Pug - breed characteristics, health, care and maintenance

The Pug is a small, mischievous dog with a funny appearance and a centuries-old history. Once upon a time, such dogs were companions of Chinese emperors, and a little later - a mascot of the Dutch kingdom. Today, the dog with an inquisitive, serious face has millions of fans around the world. The breed was created to be a friend of man and love him with all his heart.

How were these mini dogs able to conquer human hearts, what is so special about them, why are they considered ideal companions? We will answer these and other questions in our article.

History of the origin of the pug breed

There are several plausible versions about the origin of this breed. They all say that the first descendants of short-faced dogs appeared in the East. Most are inclined to believe that the homeland of funny dogs is China, where dogs with a similar exterior have always been held in high esteem. It is believed that the first pugs lived in the palaces of Chinese emperors.

They were brought to Europe by Dutch merchant seafarers around 1500. In Holland, the dogs took root and quickly became popular among the ranks of royalist patriots. Pugs were also brought to England from the East, but later, in the 17th century.

Breed standard

According to the German breed standard FCI

  • Body type . Stocky, square.
  • Back . Straight.
  • Limbs . Strong, straight, well set under the body.
  • Paws . With well separated toes and black claws.
  • Gait . Confident and measured.
  • Breast . Wide with arched ribs set back.
  • Neck . Massive, curved, comb-like.
  • Head . Round, large.
  • Scull . No recess.
  • Forehead . With folds.
  • Muzzle . Dumb, short.
  • Nose . The nostrils are well open. The lobe is black.
  • Jaws . Small snack.
  • Teeth . The incisors of the lower jaw form a straight line.
  • Ears . Small, thin, soft and velvety. There are two types: “button” and “rose”.
  • Eyes . Large, round, dark. The expression is sympathetic.
  • Tail . Tightly curled and set high.
  • Coat . Soft, shiny. Fits snugly. With fine pile.
  • Color . Four varieties are allowed: black, silver, apricot and beige. All varieties should have a black line from tail to nape and a dark mask. White color is a breed defect.
  • Weight . Average: 6.3-8.1 kg.
  • How long do they live ? Life expectancy on average: 12-13 years.

Character of the pug breed

Pugs have a cheerful character. They have a well-developed sense of humor. Sometimes dogs with a funny exterior are called “the clowns of the dog world.” Cheerful and playful dogs infect everyone who is nearby with their optimism. They are very friendly and have a positive attitude. Crazy about children of all ages, ready to endure all their pranks and ready to be their nannies and companions.

Dogs become too attached to people, to their owner and to those they consider their family. Sometimes they show excessive jealousy towards other pets. They will always find a way to show the owner what they want. They can be persistent and very stubborn in achieving their goals. Stubbornness also becomes a hindrance when training dogs. Pugs are smart and before executing a command, they think for a long time about why they need it.

Devotion to people is another distinctive character trait of this breed. It is not for nothing that the pug is considered one of the most suitable breeds for single people and the elderly . Dogs get bored without a person, suffer alone and show it with all their appearance. They should not be left alone for a long time. When the owner returns home, the dogs greet him joyfully at the door.

It might be interesting to read about the Puggle breed, a hybrid of a pug and a beagle.

Distinctive features

Despite their toy appearance, they are loyal friends who have a strong attachment to their owner. In case of the slightest threat, they are ready to engage in a fierce battle with the enemy without any hesitation.

They are very open and friendly , able to establish contact with both humans and other smaller brothers living with them in the same territory. They will definitely interfere in everything that interests them. They will not miss the opportunity to dangle underfoot. They will always announce their presence with a loud bark.

Care and maintenance

The pug is a decorative dog for apartment living and special care. They are very sensitive to temperature changes, so keeping them in an enclosure is out of the question. Dogs get cold in the cold season, they need special clothing for short walks outside. They tolerate heat even worse. If you go out into the sun with your dog without a special dog hat, sunstroke is possible.

