A dog appeared in the house. How to raise a beagle puppy?

Raising a Beagle dog will take some effort. But if you take the time to do it, it will pay off double. The Beagle is a pack breed, it should know from childhood who is the “leader” in the house; if this is not done right away, then it will appoint itself as the leader.

Initially, the breed was bred to hunt fast animals - hares, rabbits, etc. The homeland of beagles is Great Britain. There is no reliable information about when and where the breed appeared, since its appearance goes back to the late 18th - early 19th centuries.

When should you start raising a beagle puppy?

You need to start training and raising a puppy from the first days of his arrival in your home. The new owner may mistakenly believe that training the dog must be carried out at a strictly designated time.

But the Beagle breed is very smart and trainable, so every minute should be devoted to raising the puppy. Although it is not so difficult to instill special skills in a dog, if you pay attention to it every minute, many owners, without realizing it, spoil the character of the pet.

The main thing is to be consistent in your actions; this applies not only to the dog’s owner, but also to all family members living in the house and communicating with the animal.

Attention! It is advisable to start raising a beagle puppy at a very early age and do this until 6 months. After this age, the dog is already difficult to train.

Help from a dog handler

If a puppy at the age of six months continues to bite, it is recommended to contact a dog trainer and animal psychologist . At this age, only the help of a professional will help correct unwanted behavior. You can sign up for group classes to socialize your pet at the same time, or individual classes.

What to choose:

  1. Standard classes in which the dog handler helps the owner and the puppy understand each other. The specialist will select the appropriate training method, help correct errors in training methods and help correct the unwanted behavior of the four-legged animal.
  2. General training course (GTC) : these classes are more complex and longer. There, the dog handler will explain to the owner how to achieve the pet’s obedience. Will work on the dog's interaction with the owner, strangers and other animals. He will also explain how to learn useful, basic commands that will help in further training.
  3. Protective guard service course (PSC) : the course is suitable for large and medium-sized dogs of guard and service breeds. Depending on the breed, the course is recommended to be taken from the moment the dog is fully formed. Some breeds are allowed from 8 months of age, while others from two years of age.

An animal psychologist will help correct behavior and establish mutual understanding with the dog. Classes with a psychologist can begin from early childhood.

How to toilet train a beagle?

If you want your dog to go to the toilet outside, then two walks a day is not enough. The Beagle must understand that the street is a toilet.

After waking up, you immediately need to take the dog and go into the yard, wait until it does its business, and you can return home, then you need to do the same at lunch - and again you have to walk until the pet goes to the toilet. If you do this regularly and at the same time, then everything should work out.

This breed initially received a portion of intelligence, and your task is to turn your pet into an obedient animal with decent behavior, both on the street and at home.

In the apartment

If you keep your dog in an apartment, then you should put more diapers on the puppy and gradually pull them towards the door, and when he gets older, start taking him outside . This way the baby will understand that the toilet is outside the apartment. But some small puppies that do not yet go into the yard need to be taught to go to the toilet in one place .
First, you will have to spread newspapers and diapers throughout the room and limit the puppy's movement space. As soon as he does his job for the newspaper, praise and encourage him. Gradually reduce the areas covered with newspapers and diapers. The dog will already know where to go to the toilet. Most often, the beagle quickly understands this, and there is no need to run around corners and collect his waste.

Reference . It is better to buy a very small puppy, starting from 1.5 months. This way you can raise the animal yourself, based on your preferences. Although many experts believe that the process of socialization occurs in puppies at the age of 2.5–3.5 months.

On the street

The next task is to train the dog to do its business outside. This is not so easy at first; the puppy can take a walk and go to the toilet at home. If you see the process of emptying in the apartment after a walk, you should not shout at the beagle and interrupt his actions, as this will only provoke the pet to look for a more secluded place for this.

Walk with your puppy more often, preferably in places where there are dogs - when your pet sees other dogs doing this and smells the dog toilet, he will try to relieve himself outside. After this, you can praise the puppy and give him his favorite treat. After that, let them frolic and play with the children or with you. Then he will get it in his head that he goes to the toilet first, and then there will be entertainment.

Character and temperament

Beagles are very energetic. They can't sit still for a second. Therefore, in the absence of constant active walks, the dog will begin to chew furniture and destroy the apartment.

At the same time, the dog is quite friendly, needs constant contact with the owner and cannot be left alone for a long time.

The Beagle is not suitable for owners who have never owned dogs. It is unlikely that a teenage owner can handle it. It is not enough to just walk this dog twice a day and feed him, he will have to give a lot of time and attention.

