What does a cross between a Labrador and a Shepherd look like: distinctive features of the pet’s character and basic rules of keeping

Recently, it has become fashionable to keep “designer” dogs in the house, which, in fact, are mestizos.

The appearance of such puppies is not always due to the whim of the breeders.

Often, designer breeds, when it comes to large dogs, are bred to improve working qualities and character.

Labrador and shepherd mixes are just such dogs.

After all, they were bred to improve their watchdog qualities, but at the same time maintain the friendly disposition inherent in Labradors.

Labrador and shepherd: and what a mixed breed looks like in the photo

Mixed breeds of Labrador Retrievers and Shepherd Dogs are called Labronemese.

They are distinguished by their rather large stature and strong build . These dogs tend to be more similar to Labradors: they have almost the same body structure and are usually the same color.

But sometimes a mixed-breed puppy inherits from a shepherd the characteristic shape of the head and muzzle and a croup that is slightly more sloping than that of a Labrador.

Labronemians most often have floppy ears . However, there are also mixed breeds with erect ears, like those of a shepherd dog. The color is most often black, brown or fawn, less often - saddleback or zoned.

Unlike mongrels, Labronemese inherit the genes of only two original breeds.

You need to understand that a mestizo cannot look like only one of his parents, that his genotype, as well as his character and appearance, will necessarily contain traits inherited from both breeds.

Ideology of hybridization

Labrador Retriever mixes have many positive characteristics.
They quickly adapt to unfamiliar surroundings. The protective functions of the body in mixed puppies are good and they are easy to train. Important! Such dogs can attend exhibitions, but they are not given prizes. Metis are sold for a nominal fee, and sometimes they are simply given as gifts.

Labrador retriever mix puppies

Types of crossbreeds

With a German Shepherd

Labrador and German Shepherd mixes, inheriting the best traits of their parents, are distinguished by a friendly and playful disposition, but at the same time they make very good guards.

The Labronemese sensitively guards a house or apartment, but is not characterized by increased aggressiveness or excessive vigilance.

Outwardly, such a dog may look like one of its parents, but its appearance will certainly contain exterior features of another breed. Typically, they have floppy ears, medium-length fur, and a saber-shaped tail.

With an East European Shepherd

They are similar to the previous type of mestizos, except that crosses of Labradors and “Easterns” are distinguished by their taller height and powerful physique.

Such mestizos are loyal, quite obedient and at the same time sociable . At the same time, they take their work seriously and are calmer.

With a Caucasian Shepherd

Such mixed breeds of Labrador and Caucasian, as a rule, look very large and powerful.

Their fur is quite long and thick, protecting them well from the cold..

These dogs have drooping ears, but can also be cropped. The color varies, and there may be white markings or a dark mask on the face.

It should be remembered that a crossbreed between a Labrador and a Caucasian Shepherd may have a difficult character: such a dog sometimes grows up willful, stubborn, overly distrustful of strangers and even malicious.

In order to avoid problems associated with negative character traits, a cross between a Labrador and a Caucasian Shepherd needs early socialization and proper education and training..

At the same time, if you pay attention to such a pet and train it correctly, it can grow into an intelligent, moderately vigilant and brave dog.

Timeline of gene design

The history of modern interbreed outbreeding (breeding dogs of different breeds in order to obtain (strengthen) working and exterior talents) begins in Australia.
In 1988, breeder Wally Cornor deliberately crossed a heterogeneous pair of good blood, combining the hypoallergenic coat of a poodle and the easy-going nature of a Labrador, trying to create an ideal guide dog for the disabled, suffering from asthma and allergies to wool. Until this epoch-making moment, “hybridization” in zootechnical circles was considered bad manners, breeders Pedigrees and blood purity were carefully monitored, and mixed litters were excluded (discarded). The Labropoodle (a registered toponym of the Cobberdog breed) obtained in Australia turned into a “pebble that creates an avalanche” and implemented a new trend-wave of dog breeding, a direction called “designer selection.” Commercial dog handlers seem to have “lost their chains”: every year more and more risky experiments, targeted crossings, unusual and unique hybrids are presented to the world.

