Black pug - character, color features and care for black pugs

Silver and fawn pugs have long been one of the most fashionable dogs in the modern world.

Another thing is black pugs, which are still quite rare.

It is difficult to explain why this color is not as popular as other, lighter ones.

After all, black pugs are just as wonderful companions and friends as dogs of this breed of other colors.

The origin story of little black pugs

Pugs are one of the oldest breeds; its history began in China and dates back about two and a half millennia. The first evidence of the existence of a black color dates back to the 17th century - in a painting by the Dutch artist Brekelenkam you can find an image of a small charcoal-colored dog. Individuals with a dark color not only did not become widespread, but there were fewer and fewer of them, since it was believed that black animals could bring misfortune to the house.

The rare color was saved by Europeans, who took several puppies to England. At the end of the 19th century, pugs were shown at an exhibition in Madison, where they became champions and were registered by the founders of the herd, and the color was called “the color of the night.” Dark fur has ceased to be a breed defect, and interest in such dogs began to grow.

Interesting Facts

Pugs have always been the dog of noble people; they were loved, cherished, and treated like family members. Some representatives had their own servants and security. The folds on their muzzle were considered the sign of the emperor. A portrait by the French artist François Drouze has been preserved, where he depicted the French Princess Elizabeth in his arms with his pet pug.

Queen Victoria loved her dog so much that she issued a decree prohibiting ear cropping of this breed, which was common in those days. In the Moscow Pushkin Museum there is a painting depicting Grand Duchess Ekaterina Golitsyna with a pug lying on her lap. The work of the French court artist Charles Loa.

The family of Tsarevich Georgy Alexandrovich was photographed with a pug at their feet. In St. Petersburg, the museum preserves a gold snuff box, encrusted with diamonds, depicting a pug. Pugs were the favorite dogs of the Empress of France, Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. There are rumors that Napoleon himself suffered from Josephine's favorite when he first entered his wife's bedroom. The Hermitage exhibits the painting “Pug in a Chair” by Alfred Dedre, which is a parody of Hippolyte de Villemessant, a journalist for the newspaper “Le Figaro”.

Painting “Pug in a chair”

There is a funny story about a pug named Chester Ludlow, who received his master's degree and MBA through distance learning from Rochville University. Of course, the dog did not undergo any training in administration. The owner of Chester simply sent his student’s resume and tuition money ($499) to the address of the educational institution. A week later, he was already the proud owner of a financier’s diploma, which included his name, or rather nickname.

With the acquisition of a baby of this breed, a joyful, wrinkled creature appears in the house, which cannot leave anyone indifferent to its person. This baby will find an approach to all the inhabitants of the house: from children to older people, will be friendly towards dogs and cats, and will become a devoted friend to the owner.

*Prices are current as of January 2022.

Features, how the black pug differs from others

The black color of the coat did not affect the character traits in any way. Pugs are just as smart, friendly and cheerful as the beige, fawn and silver varieties.

The differences between dark pugs are hidden in their exterior. The color of the animals is uniform over the entire surface of the body; the presence of a small white spot on the chest is acceptable. Black wool is coarser and coarser than lighter shades. It is less dense, so during the molting period there are fewer problems with hair loss. At the age of 8-10 years, gray hair becomes noticeable. The animal's skin has its own peculiarity; upon close examination, you will notice that it is blue in color.

Color assessment at shows

If you choose a show-class pug, be prepared for particularly picky jury members at exhibitions.
Due to the rarity of the color, such dogs are examined especially carefully.

The fur should not be interspersed with a different color, not a single hair, it should be deep black and shimmer.

Only such pugs receive high awards at exhibitions. At the same time, sometimes a light spot appears on their chest. This, of course, will not remove the dog from exhibitions, but will reduce its chances of winning.

A few more photos with the characteristic color.

Description of the breed

For every dog ​​owner, his favorite little pug is the best, most beautiful and ideal. But there are standards that describe the constitution, appearance, behavior and hereditary qualities. Deviation from them can be considered a defect. This fact is taken into account when selecting individuals for breeding, maintaining the purity of the breed and participating in exhibitions.