It is important! Beagles love to bark. He has a ringing and loud voice, and it is not so easy to wean a dog of this breed from barking.

We train a puppy to use the toilet outside

Once on the street, the puppy does not understand the reason why he was taken out. Therefore, after he goes to the toilet, it is necessary to perform some action, such as whistling or saying certain words of praise.

At the same time, pet the animal and treat it with a treat. Subsequently, this action will become a command for emptying the animal. Do not train your dog to go to the toilet outside in the same place, then he will not be able to do his business in other places.

At first, you will have to take the puppy outside after each feeding. Then, as the beagle grows, this time is reduced, based on the current situations. Don't scold your Beagle if he goes to the toilet at home out of habit, just encourage him more and more after he relieves himself outside.

Preventing bad behavior

To prevent behavior from becoming uncontrollable, you need to follow these tips:

  1. You should not allow your puppy to play with clothes or household items that are not intended for fun.
  2. When an inexperienced puppy catches the owner by the sleeve, trousers or hand, it is not always possible to wait patiently for him to stop biting. Therefore, you need to demonstratively stop the fun and leave. When a dog is smart, it instantly realizes that biting is an inappropriate action.
  3. The dog must know where his place is. In an apartment, such a place can be a bedding, a basket or a pillow. It is better to place it in the corner of the corridor. In a country house, such a place would be an aviary or a booth. When an animal begins to bite during play, the entertainment must be interrupted. Use an appropriate tone of voice and indicate its location.
  4. In the case of a puppy, you need to provide him with a sufficient number of toys so that he has something to scratch his gums with, this will help stop the dog from biting.

There are cases when she was calm and suddenly began to behave aggressively. Most likely, this means that she was beaten by her owner or strangers. This is already a psychological aspect, and also incorrect upbringing.

Why does a beagle puppy bite and how to stop it?

Often, beagle puppies, when playing with their owner, bite him; they like to cling to the legs with their teeth, sometimes this is done as a joke, and sometimes seriously. It is better to eradicate this habit in childhood, since with age the dog’s grip will no longer be childish. The best option would be to bite the puppy back, but human teeth and a sense of disgust are unlikely to allow you to do this. In this case, pat the puppy by the withers. Just like his mother would have done it. Another method works for some pets - you need to squeal loudly and make it clear that the puppy hurt you . When playing with biting, immediately stop playing with your beagle - this way he will understand that you are not interested in this, and you will not continue the game while he is biting.

Wean a vulnerable Husky

How to stop a husky puppy from biting.
You can wean your husky puppy from bad behavior by buying him toys. Food balanced with salts and minerals and a dry, ventilated place to sleep make the husky puppy calmer and more flexible. Growing huskies do not control the force of their bite, so they can inadvertently cause pain. Puppies learn to control their bite through playing together and will be able to wean them off biting.

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If one of the participants lets out a high-pitched squeal, the other realizes that he bit too hard and loosens his grip, stopping for a while.

How to train someone to stay alone at home and not howl?

Gradually, the puppy should begin to be accustomed to short-term solitude; at this time, the beagle should have enough toys so that it does not get bored. You should not give your dog your old slippers as toys - if he smells you, he will be able to do the same with your shoes.

Over time, increase the time you are away from home. This way the dog will get used to being alone.

Second phase

In the second phase of training, there is a transition to more complex commands, that is, the beagle begins to develop certain training skills. It is necessary to begin training when the dog is already six months old. Now you must conduct certain lessons with your dog, devoting ten to fifteen minutes to them.

Beagles do not know how to concentrate on one subject for a long time, so they will not be able to devote much time to practicing one command. As a result, they will lose interest in learning and will not be able to learn the skill. A fifteen-minute lesson should be rich and exciting - teach the puppy while playing.

Don't forget to praise your child for doing the right thing. As a reward for your beagle, some kind of treat is suitable: pieces of food or low-fat cheese. You can combine a treat with stroking, verbal praise, gradually replacing one with the other. The dog will want to get something pleasant from you.

After six months, the beagle is taught the commands “near”, “barrier”, “forward”, “fetch”, “teeth”. They are also trained in basic tricks – “give me your paw”, “freeze”. Additionally, they perform physical exercises: running, swimming, walking next to the owner.

If you and your pet want to take part in dog sports, then you need to prepare for any category:

  • appearance exhibitions;
  • training competitions, for example, running along a track with obstacles - agility.

How to stop barking at other dogs and pets?

It is not easy to stop a puppy from barking at other dogs, but it is quite possible compared to an adult dog. Every time your pet decides to bark at passing dogs or other animals, punish him.

