Description of the black Doberman dog breed: character, care, purpose

Thanks to the cinema and show industry with popular clips not so long ago, most people associate the image of a Doberman exclusively with black color. Meanwhile, even the standard does not regard the black coat color of these dogs as the only acceptable color. What color options exist for Dobermans, which of these color variations should be considered the breed standard, and which should be attributed to breeding? Below is their description and photo.


Adult height: males 69-71 cm, females 62-67 cm. Weight: males 41-45 kg, females 31-35 kg. The characteristic color of the Doberman is completely pure black, dark brown. Coat length: short, smooth. Life expectancy: 11-16 years. Advantages: dedicated guard. Difficulties of the breed: time consuming. Average price of a black Doberman: $600-800. Classification: large dogs, mountain, cattle, companion, guard, bodyguard.

Description of the breed

The Doberman is a large, muscular dog with an elegant build. His constitution is far from coarse and massive.


  1. Dimensions: height - up to 68 cm, weight - up to 45 kg.
  2. The body is square, clearly defined.
  3. The skull is strong and of good proportions. When viewed from above, it resembles a blunt wedge. The head has pronounced muscles.
  4. The muzzle is set deep. In black colors the nose is black, in lighter colors it is brown. The lips fit well to the jaw and are tightly closed. Scissor bite. The teeth are white and strong.
  5. The eyes are oval and brown.
  6. The ears are set high; if cropped, they stand up. Some states prohibit ear cropping. In this case, they should be hanging, adjacent to the cheeks.
  7. The neck is long, muscular, with a graceful curve.
  8. The withers are clearly defined. The back is strong, rather short.
  9. The chest is wide and round, slightly protruding forward.
  10. The tail can be docked or natural. In the first case, it is stopped up to the second vertebra.

The coat is short, hard, without undercoat. Colors:

  • black;
  • white;
  • yellowish brown;
  • blue;
  • red.

The white color is caused by a gene mutation and is a violation of the standard. It is accompanied by a number of physical and mental pathologies, so white Dobermans are not allowed to reproduce.

Origin story

This breed was first bred at the end of the 19th century in Germany by a certain Friedrich Doberman, after whom the dogs he created were named. This man was a policeman and an inspector; breeding dogs was his hobby. Friedrich once planned to create a dog that would be a faithful bodyguard, strong and resilient, and used for official purposes.

According to the creator's idea, such a dog should be unusually dexterous and fast, have acute hearing and vision, and have high intelligence and quick wits. All these qualities would allow the pet to protect its owner from any danger and be the best bodyguard. In 1880, the breeder finally achieved his goal and got a well-known breed, which was initially and for a long time later called the Thuringian Pinscher.

The black Doberman breed immediately after the exhibition and spread to other countries became very popular, especially among rich and wealthy people. Having such a dog was considered very prestigious, since few people could afford such a noble bodyguard.


Dwarf Doberman: characteristics of the breed and rules of care
The creation of mestizos did not bypass Dobermans. It is believed that mestizos, unlike purebred breeds, have better immunity to various diseases and are less susceptible to cold.

Rottweiler mix

A crossbreed between a Doberman and a Rottweiler has adopted the traits of both breeds in the same way; in general, these dogs are similar, especially as puppies.
Well, having matured, he will turn into a surprisingly stately dog, with strong legs, stockier than a purebred representative of the breed. This mixed breed will have the classic color for both breeds - black with rusty tan. And with his head he will look like a Rottweiler: the head is of medium size, with a well-defined occipital protuberance, the ears are set wide. The muzzle is slightly narrowed, ending in a wide lobe with widened round nostrils. The color of the ear lobes, lips and eye rims is black. The mestizo will take on the character of his parents and will be a brave dog.

Shepherd mix

A Doberman mixed breed with a Shepherd will make an excellent working breed. In appearance it will resemble a German Shepherd, black and red in color. The muzzle will be more pointed than that of a purebred Shepherd, but less than that of a Doberman.

The dog's height will be higher than that of a shepherd, and its body will be slender. If you do not train a mixed breed, he will become an irritable and dangerous dog, which will lead to unexpected behavior of the dog in different situations.

Pitbull mix

By crossing a pit bull and a Doberman, we get an irreplaceable guard, but also quite aggressive. After all, the pit bull is famous for its “death grip”, and the Doberman is not inferior to it in attacking the enemy. This mixed breed has strong paws and body, the color will vary from black to light rust with white tan. The muzzle will be oblong.

Mongrel cross

A dog with good immunity, smart, fast, an excellent protector and a good friend - this is all a cross between a Doberman and a mongrel. The appearance loses its aristocratic appearance, and the difference from the above mestizos is that this breed will not be short-haired. The description of this mestizo is rather vague, since everything depends on the mongrel, its size, and appearance. But most often they produce tall dogs with a strong body.