Modern mestizos are innovative animals: they are not yet a breed, but they are no longer mongrels. Representatives of this selection are becoming increasingly popular, the market is supported by stable demand, and prices for canine curiosities are simply off the charts.

What the dog learned from the Labrador

Along with floppy ears and, most often, a solid black, brown or fawn color, mixed breeds inherit from Labradors a friendly character, playfulness, intelligence and obedience.


These dogs have a gentler character than the “Germans” and get along well with children and pets.

They are more sociable and sociable, they are not characterized by excessive wariness towards strangers or excessive severity and severity of character.

Independent “examination” of the authenticity of the breed

What Cane Corso puppies look like: description of the breed and development of pets
Labrador is one of the most popular dogs in the world, which is what unscrupulous breeders profit from. Now we are not really talking about purchasing a “designer” mestizo, since in this case two purebred dogs are crossed. We are talking about those cases when they are actively selling you a cross between a Labrador and a mongrel, actively passing it off as an honorary representative of a pure breed.

It is quite easy to distinguish a Labrador from a mixed breed, but beginners may have a lot of questions about this. And it’s not just about the color or condition of the coat.

It is important to be able to observe the behavioral characteristics of a new pet in the house in order to understand how well they correspond to the typical personality traits of the breed

Let's start with the fact that the Labrador is perhaps the kindest and most affectionate dog in the world. Any aggression, especially without a reason, is completely absent from it.

These pets are extremely playful and active, very inquisitive and sociable. They try to make friends with everyone and easily come into contact with any person.

They are also excellent nannies for babies, which is especially important for those families with a child.

Imagine - you take a Labrador to make him your child’s favorite, and he begins to show aggression, which is more typical of a hunted, wild mongrel! Is it pleasant? We believe not.

How to distinguish a real purebred dog from a “fake”?

Pay attention to the overall appearance. Real Labradors are “strong” even in puppyhood

Their jaws are medium in size, as are their eyes. An elongated nose is not typical for them. The entire middle third of the muzzle has angular rather than rounded features; The ears of a real Labrador are drooping, of medium size, set far behind the front of the head, tightly adjacent to it; The Labrador's tail is somewhat reminiscent of an otter's tail - it is quite wide and dense at the base, and gradually tapers towards the tip; The puppy's hair is quite dense, the hair is short, as if “velvety” to the touch. In golden retrievers, it shimmers in the appropriate shade in the sun. By the way, experienced dog breeders say that golden and chocolate Labradors are the most savvy and intelligent; The color of a Labrador is uniform, so if there are spots on its body, most likely the breed is not pure. The exception in this regard is a barely noticeable pale spot on the chest in golden-colored individuals.

Characteristic personality traits can also appear in dogs from puppyhood. Little Labradors are quite playful and mischievous, which, however, is typical for all puppies.

However, along with these typical qualities, a small pet should exhibit the following character traits:

  • Responsiveness;
  • Tenderness;
  • Equilibrium;
  • Kindness;
  • Weasel;
  • Attachment to the owner;
  • Agility;
  • Obedience.

When mixed with a mongrel, character traits can manifest themselves in the most unexpected ways, and they are not always acceptable to the owners.

It is also worth paying attention to mixed breeds with fighting breeds, for example, a cross between Staff and Labrador. Staffy and Labrador mixes may exhibit unexpected behavioral factors that may be inappropriate when interacting with a child.

What traits did she take from the shepherd?

From the German Shepherd, Labronemians adopted a balanced temperament, excellent trainability and physical endurance.

Also from the “Germans” the mestizos received versatility, interest in work, devotion to owners and unsurpassed security qualities.

Labronemese have inherited from Shepherds a moderate viciousness and distrust of strangers, which makes them suitable for guard duty.


There are no species or subspecies. However, the popularity and widespread distribution of the breed around the world have added local flavor to national standards. Here is a list of the main varieties:

  • German standard. This is a classic model Rottweiler.
  • English standard. Based on Germanic. It has a calm character and excellent protective qualities.
  • American standard. These are large dogs that are far from friendly in nature. Breeders were able to obtain the ideal animal for guard duty.

Further in the photo you can see representatives of this breed of dogs, including small Rottweilers.