Leading international cynological organizations have no discrepancies in describing the standard of black (charcoal, black, tar) pugs, but at exhibitions and competitions they place higher demands on them than on ordinary beige or silver dogs. To receive a decent grade, they must match the description:

  • strong bones, well-developed muscles, square body;
  • nose and claws black;
  • round big head;
  • shortened muzzle;
  • strongly prominent, widely spaced, dark-colored eyes;
  • tightly fitting ears (cropped);
  • short straight legs;
  • tail in the form of a ring, high;
  • the color of the coat is blue-black, with a pronounced shine;
  • absence of single white or red hairs in the coat;
  • It is acceptable to have a white spot on the chest.

Black Pug Size and Weight

Pugs are often called square because their withers height and body length are equal. The breed standards do not specify height. An adult male reaches 30-36 cm at the withers and weighs from 6 to 9 kg, a female reaches 25-30 cm and weighs from 6 to 8 kg.

Puppies at birth weigh 150-250 g, at three months - 3 kg, at six months - 6 kg, and gain maximum weight by 9-12 months. If body weight exceeds 10 kg, then there is a problem of obesity, the cause of which must be found out and solved with the help of examination and consultation with a veterinarian.

Character of a black pug

Black pugs not only have a bright, exotic appearance, but also a friendly character. They are absolutely not aggressive, very loyal, stay close even if they are already dead tired. The opinion about periodic passivity is also true - when the owner is resting, lying on the sofa, the dog will definitely settle down next to him.

The pug is incredibly sociable, finds a “common language” with children, strangers, other dogs, ignores cats or is arrogant. Adult males can be cocky towards each other. The mental abilities and intelligence of the breed can be envied, but often the pug hides them and does not show them in front of others, since he is very stubborn and touchy if people raise their voices at him. It is difficult to find a more successful companion for an elderly person than this wonderful animal. It does not tolerate loneliness well, so it can brighten up someone else’s. It is difficult to train, but always (even in a dream) reacts to suspicious noise and warns others about it.

Pet character

The black pug is a friendly, sociable and sociable dog that needs increased attention from its owner, as it feels unhappy without communication with people.

These medium-sized dogs have a non-conflict character - they get along well with other animals and with children of all ages, and do not show aggression towards strangers on the street..

It should be borne in mind that males of this breed have a rather cocky disposition, and therefore it is better not to keep two pug boys in the house, and on the street you need to make sure that the pet does not bully other males.

This will not only help avoid conflict situations, but will also protect your pet from injuries received in fights with other dogs.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Black Pugs are very calm and friendly dogs by nature. They easily adapt to the lifestyle of their owners - for a stay-at-home owner, a black pug will love to sleep on the sofa, and for an outdoor enthusiast, the pet will become an invariable participant in hikes and long walks. But it is necessary to remember that these dogs must be protected from overheating and not allowed to run until exhausted. In general, it is necessary to closely monitor their health, since pugs are prone to overeating and allergies. If you take good care of your pet, he will live a long life as a healthy and active dog.”

Care and maintenance of black pugs

For a puppy to grow healthy, it needs constant care. Before bringing him into the house, prepare a comfortable bed, a bowl for water and food, a leash and collar for walking, safe toys, tools and hygiene products.

To keep the ears clean, they are periodically inspected and, if necessary, cleaned of dirt using cotton swabs and pads. If the nails grow too long and do not wear down, trim them carefully. It is equally important to monitor the condition of the dog’s coat, teeth, eyes, and pay attention to feeding and walking the pet.

Eye and dental care

The structure of the black pug's muzzle and eyes contributes to their frequent injury, infection and entry of foreign bodies. Monitoring the condition of a pug’s eyes begins already on the ninth to eleventh day of life. During this period, the greatest danger is posed by staphylococcus, which can be carried by an adult dog. As a result, purulent conjunctivitis occurs. Daily eye care includes:

  • inspection and cleansing of accumulation of secretions using a soft cloth;
  • constant monitoring of the condition of the eyeballs and the intensity of tear production;
  • protection from drafts and headwinds.

Neither small pugs nor adult animals have good teeth. It is not uncommon for them to become loose and fall out. Tartar and brown plaque on enamel leads to caries. For the purpose of prevention, dogs should be allowed to chew on bones or crackers made from bone chips. You should brush your teeth at least once a month, and gradually get used to it. First, they simply massage the gums, then use a brush wrapped in gauze and a meat-scented paste that is harmless to the animal’s body.

