Mackerel fish (70 photos): distribution, appearance of fish, range and habitat. Habits, what it eats and how to catch mackerel

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Mackerel lives at a temperature of 8-20°C, which is why it is forced to make seasonal migrations along the coasts of America and Europe, as well as between the Marmara and Black Seas.

The size of mackerel is small, but it cannot be said that it is a small fish. The body length of an adult can reach 67 centimeters, but most often it is found in medium sizes of 30-40 centimeters. Average weight 300−400 grams. But sometimes you come across fish up to 2 kg, but this is rather an exception to the rule.

The peculiarity of the fish is that it does not have an air swim bladder.

Interesting Facts

  • The pumped up muscles of the red mackerel give it the ability to accelerate to incredible speeds: during a cast, the speed reaches 85 km/h with the current in 2-3 seconds, and up to 50 km/h against the current.
  • The schooling behavior of mackerel fish is noticeable already at a size of approximately 2.5-3 centimeters.
  • Mackerel usually live 17-20 years.
  • Mackerel allows other fish into its school, mainly herring and sardines. This is a very surprising fact, since other predatory fish do not do this.
  • The perfect coloring of the mackerel camouflages it perfectly. The darkened back blends perfectly with the water surface, and the bluish belly below is similar to the color of the sky through the water column. Therefore, it is difficult for predatory aquatic inhabitants to see mackerel.
  • Mackerel migrates in a measured rhythm at speeds of up to 30 km/h, this gives them the opportunity to move great distances and maintain a stable school formation.
  • Catching mackerel with a spinning rod is a very difficult task. For a novice fisherman, such a task may simply be beyond their capabilities. Mackerel is an incredibly powerful fish that can reach great speed and simply tear through tackle. It is also incredibly difficult to get out of the water.
  • When a large school of fish rises from the depths to the surface of the water, due to the movement of mackerels, a low-frequency hum is formed, which is clearly visible at a distance of more than 2 km.

If you carefully read our article, then now you know what mackerel is and where it lives. We hope that this material was interesting and informative for you. All the best!

Atlantic mackerel (lat. Scomber scombrus)

One of the most common species in the waters of the North Atlantic.

The maximum body length is 60 cm, colored in blue-greenish shades, there are transverse wavy stripes and dots on the back. The swim bladder is missing.

The fish is found on the coasts of Iceland and the Canary Islands, in North Carolina, and in the waters of the North Sea.

During spawning, mackerel rushes at speeds of up to 77 km/h, creating a characteristic noise above the surface of the water, which attracts fishermen and sea predators. Spawning occurs in the summer season. Fertility is about half a million eggs. The fish begins to migrate when the water temperature drops to 10 degrees; it seeks the warm water of the Sea of ​​​​Marmara. Remaining in the winter, mackerel dives to a depth of 200 m and leads a sedentary lifestyle with meager nutrition. Maturity occurs at 3 years of age, and mackerel are believed to live up to 18 years.

What does it eat, predator or not?

Mackerel is a predatory fish species. They mainly feed on plankton, but try to filter out small crustaceans from it. In this case, plants are also found, but this is not considered their main food.

They also eat small squid, fish, and fry, and they also practice cannibalism. This is a very active fish, which is why it has to eat often, because it cannot replenish its energy supply in any other way. Mackerel itself is considered a complete food for dolphins, sharks, tuna, and other large marine predators.

Japanese mackerel (lat. Scomber japonicus)

Also called Far Eastern, this fish is common in the waters off the coast of the Kuril Islands. It prefers water temperatures up to 27 degrees; during the summer migration it expands its habitat, capturing warmer waters.

The body is elongated, silver-blue in color, with a pattern of dark stripes located on the sides and on the back of the fish. School behavior appears in the first year of life when the body length reaches 3 cm. Mackerel begins to spawn in the Sea of ​​Japan from early spring to July. Females lay up to 60 thousand eggs. The development cycle of a larva to an adult is six months.


Mackerel reaches sexual maturity in the second year of life. Mackerel spawns annually throughout its life, and the fish dies when it reaches 18 or 20 years of age. Older fish are the first to spawn. The spawning period ends at the end of July with young mackerel.

