Description of the Jack Russell Terrier breed: character traits of the dog and reviews from owners

Origin story

The breed was bred in Great Britain by the priest John (Jack) Russell. Russell was not interested in the appearance of dogs; he paid attention only to their working qualities and the factors influencing them: height, chest structure, endurance, jaw strength.

When breeding the breed, he used Fox Terriers, Lakelands, Borders, Bull Terriers, Beagles, carefully and severely culling all puppies that did not meet the basic requirements . As a result of such work, dogs appeared that were ideal for hunting foxes and badgers on foot.

After the death of John Russell, his work was continued by Arthur Heinemann, who began to use Pembroke Dachshunds and Welsh Corgis for breeding.

The first Jack Russell Terrier club was created in 1914, the breed standard approved by the FCI was adopted in 2001.

In Russia, the first representatives of the breed appeared in 1998, in 2000 . The RKF registered the first pair; in 2003, the National Breed Club was created at the RKF and the first National Exhibition was held.

In 1994, the film “The Mask” was released, where the main character’s dog, Milo, was played by a Jack Russell terrier. Representatives of this breed also starred in such films as “Problem Child”, “My Dog Skip”, “Paws”.

Breed characteristics

Jack Russell Terrier description is a hunting breed of dog that appeared in England and spread throughout Australia. Initially, small dogs were used for burrow hunting for rats. The character of the dogs is cheerful and very active. There is only one common name and the breed received it on behalf of the English priest John-Jack Russell from the county of Devon, who was an excellent rider and a passionate fan of hunting foxes with dogs.

From 1873, he participated in the development of a breed of miniature fox hunters, which became terriers. However, he himself did not demonstrate his pets, since he loved wire-haired terriers, and they were not in fashion. Before 1900, Jack Russell Terriers were considered Old Style Fox Terriers.

FCI breed standard: No. 345

The characteristics of this animal suggest a strong and active body of medium length and increased flexibility. The terrier is very passionate and efficient. His movements are expressive. The Terrier needs little time to recuperate. He is always ready for games and walks. Tail docking is not mandatory. The posture is proud, and the coat can be variable (smooth, hard or mixed). Visually, the Jack Russell Terrier appears small and slightly stretched out, while its taller and broad-shouldered “relatives” have separated into the “Parson Russell Terrier” group. Both varieties of the breed are distinguished by their developed intelligence.

Size, weight and height of the breed

Externally, the dog seems stretched in length, not in height. The depth of her body from the withers to the chest should be equal to the length of the front paw from the middle to the ground. The circumference behind the elbows should be approximately 40 cm.

The Jack Russell Terrier is the best choice for those people who are looking for a reliable guard with small dimensions. This is an “apartment dog” with the instincts of a real hunter.

The terrier has a penetrating, intelligent look and a calm and cheerful disposition. This is a very trusting pet that can be easily deceived by its owner. At the same time, terriers do not remember evil, and, once they fall in love with a person, they always treat him friendly. The Jack Russell Terrier is brave and fearless. With all his appearance, he expresses readiness for active action, a desire to act and catch up.

  • The standard assumes that the dog has a flat, moderately wide skull, tapering towards the eyes and jaws.
  • The nose is black, and the length of the muzzle is quite short.
  • Lips fit tightly to teeth and may have black pigment
  • The teeth are very strong, deep and wide. The dog has a scissor bite
  • Small dark eyes should not be bulging, and the eyelids should not close. The edges of the eyelids are pigmented black. The eyes are almond shaped
  • Very mobile ears of the Jack Russell Terrier are slightly raised on the cartilage or hanging
  • The cheek muscles are very developed
  • The neck is strong and wide, allowing you to carry your head with dignity
  • In general, the Jack Russell Terrier gives the impression of a muscular and strong dog, which is true. He has developed muscles on the shoulder blade, angular shoulders, straight forearms
  • The front legs are round and firm, and the hind legs are very muscular.
  • The dog's gait is free and springy
  • The dog’s coat reliably protects it from bad weather, so the purebred individual does not need suits and overalls in winter. But this is in Euro winter conditions. In our region, in the harsh winter, the dog will need additional protection. Terriers do not tolerate slush well and can catch colds

In an adult Jack Russell Terrier, the height at the withers reaches 25 - 30 cm. In this case, the weight is determined by the equivalent of each kg to 5 cm of height. Thus, a dog 25 cm tall should weigh about five kg.

