Flat-Coated Retriever: photo and characteristics of the breed

The Flat-Coated Retriever is a dog breed with a rare example of elegance with excellent working qualities. Sometimes the dogs are called flat-coated retrievers, or smooth-coated retrievers. The Flat-Coated Retriever dog is considered a representative of the hunting breeds used during waterfowl hunting. The formation of the breed began after crossing representatives of the following breeds: collie, labrador, spaniel.

Sometimes you can hear the expression: “hairy Labrador” - this is how retrievers are often called. It is noteworthy that initially retrievers were not used for hunting at all. At that time, spaniels coped well with the tasks of searching for birds and presenting prey. Today, a hunter who knows a lot about hunting breeds will not give preference to a single species. A true connoisseur prefers to use both types.

The Flat-Coated Retriever dog breed was formed from gun retrievers, which exhibited a unique sense of smell and the ability to find and locate game in any place. Fans of the breed, who knew a lot about hunting, decided to breed a new breed that could quickly find game.

Smooth-haired representatives received a separate status only at the beginning of the 20th century. In the middle of the 20th century, the popularity of animals fell slightly, giving way to Labradors, but now Flat-Coated Retriever dogs are regaining their former popularity among breeders.

Black flat

The Flat-Coated Retriever (Flat) is a hunting dog. His pedigree is a mix of Labrador, spaniel and collie breeds. The Flat differs from its golden counterpart by its straight coat and black color. According to the International Canine Association, there is an approved standard and appearance that all breeders of this dog are guided by.

Appearance and photo

  • Country of origin: UK.
  • Height: 56-61 cm.
  • Weight: 25-36 kg.
  • Coat: straight.
  • color .
  • Life expectancy: up to 10 years.
  • Appearance: The Flat gives the impression of being a massive, but at the same time light and fast dog.

Thanks to their fit shape, black retrievers are quick to move and active in action. It is a medium-sized dog with a broad chest, slightly elongated head, slanted brown eyes and long ears. Her paws are straight, even, and muscular. The tail is straight and of medium length. The fur is thick and soft. It is distinguished by its shine, which is noticeable not only on sunny days.

Advantages of the breed:

  • versatility;
  • obedient character;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • cheerfulness.


  • training requires strength of character;
  • the need for frequent long walks and physical activity.

Character traits

Despite its graceful appearance and intelligent eyes, the Flat is not a pampered domestic dog. The retriever, contrary to the luxurious description of the breed’s appearance, is by its nature more suitable for serious work. It is used for hunting by both experienced huntsmen and novice hunters.

Flet gets along well with children, gets along well with other pets, and obeys his owner without further ado. His cheerfulness and cheerful disposition, which last until old age, make him the best friend and companion for the whole family.

Appearance of a Labrador


Not heavy, not susceptible to injury, the walls of the skull are of medium thickness. Maintains a comfortable balance. There are small cute cheeks. The line between the head itself and the directly elongated part of the muzzle is clearly visible.

A strong, powerful jaw does not protrude forward. The teeth are strong, the bite is clear, the upper part of the teeth completely covers the lower canines when biting. The bright eyes of a Labrador are often chocolate, coffee, or warm hazel in color. The hanging type of ears does not cause discomfort to the Labrador, since the shells are not heavy and fit comfortably to the head. For better sound perception, the ears are located at the back of the head.


The line of the spine is without strong bends, straight and strong. The volumetric chest and structure of the ribs promote deep breathing and endurance.


The strong bones of the paws are straight in structure from the elbow to the ground. The angle of the shoulder blades allows the Labrador to take wide, imposing steps, which has a good effect on speed when running.

The pads on the paws provide a soft gait and at the same time protection from external possible dangers. The paws themselves are small, with neat claws, which the dog can always use in an emergency - this happens extremely rarely.

Hind limbs

The angle of inclination at the bend is designed in such a way that it promotes high speed and maneuverability. The structure of the hind legs is the same as that of the front legs. A strong bone base allows you to transfer heavy loads to the back of the body. The joints responsible for the jumping function are located low.


In terms of length, the tail of a Labrador dog is classified as medium in size; it has a rather voluminous top and a flexible base - the so-called “otter” shape of the structure. The coat on the Labrador's tail is coarse, short, and rich in density.


Does not get tangled, protects the dog from negative environmental conditions. The coat of this breed does not curl, as its structure is rough and harsh.


The colors of the Labrador are not full of bright colors; they are always one pure color: chocolate, fawn, the well-known black, and sometimes liver. Some breeds have a soft cream or fiery red skin color. You can find Labradors with a white spot on their chest.


The height of a Labrador at the withers that is desirable for dog breeders is about 56-57 cm for males, and 54-56 cm for females. Researchers are not sure about the positiveness of the new trend for Labrador breeds with a height of 50 cm.

How much should dogs of this breed weigh? There is no ideal weight for a Labrador, there are only preferences: for males 29-36 kg, for females 25-32 kg. By external parameters you can not only understand what breed the Labrador is, but also for what purpose the subspecies was bred: for exhibitions, participation in hunting, simply as a friend of the family and children. If you do not delve into the subtleties of body structure and character, then three differences can be distinguished between related subspecies of the breed - large or small size of Labradors, strong or athletic build, short or long legs.

History of the breed

The history of the origin of the Flat-Coated Retriever breed stretches back to the island of Newfoundland. According to one version, Irish spaniels, setters and Gordons were seen in the pedigree of the flats.