Pet character

Labronemians have a lively and playful disposition. Unlike German shepherds, who are much more interested in work, mixed breeds are not averse to running and playing.

They are not characterized by aggressiveness and severity of character, they are friendly, affectionate and obedient, which makes them wonderful family dogs.

Labronemese get along well with other animals and with children, they are loyal to their owners and very smart.

These dogs are well trained, however, it should be remembered that when raising a puppy of this breed, harshness and rudeness are unacceptable.

With a mongrel

Sheepdog is a cross between a German Shepherd and a mongrel dog. The exterior of the mestizos has a vague resemblance to the “Germans”, more like an ordinary mongrel.

The dog is genetically resistant to diseases and adapts to outdoor living conditions. The animals are unpretentious and do not require special care.

Puppies are trainable and quickly learn commands. They have a strong sense of attachment to their owner.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

Labronemese are quite large dogs whose height can vary from 55 to 65 cm, and their weight is approximately 25-40 kg.

Body format can be close to square or slightly stretched:

  • Their head is wedge-shaped, the skull is somewhat wider than that of shepherd dogs. The transition from both to a moderately long muzzle is well marked. The jaws are strong and have a scissor bite.
  • The ears can be either drooping or erect, and sometimes simply raised on cartilage.
  • The eyes are oval, medium size, brown. The look is intelligent, friendly, but at the same time moderately wary.
  • The neck is not too long, moderately dry and muscular. The withers are well defined. The back line is straight and even, the croup is slightly sloping. The tail is medium in length, quite thick at the base and somewhat tapering towards the end. As a rule, it has a saber shape.
  • The forelimbs are level, straight and parallel. The hindquarters are muscular, with regular angulations. The paws are rounded and arched.
  • The Labron German's coat can be either quite short or long if one of the puppy's parents is a long-haired German Shepherd. The undercoat is well developed, quite thick and dense.

The most common color of Labronemese is black, which may have small white markings..

There are also fawn, brown and black-backed or zonal mixed breeds.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The Labronemian has absorbed the best qualities of his parents. He is distinguished by a friendly and playful disposition, but at the same time has good security qualities. Labronemese are smart and quick-witted, they are highly trainable and are not prone to dominance. These dogs are obedient, non-aggressive and good with other animals and children.”

Comparison with other dogs by qualities

German Shepherd

Shepherds and Rottweilers are loyal, strong, hardy creatures. They cope well with assigned tasks, protect and guard their territory. But the German is calmer and friendlier, which cannot be said about the Rottweiler.

Cane Corso

Here the Rottweiler serves as a guard, and the Cane Corso acts as a bodyguard. The second breed has its disadvantages: it sheds for a long time and secretes excessive saliva.

Both breeds have similar personalities. But the Cane Corso requires an active lifestyle, so it is important to provide him with regular exercise.


The differences lie in behavior and tendency to train:

  • The pit bull is a vigilant protector, guardian, and an excellent companion. He easily adapts to a new family and tries in every possible way to please his owner. Protects other pets. For example, a dog will distract a person while the cat steals treats from the table.
  • The Rottweiler demands to be treated as a full member of the family. However, he will only be affectionate with a kind and intelligent owner. This breed should not be underestimated. The Rottweiler can easily trick a person into not following any commands.


The Staffordshire Terrier has a softer and more flexible character, which cannot be noted in the Rottweiler. Both breeds are easy to train, get along well with people, are strong and resilient. They equally love to be lazy: they prefer to sleep or relax most of the time.

Ca de bou

The Spanish Mastiff differs from the Rottweiler in the following features:

  • Despite its formidable appearance, the dog is unusually sensitive and kind. Patient with children, cats and other dogs.
  • Calmly assesses the situation, reacts quickly in emergency situations, and thinks logically.
  • The dog is active and loves sports. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep him in his apartment. Otherwise, it will damage the furniture and equipment.


