and paws are acceptable.

In movement, these dogs show lightness and flexibility, which was absolutely impossible to suspect in them.

The Wolfhound may seem lanky and even clumsy - but only until he runs: the movements of this breed fascinate with energy, productivity, and freedom.

Photo gallery: some colors of the Irish Wolfhound

Gray color is considered traditional for the breed White Wolfhunds look impressive, but they are often susceptible to allergies There are many options for brindle color, and each of them is exclusive

Elegant red dogs are becoming increasingly popular

Character and behavior

These dogs have a very strong psyche, they behave with dignity, balance and never become hysterical. And only the owners know how sensitive and emotional their pets are - Wolfhunds absolutely do not accept rudeness, harsh treatment and indifference. They are unusually attached to their owner and his family members, treat children with care and patience, and treat pets loyally.

Feel free to leave your children in the care of a Wolfhund: he will approach the matter with all responsibility and caution.

However, the hunting instinct can make itself felt at any moment, and then the greyhound will suddenly begin to perceive a cat or a budgie not as members of its pack, but as prey - with all the ensuing consequences.

Dog handlers characterize the Wolfhound this way: “At home it’s a sheep, but on the hunt it’s a lion.”

Disqualities and disadvantages

The breed standard calls the following deviations from the norm as serious shortcomings of the Irish Wolfhound:

  • head too light or too heavy;
  • too convex frontal bone;
  • twisted forelimbs; weak pasterns;
  • weak hind limbs and general underdevelopment of muscles;
  • body too short;
  • the back is sagging, over-tracked or straight;
  • large, flat hanging ears;
  • discoloration or clubfoot.
  • loose fingers;
  • short neck, dewlap;
  • chest too narrow or too wide;
  • tail too bent;
  • nose of any color other than black;
  • lips of any color other than black;
  • very light eyes, pink or liver-colored eyelids.

Only dogs with full teeth and correct bite are allowed for breeding.

Character Formation

The purpose of Irish wolfhounds is to hunt large animals and protect livestock. That's where the name came from.

  • Dogs of this breed were originally found with both smooth and hard coats.
  • But over time, due to the climate of Ireland, dogs with hard, wiry hair began to predominate.
  • A peaceful attitude towards people did not arise out of nowhere.
  • This breed was trained to bait hunt wolves, deer and other large game.
  • Dogs have no reason to fear humans.

The kind nature inherent in these four-legged dogs allows you to keep Irish Wolfhounds at home.


* We invite you to watch a video about the Irish Wolfhound . In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given dog breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what an Irish Wolfhound looks like.

In this article:
  • History of the origin of Irish wolfhounds
  • Irish Wolfhound - description of the breed
  • Popular colors of Irish Wolfhounds
  • Character and habits of Irish wolfhounds
  • Interesting facts about Irish Wolfhounds
  • Pros and cons of Irish Wolfhounds
  • Breeding Irish Wolfhounds
  • Caring for Irish Wolfhounds
  • Diet of Irish Wolfhounds
  • Diseases and health problems
  • Irish Wolfhound - price and how to buy it correctly

Health: Highlights

Dogs live on average 7-10 years, up to 14 under good conditions.

  • This breed loves movement. A sedentary lifestyle is harmful to your health. Every day you need to allocate at least two hours for physical activity.
  • A huge, active dog needs a balanced diet. Feeding 2-3 times a day.

There is no need to calculate all the components if you give preference to special dog food.

When choosing a natural diet, you should include the following products in your diet:

  • Lean meat (beef, lamb);
  • Protein;
  • Heat-treated vegetables;
  • Fermented milk (cottage cheese);
  • By-products;
  • Poultry (turkey, chicken);
  • Fish;
  • Porridge (preferably: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal).

The food is crushed because it is difficult for dogs to chew it thoroughly. After a meal, pets need to lie down for an hour and a half. Playing fast after eating can lead to digestive problems.