There were also Labradors and collies. The final version of the breed was the result of crossing all these species. The very first black retrievers had a curly coat, which later straightened out and acquired a silky sheen.

The peak of popularity of flats came in the middle and end of the 20th century, when their working qualities were widely used by English hunting enthusiasts.

Brief historical background

Great Britain is considered the homeland of these animals. Work on their removal lasted about fifty years. Their ancestors include Labradors, setters and greyhounds. The first Flat-Coated Retriever was shown in 1860 at an exhibition held in Birmingham. The owner of this dog, named Widham, was Sir Braildesford, whose dogs became the ancestors of all existing lines.

In 1905, the breed received official recognition from world cynological organizations. These animals were brought to Russia relatively recently. But they have already gained some popularity among local breeders and hunters.

Choosing a puppy

The Flat-Coated Retriever is a hunting dog breed. And this should not be forgotten. He needs frequent walks, trips into nature, and hunting. Therefore, before you decide to purchase such a dog, you should think about whether you will be able to pay so much attention to your future pet.

Before buying a puppy, experts advise visiting a dog show, where you have the opportunity to see different representatives of the breed in real life, talk to breeders, and choose your puppy’s parents.

It is best to buy a baby directly from a nursery. There you can find out all the necessary information about the proper raising of this breed, the pedigree of the puppies, their health and living conditions.

Regardless of the purpose for which you are purchasing a dog: to participate in exhibitions, for hunting, or simply as a pet, you need to assess its physical health. The puppy should have a wet nose, clear eyes and shiny fur.

It is also worth paying attention to the behavior of the animal. A healthy puppy will be active, mobile and without aggression. The cost of a Flat Coated Retriever puppy ranges from $400 to $700 depending on the pedigree.


A description of the character of a Flat-Coated Retriever is more like a letter of recommendation than a description of the breed.

In short, this is a dog that tries to please its owner, is a pleasure to deal with, is good-natured, smart, sensitive and talented. She can be both a hunter and a companion.

While hunting, they can not only find a bird, but also lift it under fire, then bring it both from land and from water. She loves hunting, but is quite independent and makes decisions depending on the situation, and does not get lost when hunting waterfowl and upland birds.

At home, the Flat-Coated Retriever is a loyal, good-natured, cheerful member of the family. They are quite energetic, which makes them a favorite and adored child.

However, you need to remember that this is a rather large and energetic dog that can knock a child down during his games.

This energy needs an outlet; walks, games and any activity are welcome. A common property of all hunting breeds is energy.

We need to remember this, because energy that does not find a way out becomes destructive. And if you are not a hunter and spend little time outside, then it is better to think about another breed.

What flats are not suitable for is security service, they are too good-natured for that. However, they are sensitive and smart, warning their owners if something goes wrong.

These are dogs of late emotional maturity, some remain puppies for quite a long time and all are characterized by an optimistic nature and easy-going character.

Most straight-coated retrievers believe that their only goal in life is to be close to their owner and long-term loneliness weighs heavily on them. It leads to the fact that the dog begins to entertain himself, but the results of this entertainment are not pleasing to the owner.

It is important that puppy training begins as early as possible, and that their energy is directed in a constructive direction.

Owners say that they achieved the best training results when they combined strict but gentle guidance with short training sessions.

Long training sessions quickly become boring for these intelligent and energetic dogs.

In relation to other dogs and cats, they are quite liberal. Socialization usually helps a lot and the dog does not react to other animals.

It has been noticed that they stoically endure various injuries without showing it. This can cause the disease or injury to progress to an advanced stage. It is necessary to regularly examine the dog, especially if it is a working dog and has participated in hunting.

Where to keep the breed

The ideal place of residence for such an active dog, of course, would be a large country house and a huge yard. There she will be able to give free rein to her unbridled energy and natural instincts.

However, if you provide the retriever with constant exercise and long walks, he will get along well in an apartment. When keeping this breed, one should take into account the fact that the Flat is by nature a tracker, a hard worker and an unsurpassed fetcher.

If all these qualities are satisfied, he will be happy anywhere. This is an ideal pet for active, sporty people, who will happily go with the owner both for a run and for a hunt.

How the Flat-Coated Retriever breed is used at work

Since dogs are not prone to aggression, they are not suitable for defense or for guarding territory. Their best qualities as a gun dog are shown during the hunt.

They are also used as guide dogs for the visually impaired, as a companion dog. A sensitive sense of smell allows the breed to be used to search for missing people. In order to detect people under the rubble and call rescuers. Such a dog will be of great use at customs and in the police. A sensitive sense of smell makes it easy to detect drugs or explosives.

Dogs were used in World War I to help wounded soldiers on the battlefield. They participated in laying communication lines and undermining enemy equipment.

The bright appearance of flats makes them indispensable participants in exhibition shows.

Black Flat-Coated Retriever: photo.

Proper care

Proper care of a pet includes timely hygiene procedures: brushing teeth, ears, combing and washing hair, as well as trimming nails.


Caring for the coat of a smooth-coated retriever does not cause any difficulties. To keep it looking beautiful and not forming tangles, it is enough to brush your dog once a week. If you do this more often, your pet will only say “thank you.”

During the shedding period, you can do this even more often so that as little fur as possible remains on the furniture and floor.