The Labrador is not considered a fighting breed. He is very kind and affectionate. The dog can play the role of a hunter, athlete, guide and detective. The animal does not behave maliciously or aggressively. The soft grip of the jaws will not harm the opponent in any way. If you put a Rottweiler against a Labrador, the first one will be stronger.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Smart and quick-witted dogs.
  • Energetic and playful.
  • Labronemians are not characterized by aggression.
  • Balanced temperament.
  • Love for children.
  • Get along well with other pets.
  • Not prone to dominance.
  • Well trained.
  • Hardy and strong enough.
  • They are in good health.
  • They can live both in a house and in an apartment.


  • Some Labronemians can be stubborn and headstrong.
  • Due to the lack of breeding documents, one cannot be sure that this is a Labronemese and not a large mongrel similar to it.
  • These dogs cannot participate in exhibitions and are not allowed for breeding.

The main disadvantage of Labronemese is that when buying such a puppy, it is often impossible to predict how he will grow up and which of his parents will be more similar in appearance and character: a shepherd dog or a Labrador.

With a wolf

Getting a cross between a dog and a wolf is not easy. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a mating between a tamed she-wolf and a “German”. As a result, cubs are born that inherit the appearance and color of the mother: a lean, muscular body, gray (less often black) coat.

The wolf dog copes well with the functions of a guard. His character is dominated by determination, courage and good ability to learn commands. The dog does not show aggression towards people, but keeps its distance from strangers. Infinitely devoted to his master.

By inheritance from his wild ancestors, he inherited good health and the ability to navigate the natural environment with lightning speed.

Mixed breeds between wolves and dogs are rare. If you raise a puppy at home from childhood, then it will grow into an intelligent, loyal dog.

Life expectancy and health

The average life expectancy is 10-12 years. At the same time, Labronemians, like other mestizos, are distinguished by good health.

These dogs rarely suffer from hereditary diseases , although, due to improper maintenance, care and feeding , they may suffer from some diseases, such as :

  • Obesity.
  • Diabetes.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the ears.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Allergy.
  • Osteoarthritis.

Because both Labradors and German Shepherds are prone to hip dysplasia, Labradors are also prone to the condition.

A little history

Characteristics of dogs of the “Alabai” breed: pet standard and character description + reviews from owners

A cross between a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd appeared in the mid-20th century. The breed is considered young and still little known throughout the world. Germany became her homeland. A group of Germans set out to get new dogs with a stable psyche and balanced character.

Particular attention was paid to the level of health

The best representatives of the breeds were selected for the work. The first mixed breeds of Rottweilers and German Shepherds definitely pleased the breeders. Hybrids were distinguished by high trainability, obedience, and good health.

Further crossing allowed only the best qualities to be consolidated in the new breed. Therefore, the breeders decided to present the Rottweiler-Shepherd mix to the professional canine society.

Rottweiler and Shepherd

However, experts refused to recognize the new breed. In their opinion, mestizos do not have a stable set of characteristics, and the results of selection are not yet permanent. At this stage, the targeted work on breeding a new breed ended.

Interesting! Some dog breeders make their own hybrids and sell puppies.

The Rottweiler-Shepherd mix is ​​considered to be versatile and has excellent working qualities. This breed is popularly called Malkhover, and it is popular among connoisseurs of unusual dogs.

Features of maintenance and care

These dogs can be kept both in the house and in the apartment. At the same time, if a Labron German lives on the street, you need to make sure that he has a warm and comfortable enclosure or an insulated booth.


Labronemese should not be chained, but they can be tied for a short period of time if necessary.

The pet should have its own place in the apartment where the dog will rest. In city conditions, it is necessary to walk a mestizo at least twice a day.

Caring for the coat is simple: you need to comb its coat from time to time and bathe your pet no more than 3-4 times a year .

In addition, you will need to examine the animal's ears and eyes, as well as its mouth, every day. If necessary, clean the ears with a cotton swab and the eyes with a cotton swab.

To clean their teeth, you can give Labronemese toys purchased at a pet store and special treats for dogs..

If the pet walks enough, you most likely won’t need to trim the claws. But if you need to shorten them, this should be done using a nail clipper.

Brief characteristics of the Rottweiler

A reliable and courageous Rottweiler is able to protect the owner, his family and property, and repel attacks from intruders. Dogs of this breed harmoniously combine strength of character, independence, poise, devotion, endurance and fearlessness.

