Beautiful do-it-yourself dog houses for an apartment: 6 detailed master classes

A dog house is a cozy home for an indoor pet

Pets need their own place where they feel safe.
For small pets there is no need to build a large enclosure or booth. It is enough to build them a cozy house. You can buy a ready-made home for your dog in a specialized store. But this is an expensive pleasure, and not everyone can afford it. You can make a house for your pet yourself - sew it from scraps of fabric, make it from plywood, wood, and other available materials. It is important to provide for all the nuances so that the animal is comfortable in its shelter.

Every dog ​​needs a place where he feels like a full-fledged owner. It’s easier with yard dogs; they have a kennel and an area around which he protects. It’s a little more difficult with pets; they won’t be able to live on the street. Therefore, it is important for the owner to take care of his comfort.

Dog kennels differ in size and material: wood, fabric, tarpaulin, etc. In small apartments, various types of beds are popular: in the form of a kennel, a mink, a cradle. For small dogs, it is advisable to make housing with walls and a roof.

Models can be equipped with windows and doors. There are various dog accessories available for sale. A house with a large area can be equipped with air conditioning, pieces of furniture - an ottoman, and bowls with food and water.

Before making a house for a dog, you should find out what requirements apply to it:

  • There should be enough space in it so that the pet can not only lie freely, but also stand upright. For a puppy, a home is made for growth, taking into account the expected size of an adult dog.
  • For the bottom it is better to use polyurethane foam. It remembers the contours of the animal's body, so it is comfortable for a dog of any age to sleep on it.
  • The litter is made thick. It should be covered with thick fabric. Please note that puppies love to chew on everything. If the polyurethane foam is not sheathed, it will become easy prey for a small pet.
  • For a shaggy dog, it is advisable to make a removable roof to open the house for ventilation in hot weather. The interior decoration should be without the use of fleecy fabrics, as wool gets clogged in them. Pile can become a breeding ground for harmful microflora and is difficult to care for.
  • In an apartment with small children, the frame is made of durable material so that a child accidentally climbing onto the house does not injure the dog inside.
  • Dog housing is located away from drafts and direct sunlight. It is advisable to raise it above floor level.
  • The entrance must be accessible. You need to make sure that there are no obstacles nearby, and do not place the booth with the entrance to the wall.

It is not necessary to build a special house for the dog. There are several options for adapting unnecessary things and boxes for a bed, and arranging them so that your pet can rest comfortably. To make such a home you will need a minimum of tools and materials.

Houses for pets are usually made soft. For this purpose, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, and cotton wool are used as filler. For cladding, you can choose a material of any density, color, and fittings.

For interior decoration you need to use natural fabrics that do not contain synthetics. Upon contact with the fur, an electric charge accumulates, which will shock the dog.

It is more practical to use a tarpaulin, it makes cleaning easier. For the summer version, you can sheathe it with chintz, cotton fabric, or linen; for the winter version, it is better to give preference to wool. It is advisable to make a house with removable covers to make them easy to wash.

This is the easiest option for arranging a pet bed with your own hands. Either a ready-made pillow of the required dimensions is placed on the bottom, or it is sewn. They use synthetic padding as a filler and cover it with thick fabric. To make the suitcase house stable, you can attach legs to the edges, which you can buy in the hardware department of a furniture store or use from old furniture.

You need to prepare mats from hard sponge or foam plastic of appropriate sizes, which are determined after taking measurements from the dog. The walls, floor and ceiling of the future house are made from them. To work, you need a measuring tape, pencil, thread, needles, scissors, material for covers, zippers.

The mats are either covered with natural fabric and never removed, or covers are sewn with a zipper so that they can be washed. A waterproof material is sewn on top of the foam that will serve as the floor to prevent leakage in unpleasant situations.

Along the edges of the covers, where the mats come into contact with each other, Velcro is sewn at a distance of 15 cm. They are used to connect the parts in the form of a house with the floor, ceiling and three walls. At the entrance you can hang a piece of fabric in a color that is harmonious with the main material. Sew Velcro on top so that if necessary, you can lift the curtain, leaving the entrance open.

From an ordinary cage, which is designed for transporting animals, you can make a cozy house for dogs. All you have to do is sew a cover. To do this, you will need thick fabric of a suitable color, buttons, braid, and Velcro.

First, separate pieces for the outer skin are cut, equal in size to the back, front, side walls and top. An allowance of 1 cm is left for the seams. Similar parts are cut out for interior decoration from plain fabric. Then they are stitched along the bottom and side edges. Next, they are turned right side out through the open area and sewn up.