It is also recommended to treat the dog’s fur with anti-tick spray before sending it hunting and carefully inspect the pet upon returning home. For this procedure, you should choose a special brush for this type of coat.


Fletas are crazy about water treatments. Due to the fact that the dog excels in hunting on water, it can bathe for a long time and often. At home, it is enough to wash the retriever once a month to give the coat a natural shine. For this purpose, use shampoo for dogs with long hair.

What to feed your pet

In order for your dog to always feel great, it is not enough to know how to care for a straight-coated retriever; you will need to feed the animal correctly. The owner is given the choice of feeding dry food or natural products.

When deciding to feed your Flat-Coated Retriever dry food, keep in mind that it is advisable to buy “premium” food. Their composition is properly balanced and contains the necessary vitamins and minerals. All you have to do is make sure that there is always clean water in your pet’s bowl.

Nutrition based on natural products will require careful selection of the menu. The diet of a Flat-Coated Retriever must include meat. It is advisable to feed dogs natural food with added vitamins. A natural diet includes dairy products, organ meats, vegetables, grains and fruits.

Important! Experts strongly advise against feeding dogs mixed foods: dry food and natural products, even alternating portions of food. It is recommended to feed either the first or the second.

When feeding Flat-Coated Retriever puppies with natural products, keep in mind that the diet of a growing dog is somewhat different.

  1. During the period of active growth, the young individual receives food rich in calories and calcium.
  2. In the first months of life, the puppy drinks a sufficient amount of milk.
  3. Porridge is cooked in milk and meat broth.
  4. Meat should be present in the diet every day: beef or veal, cut into small pieces.
  5. Be sure to include fish in the menu. It is permissible to alternate fish days with meat days. It is advisable to give sea fish. If you want to treat your pet to a river catch, be sure to boil it before putting it in the dog’s bowl, and carefully remove small bones.

Education and training

Experienced dog trainers know that training a breed such as the Flat-Coated Retriever is fundamentally different from training other types of retrievers. This dog will never allow you to raise your voice or put pressure on it in any way.

Such treatment will have the opposite effect - the dog will no longer understand what they want from him. If you approach training calmly, the flat will do everything in its power to please its owner.

Training a Flat-Coated Retriever is primarily aimed at developing hunting skills. At the same time, the dog must know the commands well: “Fetch”, “No”, “Ugh”, “Come to me”. This breed is distinguished by its quick wit and intelligence, so it is easy to train and understands its owner perfectly.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Let us immediately warn you that it is best to buy a straight-coated retriever in a nursery or from professional breeders who specialize in breeding such animals. Only there can you be given any guarantees that the puppy you purchased has a stable psyche, good health and working qualities. To decide on a breeder or kennel, you can visit specialized exhibitions and personally communicate with dog breeders.

It is equally important to decide for yourself why exactly you need a puppy of this breed. If you do not plan to participate in exhibitions, then you can safely be guided by personal sympathies and buy the dog you like. If you expect that the acquired straight-coated retriever puppy will grow into a real champion and breeding sire, you need to take the issue of choice more seriously. In this case, you should carefully study the baby’s pedigree and, if necessary, seek help from experts.

When choosing a puppy, it is important to pay attention not only to its appearance, but also to its behavior. He must be active, curious and cheerful. A good puppy with a stable psyche and working abilities will never show signs of cowardice or aggression.

About the health of the flat

The Flat Retriever, despite its endurance and robust appearance, is predisposed to certain diseases. This:

  • problems with hip joints;
  • obesity (with a passive lifestyle and unbalanced diet);
  • cancer;
  • epilepsy;
  • heart diseases;
  • ear problems.

The black retriever, for its versatility, unpretentiousness, cheerful disposition and obedient character, can be called an ideal pet. And if you decide to become the owner of this cheerful dog, in his form you will find a faithful friend for life.

Types by coat type

The standard describes exactly what a Labrador's coat should be - short, thick, water-repellent, with a slight greasy coating. Short hair - hair up to 5 cm long. Longer hair on the tail is allowed. Waviness and curliness are classified as defects. Only sometimes the “sin” of waviness is forgiven in very good representatives of the breed.

So, it makes no sense to talk about smooth-haired and long-haired varieties of Labradors. Of course, such puppies can appear in a litter, but will be discarded.

True Labradors are smooth-haired and short-haired.

Among the representatives of the group of retrievers, there are indeed breeds and varieties with long, curly, curly and smooth hair. And the Golden Retriever is often mistakenly called a long-haired Labrador.

Flat-Coated Retriever: Description of Flat Character

The Flat-Coated Retriever is a hunting dog that stands out for its excellent working qualities and elegant appearance. Representatives of the breed are often called Flat-Coated Retrievers, Hairy Labradors, or Flat-Coated Retrievers. For many years, dogs were used to hunt waterfowl because... they were famous for their incredible speed, reaction and courage. Labradors, spaniels and collies took part in the development of the straight-coated retriever as an independent breed. The key external feature is the straight coat and black or black-brown coloring.

It is important to note that in the recent past the breed was not used for hunting purposes, because Then spaniels coped with this too. But over time, the flat retriever began to prove itself as an experienced and devoted hunter who can catch and catch almost any bird. When choosing a companion, experienced hunters will definitely give preference to this delightful pet.

The ancestors of the flat retriever , which is found today, were gun retrievers, which were characterized by an amazing sense of smell and the ability to find game in the most inaccessible places. True fans of this breed, engaged in hunting, proposed crossing and breeding a new hunter.