Other famous hybrids

Science knows the crossbreeds of a Doberman and a black Great Dane - a tall black dog that does not differ in appearance from a Doberman, but its color does not have tan and its height is slightly taller than a purebred dog.
The muzzle is elongated, the lower jaw is strong. And there is even baby Django, who is currently 3 years old.

This is a cross between a Doberman, Labrador and Boxer.

He has a brown color with light tan and blue eyes, which the dog took from a Labrador, since Dobermans are characterized by black eyes.

He has a stocky body, not very tall, about the size of a Labrador, strong paws and a strong jaw.


The creator of this breed had the goal of obtaining a dog that would become an ideal bodyguard and security guard for its owner, which could withstand any opponent. It was in this dog that these qualities came together, and after its mass distribution, many got such a dog precisely for the purpose of protection.

It is believed that the ancestors of this breed were mountain and cattle dogs, so their ancestor is also excellent at this task. In the modern world, when the need for constant personal protection has significantly decreased, a black Doberman is kept as a pet, which has high intelligence and is capable of love for a person.

How to choose?

First of all, evaluate the external condition of the puppy: it should look healthy, well-groomed, with clean mucous membranes, not have an unpleasant odor, and not limp. Also, Doberman puppies should not be aggressive and cowardly - this is a defect.

Since it is the color of the coat that matters, ask the breeder for documents on the parents of the offspring whose pet you are going to adopt..

Documents usually indicate coat color. If possible, take a look at the mother and her color.


The coat should be short, well-groomed, without bald spots or bald spots.

The color should be as rich as possible, but remember that there are only two shades of black in the Doberman coat.

If you notice another one, then it is better to refuse to take this particular puppy and take a closer look at others.


This breed is distinguished by its special devotion to its owner. A dog chooses only one owner, whom he guards and protects, obeys and can be trained only by him. Such a pet wants to accompany its owner constantly and everywhere, protecting him from dangers and taking care of him from all troubles. The Doberman is usually very friendly towards family members living in the house; with the right attitude and upbringing, it can protect them and guard them with the same care as its owner. He gets along well with children and doesn't mind playing with them.

Despite its impressive appearance, it does not pose a danger to children and never shows aggression. He gets along calmly with other pets with whom he grew up or who were in the family before his arrival. In many ways, his attitude towards small animals and other dogs depends on the upbringing carried out by the owner. The black Doberman is a very smart and focused dog, he is not characterized by sudden changes in mood, he always assesses the situation quite judiciously.

As a guard breed, they are always distrustful and wary of strangers and do not allow them into the yard without the owner’s knowledge. It can be quite aggressive towards strangers, barks, but attacks only when clearly necessary. Due to his developed intelligence, he is able to assess the situation by the movements and emotions of people. So he suspects certain intentions of strangers, and also controls the owner’s reaction and awaits his commands.


How long your dog will live depends only on you. It is important to choose the right food, give your dog all vaccinations on time, and take proper care of your pet.

For Dobermanns, it is necessary that they receive a certain dose of physical training every day - this will keep their muscles and brain in good shape..

If you comply with all the necessary conditions, and the dog lives with you without needing anything, then in this case the life expectancy will be maximum.


Healthy and well-groomed Dobermans live 12-15 years.

With poor maintenance and nutrition, the number of years of life can be significantly reduced.

Choosing a puppy

After deciding to buy a black Doberman puppy, the most important thing to do is to find a good kennel and a trusted seller. You should start looking into this issue on the Internet; find a good breeder based on reviews left by previous customers. It is best to make a purchase by personally coming to the nursery to pick up your pet, so you can evaluate the conditions for breeding and keeping dogs and see if your choice is correct.

Puppies offered for sale must be at least 9 weeks old. Until this time, breeders carry out the necessary vaccinations and prevention of worms, cropping and installing the babies’ ears. Also, you should not buy older puppies, as it will be much more difficult for them to adapt to a new place and accept a new owner, which will cause you certain difficulties.

Price range

There are several groups of Dobermans depending on price:

  1. $110-280 - dogs have minor deviations from the standard. They cannot participate in exhibitions, but they are well suited as pets;
  2. $280-410 – pedigree puppies;
  3. $410 and up. These are dogs with an ideal pedigree, which are destined to take first places at shows.

If the price of a puppy is low enough and you have doubts, then it is better not to take it . They can easily give you a mixed breed instead of a purebred dog.

Care and maintenance

You can keep a black Doberman both in an apartment and in a private house. This dog is not adapted to life outdoors, as its thin coat and lack of fat make it vulnerable to wind and cold. He behaves well indoors, knows his place well and does not allow too much, of course, with proper upbringing. This pet is very social and needs the company of people. It is not recommended to leave a black Doberman alone for a long time.