Dogs' fur needs constant combing with a special rubber massage mitten. Pugs are short-haired dogs, but they shed quite heavily. It is recommended to bathe the breed only when necessary. For example, when dogs get dirty in something smelling while out for a walk. There is no need to carry out water procedures unless absolutely necessary.

Large bulging eyes are one of the distinctive features of the breed. They require special care. Firstly, you need to make sure that the pet does not injure them. Secondly, provide hydration. Gently clean the dog's eyes with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water at room temperature.

The folds on the dog's face require special care; they are cleaned daily with a damp cloth to prevent diaper rash. You can lubricate the folds with cream or Vaseline. The dog's ears are cleaned daily with a damp cotton pad. Teeth are brushed with a special brush and powder 2-3 times a week, they should be snow-white.

It is also necessary to trim your dog's nails regularly. Too long claws cause discomfort to the animal and make it difficult to move. It should be remembered that the breed cannot walk for a long time. You will have to give up walking long distances. Dogs also do not tolerate heat well; in warm sunny weather, you need to take a bottle of water with you for a walk and put a Panama hat on your pet.

How to extend the life of a pet?

There are several rules that will contribute to a long life of a pug, making it better and happier.

These include:

  • conducting regular games with your pet in order to avoid problems with blood circulation and atrophy;
  • maintaining a properly balanced diet, which must contain vitamins A, B, E and C, which slow down the aging process of the pug’s body;
  • coordinating walks with the weather, since pugs do not tolerate heat well, so you should walk in the summer early in the morning or in the evening, when there is no heat, you should also avoid hypothermia in frosty weather (you can use clothes for dogs);
  • Carrying out an examination of the dog after walks, paying special attention to the eyes, which are often injured, exposed to mosquito bites and simply dust;
  • performing hygiene procedures, such as wiping skin folds, cleaning teeth and ears;
  • maintaining moderate exercise to keep the pug in good shape;
  • visiting a veterinarian and following the vaccination schedule;

It is also important to give positive emotions, since pugs are very sensitive and sincerely devoted to their owner, they need love and care.


In general, the breed can be called relatively healthy, but there are a number of genetic diseases that are inherent in pugs. When choosing a puppy, be sure to ask for documents from its parents and the results of genetic tests.

Hereditary breed diseases:

  1. hip dysplasia;
  2. Pug encephalitis (PDE) is a fatal inflammatory disease of the brain that is common to this breed.
  3. epilepsy;
  4. ulcerative lesions of the cornea and other eye problems;
  5. allergy;
  6. vertebral deformity.
  7. proptosis of the eyeball or eye loss.

In addition, the breed is very sensitive to vaccination. Many individuals experience allergic reactions to standard vaccinations, which include hives and swelling of the muzzle. Possible fall into lethargic sleep. It is necessary to closely monitor your pet after he has been vaccinated. If unwanted symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Puppy cost

We know how to choose a pug puppy, all that remains is to find out the cost.

  • show class - 30,000-60,000 rubles;
  • breed class - 20,000 rubles and above;
  • pet class - 8000 - 15,000 rub.

1st class puppies , with whom you are going to conquer the rings, in well-known nurseries can cost up to 60 thousand rubles . Pugs without elite ancestors, but with a pedigree, cost half as much. Not every document makes it possible to take part in exhibitions, but it is a guarantee of the dog’s health, so it should not be neglected.

It’s hard to say how much a pug costs without documents. It all depends on where you are going to buy it. You can find a puppy on the market for 8 thousand rubles . On the Internet, you will have to pay over 10 thousand rubles for such a dog . However you decide to buy a pug, be sure to pay attention to its appearance. The condition of the eyes and coat will tell a lot about the content, and, accordingly, the health of the dog.


Peculiarities of training a breed are associated with the characteristics of its character. Pugs are intelligent and very smart, but they are also stubborn. In addition, dogs have a very strong sense of self-esteem. By coercion and suppression of the will, you will not achieve anything. If you want to train dogs yourself, you will have to be patient.

