Airedale terrier dog. Description, features, care and price of the Airedale Terrier

  • Airedale

The Airedale Terrier is the largest of all terriers. This breed of dog originated in the Aire Valley in Yorkshire and was bred to catch otters and rats. This energetic dog became an ideal working dog, proving its worth during the First World War. Intelligent, sociable and confident, the Airedale Terrier delights everyone.

  1. Country of origin : UK
  2. Height at withers : female: 56–59 cm, male: 58–61 cm
  3. Weight : female: 18–20 kg, male: 23–29 kg
  4. Lifespan : 10-12 years
  5. Use : companion dog, hunting, guard, service dog

Purchasing an Airedale terrier puppy is a responsible and important action that you need to think carefully about before you do it. This is especially true for those people who are going to become truly responsible dog breeders. The question of choice should be approached carefully and without haste, comparing your own habits, daily routine and the nature of the chosen breed. When the future owner has decided on the breed, a new dilemma arises: how to find a bona fide breeder? Here you need to be extremely careful not to become a prematurely disappointed dog owner.

Buying an Airedale puppy is a very exciting event, because you can say that a new family member will appear. To ensure that the event does not overshadow anything, it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a breeder. There are no bad dog breeds; you can simply run into an unscrupulous breeder for whom money comes first. The future owner is at great risk of buying an animal that has a lot of health problems. It is for this reason that you need, first of all, to get to know the breeder well, read reviews about him and the like.

History of the Airedale Terrier breed

Airedale Terrier
The largest of the British terriers was bred around the middle of the 19th century, in the Airedale Valley (western part of Yorkshire), which later gave its name to the breed. Fascinated by such simple entertainment as baiting river otters, English workers from time to time dabbled in crossing individual varieties of terriers. In a similar way, ordinary people, hooked on the cruel game, planned to breed a strong, grippy dog ​​capable of breaking records for catching rodents. Ultimately, one of the experiments, in which a red and an Old English black and tan terrier took part, bore fruit. This is how the first Airedales were born. At first, these four-legged “Yorkshires” did not have a separate name, so in different parts of the country they were called water, working, wire-haired and coast terriers. It was possible to officially rename the animals Airedale Terriers, establishing them as an independent breed, only in 1886.

The gene pool of dogs gradually expanded. Cynologists are confident that at some stage they were infused with the blood of the Irish Wolfhound, Vendeen Basset Griffon and Otterhound, and that it was these breeds that gave the Airedale phenotype the necessary completeness and expressiveness. As for working qualities, it became clear almost immediately: Airedale Terriers are capable of finding animal holes, but not getting into them. In this regard, in England the animals were used in classic gun hunting. Possessing a keen sense of smell, these bearded fidgets never lost a trace, and they were not distracted by the smell of gunpowder. In addition, Airedales worked professionally on the water.

Since the end of the 19th century, the breed began to gradually expand its habitat. For example, in 1880, several individuals emigrated to the United States. A batch of Airedale terriers arrived in Russia at the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War and solely for practical purposes. The British Embassy sent dogs for military service and to help wounded soldiers. Nevertheless, the animals truly became famous during the First World War. At the front, Airedale terriers worked as postmen, finishing what they started even with their last breath and despite mortal wounds. Well, the maximum surge in the popularity of dogs occurred at the end of the 40s of the 20th century, after which interest in them slowly began to decline. By the early 60s, Airedales had moved from 20th to 50th place in the list of the most popular breeds of our time.

Breed characteristics and character

The Airedale Terrier is considered the king of terriers and is the largest among them. The first mentions of it date back to the middle of the century before last. The dog's ancestors include hounds and terriers.

Airedale Terrier on a walk

Already in the mid-60s of the 19th century, the first representatives of the breed began to participate in exhibitions. Description of the Airedale Terrier is not possible without transcription of the name of the breed. Ayr is a river in Britain (Yorkshire region), and del is a valley.

The first Airedales were baited with small game such as ducks, but then their functions increased. The dog began to hunt large animals and help police officers, security guards and other services just like shepherd dogs. Today the world knows this breed as a working breed.