Any deviation from the described standards may be considered a fault or disqualifying fault. In particular, these include lack of balance, sluggish movements, aggression or excessive shyness, as well as obvious physical or behavioral abnormalities.

Possible colors

Hair can be smooth or coarse. The standard assumes a white color with black or tan markings. However, red markings may vary.

Puppy weight by month

Little puppies quickly grow stronger and gain weight. Moreover, recruitment is directly proportional to growing up.

  • at 2 months - about 2 kg.
  • at 2.5 months - about 2.5 kg.
  • at 3 months - about 3 kg.
  • at 3.5 months - about 3.6 kg.
  • at 4 months - about 4 kg.
  • at 4.5 months - about 4.5 kg.

Females may be slightly smaller, but there is no major difference.


Dogs of this breed have good health, since during breeding much attention was paid to this factor, as well as physical endurance, and not beauty. In good conditions, terriers live up to 15 years. Centenarians can exceed the “20” bar. Of course, a lot depends on heredity, living conditions and past diseases.

Diseases common to this breed include ataxia. This is a motor disorder with impaired coordination of movements. The disease manifests itself at an early age and progresses rapidly. Individuals with this disease rarely survive beyond two years.

Eye diseases often manifest themselves - lens displacement and cataracts.

For small puppies, it is recommended to limit movement on uneven surfaces.

For example, it is better to carry puppies under one year of age outside in your arms, since going down stairs can lead to crooked paws. Also, you should not hang with your teeth for up to a year. These are clear prerequisites for malocclusion.

Pet character

Jack Russell Terriers have a complex character. These dogs are distinguished by independence, determination, stubbornness, straightforwardness and the ability to make decisions independently, assessing the situation. In addition, they are hyperactive and, if not raised correctly, can cause a lot of problems.

These dogs are hunters, they are characterized by an excellent sense of smell, endurance and high performance, they need long walks and active games..

If a Jack Russell lacks physical exercise, violent energy finds a way out through literally destructive behavior: playing at night, damaging property, digging holes, chasing birds and cats, etc.

At the same time, all shortcomings are compensated by a cheerful disposition, love of life, fearlessness and playfulness. Representatives of this breed are incredibly loyal to their owner, affectionate and friendly.

They react calmly to strangers on the street, but they can be wary, suspicious and even aggressive towards guests, which makes them excellent watchdogs.

They do not try to single out the main person in the house and become attached to all family members, although they can choose a favorite.

They need constant communication and attention and do not tolerate loneliness well.

Owner reviews about the Jack Russell Terrier dog

Reviews from owners are as varied as the dogs' personalities. Despite common behavioral characteristics, pets still have individuality. But, like all puppies, in the first months of living in the house they get into a lot of mischief if they are not occupied. Hence the main negative reviews - not every owner is ready to take damaged shoes, floors and furniture for granted.

Lack of experience with dogs generally leads to a negative opinion about such energetic animals. Experienced and active, ready for regular exercise with their pet, the owners leave completely objective, positive reviews. All you have to do is be honest with yourself – it won’t be very easy with such a dog.

Attitude towards children and pets

Jack Russells are friendly towards children, get along well with them, and enjoy playing and entertaining them.

At the same time, if the child is under 3-4 years old, training the dog must be approached as responsibly as possible so that it does not snap or try to bite the child if he pulls the dog by the tail during play, for example.

You also need to accustom your pet to the child’s daily routine, otherwise he will strive to entertain him almost 24 hours a day.

Jack Russells are jealous, they cannot stand it if the owner pays attention to other dogs.

They treat their relatives negatively, with aggression, and only get along with representatives of their own breed.

Hunting instincts do not allow Jack Russells to coexist with cats or rodents - dogs see them only as prey.

Representatives of this breed live relatively calmly with other pets only if they grew up together, but even in this case it is necessary to monitor their relationships.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Jack Russells are the intellectuals of dogs. They are energetic, intelligent, and easy to train if the owner is patient and persistent. As the dog grows older, it will try to take the place of leader in the family and it is important to immediately stop these attempts, otherwise it will stop obeying. With the right approach to education and socialization, representatives of this breed become excellent, loyal, affectionate and cheerful pets.

Taming of the Shrew

Since puppies are already endowed with unbridled energy from the breed, as well as the desire to “pump up their rights,” the first thing you should do is “exorcise the devil.”

