How to train a beagle? Character traits and basic rules of upbringing

  • Dog breeds



A beautiful Beagle puppy chews on a lace Beagle is one of the artificially bred dog breeds. Ready to become a loyal friend to his owner. Representatives of this breed are particularly active, so regular walks and games in the fresh air will only benefit the pet.

History of appearance

The Beagle is an ancient and truly English breed. There is still no reliable information about its origin. There are several versions of where these dogs came from, but none of them have received any confirmation.

The most common description of the beagle is in a chapter of the book "Artful Esquire", which was published five centuries ago. In 1650, the famous hunting writer Blum created a description of the unique abilities of this breed. He calls beagles the smallest English dog designed for hunting.

Where to start training

Often, as soon as a puppy arrives in a new home, it has not yet been trained in any commands. To begin with, the baby must learn basic knowledge, which will greatly facilitate the pet’s existence in a new home.

Toilet training

You should start with toilet training. After moving, the baby is shown where the toilet is. You can use a diaper or a special tray. The little puppy still has little control over himself. They lay several diapers around the house so that the baby has time to reach them.

Over time, the number of diapers is reduced to one in the most convenient place. When the beagle sits down on the floor, whines and rushes about, he is put on a diaper. When the pet relieves itself, it is rewarded.

The puppy should not be allowed outside until the first two mandatory vaccinations have been completed. Ten days after the second vaccination, the baby can be trained to use the toilet outside.

The baby is taken outside after eating. When he goes to the toilet, the baby is sure to be praised.

It is important! You can’t scold a beagle for puddles and heaps. The puppy can be scolded if he was caught during the process. But you shouldn’t hit or poke your muzzle into the excrement, otherwise the dog will start eating it in order to hide traces of the crime.

Short description

Adult beagles are medium in size. They are similar to Foxhounds, but slightly smaller. Beagles have shorter legs and soft ears. Dogs at the withers grow from 33 to 40 cm and weigh 9-11 kg.

Beagles have an exceptional sense of smell, which is why they are often used to hunt rabbits and hares.

Dogs of this breed have a long and strong head without any folds. There should be a bump on the skull that is visible when you first look at the dog. The nose is black, but if the coat is light, then the standard allows for the nose to be lighter as well.

Other external characteristics of beagles :

  • the color of the iris varies from dark brown to hazel;
  • Dogs' ears are long, hanging and round, velvety to the touch;
  • the neck has a slight dewlap;
  • Beagles are very compact. The back is straight, the paws are straight, not tapering towards the bottom. Also, the paws have developed muscles, especially the hind ones;
  • the tail has no bends;
  • The coat is short and thick, covering the entire body of the dog evenly.

Historical reference

The Beagle dog comes from the “family” of English hounds , although today it is actively used as a pointer and a wanted dog. Tails do not have any specific “addictions”; it is important for them that their work involves passion and requires physical activity. Beagles are increasingly appearing on agility grounds, where they confidently “wip the noses” of even professional rivals.

There is some debate about the origin of the breed's name. Over the years of development and improvement of Beagles, dozens of versions have been put forward for consideration by the people's court, but modern experts are inclined to only two of them:

  • The breed has an unusual timbre of voice and perhaps its name comes from the French word begueule (steel/tin throat).
  • Beagles, compared to most English hounds, are small in size, and their name can come from three foreign words translated as “small” - begle (obsolete British dialect), beigh (early French), beag (Celtic).

The history of the breed is full of gaps, as well as facts whose authenticity has not been confirmed. For example, some sources insist that the popularity of Beagles is ensured by the “union” of dogs and King Arthur’s knights. Since the very existence of Arthur's Round Table is called into question, the Beagles' involvement in it is even more so.