Smart dogs quickly understand that they can receive a reward for following a command. This is an incentive for them during training and training. The owner must use this to get the desired result from stubborn dogs. The best reward for a pug is his favorite treat!

It is necessary to train puppies from the first days of life in your home, so the dogs will quickly learn to understand what you want from them. Pugs can be taught to go to the toilet in a litter box or in a special disposable diaper. This will make the life of the owners much easier. Having taught your dogs simple commands from the basic training course (“Sit!”, “Lie down!” “Come to me!”), you can take them with you on public transport (bus and train).

First vaccinations

When the dog is 2 months old, you can give it its first vaccinations. 10 days before vaccination (sometimes 2 weeks, which is agreed with the doctor), the puppy is given anthelmintic drugs.

Important! On the day the vaccination is scheduled, the animal should feel good, healthy and vigorous. You cannot vaccinate a sick dog!

After vaccination, the dog is not washed for a week or 10 days. After 2-3 weeks, the 2nd vaccination is given - the puppy should be healthy and feel good. 2 weeks after this is the incubation period, when the pug still goes to the litter tray; washing the pet is also not recommended.

The next vaccination occurs at the age of 11 months (closer to 1 year), and then the pug is vaccinated annually. It is important not to forget to get vaccinated on time!

Pugs can be distinguished as one of the easiest dogs to care for and have a pleasant character. But remember: babies are very curious and will run after you everywhere. Therefore, it is important to constantly clean the house, remove hair (pugs shed a lot), and not leave small objects on the floor that the pet could swallow. Select a quiet place for the puppy, where there is no draft or heat, then the baby will be comfortable in his new home.


The breed has a good appetite - the owner must monitor portion sizes and avoid overfeeding. Both types of feeding are allowed: natural nutrition and feeding with prepared food. Each owner decides for himself what to feed his pet and chooses the type of diet in accordance with his capabilities and preferences of the pet.

Adult dogs are fed 2 times a day - morning and evening. Puppies, depending on age, from 3 to 7 times a day.

Natural nutrition

The volume of the daily portion of an adult dog is calculated using the formula: multiply the dog’s weight by 0.04.

So, for example, an adult pet weighing 7 kg needs 280 grams per day.

Of them:

  • 100 gr. raw meat or boiled sea fish;
  • 50 gr. fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, curdled milk, yogurt);
  • 50 gr. fresh or steamed vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, bell peppers, beets);
  • 40 gr. porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice);
  • 5 g boiled yolk (1/2 yolk);
  • 10 g raw or boiled bones (except tubular ones);
  • 5 g vegetable oil;
  • 5 gr. fruits;
  • 5 gr. cheese;
  • 10 gr. rye crackers.


Raw meat is pre-frozen at -18°C for 3 days. Before serving, the pieces of meat are doused with boiling water.

Industrial feed

When choosing ready-made food for a pug, you should take into account the dog’s age, activity, physiological state and health. Preference should be given to brands with a class of at least “premium” for medium breed dogs. Ideally, choose “holistic”.

The best brands of feed:

  • Orijen Adult Dog Fit & Trim Grain Free (Canada) , holistic - for breeds prone to gaining excess weight. The basis of the formula is fresh chicken and turkey meat and fish of 4 varieties. It contains a lot of vegetables, fruits, berries and useful medicinal plants. Dry food is enriched with Omega-3, Omega-6, glucosamine and chondroitin. Proteins – 42%, fats – 13%.
  • AATU Adult Dog Free-Run Chicken Grain Free (UK) , grain-free holistic - for adult animals based on chicken meat. The formula has a balanced ratio of proteins (32%) and fats (16%). Contains all the substances necessary for the growth and development of a dog.
  • Acana Regionals Wild Prairie Dog Grain Free (Canada) , holistic - suitable for puppies and adult dogs. Contains chicken, eggs, turkey and several types of fish. The formula contains more than 40 ingredients, including: vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, spicy and medicinal herbs. Proteins – 35%, fats – 17%.
  • GO! Fit+Free Dog Chicken, Turkey, Trout Grain Free (USA) , super-premium - high-quality food for maintaining optimal weight. The ratio of proteins (34%) and fats (16%) is balanced. The formula is based on chicken, turkey and salmon. Contains a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, added all the necessary minerals and vitamins.
  • Royal Canin Pug Adult (France) , premium - specialized food based on chicken meat, developed for the pug breed. Suitable for feeding adult animals. Protein content – ​​25%, fat – 16%.