Professional trainers note the fact that this animal requires a special approach. You shouldn’t follow the dog’s lead and forgive it for various pranks, which often lead to tyranny, but you shouldn’t overdo it, driving this animal “into a corner.”

If the Jack Russell is not pacified in a timely manner, then he may:

  • Growling, lunging at strangers and biting.
  • Hunt various animals and kids.
  • Do not execute any commands, even basic ones.
  • He can easily turn the living space into something like a toilet.
  • He is capable of rendering unusable any objects that come into his field of vision.
  • Whine and howl when begging for food or when left alone.
  • Show unrestrained disobedience, regardless of the conditions in which he finds himself.

The main task of the owner is to promptly stop all his attempts to become the boss in the house. This breed is quite intelligent and immediately begins to figure out when to start “twisting the ropes” out of its owner. In short, you should immediately make it clear to the dog that he is in submission, and not vice versa.

This breed has functions for constant movement, so when raising a dog, you need to remember this feature. To release his energy in the right direction, you should acquire a lot of different toys, otherwise the living space will resemble a cluster of trash torn to shreds. This dog needs to be spent a lot of time outside, and again, you need to play with it, forcing it to expend its energy.

The dog should not be allowed to chase animals, especially children. In dense bushes and near highways, it is better to keep your dog on a leash.

Training a Jack Russell Terrier is not particularly difficult, since he is quite intelligent and quick-witted and grasps everything on the fly, the main thing is to be persistent and consistent. Too much activity of an animal is significantly reduced if it is constantly loaded, including in various games like mini-agility, where this breed has no equal.

Advantages and disadvantages

Jack Russell Terriers have many advantages, for example:

  • sociability, allowing you to find contact with all family members;
  • good attitude towards children;
  • curiosity and resourcefulness;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • ability to learn;
  • guard qualities and fearlessness;
  • devotion;
  • small size, allowing you to keep them in small apartments;
  • quick adaptation to a new environment;
  • possibility of use in canistherapy - treatment with the help of dogs;
  • hunting instincts are a definite plus for owners who love hunting;
  • endurance and performance;
  • unpretentiousness and easy care.

Of course, like any other breed, Jack Russells have their disadvantages.:

  • uncontrollable and noisy behavior due to lack of attention;
  • the need for serious training;
  • need for long active walks;
  • gullibility, which can lead to the theft of a pet;
  • cunning and manipulative tendencies;
  • hyperactivity is a minus for people leading a measured and calm lifestyle;
  • aggressive attitude towards same-sex dogs, tendency to fight.

In addition, short-haired representatives of the breed are distinguished by profuse shedding.

Color variations

The breed standard provides for 3 color options (shown in the photo):

  • white fur with red spots;
  • white coat with black spots;
  • white coat with black and red spots (tricolor);
  • pure white coat, but this color is extremely rare.

Red color can have any intensity, from the lightest to chestnut.

Types and brief description

According to coat type, Jack Russell Terriers are divided into:

  • smooth-haired - the most common type with soft, close-fitting hair;
  • wire-haired (aka long-haired) - dogs of this type have a hard, rather long coat, have small eyebrows and a beard;
  • Broken (or intermediate) - visually similar to the long-haired type, but the length of the coat is much shorter and lies close to the body of the terrier, there are no eyebrows or beard.

In addition, in 2001, the breed was divided into 2 varieties: Jack Russell Terriers (ICF standard No. 345) and Parson Russell Terriers (IFF standard No. 339) .

They differ in the height of their paws - Parson Russell Terriers have longer limbs.

Exterior of the Jack Russell Terrier breed

  1. Short hair can be either smooth or harsh, and even kinked. Sheds heavily in any variety.
  2. The height of the individual at the withers is 20-30 cm.
  3. The weight of representatives ranges from 5 to 8 kg, but can reach 12 kg in particularly muscular individuals.
  4. The skull has a flat shape. The muzzle is clearly defined and tapers towards the nose. Small V-shaped ears cover the shell. Scissor bite. The teeth are straight. The eyes are dark, with an almond-shaped cut.
  5. The chest is deep, but not wide - the dog must enter holes.
  6. The tail is usually docked at ear level. Stands upright, especially when moving.

Maintenance and care

These dogs were bred specifically for hunters and there were no high requirements for their maintenance, so we can note another advantage of this breed - easy care.


Jack Russells are not suitable for outdoor or kennel keeping - they are sensitive to low temperatures and even when walking in the cold season they need warm clothing.