Officially, smooth-coated retrievers were registered only at the beginning of the 20th century. During the war and post-war times, the demand for representatives of the breed dropped significantly. People began to choose Labradors, but now the popularity of the former is renewed again.

Dietary recommendations

The Flat-Coated Retriever is a breed that does not require a special diet. These dogs can be given both industrial and natural food. Those who have chosen the first option for their pet should give preference to high-quality super-premium or holistic-class products produced by trusted, world-famous companies.

People who decide to feed their retriever natural food should remember that the basis of their menu should be raw, lean meat. Experts recommend using beef, poultry or lamb for these purposes. Occasionally, the dog can be offered cartilage, which is an excellent source of many valuable substances necessary for the normal formation of joints. Several times a week, meat can be replaced with lean sea fish or offal, including liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, trachea and tripe.

In addition to the meat component, the Flat-Coated Retriever's menu should regularly include vegetables and fruits, which serve as an excellent source of fiber. As for cereals, these dogs can be periodically given buckwheat, rice or rolled oats. Also, the diet of these animals should contain cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt.

Like any other dogs, representatives of this breed should not be given tubular bones, sweets, salty, spicy or smoked foods. Their diet should not contain river fish or leftovers from the master's table.

Origin story

the birthplace of the Flat-Coated Retriever . Oddly enough, but on this small piece of land the largest number of amazing dogs were bred, which gained worldwide recognition. The final external and physical features were formed in England.

There is an opinion that the smooth-haired retriever was bred by crossing Irish water spaniels with setters and Gordons. In the modern breed you can notice the properties of collies, small Newfoundlands and Labradors.

The first individuals were distinguished by thick, wavy hair, due to which they received the name wavy-coated retrievers. In the 19th century, dogs were in demand among aristocrats and the upper classes who were fond of hunting.

But the first straight-coated retrievers had one drawback - their coat was not thick enough and did not protect the pet from water penetration. To solve the problem, a series of complex breeding activities had to be carried out, as a result of which a new breed with straight and thick hair was developed.

Until the end of the 19th century, the Flat-Coated Retriever was the favorite companion of elite hunters from England. They were soon replaced by Labradors and Golden Retrievers, which surpassed the Flats in their performance characteristics. Many hunters have forgotten about the existence of such an amazing breed.

If Mr. Shirley, a fan of the straight-coated retriever, had not opened the first kennel of these dogs in the 20th century, perhaps they would have completely disappeared and would not have survived to this day. This is also due to the merit of Dr. Bond Moore, who made a large investment in popularizing and creating a standard for flat retrievers.

From the first days the breed was popular among English gamekeepers, because... she was famous for her hard work and excellent search properties.

Curly-Coated (Curly-Coated)

This Retriever is different from his brothers. The breed is the rarest of the group and the most non-contact. It began to be bred at the beginning of the 19th century on the island of Newfoundland. Curley's ancestors: Irish Spaniel, Newfoundland, Setter, Poodle.

At first, dogs served fishermen and helped on ships until aristocrats noticed them. Breeders decided to improve hunting qualities and got a discreet, strong Retriever

Since 1860 the animals have been kept as pets and hunting dogs . Since the 20th century, the breed was brought to Australia and New Zealand, where Curly-Coated Terriers are now popular, unlike Russia and other Eurasian countries.

Retrievers are standard in format: an elongated rectangular body, dry limbs, a square muzzle and a round head. Their fur can be brown or reddish in color, and is curled into tight strands.

This is an intelligent and strong working dog that is ready to train and serve people faithfully. She does not show aggression, but does not like the pranks of children and is wary of strangers. Curleys need the owner's firm hand, leadership, and good upbringing. Otherwise, in a circle of people, the Retriever will be embarrassed, lost, and angry.

The breed is not intended for living in an apartment, living with a small child or elderly people. Curley needs an avid hunter or an active family willing to devote time to frequent walks and exercise the pet. The average cost of a puppy is 15,000 rubles.

Description of the Flat-Coated Retriever, character traits

Visually, the Flat Retriever is a graceful and strong pet, with beautiful fur, a muscular neck and lively eyes. But it is not suitable for home use as a “toy”. This breed is designed to perform complex tasks and serious work, which is why it is still used by hunters and gamekeepers all over the world. An obedient character and high intelligence turns the pet into an indispensable assistant for all occasions.

Unlike other varieties of retriever, the smooth-haired breed is considered universal. Key character traits include:

  • well-developed intellect;
  • courage;
  • endurance;
  • excellent instinct;
  • ability to work both on land and in water;

Price issue

The straight-coated flat retriever is a commercial exotic and an exquisite rarity, but finding a puppy of good blood is quite possible: there are nurseries for toothy hunters in large cities, and the breeding centers are full of proposals for the sale of young animals. If you have the desire and financial capabilities, you can also implement foreign shopping.

The price of a charming baby starts at $800 - a lot depends on the articles and exhibition qualifications of the parents, the class and prospects of the puppy.

Types and standard

Externally, the Flat-Coated Retriever looks like a harmonious, powerful and playful animal with average height and the characteristics of a gun dog. The dog's behavior is accompanied by positivity and optimism. Full maturity of the breed ends at the age of three, but friendliness and playfulness accompanies the dog throughout the remaining years of its life. The pet shows its kind attitude towards people by wagging its tail.

