All the most important, useful and interesting things about the pug dog

The pug is one of the most ancient breeds with an interesting history. These small funny dogs have long been kept by representatives of the Chinese nobility. And now the popularity of pugs is not decreasing. This dog will not be a guard or protector, but he will become a devoted companion and cheerful friend for a child. His funny face with smart, serious eyes and calm character won the hearts of many dog ​​lovers.
  • Standard
      Pugs sizes
  • Color options
  • Wool
  • Head
  • Muzzle
  • Torso
  • Limbs
  • Varieties
  • Vices
  • Character
  • Education and training
  • Caring for Pugs
      Feeding pugs
  • Diseases
  • How to buy a puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • Breed traits

    Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

    Activityin the house2.7
    on the street3.2
    Dominationin family1.6
    over dogs2.2
    Defending your territoryfrom people1.6
    from dogs2.1
    Sociabilityin family4.4
    with strangers4.2
    with dogs3.6
    Concentrationin family1.4
    in front of strangers1.4
    with dogs1.5
    Aggressivenessin family1.2
    to strangers1.3
    to the dogs2
    to cats1.9
    Family behaviorcalmness3.8
    demand for affection4.4
    excessive barking2.4
    behavioral breakdowns1.8
    Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4
    over 4 years old4.3
    Institutional usewatchman3.5

    This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Pomeranian, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Yorkshire Terrier, French Bulldog, Pekingese.

    History of the breed

    These small dogs have been living next to humans for more than 3,000 years. The first images and mentions of them in history date back to the 6th century BC. e. - at that time they were getting divorced in China and living in the palaces of the nobility. The Chinese saw hieroglyphs in the folds on the foreheads of these dogs, considering this an imperial sign. Therefore, they often lived better than ordinary people: they had their own rooms and servants. Ancient pictures show that they were carried on stretchers to prevent overwork.

    Pug face

    In China, these dogs were described as square, low, with a short muzzle, they were short-haired, unlike the long-haired ancestors of the Pekingese. Pugs were highly valued and expensive. They appeared in Europe in the 16th century and rich people also began to keep them. Many pictures of noble ladies holding such a pet on their laps have survived to this day. It was believed that they loved pug dogs because of their wrinkled face, which made them look like monkeys.

    Gradually the breed spread to Europe. Pugs were first bred in Holland, then they were brought to Great Britain, France and other countries. But in the 18th century they became no longer so popular; they were started by merchants, merchants and even ordinary people. Therefore, pugs were in danger of degeneration. When, in the second half of the 19th century, Queen Victoria wanted to have this cute pet, she could not find a purebred puppy, so these dogs were again imported from China.

    They began to be bred in Great Britain, and by the end of the 19th century the first mops club appeared. At the same time, a breed standard was created. Unlike Chinese dogs, European dogs have become short-legged, powerful, with a short nose, and larger in size.

    These dogs came to Russia only at the beginning of the 20th century. But because of the revolution and two wars, no one dealt with them. Only in the 80s of the 20th century were the first pugs from the GDR brought to Moscow. After this, their breeding began. Over the past few years, the pug has been one of the most popular decorative breeds all over the world.

    You can watch the video in more detail about the pug breed:

    What are the varieties?

    In addition to the classic pug, there are other varieties of this breed:

    • Lo-Sze (international name - American Lo-Sze Pugg). This variety was bred by Rebecca Mons in 1989. Visually, Lo-shis are almost no different from standard pugs, but have more compact sizes. So far, this new low-growing species is only recognized in the United States;
    • Mini Pugs. This species is characterized by short stature and short legs. This variety does not officially exist, but in large litters you can often find a puppy with pituitary dwarfism (a genetic disease) that will remain small forever. Dwarf pugs are more popular than their standard cousins ​​and sell for a higher price;
    • Terrier and bulldog type pug . This type of pug is the result of a genetic failure. A characteristic feature of this type is an elongated neck - longer than required by the standard. Such dogs are distinguished by their wide and powerful chest and special paw placement.

    Description of the breed

    The Pug dog is an ideal companion and one of the few breeds that are suitable for keeping in an apartment. They are owned by older people, families with children, because such pets have a calm, balanced character. They live well next to both children and old people, and get along with other pets. Their cheerful, playful nature and funny face attract many. But representatives of the pug breed are quite lazy, so they are more suitable for inactive owners.

    Pug eyes

    Pugs have a very recognizable appearance. This is a squat dog with an almost square body and a flattened muzzle with an abundance of folds. She has wide-set, round, intelligent eyes and a distinctive gait. Despite the apparent clumsiness of the dog, it is springy and elegant. When moving, the back of the body rolls and the forelimbs push off.

    Before you decide to get a pug dog, you should study its characteristics and know its advantages and disadvantages.