Fabric is sewn around the perimeter of the ceiling, and three sides are attached to it using sewn Velcro or tape. The front wall serves as an entrance, so it remains open. Loops and buttons are sewn on its sides so that it can be fixed. A thick pillow or foam rubber covered with material is placed on the floor.

To make this design you will need two wire hangers, a scrap T-shirt, wire, cardboard and an old pillow. You can make the bedding yourself: sewing a cover and using foam rubber or padding polyester as a filler.

First, straighten the hangers and cross them diagonally with wire. Two arcs are made from them, giving the structure a convex shape. The height should correspond to the height of the dog. The base is cardboard. A frame is attached to it using wire at the corners. Then they pull the T-shirt so that its neck is the entrance. Bedding is placed at the bottom. It turns out to be a bed in the form of a tent.

A tent-shaped house made of foam rubber is suitable for small dogs: dachshunds, Yorkies, lapdogs and other small breeds. To make it, you need to purchase foam rubber sheets, select fabric for covering, prepare threads, a thimble, a needle, zippers, and scissors.

For external cladding, preference is given to dense material: tapestry or microfiber. Inside the booth, natural fabrics should be used - chintz, linen, cotton, tarpaulin. The walls and roof are made of foam rubber. For the floor it is better to take polyurethane foam.

The manufacturing sequence is as follows:

  1. 1. First, measurements are taken from the animal to calculate the length, height and width of the home.
  2. 2. The pattern diagram is applied to graph paper. Cut out parts for interior and exterior decoration. They must be mirror-symmetrical.
  3. 3. Leave 1-2 cm on each side, after which the undercuts are sewn. The seams are made at a distance of 1 cm from the edge.
  4. 4. Sew in zippers.
  5. 5. When the cover is ready, foam rubber is inserted into it, carefully straightening it.
  6. 6. All elements must be sewn, placing the seams on the outside of the roof. Foam rubber parts are connected to fabric elements so that there are no distortions. You can sew Velcro and assemble the house with their help. This makes the structure collapsible and convenient for transportation.
  7. 7. You should put oilcloth or other waterproof material on the bottom to avoid unpleasant surprises. Polyurethane foam is covered with fabric and laid as a floor. It should not be sewn to make it easier to tidy up inside.

House for street dogs

A good owner is not the one who equips an apartment dog with a house, but the one who first of all thinks about the dog living in street conditions. Even the largest and fluffiest breeds will not be able to survive without shelter in temperatures of 35-40°C, which, unfortunately, is not uncommon in Russia in winter.

Scheme for correct calculation of booth sizes

Before you start designing a booth for your pet, think about the following nuances of work, presented in the table below.

Table. Special characteristics of an outdoor booth that require consideration

MagnitudeSize matters, and in this case especially so. Contrary to popular belief, an outdoor doghouse, unless it is heated, should not be large, since if the room is too large, the air masses in it quickly lose heat, therefore, the pet living inside the house is doomed to constant cold. Therefore, the size of the booth must be sufficient so that the dog, while inside, can turn around its axis, and also stretch out to its full length, without pinching its paws or other parts of the body. It turns out that you can’t make the booth too cramped either. The value is made up of the following three parameters:
  • height;
  • width;
  • depth. The height of the booth must exceed the height of the dog by at least 15 centimeters. This way, the animal will be able to stand up to its full height inside its house. As for the width and depth, they had to be such that the animal could lie down inside at its full length and fall apart as it pleased. So, for example, these are the parameters of the booth in which a standard-sized German Shepherd will live:
  • the width will be 135 centimeters;
  • length 100 centimeters;
  • height 95 centimeters; In this case, the width and height of the inlet opening will be 40 by 60 centimeters.
VentilationVentilation is the second point to consider:
  • So, in the summer it is required to lower the temperature inside the booth and ventilate the room;
  • in cold weather, ventilation will protect the kennel from mold, which can form under the influence of the dog’s warm and moist breath. It is best to place ventilation in the form of a hole in the area of ​​the roof of our booth, since this location, provided the door to the booth is slightly open, will ensure excellent circulation of air layers.
SupportsIt is important to place the base of the booth on some supports, since to protect the boards from rotting it is better to raise them underground.
Rain protectionTo protect against precipitation, it is necessary to equip the booth with a dense, water-resistant roof, and it is best to install a separate canopy on top of the booth to ensure that the pet is protected from rain and wind.
Housing materialThe best material suitable for arranging a booth is plywood. The fact is that wooden beams processed using the latest technologies, although they do not rot due to dampness, are very toxic for animals, and such a booth may not preserve the health of the pet, but will help to quickly kill it. While plywood is a completely safe material in this sense.