With any type of diet, it is necessary to provide dogs with round-the-clock access to fresh (filtered) water. Water must be changed at least once a day.


Black (resin, coal)

The rarest classic color. The black, shiny coat resembles shiny velvet. A small white spot on the chest is allowed.


Light-colored dogs should have a black mask on the muzzle, resin-colored claws and the same nose. Shades of brown are allowed in the coat color.


A beautiful shade called “moonlight silver fawn”. A dark mask is required.

Apricot (peach)

Another rare and beautiful shade of wool. The mask on the face is black.

Just a few "or's"

If you are ready to give part of your time to your future pet, to care for it, feed it, walk it, treat it, then you only have to clarify a few possible options for choosing a dog:

  • male or female;
  • the puppy is small or older;
  • color - black, beige or apricot;
  • price - expensive or cheap pug.

But in any case, pug puppies presented for selection must be healthy, well-fed and active.


How to properly care for folds on a pug's face?

The procedure for caring for folds does not take much time, but it must be done daily. Use damp wipes to thoroughly clean each fold to remove dirt, dust and dead fur. If fold hygiene is treated irresponsibly, various dermatological diseases are possible.

How long should you walk your pugs?

For normal development of dogs, two walks a day lasting 30-40 minutes are enough. Dogs should not be allowed to go far from home. They get tired quickly and start to worry. In the heat they walk even less and be sure to take water with them.

How do dogs treat small children?

Pugs do not show aggression towards younger family members. They treat with restraint, without excessive adoration.

Is it true that dogs of this breed snore in their sleep?

Yes, they snore. And loud enough. Some owners complain that the dwarf dog snores louder than a human. This phenomenon is explained by the special brachycephalic structure of the nasopharynx.

Do Pugs shed a lot?

They shed quite heavily. It is necessary to comb them daily with a special brush.

I want to get a pug, they say they smell a lot and fart a lot. Is it so?

All dogs fart. And not just dogs. Pets that have digestive problems or an incorrectly selected feeding diet stink. Healthy dogs smell no worse than other breeds.

Is it possible to train a pug to go to the toilet in a litter box at home?

It is possible, but you will have to work hard and be patient. The breed is difficult to train and is very stubborn.

Will the pug and our cat get along together?

Chances are you won't have too many problems. The breed is tolerant of other pets. Tolerant, but jealous. Try not to deprive the dog of your attention!

We adopted a pug from a shelter, and after three weeks acne appeared on his face. What could it be?

Pimples on the face may indicate disturbances in the intestinal microflora. Contact your veterinarian, he may advise you to change food.

What kind of strange attacks do pugs have? They seem to be suffocating and grunting at this time.

Yes, inexperienced owners get scared when they witness such an attack for the first time. This is “reverse sneezing.” Its mechanism is not fully understood. The dog sucks in air through its nose and cannot exhale it. Nothing wrong with that!

Is it possible to keep pugs outside?

Of course not! This is a domestic decorative dog. Hypothermia is a sure way to illness and death of the animal.

Do Pugs need clothes?

Yes, I need it. In cold weather, clothes keep you warm; in hot weather, you need a Panama hat to prevent sunstroke.

Who is the breed suitable for?

  1. To old people. The pug is an ideal dog for retirees. They will become a faithful friend for an elderly person, keeping company at home and on a walk. Dogs are not fussy; they love to lie on the sofa and in an armchair. This is what older people need.
  2. Passive people. This is a suitable breed for “couch lazy people”. Yes, they can play with their owner a little, but the rest of the time they will happily lie on the bed or sofa.
  3. Hospitable hosts. Friendly dogs are great with guests. Soft and docile dogs allow guests to cuddle them and are happy to play with family friends.