    AggressivenessNot aggressive at all, calm
    FriendlinessVery friendly, sociable, gets along with everyone
    Attitude towards the childLoves children, plays with them, treats them with care
    IntelligenceSmart, inquisitive, quick-witted, with a good memory
    TrainingCan easily understand simple commands, but can be stubborn
    Attitude towards lonelinessCannot stand it, becomes very attached to the owner, follows him everywhere
    Security qualitiesShort, friendly to strangers
    SheddingFrequent, causes allergic reactions
    HealthProne to obesity, eye diseases, breathing problems
    CareEasy to use, suitable for beginners
    How long should you walk?Less than an hour a day
    Conditions of detentionAny, adapts to life even in a small apartment
    Lifespan10-15 years


    Pug face

    Many people find the appearance of pugs repulsive due to their flattened muzzle and abundance of folds. But in reality they are very cute, which can be seen even in the photo. In addition, they have many advantages:

    • they love children very much, they can become a friend for a child;
    • loyal to the owner, follow him everywhere, support him in everything;
    • smart, easy to train;
    • calm, flexible, friendly to guests;
    • they have no aggression at all, they hardly bark;
    • they are not picky, live quietly in any conditions, and their small size allows them to be kept in a city apartment;
    • easily adapt to the owner’s lifestyle;
    • it is not necessary to walk for a long time;
    • Caring for pugs is simple, so they are suitable even for inexperienced dog owners.


    But still, the pug is not an ideal breed; it has disadvantages:

    • some dogs are stubborn and disobedient;
    • clumsy and lazy, they get tired quickly, so they are not suitable for active people;
    • often become attached to one person and can be jealous;
    • not suitable for the role of a security guard;
    • sleep a lot, like to climb onto the sofa or into bed, and snore in their sleep;
    • they shed twice a year, hair loss is very active, because of this, pugs are often allergic;
    • prone to weight gain and allergies, so you need to watch your diet;
    • They cannot tolerate heat and freeze quickly in cold weather, so in winter they need clothing.

    To decide whether to get a pug dog, you can watch the video:

    Information about color features

    The coat of Pug dogs comes in several colors that can be called recognized: beige, silver, apricot and black.

    The classic color is beige wool and its shades, from very light (almost white) to darker.

    1. A puppy is considered silver if its coat is very light and slightly sparkles with a cool shade of white or silver.
    2. Apricot color has a warm shade of yellow with a rich orange tint.
    3. Silver and apricot pugs are extremely rare.

    Black puppies should not have spots of other colors on their fur.

    Black puppies are more expensive than light colored pugs.


    Pugs, according to the standard, belong to the decorative and companion breeds. They are classified as small molossoids; among small dogs they are closest to mastiffs. The fact that they have a powerful physique can be seen from any photograph.

    Pugs sizes

    From the photo of the pug you can tell that this is a small dog. The female’s height is 25-30 cm, weight – up to 8 kg. Males are 30-35 cm tall and can weigh from 6 to 10 kg.

    Color options

    The most common colors of pugs are beige, apricot, and platinum. The first pugs in Europe were exactly like this. And until the end of the 19th century, other colors were not recognized, and the black color was considered a defect and such puppies were destroyed. Nowadays the black pug is becoming more and more popular.


    Light colored dogs should have different patterns and markings. Most often this is a black mask on the face and ears, but there may be dots on the forehead or cheeks, a stripe along the back, and darker claws. Pure white color is a breed defect.


    Pugs have short, shiny and smooth fur. It may be a little shorter on the muzzle. The coat is not hard, but not fluffy, and lies tightly to the skin. They shed twice a year, which is why many people experience allergies.


    Pug dogs have a large, round head. In front it is covered with folds, which are a characteristic feature of this breed and form a special symmetrical pattern. But they are located mainly on the forehead, and do not hang down on the sides of the muzzle.

    Pug ears are small and triangular. Previously, they were docked, but since the end of the 19th century this has been abandoned. Therefore, the ears can either hang down, covering the auricle, or open it a little.


    A characteristic feature of pug dogs is their short, slightly flattened muzzle, similar to a bulldog. But they only have a small undershot; their teeth and tongue are not visible. The lower jaw is wide and straight.

    The nose is not turned up, the nostrils are large. The bridge of the nose is short, straight, covered with a fold, and the nose is always black. The nasal passages are not crooked, so breathing problems are less common than in bulldogs.

    Pug nose

    When looking at the dog from the front, the muzzle should be flat and wide. It should not be upturned or down. Hanging folds and protruding lower jaw are unacceptable.

    The pug's eyes are round, large, widely spaced, and located in line with the nose. They should not be light or too convex. They are characterized by a meaningful expression that changes depending on the situation. Looking at the photo, you can always understand what mood the dog is in. They can be sad, cheerful, mischievous or wise.