The dogs are still used by the police and search and rescue services. But still, for the majority, they are just companions, family decorative pets. The nature of animals is such that they become attached to only one thing, they can be stubborn and distracted. In general, they are considered good-natured, full of energy and positivity.

Young Airedale Terrier outdoors in winter

They get along easily with small family members and are suitable for calm and friendly people. The attitude towards strangers is unpredictable, but usually they are not the first to get into a fight, although they may raise their voice.

Airedale Terrier breed standard

Airedale puppy

The Airedale Terrier is a harmoniously built, bearded, lively dog ​​with a curious, penetrating look and a tough dog, funny shaggy on its paws. In fact, the Airedale is not such a giant, although it is considered the largest of the British terriers. However, it’s unlikely to be possible to pack it into a backpack like some kind of Jack Russell.


The Airedale Terrier has a small head, flowing into a voluminous but neat muzzle. The dog's skull is flat, elongated, tapering towards the eyes. The stop is weakly expressed.

Teeth and jaws

The massiveness of the Airedale terrier's muzzle is given by strong, deep jaws. At the same time, overly developed jaw bones, which enhance the cheekbones of the muzzle, are not welcomed by exhibition commissions. Representatives of this breed have strong teeth, closed in a regular scissor bite.


Black, medium-sized lobe.


Airedale Terriers have small, attentive eyes: not too deep-set, but not protruding either. The darkest possible color of the iris is encouraged, and a light color is very undesirable.


Dogs' ears are small, shaped like an isosceles triangle and fit well to the head. The fold of the ear flap should extend above the line of the skull, while high-set or pointedly drooping ears are a serious fault.


The Airedale Terrier's neck is of medium length, good muscularity and general dryness.

Airedale terrier muzzle


The Airedale Terrier is relatively compact. The dog's topline is short but level, with a prominently muscular loin. The chest is deep (reaching to the elbows), with prominent ribs, although not wide.


Airedale Terrier paws

The legs of Airedale Terriers are straight, moving freely and in a straight line when running. The dog's shoulder blades are long, strongly laid back, the elbows “walk” freely along the body. The hind legs provide springy propulsion through massive thighs, good angulation and strong hocks. The paws are compact, round in shape, with moderately arched toes and dense pads.


Until recently, Airedale Terriers had their tails docked. Today the procedure has been abolished, so the tail of modern individuals is strong, moderately thick and long, raised upward.


Shall we play?

Airedale Terriers have rather tough “clothing”. The undercoat of representatives of this breed is short, but without pronounced plumpness. The spine has a rough, wire-like structure with a fracture. In general, the dog's fur fits tightly to the animal's body, forming something like a protective suit.


The typical color variant of the Airedale Terrier is reddish-brown with a black or brownish-brown-black (the so-called “grizzly” color) saddle. The color of the fur on the outside of the dog's tail and upper neck matches the color of the saddle coat. Areas with a darker dog color are the ears, the bottom of the neck, and the sides of the skull. A small amount of white chest hair is allowed.

Defects and disqualifying defects

Excellent ratings at exhibitions are not given primarily to animals that have obvious anatomical defects. These are usually bite defects (non-linear arrangement of incisors), incorrect movements (ambling), lack of undercoat, the presence of an eyesore, and lack of signs of sexual dimorphism. Individuals with such defects as cryptorchidism, deviant behavior (unreasonable cowardice or aggression), malocclusion, deformed type of constitution and anatomical deformities in general are subject to complete disqualification, blocking access to the ring.