Diseases and health problems

The Irish Wolfhound has a number of pathologies and conditions characteristic of the breed:

  • Quite often dogs have stomach and intestinal problems. Animals suffer from excess gas formation, especially if they are regularly overfed or have low-quality food. The giant should be fed in small portions;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Congenital disease of the shoulder joint;
  • Dislocations of the kneecaps, abnormal development of the hip joints;
  • Diseases of the heads, including cataracts;
  • Atrial fibrillation;
  • Various skin infections;
  • Cancer of the bones of the extremities, spinal defects in the cervical quadrant;
  • Hypothyroidism.

The rapid growth of a puppy can lead to heart problems and improper bone healing. Some health problems can be avoided if you provide proper care and nutrition to your pet. It is forbidden to give the wolfhound food from the human table. Sweets, spicy and salty foods, and smoked foods are completely prohibited. It is necessary to provide the dog with clean drinking water in sufficient quantities. The bowl must be accessible at all times.

Hygiene is very important. You should monitor not only the condition of the coat, but also the presence of parasites on the animal’s skin. Fleas and ticks can lead to serious illnesses, as they spread dangerous infections. Insects cause severe allergic reactions, severe itching, dermatitis, and anemia. It is necessary to regularly carry out treatment against parasites, even if they are not visually visible. A veterinarian will help you choose an effective but safe remedy.

Foods that dogs should not eat

  • Fresh cow's milk;
  • Chocolate;
  • Onion and garlic;
  • Raw river fish;
  • Sweets;
  • Butter, margarine;
  • Sour cream;
  • Sausage, smoked meat, salted lard;
  • Boiled and raw bones;
  • Pearl barley;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Vinegar;
  • Seasonings and spices;
  • Tubular bones of a bird;
  • Bones of rabbits and sheep.

Pets' eyes also need care. They should be wiped with chamomile infusion at least once a week.

  • Ears are cleaned of wax with cotton swabs and disks. Be sure to use veterinary lotion.
  • Claws are trimmed as they grow.
  • Use the teeth cleaning brush once a week.
  • Dogs are prohibited from sleeping on hard surfaces.

The most common diseases

Irish Wolfhounds are extremely active. Their joints and blood vessels are at greater risk. Problems with the musculoskeletal system are the most common.

List of common diseases:

  • Bruises, sprained paws;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Volvulus;
  • Atrial fibrillation;
  • Gastric volvulus;
  • Ophthalmic diseases.

To avoid diseases, pets are vaccinated on time and monitored for daily physical activity and nutrition. Carry out regular inspections and consult with specialists.

Irish Wolfhound coat care

Wolfhounds have medium-length fur. There is no need to cut or shorten it. Hair on the face is prohibited from being cut.

A metal comb or brush is suitable for combing. After eating, food marks are wiped off the muzzle.

Dogs do not need frequent bathing. It is enough 1-2 times every six months using special shampoos for wire-haired breeds.

Walks: Highlights

Walking time:

  • For adults – 1 hour 2 times a day.
  • For puppies under 6 months of age – 15 minutes every 3 hours.

Use a belt leash. The dog is allowed to be released in a safe place where nothing poses a threat to it; she is not a threat to others. It is worth remembering that Irish wolfhounds are not averse to running after street cats.

When walking, pets should not be overtired by excessive physical activity. They should also be protected from parasites.

Pros and cons of Irish Wolfhounds

Getting any pet should be considered carefully, especially if it is a large breed dog such as the Irish Giant.

Let's look at the advantages of the Irish Wolfhound:

  • Quite impressive appearance;
  • Friendliness towards people;
  • Get along well with other animals under the same roof, including cats;
  • The dog gets along well with children, is very patient with them and never shows aggression;
  • Devotion to the owner and his family;
  • Easily trainable;
  • Strength and endurance.

This ancient breed undoubtedly has many advantages, but there are also a number of significant disadvantages that can become a problem for some dog lovers without the proper experience.

This is, first of all:

  • Proper maintenance of an Irish Wolfhound in compliance with all requirements is quite expensive;
  • Dogs need long walks, long daily runs are vital for them;
  • Due to the characteristics of the animal’s fur and size, there are difficulties in care and maintenance.

