Diarrhea, vomiting in a dog and chills: How to help your pet?

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It happens that a beloved pet’s mood suddenly changes, and soon it turns out that the dog has diarrhea. This condition may be considered a minor problem, but in fact, sometimes it is an indicator of some deviations in the health of the shaggy friend. Below you will learn in detail about the symptoms of diarrhea in a dog and learn how to treat it at home.

Symptoms of diarrhea in a dog

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Diarrhea in a dog is considered to be liquid stool; feces may simply be watery. What exactly is defined as diarrhea?

  • Liquid stool;
  • Frequent bowel movements in small volumes (up to 4 times a day);
  • The stomach is “seething”;
  • It is painful for the animal to defecate, it begins to whine or moan;
  • Behavior becomes agitated or apathetic and lethargic.

Sometimes other symptoms of diarrhea in a dog are added to the above:

  • The color of the stool may change;
  • There is blood and mucus in the feces;
  • Repeated foamy or regular vomiting is added;
  • Temperature readings are either high or, conversely, very low;
  • The excrement smells very bad;
  • The dog refuses to drink or, on the contrary, experiences frequent excessive thirst.

Age-appropriate causes of diarrhea

Frequent loose stools for a day or more indicate serious problems in the baby’s body - it could be poisoning or a virus.

Acute diarrhea that lasts more than 2 days is a serious reason for a full examination to identify diseases.

Newborns are having fun

The breeder must carefully monitor the condition of the newly whelped bitch and her offspring. It happens that newborn puppies develop eating disorders - usually the reasons are as follows:

  • the kitten does not accept mother's milk or reacts poorly to what the mother has eaten;
  • an allergic reaction to artificial nutrition is detected;
  • E. coli, streptococcus or staphylococcus;
  • a virus transmitted from the mother.

Elimination of any of the causes requires the intervention of a veterinarian. It is prohibited to independently treat a bitch and her offspring - even the simplest disease can kill babies in a few hours if treated incorrectly. Therefore, if there is the slightest problem, the breeder should contact the clinic.

A puppy at 1 month

Diarrhea in a 1 month old puppy can be caused by:

  • poor nutrition (early introduction of complementary foods);
  • teething;
  • the presence of infection in the body;
  • parasitic infestations (fleas or helminths).

First of all, complementary feeding is changed to specialized wet food. If the stool disorder does not stop, we are talking about more serious cases. Infections with parasites or viruses must be treated by a doctor.

In a puppy at 2 months

It happens that completely independent puppies experience indigestion, including loose stools. Diarrhea in a puppy at 2 months is caused by the following:

  • excessive gluttony - most children do not have a feeling of satiety, the problem is especially acute in small breed dogs;
  • poor nutrition – bad food or stale natural food;
  • the presence of worms in the body;
  • infectious disease.

Therapy for puppies of this age is carried out with medications under the supervision of a veterinarian. Self-treatment is dangerous - it risks overdose, intoxication, or simply ineffectiveness.

If the kitten is simply overeating, reduce the amount of food eaten at a time.

Puppy 3 months or older

During this period of life, the pet becomes completely independent. He studies everything around him that could affect his health: injuries, poisoning or infections are not uncommon. In addition, at the age of 3-4 months, dogs' teeth change, which can also cause loose stools. Diarrhea in a 3-4 month old puppy can also appear after vaccination.

Treatment for your pet depends entirely on the diagnosis. To alleviate the animal’s condition, you can give sorbents, for example, Smecta or Polysorb, but only after you have consulted with a veterinarian about the dosage.