Dog breeders and dog handlers who train retrievers note that this breed has an improved lower sense of smell, which allows it to quickly determine the location of prey and not be distracted by other birds. Dogs also have a large reserve of strength, which is very important when transporting birds from long distances. Unlike many other hunting dogs, the Wavy Labrador has excellent eyesight and can spot where game has fallen.

The dog is not afraid of exposure to cold temperatures, so he can dive into the water even in the cold season. But most hunting trips take place in the fall or winter. In pursuit of a bird, the Flat-Coated Retriever sees no obstacles. He may be black with dirt and wet with water, but he will still reach his goal and bring the shot bird to the hunter, keeping it in the same condition as he found it.

The characteristics of the breed are determined by the following characteristics:

  • The birthplace of the breed is Great Britain;
  • The height of an adult male is 58-61 cm at the withers, and the weight is 25-35 kilograms; in females these figures reach 56-59 centimeters in height, and there are practically no differences in weight;
  • The chest is wide and the body is quite muscular;
  • The shape of the head looks elongated or solid. Prilobiye is not clearly expressed. If this is not the case, the dog may be disqualified from the purebred group. The muzzle cannot be strongly lowered or upturned;
  • The setting of the eyes is slightly oblique. Round shaped eyes are not acceptable;
  • The iris may be brown or light brown;
  • The paws are straight and have excellent muscles;
  • The coat is medium, soft and straight. The dog becomes completely covered with hair only after it has fully matured;
  • Color – black, there are also specimens of liver color (liver color);
  • The ears are medium-length and fit snugly to the head and cheeks;
  • The maximum life expectancy reaches 10 years;

Thoroughbred representatives create the impression of a playful and cheerful pet, with a fit physique and medium size. The fur of a healthy adult shines and shimmers, even without sunlight. The absence of key features of the standard can be a disadvantage. In this case, the dog may be disqualified.

It is important to note that yellow dogs are sometimes shown at shows. This strange color is associated with genetic abnormalities. This certainly does not affect the character and performance indicators, although such representatives are not used for breeding.

Description of varieties

There are intrabreed species of Labrador Retrievers. The American and English lines of the breed differ most significantly.


English breeders try to preserve as many “water dog” features as possible in the appearance of the Labrador.

This variety is distinguished by its squat, solid appearance. She has a heavy, powerful skull, short, thick legs, a wide chest with rounded ribs. In other words, on the island they adhere to a heavy body type.

The character and temperament of the British and Americans also differs. Island dogs have great good nature and “coziness”. This is a domestic dog that brings slippers and prefers relaxed walks in the park. However, the dogs still did not lose their sporting and hunting qualities. English Labradors are alert, patient, love to swim, and fetch.

The British mature faster, learn earlier and socialize more easily. Due to their balanced nature, they are preferred by hunters, older people and families with children.


American breeders relied on a drier type of exterior. People from the continent are tall, with long limbs, lean, with lighter bones.

The American Labrador is an athlete, hunter and hard worker. He is cheerful and energetic, and he is also more aggressive, agile and dynamic than his English counterpart. These are a kind of “cheerful”, suitable for the same active owners.

Features of care

Due to its courageous nature, the flat is easy to care for. He is taught to live in Spartan conditions, to endure frost, rain, dampness and other weather conditions. A Flat-Coated Retriever will not be able to develop normally in an apartment environment, so he needs regular walks and intense physical activity. For people leading an inactive lifestyle, purchasing such a pet will be a problem.

Representatives of the Flat-Coated Retriever breed are intelligent, athletic and graceful dogs. With proper training and proper care, this pet will become the most loyal companion and will be able to behave both in society and in the wild.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive characteristics of Flat-Coated Retrievers:

  • exceptional endurance. The pet will be happy to accompany the owner on a long hike or voyage on public transport;
  • loyalty to the owner, as well as to his household;
  • favorable attitude towards other pets;
  • affection towards strangers.

This dog has equal numbers of pros and cons.
Flat dogs also have disadvantages, in other words, negative characteristics, which a number of potential buyers perceive solely as individual characteristics of the breed:

  • Smooth-haired retrievers stay in puppyhood until they are almost 2 years old;
  • such a dog is not suitable for home guarding;
  • Loneliness is strictly contraindicated for a pet. Otherwise, during independent games, the dog can damage any object within reach: shoes, pieces of furniture, wires, etc.;
  • a retriever will need to be walked twice a day for 3 hours, so a four-legged friend of the above breed can only be purchased by an owner who has the proper amount of time for walking together with the pet.

With proper care and a balanced, nutritious diet for an energetic and loving flat dog, the dog owner will acquire a sincere admirer, as well as a faithful companion in a dog of the Flat-Coated Retriever breed.

Flat retriever

Lifespan: 10 years

Litter: 4-8 puppies (average 6)

Group: Sports


Coat color: black or liver color

Hair length: long

Shedding: moderate

Size: Large

The Flat-Coated Retriever is a hunting dog breed descended from the Labrador Retriever, Collie and Spaniel. The difference from other retrievers is their straight coat and brown, but more often black, color.


The genetics of the colors of such a dog can vary from classic golden shades to cream and almost white. The coat color of dogs of this breed can take on different shades of the above colors, with the exception of ginger and red.