Now that we have dealt with the different parameters, let’s begin to consider the instructions for making a booth for a dog living on the street.

Instructions for making a booth

Step #1. We collect the necessary materials

To make a booth, you must first collect all the materials necessary for construction:

  • sheets of thick multilayer plywood;
  • screws;
  • nails;
  • chalk cord for marking;
  • paint that protects plywood from environmental influences;
  • boards;
  • tiles that bend well;
  • tape measure;
  • knife;
  • hammer;
  • a saw with which you will cut boards and plywood;
  • hacksaw.

Drawing of an outdoor dog house made of plywood

After we collect the necessary materials, we need to start constructing the booth.

Step #2. Making the bottom of the booth

First of all, you need to make sure that the material you use as the bottom of the dog house is not treated with toxic substances.

We make the bottom onto which the entire booth will then be attached

Now that you understand that everything is in order, you need to determine the size of the future booth based on the parameters of your pet. The animal, as we have already said, must rotate freely around its axis inside the booth, and also fall apart to its full height when lying down. In addition, it is necessary to leave some space in order to place inside the booth:

  • a bowl of food;
  • bowl of water.

So, from the boards you have, you need to put together a frame by fastening the edges of the boards with nails.

A plywood booth can be really grandiose

Next, you need to measure the piece of plywood whose edges should overlap directly with the frame we put together earlier. Lay the plywood on the boards and fasten the structure, securing it at the corners with screws.

Step #3. We assemble and fasten the walls of our booth

Now you need to put together the same frames from boards, similar to the floor, to which the sides of the booth and its back wall will be attached. Remember that in the center of each frame you must make a beam that will serve as a structure holder. In the same way, it is necessary to make a wall that will be at the front of the house. Here there is no need to stick a stick in the middle of the frame, since there will be a hole inside the house.

How to properly attach the walls of the booth to the floor

All manufactured frames must have plywood walls so that their edges coincide with the edges of the frames.

“Punch a hole” in the front wall of the booth using a hacksaw, making the hole large enough for a mature dog to crawl through without any problems. The edges of the hole must be sanded with sandpaper so as to smooth out all the irregularities. Now the prepared walls need to be attached to the base of the booth:

  • place them around the perimeter of the base;
  • nail along the bottom of each assembled wall;
  • secure the structure at the corners with screws.

Paint the walls of the booth immediately, because after installing the roof it will be very difficult to do. In addition, there is a high chance of staining the coating

Step #4. Assembling the roof of the booth

The racks that will go back and forth into the booth, as well as the rafters and the ridge, will be cut directly from the boards that we had previously prepared. The parts must match the roof height you previously determined.

The frame posts must be secured with nails to the back and front walls of our dog house. It is best to drive nails from the inside so that the dog does not get hurt on them and so as not to spoil the appearance. Do not forget that this booth requires additional reinforcement, which is carried out using screws.

The roof of the booth begins to assemble in a few steps

The length of the beam that acts as a ridge should be the same as the same parameter for the booth, but it is best to leave a little extra distance so that you can equip a canopy on the back side of the booth and the front side of the booth.

Now we need to take three pieces of rafters that will be attached to each side of our future roof. The upper parts of the rafters must be beveled in advance at an angle that will be similar to the slope of the roof. The ends of these elements must be attached to the walls of the booth using nails. Now the frame posts need to be connected horizontally with planks, so that there are a pair of them on each side.

The rafters are fastened one by one

Next, you need to measure and cut 4 more rafters. They are attached with the upper part directly to the beam, which plays the role of a ridge, and with the lower ends directly to the planks, which are initially nailed directly to the lower ends of the already mounted rafters.

Step #5. Covering the roof with tiles

Now you need to cover the roof with tiles so that the bottom row of this covering covers the plywood by about 2 centimeters. The ridge beams also need to be covered with tiles.

The roof can be covered not only with tiles, but also with high-quality shingles

Hurray, our booth is ready!

Here's the kind of booth you can assemble with your own hands

What is housing for a pet?

Dog houses are not only interior items, but also special accessories for pets, which almost all breeders know about today. In simple terms, this design is essentially an ordinary booth, only located in an apartment or house, and not on the street. Of course, there is a fundamental difference between a booth and a house, and not only in size. The materials from which such accessories are made also differ.

Depending on the manufacturer and type, dog houses may be equipped with doors and windows. In addition, you can even find accessories on sale that are made in the form of an ottoman, that is, they can be used as furniture. But it is worth noting that today the most popular accessories among buyers are those made in the form of a medieval fortress or castle. These options are great for both small breeds and large pets.