Interesting facts about Airedale

There are several interesting facts associated with this breed:

  1. The Airedale Terrier is the largest living terrier. That’s why he is often called the “king of terriers.”
  2. Dogs of this breed served on the fronts not only of the Russian-Japanese War, but also of the First World War. Many soldiers of those times owed their lives to these brave orderlies, who pulled the wounded out of the battlefield and managed to deliver medicine in the most difficult situations. The working qualities of the breed were also appreciated by signalmen: Airedale terriers served as postmen, and also laid kilometers of cable where humans could not get through. There is a known case when a seriously wounded Airedale terrier named Jack brought a report to his owner and then fell dead at his feet. That data saved an entire battalion, and the dog received the Victoria Cross posthumously.
  3. The front-line exploits of the Airedale Terrier made it so popular that this breed settled in the White House for a long time. Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge all owned Airedales. And Ladyboy, Harding's dog, even had her own chair for official meetings. In addition, Ferdinand Porsche, the founder of the automobile concern of the same name, was a fan of Airedale terriers.
  4. For Soviet people, the most popular representative of the Airedale terrier breed was a dog named Chingiz. It was he who played Ressi in the film “The Adventures of Electronics”.

Photo of Airedale Terrier

Diaper and walking training

In this we failed completely. On the first day, Hera went to the diaper several times. We were delighted: what a smart dog, he knows where to pour. But the joy turned out to be premature. In the following days, Hera went to the toilet anywhere, but not for the diaper. She considered it a “clean” place where she could relax and lie down. In games, she naturally tore her to shreds.

All the advice from experienced dog breeders and our own wealth of experience did not work. They soaked the diaper so that it was saturated with the smell, put it in several places, and immediately after sleeping and eating, they put Hera on the diaper - it was useless. Hera went to her a couple of times, earned a lot of praise and crackers, but later she still preferred to pour it on the floor.

Ten days later we began to take Hera out into the garden. She has not yet been vaccinated, but we have a fenced area where dogs from outside cannot enter. And Hera almost immediately began going there. Now she tries to endure it as much as possible, although it is very difficult for the puppy. We, for our part, try to go out with her into the garden as often as possible, many times, so that she can do all her business there and run around. In the house it only pours in the morning, while I’m trying to wake up (although the puppy honestly wakes me up), and also if we get lazy and don’t let it out in time.


Character of the Airedale Terrier

Waiting for its owner,
the Airedale Terrier is a positive, energetic rogue who is difficult to push into a box, but with whom it is quite possible to agree on peaceful coexistence. The pronounced independence of animals, inherited from the terrier clan, can cause certain inconvenience to the owner, so those who oppose any difficulties are better off choosing some spineless decorative creature over a representative of this breed. But you really won’t get bored with an Airedale, so if you urgently need an active companion with his own views on life in general and friendship in particular, take a closer look at this bearded “meteor”.

Like its relatives in the group, the Airedale Terrier is characterized by increased “talkativeness” and mischief. The silent and phlegmatic Airedale is a phenomenon so out of the ordinary that it makes you think about the dog’s mental health. In a family, the animal behaves adequately, gets along with all household members if they show him due respect and do not encroach on his property (yes, the Airedale Terrier really does not like to share anything, especially his own toys). This “Yorkshireman” has good fighting abilities, but he is not a bully or a provocateur at all. A dog can rush into an attack only to protect the owner, but not for the sake of sporting interest.

Airedale Terriers have a noticeable tendency towards watchdog activity, so if you want to direct your pet’s “talkativeness” in the right direction, trust him to guard the house, and you will be the first to know about the arrival of invited and uninvited guests. The breed’s increased sociability prevents it from calmly enduring loneliness, so taking an Airedale Terrier knowing in advance that he will have to sit cooped up most of the day is frankly a disastrous idea. In addition, a bored dog always indulges in petty sabotage, and this is fraught with striped furniture, torn wallpaper and worn-out shoes.

If you want to buy an Airedale...

Puppies of this breed can be purchased in many nurseries in Russia. To the question - how much does an Airedale Terrier cost? – you don’t have to worry: relative to the price lists for other breeds, it’s inexpensive. Even with a pedigree - for twenty-five to forty thousand rubles.

Remember that below 30,000 rubles, Airedale terrier puppies will only be from the pet class (for home keeping).

That is, the breed is either there with some disadvantages, or it is absent. For a breeding puppy - for breeding or exhibitions - you will pay more, and even more for a show Airedale.