Caring for dark coats

Black wool does not easily stain, so it does not require special care. Regular combing is carried out with a special comb with soft natural bristles, and during the molting period - with a furminator. Numerous folds on the pug’s body are inspected and cleaned of dust and dirt. If inflammation is detected on the skin, you should consult a veterinarian.

To prevent the natural protective layer from being disturbed, you should not wash your dogs frequently. The procedure is carried out as the coat becomes dirty, using special products for dark colors. Pugs are well dried and dried in a warm room, as they are prone to frequent colds. To add shine, the wool is rubbed with suede cloth. A balanced diet and vitamin complexes selected by a specialist help maintain its high quality.

Walking the dog

A pug should be socialized as early as possible to avoid making the dog aggressive or fearful. After receiving the vaccine, the puppy is taken out for walks at least five times a day for 15 minutes, avoiding too hot weather, which all pugs have difficulty withstanding. As the puppies grow older, the number of walks is reduced and their duration is increased. An adult animal needs two walks a day for 40-50 minutes.

For safety reasons, the dog should be muzzled to prevent it from picking up anything from the ground. A harness is more comfortable for a young animal than a collar. Later you can use it, and a tape measure as a leash.

In cold and damp weather, it is worth wearing waterproof overalls for your pet. To accustom him to order and discipline, they walk him at a certain time - an hour after feeding.

Feeding your pet

The key to good health for any dog ​​is a balanced diet without overfeeding. Little pugs are fed according to the same principles as the breeder did. Gradually you can switch to a different diet. The easiest way is to use special ready-made food that takes into account the weight, age and condition of the dog.

Natural nutrition should include boiled liver, raw meat, dairy products, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables. You cannot combine both types of food (ready-made and natural) so as not to disrupt metabolism and provoke illness.

The list of foods prohibited for pugs includes:

  • citrus fruits, grapes;
  • baked goods;
  • tubular bones;
  • fat meat;
  • food from the table.

Predisposition to disease, lifespan

Most diseases and health problems can be avoided if you follow the vaccination schedule and properly organize the feeding and maintenance of the animal. Overfeeding often leads to obesity, which not only provokes the development of pathologies, but also shortens life expectancy. The health of a pug is influenced by the genetic characteristics of the breed, which is most prone to diseases:

  • eye diseases;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergies;
  • skin rashes;
  • encephalitis;
  • muscle dysfunction.

Constant monitoring and care of the animal allows you to maintain its health in excellent condition. In this case, the average life expectancy of a dog is 15 years. And although by this age the black pug becomes gray, this does not prevent him from remaining energetic, full of strength and not getting sick.

Life expectancy and health

With good feeding and proper maintenance, a black pug can live from 12 to 15 years on average.

But overfeeding and subsequent obesity, to which these dogs are very prone, leads to the fact that already at 7-8 years the dog can suffer from chronic diseases of the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system.

Pugs are prone to a number of diseases , some of which are hereditary :

  • Allergy.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Eye diseases: cataracts, glaucoma, problems with tear production, as well as various inflammatory diseases such as conjunctivitis.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Respiratory diseases.
  • Obesity.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Digestive problems resulting from indiscriminate eating.


Most health problems can be avoided if your black pug is fed properly and kept in proper conditions.

Read more about what affects a pug's lifespan here.

Pros and cons of black pugs

Like any other representatives of the breed, black pugs have their advantages and disadvantages. Among their advantages:

  • unique appearance;
  • Possibility of living in an apartment;
  • ease of care for short hair;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • optimistic and cheerful character;
  • endurance;
  • sociability and non-conflict;
  • love for children;
  • unpretentiousness in food.


  • without proper education they grow up to be selfish and stubborn;
  • prone to a number of diseases;
  • do not tolerate hot and cold weather well;
  • are indiscriminate in food and often suffer from obesity;
  • shed;
  • snore in their sleep due to the structural features of the nasopharynx;
  • difficult to train.

The character and behavior of a pug largely depends on the owner who is nearby. With persistence and affection, he can be trained to house, use the toilet, and follow commands.

Feeding the animal

Immediately after a black pug puppy appears in your home, you should feed it only what the breeder recommends.