If the structure is large enough in size, then it can also be equipped with so-called pieces of furniture, for example, a sofa or an air conditioner. Additionally, these dog houses can also be sold in combination with gardens or lawns. Some dog breeders even install small pools if the pet doesn’t mind swimming in the water. But of course, building such a structure with your own hands will be problematic, especially since most likely you will have to allocate a whole room for it.

But for representatives of small breeds of dogs, it is quite possible to make a simple bed equipped with a roof and walls. In principle, it can be of any shape and design, it all depends on your imagination, but such an accessory will be soft and warm. Before you start building or purchasing a structure, you need to consider factors such as convenience and reliability.

Where is the best place to install a kennel?

The location of the dog shelter must meet the following requirements:

  • The place should be quiet and not passable. It will be more comfortable for the dog to rest there. A small house can be placed under the table. The structure will not disturb anyone.
  • There should be no drafts. That is, there should not be a balcony or entrance door nearby. The wall opposite the window is the most suitable place.
  • If the dog has long hair, the house or bed should not be near radiators. She will be hot there and feel uncomfortable.
  • Furniture should not block the entrance to the kennel. There should be no objects that could fall near it.

You should know! There should not be a child’s play area near the pet’s house.

Basic recommendations

If you want to make a dog house with your own hands, we recommend listening to some tips:

  1. Firstly, the constructed structure must fully correspond to the size of your pet, as well as its temperament. If you want to make a house for a puppy, then in this case you should also take into account the fact that he will grow up. Please note that the more space there is in the structure, the more comfortable the dog will feel in it.
  2. Secondly, before you make a dog house with your own hands, you need to consider what position your dog likes to lie in. For example, if an animal often sleeps curled up, then an oval or triangular design would be an excellent solution. In addition, such accessories can be placed in a corner without any problems, thus saving space. If the dog likes to sleep on its side, then it would be better to build a rectangular structure.
  3. Third, consider how shaggy your pet is. After all, when summer comes, it will be hot in such a house, which means that it can be additionally equipped with a removable roof.

How and how to insulate a booth

Thermal insulation helps the dog stay warm in cold weather and keeps the room somewhat cool on hot days.

For insulation use:

  • polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam;
  • mineral wool;
  • felt.

To protect against blowing, the opening is closed with a curtain. In emergency cases, for example, in very severe cold or when puppies are born, electric heating is used using infrared mats. They are fixed to the ceiling of the booth and connected to a power source.

Straw or shavings are suitable for bedding. They are hygroscopic and retain heat well. Against parasites, it is recommended to add waste from coniferous trees, which has a repellent and antibacterial effect. The bedding should be changed once a month, and during the summer, in the absence of the animal, the room should be disinfected and dried.

Working with different materials

Houses for dogs of small breeds, as a rule, are soft in themselves and such a structure can be made using foam rubber. Any material of quality, texture and density can be used as upholstery. For example, the upholstery can be made of canvas, fur, velor or other similar material. You will find simple examples of such designs in the photo.

If you decide to make a house for a puppy or small breed dog, then consider the length of its fur. If there is a lot of wool, it is better to refrain from using fluffy materials, since hair can become clogged in them. Moreover, this soft material will very quickly become a breeding ground for harmful microflora, but cleaning it will be a problem.

It should also be noted that leather can serve as an additional material for creating such a foam rubber structure. Of course, not real, but artificial. This material is quite easy to clean, and it does not absorb dirt. In addition, its use will give coziness and comfort. And it is much easier to wash than the entire foam rubber structure.

As mentioned above, a soft option using foam rubber will be optimal if you are the owner of a small dog. Moreover, making it at home is relatively simple. According to experts, foam rubber can be used if the animal’s weight is no more than 20 kilograms. As for larger animals, it is preferable for them to make a home made of wood.


Examples of beautiful and original houses in the photo: recycling old furniture and household appliances into a bed, wicker beds, bed beds, bunk beds.

Feeder house

Very stylish!

Real retro: the smallest doghouse for an apartment

Two-story cottage


The perfect soft home for a little dog!

Cool idea: a super lounger made from a wine barrel! Plastic egg house for small breeds such as Yorkies and Spitz


Hut for doggies: a real wigwam!

Creating housing from soft material

If you decide to make a soft house for an animal out of foam rubber with your own hands, then stock up on all the necessary materials in advance:

  1. To make a pattern, you will need oilcloth, thick paper or cardboard. By the way, if you have an old and durable box, then it can be used as a base.
  2. You will also need foam rubber itself; it is advisable to choose a material 2-5 cm thick.
  3. Also, prepare fabric for upholstery.
  4. The tools you will need are sharp scissors, a felt-tip pen or marker, and a sewing machine (video author: Chihuahua Days).