The main causes of loose stools

Every problem has a root cause. If your dog has diarrhea, there may be several reasons:

  1. The food chosen is of poor quality or completely unsuitable for the pet.
  2. The usual type of food has changed dramatically due to the fault of the owner. Different breeds have their own types of nutrition.
  3. Helminthic infestations.
  4. The dog is sick with parvovirus enteritis, adenovirus, rotavirus, coronavirus, an atypical form of rabies, and fungal diseases.
  5. The walls of the stomach and intestines can be damaged if the animal swallows a foreign object or bone.
  6. The body reacted in this way to antibiotics.
  7. The animal has dysbiosis or neoplasms.
  8. Diarrhea in a dog can be caused by chemical poisoning or an allergic reaction to foods or medications.
  9. Stress is also a significant factor in the occurrence of diarrhea.

Poor quality food

Much more often, the cause of mucous diarrhea is simply poor quality, spoiled food . And it goes to dogs really often.

Firstly, these animals have an unpleasant habit of digging in any available garbage heap, where there may well be remnants of spoiled and discarded food.

Secondly, many inexperienced and overly “frugal” breeders feed expired food to their pets (which is strongly not recommended).

Interesting! There is an opinion that the digestive system of dogs is very “strong”, but this is not entirely true. They can indeed eat “tasty” meat without any consequences, but this does not apply to rotten food.

If you regularly feed your dog the stale contents of your refrigerator, do not be surprised that your pet will regularly smear mucous masses. What’s even worse is that the kidneys and liver suffer greatly from such “delicacies.” But there are more dangerous causes of diarrhea with mucous inclusions.

How long can diarrhea last?

Prolonged diarrhea in a pet will alert anyone. But the concept of “long-term” is flexible. If the causes of diarrhea are natural, then it will end in the next 24 hours without causing significant discomfort.

It happens that a dog has loose stools more than 4 times a day, or it lasts for more than 2 days. Here there is already a serious danger of dehydration.

Sometimes diarrhea is prolonged and lasts up to a week. This is an indicator that the cause is bacterial in nature and time is needed to eliminate it. This is the very case when contacting a veterinarian is mandatory.

The manifestation of chronic diarrhea is due to various reasons. If you notice such a feature of your dog’s body, consult a specialist. This could be a sign of an allergy or a reaction to stress.

Treatment of indigestion

Treatment of animal diarrhea is prescribed by a veterinarian on an individual basis.

  1. To normalize the microflora, Lactobacillin is prescribed. Its action is based on restoring normal intestinal microflora and helps suppress the growth of pathogenic flora.
  2. If chronic diarrhea is caused by enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas, digestive enzymes are prescribed in tablets or powders.
  3. Stagnation of bile requires the use of choleretic drugs, in particular Allochol.
  4. In case of severe dehydration, in consultation with the veterinarian, it is possible to give the dog a 5% glucose solution.
  5. If the cause of diarrhea is an infectious process or parasite infestation, the veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics or antiparasitic drugs to the animal.

To determine the cause of diarrhea, it is necessary to undergo an examination, including ultrasound diagnostics, x-ray examination, laboratory tests, and bacteriological examination.

When the acute clinic is eliminated, long-term use of probiotics will be required to restore normal intestinal microflora. It is strictly not recommended to feed the animal food from the human table.

The dog has a bloated belly and diarrhea

There is simply bloating with diarrhea. The reasons are trivial, a healthy animal defecates up to 4 times a day with moderately moist and soft feces. When feces lose their shape and become watery, this is diarrhea, which could be caused by poor nutrition, switching to a different type of food, changing the brand of food, or an allergic reaction. The dog could also have swallowed an object or have worms.

What to do

First you need to do a nutritional analysis. If a suspicious eaten product is discovered: raw meat, sour milk, low-quality or unsuitable product, then it is removed from the menu.

If the dog has overeaten, this is a signal to reduce the portion or increase the interval between meals. In this case, diarrhea will not bother the dog much.

When, despite the measures taken, the stool remains watery, a number of therapeutic measures are required.

  1. The dog should not eat anything for 24 hours, but it should be given something to drink very often. Loss of fluid in the body is a very serious matter.
  2. If the dog refuses to drink, we take him to the veterinarian to administer intravenous infusion solutions. At home, in case of diarrhea, you need to give adsorbents that will help collect and remove toxic substances and poisons.
  3. Prolonged loose stools are treated with antibiotics.