Previously, one hundred percent Airedales lost their tail in childhood and wagged an ugly stump. This procedure is no longer carried out, so the dogs have normal fluffy tails, but hold them up.

The owners of the Airedale Terriers were Russians - children's novelist Boris Zakhoder and theater and film director Mark Zakharov.

Education and training

The Airedale Terrier is a very erudite dog.

The Airedale Terrier is a capable, hardworking, but often completely undisciplined student who cannot be broken either by treats or threats. The problem lies in the fact that during training the puppy gets bored. And if it’s boring, it means there’s no point in prolonging the “torture.” It’s much easier to pretend to be incomprehensible, finally putting the owner to death with your own stubbornness and receiving the coveted freedom. That is why dog ​​experts recommend starting to raise and train Airedale Terriers as early as possible, while they are not yet so cunning and resourceful. If you instill in your child a love of learning, as he grows up, he will bend over backwards to complete any exercise with an “A”.

Remember also that growing Airedale Terriers are not used to giving up their own positions, so if the dog does not react in any way to a command voiced three times, it is better to stop the lesson. Repeated repetition of the requirement leads to the fact that the pet begins to like being persuaded. Let the bearded “teenager” defeat you with his stubbornness once or twice and you will very quickly fall in his eyes to the level of service personnel. This does not mean that you should give up classes altogether, but it is better to still take into account the passion of the breed and structure the educational process so that the Airedale is truly carried away by it.

Sometimes a dog may refuse to work under the guidance of its owner simply because it has been working too long and wants physical release. In this case, it is better to take her for a nice walk. But this should not be a monotonous dragging on a leash: in order to run around to its heart’s content and stick its nose into every suspicious hole, the Airedale Terrier needs complete freedom, without any restrictions restraining emotional impulses. When working with an Airedale Terrier, it is also important to understand that this breed’s intelligence is fine and chewing each exercise 10 times with its representatives is a waste of time and effort. Firstly, such a technique risks boring the pet. Secondly, endless repetition will do nothing but mark time and put extra stress on the dog’s brain.

The first obedience lessons are held at home, in a familiar, relaxed environment. The puppy must understand that now you are his leader, and independence and self-will are now over. Sometimes owners of teenage dogs complain about the distrust and cowardice of their charges. Don't worry, this behavior is normal for a 3-6 month old Airedale Terrier. The so-called passive-defensive reaction is characteristic of many growing dogs, but it never turns into a character trait, disappearing without a trace as the animal matures.

Well, a little about training programs. For the average pet, OKD or UGS courses are more than enough. Training the Airedale Terrier ZKS also takes place, but more often it is determined not by necessity, but by the whim of the owner. Whatever one may say, the Airedale Terrier is unable to compete with qualified four-legged guards like Boerboels and Black Russian Terriers.

Jogging on the beach


There are enough nurseries in Russia to buy an Airedale Terrier. They are located in every major city. But if the future owner intends to seriously engage in dog breeding - breeding, going to exhibitions and competitions, then he will need a high show class individual.

Representatives of this category are the elite of the entire breed. They have the best genes, a high-quality breed standard, such dogs can be allowed to be bred. But the cost per animal will be appropriate, up to $1000. The breed class is considered lower.

However, the only difference is that dogs are not allowed at exhibitions. But they can be bred, unlike the four-legged animals from the pet class. But all three classes have documents confirming their pedigree. In addition, the dogs are equipped with veterinary passports. However, we are talking specifically about representatives of nurseries.

As for private breeders, they are divided into official and unofficial. For the former, the price of Airedale Terriers can range from $500 to $700. The latter sell dogs cheaper, but at the same time the future owner runs the risk of purchasing a sick puppy or not a purebred one.

Airedale Terriers love to run and swim in water.

In addition, most likely he will be without documents. This means that difficulties may arise with upbringing and training due to character and unstable psyche. In general, the dog is not an expensive breed, but it lives up to its hunting roots - on walks it loves to dig holes, and also rushes and frolics. Therefore, it is suitable for a person leading an active lifestyle.