Mackerel is characterized by portioned spawn. Mackerel spawning begins in the spring and ends in mid-summer, but its peak occurs in the middle and end of spring. Mackerel uses coastal zones and the shelf as spawning grounds. Spawning occurs at a depth of up to 200 meters. Mackerel is a very prolific fish. She can lay up to 500 thousand eggs.

Mackerel has pelagic eggs, the diameter of which is on average 1 millimeter. Each egg contains a drop of fat. The eggs develop within a week at fairly low temperatures (about 13-14 degrees Celsius). But development occurs twice as fast at temperatures from 16 to 19 degrees.

When mackerel larvae hatch, they are less than 3 millimeters long. The fry grow very quickly. Depending on the time when spawning occurred, by mid-August the mackerel fry reach a length of 3 to 6 centimeters. By the end of summer their length is 10-12 centimeters, and in mid-autumn - already 15-18 centimeters. The younger the mackerel, the faster it grows. After reaching sexual maturity, when the body length of the fish is about 30 centimeters, the growth rate is significantly reduced.

African mackerel (lat. Scomber colias)

Today, this species has received an independent status; previously it was believed that the African mackerel is a subspecies of the Japanese mackerel. It lives in the Atlantic Ocean, in the waters of the Azores, Canary Islands, Mediterranean and Black Seas. Pelagic schools are found in coastal areas at a depth of no more than 300 meters. They can form schools with other types of mackerel. They feed on zooplankton, sprats, anchovies, and various invertebrates.

Maturity occurs in the 2nd year of life; the fish comes out to spawn at the beginning of summer at night, laying hundreds of thousands of eggs. African mackerel is directly supplied to the market in chilled or canned form. The meat is subjected to smoking, salting and other heat treatments.

Commercial sea fish. Photos and names

“sea bass” or dorado: what are the benefits and harms of the fish, where is it found?

More than a third of the world's catch consists of commercial fish - those that are characterized by high population density and high numbers. There are pelagic individuals living at the surface of the sea and in the upper layers (mackerel, herring, tuna), bottom and demersal fish living on the bottom, near the bottom or in near-bottom horizons (cod, flounder, pollock, halibut). It should be noted that commercial marine fish are also bred under artificial conditions. We will not list such species in full: these are representatives of the families of flounder, mackerel, horse mackerel and many others. Next, we will talk about those individuals that make up the bulk of the commodity on store shelves.

Australian mackerel (lat. Scomber australasicus)

It is found in the Pacific Ocean, along the borders of China and the Japanese islands to Australia and New Zealand. The body length is about 50 cm. The carcass is colored in yellow-greenish shades, there are transverse stripes on the blue-green back. Sexual maturity occurs at 2 years of age in waters off Australia.

The average lifespan is about 8 years, however, some individuals, according to scientific research, are able to live up to 24 years. In the cooler Sea of ​​Japan, maturity occurs a year earlier and the life cycle is reduced to 6 years.

It is caught by mid-water trawls and seines. It is noteworthy that Australian mackerel meat is less popular in Japan compared to the Japanese species.


All types of mackerel have the same color with characteristic stripes on the back, but there are 4 varieties of this fish:

  • Japanese, the smallest representative of mackerel: maximum recorded weight - 550 g, body length - 44 cm;
  • African, which has the largest mass in the family (up to 1.6 kg) and reaches 63 cm in length;
  • Atlantic, most often this species is called ordinary. It is distinguished by the absence of a swim bladder, characteristic of other types of mackerel: it is believed that it has lost its importance due to the peculiarities of life in the oceanic environment, where it is necessary to quickly dive and return to the surface at the time of hunting. Atlantic mackerel has the most developed muscles, which contract with high frequency and allow the fish to be at the required depth in a strictly horizontal position;
  • Australian, whose meat is somewhat different from others: it is slightly less fatty and tougher, so this type of mackerel is less popular, although it is caught in large quantities.

Some scientists distinguish mackerel as a special type of mackerel, citing differences in color: some individuals have a bluish tint of scales and less pronounced stripes on the back. The size of such a fish can reach 1.5 meters in length, for which it received the name royal. However, this species does not stand out in the commercial environment: it is believed that the color and size of mackerel are influenced by living conditions.