Walks should be as active as possible; it is useful to include training in commands and other elements of training. Walks in the fresh air should be long enough (at least an hour) and frequent (2-3 times a day). When walking your dog on city streets, you must use a leash and muzzle. During the cold season, it is advisable to dress your pet.

The short and smooth coat does not require special care; weekly brushing will suffice. The animal's claws grow quite quickly, so they will have to be trimmed often. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the ears, eyes and teeth, monitor their cleanliness and health.


Second suit recognized by the FCI. Brown or, as it is also called, red color somewhat softens the harsh appearance of the Doberman and visually enlarges it.

Dogs that are the color of dark chocolate and have bright tan look the most impressive. The eyes of an animal of this color should also be brown, but a lighter shade is allowed. Another nuance of this color is that it can fade in the sun. Otherwise, brown dogs are no different from black and tan dogs.


Black Dobermans have a sharp mind and a gentle character, making them easy to train. During the training process, dog handlers recommend following the rule of the “golden mean” - behaving confidently and giving commands in a gentle tone. At the same time, do not encourage self-indulgence and disobedience. The dog should feel your love and dominance over him.

Interesting facts about Dobermans

Representatives of the breed are popular; the list of legendary four-legged animals includes Tref, who helped solve crimes in the police. Thanks to him, the perpetrators of 1,500 cases registered in St. Petersburg were found.

Keeping a Doberman requires time, sufficient material resources and a strong-willed character from the owner. The pet will have to be put in its place, otherwise it will become completely uncontrollable, and you can forget about guarding or joint hunting.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Faithful and dedicated protector.
  • A sensitive and smart friend.
  • Active, playful, agile.
  • Suitable for any living conditions.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Sharp mind and quick wit.
  • Easy to learn.


  • Requires frequent and daily walks.
  • Can't stand loneliness.
  • May be aggressive towards strangers.

Dear readers, what difficulties have you encountered in keeping such a dog? Share your experience in the comments.


The basis of the daily diet is meat; a mature individual needs 0.5 kg per day. An active lifestyle allows you to increase the standard to 1 kg. The best options include lean beef or veal. Meat strengthens the jaw apparatus and stabilizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

A list of additional useful products is presented:

  • fermented milk products;
  • chicken eggs - included twice a week;
  • boiled sea fish fillet;
  • vegetable fiber - bran, vegetables and cereals.

Important! What can you feed a Doberman: choose ready-made industrial food of premium and super-premium class, holistic.

Choosing a nickname

For Dobermans, nicknames should be chosen based on their appearance. These are beautiful, intelligent dogs that are often recruited to serve in the army or police. The Doberman makes a wonderful protector.

The following names are suitable for boys of this breed:

Emphasizing their strength and physical development: Atlas, Opal, Sunset, Zeus, Pharaoh, Caesar, Hercules, Achilles, Vulcan, Ararat, Sultan, Conan, Gloom, Circassian, Titan, Sherkhan, Elbrus; Nicknames that focus on color: Chocolate, Walnut, Ash, Black, Coal, Amber, Yakhont, Truffle; Nicknames that echo German names: Albert, Hans, Askold, Karl, Oscar, Jan, Nicholas, Rudolf, Theodor, Schultz, Richard, Jurgen, Max, Michael, Jurgen; Nicknames that emphasize the qualities of temperament (after all, how many dogs have so many characters): Rogue, Golden, Friend, Wind, Tango, Cyclone, Miracle, Glorious, Frisky, Fakir, Fire, Mars, Leader, Success, Hurricane, Champion, Romeo, Pilot, Indigo, Storm, Bulldog.

The following nicknames are suitable for girls of the Doberman breed:

  1. The most aristocratic nicknames that will emphasize the elegant, beautiful and graceful appearance of your dog: Hera, Ariadne, Star, Melisa, Roxy, Liana, Venus, Diva, Bagheera, Aelita, Naomi, Shelly, Stephanie, Yasmin, Aurora, Giselle, Luna, Paula, Camellia.
  2. To emphasize the temperament of your pet, give the following nicknames: Aida, Love, Verona, Gloria, Clear, Audrey, Oda, Blizzard, Fun, Muse, Night, Sonata, Melody, Doll, Prima, Fairy, Fortune, Charade, Ethiopian, Riddle, Rocket.


Life expectancy is quite long - on average 15 years. This is a lot for a small dog. Health is good; with proper care, the dog is little bothered by illness.

There are specific health problems and threats:

  • They are very at risk of frostbite during cold periods;
  • Development of diabetes mellitus;
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • Eye pathologies: cataracts, glaucoma;
  • Joint dislocations;
  • Deafness;
  • Epilepsy.

To prevent all diseases, you need a high-quality diet, care and a lot of attention. The dog is very susceptible to temperatures, low and high. Therefore, in the heat, you must always have water with you to cool your pet, and insulate it in winter. For them, clothes are not a funny accessory, but a necessity.

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