Prevention of the disease

Diarrhea and vomiting in dogs occur due to owner violations of feeding and animal care rules.

Prevention of diarrhea and vomiting consists of fulfilling the following conditions:

  1. Bring the conditions of keeping animals in accordance with zoohygienic parameters.
  2. Pets are vaccinated against particularly dangerous diseases.
  3. Dogs are regularly dewormed and treated against fleas and other ectoparasites that carry worm larvae. It is convenient to use double-action drops, which are applied to the withers.
  4. Use complete feeding, preferably factory-made dehydrated pellets. If you use natural products, balance the diet with all nutrients. When growing puppies lack minerals and vitamins, they chew on balconies, lick whitewashed walls, and pick up poisoned baits and inedible objects from the ground.
  5. When feeding naturally, avoid giving raw meat. Its surface is infested with helminth larvae or pathogenic microorganisms.
  6. Do not treat the dog with human food.
  7. Pets are trained: they are taught not to take food from the floor or ground.
  8. Do not use vitamin and mineral supplements without consulting a veterinarian.
  9. Do not feed ready-made food and natural products at the same time. They require different enzymes to digest them. A malfunction occurs that causes indigestion.
  10. Blocking access to the trash can.

The dog has diarrhea with blood and/or mucus

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A scary situation is when a dog has bloody diarrhea and/or mucus in the stool. We don’t wait, but take the pet to the veterinary clinic for examination. Immediate assistance will be provided there.

The probable cause may be mechanical damage to the intestinal walls or tumor. Only surgery will help here.

A blood test will show whether there is anemia and what could be the beginning of the inflammatory process. There they will take stool for analysis and take an x-ray of the abdominal cavity.

The cause can also be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, parasites, an atypical form of rabies, poisoning, bleeding in the large intestine, and distemper. To identify the true cause and eliminate it, you need to conduct an examination.

What to do if you have bloody diarrhea

The alarming symptom of blood in liquid stool may disappear on its own, for example, if the process is caused by scratches on the inner walls of the intestines. And it can lead to disastrous results.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe a number of therapeutic measures. If surgery is not required, the dog will be prescribed wound healing agents.

Poisoning is treated by gastric lavage right in the clinic, taking adsorbents, and antibiotic injections.

Dysbacteriosis is eliminated by adding fiber to the diet, for example, bran. The introduction of probiotics will be required, antiseptics and immunomodulators will help.

Helminthic infestations of any nature are treated with antiparasitic agents, such as milbemax, makmiror, albendozole.

Important nuances

Once again, if there is a combination of diarrhea and vomiting, it is advisable to immediately call a veterinarian, but you can still try to do something yourself. But before that, it doesn’t hurt to know that:

  • If the animal has had no more than two episodes of vomiting, and the vomit is not bloody and does not have a disgusting odor, there is a possibility that improper feeding is to blame.
  • Try to find out if your puppy may have eaten some household chemicals, rat poison or something similar. If you suspect that he has eaten something, be sure to take the label and immediately (along with the animal, of course) go to the veterinarian.
  • Remember that the combination of vomiting and diarrhea very often indicates gastroenterocolitis. And in the case of puppies, it is usually the result of either severe poisoning or an equally severe infectious disease. So what to do? Our advice is the same - take the puppy to the clinic immediately.

Diarrhea with vomiting

If the dog begins to vomit in addition to liquid feces, then the matter takes a more complex turn. Along with liquid masses, digested and undigested food, mucus from the pharynx and stomach leave the body.

If the vomiting is one-time, then there is no need to worry for now. But if it’s repeated, then we watch the pet very carefully.

When a pet vomits several times, it becomes depressed, may refuse to eat, the temperature rises - we immediately go to the veterinarian.

Diarrhea with vomiting in a dog is often a symptom of a dangerous illness or poisoning. Especially if the mass contains foam, particles of blood, and mucus. This indicates that there may be a foreign object in the intestines.