Who is the breed not suitable for?

  1. For lovers of long active walks. Pugs get tired quickly. They walk very slowly. In addition, they tolerate heat very poorly and quickly become hypothermic. You can't go hiking with these dogs. You will have to look for shade in the heat and warm them in the cold. And carry it in your arms in any weather!
  2. For owners who are looking for a watchman or security guard. We have already written that a small pug is not suitable for either role. The pug is a decorative and friendly companion dog. To protect your home and act as a bodyguard, you need to choose Rottweilers, Dobermans or a German boxer.
  3. Athletes. You won't run far with these pets, you can't go far with them. If you want to run with your dog in the morning, get yourself a Labrador or Shepherd.


The Pug dog has no officially recognized varieties. But as a result of genetic failures, anomalies, and crossings with other breeds, puppies appear that many animal lovers dream of acquiring.

Dwarf (couch) pugs. The appearance of a “toy” puppy is associated with a large number of puppies in one litter. Caring for the baby requires special efforts from breeders, since the mother cares more about healthy babies. The mini pug can grow up healthy in the future. Another option for the development of the baby is that a disease associated with cessation of growth will appear.

Mixture with Chinese Crested. The result was amazing - a hairless dog with woolly tufts and rough skin.

French pug. Appears from crossing a French bulldog and a pug. Mixed breed does not represent a separate type of dog; the name is sometimes misleading.

All puppies from different breeds are unique. The result is unpredictable, one of a kind. The color range is wide, rich in shades. Breeders believe that light fur goes to pugs who are calm in nature, while dark fur goes to playful puppies. The color factor can be taken into account when choosing a pet for family members. will suit the most active person , a cream shade will suit the sloth.

Dogs that outwardly resemble the appearance of a decorative dog are mistakenly recognized as relatives of the pug:

  • English Mastiff;
  • French bulldog;
  • Pekingese

The small size, flattened face, and folds on the forehead cause confusion for non-specialists.

Owner reviews

Leonid: “I really love the work of Daria Dontsova, I learned about pugs from her books. I decided to try to get myself one. I adopted a black dog. I thought for a long time what to call it. I decided that the name Ugolek suited him. Now I am retired, my wife still works. The dog always keeps me company. I am reading, he is nearby. I’m watching TV and the dog is nearby. We go for a walk with him in the yard. He gets tired quickly, so we don’t go far from home. Let’s take a walk in the nearest park.”

Diana: “Our girl is the kindest creature! She is my shadow. Follows me everywhere. Sometimes he steps on your toes, not in the figurative sense of the word, but literally. For this feature of hers, we came up with a nickname for her - Heel. She loves to sleep in the same bed with us. They tried to wean her off this, but in vain. In his sleep he grunts and snores. This is very funny".

Ruslan: “I inherited a pug from my grandmother. After her death, he took the dog for himself. While the dog lived with the old woman, she taught him to go to the litter box - it’s very convenient. Grandma couldn't always walk the dog. Now we go for walks more often, but when it’s very wet and cold, we can skip the walk.”

Common causes of premature death

Despite their longevity, the death of pugs can occur unexpectedly and much earlier than expected. There are many reasons for this:

  1. Lack of vaccination.
  2. Congenital diseases that were not diagnosed in time.
  3. Injuries received in fights.
  4. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Malignant formations.
  6. Infection of wounds caused during walks.
  7. Severe allergic reactions.
  8. Hemorrhage of internal organs.
  9. Road traffic accidents.
  10. Pathologies of the reproductive organs.
  11. Collapse.
  12. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  13. Ignoring hygiene rules, the formation of ulcers in the folds of the skin.
  14. Infectious eye diseases.
  15. Infestation with parasites.

Each of the reasons has its own survival period. It is difficult and impossible to predict. In case of pathologies of the heart, blood vessels and malignant tumors, the approximate survival age of a pug is 10 years.

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