What is the difference between “northern” and “southern” mackerel:

“Northern” mackerel: fattier than “southern” mackerel. It is distributed in the temperate waters of the North Atlantic. There is seasonal variability in fat content: it is the most fatty (27%) in August-December. The main food consists of small fish and plankton. The meat of the “northern” mackerel is tender and tasty. Boiled and fried meat has a dry consistency. It is an excellent raw material for the production of preserves, cold smoked products and balyks, hung fish, and canned food.

"Southern" mackerel: distributed along the west coast of Africa. The meat is light cream. The fat content in mackerel meat caught in the region of Morocco and Mauritania ranges from 3% (February-March) to 10% (August). The possibilities for using “southern” mackerel are great. It is mainly used to make canned food and preserves, as well as smoked and dried.

This is interesting

Thanks to the spindle-shaped body shape, developed muscles and the absence of a swim bladder, the Atlantic mackerel is capable of very fast movement. In a calm state, the fish moves at a speed of 20-30 kilometers per hour. When a mackerel lunges to catch its prey, it reaches a speed of 80 kilometers per hour in just 2 seconds. For comparison: modern cars need 2-3 seconds to accelerate to 100 kilometers per hour. It is not surprising that mackerel are able to make such long migrations.

Tasty and tender meat without small bones

Mackerel is such a common and valuable commercial fish that its catches annually range from 50 to 65 tons just off the western coast of Europe. During one dive of fishing units you can catch up to 3 quintals of mackerel. The fish is frozen. It goes on sale both frozen and salted and smoked.

Thus, mackerel is one of the most common fish and plays an important role in the food industry. She amazes with the beauty of her body and her ability to move very quickly. In cooking, mackerel is respected for its tender and tasty meat, as well as for the absence of small bones, moderate fat content and high nutritional value.

Size range of mackerel

Mackerel is presented on the Russian market in the form of N/R and B/G

for N/R: 200/400, 300/500, 400/600, 500+, 600+

for B/G: 200+, 250+, 275+, 280+, 300+, 350+

FAT CONTENT: maximum fat content is 27%, on average the percentage of fat content ranges from 15-18%.

TYPE OF FROZEN: mainly shore frozen


The mackerel fishery is carried out using mid-water trawls and seines.



  • cod fillet;
  • potato;
  • onion;
  • half a lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • Rye flour;
  • parsley, salt, pepper.

Recipe preparation steps:

  • Prepare the potatoes, cut them and let them cook.
  • Cut the peeled onion into rings and the lemon into half rings.
  • Chop the parsley.
  • Prepare the fillet, cut into portions, add spices and flour, fry in oil.
  • Season the finished fish and potatoes with herbs, onions and lemon.


  • pollock;
  • vegetable broth;
  • carrot;
  • tomato;
  • onion;
  • celery;
  • lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dill, salt, pepper.

Preparation progress:

  • Prepare the fish, wash it.
  • Cut into portions.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Cut carrots, onions and celery into circles.
  • Lemon and tomato are needed in the form of circles.
  • Stew vegetables in oil.
  • Simmer pollock in broth for 20 minutes.
  • The dietary dish is ready.


  • fillet;
  • seaweed;
  • orange;
  • radish;
  • olive oil;
  • Sesame oil;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • spices.

Preparation progress:

  • Cut the fillet into strips.
  • Leave in the spices for fifteen minutes.
  • Pour sesame oil and vinegar into the cabbage.
  • Cut the orange into half a circle.
  • Add fillet soaked in spices and orange to skewers.
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes.
  • Cabbage is served separately.

Nutritional value of mackerel

  • The high nutritional value and content of vitamins and microelements, in particular Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid, has made mackerel one of the main commercial fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are responsible for preventing the development of cancer and blood clots.
  • Thanks to saturated fats and the absence of carbohydrates, mackerel fillets are easily digested by the body. It is prescribed for diets aimed at weight loss and for sports nutrition. Amino acids and minerals strengthen blood vessels, reduce the risk of the occurrence and development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver.

How to choose fresh fish?

Due to the high fat content, when re-frozen, mackerel acquires an unpleasant rancid taste and smell. Oxidized fats lose their beneficial properties, so it is advisable to eat fresh or once frozen fish.