If vomiting occurs once during diarrhea, overeating or excessively fatty, stale food may be to blame.

When there is chemical poisoning, shortness of breath is added to the vomit and loose stools, drooling profusely, and the stomach will be hard to the touch.

A symptom of poisoning with toxic poisons due to helminthiasis will be a sharp loss of weight and nausea immediately after eating.

Diarrhea with vomiting is observed with parvovirus enteritis, or otherwise canine distemper. In this case, discharge from the nose and eyes, heart rhythm disturbances, and fading of the animal will be observed.

It has been noted that the symptoms of rotavirus and coronavirus are similar, but recovery usually occurs a week after the onset of the disease. With adenovirus, in addition to diarrhea and vomit, the temperature will fluctuate from normal to high degrees, and inflammation will be noticeable in the mucous membranes of the eyes. The animal is sick for up to two weeks, the liver enlarges.

What to do if your dog has loose stools and vomiting

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Treatment is prescribed depending on the disease and its symptoms.

If vomiting occurs once or even three times, you can take measures as with typical diarrhea without complications. That is, the dog is not fed for a day, given clean fresh water, but in small doses, and adsorbents (activated carbon, smecta). If the dog is in pain, no-shpu, papaverine or their analogues are administered.

The diet is required for three to five days.

Diarrhea with vomiting may recur; in this case, a water-salt solution is administered, and fermented milk is added to the menu to support the intestinal microflora. It is advisable to give probiotics.

If the cause of loose stools and vomiting is unknown, especially if it occurs multiple times, an urgent examination and blood test are required. The veterinarian will provide all the necessary assistance, establish a diagnosis, perform surgery if necessary, and flush the stomach. You cannot help a dog at home without medical experience, instruments and medications.

Worm infestations

An equally common cause of diarrhea in dogs with abundant mucous impurities. True, this does not always happen. Either the intensity of the helminthic infestation is high (in other words, there are a lot of parasites in the animal’s intestines), or the puppy has developed a helminthic disease.

The body of young animals is not so resistant to threats from the external and internal environment, and therefore parasitic pathologies are especially dangerous for them. Because of this, puppies usually develop a lot of worms in their intestines. Sometimes their number is so great that the walls of the intestines cannot withstand strong stress and literally explode.

One of the indirect signs of the presence of parasites in the gastrointestinal tract of an animal is mucus . If its impurities are regularly visible in the feces of a dog that has no signs of serious illness, it would not hurt to have its feces tested. It is quite possible that it contains thousands of parasitic worm eggs. Since some types of the latter can also infect the human body, the owners of sick dogs themselves are in immediate danger.

By the way, why exactly does mucus indicate the presence of parasites? After all, it would be more logical to assume that the fact of helminthic infestation can be guessed by seeing the bodies of worms in feces?! In fact, if you see fragments or whole parasites in the feces of an animal, this indicates a very strong helminthic infestation. Over millions of years of parasitic lifestyle, the body of worms has acquired many mechanisms that prevent their “forcible” release into the external environment.

For some, these are hooks and other “hooking” mechanisms, others (roundworms, for example) can simply actively move through semi-digested food masses, avoiding exit into the large intestine. In addition, the parasite’s body is reliably protected from digestion by special protein compounds. The action of these mechanisms ends only after the death of the worm. In this case, digestive secretions begin to act on its “corpse”, as a result of which you will not see dead parasites in the feces: there will only be the same mucus.

By the way, for the same reason, there are many mucous inclusions in feces after treating an animal with antiparasitic drugs . Treatment leads to the fact that the parasites die, and their bodies are released into the external environment together with feces in the form of a shapeless, viscous and mucous paste.

Treating a dog for diarrhea at home

At home, general therapy is recommended, suitable for all types of diarrhea. But if the diagnosis is accurately established, then precise treatment with the use of medications will be prescribed.