    The Pug is a small but balanced dog. The body is muscular, stocky, compact. It should not be too thin or, on the contrary, thick. The dog's height should be approximately equal to its length. The skin is elastic and gathers into small folds.

    The neck is thick, powerful, slightly curved with a pronounced scruff. The chest is quite wide. The back is straight and muscular.

    Pug and cookies

    Pugs have a short tail, curved into a ring. He is set high, so he almost lies on his back. According to the standard, a double curl of the tail is desirable.


    Limbs are straight and strong. They are parallel, located directly under the body. The feet are small and the toes are well separated. The gait is confident and springy. Joints with clearly defined angles.


    When breeding pug dogs, they try to preserve the breed characteristics. But now there are three varieties:

    • terrier type – more graceful build, elongated neck;
    • bulldog type - thick short legs, wide body, slightly protruding lower jaw;
    • Shar Pei type is characterized by an abundance of folds throughout the body.


    Some puppies are born with defects that do not meet the standard. Such dogs are not allowed for breeding and are considered a waste. Some of the defects do not affect the behavior and health of the dog. Therefore, she can still become a good friend to a person who does not care about documents. What deficiencies will not give you a pedigree:

    • convex skull, protruding forehead;
    • absence of the bridge of the nose, a large or small fold on it;
    • upturned nose, inverted or narrow nostrils;
    • hanging folds, especially on the cheeks;
    • light-colored, small or close-set eyes;
    • teeth or tongue visible when mouth is closed;
    • disproportionate body - too elegant or fat, long neck, sagging breasts;
    • The coat is long, fluffy, white in color.

    Disqualifying Faults

    Disqualifying characteristics include:

    • too bulging eyes;
    • protruding or narrow chest;
    • incorrectly positioned limbs;
    • poorly curled and broken tail;
    • incorrect gait;
    • animal aggressiveness.
    • absence of a “mask” in color, with the exception of animals with black color.

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    The main character traits of pugs are friendliness and calmness. These cute dogs are unobtrusive and balanced. Most of the time they just sleep. They love to do this next to their owner on the couch.

    But only adult dogs are lazy, and even then, they are always ready to play. Pug puppies are energetic and playful. They are cheerful, active, chasing leaves or snowflakes. Up to 2-3 years old, pugs love to frolic. But gradually they become more calm and restrained.

    They are affectionate and loyal, they get very bored without their owner, so it is not advisable to leave one pet for a long time. These dogs are friendly with all family members. Warm feelings are shown by caressing and wagging the tail, even towards guests and strangers. This can lead to problems, so you immediately need to teach the dog not to obey strangers and not to take food from their hands.

    Photo of a pug

    The pug is a good companion for people of any age. He is able to amuse with his mischievous antics and funny facial expressions, and brighten up the loneliness of an elderly person. They are bad guards, but still the pet will always warn the owner about the arrival of a guest with his barking. And if someone threatens family members, he will bravely rush to defense.

    One of the characteristics of the breed is that these dogs love children. The pug will become a devoted friend and nanny for the child, accompany him everywhere and tolerate his pranks. But it is worth keeping an eye on their play so that the baby does not injure the pet.

    Another characteristic of the Pug breed is its stubbornness and perseverance. They are smart and quick-witted, so they easily show their owner what they want. For this same reason, they can be difficult to train, especially as adults. This dog may refuse to follow a command if it is offended, tired or believes that it does not need it.

    Briefly about the main thing

    1. The skeleton consists of 290 bones, 262 joints. It supports the body and protects the organs.
    2. The jaw is one of the parts of the skull. An adult dog should have 42 teeth, and the bite depends on the breed.
    3. The internal organs are formed into the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, urinary, nervous and reproductive systems.
    4. Dogs' sense organs (with the exception of taste) are much better developed than those of humans. The main elements are eyes, ears, nose, tongue.

    Do you know the location of your dog’s internal organs well? Share interesting facts about the structural features of these animals in the comments.

    Education and training

    Raising a pug should be done from the first days of its appearance in the house. These dogs are easy to teach to go to the toilet in a diaper or in a special litter box. They quickly understand simple commands. Proper upbringing in the first 6 months will make life much easier for the owners later. After all, a pet that is not raised properly will become stubborn and uncontrollable.

    But more advanced pug training can be challenging. These dogs are stubborn, smart, and have a developed sense of self-esteem, so it is not permissible to raise your voice or even hit your pet. When training, only encouragement works. The pug quickly understands that a treat awaits him for correctly executed commands. It’s just not recommended to give them often, so as not to require treatment for obesity, it’s better to praise and caress.


    Pugs are small dogs, but they can be difficult to breed due to their unusual plump build. To resolve this, you can invite a trained person to show and tell the owner what to do.