A more significant mention of suspiciously similar dogs dates back to the 3rd century AD. It is reliably known that early Beagles lived in England during the reign of Henry VIII. Finally, there is no doubt that the English Beagle occupied a place of honor in the hunting kennels of the reign of Catherine I (1553–1603). The Queen's commitment had a positive effect on the popularity of the group, or rather the Beagle groups. That’s right, at the end of the 16th century, four similar breeds were recognized in Great Britain:

  • Dwarf Beagles are dogs whose height did not reach 20 cm. Popularly, the four-legged dogs were called Elizabethan, Pocket (pocket), Head (glove) or Singing Beagles.
  • Small Beagle (height up to 35 cm).
  • Northern Beagle (up to 40 cm).
  • Southern Beagles , black and white (mostly) dogs that reached or exceeded 45 cm in height.

As soon as the prospect of the breed was in sight, France claimed its rights to patronage. The fact is that the French considered bloodhounds to be a smaller version of dogs brought from their territory back in the 11th century. Further (according to France), the British “to spite everyone” took Beagle out and did not show him to anyone. In the 60s, when the dogs came to France, they returned to their homeland.

Naturally, the British defended the opposite version and their rights to bloodhounds. The bickering ended in victory for England, and rightly so. Firstly, the breed was bred in Great Britain and it is not so important what blood underlies the gene pool. Secondly, there are serious doubts about the relationship between French bloodhounds and Beagles; the latter are already very similar to the original English Foxhounds.

This is interesting! The Beagle and the Beagle Harrier are recognized by the World Canine Federation (FCI). The second was obtained by crossing Beagles, Harriers and Poitevins.

Literally nothing is known about the ancestors of the breed. Stud books were not kept or were destroyed, and modern Beagles are pleasantly considered the “result” of the mixing of the blood of the best hounds in Great Britain. At home and in France, dogs were used to herd hare and other fast game. Less frequently, but no less effectively, Beagles were trained to herd foxes and wild boars. The main advantages were considered to be the speed and tirelessness of quadrupeds. Today, the “values” have been preserved and expanded - Beagles are convenient to keep in an apartment, but they require serious physical activity.

This is interesting! In work, the breed is actively used in Australia. The four-legged animals participate in a short season of “preventative hunting” for kangaroos.

Despite historical tensions, today the main Beagle continent is considered to be the United States. For a second, more than 100 thousand puppies are born in America every year , most of which are bought as pets without job prospects. US breeders gained such momentum that the first Beagle Club was founded in America, and in 1884 experts released their own breed standard. The American Beagle differs from the English Beagle in having a richer coat and several more “vague” characteristics.

This is interesting! If we speak impartially, Richard Rowett (the author of the American standard) did not discover anything new, but simply “corrected” the existing English standard to show class.

US breeders should not be considered “invaders”; the Beagle dog breed would not have reached its modern level without their titanic efforts. Yes, they “ruined” the dogs’ working life, but (!) no one has the right to call American puppies incapable of work. Most four-legged animals are still active and hardy, and have excellent vocal qualities and instincts. In addition, it was in the USA that working tests of Beagles were introduced, the goal is obvious - to preserve hunting skills. Of course, the characteristics of the breed have changed and the offspring of 2-3 generations of show dogs are unlikely to shine in the fields, but in general, the American Beagle Club coped with its responsibilities perfectly.

Character traits

The most important character traits of beagles are cheerfulness, friendliness and activity. In this they are somewhat similar to the Jack Russell Terrier, another breed of dog bred in England for hunting.

Beagles love children and prefer outdoor games. These dogs lack dominant tendencies due to the fact that they were kept in packs for many years. Very often they choose a child as their leader, so this breed can and should be owned for children.

Despite the fact that dogs are not aggressive towards other pets, they may consider small animals, especially rodents, to be prey. Even cats will have to be careful in this case and play the role of game from time to time.

This breed is smart and quick-witted, but it does not particularly like training, so it avoids it at all costs. Beagles are also difficult to train to their place. They prefer to sleep where they like. The breed has strong hunting instincts.

During a walk, the dog can suddenly rush after something without heeding any commands, so such dogs need to be walked on a leash.

This breed also loves to eat a lot. Owners often find their pets searching through trash cans or containers.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Beagles are nimble and active dogs. They are not suitable for everyone because they require a lot of attention and very strict training. Without it, you will end up with a stupid and disobedient dog, chasing cats down the street and causing trouble in the house. This is a good choice for responsible owners.

