Mini pug - description and nature of the breed, maintenance features

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The pug is a Chinese dog breed famous not only for its unusual appearance, but also for its good-natured and calm character.

The advantages of this breed are that pet owners include their non-aggression and the absence of the need to walk their pet for a long time. The main disadvantages are considered to be a tendency to obesity, problems with the eyes and respiratory system. Many people are also concerned about dog snoring and excessive salivation.

Owning a pug is not a cheap pleasure . In addition to material costs, this dog needs maximum attention every day.

Breed characteristics

A dwarf pug is suitable as a first dog.
The American Lo Shi pug is an excellent companion. These are loyal and kind dogs that are not capable of aggression. They get along with children and are trainable. If you wish, you can teach them different tricks.

Your pet can be trained to wear a diaper.
He will also be happy to play. Attention! This breed gets along well with other animals, such as cats.

What to pay attention to

If everything is more or less clear with the place of purchase, then it’s time to deal with the “product” itself. First of all, we note that pugs come in three classes: show, breed and pet .

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First class is the most expensive , but such dogs can take part in prestigious exhibitions. They usually have an elite pedigree and at least four generations of titled ancestors.

If you want to breed, then your choice is a girl or a boy of breeding class. Strong and healthy pugs will bring excellent offspring, for which you will definitely be able to find a buyer.

Do you just need a loyal friend and a cheerful partner? Then give preference to a pet-class pug, especially since you will have to pay much less for it than for puppies of the 1st and 2nd classes . Well, even if his ears are not quite standard and his tail is a ring, but he is an obedient and smart dog that your whole family will love.

Now you understand how to choose the right pug puppy according to the existing classification. Now let's look at the documents. When purchasing a baby, you must be given a “Puppy Metric”, which indicates:

  • floor;
  • Date of Birth;
  • parents' names;
  • pedigree numbers;
  • address and initials of the breeder;
  • the brand of the puppy (it must match the brand on the dog itself).

When considering the differences between a dog and a bitch, it is impossible to highlight the advantages of either gender. Therefore, whether a boy or a girl will move into your house is a purely personal decision. It is clear that a male dog may disobey his owner if another pug or a girl in heat passes by. But this is a disadvantage of all males. But a pug bitch will never exchange her owner for a male running past.

Also ask what birth date your chosen one was born in. The first puppies are usually healthier. With 8-month-old teenagers there will, of course, be less hassle, but at this age the dog should already be vaccinated and accustomed to using the toilet outside, but it is difficult to say how well the breeder has developed this skill in the puppy.

Advantages and disadvantages

The dwarf pug is not particularly picky. He can live in a small apartment or in a private house. Even a child can handle it.

Gastrointestinal disorders and a tendency to allergies may occur. Otherwise, the mini-pug is a problem-free pet. Despite his tiny size, he still needs training - it will make him obedient.

The disadvantage of keeping such a dog is the need to control nutrition, because obesity will negatively affect the animal’s joints. Therefore, he is given only food or a small amount of raw meat with porridge or vegetables. Your veterinarian will advise you on the exact diet.

Pugs history

Back in the days of the Chinese Celestial Empire, these sneaks were assigned a special role. These cute fatties were constant companions and companions of high-ranking gentlemen. But one should not mistakenly assume that the function of the dogs was purely decorative. On the contrary, such closeness to the rulers of the Great Empire and the European bourgeoisie emphasizes the fact that in addition to a beautiful face, the dog is also a very good friend, companion and helper.

In ancient times, dogs lived in rich palaces, and their wrinkles on their faces, due to their resemblance to hieroglyphs, were a special imperial sign.

In Europe, ladies from high society called pugs “boudoir dogs” and carried them with them everywhere. The forefathers of the modern pug were somewhat different, they were taller, and there were even fewer folds on the face and body

Breed standard

The dwarf pug is not recognized by the world community. It is worth remembering that the standard of the new breed differs from the European one. There are also vices that are considered unacceptable.

  • The head is round, proportional, the muzzle is flat.
  • Jaws and teeth. The bite is slightly uneven - the upper jaw protrudes slightly. Teeth should be straight and white. From time to time they are cleaned of stone.
  • The nose is flattened. Due to the structure of its muzzle, the dog does not tolerate heat well and begins to suffocate.
  • The eyes are dark, slightly protruding, very sensitive.
  • The ears are small, drooping, and set high. Sometimes the ear hangs incorrectly, then it is glued with adhesive tape. This procedure makes sense in puppyhood.
  • The body is stocky and short.
  • The neck is massive, may resemble a comb, slightly curved.
  • The limbs are strong, moderately long, allowing the pug to stand firmly on its paws.
  • The tail is set high, curled, very well, if twice.
  • The coat is short, pleasant to the touch, shiny and fine.
  • Color. The classic version is fawn, black, beige. But there are also spotted ones. Therefore, you can experiment.


Any physical deviations are unacceptable. Aggression or cowardice are also considered vices.

The first inspection of the litter is carried out when the babies are one month old. After this, the first serious deviations are identified.

Where is the best place to buy

You can buy a pug puppy in three places: the market, the Internet and the nursery . Previously, the poultry market did not cause much criticism and was successful due to the low cost per animal. Today, in 90% of cases, for relatively little money on the market you can buy a puppy with hidden diseases or abnormalities. Unscrupulous traders often keep their pets in unsanitary conditions and do not give vaccinations required by age. If you are lucky in this regard, then do not be surprised if the dog, when it grows up, turns out to be not quite like a pug.

A safer place to buy animals is the Internet . The obvious advantage is that the little puppies are kept in a home environment rather than spending their days in a dirty market. In addition, you will have the seller's contact information. Through these types of advertisements, healthy and well-groomed pug puppies are sold, but without a pedigree. This fact is the reason for the low cost compared to the price of puppies in nurseries.