In general, the above-described recommendations on diet, identifying the cause, drinking regularly, and taking probiotics remain relevant.

It’s important to remember ways to help prevent diarrhea in your dog:

  1. You should not offer your pet bones or small objects to play with. They are easy to swallow. If the dog does not choke, the object may injure the intestinal walls.
  2. There should be no sudden changes to the menu. If for some reason it is decided to switch to a new diet, then this transition should be gradual.
  3. Leftovers from the master's table belong in the trash can, not in the dog's plate!
  4. A sure way to intestinal upset is walking near garbage containers, as well as drinking dirty, stale water.
  5. While on a walk, a family friend should not help himself to dog or other feces.
  6. Skipping vaccinations and neglecting deworming does not lead to intestinal health, but brings with it a number of very serious problems.
  7. Stress is also a source of intestinal upset, so remember that we got a dog to take care of it!

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It should be noted that today the existence of this diagnosis is questioned by many experts, but in the case of dogs, pathology certainly exists. It's all about the structural features and physiology of the intestines in canines. Evolutionarily, it turned out that the total length of their gastrointestinal tract is quite small.

In combination with other factors, this leads to the fact that most of the beneficial microflora from the dog’s intestines is simply “washed out” with each act of defecation. It is for this reason that dogs on walks look for and eat other people’s feces... This is a kind of “health coprophagia”.

For dogs, long-term and uncontrolled use of antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs is much more dangerous than if you compare them with other animals. The microflora in their intestines is hardly killed instantly, but its restoration occurs very, very “slowly.”

If there are no beneficial bacteria, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microbes multiply in the intestines, which leads to inflammation and diarrhea with mucus and blood. To prevent this from happening, dogs must (!) be given probiotics after a course of any antimicrobial drug . “Human” Linex has proven itself quite well.

But if there is such an opportunity, it is much better to buy drugs in the form of a liquid fraction. There are much more living microorganisms there, and therefore their effect is much higher.

Medicines and dosage for diarrhea in dogs

The medications that a person takes for diarrhea are in most cases suitable for a four-legged family friend, even a puppy. For complete treatment, you need to consult a veterinarian.


Loperamide and its analogues, which are offered by different manufacturers, come first. It is unlikely that a dog will happily eat such a bitter drug, so it needs to be crushed into powder, diluted with water and given to the animal.

A sick animal may resist such a tasteless method of treatment, so first we learn how to give the pill to a dog.

Dosage 0.05-0.1 mg per 0.5 kg of dog’s body weight. Give the medicine three times a day at intervals of 8 hours. Do not give loperamide for more than two days; this will lead to poisoning. This medication cannot be combined with other drugs of similar effect! This road leads to damage to the central nervous system.

An overdose will result in very persistent constipation, an apathetic or overexcited state, severe flatulence and even inflammation of the pancreas.


Smecta is also one of the most common remedies for digestive disorders. Purified clay medicine safely and effectively absorbs toxins. The powder is mixed with water at a ratio of 1 to 3.

The dosage is simple: a sachet per animal three times a day. You can inject the suspension with a syringe without a needle, pouring a thin stream into the mouth. At the same time, you need to lightly massage your throat, causing swallowing movements.

This method of massaging the throat is suitable for all medicines that have an unpleasant taste.


A product with an antibacterial effect helps in the fight against gram-positive and negative bacteria that cause digestive system disorders. The medication should not be given on an empty stomach; the dog needs to be fed a little before taking it.

The dosage is calculated at 2.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight. The medicine is taken calmly due to its sweet and mild taste.

Activated carbon

The most famous remedy for eating disorders in humans is just as effective in dogs. A tablet obtained through special processing of certain types of wood is an excellent therapeutic agent for diarrhea.

The dosage is simple: only 1 tablet per 1 kg of weight. The drug is diluted with water to a semi-liquid pulp and given with a syringe without a needle. You can give the medicine up to 4 times a day, but not after other medications. In this case, the effect of treatment may be reduced.