Maintenance and care

The Airedale Terrier is capable of living in an apartment, but in his heart he dreams of a private house with a cozy enclosure and a garden plot that can be dug up and down with trenches. It is better to build a dog house that is insulated, taking into account the autumn chill. At the same time, leaving an Airedale Terrier to spend the winter in it is a gross violation. This breed is not adapted to frost, and in bad weather its place is in the house. Long walks twice a day are a must in keeping Airedale Terriers. But you can take bearded rogues out into a forested area or into a vacant lot and let them off the leash when they have thoroughly understood the meaning of the commands “Come to me!” and “Ugh!” Otherwise, one day your ward will be irretrievably lost in some roadside bushes. It’s also not worth going to the other extreme and carrying your pet on a strap through the streets for hours. For complete relaxation, the Airedale Terrier needs personal space and, if not complete independence in decision-making, then at least the illusion that his actions are not controlled by anyone.

Grooming and hygiene

Fluffy muzzle rolled in the snow

Seasonal shedding is not about Airedale Terriers. Representatives of this breed shed only a small percentage of their undercoat on their own, so the main job of bringing the pet’s “fur coat” into proper shape falls on the owner’s shoulders. The dog's coat is renewed through trimming (plucking), which comes in two types: hygienic and show. In the first case, the hair is plucked twice a year and completely. This allows you to refresh the dog's meat and improve its quality. You can master the technique yourself, without consulting a groomer. Pre-washed and dried wool is collected with your fingertips into a thin bundle closer to the root and pulled out in the direction of its growth. It is better to start trimming the Airedale from the head, gradually making your way to the back, where the dog’s hair is removed more easily and quickly.

After pinching, the dog’s skin is lubricated with a nourishing cream to relieve irritation and the animal is left alone. By the way, after trimming, many owners wrap the Airedale Terrier in overalls before going for a walk so that the pet does not catch a cold. There is no particular need for this if the dog is active and runs around a lot when walking. But in the case of less energetic individuals who like to sit and stand at their master’s feet, clothes can come in handy. To stimulate the growth of new hair in a trimmed Airedale Terrier, it must be systematically brushed. It is also useful to comb out tufts of dead undercoat from time to time: this way the growing hair will lie smoother and denser to the dog’s body.

Airedale terrier head trim

Exhibition haircut is a more complex and serious procedure. Its purpose is to emphasize the breed's characteristics and disguise minor physical flaws. The process takes place in stages, since in the ring the animal must demonstrate the already grown dog. 2-2.5 months before the exhibition, the Airedale Terrier is completely plucked, avoiding the area of ​​the legs, chest, beard and mustache. Two weeks before the event, the dog’s head, area under the tail, throat and shoulders are trimmed, simultaneously smoothing out the transitions between areas with different coat lengths. The most difficult stage is giving the animal a sophisticated look a couple of days before the exhibition. Usually, on the eve of the event, minor issues that there was no time for earlier are eliminated. In particular, the mustache and beard are cultivated to make the profile of the Airedale Terrier emphatically rectangular, hairs on the cheekbones are plucked, the area around the mouth is treated, and hair on the forehead is shortened. In addition, some owners tint the fur on their saddle cloth and other parts of the body to give it a richer tone. In general, exhibition trimming is a pro level, which is not necessary to strive for. It is much wiser to find a good groomer and entrust the matter to him.

Important: Formally, cutting is contraindicated for Airedale Terriers, as it changes the structure of the coat and softens it. At the same time, trimming the dog’s throat and head to emphasize the smoothness of the lines and distinctness of the contour still takes place.

My dirty little one

Caring for the ears of Airedale terriers is standard, but with puppies you will have to tinker, since the formation of the correct position of the ear tissue is a painstaking task. For this reason, in the first months of life, babies’ ears are glued to their heads until they take the desired position. In addition, the ear cartilages of young Airedales need a daily massage lasting 3-5 minutes. For adults, the ear funnels are cleaned of wax and dirt, but no longer massaged.