Punishment in no case involves physical violence. This is, first of all, a lack of affection towards the puppy and a reluctance to play with him.

Remember that shouting in this case (like “ugh!”) will have a temporary result.

There is also a good way to stop your dog from barking at passing animals. Before your walk, prepare your beagle's favorite treat in advance. Take him to a place where there are a lot of dog walkers. And as soon as your pet decides to bark, distract him with food. Such actions must be repeated regularly. It may take 2-3 weeks, or maybe more. But over time, the puppy will develop a reflex, and he will stop opening his mouth at passing dogs.

Reference. A dog may bark at other dogs out of fear, during play, or to avoid fights.

It is very important to raise a Beagle dog. Then you will be proud of your well-mannered pet. Otherwise, the dog can do a lot of unpleasant things, for example, injure surrounding people or animals while walking.

It is important to remember that when raising a beagle puppy, the main actions on the part of the owner should be affection and love for the pet. The dog picks up human hatred and aggression very well - and then it will not want to follow commands and obey the owner.

Little dachshund misbehaves

The dachshund is a dog bred specifically for hunting, so its sharp teeth can seriously injure its owner. Don't try to break your puppy's habit with aggression. It is forbidden to sharply push the animal away, grab it by the scruff of the neck, hit or scream. the reaction will worsen the consequences.
Here's how to stop your baby from biting:

  • It is important to show the puppy that his behavior is causing pain to his owner. To do this, you can emit a squeal with which another puppy would react to a bite;
  • If the first method does not work, then you can gently grab the dog by the nose and squeeze a little, saying in a calm voice: “You can’t”;
  • The most effective way is to place puppy lips between the jaws. When bitten, the dog will feel pain and unclench its jaws, without feeling revenge or resentment towards the owner.

Common mistakes

When training your dog to bite, act consistently, calmly and without getting irritated. If the puppy doesn’t understand something, it means you explained it poorly or made a mistake.

  • scream;
  • cooing with the kitten, dissuading it from biting its legs or arms;
  • hit with hands or equipment: leash, muzzle;
  • show fear;
  • deprive of basic needs for bites: food, walking, etc.;
  • train the puppy to guard and protect yourself - without the help of a dog handler, you will develop aggression, which one day the dog may direct at you or family members.

Get ready for a long day of work. It will take several weeks to a couple of months to wean your puppy off biting. Plus he'll be back to his old ways when puberty hits. And some breeds test their owner’s strength throughout their entire life. But if you do everything right, you will get an obedient pet without a hint of anger or fear.


What to do if soft methods don't work?

What should you do if your dog continues to bite despite all the measures taken? Biting is an unacceptable action, even if the dog has mental problems. If non-contact manipulations do not help, you can try to discourage your dog from biting using unpleasant tastes and smells. Let us immediately note that the widespread advice about using pepper is very unreasonable. Red and even black pepper can cause irreparable harm to a dog's sense of smell.

Four-legged animals really don’t like the smell and taste of citrus fruits, tea tree, mint and other herbs with a strong aroma . If your dog regularly attacks his arms and legs, you might want to try using aromatic oil. If the dog continues to bite, you can rub lemon juice on the skin.

There is also a more stringent, most often disposable, method of weaning a dog from biting. It is not recommended to use unless you have tried all alternative methods. Peppermint mouth freshener is used as leverage. As soon as the dog bites you, you need to make an exclamation (whining, squealing) and spray the air freshener directly into the dog’s mouth. It is important to ensure that the stream is directed strictly into the mouth and that traces of the aerosol do not get into the eyes. Experience shows that a single application of the spray is sufficient.

If you have tried all the methods in this article and your dog continues to bite, you need to seek professional help. As the experience of dog handlers shows, problems with bites are most often associated not with the character of the dog, but with the wrong approach on the part of the owner. The main goal of dog handlers is to teach the dog owner to defend the status of leader and control the pet.

Third stage

This phase of training goes through those beagles whose owners purchased a puppy of this breed specifically for hunting. Developing the ability to hunt in a hound is not difficult, since hunting instincts are in its blood.

First of all, you need to provide the dog with the necessary conditions so that it can use its instincts. To do this, you must take your pet to a suitable area where the beagle can gain experience. Your goal is to teach your dog basic hunting commands and complete obedience.

Only a mentally and physically healthy pet is ready for such training. Therefore, the beagle begins to be trained after six months, when it is already fully adapted to the world around it and perfectly follows basic commands. Only an easily controlled dog will be able to obey you unquestioningly.