Subsequently, you can switch the pet to the diet that seems more convenient to the new owner. But at the same time, it is extremely important to feed the pug correctly: fully and in moderation.

Overfeeding is worse for these dogs than underfeeding, as it leads to many chronic diseases..

When feeding with natural food, the basis of the diet should be lean meat and offal, which are given in raw pieces (liver - scalded or boiled).

Buckwheat or rice porridge should be added to the meat, as well as raw vegetables, fruits, dairy products and fats. For puppies, pregnant and lactating females, and older pets, it is recommended to add vitamin and mineral supplements to their food.

When feeding industrial food, it is better to give preference to products designed specifically for pugs..

And, of course, they must correspond to the age and health of the pet: for example, special dietary foods are recommended for dogs suffering from allergies or obesity.

It is unacceptable to mix industrial food and natural products; in particular, you cannot fill dry food with kefir or broth . This can lead to serious illnesses such as hepatitis or metabolic disorders.

Color options for puppies from black parents

Although only four shades are included in the breed standard, there are many more variations. The most impressive looking dogs are beige, silver, apricot, black and white. There are chocolate, brindle and yellowish pugs. Voronoi is considered the most sought after and expensive.

Owners involved in breeding need to know in which case they will get puppies of the desired charcoal color. Black is the dominant color; lighter colors are considered recessive. When crossing two black pugs, you can get puppies of all colors included in the standard, depending on which genotype the parents belong to - homozygous or heterozygous and what gene they possess. There may be several options:

  • all puppies are black, but each of them will inherit a light gene;
  • all offspring are black, but one half carries the light gene, the other half carries the black gene;
  • ¾ of the litter is tar-colored, ¼ is light.

If only one of the parents is black, all puppies or only part of them will inherit the color. When both are light, you should not expect coal offspring.

Appearance and photo

This small dog was bred in China. Her height ranges from 25 to 36 cm, and males are always larger than females. The weight of an adult animal is 6-10 kg. Note that an animal can weigh much more if it is regularly overfed. The minimum life expectancy is 12 years.

The breed is characterized by a compact, almost square body. The wool is short, soft, and according to the standard can have the following colors: black, apricot, fawn or silver.

Learn more about other colors and care for this breed.

The pug has a large, rounded head with a short muzzle, which is shaped like a square. The eyes are large, round, located at a distance from each other. It is distinguished by a characteristic bite - the lower jaw protrudes slightly forward.

Important! The presence of protruding teeth or a constantly protruding tongue is a defect.

How to choose a black pug puppy?

You should purchase a puppy from a reputable nursery or from a breeder with positive reviews and recommendations. Upon purchase, future owners will be offered pugs of three classes - show, breed or pet.

The first includes future participants in exhibitions, competitions and championships. Representatives of the show class must match the breed as much as possible; in the future they are used as producers.

Breed-class puppies may have some shortcomings in their appearance, but their quality is high and they may well become champions in the future.

The pet class includes dogs with visible deviations from the standard, intended for home keeping.

You need to choose the floor in advance. If it is not important for a dog breeder whether to buy a black girl or a boy, knowledge of some nuances will help make the choice. A male pug is a good, loyal friend with a playful character. Despite his good nature, he does not hesitate to rush to the defense of his owner, regardless of the size and strength of the offender. It should be remembered that he will mark his territory not only in the yard, but also in the apartment, so you will have to be patient for cleaning.

The pug girl is calmer, more obedient, and does not get involved in fights on the street. Owners will have to come to terms with the fact that twice a year the bitches go into heat, lasting 23 days.

Most often, puppies are purchased at the age of 45 days. It is even better if he has grown a little (2-2.5 months) and after vaccinations. At this age, he adapts better, does not get sick, and learns quickly.

When choosing a pug, pay attention to several parameters:

  1. Body proportionality.
  2. Cleanliness of the coat (no bald spots, dandruff, unpleasant odor).
  3. Ears (no rash, wax).
  4. Mouth (presence of four fangs below and above and six incisors between them).
  5. Eyes (clean, moist, but not watery).
  6. Belly (not bloated).
  7. Behavior (activity and playfulness).

The dog breeder must be given a pedigree, a veterinary passport, a certificate and a puppy card indicating the parents.