Fresh or live river fish and seafood are purchased in specialized stores. But mackerel - in most parts of the country you can buy it fresh frozen or ready-to-eat (smoked, salted, etc.).

Carcasses of high-quality fresh-frozen mackerel retain the natural color of the skin

Particular attention should be paid to the belly of the mackerel: it should not have a yellow tint or individual spots

The mackerel carcass is always supplied with the head. Headless varieties are most often found to be stale and have survived thawing and re-freezing. Freshly frozen mackerel should not have any damage to the skin; its eyes retain the transparency of the outer integument. The smell of this fish is pleasant, slightly sweet

When buying a glazed carcass, you need to pay attention to the ice coating: it does not exceed 2-3 mm, smooth and transparent

Beneficial features

More nutrients are found in raw fish. However, such mackerel is dangerous. It often harbors parasites that can enter the human body. It is better to eat boiled, lightly salted, baked, steamed fish.

Why mackerel is useful:

Increases the body's resistance to viruses, bacteria, fungi. Improves the elasticity of blood vessels. Reduces the risk of cholesterol plaque formation. Helps to resist stress and eliminate insomnia. Prevents pressure increase. Activates brain function. Improves vision. Strengthens bones. Prevents early aging. Accelerates the relief of inflammation. Activates the restoration of damaged tissues. Makes the skin elastic, strengthens the hair follicles. Normalizes hormonal levels. Improves the functioning of the digestive system. Helps remove toxins from the body.

Features of the impact on women and men

Mackerel fish activates collagen production, which helps women prevent the formation of wrinkles and maintain healthy hair. In addition to the effect on appearance, the product brings the following benefits:

  1. Reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis. Pathology most often appears during menopause due to a lack of calcium and changes in the level of female sex hormones. Regular consumption allows you to normalize the balance of minerals and vitamins and activate the production of estrogen.
  2. Prevents the development of premenstrual syndrome. Fish helps improve mood, get rid of irritability, and eliminate painful sensations.

Useful properties of mackerel for men:

  1. Improving potency. The product contains selenium and zinc. These minerals promote the formation of testosterone, which is necessary to increase libido.
  2. Accelerate muscle building. Mackerel contains protein, which is quickly absorbed, as well as vitamins A and D, necessary for the formation of muscle fibers.

Cod fish - photos, names

The cod family lives not only in salty, but also in fresh water bodies of the northern hemisphere. Except for burbot, all cod are marine species.

They are distinguished by:

  • mustache on the chin;
  • 1-2 anal fins;
  • 2-3 dorsal fins;
  • very small scales;
  • about 1% fat content of meat;
  • approximately 7% of fat reserves are in the liver.

Cod. A bottom-dwelling fish with a light green elongated body that feeds on small fish. It is distinguished by an abundance of dark spots on the sides, back, and lighter ones on the abdomen. It has dense white meat, which is high in protein and low in muscle bones. It is valued for its nutritional qualities and is a good raw material for the production of fish oil.

Navaga. Marine schooling bottom fish, which is divided into two types:

  1. Common navaga lives in the Red, White, and Barents Seas. It is distinguished by an elongated brown body, on which there are brown streaks on the sides and back, and silver on the abdomen. Reaches a mass of 700 g and a length of up to 45 cm.
  2. The Far Eastern navaga lives in the Seas of Okhotsk, Japan, Bering, and Chukchi. It is large in size, but not as tasty as the meat of ordinary navaga. It is distinguished by a silver-white belly and a dark olive back with a purple tint.

Haddock. A ray-finned fish that lives in the northern seas of the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. Average weight is about 3 kg, length from 50 to 75 kg. But there are also larger individuals. It is distinguished by a slightly flattened laterally, relatively tall body with a lilac or purple back. The belly of the haddock is silvery or milky white. The fish has very tender and tasty meat, which contains many minerals.

Pollock. The family is benthic and lives in the coastal waters of many oceans in the north. It can weigh about 1.5 kg and reach a length of up to 55 cm. It is distinguished by an elongated body and a caudal fin with a small notch. Pollock meat contains about two percent fat and many vitamins and minerals.

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