The color of such dogs is usually uniform throughout the body, but many representatives of the breed may have small spots on the chest. Genetics and the correct content of vitamins and fats in the diet are responsible for the color characteristics of dogs. The intensity of the color is influenced by rufus polygenes, and if the dog has an overly light shade, this indicates that the color was influenced by another gene - cch.

The Golden Retriever is often confused with the Golden Setter due to their similar colors, but they are two completely different dog breeds.

The black retriever and mixed breed of this breed are not recognized by the international standard; professional breeders and elite nurseries sell such puppies several times cheaper.

History of the breed

In the 19th century, with the improvement of firearms and the widespread art of shooting at flying birds, sportsmen began to feel the need for a special dog that would find the shot bird and bring back the kill, instead of the setters, pointers and spaniels that were widely used for this purpose. The main producers for this new type of working dog were probably small Newfoundlands or Labradors (a large water dog that was brought to England by fishermen and sailors), large spaniels, setters and pointers. With certain crossing of these dogs and consistent selection, a uniform type was obtained dogs called the "wavy-coated retriever". Along with the curly-haired retriever, it became extremely popular among huntsmen and sports hunters. These "wavy-coated retrievers" gave rise to the Flat-Coated Retriever breed. It is likely that collie blood was infused into them in the late 1890s to produce a more beautiful coat. Breed enthusiasts at the time put a lot of effort into improving the Flat, and from the late 1800s until World War 1 they were the most popular retrievers.

At shows at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Flats, Labradors and Goldens were all presented in the same class. But, later, in 1903, Labradors were recognized as a separate breed. In 1911, Goldens were also recognized as a separate breed. And in 1911, 146 Labradors were registered along with 400 flats. But by 1926, both Goldens and Labradors outnumbered the Flats. In those years, interbreeding among retrievers was allowed due to the lack of blood within the breeds. Since 1911, black color was steadily bred in flats, and brown color began to be cultivated in 1930, and in 1940 it was adopted as the second main color of the breed. Due to interbreeding of retrievers, black and chocolate flats were and remain carriers of the fawn gene. The fawn color in flats is not recognized and is a defect. However, a few white hairs on the chest and between the toes are not uncommon in the breed and are quite acceptable.

Names for boys and girls

When choosing a nickname for your pet, it is important to pay attention to its external characteristics and character. Here are some options for males:

  • Ike;
  • Alan;
  • Ampere;
  • Archie;
  • Athos;
  • Harry;
  • Jerry;
  • Joy;
  • Smile;
  • Chester.

Suitable names for retriever bitches:

  • Screw;
  • Gina;
  • Eve;
  • Toffee;
  • Martha;
  • May;
  • Wound;
  • Hannah;
  • Awl;
  • Shoko.

It is recommended that the name for the dog consist of 1-2 syllables and contain as many vowels as possible. At exhibitions, a difference is allowed between the name in the animal’s passport and what you call it in life.


The Flat Retriever is a very hardy breed with excellent health. It is necessary to constantly maintain his health with the help of a balanced diet and specially designed training. He is prone to cancer, so to avoid disastrous consequences, check his heredity (did his parents have such diseases!) and take him to the veterinarian for regular checkups. Problems may also arise with: • hereditary hip dysplasia, which can lead to severe lameness; • diabetes; • epilepsy; • Deafness: Congenital deafness can be a big problem. The most common cancers are malignant hemangioma (hemangiosarcoma), fibrosarcoma (fibrosarcoma), malignant histiocytosis (histiocytosis) and osteosarcoma (osteosarcoma). These diseases are more common in Flat-Coated Retrievers than in other breeds. 75% of dogs die from cancer.

The Flat Retriever's coat should be trimmed, clean and neat. It requires weekly combing. Intensive care is necessary when the dog is caught in the rain or has been outside for a long time in low temperatures. To keep the coat shiny (it shines differently throughout the year), brushing at least 4-5 times a week is ideal. Shedding is moderate. The coat gets tangled easily, so be careful when brushing. Taking a bath (+shampoo) is necessary when your dog is very dirty. The retriever is cleaned regularly. A visit to the veterinarian once a month will be helpful to monitor your pet's health.

Life support and grooming

Smooth-haired retrievers do not feel very comfortable in huge megacities and do not tolerate the pressure of man-made infrastructures. Flats are simple “guys from the outback”, lovers of “country style”, fans of free spaces and everyday life in the field. The optimal placement of the dog is open placement in a warm kennel with free access to the fenced yard and living area of ​​a country mansion.

These are very freedom-loving and sociable animals; even a short stay in an enclosure (a chain is strictly contraindicated for flat retrievers) has a negative impact on the psyche and disposition of a hunting dog.

The innate working talents and instincts of the Flat-Coated Retriever are simply amazing: the dogs are constantly on the move, monitoring the surroundings, carrying something in their mouths, digging holes and trenches, and splashing in the water at the slightest opportunity. These are cheerful and cheerful natural perpetuum mobile, toothy energizers, never aging Peter Pans.

In urban localization, accommodation in a large studio apartment, it is necessary to organize dynamic walking for the animal, an active promenade and mandatory physical activity. Low motor load of flat retrievers will definitely result in depression, a lot of diseases and destructive behavior. It’s great if the owner has a “house in the village” and the opportunity to systematically (on weekends) take the dog “on leave” out of town: for a flat-coated retriever, this format of life support is considered quite positive and appropriate.