A foam construction will be more practical if you use a zipper with a fastener that needs to be sewn in for connections. This way, you will greatly simplify the task of cleaning inside the accessory. Before you start work, measure the size of the dog and keep in mind that a dog of any breed should fit in the house without any problems. The option of building a house in the form of a cube will be the simplest. In principle, you can use an ordinary box as a base.

To begin with, you should cut out in advance all the parts that will be used, then cover them with foam rubber, and after that they can be connected. If you plan to place foam between several layers of upholstery, then this option will be more complex. In this case, you need to be careful and careful to avoid possible asymmetry and distortions. When you start cutting out the fabric, you should add 2-3 cm on each side. The thicker the foam rubber you bought, the larger these allowances should be.

Inside, you can lay a special soft bed with pillowcases, which can be changed if necessary. It should be noted that it is better to use natural materials as upholstery for a soft house. Synthetics can collect static electricity, causing your pet to experience discomfort. But small breed dogs can be completely frightened by static, so much so that the dog subsequently simply refuses to enter the house.

T-shirt hammock

This design is universal and, as a rule, cats like it. It's very easy to do. There are even several ways to mount a hammock. First of all, I would like to tell you about the simplest option for creating a hammock. To do this, you will need to take 2 hangers with rotating hooks, an old T-shirt or just a piece of fabric, a barbell, if you have not determined where to hang the hammock.

Making such a hammock is very simple, even a child can handle it. To do this, you just need to thread the fabric into the bottom of the hangers and stitch it so that it stays on the hanger, and hang the finished structure. If there is no suitable place, then a rod is additionally installed between two walls.

Important! For this hammock, the strongest hangers and material are selected so that they can support the weight of the cat.

The hammock can be placed under a chair or table. In this case, a piece of fabric is cut from a T-shirt, equal in size to the dimensions of the animal. Strips with strong Velcro and carabiners at the ends are sewn onto the four ends. Afterwards, you can attach the hammock to the desired location. You can not only use it at home, but also take it with you on trips so that you can mark the animal anywhere.

DIY dog house out of a box: ideas, instructions for making and decoration

A pet becomes a member of the family. Therefore, to make him comfortable, you need to take care of his own house. This is a place to relax, where your four-legged pet can take a nap and hide from the hustle and bustle. Pet stores offer a large selection of special beds and houses for dogs. Their cost may seem too high to some. In this case, it is quite possible to make a dog house with your own hands from a box. Interesting ideas and recommendations will be discussed further.

Your pet's territory

So, the ideal way to keep a dog is to have not just a house, but a whole enclosure, even for a tiny Chihuahua.

Not all dog owners have the opportunity to allocate space for an enclosure, but even those who can do this do not know everything how to properly equip it.

For a small dog, the area is approximately the size of a regular standard bathtub. You can make an enclosure with your own hands, or you can order it from a pet store.

The enclosure consists of the following parts:

Make a plan - a diagram of how you see the enclosure, calculate the building materials. For a tiny Chihuahua, it is very important that there is no concrete floor, especially when the enclosure is located outside.

The open area, like the winter road, requires good arrangement. On the playground, the dog must play and frolic, so 50% of the open space must be arranged for games accordingly.

If the enclosure is on the street, then drainage from the site is necessary in case of rain; the winter road should have a warm bed, blankets and pillows.

The most important thing is that when you design and build an enclosure, always think about and control that your pet feels comfortable and cozy there.

In the open area, also place a house for the Chihuahua so that if necessary, he can take a nap in warm weather; he would not have to necessarily run into the winter road. The owner must ensure that the pet has a house and warm clothes.

Advantages of cardboard

How to make a house for a dog? There are many options for such designs. Houses or loungers are made from a variety of materials. It can be foam rubber, plywood or wood. But one of the most popular options is cardboard. It has a lot of advantages.

Cardboard boxes are often left over after purchasing household appliances. You can purchase a ready-made box at the post office or in specialized stores. This is a cheap material that is easy to process. You can build a variety of structures from it. This could be a simple dog house that is shaped like a cube. But you can also build a whole complex from several elements. The booth can be two-story or consist of several one-story structures. They may differ in shape. But different elements must be made in the same style. For example, they may have round windows or the same decorations.

Processing cardboard is very easy. Even a child can cope with this task. This is an environmentally friendly material that does not release toxic substances into the environment. This is important because dogs have a developed sense of smell. Even the slightest smell of glue, paint or other chemicals can cause discomfort in your four-legged pet.

If the dog is large, it needs a stable kennel. In this case, the cardboard should be thick. For a small dog, a box made of thinner material is suitable. A large selection of cardboard varieties is also its advantage.