Choosing the right puppy

If you want to buy a black pug, then when choosing a puppy you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Wool. It should be hard, without interspersed hairs of a different color.
  2. Leather. These pugs have blue skin.
  3. Behavior. The puppy should not be lethargic or afraid. He should be active, curious and playful.
  4. Breeder. Always purchase purebred dogs from reputable breeders or kennels. This way you will be sure that the dog is healthy, active and does not suffer from any disorders.

If the breeder does not share the life of the puppies, does not provide some or any documents, this is a serious reason to think about it. Is this the person you are willing to pay? After all, pugs are not cheap. But it all depends on your goals.

Questions and answers

Are there black pugs?
Despite the fact that everyone is accustomed to beige pugs with a dark mask on the face, black, pitch or black coloring of pugs is also provided for by the breed standard. It has existed for several centuries and is considered the most beautiful and expensive species.

Features of black pugs

The character and behavior of black pugs are not much different from representatives of other colors. Their coat is shorter, shiny, and less dense, so dogs need to wear overalls in cold weather. Another difference is the blue skin tone.

What other colors do pugs have?

We have already said that black coat color is now recognized by all international kennel clubs. Now let's look at the rest of the acceptable colors of pugs using the example of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) Standard. And let's talk about other colors that are not officially recognized, but are found in nature.

Pug colors recognized by breed standards

  1. Black (“black”) – coal, resin, black. Uniform color without spots, stripes or inclusions of hairs of a different color.
  2. Silver pug (“silver fawn”) – “deer in the moonlight”, light gray pug, cold tone.
  3. Apricot Pug has a deer-in-the-sunlight coat, creamy, warm tone. This shade is sometimes called “peach pug.” Considered the most expensive.
  4. Beige (“fawn”) – fawn, beige-brown pug, warm tone.

Important: no other colors are established as a standard. Milky white albino pugs with a black muzzle are a breed defect!

Pug color colors not recognized by breed standards

We already know that no matter how beautiful white pugs are, they cannot be called purebred! This statement also applies to other original Pug colors, such as brindle. Keep this in mind if you decide to buy such a dog.

Of course, such pets will not be allowed to participate in the exhibition, but they can become good companions for you, beloved pets for the whole family.

Important: do not trust unscrupulous breeders who try to sell rejected dogs with rare colors at a higher price, passing them off as purebreds.

Rare unrecognized pug colors:

  • brindle pug - not recognized in Europe, but in America this striped color has many supporters;
  • steel – a nondescript light shade, reminiscent of silver, not popular with dog owners;
  • chocolate – rich brown shade, the nose and nose repeat the color of the coat;
  • red pugs – brown-red hue;
  • fawn is a classic beige color, but the mask on the face is not black, but brown.

Important: when buying a puppy, remember that the final coat color appears only at one and a half years.

Pugs - photo

Pug dogs are completely charming, as you can easily see after our selection of photos!

























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Conditions for keeping

Based on the fact that the pug has practically no security and observation qualities , and the animal itself in adulthood is not very energetic, there is no point in keeping a dog in an enclosure or on a leash. Firstly, the pug will suffer from loneliness. Secondly, the benefit from its protection will be close to zero. It is best to give the dog his own corner in the apartment, where his bedding, bowl, and several toys will be located. It makes no difference whether you keep the dog in a private house or in an apartment.

The pug will feel great in an apartment. Also suitable for keeping in a small area are dogs of the Chinese Crested, Pekingese, Pomeranian, Dachshund, Russian Toy Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, French Bulldog, and Chihuahua breeds.

Please note that keeping the dog outside will have an adverse effect on the health and life expectancy of the pet, so if it is impossible to keep it in the house, equip the pug with a spacious, warm kennel in which the dog can hide from precipitation and cold.


Bathing is a procedure that must be carried out 2-3 times monthly.
Tips to help you properly care for your coat:

  • You need to bathe your dog 2-3 times a month;
  • when bathing, you need to use special dog shampoos that do not sting the eyes;
  • it is necessary to clean the folds on the face daily;
  • After each walk, you should carefully examine your pet’s fur and check it for the presence of parasites;
  • To keep the coat beautiful and shiny, it needs to be brushed regularly.

The black pug is an original and unique dog, unlike any other dog breed. Before getting such a pet, you need to familiarize yourself with its main features and how to properly care for it.

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