The presentable exterior, proud posture and powerful muscles of the Irish Wolfhound, as well as a balanced character, have made these unique animals the favorites of many professional breeders and even amateur dog breeders.

Despite the fact that the Irish giant feels good living in an apartment and tries not to disturb the household with his presence, the ideal place for him would be a country house with a vast local area. It’s good if there is a park or a large forest area nearby, a field where the Irish can frolic every day.

Rules of training and education

Irish Wolfhound puppies will be eager to try anything. The owner's task: Explain what can be bitten and tormented, and what is not, until the baby has matured.

  • During this same period, you need to wean the puppy from habits that could create trouble in the future.
  • Leash training should not be earlier than 4 months, provided that the baby returns to the owner upon hearing the appropriate command.
  • Raising your voice at a dog is not recommended. Representatives of this breed are sensitive. You should also not leave your pet alone for a long time.
  • The exercises are performed in 2-3 approaches, after which there is a break.

Important: Puppies under one year old are not allowed to jump. It is necessary to wait time for the dog’s bones to finally become stronger. Representatives of this breed cannot be trained as security guards and bodyguards.



Another name - Central Asian Shepherd - indicates its origin. It is the result of folk selection that lasted several millennia among the Central Asian peoples. The harsh conditions of natural selection shaped her current character and appearance.


A dog is primarily a guard (of livestock, home or person). Characterized by a long-term reaction to a stimulus, sometimes assistance in switching attention is required.

Height at the withers is over 70 cm, weight reaches 80 kg.

The cost of a puppy varies depending on the breed qualities and exterior and ranges from 10 to 45 thousand rubles.


An alternative name is the Armenian wolfhound. Gampr translated from Armenian means large, powerful, strong.

A type of Caucasian Shepherd dog. It is an indigenous breed of the Armenian Highlands. Some of the wolf blood flows in her veins. Images of these dogs are found in local rock art, which indicates the long history of the species.

The dog has the qualities of a guard and rescuer, and sometimes even a warrior. Its main function was to protect the herd and home. Representatives of the species are temperamental, but sensitive. They get along well with people on the principles of mutual respect.

At home he is a calm, reserved dog.

Externally, the dogs have changed little over their history. These are large animals with a height at the withers of at least 70 cm.

The cost of a puppy is 15 – 60 thousand rubles.


Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The dog breed comes from the Caucasus.

Like the Alabai or Gampr, this ancient breed is the result of natural selection and folk selection. According to one version, they originated from Chinese Great Danes. Professional formation began in the USSR in the 1920s.

Strength, confidence, fearlessness, keen hearing and vision, and thick and weatherproof wool were cultivated. Performs security and protective functions well. Loyal to the owner.

The Caucasian Shepherd is characterized by a lack of fear, anger and distrust of strangers. Requires consistent and strict training from puppyhood.

A very large dog - can reach 80 cm at the withers and more than 100 kg in weight. They have thick long hair, a large head, body and limbs.

The cost of a puppy is 10 – 50 thousand rubles.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Russian greyhound

It appeared on the territory of Russia in the distant times of the Tatar-Mongol invasions. The Russian greyhound's specialty is hunting. It chases the beast at an operating speed of about 60 km/h, and in a jerk it can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h.

She is extremely aggressive in the excitement of the hunt, which contrasts with her usual aristocratic calm. Due to its flexible temperament, the dog needs thoughtful and thorough education. It is not recommended to let her off the leash in crowded places.

It looks like a light, graceful, long-legged hunting dog with a voluminous chest. The height at the withers is more than 80 cm and the weight is less than 50 kg.

The cost of a puppy is 20 – 50 thousand rubles.

Russian greyhound

Irish Wolfhound

The largest breed in the world.

A hunting dog that historically took part in hunting wolves, bears, moose and other large animals. Her enormous strength allowed her to take part in battles, where she threw enemy riders off their horses. At the same time, the dogs have a very soft, calm and friendly character, surprisingly combined with their enormous size and power.

It is related to greyhounds. Has a light, agile constitution.

The height of the animal is more than 85 cm. Weight depends on height, but it is not large. The medium length coat is harsh.