These dogs should be kept in a house or apartment, setting up a place with a bed or house away from drafts and heating appliances.

Wool and bathing

Coat care depends on its type: smooth-haired dogs need to be combed 1-2 times a week with a rubber brush or a furminator, and pets with hard or intermediate coats need to be trimmed quarterly on their own or in grooming salons.

You cannot cut your Jack Russell with a clipper, this will lead to the loss of the natural structure and texture of the coat..

Problems in grooming are associated with heavy shedding, which peaks in spring and autumn, but in fact, dogs living in apartments shed almost constantly.

Jack Russells should be bathed as needed - approximately 2-3 times a year..

Their fur is capable of self-cleaning, and frequent washing will lead to dry skin.


Ears should be regularly inspected and cleaned using cotton wool and a special lotion, carefully wiping first the outer ear and then the pinna.

You can prevent ear mite infection by instilling prophylactic drops.


Eyes should be wiped daily with a cotton pad soaked in tea leaves or chamomile decoction.


When changing teeth, you need to buy special teethers for your pet..

In addition, the dog’s teeth need to be brushed daily with a special brush and toothpaste, and for natural cleaning, give solid treats and dry food.

Paws and claws

After each walk, you need to wash your paws and inspect them for damage..

You also need to trim your nails every 2 weeks, because... if they are too long, the dog will begin to place his paws crookedly, and the load on the joints and ligaments will be distributed incorrectly.

Health characteristics and main diseases

Jack Russell Terriers have fairly good health, but are prone to certain breed diseases, including:

  • Lens luxation is a disease in which the lens of the eye shifts, causing the dog to experience lacrimation, photophobia and squinting, the shape of the pupil is disrupted, this disease leads to complete blindness and can only be treated through surgery;
  • cataract is a pathology characterized by a decrease in the transparency of the lens of the eye, the formation of a cloudy film on the eyes, due to which vision is impaired, the dog goes blind, the disease is treated surgically;
  • ataxia is a disease inherent in this particular breed, in which coordination of movements is impaired, balance is lost; a dog lives with such a disease for a maximum of 2 years;
  • displacement of the kneecap is a pathology leading to arthritis, rupture of the knee ligaments, immobility;
  • Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease – necrosis of the femoral head;
  • von Willebrand disease is a blood disease characterized by regular spontaneous bleeding.

Also typical for Jack Russells:

  • glaucoma;
  • "Colli's anomaly";
  • congenital blindness or deafness;
  • dysplasia;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • arthritis;
  • dysplasia.


According to experienced breeders, diseases typical of this breed are extremely rare.

Diseases acquired as a result of improper care include obesity and allergies.

What to do if the parameters lag behind the norm

As already mentioned, the first thing to do is to discover the cause of the underweight.

This can be done with the help of a veterinarian or by observing the puppy.

Carefully monitor how he eats, how he behaves during games and walks, and whether there are any deviations from the norm in his behavior..

If this happens during the suckling period, then start moving the puppy to the rear teats and make sure that he receives enough nutrition.

This situation usually occurs in litters with a large number of puppies, where the stronger ones exclude the weaker ones from the teats with the most nutritious milk.


If you notice that the puppies still do not have enough milk, then start complementary feeding, do not hesitate. It is possible that this is the only way to save the puppy’s life.

For bait, use a little cow's milk diluted with water. If the puppies do not have enough milk from the first day, then they will need a wet-nurse dog or a complete transition to artificial nutrition.

If you notice that your puppy has started to lose weight after you adopted him from the breeder, then it is due to a stressful situation..

To somehow correct the situation, give the puppy more attention and love, and also add to his diet, for example, calcined cottage cheese, which must be mixed with a small amount of whey, 2 drops of multivitamins and 1 yolk. If the mixture is too thick, dilute it with cow's milk.

Over the next month, the puppy should gain back the lost grams of weight..

Poor appetite and weight loss can also be due to worms. Usually the puppy receives his first medications from them with a vaccination. If tests confirm that the puppy is indeed infected, then treatment must be carried out earlier.

After a stool analysis shows what kind of parasites the puppy is infected with, the doctor may prescribe one of the following medications::

  • Prazitel.
  • Drontal Junior.
  • Prazicide.
  • Helminthal.
  • Dirofen.

If your puppy is not getting all the nutrients, you may want to consider supplemental vitamins. Keep in mind that supplements must be prescribed by a veterinarian, do not rely solely on your own knowledge.