Before you start hunting with your pet, there are some guidelines you should follow.

First, check with your region's hunting club for specific time-of-year hunting rules.

Secondly, decide on the area where, for example, rabbits are found. Be sure to obtain permission to use the territory from the organization that owns it.

Third, purchase the appropriate equipment not only for yourself, but also for your beagle. Don't forget to bring fresh water, food, reward treats, and bowls.

Fourth, take care of safety - find out the expected weather for the chosen day, study the area in advance for possible obstacles. Be sure to have a first aid kit ready in case of emergency. Tell your relatives and owners of the territory in advance your future route and expected return time.

Never bring your dog to the point of complete exhaustion, this can harm the beagle's physical condition and its psyche.

After a solo hunt, you can train your beagle to track and hunt in a pack.

What stage of education and training has your dog gone through? Share your experience with us.

Posts 1 page 20 of 36

Share11/124/2011 12:13:41

Good afternoon We bought a bigleny 2 weeks ago. The baby is cool, cheerful, playful, jumps and runs, and plays. But sometimes he gets into such a rage during the game that he starts to rush at us and grab with his teeth everything he can reach. in the game he could sometimes bite his hand, we immediately removed it and said “no”. I read on the Internet that if he bites, you need to press him to the floor and say “no” so that the puppy understands who is boss in the house. But when I do this, he starts jumping even more and biting my arms and hair. Please advise how to calm him down, otherwise Dex, a 4-year-old child at home, sometimes starts playing and jumping on him and gnawing on him. I am an inexperienced owner, this is my first dog, so I’m worried that I might do something wrong))

I try to walk the dog longer so that he can catch up outside and relax at home, but apparently he only dreams of peace)

Share224.11.2011 12:25:41

  • Author: Ooolli
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Search using "search". There have been a LOT of threads about this.

Share324.11.2011 13:31:18

  • Author: bel
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I don’t know if I’m doing it right or wrong, when he just bit, I don’t think twice about him, I bite him too, you could say hard, I stopped biting,

Share424.11.2011 13:43:26

  • Author: alh
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he could sometimes bite his hand, we immediately removed it and said “no”

The second he bit me, I would have growled at him and slapped him on the ass. The result is obtained very quickly - in 3-4 episodes. The stronger the bite, the stronger the slap and the harsher the growl.

. The main thing is immediate reaction.

Not everyone will approve of this advice, but I have a fourth dog and I managed to teach everyone to control their bites - that is, I allow them to bite themselves in the game, but not too much, and only in the game.

Please advise how to calm him down, otherwise Dex, a 4-year-old child at home, sometimes starts playing and jumping on him and gnawing on him

Calm it down - only with walks and wild games so that it gets tired. Stop biting as described above. Plus, don’t let your child get to the puppy or get near it without your permission. Because a 4-year-old child can drive a dog into self-defense, which is harmful for both.

Edited by alh (11/24/2011 01:43:52 PM)

Share524.11.2011 13:58:17

  • Author: Ovsianka
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We smeared our hands with butter, an 8-year-old child bit very hard, and for a few days she stopped biting. My hands are greasy, but I can be patient.

Share624.11.2011 14:19:12

  • Author: Vzhikunya
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Edited by Vzhikunya (11/25/2011 09:17:47)

Share711.04.2012 15:30:24

  • Author: Katie Lex
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Our Lex is 5 months old. from the very beginning they stopped biting, they slapped the butt and the face, but there was no effect: (at the veterinary clinic we were told that he would stop biting as soon as his teeth changed. The teeth changed, but he didn’t stop biting ((he listens to his husband, but he doesn’t listen to me, all hands already in a scratchy state ((But my husband, of course, chases him terribly (the dog gets scared and runs under the sofa, but he respects my husband), and I always protect him. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t listen to me? Please advise me something)) with oil won't work for us, because he eats everything, even mustard from the baseboards, which he chews off)))))))

Share811.04.2012 15:37:20

  • Author: Lastochka
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Alcohol-free menthol spray "Peppermint". As soon as he bit, a spray in the mouth and “no way.” He was the only one who helped us.


This is more typical for puppies. Having played out, they do not hear, therefore they do not react in any way to voice commands. You can turn off his attention by showing him a toy, turning away from your pet, without reacting to him. When the dog understands that the game is over and the owner is not paying attention to him, he will calm down.


You cannot punish - this can lead from the game to aggression. If the animal expects punishment, it will become even more overexcited, and it will not be easy to calm it down.

If the pet is in an excited state for a long time, you can fasten the leash, give a treat, and switch the animal’s attention to other, calmer activities.

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