What kind of people would be comfortable living with a beagle?

These puppies will become the best friends for lovers of morning runs and evening walks. Choosing this breed would be a mistake for people who prefer a quiet lifestyle. It should be remembered that beagles were bred for hunting activities. Therefore, if you deprive the dog of regular walks and other physical activity, then it will begin to show its temperament in everyday pranks, which will definitely cause a considerable headache for the owner. Beagles, due to lack of physical activity, in most cases damage furniture, wardrobe items and other personal belongings of their owners.

Beagle puppy in nature

The hunting characteristics of this breed will also begin to appear without the owner’s proper attention to his pet. If a smaller animal runs past, there is a high probability that the pet will rush after it. As a result, the puppy may get lost or get hit by a car.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • lack of aggression. These are very friendly dogs that only show anger when hunting or sometimes towards cats;
  • Beagles love children very much and are ready to play with them all the time;
  • devoted to the owner and give him all their attention;
  • Because of its cheerful disposition, a beagle can pull a person out of depression or a bad mood;
  • not picky about the situation. A private house, an apartment, or an enclosure will suit them;
  • very hardy dogs. Can accompany you on hikes or long walks;
  • clean and tidy. They can take care of their own cleanliness;
  • there is no salivation and no specific dog smell;
  • practically does not shed, easy to care for;
  • unpretentious in food;
  • Quite subjective, but beagles have a very attractive appearance;
  • If hunting skills are developed, hunters will be satisfied.


  • The beagle absolutely cannot stand loneliness - it can chew things off. If not given enough attention, will become aggressive;
  • very difficult to train. This is a stubborn breed;
  • loves to eat a lot and will do anything for it;
  • a very energetic dog, which not everyone can handle;
  • a very trusting breed, which often leads to theft of these dogs;
  • because of gullibility he is a bad guard;
  • due to gluttony, they tend to become overweight;
  • when alone they can get into the habit of barking loudly and for a long time;
  • Walking is recommended only on a leash, otherwise you risk losing your dog;
  • Suitable for children who are already 7-8 years old, otherwise kids simply will not be able to physically handle the dog.

History of the origin of the Beagle breed

There are two versions of the origin of beagles. According to one of them, the ancestors of these dogs were brought to England from the Roman Empire and began to cross with local breeds. But there is evidence of the existence of small hounds in the British Isles even before the arrival of the Romans. This is an ancient breed, used by people for hunting for over a thousand years.

In the 13th century, small hounds called beagles became popular among aristocrats. They were called Glove Beagles. Then these dogs were miniature, no more than 25 cm, lived in the house and were used for fun. Gradually they gained popularity among farmers and began to be used for baiting hares. After all, a small hound could pursue prey in the undergrowth where a large dog could not get through.

By the 15th century, the name beagle appeared, which translated meant “small”. These dogs were crossed with other breeds to improve their working qualities. Back then they had an unattractive appearance, but speed and scent were more important to hunters. By the end of the 17th century, the popularity of beagles began to decline as fox hunting spread. The breed was preserved by simple farmers.

Breeder Philip Honeywood began breeding in the mid-19th century. He paid a lot of attention to external data. It was from this time that we can talk about the appearance of modern beagles. They spread throughout the world, and clubs for breed lovers began to be created.

Main types

Experts distinguish two types of beagles:

  • English;
  • American.

They differ only in size.

A French Beagle Harrier stands to the side. Some breeders are also convinced that mini beagles exist.

For what purpose are you getting a puppy?

Before purchasing a puppy of this breed, you need to answer the question: what exactly do you need it for? You can buy a puppy for the following purposes:

  • for an exhibition career;
  • for competitions and hunting;
  • for breeding;
  • as a "house" dog.

Whatever goal you pursue, first of all, you need to consider whether you have all the necessary capabilities: time, patience and money for the purchase. How much a Beagle puppy costs depends on several characteristics:

  • on the quality and quantity of litter;
  • from the floor;
  • from the titles that the puppy’s parents have;
  • from complications during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • from the price for mating;
  • from the fame of the nursery;
  • depending on the age of the puppy;
  • from the cost of maintaining the litter.