Make it a habit to look into your Airedale Terrier's mouth once a week to check the whiteness of its teeth. If the enamel begins to turn yellow, try cleaning off the plaque with a silicone nozzle sprinkled with crushed chalk or zoopaste. Eye examinations are performed daily, but you should not run after your dog with a tissue every day. It is enough to walk over the mucous membrane of the eyelid with a damp cloth once a week. An area of ​​special attention is the beards of Airedale Terriers. While eating, they get wet and crumbs get stuck in them, which are loved by all kinds of bacteria. To avoid the appearance of fungus and unpleasant odor, the hair on the dog’s chin and muzzle is wiped after each meal. Keep an eye on the growth of hairs framing the dog’s lips. If they are too long, it is better to shorten them so that they do not stick together in bunches and form jams.


Oh, cookie!
Yum Like other breeds, Airedales are fed either dry or natural. The choice of feeding type is a matter of the owner’s personal preferences, his employment and financial capabilities. The Airedale Terrier's natural menu does not include any special exotic products. Everything is like most dogs: raw lean meat daily; once a week, sea fish with previously removed bones; salads of beets, carrots, cabbage, cucumber and pumpkin - every day, but in moderation. Cereal porridges (buckwheat, rice) help increase the caloric intake of a portion. Airedale Terriers will not refuse sour milk and chicken eggs, but in the second case it is better not to overdo it: once or twice a week is enough. They feed the dog twice a day, on a daily basis, based on the weight of the animal. Thus, the norm of one serving for a 20-kilogram individual can vary from 400 to 600 g, for a 29-kilogram one - 600-900 g. If we are talking about industrial feed, then here we will have to focus on varieties of at least premium class. On the other hand, when feeding an Airedale terrier with high-quality dry food, there is a chance to save on the purchase of dietary supplements and vitamins, which cannot be avoided in the case of a natural diet.


The Airedale Terrier breed can sometimes suffer from food allergies. In addition, intestinal problems are common. Therefore, it is important for the owner to know a few rules that will help avoid health problems:

  • it is important to give only fresh food;
  • if we are talking about dry factory food, then you need to choose premium category food;
  • feedings are carried out strictly according to the schedule;
  • Changing the diet is prohibited, and the introduction of new products occurs gradually;
  • if we are talking about natural nutrition, then dishes for the dog need to be prepared daily;
  • food should be varied and slightly warmed;
  • young dogs may not feel full and ask for more - it is important to be persistent and refuse the pet, but at the next feeding slightly increase the dosage;
  • food left in the bowl after eating must be disposed of after 20 minutes;
  • It is important to ensure constant access to clean drinking water.

During the first two months of life, the Airedale Terrier must feed on its mother's milk. At two or three months, the dog tries new food for the first time and eats up to 5-6 times a day until six months. Then the number of feedings decreases, and the volume of portions increases. By 10-12 months, a dog can go without food for up to 10 hours, so feeding it more than twice a day is not recommended.

The dog's diet includes meat, sea fish, as well as fermented milk products, cereals and vegetables. As for meat, any lean variety except pork will do. You can give them unprocessed, but pre-process them so that the dog does not contract the disease.

Among fermented milk products, the leading place should be occupied by low-fat varieties of yogurt, kefir, and cottage cheese. But it’s better not to give milk. Among the cereals, buckwheat and rice predominate. Vegetables are local and seasonal. Sometimes the dog should be pampered with fruits, such as apples.

But it’s better not to give citrus fruits. Fried, smoked, spicy foods and spices should be excluded. Chocolate and baked goods, as well as salt, are prohibited. In addition to natural nutrition, it is necessary to provide additional vitamins and minerals. They are already included in dry food.

Airedale Terrier Health and Diseases

Even such energetic and hardy breeds as the Airedale Terrier are not immune to a genetic predisposition to certain types of diseases. In particular, the most “popular” disease among Airedales is hip dysplasia. Slightly less often animals are diagnosed with:

  • umbilical hernia;
  • raw eczema;
  • demodicosis;
  • pannus;
  • thyroid disease (hypothyroidism);
  • von Willebrand-Diana disease;
  • dilated cardiomyopathy;
  • entropion;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • hyperadrenocortism;
  • corneal dystrophy;
  • melanoma;
  • lymphoma.