    Typically, Pugs mature at 8-10 months of age. Mating is allowed only from 20 , when the bitch goes into her third heat. The girl is brought to the territory of the male dog, where the pets must meet and sniff. The female will allow you to mount if everything went well. The owner must support her under the belly and behind the head, while the male dog is directed into the noose. The act will last 10-12 minutes , the castle may not take place. If the lock is delayed, the pets need to be turned into a comfortable position.

    After mating, the male needs to be fed, the female needs to be calmed down and allowed to rest. After two days, re-mating is prescribed. To track the progress of pregnancy, you can contact your veterinarian or an ultrasound center for animals.

    A couple of black pugs in the photo

    Caring for Pugs

    For a dog to live longer than 10 years, it needs to be well cared for. This is easy even for inexperienced dog owners. You need to regularly trim your nails, clean your ears and teeth.

    Skin folds require special care. Once a week they need to be cleaned with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water or a special lotion. You need to bathe your pet once every 2-3 months. After each walk, wipe or wash the paws, as well as the fur if the dog was without clothes.

    The eyes of these dogs are susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, you need to protect them from dust and not allow your pet to run through tall grass. Often, owners have to treat conjunctivitis in their pet with special drops.

    Pug and French bulldog

    Grooming is easy. Only during shedding does it need to be brushed daily to speed it up. The rest of the time, brushing once a week is enough. If the hair falls out, you need to take your pet to the veterinarian.

    When purchasing a puppy, you need to find out how long you will have to walk him. It is recommended to take a small pet out 4-5 times a day; an adult animal is taken out 2 times. Try not to walk for a long time in the heat, and in winter, dress your pet in clothes.

    Feeding pugs

    The owner needs to strictly monitor the diet of these dogs, as they have a good appetite. If you feed pugs incorrectly, they will develop obesity. It is especially important not to give treats and pieces from your table too often. The pug is suitable for both natural food and dry food. The main thing is to determine how many times a day to feed him and in what volume.

    A pet is fed 4 times from 3 to 7 months, then up to a year - 3 times, an adult dog eats twice a day. If she is breastfed, the diet should include meat, vegetables, cereals, and dairy products. But it is difficult to create a balanced diet from such food, so these dogs are often switched to dry food. It's easier, especially since there are feeding tips on the packaging.

    It is recommended to choose super-premium or holistic food for pugs. They contain all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.


    These dogs have several specific diseases. To get rid of some of them, no special treatment is required, only more careful care and proper nutrition.

    • These pets often snore in their sleep. During physical exertion they may grunt and wheeze. This is due to the special structure of the nasal passages. It is necessary to ensure that the pet does not become overtired or overheat.
    • Pugs are prone to weight gain. Obesity develops quickly, especially if you feed your pet natural food and give it scraps from the table.
    • Often in representatives of this breed the fold above the nose becomes inflamed. It is recommended to wash it with Chlorhexidine solution and be sure to dry it well.
    • These pets are prone to dental diseases, tartar formation, and curvature. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the right food.
    • There is also a disease such as chronic corneal erosion. It should be treated under the guidance of a doctor: vitamins, antibiotics, and iodine preparations are used.
    • With improper feeding, allergies often develop. It can be either natural food or dry food.

    For more information about keeping pugs and how to care for them, watch the video:


    Pugs are easy to care for dogs, but they have fairly poor health, the most common disease being corneal erosion. Also, these active pets need long and active walks. In the cold season, they need a special warm jumpsuit .

    Important! For complete nutrition, purchase premium and super-premium ready-made food for small breeds.

    Good luck to you and your pet!

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    How to buy a puppy

    If you decide to purchase a pug puppy, you need to contact a kennel. The cost of a dog there will be higher than from the hands, but there is a guarantee that the pet will be purebred. The price of a pug can be from 15 to 45 thousand rubles. It depends on the color, the pedigree of the parents, and the fame of the nursery.

    Enjoy Your Bath…

    Before choosing, it is recommended to study photos and reviews of breeders. When purchasing, you need to carefully examine the puppy. He should be healthy, cheerful, active.

    The owners of these amazingly charming and playful animals describe them only in positive terms. This pet will become a devoted friend and a constant source of positivity. With proper care and feeding, he will delight all family members for a long time with his positive character and friendliness.


    The shape resembles a rectangle. The chest is wide. The back is short, level from the nape to the croup. The high ponytail is curled into a tight, elegant ring. The fur on the tail is longer than on the rest of the body.

    No matter how dense a pet may look, its physique does not depend on its body weight. The muscles of the forelimbs are well developed. They seem crooked. But this impression is wrong. The legs are ideally straight and strong, the elbows are pulled back, pressed to the body. When moving, the pug quietly clicks his fingers on the floor.

    The hind limbs are full and muscular. Plump, rounded hips are level with the shoulders. The legs are parallel when standing.

    The paws are small but powerful with thick dark pads and short claws.

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