All beagles can be divided into three types: pet class, breed class, show class. If you plan to take part in any hunting competitions or exhibitions, then a show class puppy is just for you. This dog is the most expensive - it costs about one thousand seven hundred dollars.

But here it is necessary to take into account one important nuance. A dog bred specifically for hunting is not suitable for exhibition. Such animals are extremely active and cannot stand in one place for a long time, which is a prerequisite for any exhibition.

In general, a beagle of any class is suitable for hunting. The main thing is that he fits the mental and physical parameters.

In any case, you need to choose an elite kennel whose dogs regularly participate in exhibitions or competitions. But remember that champion parents are not a 100% guarantee that their puppy will also have all the necessary characteristics to win.

If you are going to breed beagles, purchase a breeding grade puppy. Such a puppy costs about a thousand dollars. It is necessary to take into account that in this case, a female beagle will cost more than a boy. After all, a female dog has more opportunities to bring profit to her owner, while a male dog will require investment in his advertising.

If you just need a family friend, then you can get a pet-class puppy. Such a dog costs six hundred to eight hundred dollars. The main thing for a pet puppy is that he is mentally and physically healthy - small deviations from the standard will not become a problem.

Color variations

Beagles can be any color that any hound dog (such as the Estonian Hound) has, except liver (brown). The main thing is that the end of the dog's tail is white. The size of the spots doesn't matter either.

Beagles have three main colors:

  • black;
  • white;
  • ginger.


These shades can be made in various combinations, so tricolor and bicolor are distinguished among them.

Tricolor is a classic color. It consists of three main shades of color. If the tricolor contains more white, then it is called “shiny”; if it is black, then it is called “black”.

Bicolor is known for good color quality. The main one is white, on which there are red spots of varying saturation. Black and white bicolor is quite rare.

Relationships with other animals

If there is already a pet in the house, but the owner is thinking about getting a representative of the described breed, he should take into account some aspects. Due to its character, the beagle can become friends with farm animals. But hunting instincts will make tame rodents, birds and other small pets objects of hunting, which often ends very tragically.

As for cats, everything happens on an individual basis. Relationships may not work out if the beagle perceives the cat as an object that can be hunted. The owner should carefully observe the behavior of the animals and, if conflict situations arise, try to resolve the matter peacefully.

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Nutritional Features

These dogs should not be overfed, otherwise they will become obese. Therefore, you should not give your beagle more food than it should.

Beagles should not be given sweets - chocolate, cookies, candies, etc., as well as salty, smoked, spicy and pickled foods. This will lead to digestive problems for the dog.


Don't indulge your dog, teach him to eat what you give him.

Basic mistakes in parenting

In the process of raising and training, it is important to immediately show the puppy who is boss in the house. Discipline must always be adhered to, without giving concessions. You cannot stop training if the beagle does not follow the command. You need to achieve your goal in any case. Otherwise, the puppy will consider that it is not necessary for him to obey the owner and will begin to be cunning during training.

If the puppy has done something wrong, you cannot feel sorry for him. The beagle may take this reaction as encouragement. Punishment must follow immediately after the offense.

You should not hit the dog or yell at the beagle. Such actions will destroy the baby's trust. In the future, he may try to seize power in the family through aggression.

Health and major diseases

Due to their long ears, this dog breed is prone to ear diseases. Therefore, you need to be attentive to your pet’s behavior and the condition of its ears.

Beagles also have an increased risk of eye diseases. This can be “cherry eye”, glaucoma and cataracts, iris dysplasia.

Beagles can also have epilepsy. These attacks appear as the dog ages and are caused by stress.

This breed is prone to herniated discs. Cardiovascular diseases include thinning of the pulmonary valve. Among the diseases of the excretory system, the most common are renal colic and bladder diseases.

How much does a beagle cost?