In addition to classic chloramphenicol, there is also chloramphenicol stearate, which is convenient in veterinary medicine for intestinal disorders due to the action of bacteria. The tablet is crushed to a powder state, mixed with 15 ml of water and poured into the pet’s throat. Can be given using a syringe.


It's better to choose another

medication, if there is such an option, since the effect of this particular medication is poorly tolerated by pets. Possible side effects include jaundice, renal failure, lethargy and central nervous system depression.

Dosage: 1 tablet per day once during the treatment period. The next day they switch to more gentle means.


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Enterosgel sorbent was developed by Soviet pharmacists, who created a product that does not react with digestive juices and other medications. Enterosgel does not provide ideal protection of mucous membranes in case of severe poisoning.

The dosage depends on the size of the animal’s body and its weight. For a small dog weighing up to 5 kg per day, it is enough to give a teaspoon of medicine; a large dog should receive up to 3 teaspoons.

A severe overdose will lead to severe constipation. Enterosgel is diluted with boiled water at room temperature in a 1:1 ratio.


Linux doesn't cure

diarrhea in dogs, but prevents it. It contains lactic acid bacteria, which give a symbiotic effect and do not conflict with the natural microflora of the animal’s intestines.

Linex is prescribed after completing a course of antibiotics, after severe poisoning, and also after any severe diarrhea. This is due to the fact that dogs have weak intestinal microflora, and diarrhea washes away beneficial microorganisms. As a result, dysbiosis develops, further worsening the situation.

Dosage is calculated depending on weight. If the dog weighs up to 10 kg, 1 capsule is needed, if more, up to 2-3 capsules twice a day. Treatment lasts 2 weeks. The drug can be taken for a long period.


Colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine . There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, from infectious diseases to all kinds of poisoning. But there is only one outcome - the colon mucosa becomes inflamed, most often of the catarrhal type, when a large volume of mucus is released.

How can you understand that your pet has colitis and not something else? It is quite difficult to do this without the appropriate education and skills, but there are still specific signs:

  • The pet constantly asks to go for a walk in order to go “big”, but he is not doing well with the act of defecation. No matter how much the dog strains, feces are not released, or it comes out, but in portions and with a lot of mucus.
  • The process of defecation is accompanied by a pronounced pain reaction. The dog howls and wheezes, trying to squeeze something out of himself.
  • The animal begins to vomit . Very strong and “explosive”, vomit literally flows out of pets like a fountain. This is due to the fact that compressed feces in the inflamed intestines are a real toxic “bomb”. Simply put, a powerful source of toxins appears in the dog’s body.

Unfortunately, owners of sick dogs do not always take their pets to the veterinarian. Moreover, they try to cure them of “constipation” on their own by giving them oils and other “potions.” It’s not difficult to guess what all this leads to - the disease “ripens” to an extremely advanced stage; during defecation, not just mucus flies out of the animal, but a mixture of blood and exfoliated areas of the epithelium. If you don’t help the dog in time, it will die (and no one can guarantee successful treatment in such situations).

What to feed your pet with diarrhea

After the first day of therapeutic fasting, you need to wonder what to feed your suffering pet. On the first day, your pet is fed with clean water, and on the second day you can add an infusion of medicinal plants and rice water.

It is advisable to include rice boiled in water in the menu of the second and third days. As soon as the loose stool stops bothering the dog, he is treated to rice cooked in chicken or beef broth. This will help you quickly restore lost strength.

You cannot feed a lot at once, no matter how great the temptation, especially for puppies. Portions are increased gradually, as is the frequency of feeding. Feed the dog little by little, up to 6 times a day. On the second day or the day after the diarrhea has ended, you can include fermented milk products in the menu. Such food is more likely to restore the intestinal microflora.

As soon as your health improves, low-fat cottage cheese is added to your diet. On the third day, if the dog feels definitely better, he is treated to a couple of boiled eggs. White chicken meat, steamed or boiled in water, helps to restore strength.