Color and coat type

The color of the Airedale Terrier is called saddleback: the dog’s back is black, with a gradual transition to the sides and sometimes to the top of the thighs of the hind legs; the rest of the body is covered with reddish-brown or sandy hair. A splash of white hair on the chest is acceptable.

Airedale puppies are born completely black. If, over time, red tan marks do not appear on the dog's chest, this is a disqualifying sign.

Erdeles have a soft undercoat. The main hair is hard, like wire, and has water-repellent properties.

Important! When properly cared for, the Airedale Terrier's coat does not have an unpleasant dog odor.

How to choose a puppy

Mom with puppy

  • Assess the general condition of the baby's mother. If the bitch looks unkempt and tired, you can’t count on a healthy litter.
  • Find out how many Airedale puppies were initially in the litter, what kind of births the bitch had, as well as the ages of both parents. It is not advisable to acquire a four-legged friend from a too young or elderly couple.
  • The choice of a pet that will never enter the ring begins from the first days of birth. People begin to look closely at show Airedales already at a more serious age (5-6 months), when their exterior characteristics are expressed as clearly as possible.
  • Having little experience in training hunting breeds, it is better to opt for “girls”, they learn faster. Airedale terrier males are more independent, although their temperament is much more restrained.
  • Pay attention to the location of the white spots on the puppy's coat. If an Airedale has white toes, this is not a defect. As they grow older and their coat changes, the markings will disappear, leaving only a few light hairs as a reminder of themselves. If the white “blots” are located above the toes, directly on the paws, they will only become more noticeable with age, as will the white “cloud” between the front legs, grabbing the puppy’s chest.
  • Check with the breeder whether the puppies' parents have been tested for genetic diseases - degenerative myelopathy and hyperuricosuria.
  • Check the weight of the Airedale terrier puppy before purchasing: a 2-month-old baby should weigh at least 6 kg, a 3-month-old – 10-11 kg.

The king of terriers in advantages and contradictions

This is a dog with the prefix "Airedale". Brief description of the Airedale Terrier breed. He is the largest in the group.

If all terriers are united simply by the desire to hunt, then Airedale terriers simply have the crazy passion of a hunter and the need to attack anything that is even larger than it.

Airedales were bred in Britain in the mid-nineteenth century as saddle-backed four-legged hunters. This range comes from the word saddle (saddle, cloak) - a dark color partially on the back and sides, and often it covers the entire body.

A number of shepherd dogs also have a similar coat color. Airedales have an average weight of about two dozen kilograms, and they live a little over 10 years.

Their two “coolnesses” are emotionality and elegance of the exterior: they are decorated with a neatly trimmed and specially disheveled beard and “wirey” hair - from nose to tail.

There is duality in character: the owner and the humble thief. These dogs simply love to collect objects they like near the lounger, perhaps thinking with their good canine mind that they are ownerless and should belong to them.

Just try to take it away, he will literally snap at you so much that you will forget about these things.


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The Airedale's intelligence is “switched on” very often when it is necessary to open the door to the kitchen and sneak to where it smells delicious in order to steal a sausage from the table intended for parents' children.

Maybe, jumping on a stool or chair and smelling a pleasant smell in the hanging cabinet, open it too.

Photos of Airedale terrier puppies

Collar and leash

The other day I started training Hera to use a leash. She has been accustomed to the collar for a long time - just put it on her and began to distract her with toys so that she does not become fixated on it. Now she doesn’t notice it, we only take it off at night.

We teach you to use a leash as follows. When Hera ran out and became more or less calm, I put a leash on her. She praised and gave her a treat. Hera grabbed the leash not far from the carbine. I didn't take it away. At first I let her lead me where she wanted. And then slowly call me to you and point me in the direction I need. I try to keep her from sitting down and resisting. And constant affection and encouragement with a tasty treat.