The price of a purebred dog is set depending on many factors. The main role is played by its belonging to one class or another:

  • pet class (category of pets). They are more affordable to purchase. Buying such a puppy will cost the future owner from 5,000 rubles;
  • breed class (animals used for breeding). This category is more expensive, and therefore a puppy of this type costs from 10,000 rubles;
  • show class (dogs taking part in exhibition events and having an impeccable pedigree). Needless to say, to purchase this pet you will need a very impressive amount of money. The price of such animals starts from 20,000 rubles.

Dimensions and weight

According to the breed standard, the English beagle should be 33-40 cm in size and 10-18 kg in weight. This depends on the gender of the dog - females are usually smaller than males.

American Beagles are slightly larger than English Beagles. Their height reaches 41 cm, and their weight reaches 22 kg.

Breed standard

Weight - from 8 to 11 kg.

Height at the withers is 33-41 cm. Males are slightly larger than females and more powerfully built.

Color may vary significantly. The classic three-color color black/red/white and two-color white and red are common. All colors can be spotted. The tip of the tail is white.

The coat is thick, smooth, lying close to the body. It protects well from bad weather without allowing moisture to pass through.

There are varieties of the breed. European beagle and American. The difference is in color, the American beagle is slightly larger than the European one.

Charming appearance, endless friendliness and patience

Education and training

You need to start training your Beagle at an early age.


You should allocate no more than 30 minutes a day for training, otherwise the dog will get tired and stop listening.

Also, from the first days it is worth starting to accustom your pet to the toilet, designate its place for sleeping and eating.

Get your dog vaccinated. To prevent her from being shy, let her communicate on the street with other dogs (not strays). Get him used to traveling in the car and being carried. To do this, you only need to take your dog for a ride a few times.

Accustom your dog to the fact that you will examine it from time to time, check its ears and teeth, and wipe its eyes.

Wean you from biting important things, teach your dog to behave calmly when alone and not be afraid. Don't let your beagle misbehave if it bothers you or your family members. Make sure that during a walk the dog does not roll around in the mud or pick up anything from the ground.

What skills should a puppy have before the age of 5 months?

At this age, the dog begins a transitional period, and before this moment the beagle puppy must already learn certain rules. Otherwise, problems will arise with such a pet in the future.

The dog must learn to stay alone in the house. Not every animal is able to appreciate loneliness the first time; a lot depends on the breed characteristics. Beagles tend to tolerate such freedom well. Accustoming occurs gradually. At the first stage, all family members leave home for a time interval of up to 10 minutes. Then this procedure is repeated with an increase in the already specified interval, so it will be easier for the pet to understand that short-term loneliness is not a punishment, but a completely common practice.

The animal must learn to be clean; if you do not let the pet understand in time what is permissible and what is not, he will continue to do his business in the house, instead of asking outside.

At the age of five months, the puppy should no longer use its teeth, especially in the hands of the owner or other household members. The games use special devices, and the dog must be punished for taking liberties. The use of force or shouting is not entirely advisable; it is better to simply pretend for a certain period of time that there is no animal in the house.

Any training involves using the same methodology. First you need to figure out the reward, which can be tidbits or strokes. In second place is hardness. Every four-legged pet must realize that the owner is an authority, otherwise nothing may work out. Long-term training should be avoided; the dog begins to get tired, and therefore remembers things much worse, if he remembers them at all.

How to care for a dog?

All procedures, as already mentioned, aimed at examining a dog, be it checking teeth or ears, must be taught from an early age.

It is recommended to brush your dog's teeth with a special toothbrush every week. This will help avoid problems with the oral cavity. Wipe your eyes and trim your nails in a timely manner.

Beagles do not need to be bathed frequently. Do this only when heavily soiled. Brush your dog with a real bristle brush or use a special rubber glove.

Command training

It is better to train a beagle after a walk, when he has run around and calmed down. This way you can achieve the greatest concentration of attention.

The first teams learn at home, where there are few distractions. They are fixed on the street.

To me

Take a treat and show it to your pet. They say loudly “Come to me!” As soon as the beagle approaches, reward it.