Required tools and materials

To make a house for a small dog you will need:

  • Foam rubber (I bought a whole roll of foam rubber measuring 2x1 meter and 2 cm thick at a hardware store). I had more than enough for a house for Jackusik and even had some left over to make the same house, only smaller in size (I’ll sew it and give it to friends as a gift for their Chihuahua).
  • Scissors.
  • Stationery knife (it is better to cut foam rubber with a stationery knife, since when cutting foam rubber with scissors, they quickly become dull).
  • Textile. You can use two types of fabric: cover the outside with something more beautiful, and make the inside more durable. That's exactly what I did. On the outside I sheathed the house with thick “cheerful” calico, and on the inside I used tarpaulin for the walls and floor.
  • Well, of course, you will need a sewing machine, desire, effort and some free time.

Booth size

It is worth noting that houses for small breed dogs differ significantly from designs for large pets. First of all, this product differs in size. If you have a puppy who will grow a lot over time, you shouldn’t immediately make a big house. Your four-legged pet will feel uncomfortable in it. Therefore, first you need to make a small house. Moreover, it is worth making the design only after measuring the size of the animal.

The house for a Chihuahua dog will be very tiny. Its design can be very stylish, modern, or vintage. For large breed dogs, the design of a large home should be substantial, demonstrating the strength and character of the pet.

To make the dog comfortable, the design should not be too small. The dog should lie down comfortably and stretch out to its full length. It is unacceptable for his paws to be bent and rest against the walls of the booth.

To correctly calculate the dimensions of the future structure, you need to measure your four-legged pet. The distance from the floor to the roof of the booth should be 10 cm greater than the height of the dog at the withers. The entrance to the house should be several centimeters wider than the width of the pet’s chest. The length of the kennel should be greater than the size of the dog lying on its side with its paws extended.

So, for example, for large four-legged pets (Great Dane, Caucasian Shepherd Dog), the standard dimensions of the booth are 100x135x95 cm (length, width and height, respectively). A house for a small dog out of a box will be smaller accordingly. The choice of dimensions depends on the size of the animal. These breeds include pug, dachshund, Pekingese and the like. For them, the dimensions of the house are 70x50x60 cm. If the pet is of medium size (boxer, Rottweiler, Shar Pei and others), then the house for him can have dimensions of 115x75x80 cm.

Pet kennel - all about size

You cannot choose the size of your pet’s future home arbitrarily. It is worth considering that a do-it-yourself dog house should be such that it can fit freely in it. It must be taken into account that in her shelter she will not only lie, but also play, sit, and roll over. Therefore, it is not worth saving on material.

The height of the booth is calculated as follows: the dog’s height to the withers + 20 cm. This value shows the optimal height so that the pet can feel comfortable inside in a sitting position. It is important to calculate the size of the hole. The height should be equal to the height to the withers, to which another 12 cm is added. The shape can be different: rectangular, rounded, oval.

First of all, upon entering his house, the dog lays down with its muzzle towards the exit. Therefore, the length of the house is calculated by taking measurements from the claws of the front paws, which are extended, to the tip of the tail and adding another 15 cm. The width should correspond to the length of the structure.

The dog kennel fits perfectly into the interior

Worth knowing! Before you start making it, it doesn’t matter whether you need to make a kennel for a shepherd dog or sew a house for a Yorkie with your own hands, it’s worth taking measurements from the dog. Then start making a diagram of the future kennel or make a pattern for the product.

Simple booth

To make a dog house from a cardboard box, you will first need to develop a design drawing. Of course, the simplest option is a rectangular booth, which has a pitched or gable roof. The second option looks nicer. The gable roof transforms the box, turning it into a real house.

Regardless of what configuration is chosen for the booth, you first need to develop a drawing. They think through the design down to the smallest detail. In this case, you need to take into account the size of the dog. Draw the entrance, as well as the windows. You can provide a chimney, small shutters, etc. in the house. You should use your imagination. The house should reflect the character of the four-legged pet. You also need to consider whether a cozy nest is being created for a boy or girl dog.

Photo gallery

Do you have a desire, but your hands are itching to start making a home for your pet, but you can’t stop at one of the many options? Look at our photo selection, maybe you will find what you were looking for.

Manufacturing process

To make a dog house with your own hands from a box, you need to use the drawing developed earlier. Each detail is transferred to sheets of paper. Next, they are cut out and transferred to cardboard.

After this, you need to use a sharp stationery knife. With its help, all the details of the future house are cut out. You need to act very carefully so that the edges are even. You can use scissors for these purposes, but only when assembling houses for small breed dogs. Thinner cardboard is suitable for them.