The cost of Irish Wolfhound puppies is quite high. On average it is 30 – 100 thousand rubles.

Irish Wolfhound

South Russian Shepherd

As in other cases, the name of the breed indicates the region of its origin. This herding representative of the canid was distributed in the south of Russia and Ukraine. The loyalty and protective qualities of dogs led them to a critical position during the world wars, as they were destroyed by the conquerors.

Most often white in color. They have long, slightly wavy hair of equal length throughout the body. Height is at least 65 cm, weight is about 35 kg.

The cost of a South Russian Shepherd puppy is 15 – 60 thousand rubles.

South Russian Shepherd


Otherwise - the Kyrgyz greyhound. Not recognized as an independent breed. A historical breed of dogs from the extreme mountainous regions of the Tien Shan range.

A special feature of the breed is its ability to hunt in high mountain areas. They go with it to hunt various animals: foxes, badgers, wolves and mountain goats. Energetic, fast, with developed intelligence, capable of making independent decisions according to circumstances.

Height 65 – 70 cm, weight about 35 kg, soft wool.

Cost 10 – 50 thousand rubles.


Pyrenean mountain dog

The breed was developed in France several centuries ago.

She was a guard for the pastures and palaces of the French nobility. The breed is distinguished by its intelligence and ingenuity. They have the ability to make independent decisions. With persistent and consistent training, they accept training well. Has great strength.

Large dogs with a height of 75 cm and a weight of 45 kg.

The price of a Pyrenean mountain dog puppy is 20 – 70 thousand rubles.

Pyrenean mountain dog

Development and age-related changes

Up to 2 years of age, puppies grow quickly, gaining weight and increasing in size. Then they develop more slowly. It does not affect intelligence, learning or activity.

As dogs age, they can become irritable. “Old people” will increasingly prefer a quiet holiday in a cozy corner, but this does not mean that you can give up walks or pay less attention to your pet.

Choosing a puppy

Until the age of 2-3 months, the puppy’s individuality is not captured. Therefore, it is better to consider older children.

  • Be sure to look at the veterinary passport of the selected puppy.
  • It doesn’t hurt to find out about the puppies’ parents, their age and health. Older babies can be taught commands and need to be toilet and leash trained - this is also something to worry about.
  • Sometimes puppies are sold at a higher price, citing their “rare” color. The price of an Irish Wolfhound does not depend on the color of the coat.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to its behavior and the atmosphere in which it lives.

Representatives of this breed will make wonderful pets with proper care and education.

Characteristic diseases

Unfortunately, the Irish Wolfhound cannot be called an absolutely healthy breed. Like all the giants of the canine world, he is susceptible to many diseases, directly or indirectly related to his great growth. The reason for most of these pathologies lies not even in bad genetics, but in improper raising of the puppy. And above all, this concerns such a problem as hip dysplasia.

X-ray clearly demonstrates the condition of the joints: on the left is a picture of healthy joints, on the right is obvious dysplasia

At least until the puppy is one year old, it is important to protect it from injuries and excessive stress on the joints:

  • do not allow yourself to go down stairs and steep slopes;
  • avoid walking on slippery floors;
  • prohibit jumping and too active games.

At the slightest sign of lameness, discomfort or pain in the joints, the dog should be shown to a doctor: a disease diagnosed at an early stage is easier to cure. However, even if external signs of pathology do not appear, after ten months of age your pet should undergo an X-ray examination to understand how things are going with the joints - perhaps the doctor will recommend maintenance or preventive medications.

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the joints not only in puppyhood, but also in the elderly age of the dog.

In most cases, dysplasia can be treated with medication, but sometimes surgery is the only option. Other health problems that are most common in Wolfhunds include:

  • bloating;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • Hyoderma or Malassezial dermatitis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • osteochondrosis of the shoulder;
  • dilated cardiomyopathy;
  • hygroma of the elbow;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • Wobbler's syndrome;
  • entropion;
  • osteosarcoma;
  • cataract.

Unfortunately, Wolfhounds, like most very large breeds, do not live very long - only a few of them survive their tenth anniversary.

Photo of a dog of the Irish Wolfhound breed

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