But it is best to purchase a dog from a specialized kennel . An experienced and conscientious breeder takes care of future offspring from the moment of conception. In addition, you will have the opportunity to see the parents, which will give you the opportunity to imagine what your dog will look like in the future. In the nursery you can find out in detail who a pug is and all the features of caring for this breed. You will be able to contact the breeder for advice in the future.

And most importantly, along with the puppy you will be given official documents that will allow you to participate in various exhibitions. But when choosing a nursery, be careful. And in this segment there are scammers who, under the guise of an elite nursery, hide a conveyor belt where bitches are bred at every heat, and puppies are kept in cramped cages, without much concern for the health of the dogs.

Maintenance and care

The mini mop is easy to care for. It is enough to allocate a sleeping place for him - it should be away from sunlight and drafts. A bowl of clean water should always be available.

If you carefully study the description of the mini-pug breed, it will become clear: it requires special nutrition. The puppy is fed 5-6 times a month and the number of servings is gradually reduced. From the age of 1 year there should be two meals.

After a walk, the pet's paws are washed. You don't need to bathe him often, except when he gets dirty. During molting, comb out.

Puppy cost

We know how to choose a pug puppy, all that remains is to find out the cost.

  • show class - 30,000-60,000 rubles;
  • breed class - 20,000 rubles and above;
  • pet class - 8000 - 15,000 rub.

1st class puppies , with whom you are going to conquer the rings, in well-known nurseries can cost up to 60 thousand rubles . Pugs without elite ancestors, but with a pedigree, cost half as much. Not every document makes it possible to take part in exhibitions, but it is a guarantee of the dog’s health, so it should not be neglected.

It’s hard to say how much a pug costs without documents. It all depends on where you are going to buy it. You can find a puppy on the market for 8 thousand rubles . On the Internet, you will have to pay over 10 thousand rubles for such a dog . However you decide to buy a pug, be sure to pay attention to its appearance. The condition of the eyes and coat will tell a lot about the content, and, accordingly, the health of the dog.

Features of feeding

It is not advisable to mix industrial food and meat.
The daily norm is 4% of the pug’s weight. Do not overfeed or give food from the table. This will lead to obesity.

Lean meats, sea fish, some vegetables or porridge are suitable. If industrial feed is used, then it should be at least premium or holistic. Specialized diets are prescribed only by a veterinarian.

How to properly care for black fur

Grooming tips:

  1. If you plan to show your charcoal pug, keep him away from the sun for long periods of time. The coat may fade and take on an undesirable reddish tint.
  2. Bathe your dog only with professional shampoos for dogs with black (dark) coat.
  3. To add shine to the coat, use a soft suede cloth. Wipe the dog's fur with it after brushing the dog with a brush or massage rubber mitten.
  4. Clean the folds of your dog's face and wipe the eyes with a damp pad every day. This way the color of the coat in these places will not lose its richness.
  5. Do not use tinted shampoos to add color to the coat before shows and competitions - this may be grounds for disqualification. If you really want to update the color, bathe your dog with such products only before photo sessions.
  6. Carefully inspect your pet after a walk. Ticks and other parasites are more difficult to spot on dark coats.
  7. To make the coat shine beautifully and look bright, follow the correct diet of the dog. It must be complete and balanced. It is important not to overfeed your pets; they have a tendency to become obese.
  8. For coat health, give vitamin and mineral complexes selected for your dog by a veterinarian.

It might also be interesting to read how to care for pugs!

Interesting Facts

There are several notable facts:

  • The homeland of the dwarf pug is the USA.
  • The pet does not need to be walked and is accustomed to a diaper.
  • A dog can be trained to do tricks.
  • The fawn color resembles pine.
  • In English, pugs are the name given to fat people.

Little charming pugs are winning more and more hearts all over the world, they are loved and cherished. However, the breed is still not recognized by the largest cynological federations in the world and this undoubtedly saddens the owners.

Distinctive features

Despite their toy appearance, they are loyal friends who have a strong attachment to their owner. In case of the slightest threat, they are ready to engage in a fierce battle with the enemy without any hesitation.

They are very open and friendly , able to establish contact with both humans and other smaller brothers living with them in the same territory. They will definitely interfere in everything that interests them. They will not miss the opportunity to dangle underfoot. They will always announce their presence with a loud bark.

Requirements for “black” color

When participating in international exhibitions, black dogs are subject to special requirements:

  • The coat should have a rich and evenly distributed color. If the coat has a grayish or brown tint, the dog may not be allowed to be shown.
  • The coat must be shiny. This is a mandatory requirement that all exhibitors must meet.
  • The presence of whitish or red hairs is grounds for further disqualification.

On a note! If there is a white spot on the chest, the dog will not be disqualified.

Differences from other dogs

Fawn Pugs are especially popular among dog breeders.
Adult Pugs have several features that make them different from other dogs.

Most often, black dogs are compared to beige pugs. They have the following distinctive features:

  • Beige dogs have an “acne” stripe on their backs. Black dogs do not have such a mark.
  • The color of beige animals varies from light to brown. Dark pugs have a uniform color.
  • Fawn dogs shed many times more.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Pugs are a rare combination of the charm of a decorative dog with the courage of a devoted dog.
  2. With a friendly and cheerful character, these dogs make wonderful companions and friends for the whole family.
  3. They, like little clowns, know how to sniff and grunt funny, and it costs them nothing to cheer up anyone, even the most gloomy person.
  4. When choosing a puppy, you need to remember that not all shades of pugs meet the breed standards; this may lead to exclusion or disqualification from competitions.
  5. However, even the most “wrong” dog will become a full-fledged member of the family and will love its owners with all its little heart.
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