Organization of the lifestyle and maintenance of a large hunting dog: the issue is the owner’s personal time and willingness to spend this most valuable resource on a pet. This dog is for active people, huntsmen, athletes, travelers. Created exclusively for hunting, strong and smart dogs excel in sports disciplines (flyball, agility).

Hygienic grooming

The Flat-Coated Retriever breed does not need exotic spa treatments and grooming delights. All hygiene comes down to brushing the fur a couple of times a week, weekly cleaning of the ears and fangs, bathing (when dirty) and trimming the claws. When combing, close attention should be paid to the decorative fur on the paws and tail, as well as under the arms, where it “has the habit” of rolling into tangles.

Exhibition grooming

Preparing a dog for an exhibition catwalk includes a wide range of procedures. First stage: bathing using special (mild) detergents and thoroughly drying using a hairdryer. For dark dogs, you should choose a gentle, anti-allergenic shampoo with conditioner. Thorough drying is not a whim, but an urgent necessity: a damp (under-dried) undercoat will provoke dermatitis, weeping eczema, and folliculitis. First, a well-absorbing towel, then a hairdryer while combing/styling.

A show straight-coated retriever needs a haircut that accentuates its silhouette and enhances its elegant appearance. Professional groomers joke: trimming will not turn an “unexpressive” flat into a “handsome” one, but it will certainly transform a good format into a magnificent one.

On breed forums, the question is often discussed: is it necessary to trim a working flat dog, a dog that does not take part in exhibition activities. The most satisfying answer for everyone is the statement that retrievers like to be beautiful and well-groomed, and this is beneficial in the heat.

The main thing is to accustom your pet to hygienic measures and exhibition grooming for about five months, so that the little flat gets used to the clicking of scissors, the hum of the machine and the painful but necessary fuss. In principle, this is absolutely not difficult: straight-haired hunters love to be in the epicenter of home life and perceive grooming as a form of communication, a manifestation of attention.

Food basket

The daily menu of a pet depends on the owner: knowledge, preferences and financial capabilities format the diet and implement the feeding model. The expert community recommends several basic rules, development vectors, and standards:

  • premium industrial feed from reputable manufacturers;
  • absolute removal of complementary foods from the “master’s table” and neighbors’ trash heaps;
  • systematic control weighings and consultations with a veterinarian nutritionist;
  • enhanced control of the tone and condition of the dog when changing the usual food range (switching to therapeutic/age/gender diets).

The diet of a hunting dog is the first thing that requires special attention from the owner. Working commercial animals consume a huge amount of energy: the commercial menu should be rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins and mineral components.

Overfeeding a dog is unacceptable: overeating instantly provokes metabolic disorders, obesity, shortness of breath, and a series of dangerous pathologies. The diet is consciously increased only during “field” trips, during periods of seasonal molting, during the prevention and treatment of diseases, during pregnancy and lactation of bitches.

Training and training

Flat retrievers are dogs that are amazingly easy to train: dogs grasp the meaning of commands, the essence of requirements, the boundaries of prohibitions and freedoms from the first try. “Smooth” dogs like to work, they are appropriate and quite convincing in OKD, sports disciplines, and hunting training.

The main thing is to take into account the personal characteristics of the flat dog breed : behind the cheerful and friendly disposition hides a vulnerable and fragile essence, a dog that cannot tolerate rudeness, cruelty and unjustified pressure. Education, social adaptation, training and field training must be built on the innate talents of the breed and the “highlights” of the character. It is necessary to diversify trainings, turn pedagogical litigation into a game, transform exercises into a dog demonstrating his articles and talents. Flats love to please their owner with success: these charming fishermen love to shine and bask in the rays of admiration and glory.

With the right approach and patience, a Flat puppy can easily be transformed into a controlled, hardworking retriever, a versatile gun dog, a faithful companion, and a loving friend.


The flat dog is a hardy animal, bursting with health and has a strong immune system. A caring and responsible owner is only required to support what nature has given him with high-quality life support and veterinary services.

Unfortunately, representatives of the flat family have a tendency to:

  • to joint dysplasia;
  • to diabetes mellitus;
  • to hearing pathologies (deafness);
  • to oncology: malignant histiocytosis, osteogenic sarcoma.

Problems can be avoided when purchasing a puppy: most of the diseases mentioned are hereditary. The norm is that the breeder requires gene tests of the parents and verification of the heredity of the offspring.

Everything else: standard medical examination in a veterinary clinic at the place of residence, seasonal vaccination and an anthelmintic action plan.


The Flat Retriever needs training throughout the day. Jogging, long-distance running, walking, playing with a Frisbee are ideal activities for this breed. He loves to swim and hunt, so take him to the park or forest where he can explore a lot. He loves speed and car rides, so take him camping with you. A born hunter, the Flat-Coated Retriever has an excellent sense of smell. If your dog falls behind you during a walk, don’t worry: he will never get lost. The Flat Retriever is very smart and always listens carefully to everything you tell him. Therefore, it is important to be consistent and encourage his actions during training. This breed enjoys getting things done.

Characteristics and description of the breed

The popularity of golden retrievers is increasing year by year. More than 70 thousand of these dogs are registered every year in American clubs alone. The love for these animals is caused by their character - they are kind, well-mannered and playful, so any family will simply be delighted with them.


Depending on what kind of dog a Golden Retriever sees next to him, he may behave differently. This breed reacts as follows:

  • when near small dogs, retrievers try not to approach them first, since they are not interested in them;
  • They are wary of larger dogs and first look closely before starting communication.