The “Place” command is taught to the puppy as soon as he moves to a new home. The pet's bedding is placed in a quiet place, protected from drafts and direct sunlight. They come up to the bedding, show the treat and say “Place!” When the baby comes up, they praise him and give him a treat. The baby should sleep only on his own bedding.

Ugh! It is forbidden!

When a puppy, while walking, reaches for some object lying on the ground, they say “Ugh!” and tug on the leash. When the beagle grabs an object, they also say “Ugh!” and take it away.

Command "No!" necessary to prevent some action. For example, when a beagle starts to pull on the leash during a walk, they say “No!” and tug on the leash.

It is important! Do not pull the leash too hard. The puppy should feel only mild discomfort, but not pain.


Beagles are very loud dogs. It is not so easy to wean them from barking. As soon as the puppy begins to bark, say “Quiet!” and distract attention from the stimulus.

When a puppy barks at other dogs while walking, immediately tug on the leash and change the direction of movement. You can distract your puppy from barking while playing with a toy.

sit, lie down

Take a treat in your hand and show it to the puppy. Raise your hand above the dog’s head and say “Sit!” To reach the treat, the beagle will sit. If this does not happen, lightly press his croup.

When the puppy is sitting, take a treat in your hand and say “Lie down!” The palm with the treat is lowered down, and the other hand presses on the withers. When the baby lies down, they encourage him.

How to choose a puppy?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the puppy’s parents. If they are healthy, then most likely the puppy will be fine too.

It is better to buy a dog at the age of 1.5-2 months. Look at the puppy's behavior - he should be active and playful, not hide or tuck his tail between his legs.

Look at the wool. It should be smooth and without bald spots.


The mucous membranes should be pink, the nose should be cold, and the ears should be clean. Pay attention to how the puppy moves and whether he is limping.

Also keep in mind that at this age the puppy does not yet have a pronounced color. Puppies are almost black and white with subtle brown or red spots.

What do beagles eat?

When choosing a diet for your four-legged pet, you need to clearly remember that representatives of this breed should not overeat. Otherwise, excess weight and sluggishness appear. Beagles are distinguished by their ability to very aggressively beg for tasty morsels from a person’s table; such measures must be stopped immediately.

As for the daily diet, it must be divided into portions of the same volume. Separate containers are allocated for food and water, and access to water must be available around the clock.

You need to feed your pet according to the chosen schedule, at the same hours. If, after feeding in sufficient quantities, the dog begins to beg for more, then this behavior refers to begging, which must be stopped. Any dog ​​must be accustomed to the regime; if, after giving out the food, it does not come to eat, then the food should be removed 20 minutes before the next feeding.

You can learn more about the food required for a beagle in the following table.

Feeding beagles by age category

Age group60 days120 days180 days365 days
Name of feed
fermented milk products306090180
total per day1803605401080

*amount of feed is indicated in grams

If we talk about the frequency of feedings, they look like this:

  • 60 days – 6 times a day;
  • 60 – 90 days – 5 times a day;
  • 120 – 180 days – 4 times a day;
  • 180 – 365 days – 3 times a day;
  • 365 days and older – 2 times a day.

To feed dogs, either ready-made food (dry, canned, etc.) or natural food (prepared by a person from selected ingredients) is used. It is important to remember that both of these types should not be used together; preference is given to one or the other.

  1. The first option is somewhat preferable in the sense that the food contains all the trace elements and minerals necessary for a dog.
  2. If the choice is made in favor of ready-made food, then it should be at least premium class.

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What to look for when choosing a puppy

  • Ask the breeders for the puppy's pedigree and meet the little beagle's father and mother. Having a complete package of documents will give you a guarantee that you will purchase a purebred animal that can be used for further breeding.
  • A healthy puppy should be active, sociable and inquisitive. The coat of a purebred animal is slightly shiny. It is imperative to examine the eyes and ears of puppies. They should be clean, without excessive discharge or unpleasant odor.
  • The animal's nose is usually moist and cool. The puppy should walk, run and jump confidently. Males should be examined for proper descent of the testicles into the scrotum (some Beagle puppies exhibit cryptorchidism and monorchidism).

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