In battles with the enemy, Rottweilers have repeatedly proven their superiority, but only when it was necessary. Dogs of this breed are too lazy to get into unnecessary fights. Provided that they know how to keep their aggression under control. But is this dog as strong as they say? Let's look at a few examples.

How and what to feed correctly

You can feed mixed breeds either ready-made complete food or food prepared at home.

If a Labronman eats natural food, then it is necessary that his diet consist of at least 30% meat or meat products.

You must add fermented milk products, cereals, raw or boiled seasonal vegetables to them.

You should not feed your animal food from your table, as it contains spices, large amounts of salt and other additives harmful to dogs.

You also need to measure the portion correctly so that the dog does not overeat . If a Labronman regularly eats more than he needs, he may develop obesity and related diseases.


In order for an inquisitive, active Labrador to feel comfortable in the fresh air, he needs a spacious and comfortable enclosure or pen. This dog is not a chain dog, he will not guard the area. He needs a lot of space to move freely

When purchasing or building an enclosure, pay attention to several important aspects:

The dimensions must correspond to the dimensions of the dog. Area – at least six square meters. The width is one and a half lengths of the dog’s body without a tail. Height is the length of the dog standing on its hind legs plus another half meter. The location should provide the Labrador with sufficient visibility of the yard. It is better to choose a dry area on a hill near the entrance to the house

The absence of strong odors is important, because scent is the most important tool for a dog’s life. You should not spoil it by decorating the enclosure with flower beds or installing it near a sewer well; the materials from which the enclosure is made must be strong, reliable and at the same time warm, so that the short-haired pet does not freeze in its home at low temperatures

The best material for the frame is steel profile pipe. The rear walls are made of wood, the front walls are made of lattice with round or square rods and a step width of 100 mm.

Owners have the right to choose whether to purchase a home for their pet or build it themselves. The main thing is that it becomes cozy and comfortable for the dog.

Construction stages

  1. Layout: drawing of the future enclosure, preparation of materials in accordance with the dimensions, as well as sites for installing the structure. A gap of about 15 cm should be left between the floor and the ground surface for ventilation to avoid rotting. Brickwork, concrete or cement blocks can be used as supports. It is better to fill the ground under the enclosure with crushed stone.
  2. Construction of a metal frame, welding of steel blanks of the required size.
  3. Laying the floor. The floor must be wooden, made of high-quality wood without signs of rotting or cracks. The boards must be treated with an antifungal protective compound in two layers. The floor should have a slight slope towards one of the lattice walls so that in rainy weather the water drains without leaving puddles in the enclosure.
  4. Walling. Blank walls can be built either from boards or from stacked wooden panels. Materials must be treated with a protective compound against rotting and fungus. For lattice walls, it is better to use metal rods or small profile pipes, which are attached to the frame by welding. The grille must be coated with a primer or rust preventative and then painted.
  5. Construction of a gate. It is necessary to take into account that the door must open inward so that a strong dog cannot knock it down and get out on its own. A reliable latch lock is installed on the outside.
  6. Roof decking. For the roof, choose any material - corrugated sheeting, roofing felt, slate, polycarbonate, ondulin. The canopy is constructed so that on the front sides it protrudes beyond the perimeter of the walls, giving shade to the dog, and has an inclination towards the back side so that water can flow freely in case of precipitation.

For dogs of this breed, systematic cleaning is very important, because... Labradors are not the cleanest animals. To avoid troubles in the form of gastrointestinal upset, owners need to change the water on time, clean out leftover food from the bowl, and remove excrement from the floor of the cage if the dog is not accustomed to relieve itself during walks.

Whom to choose

But is it really necessary to know the breed of your dog if these devoted eyes are looking at you?

The dog is ready to follow all your orders. It doesn't matter what color or size it is.

After all, the main thing is that she be your true friend. No one knows whether such mixtures of breeds will ever be recognized.

Now there are more and more organizations that create special clubs. They help owners properly raise their mestizo, as well as train him.

For a long time now, people abroad have treated mestizos as equals . They don't consider anyone better or worse.

Europeans began to approach this issue from a pragmatic side. Each purebred dog has its own shortcomings, and the mixed breed takes the best for itself.

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