All parts are fastened with tape. If the cardboard is thick and the house is large, it is better to use special glue. This will make the structure durable. Particular attention should be paid to the corners.

Next you need to cover the booth with wallpaper. It is best to choose washable varieties. As they become dirty, you can clean them with a damp cloth. A booth covered with fabric looks impressive. It can be any fluffy textile. The house will immediately become more comfortable and warmer. You can paint the structure with paints.

Pets for large and medium breeds

Made of wood

For dogs of large breeds, it is safer to create a large wooden house even for the apartment.

A simplified option for creating a wooden house is to work with plywood. The principle of operation is similar to the first option, the only difference is in the sheathing (a sheet of plywood is nailed instead of boards).

A few recommendations

The box box must have additional ventilation. It is best done in the form of small windows. They can have very different shapes. These can be circles, rectangles or other types of geometric shapes. You can make windows in the form of a bone or a bow if you plan to make a house for female dogs. The master's imagination is not limited by anything here. The windows can be covered with mesh fabric or left open.

The house should be cozy not only externally, but also internally. To do this, it is necessary to provide soft flooring. A dog bed can be made from a pillow. Its shape and size must exactly match the dimensions of the booth. You can sew a pillow yourself from foam rubber and soft (preferably fluffy, fleecy) fabric.

Pets really like completely soft kennels. To do this, you need to take a paper pattern that was transferred to cardboard. It is applied to fabric that imitates fur or wool. Cut out individual pieces to finish the cardboard. Seam allowances should be 1.5-2 cm in size. If you plan to place foam rubber between the cardboard and the fabric on the inside, the allowance should be even larger. In this case, the thickness of the foam rubber is taken into account. If, for example, it is 3 cm, the allowance for such a part should be 4.5-5 cm.

The materials are glued using the appropriate composition. Particular attention is paid to seams and corners.

Braided rope with ball

To make a toy, take a ball with a ready-made hole (Fig. 1). We cut out three strips of fleece 7-8 cm wide. The length of each strip should be about 1.5 meters (Fig. 2).

We take the ball and thread all the strips into it so that the ball is exactly in the middle (Fig. 3). We braid short braids on both sides, about 10 cm each (Fig. 4).

Next, we combine these two braids into one and continue to weave one, thicker braid (Fig. 1-2). We fix the end of the braid with a tight knot (Fig. 3) and trim the uneven edges (Fig. 4).

Two-story "mansion"

You can make a two-story dog ​​house out of a box with your own hands. This option is especially attractive if a dog and a cat live peacefully in the apartment. To do this, you need to prepare two cardboard boxes. You should also purchase masking or regular tape, a stationery knife and materials for decorating the structure.

In the first and second boxes you need to cut holes for entry. Then they make windows in them. The top box should have a roof, preferably a gable roof. In the bottom box, the sashes are properly glued with tape on both sides. A roof is made in the top box.

Both boxes are firmly attached to each other using glue. Particular attention is also paid to corners and joints.

Once the glue has dried, you can begin decorating the house. It can be made completely soft, but you can get by with just fluffy dog ​​and cat beds. The outer part is covered with wallpaper or fabric. Windows can be highlighted by finishing them with bright braid. Cover the roof with a different material, highlighting it in the structure.

You can also make a soft version of this house. To do this, even at the preparation stage, the internal space of the blanks is covered with foam rubber. A soft cloth with long pile is applied to it. After this, all parts of the structure are assembled together.

Long Sleeve T-shirt House

If such a thing is available, then you can find a practical use for it, for example, create a beautiful bed. If desired, it can even be equipped with walls and a roof, but we will consider the classic version.

To complete the work, you will need an old T-shirt or turtleneck, a needle and thread, scissors and padding polyester, which can be replaced with pillows.

First you need to prepare the material. If you take a T-shirt, then the neck is simply sewn up. If a turtleneck or sweater was used, the neckline is first cut off and then also sewn up. The sleeves are sewn together in a straight line. Either a whole pillow or prepared padding polyester is placed inside, but tightly so that the product holds its shape. After the bottom part is formed, it must be sewn up so that there is no hole. The top and sleeves are also tightly stuffed with filling material. After this, the sleeves are laid in a semicircle, forming a small wall, and tightly sewn to a soft base.

Such a bed will become your pet’s favorite place, where he can not only sleep, but also simply relax during the day, watching what is happening in the apartment.

Wigwam booth

When creating a house out of a box for a small dog with your own hands, you can pay attention to this option. The wigwam booth has the shape of a pyramid. Its base will be square or rectangular (depending on the shape of the box).