Our difficulties

I read somewhere that when raising an Airedale terrier puppy, you need to forget about everything that concerns raising puppies of other breeds. Perhaps this is true. This dog is very smart, very active, very inquisitive. She is almost always on the move, ready for any adventure. And if she gets bored, she is ready to go to great lengths.

Hera constantly needs our attention. It is advisable to actively participate in her games and explore the world. She categorically does not want to be left alone - a scream begins, as if she is being cut. You also have to constantly monitor her: what she’s playing with, why she’s quiet. If we all worked full time, I don't know how we could raise her.

Likewise, now I can’t imagine how you can raise an Airedale in a city apartment. The neighbors will probably go crazy from the constant stomping, barking, and throwing objects. And where can a puppy run out?

Looks out for something

But as difficult as it may be to raise such an active puppy, our lives have definitely become more interesting. Every day you have to actively move, run and jump, play different toys with your dog, and learn new commands. And this is such happiness! And after some time, Hera will meet the Cube.

You can probably find treasure in the snow!

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Oleg, 41 years old: “My wife and I recently decided to buy a dog – an Airedale girl. Since we have small children (3 and 5 years old), we were afraid that problems would arise. But it's okay. The dog is playful and sociable. The Airedale Terrier treats children kindly.”

Elena, 54 years old: “Our family has not changed the Airedale terrier breed for more than 15 years. Such dogs are intelligent, self-sufficient, independent, fearless. They themselves will not start a fight, but they know how to fight back against offenders. Sometimes dogs can be disobedient, we need a competent approach.”


Of course, not everything is allowed to a dog. And here you have to use ingenuity. So, Hera often walks with her mouth open, where she pulls whatever comes in her way: stones, sand, branches, indoor plants, things forgotten due to carelessness, etc. Sometimes it’s enough to just bark. But more often - to switch her attention to something else.

However, these methods did not work when Hera discovered that if she chewed on the edge of the carpet, it would fall apart into funny little strings. With manic persistence, she returned there again and again. Then, on the advice of the owner of the nursery in this place, we smeared the carpet with “Zvezdochka”. Hera sniffed and walked away. They did the same with the corner of the desk, which she began to chew.

Will not give it back!

Selection rules and cost

It is better to buy a royal terrier from a kennel. There the owner will be given a veterinary passport and a puppy card with the necessary information. Subsequently, it can be exchanged for a pedigree, which is the dog’s passport. In addition, the nursery will tell you about raising a puppy and provide advice on questions of interest.

The Airedale Terrier breed can be used in different ways. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with the breeder which dog to choose for specific tasks. Already from 1.5-2 months you can understand the potential of an Airedale puppy. Usually it is at this age that the babies are taken away from the female. It is important to look at the parents of the chosen puppy and the character of the dogs.

The cleanliness of the baby's fur matters. At birth, his hair should be black and tan. With age, the color changes.

The paws of an Airedale terrier puppy are allowed to be straight, the head is flat, there should be no discharge or redness in the eyes, ears, nose, anus and genitourinary openings. Healthy puppies are also lively and curious.

Sometimes Airedale Terrier dogs suffer from genetic diseases. It is advisable to ask the breeder for test results for hyperuricosuria and degenerative myelopathy.

Prices for Airedale terrier puppies vary from 25 to 70 thousand rubles. depending on the place of purchase and the quality of the dog.

Interesting facts about the Airedale Terrier breed:

  1. Airedale Terrier Jack rescued a British battalion in 1918. He went through fire, was seriously wounded, and still completed the mission. The dog was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross and a monument was erected in her honor.
  2. Airedale terriers Wolf and Prince served in the British police.
  3. At Arkansas High School, the Airedale Terrier has become a permanent symbol of the school.
  4. Nobel Prize winner Konrad Lorenz said that Airedales are considered among the most loyal.
  5. The royal terrier Chingiz starred in the Soviet film “The Adventures of Electronics.”
  6. Airedale Terriers were adored by some American presidents. Even Theodore Roosevelt loved them. And monuments were erected to Warren Harding's pets.
  7. To breed the “black terrier” breed, Stalin’s dogs included Airedale terriers.

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