Golden Retrievers are very active dogs. They can spend the whole day on the move, practically without stopping. They can always find something to do that suits their rhythm, but most of all they love it when their owner devotes his time to them.


No matter how smart a dog is, it still needs training. With golden retrievers, training will be much faster than with other breeds, as these pets pick up everything on the fly.


Many owners of golden retrievers claim that these dogs can shed heavily only in the spring, when the warming winter “coat” becomes a burden.

In bitches, shedding directly depends on the cycle, so they should pay special attention

Need for care

The Golden Retriever is a breed of dog that is simply not capable of living in a kennel; it is more accustomed to an apartment environment. For this reason, before purchasing a puppy, you need to understand how much time you can devote to it. Caring for a retriever is quite simple, but before this, the pet needs to be trained to use the tray from childhood. Some procedures must be carried out regularly, once a month or a week.

Friendliness and attitude towards children

It’s not for nothing that Golden Retrievers are called babysitters, because they love to spend time next to small children. Not only are they friendly and affectionate with them, but they can also calm them down if they sense that the children are worried about something. Retrievers often offer to play to distract the kids.


Despite the fact that the retriever has innate instincts and hunting abilities, nature has not endowed it with good health. They are genetically predisposed to various types of diseases:

  • obesity (you cannot overfeed these dogs, as they can gain a lot of excess weight in a short period of time);
  • oncology;
  • hip dysplasia, in which the dog feels constant pain and may limp;
  • cataracts and entropion;
  • skin diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Attitude towards loneliness

It is not a good idea to leave golden retrievers alone in an empty apartment or house for a long time, as they may get bored. This breed can tolerate a few hours without their owner, but being alone all day will be an impossible task for them.

Maintenance cost

The initial expenses will be the largest and will range from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. This price includes bowls, toys, vaccinations, food and other necessary items for your pet. In subsequent months, expenses will be about 2.5-3 thousand.


Golden Retrievers are intelligent and intelligent dogs, which is why they are so trainable. According to Stanley Coren, this breed ranks fourth in the list of the most developed dogs.


Despite their activity, golden retrievers are characterized by silence and patience. They don’t make a fuss over any little thing and don’t annoy you with causeless loud barking.


The Flat Retriever is so emotional and energetic that he can easily bump into something, damage something, and not realize his size when greeting small children. Therefore, he needs training. The Flat Retriever was bred as a sporting breed, which is why it is so active. Vary the exercises, change toys and equipment: he quickly gets bored of doing the same thing.

He enjoys learning at any age. If the retriever does everything correctly during training and easily remembers new things, then offer him a treat, a new toy, or a walk in the park as a reward. He wants to please his owner with his behavior. He is very loyal and sociable. During training, use only positive methods. Be consistent. He will not do anything if you scold him or behave harshly. You can easily turn your retriever into an excellent hunting dog.

This will make the most of his natural abilities. He is very strong, resilient, and has excellent scent, which is very important when hunting. The first thing you should start training him with is to develop his ability to chase. Everything must be shown, otherwise the retriever will not understand you. Using games will give good results during learning. The retriever enjoys spending as much time as possible with its owner. He responds to his love with devotion, attention, and affection.

Attitude towards children and others

Nova Scotia Toller Retriever: description of the breed

Representatives of the above breed of dogs get along well with babies and love to lick them. True, pets, showing their good feelings, are so emotional and hyperactive that they can easily knock a child to the floor without the slightest malicious intent.

Important! Any joint games between a flat dog and a child are permissible only in the presence of an adult.

Retrievers will always be happy to meet new people. The dogs will smile good-naturedly at their new friend, want to hug his legs and lick him. But not all passersby will admire such a manifestation of feelings.

Seeing a cat in sight, a flat will definitely want to get to know it so that it can play later. The dog will certainly chase her. The cat, deciding that it is in danger, will try to run away. The “hairy labrador” will set off after her. For the above reasons, the Flat-Coated Retriever can only be walked outside on a leash.


Flats are very lively and emotional dogs, unusually loving small children. They are "frantic lickers" and have extreme affection and adoration. They need your attention and get very bored when they are away from you for a long time. They love water in all its forms - from the smallest muddy puddle to a river or sea, and they can feel it over very long distances! If you don’t raise a little flat, then later he will grow up to be independent and with a demanding character. But if you raise him properly, he will be an excellent dog in any field - for home and family, for hunting, for agility, for shows, as well as a dog for the deaf and a foster dog for hospitals and nursing homes.

Flats make delightful lifelong companions as they are always happy and never seem to age. Flats are never in a bad mood, even a sick dog will show their love and friendliness. They constantly collect things, from slippers, pillows and underwear to sticks and stones. Let them carry something that isn't dangerous because that's what they have to do. BUT BE CAREFUL - flats can swallow objects they play with! Always reward them when they bring you something and praise them when they give it to you. Don't forget that they were bred to seek and fetch, and this innate instinct should not be interfered with. NEVER chase them while they are holding something in their mouth as they may interpret this as an invitation to play!


https://pets2.me/bok/618-chernyy-volosatyy-labrador-ohotnichya-poroda-sobak-pryamosherstnyy-retriver.html https://zveri.guru/zhivotnye/sobaki/porody-sobak/pryamosherstnyy-retriver-opisanie -haraktera-fleta.html https://moypitomets.com/poroda/flet-retriver

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