If the cardboard is sheet, 1 square and 4 triangles are cut out of it. It is necessary to correlate the dimensions of the structure with the size of the animal. Triangles must have a base the same as the side length of the square. In one of them you need to make an entrance. It is best if it is round.

Next, triangles and a square are cut out of padding polyester. They correspond in size to cardboard blanks. Pieces are cut out of the fabric with seam allowances. In this case, the thickness of the insulation is taken into account. Using glue, the padding polyester is fixed to the cardboard. Fabric is glued on top. Then all parts of the house are assembled into a single structure. In this case, glue is also used.

Frame Installation: Complete Guide

When building a booth from plywood, covering it with fabric inside and decorating the outside, the main load is borne by the frame. Its assembly begins with connecting the bottom and side walls. First, the bottom and floor are cut out if you plan to make it double, so that you can take the booth out into the yard at the dacha.

The next step is assembling the side walls - cutting out sections of bars for the vertical posts and horizontal crossbars. The connection is made using self-tapping screws.

Note! Before screwing in the screw, you need to make a hole with a drill of a smaller diameter so that the wood does not crack.

After assembling the side walls, the front and rear walls are installed. To strengthen the structure, the inside is lined with thin plywood or chipboard. The sheathing is secured with small nails.

Plywood house

This is interesting: Pattern Magazine DIY clothes for cats and dogs

Original design

The house in the form of a geodesic dome looks original and is suitable for a medium or large dog. The design consists of triangles and squares. They are connected to each other with masking tape. The joints will be made on the outside. They are curved edges.

To make the structure, you will need to cut 6-7 squares from cardboard. Each side should have a curved edge. Their width is 5-8 cm. Next, two types of triangles are cut out. The first category of blanks will have a smaller height, while the other will have a larger height. In this case, the base of the triangles should be the same. It corresponds to the length of the side of the square.

The dome consists of triangles. To make its bending angle smoother, small triangles are used. Where a sharp turn of the canopy is required, large triangles are needed.

The parts begin to be fastened from the top of the dome. A pentagon is formed from 5 smaller triangles. Large triangles are glued to each of them. The distance between them is filled with small figures. So they move down until the dome is formed. Squares are attached to it, leaving space for the entrance.

Braided ring

To make such a braided ring you will need four strips of fleece. The width of the strips is about 8 cm and the length is about 1 meter.

We put all the strips together and tie a knot.

Let's start weaving a ring. We lay out the strips in different directions so that we get a cross and the knot is in the middle (Fig. 1).

We wrap it in different directions and place the light stripes on top of the blue stripes, as shown in Fig. 2. Well, then we wrap each blue strip and pull it into a loop from the white strip (Fig. 3-4).

We begin to tighten all the strips into a knot, gradually pulling each edge one after another.

We continue to weave in the same way.

Let's untie the knot we made at the very beginning. This is what the rope should look like.

We connect the ends together to make a ring.

Then we gradually tie all the strips together and tighten them tightly so that later they do not come undone.

Trim the ends and the ring is ready.

Another option

The bottom of the booth can be oval or rectangular. Both options look interesting. For a small dog, you can make a house consisting of inclined walls on both sides. They will also serve as a roof. The partition with the entrance door and the wall opposite it with the window will be vertical. Such a house will look better if it is decorated with foam rubber or padding polyester, as well as fabric.

If you are creating a house for a small pet, you can provide it with a handle at the top of the structure. This will make it convenient to carry it from place to place. The handle can be finished with the same material as the roof. This way it will look more harmonious.

If the booth has an oval base, its upper part can be made from two rectangular sheets. They are bent, making an arc, and then crossed at the top point. The length of the rectangular sheets must correspond to the required height of the booth. The remaining gaps are designed in the form of windows.

Striped monster

And to make such a cute striped monster you will need: a bright striped sock with toes, padding polyester and two colored buttons.

We cut out the sock on both sides as shown in the figure below.

From the wrong side we sew the edges, leaving only a hole for stuffing with padding polyester, as shown by the red arrow in the figure below. We stuff the toy with padding polyester, sew up the hole and sew on the button eyes. The monster is ready.

Requirements for dog clothing

To keep your dog warm and comfortable, you need to know several requirements regarding the choice of clothing:

  • The outfit should be a little loose, but not too big. That is, you need to choose the right size.
  • You should choose a material that will allow air to pass through and not restrict movement.
  • Products should be such that they do not need to be worn only over the head. It is advisable to have locks or buttons.

When choosing, you should evaluate the quality of tailoring and whether the item is suitable for your pet. If an animal has any structural features, they need to be taken into account when selecting things.

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