German Shepherd – causes of diarrhea, treatment and prevention

The best qualities of this breed are manifested in well-groomed dogs with good health, the maintenance of which consists of attention and painstaking work on the part of the owner. To ensure optimal physical condition of a German Shepherd, a balanced diet with a predominance of protein foods is necessary. The daily menu should include boiled eggs, dairy products, fish, cereals, boiled vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, which are poorly digested by dogs and have almost no benefit. If natural feeding is used, vitamins should be added to the food.

Giving your pet pasta and flour products is not recommended, as they impair its performance and can cause obesity. The list of undesirable foods also includes sausages, beans, smoked and pickled foods. It is necessary to calculate the portion of food for one meal for an adult dog, taking into account the weight of the animal and the nutritional value of the food. To ensure that the puppy's skeleton is formed correctly, when feeding small German Shepherds, you should use a special stand that allows you to adjust the height of the bowl. The optimal height is at chest level.

This breed is characterized by hereditary visual impairments and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The best place to keep a German Shepherd, as well as representatives of other large breeds, is a covered outdoor enclosure. For such a dog to live comfortably in a city apartment, it is necessary to designate the object that it needs to protect and give it the opportunity to feel its importance.

Diagnosis of diarrhea

Disorder in a dog can begin abruptly and disappear just as abruptly. However, there are cases when it is necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis of diarrhea. To do this you will need to take a test. The main ones include:

  1. Full clinical examination. The mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the condition and behavior of the dog are studied.
  2. Stool analysis (microscopic examination). Required for accurate differentiation of endoparasites that lead to the development of diarrhea.
  3. General blood analysis. The number of white blood cells is studied to assess the degree of inflammation or a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood. In addition, it is possible to detect dehydration of the body.
  4. A biochemical blood test is required to evaluate the functioning of internal organs, especially the kidneys, liver and pancreas.
  5. Urine analysis for the content of nonspecific proteins.
  6. X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity. Such an examination will accurately determine the location of all organs and the presence of foreign bodies or fluid in the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Polymerase chain reaction for the presence of pathogenic agents. This test is required to diagnose parasitic diseases.

Depending on the clinical picture and symptoms, additional diagnostic tests may be prescribed. They will be selected depending on the condition of the animal and previous tests:

  1. Bacterial culture is required to determine the degree of sensitivity of the animal to medications, in particular to antibiotics.
  2. A cytological examination will help clarify the type of inflammatory reaction and accurately identify parasites and protozoa.
  3. Analysis for the presence of infectious agents.
  4. An ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity is required if all previous tests have not given an accurate result.
  5. X-ray examination with contrast is necessary to accurately determine the presence of intestinal ulcer.
  6. An examination with an endoscope will accurately identify the condition of the animal’s intestines or stomach.
  7. A toxin test is rarely used, but will help determine exactly why the diarrhea started.

Why is diarrhea so dangerous for babies?

The danger of diarrhea for puppies is that, along with liquid feces, nutrients that are so necessary for growth and maturation are washed out of the body. If a puppy has loose stools, this can lead to intoxication and dehydration (dehydration), which, in turn, provokes various disorders.

In addition, the water-electrolyte balance, metabolic processes, acid-base reactions are immediately disturbed, and dehydration quickly occurs. With normal functioning of the intestines, approximately 55-70% of the incoming fluid is absorbed into the body, and with diarrhea it is almost completely excreted in the feces. Wherein:

  • puppies lose weight quickly;
  • look exhausted, lethargic;
  • general body temperature decreases;
  • the condition of their fur deteriorates;
  • the skin thickens;
  • mucous membranes become dry;
  • the body's immune strength decreases.

Prolonged dehydration is fraught with coma, death and is very dangerous for the health of a small pet, especially for miniature breed dogs. Even with one-time diarrhea, it is important to feed your pet to maintain fluid in its body.

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