If you notice your dog licking his food bowl completely clean, he may not be getting enough.

Try adding more food next time and watch how he eats . This way you can determine what amount of food at a time is optimal for your pet.

Check the conditions in which the puppy is kept. It should not be too hot or too cold, damp or drafty.

Walk your puppy more. Jack Russell Terriers need as much activity as possible.

It may very well be that the puppy does not have enough active games and does not fully expend energy. As a result, he eats little and does not receive a new portion of vitamins.

If after a stool analysis does not reveal the presence of parasites in the pet, then the issue here is something else . Go through an additional examination to identify the reason for your refusal to eat or your low weight.

For example, these could be some genetic diseases of the dog that you did not know about and which you now have to deal with.

It is also worth remembering that excess weight is no less dangerous for a dog, especially at an early age. Excess weight can cause a dog's weak bones and joints to become deformed.


Due to obesity, dogs experience problems with the heart and blood vessels, digestion and skeleton.

It is better to immediately monitor your pet and its diet to avoid various problems with its health.

Nutritional Features

When feeding Jack Russells, you need to follow 2 rules - the diet must be balanced and you cannot mix natural food and ready-made food.

With a natural diet, the dog's diet should consist of 60% meat and the remaining 40% from dairy products, vegetables and cereals.

Products allowed for Jack Russell:

  • lean boiled meat;
  • boiled lean sea fish without bones;
  • boiled offal;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • vegetables;
  • rice and buckwheat porridge.

It is forbidden to give:

  • fatty meats;
  • tubular bones;
  • freshwater fish;
  • spices and herbs;
  • corn, beans, potatoes;
  • fried, spicy, salty, sweet and smoked foods.

With a natural diet, it is necessary to give your pet additional vitamins and minerals.

In case of feeding with ready-made food, it is necessary to buy only super-premium or holistic food.

Most popular brands:

  • Artemis Maximal Dog;
  • Innova EVO;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Hills;
  • Bosch;
  • Artemis.

Your pet should always have free access to clean, settled or filtered drinking water.

Due to the tendency of these dogs to become obese, it is important to follow a feeding schedule and control portion sizes..

Education and training

Jack Russells are smart, quick-witted and have a good memory, but the training process is complicated by their innate stubbornness and cunning.

It is necessary to start raising and training your pet from an early age, immediately letting him understand who is in charge in the house and what is allowed and what is not..

It is important to maintain consistency and stability, training must be regular, and patience and perseverance are required from the owner.

It is best to raise a dog in a playful way; you cannot beat it; if punishment is required, you can take the animal by the withers and shake it.

The Jack Russell needs to learn commands such as “come”, “place”, “sit”, “lie”, “near”, “fu”, “give” and “fetch”.

Key points in training

Dogs of this breed love to chase small animals.

  • This hunter's instinct must be developed and encouraged . A weak-willed person will not be able to cope with training an animal, because the Jack Russell immediately senses “who’s boss.”
  • During training, you should never shout at the animal . You cannot hit a dog so as not to provoke retaliatory aggression. All commands must be given in a calm, confident tone.
  • Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

The ideal trainer is a tough, but not cruel, person who knows exactly what he wants from the dog and intends to achieve his goal at all costs. The main thing is regularity of classes.


When developing the breed, breeders did not interfere with healthy physiology, so Jack Russell Terriers have a fairly high life expectancy: with proper care and suitable living conditions, these dogs live 13-16 years.

How and whom to choose? Price range

It is better to buy a dog from a trusted specialized nursery, after asking the breeder about the health of the puppy and its parents.

In a healthy and purebred Jack Russell puppy:

  • white coat with spots of red or black;
  • dark eyes with black rims;
  • black nose without discharge;
  • medium-length tail, not curled into a ring;
  • limbs straight and even;
  • straight and level back.

The puppy should be active, playful and curious.

When choosing between a dog and a bitch, you should remember that girls are more affectionate and calm, they have a more balanced character, while boys are more energetic and courageous.

Males also tend to mark territory and lose control when they smell a bitch in heat; girls don’t have these problems, but they go into heat twice a year, during which their behavior can change.

What is the price? Prices for a purebred puppy with all the necessary documents start from 35 thousand rubles, show-class puppies that compete for prizes at exhibitions are sold for 50 thousand rubles. and more .

If the documents and titles of the parents do not matter, then a Jack Russell can be purchased for 13-20 thousand rubles.

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